Dope People
Dope People
Season 5 Episode 45 - Mr. Omari Kamal
He is Dope People.
Omari spent most of his young life thinking that he would become a scientist when he grew up. After all, his favorite person in the world (his mother) was a chemistry teacher and former scientist, so it seemed only right. After a rather unpleasant experience in his first year of college chemistry, he decided to change his major to mechanical engineering but was still only mildly interested in the subject. After some deep reflection, Omari finally discovered that the only thing that he had ever naturally been
interested in was money. He was still conflicted, however, since there were many aspects of the applied sciences that he liked and, frankly, had become quite good at. But then arose the question, “why can’t I be a financial scientist?” Eureka! Omari completed his undergraduate studies with a degree in finance and went on, a few years later, to earn an MBA in Financial Analysis.
Omari worked for the first five years of his career as an investment advisor. Feeling again, in his heart, that he didn’t have the ‘full picture’ of what he was consulting around, he switched gears to work for a public accounting firm. Something clicked. Prior to working for the CPA firm, his experience had only ever consisted of studying large companies. After the switch, however, he began to learn about the
spaces that small companies go through to become larger, better and/or greater. So, a new question arose: “Could there be a formula, a set of principles or laws that govern the financial success of growing businesses?”
Unable to formulate a “good enough” answer to his latest question, Omari proceeded to, over the next decade, move around to different companies, taking a variety of accounting-related positions, ranging from corporate finance to private equity. In his last employee role, working as a private equity professional, Omari was struck by the idea of establishing an investment market for community-based retail, service, manufacturing, and distribution businesses. The new question is now, “What would be
possible if small businesses knew how to (and had the support networks to) grow their companies like large ones do?” Since this time, Omari’s vision has been to take the mystery out of small business success by teaching entrepreneurs and their teams how scale versus merely growing.
Follow Omari on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/omarikamal/ and visit his company's website at c3accounting.com/
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