Queer Girl Film Club

Episode 27 - The Half Of It (2020)

Queer Girl Film Club Season 4 Episode 5

Tell your friends, there’s a new episode of Queer Girl Film Club! We are talking friendship a lot in this week’s episode as we discuss the Netflix 2020 release, The Half Of It. Only the second film from director/writer Alice Wu (something Holly in particular is outraged by, more Alice Wu films now!), this queer smalltown America take on Cyrano de Bergerac charms the crew.

Listen as we talk about good friendships between queer women and straight men, how religion and friendships affect queer kids in small communities, and (surprisingly) a lot about Ancient Greek writers. Yeah, there’s a lot more Aristophanes in this episode than we expected. Listen as we discuss how to make films from epistolary (letter writing) books, whether the QGFC crew want to be perceived or not, and G oscillates between declaring her word to be gospel and ignorable.

CN: Swearing, spoilers and discussion of a sexual nature (pretty much none of the latter is about the film, sorry, we are chaotic!).