The Mompreneur Mindset Podcast

S3EP5- Embracing Fear and Joy: How to Trust in the Unknown and Move Forward with Confidence

Gianna Diggs Season 3 Episode 5

As mom entrepreneurs, we know firsthand how hard it can be to trust in the unknown. We have so many responsibilities, and taking risks can seem scary. But embracing fear and joy is vital if we want to move forward with confidence. It's easy to let fear hold us back, but we must remember that the joy of trying new things and taking risks outweighs the fear of failure. So how can we learn to embrace both fear and joy to move forward in our business and personal lives? 

In this solo episode, we explore How to get curious and acknowledge your fears, how to reframe your mindset to be more positive, how to recognize the importance of joy and cultivate more of it in your life and business, how to stay connected to your vision by remembering your "why," and the importance of surrounding yourself with supportive people.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • {02:29} How to get curious and acknowledge your fears
  • {04:18} How to reframe your mindset to be more positive
  •  {05:42} Recognize the importance of joy and cultivate more of it in your life and business
  • {06:31} How to stay connected to your vision by remembering your "why"
  • {07:18} The importance of surrounding yourself with supportive people

Resources mentioned in this episode:

If you are interested in booking a breakthrough session and would like to chat more about it, I invite you to book a free Voxer call with me at

Ways to Work With Gianna:

Interested in learning more about the Energetically Aligned Content Co-Creation System? Head to for more information.

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Gianna Diggs:

As mom entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves walking a delicate balance between joy and fear. And while we are filled with passion and excitement for our businesses, we also face uncertainty, unknowns, and obstacles that can quickly trigger anxiety and doubt. but what if we learned to trust the unknown, embrace both our fears and our joys, and move forward with confidence? In today's episode, we'll explore the powerful impact of embracing both fear and joy. Share practical tips for building trust in the unknown, and offer inspiration for taking bold steps toward your entrepreneurial dreams. You are listening to the Mompreneur Mindset Podcast, a show that empowers you to create a business that's authentically yours. Say goodbye to stressful days, juggling multiple priorities, and feeling like you're never enough. I'm your host, Gianna Diggs, a certified MI tech coach and business guide for women and mom entrepreneurs. I'm here to empower, guide, and align you with the tools and the mindset needed to build a thriving business that's true to your purpose. In each episode, we'll explore strategies, tips, and success stories designed to help you rise above your obstacles and level up your entrepreneur game. So whether you're a first time entrepreneur or a seats and professional, grab a cup of tea. Some quiet time away from the kids, and let's dive into the preneur mindset together. Are you ready? Let's get into today's episode. Welcome back to the mompreneur mindset podcast. So in today's episode, we are talking about the power of embracing both fear and joy to move us forward in our business and our lives. And what's interesting about fear and joy is that we experienced them in a very similar way. So fear after all is an evolutionary response that has helped us survive and thrive for thousands of years. And it helps us recognize danger. no protects ourselves and solves problems. But too much fear or fear that isn't grounded in reality. It can keep us stuck and paralyzed. And the same thing goes for joy while it's beautiful. And it's an inspiring emotion. Too much of it can make us complacent and blind to potential risks and challenges. So by accepting the reality of both emotions and learning to see them as valuable tools rather than obstacles. We can start to shift our mindset towards trust and confidence. And so that's what we're going to focus on today. So let's get started. So the first step in embracing both fear and joy is to get curious and acknowledge your fears. And so fear is a natural human emotion and it's something that we all experience. And like I said earlier, it's an evolutionary response that has helped us survive and thrive for thousands of years. And so your fears that have evolved into a sign that you are actually stepping out of your comfort zone and into an unknown area. But rather than letting your fear consume you and hold you back, you can choose to embrace it and use it to your advantage. And so one way you can do this is by acknowledging your fears and understand where it comes from. And one way you can do this is actually by writing it down. And so grab a piece of paper or journal and pen, right? And I'm going to give you a list of questions to ask yourself. And this exercise is actually done in two parts. So the first part is to write down your fears. Ask yourself. What am I afraid of? What's stopping me from taking the necessary steps to build my business. From my experience, the most common fears among mompreneurs are a fear of failure, fear of the unknown and fear of rejection. And you may have some fears around money as well. We'd like, whatever your fears are. You know, set a 10 to 15 minute timer. And brains up your fears that have been holding you back. And once you have this list, it's time for the second part of this activity, which is the ask yourself a second set of questions. So looking at the list of fears that you wrote down, anxious, self what's, the worst that could happen. And can I handle that worst case scenario? And as you walk through each fear that you write down, just acknowledged them. Now I see you. I understand, right. Just acknowledge what they are. And actually acknowledging them and facing them head on is actually going to help you take back control. And once you have a better understanding of your fears, you can use it to fuel your drive and motivation to achieve your goals. And so the next step in embracing both fear and joy is to reframe your negative thoughts and be more positive. So your mind set plays a significant role in your success as a mom, entrepreneur. And if you're constantly thinking negatively, you're more than likely to get stuck in a cycle of self doubt, doubt, and anxiety. And so one of my favorite quotes from Henry Ford is whether you think you can, or you think you can't you're right. And so that's why the very first episode of this show is entitled. Mindset is everything. So, if you focus on negative thoughts all the time, your subconscious mind is going to believe that. And on the other hand, if you focus on positive thoughts and your subconscious mind is going to believe it, right, even if it's not true, right? Even if it's not, if you haven't achieved it in the physical realm, your subconscious mind will still believe it. And that's why reframing is such a powerful tool because we are bound to face bumps in the road, whether it's a failed marketing campaign, a difficult client or a personal crisis that affects our work instead of seeing failure as a reason to give up or as a sign that you're not good enough. Try to see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. And so one way you can do this is by asking yourself questions, like, what can I learn from this? Or how can I use this experience to become stronger instead of why is this happening to me? Right. It's not happening to you. It's happening for you. And when you ask yourself these questions and reframe your negative thoughts. You can then start to trust that even the toughest challenges have something valuable to offer. All right. So that actually leads me to the next step, which is to recognize the importance of joy and cultivating more of it in your life in business. So just as fear is an integral part of the journey. So was joy. So joy is a powerful emotion that can help you stay motivated and focus on what matters most. So taking the time to cultivate joy in your life and your business is really important. So, what does it mean to cultivate joy? This means, doing things that bring you happiness, such as spending time with your loved ones, pursuing a hobby, or taking a break to recharge your batteries in your business. This might mean celebrating your wins no matter how small they are. Uh, focusing on client projects that align with their values and passions, or it might mean creating a work environment that's fun and supportive, whatever it is, find ways to bring more joy into your Workday. And you'll be more than likely to stay motivated and engaged. All right. So the next step is to stay connected to your vision by remembering your why. So when you are in the process of pursuing your dreams, it's easy to get swept up in the day-to-day challenges and lose sight of the big picture. That's why it's important to stay connected to your vision. By focusing on why you're doing what you're doing. So reminding yourself that you're taking risks and challenging yourself will give you their drive and motivation. You need to keep going. So some ways you can stay connected to your vision and your big, why is by writing it down? You know, that's the big thing for me, obviously in this episode is write everything down. Creating a vision board Mo. Meditating on it, or even talking to trusted friends or mentors who can help you stay accountable. And by keeping your eye on the prize, you can weather the storms that come with any venture. And then that leads me to my last step in that assist, surround yourself with supportive people. I've said this multiple times, but being a mom, entrepreneur can be a lonely path at times. And it's important to find a community of supportive people who understand what you're going through and can provide guidance, advice, and encouragement. So whether it's a mastermind group of business and mindset, coach like myself, Or a supportive friend, having a network of people who have your back can make a difference. And I want to mention that surrounding yourself with supportive people can also mean setting boundaries and saying no to people who don't support your vision and your goals. And sometimes this means cutting ties with negative people who drain your energy or who make you feel unworthy. And it's important to remember that you're in control of who you allow into your life and your business, and you deserve to be surrounded by people who lift you up. So that's all the steps I have for embracing fear and joy to trust the unknown. And if you feel like you need some assistance in releasing the fears, holding you back a celebration of me finally finishing my certification in neuro linguistic programming, emotional freedom technique, hypnotherapy, time techniques, and life and success. Coaching through the yes, apply coaching method. I am offering breakthrough sessions. And if you think that is something that you'd be interested in and you would like to chat more about it. I invite you to book a free Voxer call with me at And I'll also link that in the show notes. All right, love. So that's all I have for you today. In next week's episode, it'll be another solo episode and we're actually going to be talking a little bit more about mindset stuff as well. And talking about breaking free from self-sabotage to unlock your business potential. So if you. Are someone who is constantly self-sabotaging, this episode is going to be good for you. All right. See you in the next episode. Thank you for tuning into today's episode of the Mompreneur Mindset Podcast. I truly hope that our conversation has inspired and motivated you to take charge of your entrepreneurial journey. If you found today's episode valuable, please take a moment and, and subscribe and leave us a review on your preferred podcast platform. Your support means the world to me, and it's vital for helping me to reach more entrepreneurs like you and empower our growing community to thrive. Until next time. Keep pushing boundaries. Never settle. And remember, the world is waiting for your unique gifts that only you can offer. See you in the next episode.