The Mompreneur Mindset Podcast

S3EP11-How to Simplify Your Business Model with Amy Birks

Gianna Diggs Season 3 Episode 11

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by the complexity of your business model? Is it taking up precious time that could be spent innovating or serving customers? Motherhood can be challenging enough. Creating further chaos with an overly-complicated business plan is definitely not something you need. But don’t let this discourage you! With the right tools and strategies at your disposal, streamlining your model doesn’t have to feel like a daunting task.

In this guest episode,  Amy Birks is going to walk us through how to simplify your business model. In this episode, we discuss what inspired Amy to develop a simpler business model, why you are your best strategy, how to actually create a simpler business model, and advice for the mompreneur who is struggling with the idea of scaling without sacrifice.


{03:20} What inspired Amy to simplify her business model
{10:36} Amy’s philosophy that you are your best strategy
{19:37} How to go about creating a simpler business model for yourself
{29:32} Advice for the mompreneur who is struggling with the idea of scaling without sacrifice.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Turn more prospects into clients with three easy hacks- free guide

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Gianna Diggs:

You are listening to the Mompreneur Mindset Podcast, a show that empowers you to create a business that's authentically yours. Say goodbye to stressful days, juggling multiple priorities, and feeling like you're never enough. I'm your host, Gianna Diggs, a certified mindset coach and business guide for women and mom entrepreneurs. I'm here to empower, guide, and align you with the tools and the mindset needed to build a thriving business that's true to your purpose. In each episode, we'll explore strategies, tips, and success stories designed to help you rise above your obstacles and level up your mompreneur game. So whether you're a first time entrepreneur or a season professional, grab a cup of tea. Some quiet time away from the kids, and let's dive into the mompreneur mindset together. Are you ready? Let's get into today's episode.

Welcome back to the mompreneur. A mindset podcast. So today we have another guest episode and we're going to be talking about how's his simplify, your business model with Amy Burks. So, if you are struggling with a complicated business plan, this episode is going to be perfect for you. Please get a notebook and a pen because you're going to want to take a lot of notes because Amy drops a lot of gems. So a little bit about Amy. She is an award-winning business growth strategist opportunity, hacker and author of the hustle, free business, helping purpose driven, conscious companies and founders simplify their models and scale without sacrifice so they can grow their impact in revenue without giving up their non-negotiable free time. After leaving the corporate hustle, this single mom prenuer restructured her entire business to sustain its profitability to work part time all the time so she could dedicate her single mom time solely to her daughter. Known for our dad jokes and puns. Amy superpower is in her GPS brain to now in like a missile on where her clients are missing opportunities. She also facilitates exponential growth with the foundation of simplicity and fun. With a 20 plus year track record of success. Amy's work has been featured in us news and world report, keep and fast company. She's also been known to risk life and limb to pet a cute dog and rap the entire lyrics to bust a move upon request. And just so you know this is a part of her bio, but Amy is legit funny and you will hear me laugh a few times. So without further ado, let's get into the interview.

Gianna Diggs:

Hi Amy. Welcome to the show,


Hello, Gianna. I'm so happy to be here.

Gianna Diggs:

So, I'm so excited for our talk today because, um I feel like we, people in general, women especially, we overcomplicate our business, in the beginning. And so I'm excited to talk about, you know, how to simplify your business model and how to scale without sacrifice. I think there's gonna be a very powerful discussion that I think a lot of women need.


I agree. I think it's the over complication thing is not just limited to what we as women do in business. I think it's, it's like the overthinking and all those things. I think it's just part and parcel to being a woman, especially in the Western world for sure. So I'm very excited about it too.

Track 1:

So what inspired you to develop a simpler, business model?


Oh, I love that question. I'm so glad you asked it. So, about, gosh, almost five years ago now, I went through a divorce and it was really, really traumatic and awful as divorces. You know, often can be. And a couple different things happened when that went down. So, number one, I was in this place where I was going through all this trauma and it was really, like I said, awful debilitating. And it made it very, very, very, very difficult for me to run my business effectively. I'd had my business at that point for, gosh almost five years, I guess, something like that. And, Trying to generate new business work for my clients in the ways that I knew that I wanted to and show up for them effectively. Like all of that just really went out the window and so my business got to the brink where I was about to go under. I was like looking at the bank account and I'm like, how am I going to pay rent? Next month, like, what am I gonna do? And so being in that place is no, it's like not a good way to try to generate anything, as I'm sure you know, right? Like living in this like fear lack mindset. So that was happening, but then at the same time, I was also hearing the end of the divorce process and now being faced with this new reality where my daughter. Who's the life of my life, who was about two and a half at the time. Three years old, was only going to be with me for half of her life. I was gonna have 50 50 custody with her dad. And so suddenly I'm in this place where the business has gotta do well, like I have to kick it into gear and make some stuff happen. And at the same time, I am now. Like, only gonna see my kid for half of her life, so you better be damn sure that every single moment that she's with me was gonna matter from now on. And so it felt like, oh my gosh, how could these two things even coexist in the same reality? Like spending more time with my kid and being more intentional about that and like generating all the revenue that I need in order to, you know, save my business and support our life on a one income salary. Like, what are we gonna do about that? And so, It became, what do they say? Necessity is the mother of invention. It became absolutely right. It became absolutely necessary for my business to work twice as hard so that I could work half as much because there was nothing that was gonna keep me from spending time with my daughter, and I most certainly wasn't gonna let the business go under. And so simplicity became the thing, like it absolutely had to be. I had to find the most. Leveraged way to generate the most revenue possible and do it as quickly as I could in as few steps as possible so that I didn't have to sacrifice any time with my daughter and create what I needed in order to save the business and support our lives and. and. ever since then, that idea of keeping things simple has been the thing, like it is the drum that I constantly beat for myself and for my clients. And, and what I really did was like, I had to just drill it down to one offering, like all the shiny objects had to go away. All of the things that I was constantly doing to try to like, oh, I have this idea and I could do this thing, or maybe this workshop or maybe this course, or, you know, whatever I could create, create, create. I had to stop with all of it. To create this opportunity to have one offering that was super leveraged. I only needed to sell five or six of them to get us in a place where we could be consistently like creating consistent revenue and, and feeling like we had an abundant life again. And that was it. And I'm like, okay, well that's the shortest path to the goal line, and that's where we're gonna go. And that is exactly what I did. And I didn't deviate for the last, like I said, you know, for almost five years. I can, can't remember when it was four, four and a half years, something like that. And, um, and everything changed once I started doing that. And, and it's not, and it's not, like I said, I haven't deviated, you know, I've been working in this way like, You know, the last several years, like 15 hours a week, something like that, and generating six figures a year from it. And I have all the time that I want and need to spend with my daughter. She's my priority and everything else just kind of filters out from there. So, Yeah, I hope that answers your question,

Gianna Diggs:

Yeah, definitely.


what inspired me to simplify. And I think sometimes that's how it works. You know, like my clients who find me, they come to me in this place where they're a like a little bit feeling in desperation. Like they're working too hard or they've got too much going on and they really want to grow. They see all this potential in their business. They've created something that's amazing and it works and they wanna serve more people, but they don't, they've out, they're outta capacity or you know, they can't figure out what the. Most strategic steps are to take as they feel like they've fallen into their success, maybe a little bit in spite of themselves. And so they're in that same kind of place where they're like, all right, well, something's gotta give. I'm sure it could be easier. I'm curious about what that might look like, and I really want it to be that way, so let's figure it out. You know? So I think it's, I think it's a common, a common place for entrepreneurs to find ourselves for sure.

Gianna Diggs:

Yeah, I think there was a few, there was a few things you said that that stood out to me. And I love how you said like, my business works twice as hard so that I don't have to. And I think a lot of times, like that statement stood out a lot to me because I think that we live in this hustle culture where it's like, you gotta work hard. If you don't work hard, you won't get anywhere. And then everyone is, they're like, I gotta work these 15 hour days. And you know, even sometimes, even though I know I'm not supposed to, you know, especially. With human design as a projector. Like I know I'm not supposed to, but even I fall back into that of like, well, this has to get done and I have to do this. And I love that you said, you was like, Nope, my business is gonna work twice as hard so that I don't have to,


yeah, it would, it became so necessary. Like my business has to work twice as hard so I can work half as much because I absolutely won't give up time with my kid, and I don't think I've ever felt that that Critically compelled to make a change in my life like I did with that one. And it just was like, it just became so unbelievably necessary. And I think you're right. I think that we, you know, hustle culture is such a thing. Six years ago I wrote a book called The Hustle Free Business and it like kind of started the foundation for this philosophy that I bring to the work that I do with my clients. But I think that, you know, the thing that I'm constantly trying to do for myself and for my clients, and for my audience and everybody that I need is to really see that. We shouldn't be using our lives as the foundation for our business. Which is so often the thing like we work, work, work, work, work, work, work, and then we earn a vacation or we earn the weekend, or we earn the right to relax and enjoy our lives eventually. And I just think that that's total nonsense and that really our businesses, we should be building them. I don't like should, but like I feel like this is a good should, right? Like we should be building our businesses so that they can be the foundation for our lives instead, because this moment is all we have. We don't, we don't like projecting into the speaking of projectors, right? Like projecting into the future. About like what could be and what's out there and you know, it's great to have vision, but to postpone our fulfillment, our enjoyment, our ability to love and laugh and, you know, live is so crazy to me. And I think that, you know, for me as a, also as a projector, I think that's a big part of it because I'm here and I'm like, I got, I gotta like, Be in this moment. I gotta li, I gotta like enjoy all of it. And then we also have to like moderate and

Gianna Diggs:

Right rest. Mm-hmm.


to rest. Right, Like, that is really, really important, you know? So, yeah. I, I just, I love this question. I'm so glad you asked it.

Track 1:

So when we spoke before, you said something that, another thing that stood out to me and it's, it's that you are your best strategy. So like, I wanna know, how do you define that and, you know, why do you think it's important for mom entrepreneurs to really embody that mindset?


Yeah, so I, I love this question too. So this idea was something that came to me. I think it was, you know, like a god shot moment that I had so many years ago. Probably like, you know, in the first year or two in my business. And, and it's remained as part of the philosophical, you know, frameworks that I bring to my clients, which is that you are your best strategy, right? Like, we spend all this time as entrepreneurs and especially as women entrepreneurs, I think, looking for formulas and frameworks and, you know, business in a box, ideas and all the things that we can just like we can fit ourselves into, like stuff ourselves, into these boxes and these frames. And the reality is that so many of these tactics and activities and, you know, ways of being even are built for and by others because they work for them in the way that they're built. Right? And so, right, like speaking of human design, like, I'm not gonna try to implement, or if I did try to implement something that was, you know, created for a manifesting generator, I'm gonna be like, oh my God, I'm exhausted. Like, I can't even, right. And so, So I think that that the idea of you are your best strategy is really like knowing yourself and being willing to apply that to how we build our businesses and how we create, especially around like the buyer's journey, the customer journey. Like any of those elements within there where we're marketing ourselves, where we're selling ourselves. I spent so many years trying so hard to learn all the right ways to do all this stuff and like testing everything and you know, taking the advice of gurus and, and advisors and coaches who were like, do it just like me and you'll be great. Like you'll have this, you know, half million, million, multi-million dollar business. And then I'd try all this stuff and I'm like, this sucks. I don't wanna do any of this stuff. Like I have no interest in writing, you know, a 65 email nurture campaign. None, right? None like a regular newsletter. I don't know. I mean like, I don't know, like maybe an occasional right, like you'll hear from me sometimes ish. But like any of that stuff just doesn't work. But the stuff that does work for me is creating content on the regular. And by the way, I went through a period of two years where I was like, I'm not into that. I'm just not. so, Being willing to challenge those statements of, do it this way, or, you know, this formula will work for you or whatever. And like, I think we, we spend all this time and energy trying to force ourselves into those boxes and then we're really mean to ourselves when it doesn't work. And that's just another waste of energy too, you know? And so I spend a lot of time doing that to myself and then finally realized that like, I gotta find my way. And by the way, my way for me, Is gonna create better results than anything else because I'm not gonna be efforting so hard to do something that sucks. I'm gonna be doing the things that feel right for me that are most leveraged, aligned with my values, feel easy and fun, and are simple to execute so that I can go and get better results from it. And that is what I help my clients find. I'm like, I'm a generalist when it comes to activities and tactics. I'm never gonna say to somebody like, You go and do Facebook ads because that's the thing that's working right now. The trends say right, even though it's not, but like that's, I'm not right. I'm not gonna say that to somebody or to like everybody. I'm gonna help each and every one of my clients ask the critical questions of themselves to figure out, okay, well what's most important and how do we create a trajectory to getting there? That also allows you and your team. To enjoy the work that you're doing and that resonates best with your audience and that gets best results and is the shortest distance to the goal line and doesn't require 600 gazillion steps. And what if it could be easier and like, how might we make it so and so? I think that all of that is wrapped into this idea that you are your best strategy. It's like this very simple way to remind ourselves that it actually can be easier. And that the way to make growth and scaling easier is to look inward and to be curious. Just to be willing to be curious and to say like, do I have to do it that way? Like why? Why am I doing it that way? Why do I have all this complexity in my business model? Where did all that come from? And that was judgment. Just cur genuine curiosity so that then you can challenge what doesn't really work and come back to this is what does work for me. This is who I am and how I align best with my business.

Track 1:

Right. Uh, again, you said a few things that that stuck out to me. And that's, I think because when, when we're looking, and I've been a victim of this too, right in the beginning when you're looking at people who have this six figure business that you crave so much and they, you see all their success and so you've, you think that they know better than you. Like, you're like, well, you got that, and I'm not there yet. So that means that whatever you're doing works and I need to follow what you're doing when, like you said, I'm the same way with you, with my clients, where it's like, let's look at the strategies. What feels good to you? I'm not gonna tell you, uh, do Facebook ads cuz I don't even do it myself. Right? It's like which ones, which strategies do you do you like? Okay, now let's look at your energy. That's where the energetics comes in. For me in particular. Let's look at your energy and see, you know, what could. Work for you energetically, and let's also just experiment and let's try something that maybe you're not sure if it's gonna work. And then we create the plan that way as opposed to, you know, you gotta do it this way. Like if someone ever tells me I have to do something, I tune them out right away. It's like I have to do it. Oh, you know, my mom's like, that's the rebellion in you. You just rebel. Oh, I have to do that. Okay, I'm gonna do the opposite. But that's because. You know, sometimes I don't like being told what to do. That's, that's probably like a, you know, thing of mine. Um, but, but also because I'm very much aware of when I feel it in my body that it doesn't feel good, I'm not gonna do it. And, you know, if I don't get that quote unquote success, cuz I didn't follow your model, you know, I have to find my own success. So that's why I'm glad you you said that cuz I think what came to mind is that we always wanna give our authority and give our, our power away to someone else because of whatever they've achieved



Track 1:




Gianna Diggs:

You know, instead of realizing that, you know what, like I can achieve, okay, I can, I love this strategy. I take this one strategy that you do that I really love, and I'm gonna combine it with the things that I love. And then I can say, okay, here's the success. You know, everyone's showing, oh, this person, they, they implemented my strategy and then in four weeks they brought in$10,000. You hear all that, right? And then, and then there's nothing wrong with sharing numbers of how your clients did, don't get me wrong. But sometimes it's kind of like you're trying to entice people to be like, yeah, it's gonna take you. You know, in 90 days they brought in$50,000, and that's not the typical



Gianna Diggs:



wild what we, what we do. Right. Like that, exactly what you're saying. Right? Like looking at others and saying, you've done the thing that I wanna do, so I'm gonna. I'm gonna do it too, right. I'm just gonna like follow in lockstep and like do all the things and, and I think that is such a rabbit hole because then we end up in this place where now we're like doing all these things that really stink, like they're not us. And so I love that you are somebody that people can come to, to say, help me figure out. You know, energetically, like what is the best way for me to show up in my business, for my business with my business? Because I think that's such a gift to be able to know that in all these different ways. Right? Like you, you bring it from the, the energetic, I bring it from the tactical, like for me, the things that I'm constantly looking for when it comes to the tactical stuff is what feels good, like you said, right. How can we make it even more leveraged so that we can get from here to there in as few steps as possible and get the best result out of it. And then number three, is it getting results? So right. So does it feel good? Is it leveraged and does it get results? Those are the three measures that I'm constantly looking for with my clients to determine if And do they have capacity, by the way, that's

Gianna Diggs:



we'll like take on all these things and be like, I'll fit it in somewhere and then we, and then we end up working 20 hours a day, right? Like, Come on. That's crazy talk. So I think being able and being willing, again to get curious and just to pause for a moment and say like, are these things, does it feel like me? Can I feel that in my bo I know I feel it. I have a physical sensation that I feel in my body when I know something's not for me. I'm like, Ugh. I feel it literally in my gut butterflies. My, I feel it in my throat. Like there's, it's like a set of sensations and I immediately know, oops. That's not for me. That's not my thing. And then, and then I figure out what the things are and if it's, again, if it feels good, if it's leveraged, so it's fewer steps to get to where I want to go, and it gets results and I have room for it, then it's a yes, and it feels great. You know, I love having that model and being able to share that model with my clients to help them figure it out too, because I think it's tricky. Sometimes to find that for ourselves because we have all this self-doubt, especially, you know, starting out like, well, who, you know, this person said and they'd done the thing and they're an expert, but they're not built like you. That's why you are your best strategy. Go inward, look at it for yourself, find your own way, and then you know it, and then the success comes from there. For sure.

Gianna Diggs:

right. So, I guess you can let me know if what you just, the three steps you just gave actually answers this question, but I'm still gonna ask it. so



Gianna Diggs:

how do you go, how do you go about creating a simplified business model for yourself?


Yeah. I mean I think that's, that's definitely part of it. I think that the first thing that I do, yeah, the first thing that I do with clients really though, is to help them get very clear on what's most important right now. Because, you know, we can talk about vision, we can talk about long-term stuff, and like the trajectory that we're creating to get to somewhere way out there. But at the end of the day, there's some internal motivator. There's like some thing that is the most important thing right now, and we need that and the long-term vision to line up in order for us to be able to create a path that they're gonna wanna stay on. So for me, the most important thing, Is my daughter, time with my daughter. And so basically like with very little deviation, every decision that I'm making, I filter through this question of, okay, well is this thing gonna take me closer to or further away from time with my daughter? And it's tricky sometimes. Like I got invited to this amazing, like really intimate private dinner with LinkedIn influencers in the city, last month or the month before. And I wanted to go so bad, like, so bad. It would've been so great for, for my brand, for my business, the connections, all of that. And I didn't go. It was just like a hard no right away because it was on a Monday night and Monday nights are always nights with my daughter. Like she's with me every Monday and Tuesday. So if something's happening on a Monday or Tuesday night, it's just not, it's

Gianna Diggs:

You can't do it. Mm-hmm.


thing. I don't get a babysitter. I'm not into that. I want my time with my kid. And so I have this hierarchy of what I call a hierarchy of priorities, and I help my clients create one too, where we're looking at what is the most important thing that's the filter for decision making. So for me, it's my daughter, time with my daughter, time for me, and then my business. My business comes below time with my daughter. And time for me, because I know that I gotta be at my best. I know that. Time with her is absolutely the most important thing, and is the reason that my business exists is so that I can have more freedom and time and a life with her. And so that kind of intentionality, I think is the very first step. Like that's the very first thing that we tackle, is really getting clear on what that is, so that then any activities that come from there gets filtered through that decision making process. And so, yeah. Then from there, you know, we're looking at, really what I do with my clients is I start by looking at the entire business. Like I sit on the 50,000 foot level and I have what I call a GPS brain. So people like they tell me what they're trying to create and then instantly I can see a map

Track 1:

Oh, me too.


like, right? Yes. Right. So we see a maps, but like other people don't have that. And I had no idea that that was not a thing that other people had, and it's so valuable. Right? So we see the map and then like I can see all the. Most leveraged, easiest, most enjoyable, and fastest ways to get to the result that they're trying to create. And from there we're looking at like all the pieces and parts of the business that are effective, ineffective, the things they like, things they don't like. How can we optimize the things that are working well that they also enjoy doing so that they can get better results? You know, that sort of thing. But we're also, I'm also looking for all of that complexity, and I think that those are really the questions to ask. Like when things feel too complex, how can we. Simplify down to the most leveraged, you know, offerings, services. Products that are, you know, most profitable, you know, are easiest to sell. You sell as few of them to get the most bang for your buck. You know, those sorts of things. I'm always looking for low-hanging fruit like that. But yes, it really all comes down to what's most important, using that as the filter. And then for our activities, being sure that they feel good, they're leveraged with few steps, they get results, and that we have the room and the capacity to actually take them on for sure.

Gianna Diggs:

Hmm. I love that. And I'm glad you said the fact that there was an opportunity that you could have taken, right? That that could have probably 10 x, you know, your reach and you said no because it was time with your daughter. Like, I applaud you because I don't know, I know a lot of people who would've been like, you know, I'm gonna sacrifice this one Monday, right? And, and what comes to my head is like, If you sacrifice that one, that one Monday, how many more sacrifices will you make just because of that. Right? That's, that kicks it off. It's like, okay, I'm gonna go to that thing and then something else comes up on a Monday. Okay, I'm gonna go to that one too. Right? And so I'm glad you said like, Nope, like I, I'm, you know, cuz maybe that opportunity can come around again and I think that's a good, you know, a good thing to to think about is, like I said, no, but maybe something bigger and better will come later on and you know, but I'm not sacrificing this time with my child.


Thank you for that reflection. Yeah, I, I really believe that. And trust, which is, which has been a difficult muscle to develop over the years, but going through, I think what I went through, through my divorce and like almost losing the business and everything else, like I think that created. The opportunity for me to like hit rock bottom, absolutely surrender, and then be able to work my way up to a more trusting space from there. But like I absolutely trust that saying no to something or something not working out that I might have wanted. I. Means that there's like so much more opportunity and potential out there. And that for me, if I can show up unattached to outcomes, if I can show up without demand or expectations that anything be, you know, anything at all. Right? Like, like then the magic just unfolds. Like I had a conversation with somebody that I was connected to. Just the other day, actually last week, my, one of my clients was like, you should talk to so-and-so. He's a sales trainer. Cuz I'm talking about trying to do more in corporate environments and, you know, you guys should talk. And I'm like, okay. And I had really had no understanding about like, what she was seeing for us in the conversation other than this guy happens to work with the types of companies that I wanna be connected to and wanna be working with. And so I was like, all right, cool. Well, I'm always like, I love connecting with people. I love talking to people. I'm always open to do that, so I'm just gonna show up. And I have no expectations, no demands, no nothing. And by the end of the conversation, this guy's like. I wanna embed you in my program and I'm gonna like, I'm going on this like crazy marketing thing and I'm gonna introduce you to all these people and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, oh my God. Like I had no, no expectation, no demand, no nothing, and just

Gianna Diggs:

was just a conversation, right? It


Yeah. right. Like trusting and, and knowing that we live in an abundant universe and that we're always provided for has been such an enormous gift because all the anxiety that I used to have about money, about the business doing well, like all of that, just created such a vice on my ability to create

Gianna Diggs:



way. And now that I've able to like loosen, surrender, be open, unattached, I have my. Hand open. If you're listening, you can't see this, but like, I have my hand open as opposed to like clenching the fist. I'm not, I'm, we're not in control of anything anyway. Like nothing. And I think the last two years, if nothing has

Gianna Diggs:

Has shown us that


have been confronted with that and the biggest way possible. And so like leaning into the idea, well that, you know, gosh, if I'm not in control anyway, then I might as well just like. Ride the flow, like be in it and just be willing to be surprised. And every time I let go more and more and more and more, The universe opens to me and more and more and more possibility and amazingness just shows up. It's so awesome. Like I, I've heard it for years, right? And I'm, and I'm starting to really sink into that over the last couple of years and really start to see the fruits of that work and that my willingness to just be like, I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm sure it's gonna be awesome. So like, there may be bumps in the road, but even the bumps are gonna be awesome. So, yeah, exactly. Let's just do it. Yeah.

Gianna Diggs:

And I, and I gotta chill. Like my body always reacts when someone says something or does something that is like, like, oh yeah. And it's like surrender, right? When you was like surrendering, literally, like it's intuitive for me, so I'll feel it in my back and I was just like, oh yeah, that's, that's it. That's the thing right there is the surrender. Cuz we, we wanna be in control. And especially if you have that, if you know your chart and you have Capricorn energy, that Capricorn energy will make you not want to surrender. But Yeah, but surrendering is, I think the, the key that we, that no, a lot of people don't necessarily talk about because we wanna be in control so much. Um, we think that we can con, you know, go ahead.


I know it's like the hu I'm No, you Oh, I'm sorry. It's like the human in us, this like little human inside of us is so it's, it's a, it's our, just our brain. Like it's just our brain and how, and it's like evolution hasn't caught up yet. Right. Our, our brains are still wired to think that a saber tooth tiger is hiding around every corner.

Gianna Diggs:



relate to every possible scenario that might induce a little bit of fear as if we're going to die. The little human inside of us is certain that we're gonna die. And I think it's so wild and fascinating how we allow that to dictate how we show up in the world and what we choose. It's wild too. I, I don't know if I, I am not familiar enough with my chart to know if Capricorn's in there, but I would not be surprised if there is, because I had such an continue to have such a hard time with surrender. It's so much like, I thought it was this intellectual thing that like I was gonna learn how and read all the books and then figure it out and then like one day the skies were gonna part and the angels are gonna sing, and it was gonna be like, oh, surrender. And I was like so floored when months and months and months later, like as I just continued to relentlessly do the practices that would allow me to get to that place. When I finally started to look around my life and go. Wow. I haven't felt that like anxious, like roiling in my belly and like I haven't worried about money for the last several weeks, and I haven't been feeling that way anymore. There was no like thunderbolt lightning bolt moment. That like at the snap of the finger, I was just suddenly, oh, I surrendered. Got it. No, it was like,

Gianna Diggs:

just happened


up on you. And it's because of the relentless pursuit of the practice and the willingness to just say, I don't know what's on the other side of it, but I'm just gonna keep trying and keep doing the thing and I'll keep stubbing my toe and that's okay. And, you know, let me just continue doing it and, and see where it takes me.

Gianna Diggs:

Yeah. Yeah. I love that.

Track 1:

so if there's a mompreneur out there who is really struggling with the idea of scaling without sacrifice what piece of advice would you give her?


Yeah, so I think first I would say, oh mama, I see you and I have been there and my clients have been there. So just know that you are number one, you're not alone. This is such a thing. And that if you can be willing enough to get curious about how things can be easier, then. My sense is that if you're listening to this podcast, then you already are, that then you're just, you know, you've already done like half the work. And that really, I think that the, the main thing is to just remember that even if it feels like you're out of capacity and bandwidth or you know, oh my God, there's so much potential and there's ideas everywhere and I'm overwhelmed by it all. Or like, there's so much that we could be doing here that really. Um, you know, being willing to just ask yourself the question of, you know, how easy can this be? How simple can I make it? And what's most important right now? I think those three questions are, are so unbelievably powerful so that then you can really align with what the answers to those might be. And, you know, once you know what's most important, I think that then creates a whole new opportunity to create a trajectory towards ease and simplicity because, You know, if it's for you, something like it is for me it is. Which it is with most of my clients. It's really like time freedom, and especially time with our family. Then I think it just creates a whole new opening to the potential for ideation around what the simpler, easier path might be that allows you to. Scale without having to sacrifice those things that are really important, like our families and you know, time freedom and life. Life. You know, like let's build our businesses so that they're the foundation for our lives instead of having our lives be the foundations for our businesses. For sure.

Gianna Diggs:

Oh yes. I love that. I love that advice. So before we wrap up, can you tell the audience where they can find you online?


Yeah, absolutely. Best ways to find me are either on my website, which is amy, a m y B as in boy, i r k S as in And I've got a cool newsletter that I send out sometimes ish. It's like, you know, every other week-ish. That is pretty fun and has lots of value in it. I've also got a cool freebie for folks that wanna. Learn how to, improve their conversions. It's a really cool like conversion hacks guide that you can download there as well. and then I'm also on LinkedIn, which is a great place to find me. My moniker, whatever, like the back half of the, of the LinkedIn thing is Strategy Ninja, so you can find me on LinkedIn and I share content there five days a week, Monday through Friday without fail every day that I'm very consistent about and the conversations are always really fun and lively. And, tons of value. So those are two great ways to keep in touch with me for sure.

Gianna Diggs:

All right, Amy, thank you so much. I, I really love this conversation. I feel like I got a lot out of it. I'm sure the audience is gonna get a lot out of it. So thank you so much for being here.


Uh, thanks so much for having me, Gianna. I love curious people like you. Conversations like this are my favorite.

Gianna Diggs:

Thank you thank you for tuning in to today's episode of the Mompreneur Mindset Podcast. I truly hope that our conversation has inspired and motivated you to take charge of your entrepreneurial journey. If you found today's episode valuable, please take a moment and, and subscribe and leave us a review on your preferred podcast platform. Your support means the world to me, and it's vital for helping me to reach more entrepreneurs like you and empower our growing community to thrive. Until next time. Keep pushing boundaries. Never settle. And remember, the world is waiting for your unique gifts that only you can offer. See you in the next episode.