Reclaiming Consciousness

How Krista Gray Expanded Her Wealth and Her Business Inside Accelerated Wealth the Mastermind

August 03, 2023 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 83
How Krista Gray Expanded Her Wealth and Her Business Inside Accelerated Wealth the Mastermind
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
How Krista Gray Expanded Her Wealth and Her Business Inside Accelerated Wealth the Mastermind
Aug 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 83
Alyse Bacine

"That's really what's given me success, is following my gut and not being afraid to follow my gut. And now it's translating that into now owning my spirituality".

In this episode of the show, my guest is Krista Gray, a dear client of mine who shares her experience with the Accelerated Wealth The Mastermind program, which helped her make powerful shifts in several areas of her life, including financially.
Krista is an interior designer and has incorporated her spiritual beliefs into her business, offering a unique service called Aligned Interior. She shares the importance of being intentional with the energy of your environment, including your home and workspace.

Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

(06:47) Krista’s journey into Accelerated Wealth.
(13:52) Adding spirituality into the business and setting intentions.
(17:36) Decluttering spaces for mental health and the unexpected outcomes.
(22:12) Breathwork for clearing old programming and the Father Wound
(33:18) Investing in yourself to avoid mind/body collapse.
(38:12) How Krista’s marriage shifted after starting the program.
(43:32) Money looks different.
(48:28) Movement Medicine.



  • My Accelerated Wealth Program pinpoints and transmutes trauma so that you are free to grow your business, expand your income and create the impact on the planet that you know you are meant to...just like Krista's doing.
  • Sign up for my new training program: Breathwork, Money and Receiving, taking place August 8th and 10th. This is an initiation in the new paradigm of receiving, the meaning of receiving, and the use of breathwork to facilitate receiving the way you’re meant to. 


Show Notes Transcript

"That's really what's given me success, is following my gut and not being afraid to follow my gut. And now it's translating that into now owning my spirituality".

In this episode of the show, my guest is Krista Gray, a dear client of mine who shares her experience with the Accelerated Wealth The Mastermind program, which helped her make powerful shifts in several areas of her life, including financially.
Krista is an interior designer and has incorporated her spiritual beliefs into her business, offering a unique service called Aligned Interior. She shares the importance of being intentional with the energy of your environment, including your home and workspace.

Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

(06:47) Krista’s journey into Accelerated Wealth.
(13:52) Adding spirituality into the business and setting intentions.
(17:36) Decluttering spaces for mental health and the unexpected outcomes.
(22:12) Breathwork for clearing old programming and the Father Wound
(33:18) Investing in yourself to avoid mind/body collapse.
(38:12) How Krista’s marriage shifted after starting the program.
(43:32) Money looks different.
(48:28) Movement Medicine.



  • My Accelerated Wealth Program pinpoints and transmutes trauma so that you are free to grow your business, expand your income and create the impact on the planet that you know you are meant to...just like Krista's doing.
  • Sign up for my new training program: Breathwork, Money and Receiving, taking place August 8th and 10th. This is an initiation in the new paradigm of receiving, the meaning of receiving, and the use of breathwork to facilitate receiving the way you’re meant to. 


Krista: I focused on most through this container is. really being okay with people seeing me for who I am and not compartmentalizing it. These other women in the group, they're just like, you already doing it. You just need to own it. Just own it. You can do it. And having that support really helped me realize again, I don't need to let All these other people's judgment or potential judgment pulled me back from what I want to do.

And so I'm really starting. I feel like I'm like breaking chains off and I'm like, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna freaking do it. 

Alyse: Welcome to reclaiming consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi everyone. Welcome back. Welcome to the show. So this week's guest, I am super excited for you to hear this episode because it's so good. This week I have my client Krista Gray on the show and she's sharing her experience about being an accelerated wealth and mastermind. She started with me when the program launched back in October of 2022, when her six months was up in April, she then re signed on for another year because her experience in the mastermind was so incredibly powerful. She had so many amazing shifts and results in her life, in all areas of her life, not just financially. And you're going to hear all about that in the episode.

And she's just so powerful and so articulate. And she's such an amazing businesswoman. And I just love her so much. And I know you're going to get so much out of this. She is also an interior designer and she's super energetically gifted and her outlook on how to use energetics in a space in your home is like totally next level.

So you're going to love her perspective. You're going to love getting her insights and hearing the story of her transformation inside the mastermind. You're going to love the episode. And a couple of announcements. So Next week, August 8th and 10th, is my two day training, Breathwork Money and Receiving.

And if you haven't signed up for this yet, please go do it right now because it's going to be life changing and you will not look at receiving in the same way ever again. So the way that this kind of came to me, or the way it did come to me, is I have been working on my own receiving and listening to the messages that I get around what it actually means to receive and what it actually means to interact with life, the universe and energy on a different level so that the results I see in my life are completely different.

And as I've been going on this journey. I started getting all of these downloads about the new receiving codes and that everything we've been taught about receiving is actually backwards. And we're actually stepping into this new paradigm of understanding about what receiving actually is. And it's not about getting anything.

It's not about filling a void. It's about being open to the energy of the universe and learning how to interact with yourself and the world in a completely different way. And then I was shown like how breathwork is an integral part of this. So in this training, I'm going to show you how to use breathwork to work with the new receiving codes and begin to receive in a completely different effortless way, which is going to directly translate to your ability to receive money.

So I'm so excited about this. It's going to be kind of like the freedom event, which was had such a huge energy around it. It was like a party. It was transformational. It was life changing for everyone involved. That's how this is going to be. It's going to be two days where I'm going to be teaching. It's going to be transmission based plus my teachings plus a breathwork experience on both days.

And there's going to be a Facebook group because I'm going to be sharing homework and assignments for you. Also, you can ask questions in there. And it's going to be a great way for all of you to connect with each other and support each other in this transformational experience. It is 1 11 until the end of the week, so please, please, please get to it now before the price goes up because I know you're all going to want to be there.

If you have been following my work for a while and you haven't known how you are going to step in yet, it's like this is the time let's make the relationship official. Like it's your time to step in because this is the perfect way to do it. It is a. low ticket. It is a high level experience and it's a great way to dip your toe into my world and experience the magic of Alyse Breathes.

So we will link this below. Definitely jump in, reach out to me with any questions. I'm sending you so much love and enjoy the episode.

Hi everyone, welcome back to Welcome to the show. So I am super excited to introduce you to today's guest, Krista Gray, and she has been in Accelerated Wealth since the beginning. She recently signed on for a full year and we're going to talk to her about that and her experience and all of the amazing things that she created.

So welcome to the show, Krista. 

Krista: Hi, thanks for having me. I'm so excited. 

Alyse: I'm excited, too. So can you just tell us a little bit about where you were at when you joined and what drew you to join the program? 

Krista: Yeah. Oh, my gosh. So I joined right at the beginning. So I found Alyse through another podcast, actually, and I was super drawn to her energy, as everyone is.

And I just knew I wanted to work with you. And so the lowest price option was your Akashic sessions. And I was like, I anything I can do, I just like really want to connect. And so I did that with you. And what came through during that session was, I have a business, it's not spiritual, it's just like home staging, and I got this calling to integrate my spiritual beliefs into a business. And I just couldn't nudge. The calling just kept happening and it was just such a strong gut feeling like you need to do this and I didn't know how and I was super scared because I was like all my friends knew I was spiritual, but I was still in the closet in the public, like I didn't really talk about it. So it just seemed like such like an alien thing. And during the session you helped me. enlighten some ideas like, Oh, like you can totally translate what you do into more of a spiritual modality. And it really got me thinking. And I remember you had mentioned, yeah, I'm starting this new container, accelerated wealth, and you didn't have any pressure or anything.

You're like, if you want to join, like, sure. And I remember I was like, Oh, let me think about it. Because obviously you're like dollar signs. Can I afford this? I've never been in a group container. Like what does this even entail? And I remember I was like, I don't know if it's going to work for me right now, like, I don't know if I have the budget, you know, excuses, excuses.

And hours later, I messaged you, I was like, no, I'm in. Like, I just decided, I was like, I'm going to do this. I just had this gut feeling this was for me. So that's how I ended up in the program. 

Alyse: Oh my God. I remember that so clearly. Cause you were like, Yeah, I saw that you, you know, I've been talking about accelerated wealth, the mastermind, I would love to do it, but I just don't know if I can afford it right now.

And I was like, okay. And then a couple of hours later, you're you emailed me and you're like, No, I'm gonna do it. Yeah, I know. It's like you just know sometimes and I feel like I've had that feeling before to the money doesn't even matter. Like I just know I'm supposed to do it. And I know that the money will happen.

I mean, obviously, sometimes the money is scary, but at the same time, like you're knowing just like precedes all of that. And I've had that I've had that feeling so many times. So can you talk a little bit about just your experience and what were some of the biggest shifts that you've made and aha moments and all of that stuff like just the some of the biggest highlights for you about being in the mastermind?

Krista: Yeah. So I will never forget the first call again. I'm totally new to this, right? Spirituality is my passion and hobby, but I haven't really connected with other spiritually aligned women. And the first call, there was all these beautiful women. Their energy was so good. And they're already practicing spirituality, like totally out in the public.

Their businesses are all about spirituality. I was like, oh my gosh, like I want to be them. And so at first I was like a little intimidated. I'm like, why am I here? Um, but I felt super welcomed. And from the beginning, I remember it was, I had no spiritual business whatsoever. And Through this process through the mastermind, I've gained confidence and so many epiphanies and I've had such good support with the other women and you and it's really giving me confidence to own who I am and my authenticity and not be afraid because Sally Lou who in high school is gonna maybe think I'm weird.

So I really, you know, stepped into this. new version of myself where I'm living more authentically. I'm putting my true passion and belief out there. And now I have a spiritual business and I have offerings and I got certified in Kaushik records and it's what the, this is just a few months. So I feel like a totally evolved version of myself.

Alyse: I think it's funny I just want to like back up for a minute because I think it's funny how you keep saying I didn't have a spiritual business and I know that like your business is from your perspective like it's very like 3D it's like you do the home staging but the thing that I remember telling you I think in the very beginning is you are not, separate, right?

Like you are a whole person and you are already integrating your gifts into what you already do. And I think that was one of the biggest things for you to understand. And it's interesting because you are in a little bit of a different position than, actually not everybody, because there's a couple other people in there who have hair businesses but are transitioning to spirit businesses or spiritual businesses.

So, You know, it's not that different, but I think the first step was like, helping you to see that like, you were already doing this. Because I know that was something where you were like, it's like this thing over here. It's actually not this thing over here. It's actually who you are. It's just more about claiming and owning that.

Krista: Absolutely. I had to compartmentalize. I didn't have to, but I chose to compartmentalize it because I was So afraid of the judgment and being seen for who I truly was like, that's like the thing that I focused on most through this container is Really being okay with people seeing me for who I am and not compartmentalizing it and Looking back and realizing that in my staging business.

I'm I actually am like it's energy work I'm dealing with the people and navigating their energies the energies in the home and how it feels and I don't have any formal training in interior design or business or any of that. It's just like intuitive knowing. And so that's something that I've really come to realize is my whole business mindset is following my intuition.

And that's really what's getting given me success is following my gut and not being afraid to follow my gut. And now it's translating that into now owning my spirituality and yeah, claiming that I do that already. When you woke me up to that, I was like, wait, yeah, I do. I actually already do that. Yeah.

Alyse: Yeah. So then it was just about, you can just add these other offerings to the business you already have because you already have a successful business, you know, and I feel like that was a way that. It was easy for you in a sense because you know some people are like for me when I started, I had no business experience.

I'd never had a business. You know what I mean? So coming from that it's a little bit different versus I already know what it takes to build a business. I've already built a business based on my intuition. It's just now about claiming and owning that you were doing that and then adding these other pieces to your business.

So do you want to talk a little bit about the new offerings and the ways you're incorporating your spirituality into your business? Because this is very unique, I feel like, and it's very special. 

Krista: Yeah, so what I've realized is that it's something, again, I already innately do, and it's Creating a space around myself, so within my home, within my office, that reflects the next level version of myself.

So like, if I was this successful, confident person, what would my space look like? And I was already doing this, like my home, keeping it really minimal and things within it really, That inspired me and kept me calm. I would have crystals around and like clean surfaces and things that like brought me joy.

And I'm like, okay, I'm doing this in my own home in my own office. And I'm actually doing this for other people so that their houses are more marketable to for sale. And I've realized that like people say, what is it like a clear space, a clear mind. That has really benefited me and so I really wanted to share that with other people, people building a business, people wanting to build a business, people wanting just to up level their lives and looking at your surroundings because let's say you're in your bedroom and you have a huge pile of laundry still sitting in the hamper that you haven't touched for a while or you have these curtains up and you actually hate them and it's, you know, you're just like, life gets busy, but do I have to live this way?

No, you can easily get something that really reflects your higher self and Evaluate and take initiative and set intentions of what's around you because I feel like living more intentional affects everything. So being intentional with what you're surrounding yourself with every day. And again, that's what I do with staging, but this is just like a spiritual twist.

So like setting intentions in each room, like in this room, I want to feel peaceful. I want to feel inspired and really feel motivated when I step into this. space. And once you set that intention, your consciousness is so powerful that it's going to affect your energy and it's going to really be a palpable change.

So that's what I'm focusing on in my new offering, which is aligned interior. 

Alyse: Is that a one to one or a group? I can't remember. 

Krista: Yeah. So it's, um, going to be a group container just for a week so that we really can focus and we're going to go through all of your spaces. And evaluate what are you letting yourself be surrounded with?

You just unintentionally have this vase that, you know, is sitting there that you, again, you absolutely hate, you don't know why you have it, it was gifted to you and you feel an obligation to keep it there, but it really, you don't like it, or You're just walking into a space and you're not even intending to feel a certain way in that space.

And so we're going to go through that. I'm going to really have you assess what's around you. And then we are going to do a meditation where you're visualizing your future self. What do you actually want your life to be like? And is your space reflecting that? And that doesn't mean that you have to go buy like a brand new house because the future you would be living in a huge mansion on the water.

But what can you do now? And then clearing the space. So I have a whole cleansing practice that we'll go through. And this is something I actually teach the people that are going to be in the group so that they can do it themselves. And they can realize after a few months pass by and they want to refresh the energy, they can do it. And I teach them how to. 

Alyse: That's so awesome. And I have to say we had last fall, we had somebody organize our entire house and I think I probably shared with you after we've really cleared everything and I cleared all of my stuff out, I made 40, 000 the next day. It really does affect your energy and you don't, I think we don't even realize it.

So like. I love for you to share more because I find this so interesting. Like how do you feel like it affects your mental state or just your ability to call in more money or your ability to live in the flow of life when there is like clutter because and you mentioned like clean surfaces. Like I'm obsessed with clean surfaces.

If there's a lot of stuff like out on the counter, I like lose my, I start to feel like I'm going to go crazy. Why does that affect us so much? 

Krista: It makes sense that it affects you that way because you have this higher state of consciousness and you're operating at that level. And it's because people that already have a lot going on, they can't go home and have all this.

like shit around them, right? Think about Kim Kardashian's house, okay? Have you seen it? 

Alyse: I've seen one of them, like when I watch the show, but I see, 

Krista: I don't, yeah, but her house is so minimal, you'd be like, how is that a home? I don't understand. So The more minimal, not saying like you can't have things that are decor items and tchotchkes, but the more minimal, the better.

Because imagine like walking into the door and you have a bunch of Amazon packages sitting there or you have a bunch of coats from your kids and the shoes all around. This isn't, like when you first walk into your space, that's... instantly affecting you. So imagine having a clear entry. Maybe there's a pretty piece of art that you love and that it reminds you of something like a good time that you had with your family or a place that you aspire to travel to.

That mindset is where you want to put yourself in. And then imagine that in every room. So the living room, maybe that's where you spend most of your time. There's a bunch of stuff on the coffee table. Maybe there's again, like dog toys all over the floor. It hasn't been dusted in a while. The pillows are Lumpy and old.

So this is a reflection of like how you take care of the things around you. It's also how you're taking care of yourself. So it's also what you're allowing yourself to have in your energy field. So if you're allowing these lumpy pillows, it's also like a reflection that maybe you're not doing a thorough look at yourself.

And also everything around you holds the energy. It has a consciousness. I'm looking at a couple candles, right? So those candles are lit. They inspire an atmosphere. They're really pretty and stylish, but they hold an energy. When I look at them, I'm like, Ooh, yeah, they're edgy and cool. They're black and they have like little ribs and it makes me feel like, Ooh, like I just vibe y.

But, so it like gives me a feeling. Anything on like your bookshelves, like all your books, any like old pictures you have, everything has an energy to it. And so it's about refining. editing what's around you and actually putting an intention to it because people say you go nose blind. You can go like just blind around your house.

Like sometimes you just don't notice it's there after a long time, but being intentional and really like I'm putting this picture here because it makes me feel amazing. It brings me joy. I'm buying a new set of pillows because My favorite color is black and I want some black edgy pillows. They're going to up level me rather than these pillows I've had since college.

So stuff like that. And it's not just like decor and whatnot, but it's really anything you have, you can hold it and meditate and set an intention on that. And anytime you're around that item, that energy will affect you. So it's just being intentional about like when you hold a crystal, right? You set an intention or it has an energy all items around you do as well. 

Alyse: I love that. And it's so true because when we think about just starting a business and also doing this deeper personal growth work, it really is about just having a deeper level of awareness around what you do, why you're doing it, how you operate. And this is the same thing.

It just has to do with your really do believe that your space is a reflection of your energy. So it's so important to not skip over that. I love that you're looking at it through this lens and teaching people this because I think this is something that just people don't talk about enough. And then I love to just talk more about to just the different components.

of Accelerated Wealth and how they helped you really get to this vision because I know like it just recently you was that yesterday or no to the breathwork, you literally got this whole download for this program. So let's talk a little bit about the breathwork component, for example, how was that helpful for you?

Krista: Oh my gosh. Yeah. So Accelerated Wealth has one, given me a community of go getter women that are also spiritually aligned and interested in self improvement. And I just love that. And the fact, so before Accelerated Wealth, I went through this huge burnout where I was just doing all the things. I felt like I had to control everything and I was doing it all.

But I wasn't happy. And I was really just burnt out. And after joining this program, I've really learned to work through energies within my body using breath work. That was like a light bulb, like really integrating the mental aspect of things, but then moving energy also through your body physically. And so the breath work has really helped me like Move through energy, unblock things that have been holding me back, enlighten myself on limiting beliefs I've had and like the deeper, I remember you said one time that I'm really getting this feeling that you're, you feel unworthy.

And I remember my first thought was like, I feel worthy. And then throughout the program, I was like, Oh God, okay. I totally get it now. Everything is connecting. And with the breath work, a lot of feelings come up, come to the light because you are so in the moment and you're connecting your mental state and your physical body really gets you present.

And for me, it's been such a key in having these epiphanies. And I am so business minded that a lot of times I'll focus on my business. So that's what the program's about, like focusing on your business, how to accelerate your wealth. And the breathwork has given me so many aha moments on what I can do or whom I need to be in order to hold the business that I want.

And so that's like, Sometimes you don't think about business and all this trauma and inner child work and shadow work like some people think they're so separate and they don't have anything to do with each other when really it's so intertwined. And this has been like, I say, like a mirror. experience being an entrepreneur.

It really mirrors back to you what you need to work on. And this program has been such a support and talking through and working through what comes up throughout the business and growing the business and like just being able to be in a safe space and ask questions and not feeling judged for asking very deep questions.

It's really helped me be able to. Not only build my staging business and realize where I was allowing my energy to just be really loose. Um, it helped me contain and then with my spirit business helped me like own that. So it's just been transformative and I, yeah, that's why I signed up for a year. I was like, hell yeah, this is working and we will continue.

Alyse: I love that. There's a couple of things that I want to like expand on that you said. First of all, when you're talking about like the breathwork kind of showing you. some of the limiting beliefs or like locks that you come up against. Can you like give people an example of that and like how you transform some of that stuff?

Krista: The first thing that's coming up for me is the stuff with you call it the father wound. So it's when we do a breath work focused on your dad. And it was so surprising to me that as I did the breath work, I love my dad. He's amazing. 

Alyse: We love our parents. 

Krista: What came up was this feeling of lack and feeling guilty for wanting more than what was.

provided for me as a child. And again, I had everything. I didn't feel in lack as a child. I have different aspirations that my dad did. And I think what was holding me back was like him being the father figure, always being on like a pedestal. And now as I'm growing into, I'm an adult as well, wanting aspirations that maybe exceed what he's experienced or had in his life.

Yeah, so feelings of guilt, sometimes this feeling of shame for not achieving maybe some dreams and life passing you by. And then other things about. Just being worthy of experiencing these amazing things, earning the income that I want to earn, putting myself out there and being seen and being worthy of that, um, rather than this imposter syndrome that tends to come up like.

Who am I to do this? I'm just like the youngest. I'm the baby. Who am I to be the, the guide? And so a lot of that came up and it's a way to bring light to things that you didn't realize, or holding you back, or... yeah, it's really profound. 

Alyse: so I want to talk about the, that, what you said about your dad for a minute, because I think this is a common thing that a lot of people can relate to. A lot of times there's like this guilt for wanting more, especially when you feel like you, you know, you're grateful for what your parents provided for you, that they worked really hard to provide what they did for you. And it's almost, who am I to want more than this? It's almost like you feel like it's a slap in the face to them of like, oh, you didn't do enough. And I feel like that comes up a lot for people when it comes to like expanding beyond what you had as a child or what you grew up with.

And the truth is, we're always, we're expansive beings, right? Like Part of what we're meant to do as humans is to grow and expand. That's part of the human experience. When we claim the fact that we want more, all of that can come up, right? All of that guilt and the shame and feeling like you're, it's almost like this feeling of like you're turning your back on your family or on your ancestors.

Like I know for me, every time I hit a new level that's like way beyond where my family did or where my ancestors did. It almost feels like I'm untethered or something, like I'm no longer connected to them in this way, and it feels scary. So I'm really glad you brought that up because I think that's something that Many people go through, but they just might not have the words or context for it like you did.

So I think that's really important. And then the other thing obviously is the self worth, the imposter syndrome, all of that. And I know that was something that came up for you a lot when you were just really adding this spiritual component to your business. So how do you feel like that has changed? 

Krista: I feel like I had this epiphany when I realized that I need to put my purpose over my ego and yeah, so I just realized that I was holding myself back and I needed to get out of my own way and I literally could feel myself. Like holding myself back like it like I could feel it and or putting myself even verbally Holding myself back not saying the things that I'm thinking Because I'm nervous of judgment or someone's not gonna get it.

And so, a lot of that was seeing all these other women in the group doing what I wanted to do, being so open and I see them and I'm like, wow, like I want to be that. But then what I realized is all of them are like, girl, I'm feeling the same way now, even though I'm doing it. I'm putting out these videos.

I'm talking about this. I still have these feelings come up too. And so it made me feel like, okay, I'm not alone. I'm not behind. I'm just holding myself back. And so the imposter syndrome, again, it came up like, who are you to do this? But these other women in the group. They're just like, you're already doing it.

You just need to own it. Just own it. You can do it. And having that support really helped me realize again, I don't need to let All these other people's judgment or potential judgment. They might even judge me, who knows, hold me back from what I want to do. And so I'm really starting. I feel like I'm like breaking chains off and I'm like, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna freaking do it.

And so, um, yeah, I've, I've just jumped in and you said to me so many times, like the fear doesn't go away. You just have to work through the fear and do it through the fear, do it scared and. You had to say that to me, like, I always say, I don't know, ten times, five times, and one of the times I finally was like, it clicked, and, um, yeah, so I, even though when I'm posting a video, I'm a little nervous, I'm a little scared.

I'm still gonna do it because I'm, my whole mantra now is I'm putting my purpose, my life's purpose, what I'm feeling and being called to as my life's purpose over my ego and fear. 

Alyse: I love that. And it's so true. I mean, literally, I have not worked with anybody that didn't come up against this. And I think it comes up at every level because just from a Uh, evolutionary perspective, we are from looking back in the past, people have been ostracized for not being a part of the group and back then people needed each other for survival.

So we have this like survival instinct that we don't want to be ostracized. We can't be disconnected from the crowd or else we won't survive. And that's not actually the case now, right? Like even, and obviously now for you, especially you have people that support you in this. So even if there are people that don't like it, there's going to be just as many people, if not more, that like what you're doing and that it's helpful to them and it resonates with them.

So I think it's just about. getting over that feeling that's more like this deeper kind of ancestral, it's like in our DNA, in our cells, and I do think that everyone just has to kind of walk that when it comes to putting yourself out there and showing who you really are and it comes up at every level because we do have fear of people not liking us or people being mad at us or people being disappointed in us and anytime you rise to a certain level of power and leadership.

There's going to be people that like don't like it or have a problem with it. It's not like we can prevent that, but you do just have to become okay with it and accepting of it. And like you said, put your mission and purpose and what you know you're meant to do above that. Yeah, I think that's, that is a huge thing that everyone just has to kind of walk through.

And I feel like that was what you moved through in the first kind of six months. And now we're more into like, okay, how are we really refining this? side of the business. But the other thing I just wanted to touch on too is I know you ended up really shifting the way you're operating in your other business.

So can you talk about that a little bit too? Because that was something you probably didn't realize was going to happen. 

Krista: Yeah. So, My other business, I realized that I am a controlaholic and I like to have my foot in everything, my hand in everything, whatever the saying is. And I realized that I really, if I want to get to the level That I aspire to get to, I can't be everything at once, I can't do everything and I really learned that I need to outsource and delegate and realize that yeah, they might not do it exactly the way I would.

But it's getting done, and that means if they're doing that, I can do something else. My time, I'm realizing, it's very valuable, and if I'm spending my time answering emails, getting back to all these clients, writing proposals, typing for hours, reports, I could be spending that doing so many other things.

And so, I really had this epiphany where I joined this. It's a staging business focused, um, coaching group as well. And I remember it was a huge sum of money and I would have never ever invested something like that before accelerated wealth before realizing that investing in yourself is. The smartest thing you can do you get so much back and you have that forever It doesn't just go away because you're investing yourself and through that I've Really learned to delegate and set proper boundaries so that I can avoid burnout.

I had to google what was happening to me. I was, yeah, so burnt out, so tired, like on the verge of tears in any conversation. I was walking the dogs with my husband and I started having flashbacks of dreams, like when you're asleep, dreams that I had. In my mind as I was walking, so I wasn't there and I was like, Oh my gosh, am I going crazy?

Am I turning into a psychic? That would be awesome. Um, but I did know what was going on and I googled it and it's a form of a anxiety attack. And it was my body telling me like, you are spread too thin. This is too much because I can make myself work. I can get anything done. I'm a manifesting generator in human design.

If I am passionate about something, which I'm passionate about my business, I can work and get things done. And it came to that breaking point. And I've just realized that setting boundaries, delegating, not being so in control, and this has also reflected in my marriage. Not being so in control of what he's doing or how he does things.

So it's just rippled throughout not only my staging business, my relationships with my family, my relationship with my husband. It's just been a whole revamp of how I operate. And I've realized that like once I am aware of how I act and how I'm spending and spending my energy. That's where I can actually have the most, most benefit, most results, most happiness in my life because I was just trying to be everything for everyone.

And I realized that I need to focus on myself and that's why I'm like, so now I never will go back. I'm so passionate about investing in myself and being a part of. A group where a group or whatever kind of thing you're in where you can bounce ideas off of people and be open and have support because I could never go back.

I remember when you asked me like, Oh, do you want to renew? And I was like, again, the money fear comes up. You're like, Oh, should I invest in myself? And I remember I was like, I can't imagine going back to not having this support. Like that's not an option. So yeah, I'm gonna sign up not just for six months, but I'm signing up for a year Like we yeah I'm, i'm gonna keep this support and keep this group because it's gotten me so much further than I could have gone On my own.

Alyse: I love that and I totally feel you I literally have never had a point in my business where I didn't have support. I can't imagine just trying to like wing it on your own. It literally makes no sense to me. So a few more things. First of all, I'd love to talk a little bit more about like how your relationship has shifted because this is something that you know I love and everyone knows I love this.

But for you specifically, like, how has your relationship changed for the better since you started the program? 

Krista: So, I've realized through, there wasn't one epiphany, but just over time, as I changed how I was operating, how I changed how I reacted and thought about situations, I didn't even have to really talk with my husband.

He like responded. You say this, once you start showing up differently, people respond to that, react to that. I was just like, why is he like, so if I, let's say he's trying to pick out an outfit and he can't find the shirt he wants to wear, right? Oh, where's that shirt? Can you help me find it? Before I would be like, Oh my gosh, like I have to find the shirt.

Where's the shirt? Let's find the shirt. Now I'm like, don't have a temper tantrum. Like in my head, I'm like, it's going to be okay. We'll find the shirt. Calm energy. When, so I'm not like reacting or like participating in chaos. Chaos. Yeah. I was going to say frantic behavior. Chaos is so weird. Yeah. I'm like not participating in that.

And also there would be like little things like learning to delegate in my business has also and being okay with it not being done the exact way that I want it done. Same thing in my marriage. If he needs to take out the dogs or do something, chores around the house, I am not worried about when he's going to do it anymore.

Whereas before I was like, oh, I really want you to do it like now, because I want it done now. But no, I've learned to let it go. He's going to do it just when he wants to. He's a person and a functioning adult too. He can dictate his own life. I don't have to be his mom and control things and just learning to let go of control, not have such a tight grip on things and realizing that as I am more calm in situations, it actually affects other people and they actually become more calm because if someone is yelling at you and you're just calm, they're eventually going to stop, right? If you don't react. If you react, then it just adds fuel to the fire. 

Alyse: I want to talk about what's happening on a deeper level, which, and I know you know this, but I'm going to put words to this.

So the reason why, and I know we've talked about this before, and I know everyone can relate to this, which is why I'm illuminating it, So, the reason why we feel like we need to control situations is ultimately because we don't feel safe. Right? So, if we control or manipulate or make things the way we think it should be, that's our way of attempting to feel safe.

All this work that we do, this inner work, is so that we can access a level of safety within ourselves. Right? It's not about anything that's going on outside of us. It's about cultivating a sense of safety within yourself so that you experience life differently, you can receive more, you have these creative inspirations, you know what you're meant to do, but if you're always in a state of fight or flight, you can't access any of that.

So what you're describing is the way that you have created a sense of safety within yourself so that None of these other things really matter anymore. It's like, okay, I know the business is going to be great. I know that my husband is going to be fine. I don't need to try to outsource my sense of safety to these situations because I already feel it within me.

Krista: Absolutely. Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. It's the sense that everything's going to be okay and everything is okay, even if there's chaos or stuff may not go the way that you've planned and just realizing that as long as you are doing the best you can and being the best that you can be, it's all going to work out.

Alyse: Yeah, exactly. And also it usually works out better than you thought if you just allow the universe to show up and you trust and know that everything that you're always going to be safe, you're always going to be provided for and that was like one of the things we've been talking about with the father energy too, right?

But also this is how we make more money. We don't make more money by hustling. Some people can do that, but it's not sustainable or by being afraid or trying to control everything. Because now like you've created this energy in your business where that side of the business can operate pretty much without you.

And now you can focus on this other part of the business that really resonates for you. 

Krista: Yeah. And what I realized is it connects to like what I'm doing in my. In the space when my space is clear, it actually helps abundance come in and I've realized like when I'm having like a good relationship with the people around me, like we're in flow and things are happy and the house is clean, whatever.

That's when I make the most money, and that's when it really comes in. It's not when I'm so focused on it and like really working hard for it. Yeah, you have to do some stuff, but it's when you're like enjoying life. 

Alyse: Yes, absolutely. And then I wanted to, that was the next thing I wanted to go into is just like how your relationship with money has changed, how your income has expanded, like just how money is different for you now.

Krista: Well, I've always been really Driven and ambitious. Like ever since I was younger, I was like, I know like all I want is success and it used to come from an ego based like material wants and needs and I wanted all the things. It's totally shifted where now it's so much more about how I want to feel and not what I want to have.

So I want to feel free. I want to feel successful, supported, have joy in every day. And what I've realized is I can have those feelings now. With what I have now, and that's actually what draws in the money, a dollar is a piece of paper until we actually give meaning to it. And so money is just energy.

It's something that we're giving. It's just an idea in our minds. And so once you're having all the feelings that you want to feel when, let's say you make a million dollars, I'm going to feel this way or that way. If you start to feel those feelings now, and embody that now, Then the money flows in and I've actually experienced that like once I've Really just been so grateful for what's happening and really just Enjoying my life and what I have now and not always looking for like the next thing I've called in a lot of money And it's always when i'm not trying too hard And I know it sounds counterintuitive for the hustle culture and all of that.

I used to be a part of that. I used to be like, yeah, I have to wake up at 5:00 AM go to the gym. I have to meditate. I have to journal, I have to work this hard and I, if I miss something, I gave myself such a hard time where now I'm realizing go with the flow and what you're called to do and what feels good for you.

Because when you feel good, that's when you're most successful. Mm-hmm. , that's what successes. It's not a dollar amount, it's how you feel. 

Alyse: So now you're working less and making more. Yes. Yes. Yay! That's the whole point. Yes. I know. It's so crazy because I feel that way too. And I feel like as I've grown my business, I'm actually working less and making more.

And it's not like from a place of, Oh, I'm just not doing anything. Like I feel like in some ways I'm. being more truthful with who I am and I'm putting more of that out there. But as far as just like actually like working like hustling, like, my days are pretty easy. And they're usually filled with things that I enjoy doing.

So that's what gets to happen as you realize what actually allows the money to flow in and like we think it's about doing but it's actually just about being and then that brings me back to I remember you said in the beginning and I wanted to ask about this. With the breathwork and stuff, you are shown not really what you have to do to make more money but who you have to be.

Can you talk a little more about that? 

Krista: What I've realized is, again, it's not about all the things that you're checking off your to do list and that's what brings success and that's what's going to get you all the things you want. It's more being that. Person being the version of you that already has what you want, like manifesting.

It's really trendy now, but it's about bringing in The mindset and the everyday ways that you react to things that brings in the energy of that future you, right? So how does that future you react to situations? What are they thinking rather than, oh, what do they have? That's what really came up to me is like when I'm doing the breath work, it's all about healing ideals that have been holding me back that aren't even my own, that have been instilled from ancestral trauma, society, programming, all of that. And, identifying that, but then realizing, okay, what do I actually choose? What do I choose rather than what's been instilled in me? So yeah, it's about being what you want and what your ideal self is rather than forcing yourself.

I know that sounds like It's not as tangible, I guess, but what's tangible? 

Alyse: Yeah. Yeah. And I think the breathwork really helps you to do that too, because the breathwork gives you, it's the embodiment piece, right? It's about being able to feel energy versus just like thinking about it. So it goes much deeper than the mindset, right?

The mindset's really important because we want to know what we're focusing on, like what the intention is. But then you have to get into the body in order to feel it and become it what you're talking about and then also I wanted to ask you too about the movement medicine component too because that's another big component of The program that we haven't talked about so before we And how did you feel about the movement medicine and how did that help you?

Krista: Yeah. Oh my God. I love Dahlia. I love her. She has such a great energy. So I used to look at like the Zumba or whatever and all the movement and be like, Oh, that's so silly. Like what? But when I actually did what Dahlia does, which is, it's just integrating all these energies and affirmations as you're moving your body.

I have felt such A palpable energy shift during those sessions and it's she always goes over like how do you feel in the beginning and then gives like reflections afterwards and they are so polar opposite. I might go in with this scarcity mindset and like feeling lack and then afterwards really like moving that energy through and out of my body.

Totally changes my mindset. It changes how my body is feeling because yeah, if you're in fight or flight, your body might feel like tense or you might have stuck energy that you don't even know that you're holding and just moving and flowing like she teaches us has helped me shift and release and transmute a lot of the stuck energy or things that I've been trying to shake through mindset work.

But it's not, mindset work only can do so much and then moving it through the body really releases it. It's just been so powerful. 

Alyse: Just to like give everyone a little, if you don't know what movement medicine is or you haven't heard me talk about it, basically Dahlia, who's been on the podcast, she created her own form.

It's called movement medicine and that's literally what it is. She integrates literally probably every single kind of movement you could think of. From bigger thrusting. Yeah, like so many. Yeah, like from twerking all the way to like yoga and like using crystals, tapping, different kinds of dancing. But the other thing for me that I noticed with the movement medicine is I feel like it really gives you this new level of confidence too.

I feel like for me like I've never been good at dancing, like I love to dance, I love to dance, but I don't feel confident in my dancing. I don't feel good at it. But there was something about the way she leads it where you like get into this level of like confidence in your body. And I also feel like that's so good for just how you show up as an entrepreneur.

So I feel like that element too. is really important but I agree with you it like gives you a chance to take the things that you really want to release and instead of just trying to get rid of them you literally move it through the body. Yeah. It's so powerful. 

Krista: Yeah, it totally makes me feel more confident and even sexy. Yeah. And embodying that too, because what the highest best version of yourself that's making the money that you want to make, what did they have as an energy, they're confident, they're sexy, they're they own. And so that's really embodied in her sessions, too. 

Alyse: Yeah, it's so good. It's such an important piece of it.

And like the whole point was like, to really have this very well rounded container where you get everything. Oh, and that's also why I brought in Nicole, who does much more like strategic stuff, right? Like she's doing like the audience building and like how to position your offers and stuff like that. And I know that was wild too. 

Krista: Yeah. Every guest that you've had come into the program has been so valuable. Like Lydia as well. Oh yes. And that's come in, I've just been like, This is amazing, Alyseknows exactly what we need, it's been just so helpful every single one and they're all different too and they bring a different element.

Alyse: Yeah, I know we could probably talk forever, we do have to wrap up, but can you just share with everyone how they can find you and how they can learn more about your program? 

Krista: Yeah. I am most active on Instagram. It is my name, Krista Gray underscore Kirshman, K I R S C H M A N. And then I also have a Refined Energy Instagram.

But if you go to my personal one, everything's linked on the link tree. And I have my website www. refinedenergy. life, L I F E. And yeah, all my info's on there. 

Alyse: Cool. We will link that all below. Thank you so much, Krista. This was amazing. Thank you for being here. I know everyone's going to love it. 

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Make sure you download my breath work for financial freedom at alysebreathes. com. See you next time.