The Journey to Conscious Healthcare

#16- Erin Heysed's take on the Do's and Dont's of Support Coordination

Trevor Keen Season 1 Episode 13

Today’s episode is a BIG one!

We’ve made it to episode 16 on the “Journey to Conscious Healthcare”

This episode of the “Do's & Don'ts of Support Coordination” features the wonderful Erin Heysed the Director of Support Squad 

Today’s episode offers a different take on support Coordination as Erin herself isn’t a Support Coordinator however she has many years’ experience a Support Worker as well as qualifications in both Law and Business 

Click here to watch the episode:

Topics we discuss: 

-Erin’s inspiration for working in the disability sector 

-The journey from staring and growing Support Squad into what is it today 

-How to achieve a high retention rate with Clients and Staff 

-The importance of mitigating risks and being proactive 

-Erin’s mentors and influences throughout her professional career 

-The wide variety of services and programs offered by Support Squad 

-How Erin empowers her team 

-The way in which Supported Residential Facility clients were integrated into the NDIS

-In what way can the ultimate level of Support Coordination be achieved 

-How to achieve a perfect work /life balance 

-Erin’s tips for managing expectations 

-What does success look like in the disability sector 20 years in the future? 

Special mentions: 

-Daniel Pink

-Supported residential facilities association 

-Chris Maroney President of SRFA

-Richard Brougerman (ex-senior practitioner of the state)(also involved with association)

Support squad links: 

 #NDIS #SupportCoordination #Healthcare #CHSA #EnhancedLifestyles #TheJourneyToConsciousHealthcare #NDIS101