Tow Professional Podcast

Innovations and Unity: A Deep Dive into Towing Industry Advances and Community Spirit

Darian Weaver Season 2 Episode 101

Ever wonder what's driving innovation in the towing and recovery industry? Look no further, as Darian Weaver, President and Publisher of Tow Professional, and DJ Harrington – the Two Doctor, unwrap the latest game-changers from  Industry providers. Jerr-Dan, TowMate, Recovery Billing Unlimited, TowBook and Rent A Wrecker are all featured in this year end episode

 We also celebrate the bonds forged within our community, sharing tales from the Baltimore Tow Show and emphasizing the strength in our collective support.

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on the resilience of the towing community, highlighting the helping hand services like offer to businesses in need. We recount heartwarming stories of solidarity, remember industry friends we've lost, and discuss the importance of "Slow Down Move Over" events. It's a reminder that this industry is a family, united in both celebration and hardship. Join us for this powerful episode, where we share not just knowledge and insights but also spread hope and warmth during the festive season.

Speaker 2:

Welcome one and all to the Go professional on the Go podcast. This is your podcast. It's for the pros that have a need to know that are on the go. It's truly your voice for the towing and recovery industry. I'm DJ Harrington, better known as the Go Doctor. I'm your co-host, but the real host of this program is the president and publisher of Toke Professional magazine, a dear friend to the industry and a dear friend of mine, darren Weep. Darren, how are you on this beautiful day?

Speaker 3:

And I am Fantastic, as always, dj. It is beautiful. It's cold but beautiful, so it's very enjoyable from inside here in the warm, warm office here. I can tell you that much. But let me tell you this is going to be a great one. Me and you have been talking about this. We've got some tremendous sponsors on here who have some just industry changing products, and I thought it was time, when we're talking about Christmas, when we're talking about what warms are, what family means and family equals towing, because it's all about it it's a good time to talk about the products and the companies behind them that were ranked as some of our pick as Toke Professional's top products and services of the year. So this is going to be a good one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we're honored because these people that we want to highlight on this podcast and the podcasts are available wherever you get your podcasts. There's one guy I want to ask you really important about is let's talk about Toe Book itself and I know, you know, because at the Florida Toe Show do you? Remember last year at the Florida Toe Show we gave a discount if anyone went by the Florida Toe Show and since the Toe Book just said you heard it on the podcast the aisles were packed.

Speaker 2:

The people that had a you know a booth opposite Toe Book at the Florida Toe Show, they were so mad at us because the aisles were packed.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes, I tell you that's a booth. If you're across from them, you're going to have some traffic. I don't know if they'll be paying attention to you, but they're going to be standing there because they hold court when they're there.

Speaker 2:

And Toe Professional's choose Toe Book. I mean, it's one of these things that happened and it was, so tell us a little bit about your episode with them. I'm just knowing that in Florida their booth was packed.

Speaker 3:

Well, listen, that's where. That's where I first met them. You know, almost 13 years ago. I remember walking in there. I didn't have a booth, and I'm trying to see folks at the show and I see these two gentlemen that are just like me, dan Smith and Tom Bacon, and they are sitting there and and they're ready to get after it. They don't have a booth and they're seeing folks. And here we are, 13 years later and one of the leaders in industry when it when it comes to software. So you know, just being a part of that, we've got some phenomenal companies that have been in here that I've watched grow, been a part of. But it's always a blessing to be able to be a part of that and watch them grow over the years. And let me tell you, it's a company that says they're known as the Toe only, industry's most trusted software solution.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you the the features of this product. Dj will blow you away from simple, powerful dispatch and very intuitive design. The platform was built with the Toe in mind. It's intuitive and straightforward, which means you don't have to guess where to go, what to do. Your staff will save countless hours on training with the sleek and user friendly interface they use. And then they have digital dispatch and email processing. Never enter a call. Enter a call from a motor club manually, again, with digital dispatch and an email processing, you're able to receive the calls from all of these motor clubs and it's entered. They have GPS tracking capability, the ability to manage vehicle inventory through the Porter's integration with AutoData Direct and they've got some very powerful mobile apps I mean from Android and iPhone, compatibility with applications form where drivers able to accept all calls dispatch to them right on that mobile app, which is very important and quickly getting that done and getting the dispatch. They have equipment inspections and driver check-ins. Your drivers can check in and indicate that they're on the clock and they also can complete equipment inspection reports that are automatically sent to the managers to review. So, right there, having your employee, your driver that can be able to check that, send it to you and you know what status your trucks are on a daily basis, monthly basis, whatever, and you have help doing that, is phenomenal.

Speaker 3:

And they accept motor club calls digitally. You don't have to be a computer to accept calls. With ToeBook they come directly to your mobile application. So that makes it so much easier and with the software they're offering. It minimizes damage claims. Their billing is made easy motor club direct billing. They have payment importing so you can turn that on and make your life even easier, because it will import the payment information from the motor club that even marked and paid for you.

Speaker 3:

Big step they have advanced accounting workflows and also Quick Book integration. So yeah, let me tell you I think they thought of everything. And then they wrap all that up DJ with comprehensive reporting for owners. So hundreds of options of flexible reports for you to review for your company performance from your daily activity. You can generate commission reports, manage receivables, view truck expenses, analyze driver and truck volume, do sales and tax reporting, driver commissions, all of it. So they covered everything A to Z and even offer a free 30 day trial when you go to the site at ToeBookcom and click under Features for you to try it out. So yes, one of our sponsors has been with me since day one. We've been able to watch them grow throughout the industry and to see the dedication, the passion in the industry, their backing behind the museum, the associations, people and players in the industry and helping out. They're not only pulling out of this market doing business, but they're pulling back in and just a quality company. I can't say enough about them and certainly appreciate their loyalty to us over the years.

Speaker 2:

Here's what I want to ask you, because your friends with Tim Smith Azuga. They're involved with ToeBook, aren't they?

Speaker 3:

Oh, without a doubt. Yeah, they're involved with ToeBook. They've got some of the most advanced cameras now. They've got your rear view camera and so on, so they're not only offering software that ties wide into it but the integration of all the cameras, everything else that's offered. They've got so many different things that are offered and they're tied right in with ToeBook and they're a tremendous provider.

Speaker 3:

And Tim Smith, the guy that worked with me in the past with his friends at high school, and he's a guy that's out there just as I get it from him. He's out there trying to help these ToeWars put more dollars in their pocket and have less stress and have less worries when they send their drivers out. They don't have to worry about an incident happening that's not captured. A lot of the stuff that Azuga offers with their cameras and everything is a tremendous protection point for the company because it records it and a lot of times that film can save your tail when it comes to an accident in your insurance company. So, yeah, they're a tremendous provider and they work hand in hand with them and they're the ones that Azuga is a Bridgestone company. They offer the rear facing cameras, live screen capability, dual facing dash cams, side and rear view auxiliary cams, and it's easy to install hardware. What I've seen a lot of it just plugged right into the OBD2 and a lot of it is just something that you could install yourself in no time.

Speaker 2:

Well, before I ask you about another company that I know our listeners want to hear about, I have to tell you recently I went to an ARA meeting, which is the American Auto Recyclers Association in Kansas City. And sure enough, I go to this class and they're bragging about a company and I'm like what they said yeah, we use EJ's company Towbook. And I'm like what. They listened to our podcast and they laughed and I'm sitting there going. You're kidding. So recyclers, now if they're in a U-Pulling yard, you have to go out and pick out a vehicle. They use Towbook software to keep track of all of their vehicles.

Speaker 2:

Love it so you know we have them in towing and Towbook is also in recycling. So, but here's all I want to ask you, before we take a break, that the guy you know we've had the general manager of Juridan on the podcast, excellent, excellent person. Uh, can I ask you, before we take a break, tell us a little bit about Juridan and your relationship with them?

Speaker 3:

Man, let me tell you a phenomenal company, another one of those DJ that I met right after getting in the industry. Uh, they've been in the publication a little over right at 12 years. And another company has just been um, unbelievable to watch. Uh, the growth inside the company, um, you know, work with the people inside there, the corporate structure, um, the um, I would say the, the focus on safety, the focus on turning out the best product possible and a product that's a that fits the tour that's buying it. So it will. They they're, they key their cell phone on specifying the, the right truck, so you're not buying more truck than you need and you're, you're getting the equipment that's going to help you and benefit your business the most. Um, and, and let me tell you, they've got some phenomenal products that we're we're showcasing this year the top product for the year. As you, we've worked with them over the years and, uh, let me, let me tell you I've heard nothing but good things. Everybody bragged from the product.

Speaker 3:

This year a couple of things were highlight and one is the Jordan out of grid option for the XLP carrier. Um, it was all new last year. It's went over phenomenal. Um, it makes it. It allows an operator to hook to a car quickly and easily without manually installing L arms which, as you know, and repo anything like that. You need to have that ability. This grid offers a 3,500 pounds rating across bar that can rotate 90 degrees either side of the carrier, so no matter how they got them in there, you can get to them. Uh, the grid pivot has a center the tent bar and prevent excessive cross bar swing during setup. And the uh, the grid center drop air is designed to provide better support for tires as well, with left sidewall push. So they put all their thinking into that product and it's fantastic. We've got tremendous feedback on it.

Speaker 3:

Then, another thing we're highlighting is the uh journey and tolling cap. Um, this, this is one here that it. It helps you understand the tow trucks capacity. Um, because that data is critical to being safe safe and effective when you're out there on the on scene. And Jordan recreate the total recovery scenario. To provide the informative data to help advisor operators to better use their equipment with these two specific functions One is a rigging utilization calculator and then also a tow truck, a tow performance calculator. That, uh, the day that's hope for them. The calculator allows that operator to input equipment specific and set up specific values to determine the safe utilization level. And let me tell you that's very important these days, especially when you're ripping on on cars that are a lot uh, heavier, dealing with some of the EVs and others, than what we've had in the in the past. Um, the rigging utilization calculator provides the equipment uh and set up inputs and adds unique angle calculator that works in conjunction with a smartphone's camera so it helps you determine the exact angles. Um, and it's available on Apple app store as well as Google place, so whether they've got an Android or an Apple phone, they can use that Um. So that that has been, um, two of the topics that were were highlighting in this issue.

Speaker 3:

All right, the next one I wanted to highlight, dj, is the Jordan JD 35 integrated heavy duty record. Now, this thing is a war course. Uh, they're integrated heavy duty records. I deal for toting uh, for towing medium heavy duty truck buses, tractor trailers. It has a? Uh 350 under left. It has a weighted capacity of 35,000 retracted and 16,000 fully extended at 128 inches. Uh, the 350 eggs under left has a rated capacity of 35,000 and re, that's retracted and 16,000 fully extended at 147 inches. The boom for this JD 35 integrated heavy duty record is rated 70,000 pounds fully retracted and 22,000 pounds fully extended at a 30 degree angle. And it features 87 inch reach, uh, off the tailboard and this gives the operator the ability to undec truck, load, unload cargo, perform vehicle recoveries and uprights with ease. Uh, it comes standard with two 35,000 planetary, two speed winches and uh, wireless remote feature two speed winch control.

Speaker 3:

So, uh, listeners, I'm telling you you want to check this one out? Uh, you want to. You want to certainly take a look at the auto grid option. Uh, it is a fantastic product. And if you're working with the uh, the heavies out there, the rotators, the Jerdand towing cap is phenomenal. Make sure you get one for Christmas. But that's uh, between towbook Jerdand, that's two of our sponsors has been with us since day one and, uh, we certainly appreciate their loyalty. And, uh, we're very excited, dj, about the growth uh that we've been able to be a part of and certainly hope, I hope, we assisted him.

Speaker 2:

All right Now, before we take a break, can I ask this of you? I know our listeners are wondering Jerdand in 2024, you know they had in the past rotator operator training that they have the industry experts, because you know Jerdand is created for operators, by operators.

Speaker 3:

Oh, without a doubt. Yeah, jerdand has all the bases covered. They will be doing the, the heavy duty training to have one of the top guys in industry doing that. Also, um, they'll still be doing the, uh, the financing and, and that's something that uh, jerdand financial has been a tremendous help in and helping Um owners in the industry realize their dreams and uh, becoming owner of theirself and started company. So, uh, they're still offering Jerdand finance. This issue that's coming up will not only showcase the top products and services of 23, but it's also a feature on insurance and finance and uh, so we'll have information in there from alliance uh financing. We'll have information in there from Jerdand finance, um, and you can see the options that are out there. Uh, so if you want to get into this industry, they're the ones that would be glad to help you. They've got the knowledge, the tools to make sure you can get out there, be safe and get the jobs done right.

Speaker 2:

All right. So let's do this. Let's take a fast break and listeners will be right back with one of the best episodes we had all year long, and with us we'll be right back.

Speaker 4:

Attention tow heroes level up with Tomates. New XR series wireless tow lights, Now supercharged with long lasting lithium technology. Boost your truck's visibility with power. Link to wire light bars and strobes. Maximize impact while minimizing installation. They utilize your existing wiring. And don't miss our lifesaver. Cone mounted warning lights your first line of defense on the roadside. Illuminate your path. At wwwtowmatecom, slash dealers or dial 800-680-4455. Towmate dependable, durable, dynamic.

Speaker 5:

For over 50 years, Jordan has defined towing and recovery industry standards for performance, reliability and service. Jordan offers an extensive range of light, medium and heavy duty records, carriers and rotators. Each truck offers superior engineering for strength and stability, reliability and versatility to exceed the expectations of a demanding industry.

Speaker 2:

You have been listening to Toad Professor on the Go podcast every week. We do our best to bring you informative episodes like this one here, the year end review. Make sure you download and listen. We're available on Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Google Play, Stitcher, iHeart Media, Amazon or wherever you get your podcast Without further ado. I want to ask now, Darren I met Chris up with the Baltimore Toe Show from ToeMate, so tell us about your relationship with ToeMate.

Speaker 3:

Man hey, that's another one, dj people go see, there's a pattern between these relationships. But you know, I showed up at the, the wall of the fallen and the Hall of Fame Museum yeah, and Chattanooga the Right is my first year in the business and and towards into that year, when they always have the show and Ran into Brian Anderson, owner, and his son, chris, and the middle, and they looked at me and they said who are you guy? You just go, you just go jump in this market, run wide open. You, you know, right after the, the, the worst housing market fall through in the world, you're out here starting a new magazine and Hit it off with them great guys and just right off the bat, you know it's people you talk to and you're like many's are good people and he saw it me too, I guess you know DJ and he said, listen, we want to be a part of it. You're this excited and this kind of market, hey, let's see what happens. And we started back then and you know again, it's another company been able to watch them grow over the years, been able to watch them expand. And if anybody knows Chris, chris plays in a Band. He's a unbelievable talent, but let me tell you him and his father. Both you can tell they got it from his father. Their work ethic is phenomenal. These guys work from son down to you know, son up, the son down and and they put the pride and passion in their products and the biggest thing they're worried about is quality and safety. Increase in safety and they come out with some phenomenal products. I mean one of some of we've been showcasing and that will be highlighted this year in top products, one I can't say enough about. It's a lifesaver, goes right on top of a traffic cone. It's got it is something that stands out and it will keep the operators protected. It's been a tremendous Benefit to the industry and they've had great successful product.

Speaker 3:

Also, the TM 22 GXR. It has a this is a whether toe lights has an extended runtime lithium-ion technology. It's a next generation of the best selling toe light they produce. Then, dj, you've got the PX PCA 61 you. This is a 61 inch overhead light bars a big light bar, wireless ST and T functions, multiple multi-color operation and has a wide variety of control options. And Then the MO 37 XR. This is a 37 inch heavy-duty toe light, extended runtime, the chargers included and and they also last time watching electronics, which is unbelievable. We all know how electronics are. I think I'm throwing out a laptop every three years, if I can make it that far. And then it came out with a T-box it's a trailer light in 18 powered controllers. So this thing powers your trailer lights with your drill battery. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 3:

So they've got some phenomenal product that that they put out and they're always looking to increase those and make sure that they're the best they can possibly be, and you can't beat it.

Speaker 3:

And let me tell you another division that they offer is the mobile control systems. That that's a product when a long way, it's a plug-and-play wireless control. They have custom design packages and it's the wireless hydraulic controls for your rollback. So Just a tremendous line of quality products, a quality company with good people, and they build all their products with pride, and that has been a tremendous relationship. So what our listeners are going to see here, dj, is that, with almost 60 customers in the book, every single issue, 97% of them have been with me since day one, which means to me what's so professional is, if we are in your business, we're going to keep it, and we do that by always under promise and over delivering for our clients. We know if we can help them make their mortgage payment hey, I got to worry about mine so we do our best to make sure we treat every client Just like there's only one in the book and they're not the nominal ones you're bringing up and Darren.

Speaker 2:

I gotta tell you Chris was so kind to me here I'm walking around the Baltimore to show and next to his booth was an insurance company that I was there asking him would he come to the URG conference? Yeah, so talking to him, chris walks over to the guy. All of a sudden Chris says to the guy it would be Jay. Telling you is the truth, dj, give me your card, give me the information. And turned up he bought a boot that the Recyclers convention that I'm working next April and I thought that's up.

Speaker 2:

There was Chris helping me, yeah, but relationship you know that he and his dad have built with you and we told the professional magazine. So it's one hand helping the other, because it was very time that Chris came over and voucher my authenticity and said DJ really cares about people and cares about the industry, because I could tell who else would order a doctor out for the run there. Oh, oh I can say they're.

Speaker 3:

They're all phenomenal people that have been so good to work with and I tell you I just I envy my job, dj. I mean I get to call my friends, these people, their clients let's call it that but they're family people. They love this industry out of 30 years and publishing. I've met some of the best people I've ever met in publishing and it feels like a family every time you see them at the show. They've missed you can't wait to see you again, want to come by and talk about what's happening. Just great people and it's, it's been a fun, it's a phenomenal industry, all right.

Speaker 2:

So this is a perfectly lead and been your part about families. When you talk about Bob and his son, his sister, tell me I'm gonna tell you I'm side in classes. They're wonderful, wonderful family. And so tell us how you met recovery billing and what relationship you have started with you.

Speaker 3:

Well, man, let me tell you dig here, here we go again. Folks, this is what I met with first guy in the industry and talk with Linda and she told me about her, her father Bob that started the company, about her brother Eric and his Hands in the company and what they were doing. And I just saw me and this is an unbelievable story and we brought Bob on here one time on the podcast and let him tell his story, where he, you know, just thought about being an over-the-road truck driver and they guys have a listen, you can, you can rent one of my garage spaces and work on, because you'll leave the family, go out on the road. And he started from there and next thing, you know, he was renting the whole place out and and growing, growing, growing and the business has went straight up from there. But they saw the need to help people learn how to build a proper tow business foundation, how to Document the scene from start to finish. They saw where owners needed help in drafting the documentation and having a packet to send to a payer, how to help companies get paid on various types of insurance, from property damage liability to homeowners to claims without With and without collision. So they saw a big need in the industry To teach owners. They just like me.

Speaker 3:

I knew, hey, listen, I'm a fantastic salesman, but I've never been a business owner until 13 years ago, so I knew the learning curve was steep. They know this as well when it comes to towing, and what they want to do is they want to take the mistakes they've made and the victories they've had and teach you both of them so that you know the ins and outs of it, abelain, and so that you get paid for your work, because I know that's something that's hard to do. They let you know about the laws that towers need to know. They bring in guest speakers that are experts in towing and recovery attorneys and insurance executives and they teach you how to respond to sorry, that's not covered and we never pay that. And let me tell you, if you're picking up a couple of those a year that you were missing, you're having a lot better year. So this is a family that's been phenomenal. Now the, the grant Bob's granddaughter is in there, jade, and Let me tell you she's bringing the, the youth, youthfulness in there and the social and digital side and reaching that market, and it's phenomenal. They just really grow the business and its own. A Family whose heart is helping others and a heart of service. So it's phenomenal family. Can't say enough about them.

Speaker 3:

I met Linda, started doing base business with Linda Rodriguez. From the start, she is a mess. What I mean by that she will have you laughing. Every day is a good day for her. She does a tremendous amount of work, but she has a tremendous outlook and you can see that she's passed that on to Jay. Again, phenomenal family.

Speaker 3:

And let me tell you something owners, if you're out there, drivers, if you're listening and your owner hadn't been to this course, talk to them about it. They can help you put more money in your pocket. And when it comes to on in a business, I can tell you this you don't know it all. I learned that very quick and it costs money to get smarter. A lot of times it can either cost you a mentally, physically or financially. And hey, this is a way I think they have one of the cost of most cost-effective ways to go in there and get Hop training and find out how you can put more dollars back in your register With your business and not leave money on the table. And that's what it. That's a key to what they teach, and All you gotta do is go to their site. They recovery buildings as poor Seminar calm and they'll pull them straight up and you can see when they're upcoming classes are.

Speaker 2:

They do a phenomenal job, they do oh, just in statewide up in Massachusetts, statewide going association, bob and Eric put a class on and was. It was 55 minute class. It was kind of a highlight of what it was each the following weekend. And so I started in the class Done, and then he kept saying me well, pj's no different than your family's business in New Jersey. Huh, they'd learn from CPA. They learned, and what I do is I bring the CPAs than the lawyers to the class. All sit there and learn. This is the way to shorten your learning skill and put more money back in your pocket and, if anything, it's an investment in your business that you will get the lingering effects year after year after year Because of what you learned from Bob and Eric and Jade and the whole family. I mean just, they're wonderful people. I cannot endorse it enough.

Speaker 3:

They're such a gift to the industry and if you want to improve your bottom line For 2024, you make sure that your owners in that class hey, dj, let me tell you I could couldn't sum that up any better, but let me tell you this this is what Joe's towing and recovery said the change in our business finances was Unbelievable and what was more amazing was the passion that I've lost for the business had returned. How many owners are out there that you so burn out that you feel like, hey, I don't feel like I'm getting ahead. How do I get my fire back? We've all been there in every type of industry. Hey, amazon sells to. But he said this bought the passion back. It was now fun again to work because we were seeing the fruits of all hard labor.

Speaker 3:

If you hadn't been to the class, just Just go. It'll be the best money you ever spent. Business. That's Joe's towing and recovery, and they've got just Walls full of testimonies like that. So if you want to get the passion back in your business, you wonder how Michael's strike this, get this little spark going again, getting the fire going and and this becoming fun again. They'll show you. They'll show you how all that hard-earned work you're doing, you can bill for it, you get paid for it, and that's the difference between a, between a small company and a mid-size or big company is having that knowledge, so you can grow it and make the right decisions along the way.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's take a real fast break. When we come back, we're gonna talk about 2024 and the upcoming year, full time. We'll be right back.

Speaker 5:

Recovery billing unlimited is an organization dedicated to teaching fellow toers how to become more profitable for the work they do. Recovery billing unlimited can teach you the proper tow business foundation, the proper way of writing acceptable recovery invoices. Remediation of the accident seemed to free you from future liability and laws to help you get paid. These are just a few of the things covered when you attend a class from recovery billing unlimited For class or seminar information. Visit recovery billing unlimited comm. Recovery billing unlimited making toers more profitable.

Speaker 1:

Is the only way to go to manage all the vehicles you tow off the road. Number one platform in the industry, the cloud based towing software, can handle all your needs right from your phone, with support, day and night. Visit to book calm and give it a try.

Speaker 5:

At record rentals. We understand time is money. If your truck is out of service due to a mechanical issue or collision, we offer rentals to keep your business in business while your asset is down. We provide short-term rentals with a three-day minimum and long-term rentals of late model light duty records and rollback tow trucks. We distribute trucks from Atlanta and Dallas to all parts of the southeast and we can have it delivered in as little as 24 hours. For details on how to get your rental delivered ASAP, visit our website at rent a wrecker calm and go to the documents page, or give us a call with any questions you might have at 770-898-1200, and we look forward to serving you. You've been listening to co-professional on-the-go podcast.

Speaker 2:

Please remember to like, review and share everywhere. We can't thank you enough for you telling your, your fellow towers and recovery experts all about Co-professional podcast. I can't thank you enough. Please like, review and share everywhere. If you'd like somebody to be an industry expert To be on the podcast, by all means. Dollar hotline number in the Atlanta office Arpo number 706 409 5603 706 409 5603 and tell us what you know, who you'd like to hear and down, and I will do our very best To get them on the next podcast. All right now, darren, there's a guy that recently was on the podcast and I want you to share with our listeners Record rent. Yes, I'm gonna tell you, man, this guy, steve Richardson. Guess what?

Speaker 3:

listeners met him when I first got in the industry and he's a mess. He's just like me and if it hits his brain he's gonna say it and that's hey. My wife tells me that's good, that's one of your best attributes is everybody knows how you feel. And then she says you know what that's. That's when your worst ones too, Because everybody knows how you.

Speaker 3:

But, Well, let me tell you, record rentals. This guy again Hit him and his whole family have a passion for this industry. He saw a need when companies would have an accident happened. Somebody hit their truck and he saw a need. They hit their truck and it just basically just knocked a breath out of the company and it's taking their livelihood because the truck sitting there In a body shop trying to get fixed and they're missing calls and that's just money going out the door. And it hurts the reputation too when somebody calls and they can't get a hold of you and can't get to service and he said you know what? That's it. Your truck's gone down due to mechanical lesions, mechanical issues, collision, whatever. Don't lose your customers, don't lose your livelihood, um, don't be unable to answer a call when you need to to make that dollar, those, those funds for your family, um. So he came up with with this program and it's rent a record dot com and, uh, let me tell you, you don't have to worry about downtime, you can get a record that day and he's got programs, whether you need it, weekly, monthly, whatever and gives discounts according to that. So he's there, uh, to fill in and to help make sure that your line of livelihood isn't taken away from you, that you have the ability to get back out there due to work.

Speaker 3:

And, dj, I've seen this before. I've seen it happen. You know, one of our Um, one of our customers in the area hearth towing was hit Uh, I think it was two years ago by uh f4 tornado. They just absolutely wiped the entire business out and he didn't know what he was going to do. You know, the day after you sit down and what I'm going to do.

Speaker 3:

Next thing you know, friends in the industry are showing up and dropping off, dropping records off to him and just saying make sure it happens, make sure you keep the doors open, we're behind you. And uh, not all of us have friends that are that phenomenal. It can just drop some equipment off for them. So if you don't have that friend in you in your back pocket record rentals they're going to be your buddy. They'll put a record out there for you and make sure you don't lose your livelihood. So, tremendous company, great man, and uh, he's benefited from the publication. When I call him DJ, he always tells me you've always steered me right. What is it? Just send me an invoice, great guy and um, I just say a A great key to our industry having a resource like that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm going to tell you something and I'm trying not to get emotional. This is the podcast that ends 2023 and we're looking forward to 2024. Darren, the reason why I appreciate you I know you're the president publisher of the magazine Toe Professional and you do a wonderful job on the podcast. But what touches my heart is you're the one who remembers the Earl Johnson's. You remember Terry from PhotoCard Specialist. You're the one who remembers Keegan Spencer, you know, who died with his sick little child in the cab of the truck. You're the one who remembers Ben Kingrum, one of my neighbors.

Speaker 2:

Folks died and three years ago my keys got locked in my own car. The guy who cuts my lawn, my Solomon, blocked my keys in the car by mistake. Fire Department came, couldn't open the car. Ben Kingrum's company comes Ingram Toe and comes out, opens it up and the lady who's his general manager looks at me and says we know you. I said, well, I told Professional Magazine. She said, well, I got news for you. There's no charge for this.

Speaker 2:

And the firefighters that were standing there was stunned. He said there's no charge. He said no, this guy's a legend in our industry. He's the old man who'd been around forever and now he's with Toe Professional Magazine and the podcast. And for Frank I killed him, 575 hit by it. You know working the white line and all of a sudden somebody hit him. So you and I don't only have relationships with all of these sponsors, darren, but you have relationships with people that have passed in this industry, that you're personal friends with, and you're the ones who pray with the widows and you're the one who goes out of his way and say, dj, what can we do for this family? What can we do for that family? So, behind the scenes, I want people to know you have such a big heart and I hope I don't choke up.

Speaker 2:

But, you always are caring about the people who don't make it in our industry, the men and women in our industry that you care so much about. That's why there's a woman in towing section. It's a very marketing because you care about the people in the industry.

Speaker 3:

So I tell you, dj, I'm blown away with the opportunity that God put in front of me 13 years ago and the fact that I listened to him and hurt him. I'm even more blown away. Listen to it, walk forward in it. And I told God, if I did that, I would not only dip out of this market but I pour back into it. And let me tell you, you know, I went last week to the seventh annual slowdown moveover event and was able to meet Christian Ingram and speak with him about his uncle and the loss. And I was able to meet Matt Spencer that came down from Michigan to talk about his son and his granddaughter and the hurt in his heart.

Speaker 3:

And I'm sitting there thinking about it and I'm I leave from the event and I'm standing on a bridge and I'm filming on Facebook, just doing a live feed, showing all the trucks off, and I'm thinking to myself and I just I turned around and said it to the camera. I said here are these men and women that a lot of work, six and seven days a week, and what are we witnessing? On a Sunday, one of the only days they had all for the day. They all came together just to plead to the public don't kill us when we're trying to work, and that's sad in itself that they have to take time off to remind adults out there, hey, pay attention, we're on the side of the road, let us get home safely and give us room to work and hopefully one day we won't have to tell the public that they just know it. But I think until then we got to be the people that stand in the gap and give them a voice. You know, christian, just his mouth dropped open. He said you would do that for my uncle. I said who wouldn't? Who wouldn't put an editorial in here? And that's that's something we're doing next year.

Speaker 3:

We've always done the two page spread for the survivor fund to push it and put money in. But you know, going into 2024, I feel like the biggest thing we can do is tell the story behind those great men and women that have fallen, that have served out there with a service heart. I think telling their story and then ending that story where they um called action for the survivor fund just a small ad, is more important than putting a two page spread in there, because I want to honor those that were there before. Let the families talk about how good of a husband they were or how good of a wife they were and what they did for the family and honor them in the pages and then have a smaller ad there for the survivor fund.

Speaker 3:

I still want them included. They do a tremendous job. I just want to be able to give some of the ability back to those in the industry to honor their loved ones, and I'm blown away. God gave me this opportunity. As they say, he can hit a hard lick with a bent stick, and that's what he showed with me is he took somebody that was broken and used me to reach the community, and as long as he's doing that, I'm gonna love on anybody that needs it out there.

Speaker 2:

Well, talking about people that get loved on. We have a friend between the two of us, Gay Rochester, from INA Network. He has the philosophy of over one lose men. Yes, she has spent her own money. Yes, Slow down. Over one lose none. And talking about a person that loves on everyone in this industry, and it's our friend, dear friend Gaye Rochester.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, she's been fabulous. She's walked me through this market, showed me a lot of grown from her depth of knowledge in the industry and just her passion for it. And that's somebody right there. You sit around and listen to her for a minute. Hey, she'll get you fired up about being in the industry again. Get you go ahead. You're not going to sit around and listen to her and be down. She's a great person that's got a passion for the industry and a passion for bringing everybody home safe, and God's blessed her with her business for that as well, with INA towing.

Speaker 2:

So, my friend, you got me moistied here All the loved ones that we've lost this year, from Frank Ingram, my neighbor right up to Keegan-Spenson, it's those kind of people that have happened this year and for all of the people that are serving our military. And so when you do your blessing today, I hope that you tie in our military people who won't be home for the holidays. They're over to protecting us and pay for the people in Israel, because there's another situation so one might have you do the closing and I just want to tell all of this I'm proud to be a co-host with you, my friend. You have honored me by that being your co-host.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'll tell you, you've honored me, dj, by bringing your knowledge, bringing your personality, your voice, inflection, your positiveness. You really helped me grow over the years too. And I tell you that's another person you can be around. You can't be around DJ Harrington at being a bad mood. This man's always smiling, always got something good to say, and he don't like bad moods, he likes smiles and he brings one to a room and if there ain't any in a room when he walks in, they all break out. The smiles break out everywhere. So, hey, let me tell you, you've honored me too by being a part of this, and I appreciate you buying into me and into my dream for this industry and being able to see it. So you bring it home. Ok, certainly will.

Speaker 3:

Well, joe Hamlin father, we certainly know there's a lot of brokenness in this world right now. There's a lot of stress, a lot of worry of what's going to happen. Joe Hamlin father, we just ask you to put a hand around our world, a hand around Israel. Help them through those times, help those families that have lost. Be the peace that's in their hearts, in their minds. Let the Holy Spirit be there with them. Be with every one of our fallen, our many women that have fallen with their servants' heart, out there working hard to help others out, that have served their calling God and went on to come home to you, dear Hamlin, father. Fill their families with peace, touch them during this time, during Christmas. Let them not feel a loss, but let them feel the happiness to know that those that are not with us are in the presence of you, father, which is much better.

Speaker 3:

Father, we thank you for all of your blessings. We thank you for our vendors and their loyalty, their 13 years of loyalty, their belief in my heart and the project I put forward. And we thank them for their loyalty, for putting their dollars behind and saying, hey, we believe in what you're doing and we'll stand behind it. And we ask, lord, that you help them prosper. Continue to bless them and, father, keep a hand around our tours, protect them, watch over them.

Speaker 3:

All our family members that are going to a Christmas this year without a son, without a daughter there, without a husband, without a wife there, or grandmother or grandfather. Be that peace inside that house, be that warmth that brings them back and reminds them that you're still there and you still have your arm on them. We thank you, appreciate you, father, and continue to watch over us Until next time. Listeners keep tuning in. We'll have more great gas coming up with the latest and greatest products and services in industry to help you know what's beneficial for you to keep your company in the black and out of the red. So, professional, be here for you and we pray your family to have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year Until next time.