The Mompreneur Mindset Podcast

S3EP2-Harnessing the Power of AI in Your Business

β€’ Gianna Diggs β€’ Season 3 β€’ Episode 2

Calling all mompreneurs! In this empowering solo episode, we're diving into the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can revolutionize your business. πŸš€ As moms juggling the many demands of family life and entrepreneurship, efficiency, and productivity are essential. And guess what? AI is here to support you on your journey!

Join me as I dispel common misconceptions surrounding AI tools, discuss the incredible ways AI can supercharge your business operations, and share insights on selecting the perfect AI solution tailored to your unique needs. πŸ§ πŸ’‘

In this episode I discuss:

  • {02:09} Myths about using AI in your business
  •  {03:56} Ways you can use AI in your business + examples
  •  {07:24} How to choose the best AI tools for your business
  • {09:24} A special invitation to work with Gianna and her Enertically Aligned content co-creation system

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Check out (this is my referral link)
Want to learn more about the Energetically Aligned content co-creation system? Check out a demo here or head to

Ways to Work With Gianna:

Interested in learning more about the Energetically Aligned Content Co-Creation System? Head to for more information.

You can also watch a demo or book a FREE Voxer call here.

Connect With Gianna Online:

Gianna Diggs:

So conversations about ai, tools such as Chat, G P T are everywhere from social media ads to books, courses, and even memberships. But is this really the answer to your business needs? Stick around because we are going to talk about it in today's episode. Welcome back to the Preneur Mindset Podcast. I am your host Gianna Diggs, and I'm so excited to be here today. In today's episode, we're gonna discuss how using artificial intelligence in your business can help benefit you, especially as a busy mom entre. So today's episode is a little different cuz it's not something that I would normally talk about on the show. But since one of my strengths is finding tools that helped me in my life and my business, um, make it easier and then sharing it with others, I decided, you know, why not do this episode? So we're going to dispel myths about AI tools, talk about ways you can use it in your business, and I'll give you some tips on selecting the right AI tools for your needs. and if after you listen to this episode, you still feel like using AI in your business will be too much for you, I may have a solution and we'll talk about that at the end. Okay, let's get into it. So first, let's dispel some myths and misunderstandings about AI tools in your business. So myth number one, AI will take away jobs. So this is probably the most common fear that I've seen when it comes to using AI in your business. Now, I'm not gonna lie and say that everyone's job will be safe, right? Some jobs are going to be replaced by automation. However, AI can also create new opportunities for businesses and employees. For example, tasks like data entry and customer service inquiries can. All be very tedious and can take up a lot of your time. That can actually be used to focus more on creative and strategic activities. So using AI tools can help free up your time and give you more creative freedom. And I'll also mention that AI tools that I use personally are as good as the information that you give them. So basically what that means is you, the human plus the AI tool is what makes using these tools beneficial for your. All right. Myth number two. AI is too expensive for small businesses, so this is not necessarily true. Yes, there are some high priced AI tools out there, but many AI tools offer cost effective options for entrepreneurs looking to get started with AI without breaking the bank. And I also want to mention that many of these tools pay for themselves in the long run because they make you more efficient and productive, which can help increase your profits in the long run. Okay, Myth number three, AI tools are too complicated to use. So AI tools have come a long way in terms of user experience and usability, and so most AI tools are extremely user-friendly and easy to use, even if you don't have much technical knowledge. So don't let this myth stop you from learning more about AI and exploring the possibilities in your business. And so now that we've dispelled some myths about using artificial intelligence, let's talk about some ways you can use it in your business. So number one, automate customer service. So as online business owners, right, we receive questions and inquiries on our website, you know, in our email inboxes, and even in our dms all the time, right? And I don't know about you, but I, I don't have all the time to be constantly responding to people, right? So one AI tool that can free up your time or your team's time answering. Commonly asked questions are chat bots. And you can program them to respond to customer inquiries in a timely manner. And they can also provide personalized recommendations based on the user's needs. And this is actually a win-win because your clients and customers receive quick answers to their questions without waiting long, and you don't have to make yourself available 24 7. So some good examples that you can check out are, many chat drift chatfuel. And this one is actually for social media platforms like Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram and HubSpot. So the second way that you can use AI tools in your business is for data analytics. So through the use of these tools, you can quickly turn your data into actionable insights that can guide your business decisions. And this is because you'll be able to access powerful predictive capabilities to identify trends, patterns, and correlations in your data. And so these tools will help you to uncover information about your clients or your customers and other data points so that you are better prepared to make informed decisions that are in alignment with your goals. And so some data, an analytic AI tools that you can check out are, are Google Analytics, of course, which will tackle your website's performance over time. Palmer, which powers your spreadsheet with AI in order to analyze, data and understand it better. Google Cloud and monkey learn. So another way you can use, AI tools in your business is that you can u use it for content creation. And so this by far is my favorite way to use AI because it can really help you create high level content efficiently and effectively. And so you'll be able to get more done in less time. And I don't know about you, but I, that's something I definitely want. So some content, you'll be able to create our blog, post topic ideas, outlines, and even full blog posts, headlines, email campaigns, newsletters, video topic ideas, script outlines, video titles, podcast episode scripts, descriptions, and even show notes. And you'll be able to take a transcript from a video or a podcast and ask for its key points, which you can then turn into a short form video script for TikTok, YouTube shorts, or Instagram and Facebook. And you can write your captions for social media posts, scripts for Facebook and or Instagram live. Write Pinterest titles and descriptions, you know, Twitter threads, LinkedIn posts, and even add copy for Facebook and Instagram. And you can use it to make website copy and sales page copy or landing page copy, right? You need a metadata, description. These AI tools can help you with that as well. And so the point is, is that AI tools will not only help you generate top quality content that is relevant to your audience, but you can also do it in alignment with your brand voice and even your energetic Blueprint and so some AI tools that you can use to help you create content are chat, G P T, copy ai, and my ultimate favorite AI tool, Jasper ai. Okay. So now that we've dispelled some myths that are out there about ai, talked about some reasons why you should use AI in your business and gave some examples of these AI tools, it's time to talk about how to choose the best AI tool for your business. So number one, decide why you need the AI tool. So there are so many AI tools out there that can help you effectively run your business, and you can easily decide that you pretty much need them. All right? And so decide what area would benefit from utilizing AI tools even before you start to look into them. So for example, if you know that you struggle with content creation, investing in an AI tool that helps you create content like Jasper, or Chat G P t, can help you be consistent in your content creation system. And then number two, research your options. So once you've decided what area of your business will benefit the most from using AI tools, research your options. So in this episode, I gave you 12 different AI tools that you can use in your business. And trying to select the best tools can really be overwhelming, right? So when researching different tools, you can narrow your choices based on the features and the price point. And also reading reviews from other customers will be helpful because they give you an inside look into how well a particular tool works and what kind of customer experience that they've had. And so number three, talk with other entrepreneurs. So another great way to choose the AI tool for your business is really to talk to those who have used them before. So chances are someone in your network has already used an AI tool that could benefit your business. So act around and get their honest feedback about their experience as well. And this will give you an even better idea of what type of tool would work best for your unique needs. And, Okay. And number four, reach out directly to the company. So this is actually a bonus tip, but if all else fills when you're trying to decide which AI tool to, to utilize in your business, test the product out first. So, most companies offer the free trials or demo versions of their products so that you can get an idea of how they work before committing to anything long term. So, utilize these demos if available as they will help you get more insight into whether or not a particular AI tool is right for your business needs. So if you've listened to this episode and are still not convinced that utilizing AI tools in your business can make things easier for you, or you've tried to use AI tools like Chat, G P T, and you've tried to use, different prompts to create content, but the results weren't that great, so you decided that AI tools wasn't for you. I actually have a solution for you. Right? So it's a brand new offer called the energetically Aligned Content Co-Creation, done with you service that I am now accepting applications for. And so the energetically Aligned Content co-creation system is a process of creating content that aligns with your energetic blueprint as determined by your natal chart and your human design body graph. And so it takes into account your dream clients and how you want to serve them, your energy and my strategies, processes and knowledge, and then puts it into my favorite AI writing assistant, Jasper. And so this allows us to co-create content that speaks to you and your audience and flows easily and effortlessly. And this isn't just another coaching service, it's also a personalized support system designed to help you meet your specific business goals. As you'll also get access to Voxer coaching where you can ask questions and get feedback. And I'll also share additional resources and encouragement. So if you want to create content that aligns with your energy, So if you wanna create content that aligns with your energetics and would prefer someone to utilize AI writing tools for you, this service might actually be a great fit for you. So if you'd like to watch a demo of me explaining what energetic content creation is, watch me create a blog post and other forms of content or apply, head over to my website at for more information, and I'll also link that in the show notes. All right, loves that is all I have for you today. I hope I have inspired you to test out some AI tools in your business. I will see you in the next.