The Mompreneur Mindset Podcast

S3EP3-How to Use Moon Manifesting in Your Business with Kyra Howearth

Gianna Diggs Season 3 Episode 3

For centuries, the moon has been a symbol of power and mystery. From ancient civilizations to modern-day space exploration, the moon has captivated and empowered people for centuries. It has been used for everything from tracking time and planting crops to serving as a beacon for night-time travel. But did you know that you can use the power of the moon to manifest success in your life and business?

In this week’s guest episode, I interview Kyra Howearth,  a business astrologer and moon manifesting mama, hailing all the way from the land down under, Australia. In this episode, Kyra dives deep into the world of moon manifesting, discusses common mistakes people make, shares tips on how to use the moon to manifest success in your business, and offers advice for mompreneurs who feel overwhelmed by the process.

Don't miss this insightful conversation on manifesting with the moon!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Moon manifesting works {03:36}
  • Common mistakes people make when manifesting with the moon {04:57}
  • How to use Moon manifesting in your business {09:01}
  • Examples of how Kyra successfully manifested with the Moon {13:00} 
  • Advice for mompreneur who is overwhelmed by learning how to use moon manifesting {17:16} 
  • Should you be intentional with your moon manifesting or more free? {19:04} 

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Gianna Diggs:

You are listening to the Mompreneur Mindset Podcast, a show that empowers you to create a business that's authentically yours. Say goodbye to stressful days, juggling multiple priorities, and feeling like you're never enough. I'm your host, Gianna Diggs, a certified Mindset coach and business guide for women and mom entrepreneurs. I'm here to empower, guide, and align you with the tools and the mindset needed to build a thriving business that's true to your purpose. In each episode, we'll explore strategies, tips, and success stories designed to help you rise above your obstacles and level up your Mompreneur game. So whether you're a first time entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, grab a cup of tea. Some quiet time away from the kids, and let's dive into the Mompreneur mindset together. Are you ready? Let's get into today's episode.

Welcome back to the Mompreneur Mindset Podcast. So before we get into today's episode, I want to remind you that applications are now being accepted for enrollment in my energetically aligned content creation system. So if you've been looking for an innovative way to create content that aligns with your energetic blueprint, then this service is gonna be a great fit for you. And so the energetically. Content co-creation system is a process that I developed that allows you to create content that speaks to your dream clients and how you want to serve them. Your energetic blueprint as determined by your natal chart and your human design body graph chart and my strategies, processes, and knowledge, and inputs it into our AI writing assistant Jasper. And not only that, but you'll also get access to Voxer coaching where you can ask questions and get feedback. So if you'd like to learn more about this service or apply head over to my website at, and I'll link that in the show notes as well. So now let's get into today's episode. So today I am thrilled to introduce you to my special guest, Kyra Howearth, who is an extraordinary business astrologer and moon manifesting mama. All the way from the beautiful land down under Australia. And so she brings the celestial wisdom of her Gemini Sun, Libra Moon and Scorpio rising to help fellow mompreneurs discover their true calling and harness the power of the cosmos to build successful businesses. And so in today's episode, we'll be diving into the fascinating world of moon manifesting. And so Kyra will be guiding us through the process and shining light on the common mistakes that people make and sharing some truly inspiring success, success stories. And so additionally, she'll be offering some invaluable advice for all of you entrepreneurs out there who feel overwhelmed by the idea of learning how to use moon manifesting to enhance your business. So if you wanna grab a cup of coffee or tea in a notebook and get ready to uncover the mysteries of the moon with enchanting Kyra Howearth. So let's get into the interview.

Gianna Diggs:

Hi, Kyra. Welcome to the show.


Hey, Gianna. It's so great to be here today.

Gianna Diggs:

So, I'm so excited about our talk today because, what you're gonna talk about is something that I have started to do, and I'm excited to share with our audience and we are gonna talk about manifesting with the moon. And like I said, I've, I've kind of started working with the moon a little bit more, in my life, in my business. So, I'm anxious to hear what you're gonna talk about. So my first question to you is what is Moon manifesting and like, explain how does it.


Yeah. Okay. So Moon manifesting, I define. Manifesting your goals, like really bringing your goals into reality by using the moon cycle as your guide. so how it works, I've written a whole book about moon manifesting, which really goes into detail about how to really u harness the energy of the moon. But in a nutshell, it's always starting at the New Moon, setting your intention, setting your goals at the New Moon, and then following a process. To bring those goals and intentions into your life, into your reality. so it's a very sort of magical way, I guess, of goal setting and getting what you want in life.

Track 1:

Oh, I love that. Because I think a lot of times with goal setting, it's always very masculine and I feel like when you bring the moon in it, you bring the feminine into it. Um, and so I love, you know, you starting with the New Moon and you kind of moving through the cycle. So, so that's kind of cool. So let's talk about, some pitfalls, right? When you're starting to manifest with the moon though, what are some common mistakes that someone could make, uh, like when they're trying to get started or even once they start, like, what mistakes can people make when they're manifesting with the moon?


Yeah, so the biggest mistake that I see people make when they start to manifest with the moon, and I definitely made the same mistake when I started, is that we tend to kind of set our intentions on the New Moon and expect for them to. Magically manifest. the reality is that it's not just going to magically manifest for you. You've got to do the work. so yeah, that's probably the biggest mistake, like setting those intentions and then forgetting about them and just waiting for them to manifest. yeah, there's, there's work involved. Um, and that's where the moon cycle. can be a really helpful guide because when you're working with those different phases after the New Moon, it guides you through the process of those things that you should be doing so that you can bring those intentions into your life. Um, so yeah, that's probably the biggest mistake I see, uh, is that. Yeah, that people feel like, yeah, it's just gonna manifest really magically. But yeah, there's that work involved. The other thing that I see is that sometimes we can get really sort of caught up in, uh, I guess expecting things to flow a certain way so we might feel, okay, I'm gonna set my intentions on this new moon. It's gonna manifest by the full moon, that sort of thing. I'm gonna do all this work and it's gonna happen. But sometimes the universe has a bigger plan for us, and I think sometimes we can like, you know, get really depressed or whatever, because you know, our goals aren't manifesting. Uh, yeah, that's, that's probably one of the other biggest mistakes I see people make is like, oh, you know, it didn't work. Moon manifesting doesn't work. But sometimes we just have to take a step back and kind of look at the bigger picture and maybe realize that, you know, this wasn't the right timing for that thing to manifest in your life. And yeah, just trust that the universe has a better plan for us.

Gianna Diggs:

I think it's because we, uh, we live in a, like, uh, instant gratification society and so um, you know, people, they want it now, but I, I think the first thought. as someone who, you know, I'm not as great as you are, but someone who tries to work with the moon is just thinking of it in terms of six months, right? Because you have like the new moon and then the full moon of the same sign is usually what, like six months later, right? So um, like that's the first thing that came to my mind when you said it. I was like, oh, well you know, it's cuz we want it now. But realistically speaking, culmination of your manifestations, you know, it doesn't have to take that long, but that cycle is usually what, like six months.


Yeah, and I'm glad that you brought that up because, uh, yeah. Sometimes like, something that I do see with people when they start Moon manifesting is that they'll set their intentions on the New Moon and expect for them to manifest by the full Moon. That falls only two weeks later after that New Moon. But like you said, like we have like the New Moon in. You know, whatever sign it is, uh, like we've just had the New Moon in Libra recently. so the intentions that you set at that New Moon, they may not manifest until the full moon in Libra six months later. And with that, that longer sort of outlook, it can really make it easier for those things to manifest rather than like that instant gratification, like what we're also used to in this day and age.

Track 1:

Right. Yeah, I'm glad you said that. Uh, cuz we it's so hard to just be like, okay, I want this thing. And then you are like, but where is this thing? Okay, universe, you know, I'm asking you for this thing still don't receive it. Um, so. I love the idea of, you know, knowing that, okay, we know there's gonna be a full moon and a new moon in the same sign at some point. Use that six months to really, that's when you can kind of see the culmination of the work that you, that you brought up earlier that you're doing. So now how could you use, moon manifesting in your business?


Oh my goodness. I, am like really obsessed with using Moon manifesting in my business. so apart from, uh, like what I do is like, you know, moon manifesting work, but I'm also a business astrologer, so I'm like so focused on business all the time. So whenever I'm like setting my new Moon intentions, you can be sure, without a doubt, there's something in there about my business. so. I remember last year something quite specific that I manifested with the moon. Uh, I had a podcast and I was like using a really dodgy microphone set up, and it just annoyed me so much and I was like, okay, I'm gonna manifest a new microphone for my podcast. And so that was like literally what I did. I sat down the new moon. I was like, okay, my intentions are to. a new microphone and uh, yeah, like I, I manifested that with the moon and, um, do you want me to walk you through exactly what I did with that Because that might be helpful.

Gianna Diggs:

Yes Yes Go


Yeah. So, um, I, and I think like, yeah, the story is gonna show you like exactly how moon manifesting can work. Like without like, you know, waiting for things to just magically manifest. I set those intentions, and then the next step is during the waxing crescent phase, is to plan, like, you know, do some research. look into what it is that you're going to manifest. So I did some research into the different, uh, podcast microphones, like what was recommended, read some reviews, looked at prices and stuff. And so I figured out, okay, I need to manifest. This much money, so I can buy this microphone that I want. And then I figured out, okay, this is how I can make this much money, whatever. Um, and then, uh, the first quarter moon, which is the next phase, is all about taking action. And so the most obvious action step was for me to just buy this microphone. I, by that stage, I had the money right there in my account and it was like, okay. I'm just gonna buy this microphone. And so I pretty much had it by the full moon, like from from the, uh, new Moon, uh, like, you know, setting those intentions. Two weeks later I literally had this microphone it was through setting, it was through like yeah, manifesting with the moon, even though I went out and bought it. I wouldn't have done that if I hadn't have, you know, sat down and set those intentions and went through this process of researching and everything so yeah, like that's a really practical way of how I use Moon manifesting in my business. Like, I think about like, the things I want in my business, like if there's a certain income level I wanna reach, or if there's new equipment I need, or a certain number of clients or whatever it might be, I'll set those intentions on the New Moon and follow that process through. So that I can yeah, get on track to manifesting.

Gianna Diggs:

I love that example cuz it's very practical and the whole time you were talking, I was thinking of how, um, in trying to look at Moon manifesting and maybe learn it from a few different people and think of like these huge, big things and just the culmination of how you use the phase of like, okay, this is what I want. Okay, this is how. Using this place, this phase to plan it and, you know, go through all the motions and now I actually have it, um, by the full moon. And that was, that's practical. And I, I love practical examples cuz I feel like, you know, people, there's a lot of people out there that use astrology use. Uh, moon Magic in their business. And at times I feel like they give all the examples, but it's not practical. So I'm very glad that you gave a very practical example. I was thinking. Are there any, other examples that you can u that you can give us, like success stories, maybe maybe planning a program or, um, something a little more, uh, you know, of course your podcast is a part of your business, but something else, like a program or a launch or something similar.


Yeah. Oh, wow. I, yeah. Really lost track of like all of the different things I've manifested. But one of the things that really stands out in my life, Was probably one of the first things that I manifested with the moon. And this was going back about six years ago now, and I was pregnant with my fourth baby. And as you know, like when you have kids, you need to get a bigger car, the bigger your family gets. And so I was driving like a little. Skyline, like a really tiny little five seater. And I was like, okay, I'm definitely not gonna fit all my kids in this car. I need to upgrade to a seven seater And so I set that intention on the New Moon and, um, yeah, just, you know, pretty much forgot about it went about my life. and I think later that week I was, driving along the main road in my town and there was this car for sale. It was a seven theater. It was exactly what I. and it was so cheap, and so I called my husband. I was like, oh, come have a look at this car whenever you drive past, see what you think. I didn't like, I wasn't like a hundred percent sure that was the car I needed. Anyway, so we're back home that afternoon. My husband home in this car. He'd literally just gone out and bought it, and it was just like, wow. Thanks to universe like it, it was just like literally like right there. As, as I was driving past, was exactly what I'd asked for. And, and then yeah, the universe just delivered. And so that was probably like the turning point in my life where I was like, you know, there's something in this moon manifesting when you ask for something. When you ask for what you want, then the universe will, you know, put it in your life somewhere and make it accessible for.

Gianna Diggs:

Yeah, I think the first thought was like the belief. um, the belief and also surrender is what two words came to mind when you Um, because I, I think that a lot of people, if they're not seeing it, it's like, oh, it doesn't work. And it's because one, they're not surrendering to the universe to say, you know what, this is what I want, and I, and I know you're gonna deliver it, so I'm gonna just let it be. Um, so they're either not doing that or they're just. you know, they can't, again, let it go and just let, let it flow. And they're thinking about it 24 7 and it's like on their mind and they're like, when is it gonna happen? And being crazy about it as opposed to just relaxing in their intention that they set that the universe is gonna deliver. Um, because I'm just like, wow, okay. You, you wanted a new car, you needed a bigger car. And it, and you got, and it came. And I think, um, you know, with manifesting in general, People are so, um, what's the word I'm trying to say? People can doubt it because they're, they're not realizing that their energy isn't aligning with what they if that makes sense. Right. Because there's like, cuz they want it so bad that they think because I want it so bad that they're gonna get it. But they're not surrendering to just let it happen. They're putting too much en energy like forcing it to happen instead of just letting it be



Gianna Diggs:

So I think that that's important that you said, you just, you said it and you forgot about it. I think that's the key, the key takeaway in in, in that story


Yeah. absolutely. Yeah. Surrendering and letting go is such an important part of the process because like you said, sometimes we get so caught up and it's like, oh my God, I want this. I want this now. Why isn't it here? And sometimes that missing part is just being able to let go and just be open to receiving in divine timing.

Track 1:

so. Let's, let's take it to that entrepreneur who, you know, she wants to get into Moon manifesting, um, but maybe she feels a little overwhelmed about how to use it because, you know, there's 50 million things out there about Moon manifesting you. You type it in an Amazon, you're gonna pull up a bunch of books, you type it in on Google, you're gonna get a bunch of. You know, results coming back. Um, I think we're moving in as a society into more spiritual energetic practices and at times that can be very overwhelming. So, what advice or tips would you give her for just how to take that first step? How to get started?


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So like I feel like Moon manifesting it can be like so complex. There can be so many layers for it, but for the absolute beginner, it's just as simple as finding out when it's the New Moon or you know, a day or two. Either side is fine. It doesn't have to be exact. And setting your intentions or setting your goals on the New Moon. Just like really feeling into your heart space, like what it is that, that you truly desire, rather than coming from like your head, from your ego, like anywhere else, just really tuning in. Uh, like meditating can be really helpful because you can just really tune into yourself yeah, write out your intentions in a journal. Write out your goals. And, and that's really, that's where I started when I began so many years ago. And that's it, it something magical just happened from that simple process of just taking out some time. Uh, like I put the kids to bed at night and I just created some space for myself for a little ritual. And that was simply it, like just writing out what it was that I truly desired. you know, you're just kind of sending out a wish to the universe. Um, and yeah, it just starts from there. It, it doesn't have to be overly complex. yeah, it's just as simple as setting your intentions.

Gianna Diggs:

Okay. I love that simplicity is, is key. So this question, I just, it just came to me. Um, it's not on the list of questions that I sent you, uh, but it's more, I think it's more for me, or anyone who kind of has started using the moon, but um, maybe they're not. Seeing the results exactly as they want. So usually I try to set the intention around maybe the area that the moon is activating. Um, do you do that or, or are you a little bit more free?


Yeah, so I absolutely take into account like the zodiac sign that the moon is in, as well as what house that's falling in on my chart. Um, so yeah, if you do know a bit more as of about astrology, then of course you can. some of those elements into setting your intentions. Uh, so for example, yeah, I'll use the last New Moon as an example, the New Moon and Libra, that, uh, you know, I, I tune into the Libra Energy, which. uh, you know, some of those themes are like relationships and support. So I was thinking about okay, intentions to do with that uh, because this, uh, new Moon fell in my 12th house. The 12th house in astrology is about like taking time off, resting, connecting with your deeper purpose. so, yeah, I was setting intentions about that too. So I was really using. those astrological as a guide. Um, but at the same time, like, you know, feeling into your heart, like regardless of what's going on, I, I feel like that's, that can be way more powerful rather than being like, okay, the moon's in this sign, so I've gotta set my intentions about this. Like, if it doesn't fill aligned to you, don't let that rule how you're setting your intentions. Like, tune in to what you, what you really wanna use this new moon energy for. Absolutely.

Gianna Diggs:

Okay, great. I'm glad. I'm glad you kind of said that cuz. It. Um, you know, as someone who's, who's done it before, I'm kind of like, uh, you know, I've had things come true, but also like that daunting thing of like, okay, it's in this area, but like, I don't know if I, if I need any help in this area right now. So I'm glad you said, just feel into it and if it feels good, then, then move on with it



Gianna Diggs:

So before we wrap up, um, can you tell us where we can find you?


Yeah, so you can find me on my website. That's Gianna, I'm, I'm sure that you'll have that in the show notes for people who don't know how to spell my name.

Gianna Diggs:

Yes I will


Um, you can also find me on Instagram and Facebook at Kyra Howearth.Official. I'm also on YouTube and I also, uh, have my own podcast, the Moon Manifesting podcast. Um, and yeah, you'll probably find me in other places online too, uh, but those are, yeah, probably the main places I hang out Yeah. On my website you'll find links to my books, uh, moon Manifesting, which is, A guide to using like the New Moon Energy, all those other phases as well as the Zodiac energies. Uh, and there's, yeah, so much more squeezed into that book. It's. Really insightful if you are interested in working with the moon and then moving, uh, into 2023, I have the 2023 Moon Manifesting Planner available. And so that's a really practical way to, uh, yeah, find out, you know, how to use the moon. In a practical way in your life on a daily basis, you know, it has astrological transits, daily moon signs and phases, as well as, yeah, heaps of other stuff to help you plan your life in alignment with the stars and the moon.

Gianna Diggs:

Well, thank you so much. Being on the show, um, I would hope that everyone got a lot of value out of learning how to manifest with the moon


you so much for having me today, Gianna. It's been such a pleasure to talk to you.

Gianna Diggs:

Thank you. Thank you for tuning into today's episode of the Preneur Mindset Podcast. I truly hope that our conversation has inspired and motivated you to take charge of your entrepreneurial journey. If you found today's episode valuable, please take a moment and, and subscribe and leave us a review on your preferred podcast platform.

Your support means the world to me, and it's vital for helping me to reach more entrepreneurs like you and empower our growing community to thrive Until next. Keep pushing boundaries. Never settle. And remember, the world is waiting for your unique gifts that only you can offer. See you in the next episode.