PetCast - PetExpert Podcast series

Make your dog your partner in life.

PetExpert Europe Season 1 Episode 4

In this episode, our CEO & Co-founder Derek Cummins speaks to the leading and renowned professional dog trainer in Czechia and beyond. Robert focuses on the latest and modern methods without the use of physical punishment. Robert discusses his interesting past and how he got into professional dog training and offers up some helpful tips and advice for your dog.

PetExpert is part of, the leading pet Insurer in the United states of America. PetExpert is based in Prague, Czechia and is growing rapidly across Europe.

PetExpert je součástí, předního pojistitele zvířat ve Spojených státech amerických. PetExpert sídlí v Praze v České republice a je rychle rostoucí firma po celé Evropě.

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