The Cornerstones of Healthy Food Systems
Reflections and discussions on the cornerstones of 1) agriculture, 2) the environment, 3) human health, and 4) freedom that are essential for building healthy food systems and prosperous economies.
The Cornerstones of Healthy Food Systems
Composting Principles for Growers
In today's episode, learn five principles that will help you make better compost no matter what you are using for feedstock.
The episode is supported by JAL Farms through Western SARE project FW22-399. Project details can be found on the Western SARE website.
External Resource Links
How to build a Johnson Su Composting Bioreactor
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratios of Compost Feedstocks
taken from the article, Compost Fundamentals, available online at Washington State University accessed November 9, 2022
- Sandy loam (fine) | 7:1
- Humus | 10:1
- Food scraps | 15:1
- Alfalfa hay | 18:1
- Grass clippings | 19:1
- Rotted manure | 20:1
- Sandy loam (coarse) | 25:1
- Vegetable trimmings | 25:1
- Oak leaves | 26:1
- Leaves, varies from | 35:1 to 85:1
- Peat moss | 58:1
- Corn stalks | 60:1
- Straw | 80:1
- Pine needles | 60:1 to 110:1
- Farm manure | 90:1
- Alder sawdust | 134:1
- Sawdust weathered 3 years | 142:1
- Newspaper | 170:1
- Douglas fir bark | 491:1
- Sawdust weathered 2 months | 625:1
The Cornerstones of Healthy Food Systems Podcast Introduction by David Lucero.
Theme music by Zakhar Valaha
This version was updated in summer, 2023, when we decided to remove the cornerstones.endofite.com website reference. The only change was to remove the word cornerstones from the website reference.
This podcast is created and produced by End-O-Fite Enterprises LLC.
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