The Journey to Conscious Healthcare

Support Coordination #1 Roundtable with Kellie MacGillivray, Erica Devitt & Trevor Keen discussing the Do's & Don'ts of Support Coordination

Trevor Keen Season 1 Episode 10

We have made it to Episode 10!

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There's nothing better than shaking things up and that's why today we're introducing to you roundtable podcasts!

What is it you ask?

A roundtable podcast is simply a bunch of amazing support coordinators discussing issues that grind your gears!

This week's podcast on “The Journey to Conscious Healthcare” features Kellie MacGillivray from Hills Coordination, a former registered nurse in South Africa, Developmental Educator & Social Worker.

Alongside her is Erica Devitt who is a former Disability support worker, House Leader and owner of Cos, I Care

This weeks podcast is called “Support Coordination #1 Roundtable with Kellie MacGillivray, Erica Devitt & Trevor Keen discussing the Do's & Don'ts of Support Coordination”

Today we discuss:

- Conflict of interest in the NDIS

- NDIS proposed changes to Support Coordination

- The importance of managing expectations of participants 

- Time management and maintaining boundaries with participants 

- How to balance a participant caseload alongside administrative as a sole trader 

- Our panel discuss rapport building and it's importance for setting up participants

- Giving participants choice and control of how they want their Support coordination hours to be utilised

- Helping participants prioritise their funding 

- PLANS! Be clear when you set up or deal with a big muck!

- How building strong relationships with LAC’s (Local Area Coordinators) can help Support Coordinators build a strong caseload 

- How background in different roles and jobs can shape a more well-rounded individual in their life and job

- How Developmental Educators can help people with time management and building routines 

- Turns out that Developmental Educators don't only do Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

- DE's & OT's comparison, who would have known?

- Work life balance as a Sole trader

- Difference between a Support Coordinator and Recovery coach 

- The challenges facing Support Coordinators who have participants with drastically reduced funding along with the risks of a plan review 

- Erica's magic wand, finding support coordination funding!

Thought provoking ideas and conversations:

1. What's your take on conflict of interest within the NDIS space? 

2. Have you ever considered a Developmental Educator opposed to an Occupational therapist? 

3. How do you manage expectations in your day-to-day life? 

4. How does rapport building with your team members and customers affect you and them in your line of work?

5. Is your line of work in a field you’re passionate about? And how does this rub off on your clients? 

6. Have you ever had a plan review where funding has been drastically reduced? Ha Ha, surely yes...let's tackle it.

Special mentions:

Grant McLeish 

Tahlia - Erika’s mentor 

Janet Martin - The Benevolent Society 

Amy Wenger - Ability2Bloom

Elizabeth Pascoe - Owner of Intrinsic Supervision

Bree Coulter - Social Worker & Support Coordinator