Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

53. Dave Nagel shares Walking out Life with others

• Dave Nagel • Season 4 • Episode 53

Season 4 is out! 🎉

With Veterans Day around the corner Dave talks about supporting & praying for the military. 🇺🇸 
As well as what it means to walk with people in their struggle.

“It’s not about me. It’s who are You going to put in my path today. One conversation, one email, one card you write. We overthink these big, dramatic things, & I think it’s the commutative effect of little things that will leave a lasting legacy of a life well lived.”

🙏”I need a group of people who love to pray - pray over the Colorado Guard.” ~Dave Nagel 
🙏If you’re committed to praying for the Colorado National Guard…Email or Comment on social media & let’s make sure Dave feels engulfed in prayer.

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Colorado National Guard Chaplain Corps
Colorado National Guard 

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