Reclaiming Consciousness

How Avani Shahlenis Left Her Job and Bought her Dream Home Inside The Metamorphosis

August 17, 2023 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 85
How Avani Shahlenis Left Her Job and Bought her Dream Home Inside The Metamorphosis
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
How Avani Shahlenis Left Her Job and Bought her Dream Home Inside The Metamorphosis
Aug 17, 2023 Season 1 Episode 85
Alyse Bacine

“One of the gifts that has come out of all of this is, my psychic intuitive abilities have obviously skyrocketed. The amount of seeing that I have with my clients is unbelievable.”

Today I'm interviewing Avani Shahlenis about her experience in The Metamorphosis program and the shifts that occurred in her life as a result. Avani shares how she was able to trust her intuition and make courageous decisions, such as leaving her job and moving to Mexico to live off the grid.
She also discusses how the program helped her clear familial relational patterns and achieve clarity in her business, leading to expansion and the creation of new offerings.

Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

(11:01) What drew Avani to explore The Metamorphosis and a few other of my programs. 
(17:46) The subconscious approval seeking.
(18:23) A dream house in Mexico.
(29:21) Farewell to the old job, welcome new business and new profits.
(34:07) How The Metamorphosis’ tools helped Avani decipher her intuition and trust in it. 
(41:00) Showing up differently in the sister-sister relationship.
(46:42) The gift of psychic abilities.
(51:18) Encouraging those of you who want to go all in in your new business. 


She is an intuitive energy healer, transformational coach, and a sensuality expert for women & couples. She’s the CEO of Soft Woman School. Her passion is empowering and celebrating people, and her purpose is for women to experience being fully seen, heard, respected and cherished.

As a certified Theta & Sound Healer, along with over 15 years of experience in the transformational space, Avani guides her clients to break out of old stuck repeating patterns & incorporate new tools & practices so they can bring their unique gifts & path online. 


  • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live, just like Avani did. 
  • My Beyond the Matrix membership program is live.  Gain access to weekly energy forecasts, channeled messages, monthly pre-recorded breathwork sessions and more.
  • My new bundle Spiritual Speed is out and available. Is a combination of two of my most potent bodies of work, Quantum Mastery and Inherently Worthy. When put together, these two programs will create the equivalent of your spiritual growth on speed. Take advantage of the payment discount until this Sunday before the price goes up!


Show Notes Transcript

“One of the gifts that has come out of all of this is, my psychic intuitive abilities have obviously skyrocketed. The amount of seeing that I have with my clients is unbelievable.”

Today I'm interviewing Avani Shahlenis about her experience in The Metamorphosis program and the shifts that occurred in her life as a result. Avani shares how she was able to trust her intuition and make courageous decisions, such as leaving her job and moving to Mexico to live off the grid.
She also discusses how the program helped her clear familial relational patterns and achieve clarity in her business, leading to expansion and the creation of new offerings.

Some of today's HIGHLIGHTS:

(11:01) What drew Avani to explore The Metamorphosis and a few other of my programs. 
(17:46) The subconscious approval seeking.
(18:23) A dream house in Mexico.
(29:21) Farewell to the old job, welcome new business and new profits.
(34:07) How The Metamorphosis’ tools helped Avani decipher her intuition and trust in it. 
(41:00) Showing up differently in the sister-sister relationship.
(46:42) The gift of psychic abilities.
(51:18) Encouraging those of you who want to go all in in your new business. 


She is an intuitive energy healer, transformational coach, and a sensuality expert for women & couples. She’s the CEO of Soft Woman School. Her passion is empowering and celebrating people, and her purpose is for women to experience being fully seen, heard, respected and cherished.

As a certified Theta & Sound Healer, along with over 15 years of experience in the transformational space, Avani guides her clients to break out of old stuck repeating patterns & incorporate new tools & practices so they can bring their unique gifts & path online. 


  • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live, just like Avani did. 
  • My Beyond the Matrix membership program is live.  Gain access to weekly energy forecasts, channeled messages, monthly pre-recorded breathwork sessions and more.
  • My new bundle Spiritual Speed is out and available. Is a combination of two of my most potent bodies of work, Quantum Mastery and Inherently Worthy. When put together, these two programs will create the equivalent of your spiritual growth on speed. Take advantage of the payment discount until this Sunday before the price goes up!


Alyse: When you have those inner shifts and you create these different patterns of energy within yourself, people have to relate to you differently because you just don't even have those places for them to hook in anymore because that's not a way that you're vibing anymore. It's just not a pattern of energy that you're running.

Avani: One of the gifts that has come out of all of this is like my psychic intuitive abilities have obviously skyrocketed. Like the amount of seeing that I have with my clients, it's unbelievable. 

Alyse: Welcome to reclaiming consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi everyone. Welcome back to the show. Wow, I'm like, super excited for you guys to listen to this week's episode because I'm interviewing Avani and she has been a client for a while. I want to say, hmm, probably since 2021. Um, the spring of 2021, she joined my, well, you'll hear her talk about this, but. I run this mini course called the birth story breakthrough and she joined that and then right after that she joined the metamorphosis and then she came into the quantum accelerator and then she worked with me privately a bit and then She came on my retreat, so she's been in my world for a long time and, um, the main thing that we're focusing on in the episode is the changes she created in her life while she was in the metamorphosis, and it's just so powerful to look at and I, I actually was talking to her prior to recording this and I had completely forgotten because it had been a little while, all of the changes that she created while she was in the program. The biggest ones being leaving her full time job and then. Doing her business full time and creating five figure months and also buying her dream home in Mexico, which you're going to hear her talk about, but it was just so profound.

And there's other things that happened too, but those are like the biggest outer like 3D physical results, but there are so many other things and you're going to hear us talk about it. But it just makes me reflect on the power of this container. and the tools and doing this work and how it will literally bring you back to the truth of who you are and allow you to make decisions with clarity and confidence that are aligned with your soul.

And Avani shares so beautifully how she did that in the program and I know you guys are going to love it. So don't forget to leave a review. of the show, especially if you're feeling really excited about it, because I know you're going to love this episode. And uh, send me a screenshot either at info at or DM it to me on Instagram, and we will send you a 250 credit that you can apply to anything in my world. Including Beyond the Matrix, where you can get the first two months for free. And if you don't know, Beyond the Matrix is my breathwork membership, where I lead a live breathwork session once a month.

And you also have access to a ton of digital content, digital breathwork sessions, meditations, all of the masterclasses and transmissions I've ever done. And you also get access to all of my masterclasses moving forward while you're in the membership. And it's only 97 a month. So it's kind of a no brainer to jump into that because you just get access to so much life changing content.

And then speaking of life changing content, I have a new bundle that is available that is completely wild in how much life changing content is in there. I was actually going through it yesterday when I was sending an email about it, and I was blown away myself at how much value is in this bundle. So the bundle is called Spiritual Speed.

And the name just came to me because you all know I love speed and I love doing things quickly. I love to move quickly. I love when my clients move quickly, which happens all the time. And it's just a thing for me. Speed is a thing that I love. And, um, obviously spiritual growth, spiritual maturity, spiritual intelligence is a huge part of my work and I am a spiritual mentor.

So spiritual speed was just a really natural name for this bundle. So what you get in the bundle is it's the combination of two of my most potent bodies of work that I've created. One being inherently worthy, which is my five week program to shift. The Worthiness Wound, and it's, it's really a toolkit that is meant for you to go back to again and again to utilize the tools to continue to uplevel your worthiness.

Because what I have seen, and everyone has heard me share about this, is that all the blocks that we come up against, anything that feels sticky or heavy for us, or anything that keeps us from moving with speed, really comes down to a question of our own enoughness. question that's kind of intrinsic within us all of am I really good enough?

Do I really deserve this? Can I really do this? And the inherently worthy tools give you a tool kit to move through that block, that question, that wound over and over again with poise, with ease, with clarity and with confidence till eventually it just becomes something that It's not even a thing for you anymore.

So it's inherently worthy, coupled with my program, Quantum Mastery, which teaches you how to be the master of your own reality, the master of your own energy. And it is a powerful toolkit to help you connect with spirit, connect with your guides, connect with your cosmic lineage, and receive information from your higher self from spirit that you can powerfully and potently take and make decisions and take actions based on the knowing of your connection to spirit and based on your inner knowing. So, if you're somebody who's really wanting to develop your ability to communicate with your spirit team and allow that to guide you in making decisions confidently in your life, this is for you.

There is so much in here. When I went back and looked at it yesterday, I was like, holy shit, this is so many powerful tools. Like you literally could spend probably a year going through all of this. So I'm just going to read off some of the tools that are in Quantum Mastery. So we have Transcribed The light code activation meditation, the miracle frequency activation, DNA activation breathwork session, the quantum codes transmission, which, um, the quantum codes is something that activates your intergalactic knowledge portal.

So you have access to versions of you in other realities, other galaxies, other lifetimes. So you can draw on this intergalactic knowledge. I know it sounds kind of out there, but it was a download I got a while ago, and it's really powerful. You also get access to the Birth Story Breakthrough Digital Course, that's the one that I mentioned that Avani did to heal your birth story and to understand how you might be projecting your birth wounding onto your current reality and how to shift that. Um, the Galactic Access Codes Transmission, the Miracle Frequency Activation, Tools to Expand Your Consciousness. How to receive answers from your guides, how to connect to your cosmic family, awakening your superpowers, meditation, and breathwork session, how to do energy work, how to ground, how to create rituals.

I mean, it's just, there's so much in there, you guys. It is. incredibly powerful. So right now I'm offering the bundle for only 555 or two payments of 280 until this Sunday. So I highly, highly recommend jumping on it. At this price, you're saving over 5, 000 from the original pricing of both of these programs. So it kind of is a no brainer and it will really just give you the leverage like all of my clients will go back and listen to all of these tools over and over and over again to continue to create change in their lives. So it's just such a great thing to have in your back pocket. So I highly recommend grabbing it before Sunday before the price goes up.

So please reach out to me with any questions. Don't forget to send us your screenshot. of your review of the show, so we can send you your credit. Oh, also, Avani talks about the metamorphosis, so if you have questions about the metamorphosis, or you would like to chat with me to see if you would be a good fit for the metamorphosis, please DM me on Instagram or reach out to I'm sensding you so much love. Enjoy the episode!

Hi everyone, welcome back to the show. So I am super excited for you to meet today's guest. So today I have Avani Shalenas with me on the show, and we're going to be talking about her experience in the metamorphosis. And. It's just really interesting because now there's been some time since she's been in the program and there's been so much that has unfolded for her.

So I'm so excited for you to hear her story. So welcome to the show, Avani. 

Avani: Thank you. Thank you for having me. 

Alyse: Yeah, I'm so excited. So let's like take a trip down memory lane.

Avani: I know 

Alyse: And I have been like through a lot. of we've walked a lot together. So when you first entered my world and entered the metamorphosis, what was happening for you and what drew you to coming in? 

Avani: Okay, so my son is two years old. I I was one month postpartum when I joined your birth story course.

Oh, yeah. And, yeah, that's where I started. And the reason I joined that is because a lot came up for me. In the word, just birth story just drew me because I had just gone through my son's birth story and I like it took me a second to connect to that. It's my birth story that matters just as much in my life.

And one of the intentions I had back then was to quit my job and to go into my business full time. And I had all the plans, right? I had nine months of maternity lined up And I wanted to use that time to go into really setting up my business. But then I had just gone through. birth and that whole process brought to the surface some of the, I don't know, like stuff about the medical system, just me trusting my intuition and just went into a little wobbly space.

So yeah, I saw, I think it was, you were running some ads at that time and I think I knew you from a container before, so it was just, okay, birth story. And so I did that and it was perfect because. Now that I did that, I can speak to when I speak to my clients, I'm like, get support right away after your birth.

And oh my God, I can talk about rebirth because I launched that course for moms when I was in the metamorphosis. Oh yeah! Yeah, because of that whole experience of how supported I felt. virtually coaching wise, mentorship wise, because I had support right away after my birth. Like my son was a month. I remember hopping on the calls with him on my boob and it was, yeah, certainly a time for recalibration for myself.

And then from there I jumped into the metamorphosis. I haven't even ever done any breathwork until then, just being in your space just made sense. And I think I knew I needed more support. So I just went through and then six months became a year. And I remember we did even boxer at one point. Oh my God, that was so supportive because I was in my in laws house with a baby and so it just like really helped to have that.

And then I did your retreat last year in the Catskills. Yeah. Oh, I also did the other program. 

Alyse: Oh, yeah. The Quantum Accelerator. Yeah. 

Avani: Yeah. That was great too. Yes. And then I guess I took a little break with you and then I came back because I realized I think breath work just in general. It's such an amazing tool.

So now I'm in, oh my God, I'm blanking on it. Beyond the matrix. Beyond the matrix. Yes. So because I was like, it's, it became such a embodied practice for me, but I was like, Ooh, I'm having a hard time keeping up or just like motivating myself to do it on my own. So it just helps to have a structure. 

Alyse: Okay, so let's go back like when you first started the metamorphosis, what were some of the biggest aha moments and shifts?

Like obviously I know you had already started the birth story, but when we did the birth story course before that, but what else were some of the shifts that you immediately had or aha moments that happened when you joined? 

Avani: I think the biggest thing is the, the breathwork around the mother wound, the father wound, and the sibling wound. When I saw, I think it was literally after I signed up, I saw the curriculum, or maybe at some point when I was signing up, and I was like, am I sure I want to do this? And then I saw these three. 

Alyse: Let me just say really quick. Not to cut you off, but before I forget, it's so funny. I took the curriculum off the sales page because I feel every time people see it, they're like, Oh no, I'm not doing that. I have to sneak it in there because no one wants to do that. 

Avani: And it was my husband. He said, you realize these three relationships are like your main thing. And I was like, okay, yes, you're right. So I went through this and I was like, I've dealt with this so many times. So what is it going to do for me differently?

And that was my question. I'm sure other people have that too. Oh, I've done some of this work before, but really, I think what happened for me was just like, it just disappeared. This stuff, like these relationships continually getting in the way of my decision. So I remember like when I was buying my house in Arizona, this was like a year before, like my dad had something to say about it.

I was getting thrown around by stuff like that and I realized I remember this was way before I met you. I was like, I can't keep doing this. I need to become an adult and make my own decision. And I remember, so this was when I was buying the house and I sold that house nine months later when I was in the metamorphosis.

And I was like, Nope, I'm not letting my dad have an opinion about this. Right. And now I can let my dad the Be like another adult versus in another opinion versus like somebody who completely influences and guides and directs my life more than I used to do that. And so I think that's a huge win because what I ended up What I ended up doing was like after that house sale, like I trusted my intuition on that house sale.

It was freaking fabulous because I made so much profit, which I would not make at this point. Or even like my original plan was to sell it 10 years later would not have worked out the same way, just given how the economy is, et cetera. But like from that money, we were actually able to, You know have that cash flow and then when this mexico opportunity came by we actually were like, okay This is it like we're doing this and being able to And then of course everybody including my mother father and my siblings had something to say about our decision and I just It wasn't like I didn't care, but like I didn't care.

Alyse: Yeah, no, I totally know what you mean and I want to go into this for a minute because I think this is something that a lot of people do without realizing it is that we on a subconscious level are looking for permission or approval from our parents and then we can also outsource that to other people, right, where it's like if it's not our parents then maybe it's our friends or our partner or whatever it is, because of those unhealed wounds from childhood, it's like we need someone else to tell us that what we're doing is good, or what we're doing is good enough, or give us permission to do it.

And I think that's what kind of shifted in that moment. And then can you talk a little bit about the Mexico thing. So I think that's important for people here. Like when that opportunity came up, I think it was something that in the past, even though you might have wanted to, you wouldn't have because of everyone else's opinion. And now you were able to interact with it differently.

Avani: Yeah, so this is I'm super grateful for this experience because this is my core to go for the courageous thing, right? This is everybody tells me this today. It's like, Oh my God, it's so brave that you guys are doing this, but it's like, actually, it's my core nature.

And I remember this from my childhood. The biggest. Rollercoaster. I was the first one on, and that was my thing, but then over time, like, I started to question and censor, etc. But yeah, so the Mexico thing, it's like, we basically are going to be living off the grid. Making our own food. We built this four bedroom, two offices, this mega ginormous, beautiful mansion in the mountains. And yeah, 

Alyse: it's like a dream come true. 

Avani: Yeah, for sure. Like I'm looking at the house right now. Okay. So we're like about five days away from moving in. I know we're in a hotel in the town. This is three hours from Puerto Vallarta. And it's, it is like the, it's a miracle. I look at a miracle every single day that they have been able to do this.

Like we're. Like my son is two and his activities are going to be Like to get in the soil to dig up dirt And plant his own food and watch it grow And like fish from the pond and not necessarily only things like devices, like we actually haven't introduced them to any devices. We don't feel the need to.

He actually doesn't even care, doesn't even want. And so my newest baby, my healer already, like he is going to be exposed to this kind of a lifestyle. We're in a small town, not like no movie theaters, no shopping malls, just living a simpler lifestyle. Like I could never in a million years, I grew up in a big city in Mumbai.

There's no way I would have ever thought. And yet I was reminded of my soul level for just love for nature out of releasing some of these. familial relational patterns. I would have never tapped into that, never tapped into my I already had a connection to Saurus. I was a healer before, but just the amount of clear seeing intuition and then also trusting and following my intuition, that part has been huge out of the work we've done together.

I have chills in my legs right now as I'm talking, which is so interesting. 

Alyse: Yeah, I can feel, I have chills too, actually. And it's funny, Because I feel like that was a really huge piece because it was like, and this is something that I think a lot of people come up against. I know what I want, but then it's like the only thing that stops them is literally what they think everyone else is going to have to say about it.

And when you say that out loud, it sounds stupid, but people really get stuck for years and years because of this. And you were able to... Shift it pretty quickly and at the same time, leave your job. 

Avani: Yes, yes, totally. And the other thing that happened is because like my, I was so clear about what was happening for me, my husband and I came into alignment super quickly as well.

And we had talked about this for a while as well. I remember in the metamorphosis where I was like, I feel like I'm always the one taking the lead or whatever, but like this. One, because it was so soul aligned for both of us, it just worked out. But even I feel like without the work, because your partner wraps in the same way as your family, and we don't always realize that, Oh, father, one mother one has something to do with how I'm being with my partner.

Right. But it like clearing all of that really just opened up so much alignment with my husband that now we are actually doing couples coaching together, which was like a dream that I had. And I saw like us bringing our powers together, but like, we didn't, you know, always have the full back. Thank you. I guess I was so unconsciously stuck in these patterns.

Anyway, so yeah to go into The part that you said about the job. 

Alyse: We can probably circle back. There's nothing else right now about the house I feel like there was other aspects to it But let's go into the job thing first and this was all around the same time But one of the things I do remember is you You would have these moments, and I think this is something that's important to illustrate for people, is you would have these moments of, Am I crazy for doing this?


And I think we all have these moments, like I've had them too. Deciding to invest these huge amounts of money in myself, in my business, right? I would be like, Am I fucking nuts? And it's only because you look around at like other people and you see The way that they would see what you're doing and you're like, Oh my God, like most people would think I'm crazy, right?

And I remember you had some of those moments, but then you still went back to trusting you're knowing. 

Avani: Yeah. And it all ties in together, right? Investing in myself, investing in this house and quitting my job because I couldn't have possibly done this. We can't live in this small town if I was still stuck in my job, which was starting to feel misaligned because of the kind of lifestyle I wanted to live.

And I hear this all the time where people are like, I would love to live off the grid and they just never really take the action. And so then they're just looping around in circles. And I would see that and I'm like, hell, I don't want that for myself. And it had gotten to the point where. The job was safe, and I say that in quotes, right?

Like I could have gone back to that. But I also knew that would mean a lot of things that I didn't want that came with it. Like I would have to a shift back, move back to California and I didn't want to do that. But yeah, I think what I really wanted, and I hadn't expected that, but the pandemic kind of accelerated the whole thing.

I hadn't expected to go full time into my business, but that whole process was like a process of like fully trusting myself. Yeah. And putting really not like that whole phenomenon of keeping one foot out the door. Hey, I got this back door. Like if my business doesn't work out, I still have my job to fall back on.

When I quit my job, my son was nine months old and people looked at me like. Are you serious? Like, yeah, why would you do that with a nine month old? And I thought that the last two years I've made crazy moves, moving to Mexico to a small town, not even a beach house in the beach, right? Cause that, that people can be like, Oh, okay.

That doesn't sound so crazy. A town of 15, 000 levels are crazy. It's a town of 15, 000 and living off the grid, making your own food. Have you ever made your own food before? Have you ever guarded? And I'm like, no. But I'll figure it out. Do you speak Spanish? No, I'll figure it out. It just, and it all comes from fully trusting myself.

Alyse: Yeah, and I think this is so important because I think so many people, like, have these callings and these desires, but they don't act on them because of these exact reasons that you're saying. Because it's, that sounds crazy, or I don't know Spanish, or all of these little things that are, like, totally figureoutable if you're following your intuition, your desire, and your knowing.

But because of how it's so against what most people are used to, or what's not like the traditional trajectory, And we're so programmed of that's what we need to do to stay safe. And that's what you need to do. That that's what makes sense. And so a lot of people don't listen to it. And I think because of all of the programming, because of our parents and all of that, it makes it so hard for people to break out of that until you consciously.

Use the tools to free yourself from all of that and like you were really able to do that and listen to your Knowing in a way that didn't make sense to a lot of people So so yeah, and then with the job stuff I remember too it was like and I experienced this a little bit too with my own When I left my job is it's like there's this point where it could make sense, quote unquote, for you to stay and just do your business on the side and still benefit from having that money.

But then it also gets to the point where this feels so wrong. And I feel like you got to that point as well. 

Avani: Oh yeah. I left basically, if I'd stick stuck around for two months, I would have gotten stocks worth, I think, 20, 30, 000, like basically left that on the table. And that was my original intention, too.

I was like, no, let me try to go back. I literally went back for one day and I was like, nope, can't do it. I remember. Yeah. And my boss was like, what happened in one day? How did you figure it out? And I was like, no, I just. Wasn't for me. I was on the, what do you call it? Verge? I wasn't, I wasn't sure. Yeah. On the edge anyway.

And then I went back and I just thought of the same stuff. It felt like dead weight. And that's the beauty of like, when you do in our work and you do this clearing, it's what's for you and what's not for you. And that clarity is priceless. It is. 

Alyse: Oh, I know, and I see it with people all the time, where it's like all of a sudden, things become crystal clear.

And it's funny too, because it's like not something that you didn't already know, but it's like you have the ability to access your knowing in such a more clear way once you shift all of the other stuff that's in the way. It's like the truth is just so obvious. Totally. Yeah, so then you left your job and then you started making money in your business right away.

Avani: Yeah, I was, yeah, so I had the one program and that I was, and I launched it again after my son's birth. So the last time I had launched, it was like, I think a year or just because of birth and all that I just paused it and yeah like I ended up having a really good program that year and also expanded actually brought to the surface too that I need to expand the way that I'm thinking and what I have to offer and especially like so I said I think it was after one of the breathwork sessions I downloaded the entire program.

Rebirth, right? The six week, I have a six week mastermind for moms. And just given how supported I felt, I was like, Oh my God, moms need this. So I downloaded that and I think I put that out there. I've only run it once because my attention went to other things in the move and all of that. But it's there.

And I've expanded my offering suite, which I didn't have, like I was running it like Yeah, the shift for my business was like, I was running it like a, let's see if this works to And I had one offering and like that to like, Oh no, this is working. This is going to work. What is expansion going to look like?

Right. And so then I also went forward to hire other business coaches that started to do some of that work while we were still like also working together and yeah. And then from there I have expanded also into couples coaching, which was something you had told me. Still remember when we were at the.

Retreat, and you're like, yeah, it's time for you to fully claim yourself in the sensuality space. And I'm like, what? I don't know if you remember that.

Alyse: I think I do now that you're saying it. When you first said it, I was like, wait, but now I remember. I think I remember that. Yes. 

Avani: Yeah. It was like day two or three of the retreat when they were like, okay, I have downloads for everybody.

And it was so personalized. It was beautiful. And so I just like, huh, what does that even mean? And so that sparked a whole level of conversations with my husband. And again, this was a dream, to be honest, I, for the first time in teen. Is when I had told my husband, Hey, I want us to start coaching and training people on our orgasmic healing practice.

And he was like, No, yeah. And then interestingly, right after the retreat, he signed up his first orgasmic healing. client. And then we signed up our client together like a few months later. And so it's, it got the ball rolling in the direction. So it was like literally all the things that were holding you back, all the back doors, I shut them and moved forward.

There was no turning back. And yeah, it was just going forward with what was really so aligned for us. And then one other thing I just want to talk about, it's like, the doubt that has come in every so often, especially with the house. Like when things didn't go, when we just moved to Mexico, like things were like, are you serious?

Like some of this stuff, like moving to Mexico, by the way, it's like a whole portal in itself. And yeah, so just when things didn't go our way, one of the things that happens is like doubt will creep in. Wait, was I right to do that? Oh my God. I already knew it was a little crazy to do that. But then there's like this.

Kind of coming back to yourself. You just can't shake it, right? Like when I can't shake any of this, the change is so permanent and connecting with source, connecting with truth, connecting with intuition is just so there is like a thing that it's like, Oh no, I can't doubt it. And then what do I need to do to work through the doubt?

Alyse: No, I, that's related to the next thing I was going to ask you around this idea because I think a lot of people understand I have an intuitive knowing, right? I know that this is what I meant to do. And even though it doesn't make sense, like I have this knowing, but then there's like the process of not only like listening to it, then taking action on it and then continuing to listen to it.

And I think this is the piece that a lot of people get. tripped up on. And I know this is like how you were really called forward into this, especially with the move, because this was over a year ago when you made this decision and you're still like five days out from actually moving in. So it's a process, right?

So how did the tools in the metamorphosis help you to not only know what your intuition was telling you, but then to continue to trust it and hold that knowing for over a year. 

Avani: Yeah, over two years. Almost.

Yeah, I would go back to the breath work and the, uh, meditations even after. The meditations are more in quantum accelerator, I think. But I would go back to both. All of it and Once a month I would do, at least once a month I would do it. And so it definitely kept that alive. And it's actually very, I used to wonder, I'm like, is it really working?

But then all this stuff is happening. And I'm like, ooh, what did I do differently? Oh, okay. So definitely that, like, you don't figure it out right away. Like how my work has also evolved as a healer, sometimes in the moment it feels, Oh, did anything happen? Does this healing, spiritual work actually work? And then my clients will be like, Oh, by the way, yeah, all these miracles happened and this happened and that happened. And you're like, Oh, okay. 

Alyse: Yeah, exactly. And I feel like that's something that is hard for people to understand, especially if you're like newer to the breathwork, because a lot of times people don't think anything is happening, especially in the beginning, but then it's like, all of a sudden. You realize that things are totally different and the breathwork works on like these deeper levels that we're not always consciously aware of.

And then all of a sudden you're like, wait, everything's shifted for me. 

Avani: Yeah, it totally. So I have a core offering called Amish the Goddess and that was my main offering. And I've obviously launched it before, but I'm launching it again. And this time when I'm launching it, like I have a huge focus on embodiment tools and breath work being one of them.

And then I bring in all my sensuality practices and all the other practices that I teach. I have emotional release and orgasmic manifestation and self pleasure and all of that. So I bring all of that into this program, but like one of the tools I was like, I have to bring in breath work. Like it is not optional anymore.

And so it has. up leveled me to a whole other level of practitioner, but also just bringing in the best tools that are helpful to my clients. And, and yeah, so to go back to the point that you were making about how it's helped, it's, it's just one of those things that's going to stay with me forever. I'm not going to shake it off.

I can't just be like, Oh yeah, that was great for that time. No, there's always stuff coming up. So I've definitely included that and then never to discount at all. Like the shift, like I said, that has already happened. Okay. So I'll be giving you an example of the shift that has really happened. This was like a bow.

A week or two after we moved to Mexico, like somehow after some of the work that I've been doing, like I used to get very tripped up on what my parents and my family and all of my people think about my business and they would always have something to say. And my dad is a businessman and so he had opinions about what kind of a business actually makes sense.

And I just stopped paying attention to that, like just, and then. In December, this was like a few weeks after, and I just launched my podcast with my husband, Sex, Money, Rock and Roll. And my dad calls us and he's, Oh my God, I am so proud of you guys. And I can't believe you stuck to this. And I was like, what?

And I'm like, look at my husband. I'm like, Is this happening or are we dreaming out of nowhere? Like one of the biggest critiques of my business is like my biggest cheerleader. And I call that, Oh my God, like the miracle keeps unfolding of the work that I've done, especially to heal like my, I don't.

Really care what other people have to say I'm going to go forward with my stuff and now okay So I had taken off all my family from my Facebook just because they always Energetically I could feel them and my husband he goes your dad is like the first one to like all my posts. I'm like seriously

Dad back on my Facebook. Because I'm like, Oh, I want you. Do you know what I mean? Like you just become so clear about the energy you're allowing into your life. So this is amazing. And from like somebody who always had an opinion. About how I'm doing things and what I should be doing in an area of expertise that is not his expertise.

You know what I mean? Like he does not want an online coaching business. And I do, and just going from trying to, you know, be a parent. In that way, right, because that generation always thought that they needed to do it this way to like becoming a cheerleader, which is like what I'm available for now, right?

So it's just beautiful that the work keeps unfolding over and over again. 

Alyse: Oh my gosh, I love this. And this is something I always say this, that when you change, everyone around you changes, right? And when you stopped needing his approval or stopped worrying about what he thinks or stopped needing permission from him or to feel validated because I remember one of the things that you came up against was like him not feeling like what you were doing was valid or real or whatever. And when you shifted that, it's like all of a sudden it like opens up this energy for him to show up differently. And I say this all the time because people tell me all the time they're like, Oh, my relationship with my mom totally changed my relationship with my husband totally changed, but I never had to say anything to them.

And that's what happens all the time. It's like when you have those inner shifts, and you create these different patterns of energy within yourself, people have to relate to you differently because you just don't even have those. places for them to hook in anymore because that's not a way that you're vibing anymore.

It's just not a pattern of energy that you're running. So I love that so much. And I love that he's like, now you're biggest cheerleader. Of course, that's so cool. And then the other thing I was remembering too, was your relationship with your sister too. And I know if you don't mind sharing about that because I know we made some really big shifts around that and you were able to show up completely differently because that was a point of Not contention, but just a place that was sticky for you.

Avani: Oh, yeah, that's right. Thank you for bringing that one up. I totally forgot. Yeah, and I didn't even realize it was a problem. In fact, for me, my relationship with my sister was like one of the most, one of the best things that was going on. But there was so much codependency there. So we had moved to Connecticut, and I didn't like it in Connecticut.

I knew I didn't like it in Connecticut even before. But I wanted to give it a shot because, you know, she's just such a... Such an important part of my life. And I was finding myself in these like patterns of, just to call it, like becoming, yeah, overly dependent on her for everything. And that was a problem for her as well, and me as well.

But not realizing that it was an issue. And I think out of some of that breath work, I don't know exactly, honestly, where that shift happened. But I remember we had this big falling out at Christmas and after Christmas for something that like, Logically shouldn't have even been a thing. And then we have this big break in Yeah, because one of the things that would happen is that I would just, if my sister would say something, I'd be like, yep, we're doing it.

And my husband would be like, Hey, dude, what are you doing? And there was a point where my husband and I were working on him setting his boundaries and really keeping them. And I had been so used to just being like, Oh, my, if I wanted, I'm going to go this way. I'm going to road roll. I would use just basically road roll over whatever he wanted and it wasn't working in my relationship.

So here I am working with my husband on this. Part. But then if it came to my sister, it was like, no, no, no, it doesn't matter. Right. And he put his foot down. I'm so glad he did, which also came out of him, me telling him that, Hey, it's not working for me. You need to work on this piece. So he hired a coach to do that.

Right. And so here I am. He goes, no, we can't do that. And then I set a boundary with my sister because of that. And she flips out. 

Alyse: And I remember it was like the type of thing where it was hard for you to say no to her. 

Avani: Oh yeah. Yeah. And logically it was very inhumane of me. You want to make it dramatic?

That's what it sounded like, right? Like it was very insensitive, inhumane of me to say no to something like that. But was it like, Life and death, like not really like she's an adult, but because we've gotten into these patterns of going to say yes, or she's always going to say yes for this thing that I want or whatever, right.

It would just keep us in these unhealthy patterns. And that was like, we had this like big falling out. I didn't talk. I was living 10 minutes from my sister, didn't talk to her for a month. That was horrible. And also really good for like the growth of my business, the growth of my relationship with my husband.

And one of the things that happened out of that was I stopped drinking. Alcohol. Yeah. Completely. I noticed that it was only when around like certain occasions in my sister's house where I was drinking and then because we had this like falling out I like stopped drinking and everything just shifted.

Honestly I can't tell you what happened but I was like. Like, for the path I'm on, alcohol doesn't serve me anymore, and, but it was hard to break out of those patterns, and then after that whole month of a break, I just stopped drinking. And I haven't drank, it's been over a year now, and I have no intention to, no, anything that was holding me back.

Because my energy management became so much more important than anything else, that whole piece. And there was so many gifts, honestly, that came out of that. I'll just pause for, before I go into that, I just wanted to just pause for a second. But yeah, that happened with my sister. 

Alyse: Yeah, and I think...

Anything else? 

No, I mean, you can continue with what happened, but I think that one of the things I just wanted to like, illustrate for people because this is a common thing when we do this deeper work and we dismantle the family patterns. Not only are we able to access our true nature even more and what we truly want, but sometimes we have to go through these periods where the relationships recalibrate.

And I think that This is important for people to understand because it can feel scary, like what you went through with not speaking to her. This happens with a lot of people where you might have to take space from a family member and then you recalibrate and then you can come back and relate to them differently.

this with people all the time. And it doesn't mean even you have to not talk to them. I know that's what it looked like for you. But for some people, it just means you take a little bit of space or you don't talk as much or, and sometimes it doesn't happen that way. Sometimes it can just recalibrate and people start to relate to each other differently.

But Especially when you have these like more codependent relationships, sometimes you do need to just take a little bit of space so that you can shift your own energy and then when you come back together, they're able to relate to you differently and you're able to hold a certain like energetic boundary and an energetic space where you don't go back into that old pattern.

Avani: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. For me, I wasn't obviously by choice. She wanted to not talk. I was like, okay. And I had to become okay with that, right? Like the consequences of me following my truth don't always look like things go my way. And that's something is it's a huge adult, like a passage to being an adult, right?

Everything doesn't go our way. And so that was actually really good too. And one of the gifts that has come out of all of this is like my psychic intuitive abilities have obviously skyrocketed, right? Like the amount of seeing that I have with my clients, it's unbelievable. Like I actually around that time started to like shock myself.

I was like, Did I really just see that? And did that really just come through? And the healings that I was doing just because all these Kind of thing started to shed I signed up a client at that time who is actually on my podcast at the moment She did an interview with me because she was like no girl the stuff you do People need to hear about it and I have helped her clear trauma That she was working as a therapist for four years, and I literally helped her clear that in three months and I was like, really?

And that came forward in the interview that she did with me on my podcast. And I was like, wow. And it was like a little bit after the time that we were working together. Yeah, all this happened. The other gift that has been being able to see the patterns that people like end up as a woman, I usually coach women just as a woman that we end up in patterns with other women, right?

Like my relationship with my sister was such a, I don't know, like a. what do you call it? Petri dish, right? For that whole kind of thing to come forward. And then the patterns that we get into with men, my relationship with my father and my husband became this big thing, like a Petri dish and like just really got magnified.

And so that's also one of the things, as I went into revamping my Unleash the Goddess program, this is the stuff that We need to really tackle, like in 2023 and beyond, and that's why I'm launching this program again differently with all of these pieces included around healing around women, healing around men, what does it mean to be a woman, what does it mean to relate to a woman, and what does it mean to relate to a man, etc.

And so, it just has, as a practitioner, I just So much more tuned in and also realizing who my clients are, spiritual women who have done a lot of work before, but then they're like, Okay, why am I still not getting there? Which I would have never gotten to like, no, my work is for everyone, which is as a business owner, it's so important to get to who you really serve.

So just because I was able to transcend it for myself, like being able to go 10, 000 foot, 50, 000 foot and be like, Ooh, these are the patterns with women and men that actually hold us back. The world is basically 50% women, 50% men, right? Oh, we've got the whole gamut covered. Once we do that work, so I just, yeah, that's a beautiful gift.

Alyse: Yeah. I remember at different points, cause this is something that I feel like pretty much happens for everybody who goes through the metamorphosis is their psychic abilities really skyrocket along with just understanding, like you said, like what you're truly supposed to do and who you're truly meant to work with.

I remember at certain points during the program where you were like, Oh my God. You would not believe what I just saw, or you would not believe like what I just did, or you would not believe it. Is this really happening? So I totally remember that. And I feel like here's the other thing too with the relationship patterns that you're talking about.

There's no way that you would have been able to see that and teach that if you didn't walk through that on your own. There's just no way and that's why it's so important to like, go back and look at the way that you related to your parents, the way you related to your siblings on this deeper level and using these tools to shift it because if you don't, then you can't see that for other people and you can't see it like you're talking about on the level of just what's happening in the world.

Avani: Yeah. Totally. That is definitely, you started marketing that part later and I was like, Oh yeah, like my intuitive and psychic abilities have become really crazy. And I remember I was like, wow, yeah, this is really true. And that's one of the gifts of doing an interview like this. Today, you can see in retrospect a lot of this stuff, so yeah, thank you.

Alyse: Totally. Yeah, I feel like it's cool that it's, there's been a little bit of time that's passed because you can even see it more clearly now that you're like in this different place. One of the things that is really scary for people is that leap of faith around leaving your job and going all in on your business because I have a lot of women that I've helped walk this or I have a lot of women that are like in that transition right now.

What would you say to people that are, you know, facing that question or do want to do that? 

Avani: I would say do the metamorphosis.

That's like a simple answer. Because everything we've just talked about that you don't even realize what's really holding you back, right? And some of these familial patterns, some of these unconscious patterns, just things that you don't even think about are really holding you back. On the surface, things are like, Even in, for example, my area of expertise is like romantic relationships.

On the surface, people will be like, if only he did this and this, and it's no. And that's like literally just the surface. And it doesn't matter what this person does. I help this program I have now, sorry, I know I keep talking about it, but it's, I help women receive more than they could. Imagine. And also the truest thing that they want.

The number one thing women will say is I would like to receive, I want my husband to do more things. And then are you receiving your husband? Yeah. And people don't. And part of it is these unconscious patterns. You don't realize your husband could be showering you with so many things and surprises and flowers and everything.

And somehow it's just not enough. Right. And because that core wound. Yeah. By the way, we never talked about this one, but like this whole thing of I'm not enough. We went to work on that one a lot. 

Alyse: Oh yeah. That's a whole, that could be a whole other. podcast. I literally made a whole program called Inherently Worthy because everybody comes up against this.

Avani: Yes, yes, totally. Oh, yeah, I'm excited to dive into that with you also. Or is it different masterclass? Sorry. Anyway, 

Alyse: like a program, but yeah, got it. Okay. That's why I made it is because, like, literally there's nobody that doesn't come up against their own, like, enoughness or worthiness. So, yeah, it's a huge piece and, like, to relate it back to what you were saying about receiving, if you don't think that you're worthy to receive, Even if your husband is giving you everything in the world and he's always there for you, he's supporting you, if you can't receive that and allow yourself to feel it, then it's not going to feel like anything to you.

Avani: Yeah. And then you keep going from relationship to relationship wondering why you're not getting what you want. 

Alyse: And that's you all along. 

Avani: Yeah. Just to tie. Yeah. It's not the surface stuff, right? It's the, the deeper. thing. And we don't always know what that thing is until we get into it. Right. So there's definitely taking that leap of faith and going into it, expecting stuff to show up that you weren't expecting.

And yeah, just also being there along for the ride and the fun of it and the joy of it. Right. Like that's also been something that has. It's been shifting for me and it started to in the metamorphosis, but can I allow good things to come into my life? Yeah. That's the number one question that even as I'm looking at this house, I've been, I've had to be like, can I really allow something this magnificent, this huge thing to actually come into my life without constantly putting in the doubt and the not enough and am I really worthy?

And then all that stuff into now, like. Life gets to be this good. And I think that was one of the things we used to talk a little bit about, but I was like, ah, no, too many problems, like just become addicted to problems and, and staying in that and yeah, letting life be good, letting miracles be the standard... And 

Alyse: yeah, it's like, how much good can you handle? Yeah. It doesn't always have to be about fixing a problem. And that's what I'm always saying is we can elevate beyond the problem. We don't have to be looking at ourselves as a problem that needs to be fixed. Obviously it's very important to acknowledge the way that you felt about what happened in the past so that you're not suppressing it and you understand where certain things have come from.

After that, it's okay, now where are we going, right? And how can we elevate beyond this? and create a life that is expanded into how much good can you actually handle? And it sounds like that's where you are right now, which is amazing. And you're about to move into this amazing house. I feel like this was such a perfect time to do the episode because like you, the seed started in the metamorphosis, you made the decision and now it's you're right on the verge of it fully blossoming.

So that's so exciting. I'm really excited for you. So congratulations on that. And then also, would you be able to share with everyone where they can find you and find out more about what you do? 

Avani: Yeah. So one thing I was mentioning throughout the interview is also the, my podcast. Oh yeah. That's so exciting. Yes, that was, oh my goodness, that is so amazing with my husband. So we co host a podcast, it's called Sex, Money, Rock and Roll. 

Alyse: So fun, I love the name.

Avani: Yeah, I don't know, it just dropped. That's the thing I am the most passionate about, sex, money. And rock and roll was more like not the music per se, but more from the lifestyle perspective and the life that we really want.

And both my husband and I, that's one thing we both have in common. And we're like, we just love talking about it. And it's not just. Sex is so many things. It's not just the one thing that we think that it is. Yeah. So we go into, in our podcast, we talk about orgasmic healing, but we also talk about men's work, which he coaches around.

We talk about women's work, all of that. It is so rich. So sex, money, rock and roll. Find me on Instagram @avanishahlenis . I think you'll probably post that in here. 

Alyse: Yes, we'll link all that below. 

Avani: Yeah, and the thing that I am offering right now that is the most, and I've been talking about this as well, is Unleash the Goddess, really, if you're wanting to really connect with your full self, right, including your God source self, emotion, and your sensual self, this is the program to be in.

I, specifically, I coach around relationships. Yeah. Like single women or even women who are already in relationships and how to keep the spark up, how to revive the spark, et cetera. But also just what does it mean to attract your king? So that's, that was a focus where I went. That's if you're in that spot.

But then the deeper thing within is all these healing, I'm healer. Five month mastermind for healing and embodiment. So like I said, I also include breath work. It's not as extensive, of course, as the metamorphosis and, but then I include like a taste of the practices that I do and really they can help you manifest so fast.

And so that's the program I'm promoting at the moment. I haven't launched it in a while. And so this is like the absolute new and refined version of the. of the program. And yeah, 

Alyse: that's so exciting. 

Avani: Yeah, yeah, just super excited. And yeah, follow me on Instagram. And That's the way to find me. Yes. 

Alyse: Awesome.

We'll, definitely. Oh, and couples coaching, sorry. Oh yeah. That's super exciting too. 

Avani: Yeah. Couples coaching and now that part of the vision with this house was actually to host retreats and host couples, and part of the vision of the entire development is also to bring people here for healing. So we're gonna start promoting that.

We're just waiting to actually move in, and we already have a couple like coming in later this year. And just we had to pause those sales because we were like, okay, we're still not in the house yet, but we will start that back up for private couples retreats and just like learning the practice of orgasmic healing, which absolutely changed our whole life and my relationship with my husband.

That's so awesome. That's how you can find out about me. 

Alyse: Thank you so much and thank you for being here. 

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Make sure you download my breath work for financial freedom at alysebreathes. com. See you next time.