Developing a High Performance Mindset With Chelsea Pottenger

Chris McCarroll Season 2 Episode 9

Founder and Director of EQ MINDS, Chelsea Pottenger is one of Australia’s most popular corporate wellness presenters. Chelsea is on a mission to reset the corporate agenda, asking businesses to prioritise their employees mental health first.

This mission is grounded and inspired by her own experience. Chelsea experienced severe PostNatal Depression (PND) following the birth of her daughter six years ago. In her journey to recovery, she retrained and adopted a new way of living, integrating a new set of tools into her life to manage and optimise her mental health. 

An accredited mindfulness and meditation coach, psychology student and a Mental Health Ambassador for R U OK? and Gidget Foundation Australia, Chelsea works with the world’s biggest brands including Google, eBay and Estee Lauder, training professionals in every field to take charge of their mental wellbeing.

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