Crystal Lightworkers Podcast To Aid Spirituality and Wellbeing

Euphoralite Earth: Ley Lines: attitudes linked to organs

Jackie Winters British Academy of Crystal Healing Season 4 Episode 1

Euphoralite Earth felt amazing however it has taken me a while to document the energy as it is quite subtle and  brought everything through onto the physical level. I learned about ley lines, attitudes, depths of incarnation and how energy medicine really is the future for medicine: helping stop dis ease before it meets the physical body.

Whilst working with Euphoralite Earth I wrote a Master course (that is open to anyone interested in energy medicine, it just means connecting to the Masters) on JSJ and energy Depths of incarnations. The 6 classes are available on video to purchase. If you would like to receive the 6 videos and learn more about the organ energy pathways flowing through the body and how they impact on our organs: how to trace the energy lines with a crystal and discover crystals that will clean and clear any blockages; thereby restoring harmony and wellness to your being I have deatiled the link to learn more

I mention in the podcast how to use dowsing rods and crystals to grid your home, find imbalances and rectify with crystals. I would love to hear from you and record your findings. This wonderful Ancient Art of dowsing has so many benefits, incorporate crystals and wow, you can really notice the difference.

My email address is 

Let's use our knowledge for the greater good and restore peace harmony and joy as the natural order on this beautiful planet.

Thank you for listening and keep playing with your crystals, they love us working with them xxx

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