The Journey to Conscious Healthcare

#19-OTA President Carol McKinstry speaks about OT to Trevor Keen from Conscious Healthcare SA

Trevor Keen Season 2 Episode 2

Series 2 Strikes Again on The Journey to Conscious Healthcare. 

Today on ‘From burnout to longevity, what drivers allied health professions & what does the future hold’ we have the highly accomplished Carol McKinstry. Carol has many achievements and is currently an Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy, at the La Trobe University Rural Health School, President of Occupational Therapy Australia, Chair of the Occupational Therapy Australia Research Foundation Trustee and is an assistant editor for the Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 

Today’s episode is titled: OTA President Carol McKinstry speaks about OT to Trevor Keen from Conscious Healthcare SA 

Link to Video: 


Today we Discuss: 

-        Carol’s life and motivation to become an Occupational Therapist

-        What is Occupational Therapy 

-        How the Occupational Therapy space has changed over the years 

-        Diversity in where people work within the OT profession 

-        Expectation vs reality of the profession  

-        Drivers that make people practice Occupational Therapy and decide what area of OT to work in  

-        What advice would Carol give to her 20-year-old self 

-        Carol’s recommendations for guiding a career path in Occupational Therapy 

-        Carol’s mentors throughout her journey 

-        How do we create longevity, happiness, and careers with fulfillment for Occupational Therapists? 

-        Carol shares some good news stories 

-        The importance of knowing your own limitations 

-        What Occupational Therapy will look like 20 years into the future 


Special mentions: 

-        Tim Aubrey-Bowran

-        Jane Ross (physio therapist) 

-        Dr Jenny Wood (geriatrician)

-        Professor Gale Whiteford (Charles sturt Uni) 

-        Marylin Patterson (world federation of OT president for some time) 

-        Merits Professor Amanda Kenny 

-        Daniel Pink