Space Coast Podcast Network

Prophecy at the Polls - Biblical Wisdom and Modern Politics

Multiple Season 1 Episode 1

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Is your spiritual readiness up to par for Jesus' return? This episode tackles the profound concepts of the Bride of Christ and the rapture, starting with an exploration of the biblical parable of the ten virgins. We'll uncover the critical importance of having the Holy Spirit to be truly rapture-ready, distinguishing this from just being a Christian. Drawing insightful parallels to Noah's unwavering faith and obedience, we emphasize the necessity of heeding divine warnings and being spiritually prepared to be part of the rapture.

We then turn our focus to the enigmatic two witnesses from Revelation 11, speculating on their modern-day identities and the transformative impact they will have. The conversation also dives into the complex interplay of religion and politics in America, questioning the separation of church and state and pondering the potential rise of a female pastor in a significant political role. This episode underscores the essential need to be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit to navigate the end times.

To wrap up, we reflect on a life-altering near-death experience that reshaped one individual's faith journey and the crucial role of biblical knowledge in raising children and guiding future leaders. We delve into the spiritual dimensions of Donald Trump's political journey, suggesting a divine calling behind his actions, and contemplate the impact of having a Holy Spirit-led leader in turbulent times. Concluding with a heartfelt prayer, we encourage listeners to fully embrace their faith, seek divine guidance, and overcome life's challenges through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Speaker 1:

And we'll see what we get when we roll the dice, won't we?

Speaker 2:

Yep, all right, this is quiet. That's action. I believe we are in the last days before Jesus returns for the bride of Christ. What is the bride of Christ?

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, we have so many denominations, we have so many different Christian facets that actually that's a very good question. What is the bride of Christ? The bride of Christ is a certain segment of the church. Let me explain. In the Bible it talks about ten virgins. Five of the virgins had plenty of oil in their lamp. Five of the virgins had very little oil in their lamp, to no oil. Well, that's kind of describing the church today.

Speaker 1:

When you talk about the church, you walk into some church and it's not the same as another church. Why is that? Well, maybe one has the oil and the other just simply doesn't have any oil. What is the oil? The oil is the Holy Spirit, and without the Holy Spirit, what do you got in a church? It's just an empty building. We can talk about God all we want to, but if you don't invite the Holy Spirit, what do you really have at church? A bunch of hymns, a pastor up there giving a 30-minute speech on Sunday, and then you don't see the guy again. Is that really delivering? What a church is? But that's actually what a lot of the churches today have wound up turning out to be, and it's unfortunate, but it's true, because people are going through a religious experience that is void of the Holy Spirit. So when we talk about the Bride of Christ, the bride of Christ is actually the part of Christianity that is filled with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

So what is the rapture, and is this something that you believe is going to happen sooner than later?

Speaker 1:

Well, if you look in the Bible, you realize that the word rapture doesn't exist. It doesn't exist in the Bible. What it is is a term that's been adopted by Christianity as a term for the taking away. And a lot of people ask well, what is the taking away? The taking away is where Jesus Christ comes in and comes into the clouds and takes all the souls that are rapture ready, that are actually ready to be taken away to heaven. And that's not necessarily all. The church People think that if you don't have the Holy Spirit oil, then you're not really rapture ready, because if you don't have the Holy Spirit oil, then you're not really rapture ready, because if you don't have the Holy Spirit, then you don't have the Trinity.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of people never even talk about the Holy Spirit. They talk about Jesus, they talk about being born again. And one of the questions is is what is being born again? The Word of God states ye must be born again in order to see the kingdom of heaven, but it doesn't say ye must be born again to be raptured. It doesn't say anything about the rapture, it just says that you'll see the kingdom of heaven. And a lot of people have died and were not raptured, but that doesn't mean that they're not going to see the kingdom of heaven. You don't have to be raptured to see the kingdom of heaven, but you have to be born again in order to see the kingdom of heaven. Does that make sense?

Speaker 2:

It's, we're getting there, so why? Why would somebody want to be invited to the rapture?

Speaker 1:

Well, actually, you're not really invited to the rapture. You are part of the rapture by being filled with the Holy Spirit and obedient to God's word. If God told you to go to a specific place and do a specific thing, would you do it? We saw that Noah did that. Noah, for 120 years, worked on a boat and nobody had ever seen rain before, and he told everybody that it was going to be a flood. And everybody laughed at him. Everybody told him Noah, you're crazy.

Speaker 1:

You're giving us warnings that really aren't going to happen. They're not really going to happen because you're crazy and you're a drunk, and you're a this and you're a that and you don't really know what you're talking about. Do you really hear from the word of God? Well, we found out later on that he did and that he saved the world by hearing the warning. And that's what the rapture we're talking about right now is a warning, because it is about ready to happen. You can call it the rapture of the taking away, or Jesus coming to get the bride of Christ. They all have the same meaning, but I don't believe that the entire church, everybody who calls himself a Christian, will be raptured. And the reason is is do you remember the movie series the Left Behind?

Speaker 2:

I do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, the Left Behind was all about what Part of the church people who were sitting in church were left behind.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because they weren't filled with the Holy Spirit. They went to church, they read the Bible, they did this, they believed in Jesus, but they weren't ready. Why? It wasn't that they weren't Christians, but they weren't full of oil, just like the virgins in the Word of God. That talks about the ten virgins. Five had oil, five didn't. That talks about the 10 virgins Five had oil, five didn't.

Speaker 1:

Five were taken away by the bridegroom. Why? Because he was coming back for the bride. That was what. That was ready. That had oil in her lamp. She was ready to go, she was ready to be a bride. Back in those days, when you came, you came bearing gifts for your bride and the bridegroom would come into town and if he came in at night time, the women would have to have oil for their lamps to show that they were the virgins in the house. These are the. This is why, uh, we have to be covered by not only the blood of jesus christ, but we have to be covered by not only the blood of Jesus Christ, but we have to be covered by the oil of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

Wow, in Relevations 11, we find two witnesses mentioned. And who are these modern-day messengers? Are they with us right now?

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I can say this with quite a bit of confidence, and I'll tell you why Because so many people around the world believe that we're actually living in the final days. Well, if we are actually living in the final days, I know for a fact in a very short period of time, the two witnesses are going to have to come on the scene. There's no way they cannot come on the scene, and we also hear in the word of God, but there may be two or three witnesses, because everything is based on two or three witnesses. So when we talk about the two witnesses, we are talking about the two witnesses that are in Jerusalem in the book of Revelations, chapter 11.

Speaker 1:

And these two witnesses go to Jerusalem and basically preach and basically are very much accepted in the beginning, and just like Jesus was when he walked into Jerusalem. And then he went into the temple and began to preach. And then the next thing that happened, what Everybody turned against him. Well, that's going to happen with the two witnesses too. Everybody's going to turn against these two men of God Because in the beginning, they're going to want them around, because they're going to do all kinds of miracles, whether it's miracles through medical miracles, through financial miracles, through every kind of a miracle that you could think of these two guys are going to do, and we're waiting for that. But once people begin to see these things happening, there are going to be huge events where these two preachers are actually because it's a ministry and these guys aren't even ministers. I don't believe.

Speaker 2:

I just believe that they're people that are anointed by god and cannot be stopped so we have messengers in our midst who are going to help deliver a message, or are they going to lead us?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, these two guys are called two specific things, and they are called the voice of the archangel and the trump of God. Now, as we know, a trumpet was used in the old days. To do what? To deliver a message in a long distance. So we have it so that one of these guys is the voice of an archangel and the other guy is the messenger that is distributing the message. I believe that it's actually going to be a poor guy and a rich guy. I think that the rich guy is going to have power beyond anyone else on the earth for reasons that God put him in a position to where he had that power.

Speaker 2:

So we're talking about someone of power, and speaking of power, you know, america is struggling for leadership. America is at a crossroad and I mean, I don't know about you, but are we a Christian nation or not anymore?

Speaker 1:

Well, we, as the people, are a Christian nation and we're based on Judeo-Christian laws of God. Okay, basically, the Ten Commandments. That's why many people today don't want the Ten Commandments in the schools, they don't want them in the public places. They don't want the rules that God laid down. But if you really look at the Ten Commandments, they're basic civil rights. Okay, god laid down the civil rights for man in the Ten Commandments.

Speaker 1:

Don't you think it would be pretty bad if you slept with your neighbor's wife or you stole his food or his money? Don't you think it would be bad if you killed your next door neighbor? Well, these are all things that. Why would you want to take that out of school? Wouldn't you want to teach that to your children, wouldn't you? I mean, wouldn't you want your children to understand that it's not right to kill. Thou shall not steal. You shouldn't mess around with your buddy's wife. That's pretty bold and in your face. But it's also some good advice. You go messing around with your buddy's wife. You never know what could happen. It could be sudden death and it has nothing to do with God and politics.

Speaker 1:

Politics is all about the Ten Commandments. It's all about Christianity. People talk about separating church and state. How do you do that when the whole country and the Constitution was based on Judeo-Christian rules and the Ten Commandments in the Bible? How do you do that? How do you separate church and state? You don't. And I also believe that we may be in store for something a lot bigger than people have any idea in the very near future as far as christianity goes. I believe that our next vice president is going to be one of the best people suited for the job that's ever been given the vice presidency in history, and I believe that it's a female pastor so are you saying this election has anything to do with the rapture or anything of Christian history significance?

Speaker 1:

for somebody that knew the word of God and was in touch with God and was listening to God. If we really are in the final days, Wouldn't you want your leader telling you what to do, where to go and having everything prepared for you in case the end time comes? And what are you going to do? How are you going to get out of here? I already told you that you get born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. That's how you're going to get out of here. You can get out of here taking a dirt nap too, and people that die think oh well, I missed the rapture, Don't worry about it. Dying is pretty easy. It doesn't take much effort at all to die. As a matter of fact, I have personal experience with that.

Speaker 2:

So you've had a near-death experience.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and it was so easy that you wouldn't even believe it and you would think, oh, did you get shot? No, I didn't get shot. Did you get hit by a car? I've been hit by cars, but not no, I didn't get shot. Did you get hit by a car? I've been hit by cars, but not this time. It didn't kill me. Have you did somebody beat you up? No, nobody beat me up.

Speaker 1:

I went to a bar and I had one cocktail and a beer to go along with it. I had a Bloody Mary and a beer. I happened to go to a bar where I knew somebody very well and the bartender was a friend of mine and I guess people think they're doing you a favor when they pour you a six-ounce vodka drink that you can't taste. That's inside the Bloody Mary. You can't taste all that alcohol. So I sat there and drank the drink and before I knew it I lived not far away. I got home, I was totally sober. I walked in the door and next thing, you know, I dropped dead. Just got a couple words out of my mouth. I said to my friend. I said, hey, would you make me a sandwich? And she went to make me a sandwich.

Speaker 1:

And next thing, I know I'm lying on the floor and they dialed 911, and I was just very lucky that I lived across the street from an assisted living facility in the fire department in Jupiter, which was very efficient just happened to be passing by, they got the 911 call and were actually in my condominium before you know, within minutes. Well, they thought I had OD'd on opioids, which was a natural belief, you know. I mean, a lot of people are dropping dead of opioids, right, you just drop dead. So they thought that that's exactly what happened to me. It wasn't, it was the alcohol, but the effects are the same Dead is dead. It doesn't matter whether you got dead from getting hit by a car, by drinking too much, by doing too many drugs or old age. Dead is dead and it's very easy. And a lot of people don't realize how easy it is to die. It's just simple, it's easy. It's like, and the feeling you get when you do is you can't move. The last thing I remember is uh-oh, I can't move.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm on the floor and then I wake up in the emergency room in the hospital and I wasn't very happy about it. I wasn't very happy about it at all. Do you know why you never think about this? Here? My son was, you know, he was 15 years old. I didn't want to leave my son. I didn't want to leave my family, my mother, my friends and all that.

Speaker 1:

But the funny thing is is when you die, you actually just basically go to sleep. There is nobody coming to greet you. There is, I mean, it's nice to think that, but even the Bible tells us that when you believe in Jesus, you simply sleep. That's why they talk about rest in peace. That's exactly what you do. You rest in peace. It's like paradise. That's why Jesus said well, you'll be with me in paradise. When he said to the thief who was on the cross next to him, he said you'll be with me this day in paradise. What did he mean? No more pain, no more trouble when you die.

Speaker 1:

Do you think about this? You're not hot, you're not cold, you're comfortable. You're not hot, you're not cold, you're comfortable. You're not hungry. None of that matters. You're not thinking about your loved ones. You're not thinking about anybody. You're at rest.

Speaker 1:

Your time here, doing whatever it was you were doing on earth, is finished. It's done. If god gives you another chance, they restart your heart, like they did with me, and you get yourself back together again. Then what do you do? Do you serve God or do you not serve God? That's a question that I got, and for a long time I've avoided serving God. It's not that I didn't know about God.

Speaker 1:

I went to Bible school and I actually studied the Bible quite a bit. Otherwise, why would I be speaking about it and how would I know about it? I know about it because I studied it. Am I a pastor? Am I an evangelist? Have I done all that stuff? I've worked in the ministry and I've worked with actually some very big-time pastors, including TL Osborne, billy Joe Doherty, richard Roberts, oral Roberts, lindsay Roberts, jesse Duplantis. I've even worked with ministries like Benny Hinn.

Speaker 1:

Now, I don't agree with every pastor and everything that they say. Some of the pastors I even like a lot don't have the same point of view that I do, because I feel that the Holy Spirit began to show me things other than what I learned at Bible school and what I actually learned throughout my life. By talking to other Christians and doing Christian events and being around others, you begin to learn more and learn more, and then you find the people who are around you or who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who have this knowledge, you suck it up like a sponge, and that's kind of what happened to me, because that's why I got interested in the book of Revelations, because here, after having this near-death experience and it was an insight into the spiritual realm that a living person doesn't get to have does that make sense? I mean, I don't know how to explain it any other way than, uh, you know saying, hey, you don't fully understand death until you've experienced it, and not everybody on the earth has. Many people have, and many people come back with horror stories. And you know, I went to hell and came back. Maybe they did. Maybe they did. Maybe because they weren't born again, they did go to hell and maybe they did get a glimpse of hell and got to come back because they realized that that was where they were going to spend eternity.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you, but I want to spend my eternity in paradise and with Jesus. I don't want to spend it with a bunch of my friends that I knew from the bar. Okay, I would rather sit at the wedding supper of the Lamb than going to Mark Zuckerberg's wedding or Bill Gates' wedding or Jeff Bezos' wedding. Okay, I wouldn't go to their weddings, but I certainly will go to Jesus's. And if you're invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb, you are so lucky and it's not just luck, but you're one in out of all the Christians. A very small group is going to sit at that table. Now there are going to be the people who are left behind. What happens to them? What do you think is going to happen to people once Jesus comes and raptures the church and takes them out and it's not the whole church, because I guarantee there are going to be members of the church that are left behind what do you believe would happen? Maybe everything turning upside down?

Speaker 2:

Visually, that's what comes to mind.

Speaker 1:

Visually, that's what comes to mind. Well, if these two witnesses are so important in the final days and they get killed.

Speaker 2:

Don't you think that's going to create some hysteria, To say the?

Speaker 1:

least. Well, yeah, because it's visible to the world. How is it going to be visible to the world? These people are going to be so important. There are going to be TV cameras all over them. Why? Because they're going to be the two most powerful people on the planet and the devil can't mess with them. That doesn't mean he can't point a TV camera at them. He's just not going to be able to kill him until their ministry is finished, and that's three and a half years. So, once the two witnesses come on the scene, we got three and a half years to basically tighten up, but we don't even know who these guys are yet. Has their ministry started already? I don't know. Has their ministry started already? I don't know. But I can tell you this I think one of them is one of the most powerful people in the world right now, right this very minute, not later. He's not somebody coming down the road, he's somebody already on the scene, somebody already powerful, somebody about ready to get a whole lot more powerful.

Speaker 1:

Would you want to mess with somebody who was anointed by God? Would you try and stop him, especially if the guy was called the Trump of God? If the guy was called the Trump of God. What would you do? What would you do if the Trump of God was after you? You want to know what I would do. I'd go find a bunker somewhere. I don't know if you realize who I'm talking about. Who is this Trump of God? Who do you think the Trump of God would be? I mean, it's listed in the Word of God. I didn't make this up.

Speaker 1:

Who is that trumpet messenger? Who do you think it is? Who do you think is one of the most powerful men in the world? Regardless of what anyone else says? Who would that be? Who sways millions of people and has done it recently? Who would that be? Do you know? Of course you do. You know exactly who it is. I don't even have to tell you. It's not even hard to guess.

Speaker 1:

Go read the book of Revelations. Go read chapter 11. Go read it for yourself. Go read about the voice of the archangel. Go read about the trumpet of God. Go read about the trump of God. Depending on the Bible that you read from, it says two different things either the trump of God or the trumpet of God. Go read about the trump of God. Depending on the Bible that you read from, it says two different things either the trump of God or the trumpet of God, but they basically mean the same thing. But who could the trump of God possibly be? Who is this powerful figure? Who's this? Who?

Speaker 1:

I talked about the vice president. I said the vice president's going to be a preacher in her own right. And, yes, I said a woman. That's going to be the most powerful woman that has ever been in politics, not simply because she knows politics, but because she knows the word of God. And if you're going to have somebody next to you, that's going to be your vice president. Do you want somebody who's stabbed you in the back already, or are you going to want somebody that goes by the word of God and stands by the 10 commandments and is against abortion?

Speaker 1:

Why should we be against abortion? Abortion, why should we be against abortion? Simple, it's human sacrifice. That's why, blunt and in your face, if you've got the guts to kill your child while it's still in you, you're beyond evil. Now, I do believe that if a mother is going to die because she's carrying a child, there are certain provisions. I don't believe that any woman should get pregnant due to rape and we do have to make these provisions. I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone in my family, but to purposely go out and abort your child, kill your child for what? Because you couldn't take care of what you were responsible for. Now, I do understand young people having babies, and there are a lot of young people that do have babies. Okay, and they've raised them and they're very good at it. Young people aren't stupid. Today they can learn anything they need to learn right off their phone.

Speaker 1:

Why can't you raise a child? When I raised my child, I didn't get a set of instructions. There is no set of instructions for raising your child. You either raise your child right or you don't. My suggestion is to raise your child knowing the Ten Commandments, and the best way to do that is to put them in all the schools. To put Bibles back in the school. Why, if you're going to have all these other books, why shouldn't you have the Bible? If you have satanic books, if you have Harry Potter, why shouldn't you have the Bible in your schools? Because you don't want them. And your children are turning out like well, you see what's happening with your children. They either turn out good or they don't turn out good, and it really doesn't have anything to do with the Bible either. It's how you raise them.

Speaker 1:

I would like to see people understand prophecy a little more, and prophecy is I'm not talking about anything that I've said. I'm talking about what's in the Bible. Understanding what's in the Bible is what's so extremely important, and it's very hard to understand the Bible, particularly the book of Revelations, unless you're filled with the Holy Spirit. People don't know what that is. When you go into churches today, oh, they'll talk about the Holy Ghost, this and that, and kids get scared. Because when you talk about the Holy Ghost, the little kid kids like oh, I don't want the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 1:

It's not the Holy Ghost, it's the Holy Spirit. It's part of the Trinity of God. It's one of the personalities of God. God has three different personalities. One is God the Father. He's the one of all authority. And then you have God the Son. He's the one of all authority. And then you have God the Son. He's the one that's your buddy, that walks with you, who's your brother, and then you've got the Holy Spirit. That's the one that delivers godly education, godly wisdom.

Speaker 1:

That's the one that tells you which way to go when you're at a crossroad in your life and you ask God to come into your life and tell you which way to go. It's the Holy Spirit. You ask God to come into your life and tell you which way to go. It's the Holy Spirit's going to come and tell you. People ask me, they go. Well, how do you know who's the word of God and how do you know whether it's the devil? You know that's a very good question in itself because, believe it or not, the devil sounds very goddish. I happen to be 100% deaf and a lot of people don't know this. When you're deaf, you can hear two voices. Do you want to know what the two voices are? What do you think the two voices are, sir?

Speaker 1:

Devil and an angel Devil and God himself devil and an angel or devil in god himself, because god is going to if, if god knows, you can't hear the word, he's going to give you the word inside your head, even if you're deaf, believe it or not. You want to know how. I know because I'm 100 deaf and when I was completely deaf and didn't have my cochlear implants, by the way, I got healed from being deaf. So when you talk to somebody who is 100% deaf and then they got healed and they can hear again, you got to believe in miracles. Do I believe in miracles? Yes, because I asked the Holy Spirit to heal me. I asked the Holy Spirit to take over my life and get me what I needed in order to get my hearing back. And so, yeah, I believe in the Holy Spirit and I also believe in healing and I believe in miracles.

Speaker 1:

Many people don't. They don't believe in miracles because they never see miracles. Well, that's what you're about ready to see with the two witnesses. The two witnesses are about ready to do miracles all over the place. They're practicing right now, and not only is it the two witnesses, but I think that the person that's going to be the vice president of the United States is going to be able to give biblical direction to the United States that we've never had in history, because of the simple fact that she knows the Bible so well. You're probably wondering how I know I know this person knows the Bible so well. It's because she was one of my Bible college professors. She was one of my Bible college professors. She taught me and I spent hundreds of hours in her classes listening to her speak, and I have a pretty good understanding of why I believe that she will be one of the best vice presidents we've ever had. And I'm speaking long before anybody else knows about it. Nobody knows about who I'm about ready to tell you who it is. They have no clue. Donald Trump hasn't told anybody. He tells everybody every night oh, I don't know. I've got a short list, but I haven't told anybody. He means it. He means it because this person is going to make such an impact when he announces who it is and nobody is it's going to be like totally out of left field.

Speaker 1:

Do you realize that there are 210 million people in the United States that claim to be Christian? People in the United States that claim to be Christian. What if you got 210 people together to all vote in unison because you gave them something that was appealing to them. What would be appealing to Christianity? Somebody who knew the word of God, wouldn't it? Christianity, somebody who knew the word of God, wouldn't it? Would that make sense to you, sir? It would, wouldn't it? Yes, yes, it would. Have you ever thought of that? Have you ever thought of somebody who really knew the word of God running our country instead of somebody who was just trying to collect money or somebody who was trying to better themselves at the expense of the United States? That's all we've had lately. We've had people who have tried to better themselves off of the United States. The one thing we had when we had Donald Trump. We had somebody who was already the best. He didn't have to better himself by taking money from the government, and a lot of people go. Oh well, people stayed in his hotels and this, and that he was going to rent those rooms. Anyhow, donald Trump was going to make a lot of money in his hotels, in his clubs, anyhow.

Speaker 1:

The presidency didn't help Donald Trump financially. What did he get out of it? What was he doing it for? I'll tell you why he was doing it because God told him to. Why else? Why else would somebody give up a life of luxury, a life of freedom could go anywhere he wanted and everybody loved him.

Speaker 1:

I grew up in Palm Beach County. Donald Trump used to go to nightclubs with his friends and every, even though he only drank a Diet Coke. But he used to go to nightclubs with his friends and every, even though he only drank a Diet Coke. But he used to go to nightclubs and have fun with all the people that were with him and sit in the VIP booth. He loved all that. People loved Donald Trump around. He had that freedom. He used to go to any restaurant that he wanted, but most of the time he wanted to go to his own club, and I don't blame him.

Speaker 1:

If you've ever seen Mar-a-Lago, you'd want to be there too. I tell you what getting invited to Mar-a-Lago is about the closest thing you could get to being invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb. That's about as close as you're going to get. The White House doesn't even hold a candle to Mar-a-Lago. Most people don't have any idea that I grew up in Palm Beach. I've been around Mar-a-Lago all my life and a lot of people think that just because people have money, that they are rude, wasteful, nasty. Well, that's not true. You'll find most of the wealthy people in Palm Beach are actually very, extremely nice, very generous. Some of the most generous people in the world. Don't believe it? Ask the Red Cross. They do a Red Cross ball every year in Palm Beach. I think they even used to do it at Mar-a-Lago before Donald Trump ran for president.

Speaker 1:

Everybody who loved Donald Trump in the social world turned his back on him, even close friends, a lot of them. Why? Because the Democratic Party told him to. It wasn't that they didn't like Donald Trump, it was like oh, all of a sudden, our democracy will be gone. Well, to me and correct me if I'm wrong, we have a constitutional republic, we don't have a democracy. So what is this democracy everybody's talking about? I would really like to know that.

Speaker 1:

If somebody could explain how 51% is the rule, because once you get that 51% by bringing in illegal aliens, then you're locked into the 51% forever and ever and ever. But it's not really ever and ever. We're in the final days. Remember, this is not forever. This is today. I'm not talking about some day in the future. I'm not talking about some event that's going to go on.

Speaker 1:

Hey, listen, already we've got Donald Trump putting videos on top of Kid Rock's concerts, welcoming Kid Rock and trying to bring America together through rock and roll. I got no problem with that. Let's bring America together with rock and roll and the Bible. People go. Well. How does rock music fit into the Bible? Well, I tell you what.

Speaker 1:

There are a lot of people who like rock and roll, who are born again Christians and filled with the Holy Spirit. I can tell you that right now, because we grew up on it, we can't sit there and knock one guy or the other. Does that make sense? If you truly believed that Donald Trump was the right guy to be president, wouldn't you do all you could to make him all he could be? Of course you would, and you know what.

Speaker 1:

We can even forgive Bud Light. You know why we can forgive Bud Light? Because we're Christians, and that's what we do. We forgive just because a person sins goes. Well, I will tell you this we all fall short of the glory of God, every single one of us. There isn't one of us that can pick up a stone and throw one at the other, because we are all in this together. What are we in together, we all fall short of the glory of God. That's what we're in together, so we all need Jesus. This is where we need Jesus in the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

Does that mean go to church? Yeah, if that's where you're going to find Jesus, go to church, but make sure you go to the right church. And what is the right church? Church that's filled with the Holy Spirit, one that's going to ask you at the end of their service do you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? And if that church isn't going to ask you if you want to accept Jesus Christ, what was the point in you being there in the first place if you don't know Jesus?

Speaker 1:

A lot of people in church today act like they see somebody new in church and act like they're invaders. They don't ask them to come into the kingdom. That's the whole point and purpose of the church today is to ask people to come into the kingdom of heaven and, I believe, to also ask the Holy Spirit to come into their life. Why is the Holy Spirit so important? Because that's where you get your direction from. That's where you get your divine intervention. And you know why the Lord's table is so important to me?

Speaker 1:

Because, like Anthony Bourdain, I lived the kitchen confidential life. I really did. I was on drugs, I was working as a celebrity chef in think that they want to live when you're like a rock star, when you're a celebrity chef, a rock star, an actor, a movie, a producer, people in the media a lot of them do drugs. Why, well, long hours, this, that, whatever excuse you want to throw at yourself Does it give you energy? Sure, it does, but it destroys your life. How does it destroy your life? Simple, it allows Satan to come in and put a wedge in between you and God. That's what drugs and alcohol do.

Speaker 1:

Am I against drugs and alcohol? Am I against marijuana and all these things? I believe that there is a place for drugs. If you're in absolute pain and you need opioids, look what else are you going to do? I do understand that. But there is a difference between treating your medical issue and going out and getting high to get high. When you're doing cocaine, you're not doing cocaine to be social. You're doing cocaine because you're on drugs and you have no place in being in front of a camera. And you have no place in being in front of a camera, and yet we see a lot of our politicians, all coked out on camera and people who know what it looks like when people are on cocaine, sit there and go. You see that. You see that. You see that. Do you see his eyes? How about those eyes? Huh, yeah, how about that word salad that's coming out of your mouth, saying all these fancy lawyer words but don't mean a thing.

Speaker 1:

Am I of super high education? Well, I tell you what? As an executive chef, I'm pretty educated. As far as the academic world goes, not so much, but I did study the bible and I can read and I am filled with the holy spirit and I am born again and I am doing what I can for God. You may think, well, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, he's not doing anything for God. Well then, I don't know how I wound up here, because it wasn't by my own doing, it was by God. And if you believe any different, that's okay. We all have our different opinions on how Christ operates and to some people he operates different than others.

Speaker 1:

Not everybody gets born again and filled with the Holy Spirit all at the same time, because if you're not around people who don't understand it, then how is it going to happen and people go. Well, I don't want to be one of those people that talk all that gibberish. You want to know what the gibberish is. It's called praying in tongues, and a lot of people don't realize that's the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit and you don't find that in every church today. That in every church today Does that make sense? So now, when you ask what is the difference between the bride of Christ and those basically left behind, I hate to put it that way, but that's basically what it's going to be, and the difference will be the ones who are filled with the Holy Spirit. And when the body of Christ, when the bride of Christ, part of the body of Christ, is taken away, the Holy Spirit's going with it and that's what's going to create the chaos, because the Holy Spirit leaves with who.

Speaker 1:

The Holy Spirit filled Christians and we're also taking the people who died in Christ out of the ground. We see that in the chapter 11 of the book of Revelations and we also see that in 1 Thessalonians 4. We see that that's where the people were asleep in Christ and they rise when the trump of God, the final trumpet, is sounded, and you want to be at that table. You want to be one of the people invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb, and you want to be invited because that means you've made the rapture. Means you made the rapture. Do you really believe that just everybody who said Jesus is my Lord and Savior is going to get raptured? I don't think so. That's why we have the left behind. That's why, when that movie was made, it shook a lot of people up. It shook them up because it said hey, you know, you think you're such a great Christian because you go to church every Sunday and you pray every Sunday, and you do this every Sunday. But wait a minute, what happened? You're a Christian, you asked Jesus to come into your life, but what happened? Why am I left behind? Because you weren't filled with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

And that is what the 10 virgins story is all about. Because the 10 virgins had the oil. Five of the 10 virgins had the oil. They all had oil, but some were prepared and were full of oil. The others didn't have oil. And do you know what the five virgins said to the virgins that had no oil in their lamp? Because they came to them and they said hey, look, can we have some of your oil? Can we have some of that, you know? Can we have a little of what you got here at the last minute? Can we have a little bit of that oil you got? No, you can't. But what you can do is you can go to the people who sell oil in the middle of the night and go buy yourself some oil. You do have money, don't you? In other words, you're prepared right. How are you going to get to heaven unless you're prepared, unless you're full of oil? This is the one thing that you're not going to hear about in church, because they don't want to scare everybody off.

Speaker 1:

If everybody started praying in churches where there was no Holy Spirit, then people would start freaking out. If you had a little congregation over here, they would literally ask you to leave in some churches. If you were praying in tongues in the middle of church. There is a difference between praying in tongues and speaking in tongues. When you speak in tongues and you do it in public, you must have an interpreter. That means somebody that can take the words that came out of your mouth and make sense out of it. You see, when you pray in tongues, you're praying directly to the Holy Spirit, you're going straight to God. Nobody knows what you're saying, not even yourself, because it's your spirit that knows. And that's why being filled with the Holy Spirit is so important and that's why, when you go back to the older pastors, like Billy Joe Doherty and TL Osborne and Oral Roberts and people like that, they're filled with the Holy Spirit. They believe in healing, they believe not only in.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people go. Oh well, those people are all about the finances. Well, let me tell you something Until you know what it's like to run a television studio, to run a church, to run a school, to run that air conditioning and pay the bills that have to be paid in a church, yes, it takes money and the Bible tells us give and it'll be given to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Well, the funny thing is is I'm not a pastor, I don't have a church, I'm not taking donations, but that's what the Bible says. Do I give? I try, I try and give all the time. To who? To people that do things for me, to my waiter. How about starting with your waiter? A lot of people come out of church.

Speaker 1:

When I was going to Bible school in Tulsa people dreaded Sunday at 1230. All the waiters and waitresses across Tulsa were dreading all the people getting out of church and leaving a 10% tip In other words, under what a standard tip would be and then they would leave a little track and go oh, you need Jesus. No, I need some money because I live here on this earth and you just came from an hour service where at least five minutes of that service was about giving, giving. It'll be given to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over without measure, okay. And the people that understand giving in the church guess what? Those are the ones that prosper. A lot of people talk about pastors who have jets, who have this, have that and everything else, but they forget that these people also give these things. They give cars, they give money, they give food, they give education.

Speaker 1:

The pastor I'm talking about, who is absolutely one of the best givers I've ever seen and does more for people than anyone else, is the person I believe Donald Trump is going to pick as his vice president, for the simple reason is she has a 100% proven track record of doing for the people, and that's what we need right now. We need somebody. You like to go to the internet and look people up. When you look this person up and you go see what she's done and how many countries she's recognized in around the world for her ministry work and for her good deeds and for her healings and for the things that she's done by feeding people and getting them medical care, clothing, schooling, wouldn't that be impressive to have somebody who has a track record of doing that, on top of combining with somebody who has a track record of keeping our economy way over and above everyone else in the rest of the world. Wouldn't that be something? Not only would we know somebody who knew how to do business, but we would have somebody who knew the Bible.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to tell you who this person is, but not right away, because I want you to listen to me again. I want you to go. How am I going to get hold of what that guy is about? Ready to tell me? Because Donald Trump hasn't even said it yet. But I assure you this will be on the air before he picks this person. But he's going to pick the person not because I said so, but because God said so.

Speaker 1:

You don't pick God's anointed. He does. How could we pick Donald Trump? We didn't pick Donald Trump. God anointed that man. And if you don't believe, donald Trump got anointed by the Holy Spirit and that God actually gave him the presidency once before and gave him the insight of what was going on in the government so that, when he was the president, during the final days before Jesus Christ returns, to take the bride of Christ out of here, don't you think we need somebody strong in position to do that, somebody who's being guided by not just himself or his own natural experience, but by the Holy Spirit? Wouldn't that make a difference in your life if God began to pour the blessings out on the United States?

Speaker 1:

The church has been waiting for a financial outpouring, and there's a reason for that Because in the final days, we're going to have to prepare. What does that mean? We may have to store up food. We may have to have vehicles to get from one place to the other. War may break out.

Speaker 1:

We just had 400,000 people come into the state of Florida. We don't know who these people are. The federal government just allowed them to come in and we don't know who they are or what their intentions are, or why they're here or who's paying them. We know we're paying them. We know the taxpayers are paying them, but why? Maybe because they're going to join our military, a lot of them. Maybe they've already signed up. A lot of them. Maybe they've already signed up Because you know, if you're an illegal immigrant and you sign up in the military, you get your citizenship. This makes a lot of sense. We have a lot of military bases.

Speaker 1:

Where are all these people at? Where are they? I don't know. Are they living next door to you? What about when they cut them off from their cash flow? They think it's a never-ending cash flow. And then one day the government says oh no check for you. And when you get the no check for you, it's oh no. What do I do? What are you going to do? Yeah, I'm talking to you. I'm talking directly to you. You may not understand my language Get an interpreter, but I'm talking to you. What are you going to do when the government cuts your check off? You know what you're going to do. You're going to do what anybody else who's in survival mode is going to do, wouldn't you think I know?

Speaker 2:

what I'd do?

Speaker 1:

You had children to feed and then all of a sudden you're getting a check and then, all of a sudden, that money gets cut off. And then you've got that eviction notice on the door and they're not fooling, because the cops are coming and knocking the door down and you're out on the street with your four kids you just brought from some other country and now you're stuck on the street in a tent. What are you going to do? You're going to go full on OG. That's what you're going to do. You're going to go full on OG. That's what you're going to do. You're going to get down and dirty. You're going to get nasty. You're going to take. You're going to rip, rob and steal. That's what you're going to do. Ain't that right? Isn't that what's on the back of your mind? Oh, and, by the way, to those that I'm not talking to, that way you better get ready, because those people ain't fooling. They're coming for your cash money. They're coming for your food. When they run out of food, they're coming for yours. Why? Because you got it, because you prepared. So what are you going to do? Are you going to go to your bunker? Well, how long are you going to live underground.

Speaker 1:

No, we're going to solve this problem immediately when Donald Trump gets elected, because what do you think is going to happen when he gets elected? Don't you think the world's going to turn upside down for a moment in America? I believe it will. I believe wholeheartedly that things will get bad in places. But remember this the people who claim to have the democracy only have the democracy because the other people aren't band together yet and some of those other people are very well prepared, and that's why the government's talking about people who were in the military, who are now considered domestic terrorists, even people who are Christians. I guess now I'll be labeled as a Christian domestic terrorist, but not really, because I'm not trying to start a revolution. I'm trying to tell you about Jesus Christ. Jesus started that revolution, not me, and he did start the revolution and, believe me, it's coming to a close very quickly, faster than you think.

Speaker 1:

And yes, donald Trump will be president again. And yes, donald Trump will have a female running mate who happens to be a born-again Holy Spirit-filled pastor who believes in pro-life, 100% pro-life. And she's dealt with Planned Parenthood. She's dealt with satanic people who are all about aborting their children. Satanic people who are all about aborting their children. If you believe abortion is good, there's something spiritually wrong with you.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not talking about emergency surgeries. I'm not talking about true health care. How do you call killing your child health care? That's what I'd like to know, and, if you can answer that question, how it's healthcare to kill your child while it's still inside of you? And that was the choice you made.

Speaker 1:

You had a lot of other choices to make. You could have wore a condom, or the man could have wore a condom, or you could have worn a condom, for that matter. You could have taken pills, but even pills today, you're still going to take the possibility of collecting one of the multi-gazillion venereal diseases. So why are you going to open yourself up to that in the first place? That's one of the things that God tells you in the Ten Commandments not to do, so why do it? Then you don't have to worry about abortion, and when I talk about using a condom, that's only being practical, that's not being Christian. Being Christian tells you don't do it at all unless you're married and planning on having children and raising a family and being good to them. Are you going to bring God into your children's life? Look, we can't force God, we can't force Jesus on our children, but what we can do is allow them to have an understanding who Jesus is.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to close today with asking each and every one of you to do something that you may not have ever done before, even though you may have gone to church, you may have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, but you haven't asked the Holy Spirit to come into your life. I would like to ask each and every one of you to pray along with me because, even though I'm not a preacher, I feel that, if you're going to serve God, one of the best things that you can do is bring people into the kingdom of heaven. And if I spend this time talking to you, don't give you the opportunity to enter the kingdom of heaven and have the Holy Spirit come into your life that I've wasted my time. So if you would, if you'd like to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, if you would like to be filled with the Holy Spirit, repeat after me, even if it's under your breath, even if you're at work, even if you're hearing this driving down the street, doesn't matter. Say this little prayer Dear Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've broken a lot of rules. I've broken the Ten Commandments. I've definitely fallen short of the glory of God, like this guy was talking about. But, jesus, I want you in my life, I want you to be part of my life. I want you to come into my heart and cover my sins with your blood. As they say, by covering me with your blood, god can't see my sin. So, jesus, I would like for you to be my Lord and Savior and Holy Spirit. I know you're there and I would like for you to come into my life and guide me and send me to the places that I'm supposed to go, whether it's Bible school, whether it's church, whether it's to see a friend who needs Jesus in their life.

Speaker 1:

And you're now able to go and tell people about Jesus. Yes, you have the authority now, if you've said that prayer, to tell other people about Jesus, christ and the Holy Spirit. And I ask you, don't hold back. Tell your children about Jesus, tell your children about the rapture or the taking away, tell them about the Holy Spirit. That you don't quite understand it yet, but you will Ask the Holy Spirit tonight, before you go to sleep, to give you divine intervention in the things in your life that you need taking care of, like I needed divine intervention when I was completely deaf and now I hear again. So if you need some hope, call on the Holy Spirit, call on your brother Jesus Christ, and call on God, the Father Almighty. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Joseph Burgess and I hope you enjoyed our broadcast.

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