Brain Health and Healing
Brain Health and Healing
Histapenia (overmethylation), re: Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Mania, Anxiety, Hyperactivity
Histapenia (overmethylation) is associated with significant anxiety, and, beyond that, is a major biotype in schizophrenia and bipolar. In this episode, we discuss symptoms of histapenia, and nutrients associated with improvement.
Recommended Reading
Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD: Bibliography https://omarchives.org/dr-abram-hoffer-md-books/
Carl C Pfeiffer, MD, PhD: Nutrition and Mental Illness pdf https://www.andalanpelajar.com/nutrition/nutrition_and_mental_illness_an_orthomolecular_approach_to_balancing_body.pdf
William J Walsh, PhD: Nutrient Power https://www.walshinstitute.org/nutrient-power.html
Eva Edelman: Natural Healing for Schizophrenia/ Bipolar https://www.boragebooks.com/
#brain health and healing, #natural healing for schizophrenia, #natural healing for bipolar disorder, #anxiety, #panic, #schizophrenia, #paranoid schizophrenia, #mania, #hypomania, #histapenia, #overmethylation, #restless leg, #hyperactivity, #niacin, #folate, #zinc