Reclaiming Consciousness

How Hani Created Money, Miracles and Her Business Inside My World

October 12, 2023 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 93
How Hani Created Money, Miracles and Her Business Inside My World
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
How Hani Created Money, Miracles and Her Business Inside My World
Oct 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 93
Alyse Bacine

"When we get ourselves out of the way and decide that we're going to tune into the truth of who we are and to our connection to spirit, and let that lead the way, you're always divinely protected and miracles are always unfolding."

Today I have Hani Caiserman on the show. She's been a client since about a year ago and she talks about her journey and the miracles that have ensued in the context of our work together.  She shares her experience with the Lahaina fires in Maui, and the way that she's been able to tap into her own channel and spiritual guidance.


(08:31) What drew Hani into my world.
(11:23) One of her kids pushes her to start the journey.
(15:20) Putting the learning into practice: a scary but rewarding feeling.
(20:49) The biggest shifts.
(23:52) Say no to old programming and yes to what you feel drawn to.
(31:40) The work Hani does with women and how she applies all the knowledge and realizations she got from The Metamorphosis Method.
(38:09) Everything that Clear Channel unfolded for Hani.
(42:32) The Lahaina fires.
(56:52) The ultimate Manifestation.
(69:55) Reclaiming your Consciousness.
Episode's Transcript 


  • IG @breath.of.hani
  • Her program Birthing with Ease is available. It's dismantling patterns and programs surrounding pregnancy and birth, creating a birth of ease and efficiency.
  • Sign up to The Sacred Postpartum a group container, no matter what pregnancy stage you're at. It's womb healing, nutrition and nursing support, live breathwork and more.
  • Coming up in 2024, Lead and They Will Follow. 


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline just like Hani did!
  • You can still jump into Past Lives & Money and recognize and alchemize past life wounding so you can grow your business and your life in an exponential way. 
  • Join Real Results today. I’ll show you how to take the knowledge and information that you've gotten from the healing work that you've done around your family programming and apply it to create actual results in your life. Launches at the beginning of November. Bundle it up with Past Lives & Money to save over $1000.
  • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live.


Show Notes Transcript

"When we get ourselves out of the way and decide that we're going to tune into the truth of who we are and to our connection to spirit, and let that lead the way, you're always divinely protected and miracles are always unfolding."

Today I have Hani Caiserman on the show. She's been a client since about a year ago and she talks about her journey and the miracles that have ensued in the context of our work together.  She shares her experience with the Lahaina fires in Maui, and the way that she's been able to tap into her own channel and spiritual guidance.


(08:31) What drew Hani into my world.
(11:23) One of her kids pushes her to start the journey.
(15:20) Putting the learning into practice: a scary but rewarding feeling.
(20:49) The biggest shifts.
(23:52) Say no to old programming and yes to what you feel drawn to.
(31:40) The work Hani does with women and how she applies all the knowledge and realizations she got from The Metamorphosis Method.
(38:09) Everything that Clear Channel unfolded for Hani.
(42:32) The Lahaina fires.
(56:52) The ultimate Manifestation.
(69:55) Reclaiming your Consciousness.
Episode's Transcript 


  • IG @breath.of.hani
  • Her program Birthing with Ease is available. It's dismantling patterns and programs surrounding pregnancy and birth, creating a birth of ease and efficiency.
  • Sign up to The Sacred Postpartum a group container, no matter what pregnancy stage you're at. It's womb healing, nutrition and nursing support, live breathwork and more.
  • Coming up in 2024, Lead and They Will Follow. 


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline just like Hani did!
  • You can still jump into Past Lives & Money and recognize and alchemize past life wounding so you can grow your business and your life in an exponential way. 
  • Join Real Results today. I’ll show you how to take the knowledge and information that you've gotten from the healing work that you've done around your family programming and apply it to create actual results in your life. Launches at the beginning of November. Bundle it up with Past Lives & Money to save over $1000.
  • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live.


Hani: At some point in your life, you're going to be confronted with it. If you're not showing up to yourself the way that you want to, the whispers are going to get louder and louder and louder. And it's like, you hope you do something about it before it's too late or something like really big hits you in your face. ..And you're like, Oh shit, maybe I should put myself In line two. 

Alyse: Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi everyone. Welcome back to the show. So this week's episode is so close to my heart. I have Hani Kaiserman on the show and she has been a client since about a year ago. And she talks about her journey and just the miracles that have ensued in the context of our work together. And also she shares really vulnerably about her experience with the Lahaina fires in Maui, she actually lives in Lahaina, and she talks about that experience along with the miracles that ensued around that for her, all based on the work that we've done and the way that she's been able to tap into her own channel and her own spiritual guidance.

You're going to love this episode. I literally cried a couple times during it because it's so powerful. Her story is so powerful. And it's just such a beautiful illustration of what's possible when you begin to let go of the old programming and the old ways of, you know, thinking that we have to do things and start really trusting spirit and really interacting with spirit in a way that actually creates miracles as your everyday life. And that's exactly what she experienced. So I'm really excited for you to listen. Just a few announcements here. There's a lot that's upcoming. Um, As I'm integrating back from Sedona and the experiences I've had there, um, most likely next week there will be an episode or possibly the week after actually, there'll be an episode coming out about that so you can hear all the shifts in my own frequency, which I'm sure that you can already feel a new texture to what it is that I'm sharing and what I'm putting forward.

So I'm going to be doing an episode about that. And then there's going to be some new offerings coming out. But what I will share is that it is very clear to me that I am meant to not only help usher in but create the new paradigm of business. And I don't even want to say the word business because it's not even going to be called that anymore.

I have been shown a really big vision for myself and where we're going when it comes to understanding the truth of who we are and applying these very high level spiritual principles that I've been shown in order to live miraculously, abundantly, and in overflow just for being who you are and, um, energy and frequency, and spirit is real and not only is it real, but it works in ways that we have never been told. And so much of this is going to be coming through in the next offerings that I have for you. Along with what I have going on now, so right now I am enrolling for the Metamorphosis Method, which is my certification program, where I teach you how to facilitate breath work, channel energy work, and use the trauma clearing tools that I've created to get life altering results for your clients.

But really more than that what I'm really doing and what you're really doing in the certification program is beginning to cultivate and channel your own unique frequency medicine. Because everyone that's drawn to this program is already, and you're going to hear Hani share about this too, because she did the metamorphosis method.

Everyone that comes to this program, you already know how to alchemize energy. You already know how to clear trauma. I'm just activating your memory. And if you're somebody that knows you're meant to facilitate massive clearings of lower frequency energies on the planet and usher in a new way of living on Earth, then this program, the certification is for you.

So please reach out to me. I have been guided recently to have calls with everyone who comes in, just because I need to be sure, you know, that we're an energetic match, we're a frequency match, because this work that I share is sacred. And, you know, I just want to feel your energy so I can know that you're a match for the certification and for the other women who are there.

So definitely reach out to me about that. And then also I have my two programs, Past Lives and Money and Real Results happening right now. You can still jump in to Past Lives and Money, even though we started already, you will have access to the recordings and the Voxer and you can bundle that with Real Results, which is such an amazing opportunity to get into both of these programs now and save a bunch of money. So we'll put the link below for that. And for the metamorphosis method. If you're really interested in elevating beyond the old paradigm, learning how to collapse time and really start to work with spirit. and your own truth in ways that you never thought were possible, then I strongly recommend jumping into either the bundle or the certification, whatever, you know, feels good to you or the metamorphosis because I am accepting people into that as well.

If you are somebody who knows you have some clearing to do around family and ancestral patterns, if you keep coming up against the same patterns and challenges over and over again, then. you will stop when you do the metamorphosis and you will start to live in the truth of who you are. So, um, we'll link that below as well.

And there's two ways to come into that, the group program and then the group plus private. So I will leave it there. I know you're really going to enjoy this conversation with Hani. Um, as always, don't forget to rate and review the show. Send me a screenshot of your review and we will send you a 250 credit to apply to anything else in my world.

So I'm sending you so much love and enjoy the episode.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show. So I am super excited this week because I have Hani Kaiserman with me on the show, who has been my client for almost a year now. And she is going to share about. Just a lot of the magical experiences she's had inside the metamorphosis method, private work and clear channel, my channeling container.

So welcome to the show, Hani. Thank you. So let's just start at the beginning. I mean, where were you at when we first started and what drew you to coming into my world? 

Hani: So I was thinking about this actually this morning, and I had listened to you on a podcast. So I started following you, and it was right around your birthday, which is coming up, right?

Yeah. November 5th. Yeah. You had run a special, or you were doing a special in your program trust. And at that point, I was... I just knew that there was so much out there for me, but I didn't know what it was. And I felt like I really needed to tune into myself and trust myself and my guidance. So that was how I first got into your world.

And I had messaged you and went back a few times. And then I began that container, I think it was at the end of November. Yeah. It was around that time. And then went into, after that six weeks, went directly into the working with you privately and the metamorphosis method. 

Alyse: Yeah. It's so interesting because I remember you saying just some of the things in trust that you kind of like saw that you were meant to do are like now coming to fruition. And I know we can talk about that. We don't have to start with that. But it's just really cool because like, you've been having a lot of these like full circle moments lately. Because I remember when you first started doing the breath work in Trust, you were like, Oh my gosh, I got all of these downloads and visions about what I'm supposed to do and it was pretty profound.

Hani: It was really profound. And like, actually, I think I mentioned to you not too long ago where I'm like, now it's like, when I do my breathwork sessions, it feels really good. And I do get messages and I'm very in touch with myself, but it's not like these huge cataclysmic, just whoa, what's going on. And I had never.

Going backwards just a minute before I got into trust, I started doing your I've gotten your freebie breath work and I started doing that. And I had very profound results in just using that type of breath and meditation. I had never. Breathe through just through my mouth. So it was very almost like annoying and agitating and I remember messages.

So great about it. Yeah. Is this okay? Yeah, that was my very, very beginning coming into your world. And it was just I just had such incredible results immediately and just continued. 

Alyse: Yeah. And then what were some of the Yeah. Things that you saw for yourself and also maybe kind of explain where you are at in your life because I know there's a lot to that of like you being in this place of like, okay, I'm ready to do some things for me and like how being in that place propelled you into this whole journey that you went on.

Hani: Without going down a complete rabbit hole. So I'm a mother of four, and they, my family has always been like my number one priority. And I love being a wife and a mom and all of those things. And I had spent a lot of my adult years just pushing myself to the side, which is very common for mothers. And after I had my fourth baby, who's now three, she just turned three.

And I did not mean to have the fourth baby. That was a big surprise. I just wanted something for myself. I didn't quite know how to put myself into the puzzle and to manage everything and it felt like very much in a sense where I was like treading right just above water but barely able to catch my breath, so to speak.

And my dad who passed away now, I want to say it's about five years now. I had a session with a medium and he came through really strong and now I'm able to connect with him very easily during breath work and doing meditations and things. It was this activation inside of me when I had this session. It reminded me of all of these things that were inside of me that I had just set aside.

And for a long time because my oldest is 16. So there's a big age gap with all of my children. So that just propelled me to the first year of my little, my baby's life. So she had just been born and I think that she coming into this world activated something inside of me because I was on a complete different trajectory until she came and it's like, okay, wait, what's going on?

And so I spent that year doing a deep dive in just like soul searching, so to speak. And she, when she was about two, and this was, I think, kind of right around when I came into your world, she was having a really, really hard time in her. sleep to weight transition. It was like almost as though she would get stuck in the astral.

So I have been doing a lot of studying quantum healing, energy, medicine, all those kinds of things. So I just started working on her energetic fields in the quantum. I didn't know what else to do because she wouldn't wake up, but we would have like every night, these Just drama, screaming, crying. I'm like, what do I do?

My husband's like, she's possessed, but she was like stuck. Like she couldn't like anchor back into her body. It felt like, so I started just doing my own meditations with her and working on her energy. And I realized. And this is a very condensed version of it. I realized I was like, Oh my gosh, like I can help mothers with their babies while they're pregnant, connecting to their babies and their family unit.

I didn't know how I was going to put it together, but I just, it became very, very clear that I have. a huge gift to share with the world. And I didn't know how to put all the pieces together. And then I came to you. 

Alyse: Yeah. And I love that because I think so many of us, we do have that knowing, but you're right.

You don't know how to put all the pieces together. And I felt that way too, for so long. When I was a school counselor, it was like, I knew. that I was here to do so much more. I just didn't know how to put all the pieces together. I didn't know like where to start. And everybody feels that way. But I think we also think we're supposed to know every step, but we're not.

We're just supposed to know the next step. And I think that You took the first step and then everything has kind of unfolded perfectly. So when you came into the metamorphosis method, I think it was also and you can speak to this, you know, the question is like, what drew you to come in, but I think a lot of it was so you could use those tools to help mothers in the way that you desire.

Hani: So it gave me something tangible but also just to touch on with the metamorphosis method and all of the ancestral clearing that was so huge for me because I had at a very young age would be sitting in the room with all of my family members and just observing the way they interacted with each other and then whoever wasn't in the room they were talking shit about that person and it was just like drama and negative and I just This is so weird.

I'm not going to do this. Then fast forward to having a family. It was even more apparent. I was like, I'm not going to raise my family this way. Like my kids are not going to get all of this emotional baggage. So it's like I had this innate ability to be like, I'm going to make my own way. I'm going to do it my own way versus just getting stuck in those subconscious belief patterns and programs that most all people do.

So when I heard about the metamorphosis method, it was like a complete light bulb went off because it gave me something like real and concrete to do a deep dive for myself, which opened up a whole bunch more, but also in getting certified in it, being able to use those tools to help others. in the way that I desired to help them.

Alyse: Yeah. And it seems like it just went so quickly for you. Like when you first started, you started like facilitating right away. And also I do tell everyone I want you to start facilitating right away, right? That's why I have you guys do exchanges so quickly because I truly believe that the real way that you learn how to implement the tools is just by doing it.

Because that's how you see what you're able to do with people and what your work looks like. So I think that's why you moved so fast too, is because you started, it was like so magical because it was like the minute you came in, all of a sudden you had an opportunity, well not the minute, but you know what I'm saying, it was pretty quickly after.

Hani: Within a couple of weeks. Yeah. Yeah. And I was scared. I was really scared. 

Alyse: Do you want to talk about that a little bit? Because it was, it was really amazing because it was a couple of weeks and all of a sudden it was like you had, well, you tell it. 

Hani: So I was in a coaching certification program and it was at the very beginning of it and we were just talking about... it started with, I want to say the mother wound, and there was all of these things that were like I was on a private text thread with a bunch of classmates, and there was all of these things coming up with insecurities and value and self worth and. I'm like, This is the mother wound.

And so one night I had probably had a couple glasses of wine and felt very confident. I sent out a text message to the group and was like, Hey, I can help all of you guys with this and let's do it. Let's do a breathwork around the mother wounds. And I'm going to send you all of the journal prompts and you're going to prepare and then I'm going to guide you through this breathwork meditation. And we're gonna. heal your mother wounds. And, and everybody was like, okay, they jumped on it. And I remember the next morning thinking like, oh my gosh, now I actually have to do it. But I, and I was really nervous and I did it and I got the most incredible response from everybody.

I actually saved all of the, um, the messages to follow because it was like, I know you and I talk about outside validation, right? That's not what we're shooting for, but it felt so good. It felt like I was just doing something so subtle, subtle, right? It's like when you hold space for people, what you do for somebody is so much bigger than you actually realize.

So that was very powerful. And then basically I took them through the process as I was learning and we did birth energetics. We did mother wounds again and then went into father wounds. And. It was great and I learned a lot doing it and and how I want to take all of those concepts and put it into the way that I want to help mothers in raising their family and bringing it into their homes.

Alyse: Yeah. And, and it's just so important because like you said, had you not had that experience, you wouldn't understand what you're meant to do. So by doing it is really when you start to understand, Oh, wow, this is really what I'm meant to do with people. You see it by doing it. And I think that's the thing that A lot of people don't understand, even when it comes to taking the first step of starting your own business or doing your own thing or whatever, it's like we think we need to know every single thing or we think we need to know what we're going to do.

And you really don't. You just have to do it and then you see it and it becomes clear to you and it just keeps evolving. I love that. And it's really, really, really evolved for you. So maybe let's back up for a moment, though, before we get into like all of the amazing things that you've created. But for you, what do you feel like were some of the biggest shifts that you made?

Not even just during the metamorphosis method and our private work, what were some of the biggest now when you look back, you're like, Oh my God, I was totally different then. 

Hani: So I've been having a lot of reflection about this. Specifically, because as you grow and evolve, it's like you're the same person, right?

You wake up in the mirror and you're the same. And then when you actually take a moment to think about the person you were six months or a year ago, it's like, wow, I feel completely transformed. So I would say there's a few things that are like really stand out in my mind. So one is. Not feeling as emotionally reactive or attached, especially in my relationship with my husband, where, like you say, we're not responsible for other people's emotions.

That's like, I'm constantly going over and over in my head. But yeah, just like. I would realize I would be in a situation or an argument or a disagreement and then a couple hours later, I would realize I'm like, Oh, I didn't respond in the way that I normally would and the situation completely dissipated.

So those kinds of things happened quite a bit. And there was a lot. If I think about maybe like February ish, March ish, that was when I think like my internal transformation, so to speak, was like really in overdrive, and it was hard for my family to integrate into this process. new mom, not that I was setting them aside in any way, but it was like, I was very much about having time for myself, boundaries, and just, yeah, not being so attached, like not feeling like I'm responsible for everybody.

Everything always and it took him a minute and I, I remember having conversations with you where I was like, Oh my gosh, I don't know what's going to happen. And the most amazing thing happened was that just by me shifting the entire family dynamic shifted and things just settled into. just a better version of our family.

Alyse: Can I just stop you there? And I just want to highlight something and I want to just bring something forward that I think is going to be important for people. So I think there's a lot of women who have a fear that if they do what you're describing that They're going to be abandoning their family, they're going to lose their husband, or everyone's going to think they're an asshole or whatever.

So what? Because it's true. And I've had so many women say that to me that, oh, I want to do the metamorphosis method. I want to do the metamorphosis, but my husband doesn't think it's a good idea or, you know, it's like obvious that being a mom and the duty to being a wife and a mother. Because of the programming of what people think that means, they're allowing that to stop them from saying yes to what they're being drawn to. So what would you say to that person? 

Hani: I would say that When you're putting yourself as a priority, it's teaching your family, your children, especially like I have three daughters. It's teaching them that you're important and you're valuable and that you're deserving of all the things that you desire in life.

And I think that's That's that's a huge message to give your children. So I would say that is one thing and then also is to not get caught up in all of the house and the details of how everything is going to play out and fall into place and there might be some there probably will be a few rough patches, but if you follow your heart and you put in the work, everything just falls into place and it's You don't really have to worry about all of the in between details.

So what would I say to somebody? I would say, do it. Do it. How you may have some issues in your family, you probably will. But that's in everyone's benefit, you know, to kind of like break those patterns and programs. So it's like, I almost did the opposite of what I was so did not want to be like. How my family growing up operated that I did the opposite where I was more that traditional wife and mother and was, you know, made sure everybody had ice cold water bottles and their lunches were packed to perfection and dinner was ready early and all those things.

My mom did not do that at all. So I went like the opposite way and at some point in your life, you're going to be confronted with it. If you're not showing up to yourself the way that you want to, the whispers are going to get louder and louder and louder. And it's like you hope you do something about it before it's too late or something like really big hits you in your face and you're like, Oh shit, maybe I should put myself in line too.

Alyse: Yeah, absolutely. And I think that. It is obviously, as a mom and a wife, it is hard sometimes, even for me now. I don't even want to say balancing everything because it's not like, oh my god, what do I do? But it's, I think I explained it to you at one point, it's kind of like the business is just like another child.

Because it is, it's another creation from you, right? So it's like when, and when you have another kid, everyone has to learn how to acclimate to the new kid in the family. And it's like that with the business. 

Hani: Yes. And then to like elaborate on that with like time, like having to fit everything in, how am I going to do it?

Once I stopped really like thinking of it in our kind of 3D way that we think about it, it's like time completely opened up for me. I feel and not that I'm not busy. That's another huge thing that's happened and I don't know if it was because of the metamorphosis method or just All the time that I put in and the work I've done with you like continual work, but it's like my relationship with time has completely transformed and that was like a huge issue for me and managing everything like I mentioned at the very beginning of this talk, I felt like I was like treading trying to tread above water.

It's like I don't I feel like I'm floating and I'm more busy because now it's not only am I running a household And our family business and all the kids stuff and I have my own business I feel completely like regulated and stable. You know, obviously there's moments where we're only human, but just the general underlying feeling is I feel completely calm and stable in regards to my to do list and all of the family obligations and everything.

And that is just something that just magically happens. That's the beautiful thing about doing this kind of work is it's like, things just happen. It becomes, it's like easy. You're like, Oh my gosh, like now I, yeah. And now I'm not responding. Now I'm not emotionally attached to that. And then what happens is because you're not emotionally attached, you start responding to everything differently.

So you're not putting yourself in the same circular. issues and problems and things that keep arising because you just show up differently and then everybody else responds differently and then now you're living a completely different life. 

Alyse: Yeah. I love that. It's so true. And I love what you said about the time thing because that is, and again, this is a program.

This is actually not true because we do have the ability to expand or collapse time. And I'll be talking more about this when I do an episode about Sedona. Because I really experienced that there, it was like we were joking that we felt like we were there for three years and we were there for five days.

So it was really, and then there were moments of feeling like collapsing time, bending time, stretching time. It really is a matter of the way that you're deciding to look at it and the intention and energy that you're putting behind it. Because I do remember you in the beginning feeling so much like you didn't have enough time.

And now, like, that's not even a conversation because it's just not in the consciousness at all. But it is a common thing that I feel like so many people, especially in the beginning, will bring to the table. Even when it comes to signing up for a program, it's like, Oh, I don't know if I have the time. And that's anytime people are like, I don't have the money, I don't have the time.

It's really just a fear of what's going to happen on the other side, right? 

Hani: I did that with trust. Yeah. I was going to sign up for trust. I remember being like, I don't know, cause my, my littlest goes to daycare on certain days and I'm like, I'm not going to be able to go to the calls. And I was like, so wound up about how am I going to have time to do this?

Alyse: And it's so funny now. Cause now it's like. You get on calls when you're driving back from dropping them off or whatever, like you figure it out. You always do. But we tend to think that that's like a problem or we think we're so busy or we think it's all just coming from us, though, is the point. So. I love how that shifted.

So one of the other things I really want to talk about here because I know we could talk about all the changes you had all day, but let's just finish with the metamorphosis method and then I want to talk about what happened when you signed up for Clear Channel because that was like a whole other thing.

A whole other like paradigm shift. That was when the, that was when the weird shit really started to happen. But just to finish up, because just to illustrate the way, because I love to share with people like the way people have really taken these tools and implemented them to make them their own because I believe so strongly that I don't want you to just replicate what I'm doing.

I want you to take these tools and implement them in a way that you're going to share your Bye. sacred medicine and what you are meant to share. So I'd love for you to just share about like how you're doing that now because it's so amazing and how much has happened in such a short amount of time with your business.

How you and the tools and like the downloads and stuff that you've got about what you're offering now, how you want to work with women, what you're able to do with them. And you started to talk about it in the beginning, but let's just elaborate on that a little bit because I really want to illustrate like how you have taken all of this and then allowed it to develop into your work? 

Hani: Yes. So basically all of these tools and what I've been through in this past, like all of my downloads of what I'm supposed to do is within the family unit and specifically in supporting mom and elevating. The entire frequency in her home by her own evolution started a very basic level using breath work to calm and regulate your nervous system.

Because when you're operating with a regulated nervous system, life just works better. And mom is such a prominent role in the family in maintaining Transcribed the environment within the home. And it makes complete sense because literally you are connected, like she grows you in your body. And then when the baby's born, that doesn't, and the umbilical cord is cut, that doesn't just go away, right?

That energetic attachment is there. So that's like in a way broad overview, right? And so through the mom self development, then I use all of those tools in the metamorphosis method to really shed All of the unwanted layers and baggage and things that are stopping your growth or those patterns that you're just going around and around in circles.

So emphasizing like communication and relationships, how you speak with your kids, just everything all encompassing. And...

Alyse: I just, like, ask you one question really quick before we, before you continue. Go ahead. Do you feel like it was easy for you to just, like, immediately implement the breath work, the ancestral healing, like, the energy work? Do you feel like it was just easy for you to kind of, like, assimilate it and, and use it? 

Hani: I think I had, there was a moment where it was, like, Maybe I questioned myself, but like I mentioned earlier, all of these things that you talked about and during the metamorphosis and going through the whole process, it was like I already knew all of those things.

Like I knew that at a really, really young age in my family. dynamics. I was like, this is so weird. Like I'm not doing it. So it just gave me something like concrete to be like, okay, now I officially get it. I needed, I needed that from you apparently. So in a sense, it was easy for me to assimilate because it's like, I was already doing it.

It just It was more like what I envisioned was like just like a flush out and then when you do that, then you're creating all this space inside of you to treat others the way that you want to and have relationships that you like and set your boundaries and. Be patient, right? That's huge. When you're a mother, it's like that calm, regulated space of not reacting, not being in like react mode.

So was it easy to assimilate in some ways, but I think I definitely had a little bit of a rocky kind of period. And you just got to get through that. And then now, yeah, it feels Thank you. like easy and effortless. 

Alyse: Yeah, and I think also everyone that has come in is drawn to it because on some level they do know this, right?

It's just about activating that in you again so that you can remember your way of doing this work, right? And you're really just getting activated by the things that I'm teaching you. And I, it really is broken down so you do have a deep understanding of the skills, but And I know exactly what you mean when you just do something and you're like, wait, I always knew this. I don't know how I knew this, but I always knew this. 

Hani: So I took it a step further and where I'm like, okay, well, I want to have this impact on mothers so that they can then impact their children. And so I created a program to start at the very beginning called birthing with ease so that it's like we can bring the baby in to this environment like just to start from the beginning and I think a lot of women have, I think there's so much negative programming around childbirth in general nowadays.

And then if you think about epigenetics and all everything that's stored in your body. So it's about identifying and dismantling the patterns and programs you have surrounding birth, making space for the birth that you desire and anchoring in ease and efficiency. And that's the whole process we go through.

But I was able to take, going back to the metamorphosis, I was able to take some of those tools and put them into a birthing program to help women Yeah, bring their babies into this world and just a loving, regulated, conscious yes, environment. 

Alyse: It's so important, especially with the way, I mean, obviously we have a whole thing on birth trauma in metamorphosis because of the way that birth has been so distorted and misunderstood. It's like you start coming in being traumatized. So if we can reverse that, we have to reverse that. It's so important, right? So this is like 

Hani: It's like setting your children up for success. 

Alyse: Exactly, and it's so important. And then I love how you just implemented everything in this way of just consciously being a mom, and I don't think we realize how programmed we are around what it means to be a mother.

that we're supposed to feel guilty, we're supposed to sacrifice, we're supposed to abandon ourselves, and, and it still comes up for me, like, when I went, you know, I was away at this retreat for six days, and of course, like, I have this guilt, right, of being away, but. Ultimately, what I was doing there is obviously benefiting my family and my kids in so many ways.

But it's just so deep within us. So for you to, to teach people how to change the paradigm around that is like a crucial part of. the healing that everybody needs. So it's so important. It's so important. Okay. I want to get into like the clear channel stuff because I know we don't have a whole lot of time.

When you were coming up on the end of your private package with me, you were like, that's when I came up with clear channel and you were like, I really want to do this. I really want to open my channeling abilities. And then what unfolded from there was just like incredibly wild to me. So do you want to just start? And tell the story of everything. 

Hani: Sure. You mean like the whole like fire situation? Yeah. Yeah. And I, I was actually reflecting on this not too long ago, right? When I was doing Clear Channel, I thought, I mean, I didn't really think this, but it's we're going to sit around and have a seance or something.

Talk to spirits. And obviously that's not what happened. But. Shh. It allowed me to see how there's not a disconnect between living your life and then having this spiritual aspect of yourself as well. And when you put them, it's like you don't make time in the day. So now I'm going to connect, right? It's like you want to be connected.

Obviously, sometimes you're more in tune than others. I think when I was going into clear channel, I was, I was thinking of it as more of an esoteric. I'm really gonna sit here and start talking to and be aware of it and everything. So we just continued. I actually, you gave me access to a lot more different meditations and things like that. And I remember Right at the beginning, I didn't have a quote unquote time to, you know, sit down and be quiet in my home so I would listen to the meditations while I would go on a run in the morning or, or yeah, while I was on a walk and I got just as much benefit I feel like because I remember messaging me like, Oh my gosh, I had this great idea.

And it was almost as though I could, like, literally feel the top of my head, like, opening up. And it was just like, shh, but also very subtly. 

Alyse: It's all subtle. And that's the thing that I think the misconception that people have is they think that the sky is going to open up and all of these things are going to pour out of the sky and it doesn't happen like that.

It, you have to intentionally tune into. the subtle energies. And as you do that, you become more and more like well versed at understanding what's happening and at working with energy and working with the field and being able to see the synchronicities, being able to see what's happening, being able to like be In relation to the field of existence in a much different way, because we are programmed to go around life ignoring all of these subtleties and you know, we're trained to like, Oh, well, if we can't see it with our eyes and it doesn't exist.

But what you started doing is tuning in with the subtle energies and the field in a very different way and starting to really see. Not only what you're meant to do and the truth of who you are, but like these really divine ways that you have not only been supported, but then also opening up to, like, miracles in this way and, and you can tell the story of what happened.

Hani: It was almost like expecting that you or someone else is going to give you that ability. Like we all have to just get rid of that belief, right? It's okay. This super psychic person is all of a sudden going to make me psychic. That's not how it works, right? But just, yeah, so it's like in your day to day life, just recognizing and being aware of all the things.

It's like conscious awareness. So then what ended up happening is, which probably most of your listeners know, that's Lahaina burned to the ground. So I live in Maui. I live in Lahaina, not currently, because it burned to the ground. And it was pretty much the most traumatic, life changing event I have ever been through.

And I am currently going through it, caring for children and our family of six through just absolute. Devastation. So, I need a moment. Excuse me. Like, I'm covered in chills too. So, it was August 8th. My kids were all scheduled to go back to school the ninth. So, I was like, pumped. I was ready to go. I had done all the grocery shopping.

I'm like, my whole life is I'm I'm like gonna have my time back. I'm gonna have time. And then, and I, I know I had a private call with you and that got, we couldn't even talk. The winds were like insane, like crazy, like nothing I've ever experienced. Telephone poles were going down left and right. And at about, I would say 4 p.

m. My husband who used to be a fireman, he was looking at the smoke coming kind of south from us and he was like, this does not look good. We start packing up things. So I just started packing up some things. And then within two minutes or so, he started hearing propane tanks just going off like every couple of minutes just boom, boom, boom.

And he was like, everybody needs to get in the car. We have to go because we weren't going up north to a friend's house. So we evacuated early and avoided. All of the trauma that our kids could have. It was still traumatic. There was like people coming still into town. We're like we're in a little neighborhood and my husband had to stop traffic on our little side street to even pull out of the driveway because everybody was still going.

And he was telling everybody like you're going the wrong way. Don't go that way. So the night goes on and we wake up the next morning. And I am have totally accepted that my house, my entire the last five years of remodeling the most gorgeous 1928 plantation home. It's gone. I'm not super attached to things.

I had taken my documents and a couple pieces of jewelry that are special and it was really, I just settled into the space. But what was interesting. Okay, so now go to the clear channel. I remember that night like I did not sleep and the wind was insane and I was like, and we had heard the water pumps exploded.

So there was no water so they couldn't even fight the fire. And I just knew I just knew like my house. Without sounding, I don't know how to make this sound, it's like, 

Alyse: yeah, 

Hani: it was just too, it's too special. It's too special to have burned to the ground, but I accept the next morning that it did. So a friend who had been on a dirt bike super early in the morning on the back, like cane roads had come down and he comes to our friend's house and it was probably at eight 30 or nine in the morning.

And he shows us a video of. embers and ashes and his house had burned down. Everything's burned down. And then he's like, Oh, but the Kaiserman's house is still here and our house is like standing there in all its glory, like beautiful green yard, the mango tree. There was one bush outside of the garage that was singed, but our house was like, It was, and that was when I actually really broke down like, oh my gosh, and take it a step further. When I mentioned about my littlest Mila was having a hard time and I was doing like work on her in the quantum, I would do the same thing to our house because I was like we're sleeping in our house and I didn't put this together until just a couple weeks ago and I would do this same quantum energetic light healing activation whatever you want to call it. I would do it through her entire body and energetic field and then I would go through our entire house and our entire property. I don't know, I'll just claim it right now, like I'm protecting the house, I don't know. 

Alyse: I have to say, I saw the video and literally your house was the only thing standing in a bunch of burned down stuff. And not only that, but it was untouched, like there wasn't even anything. Like you literally could go back there and live in it right now for, if it wasn't for the fact that the neighborhood is completely burned down, but it was so wild. And I know you did all that work on it. And Andrea and I, through the whole process, we're working on it and putting protection around it.

And I do the same thing in my house all the time. I'm always putting protection around, I'm always putting golden light around it. And these things are real. And Andrea will tell the story, too, of how when she lived in New York during Hurricane... Oh my god, I can't remember what the hurricane was. It was like the big hurricane that flooded everywhere in New Jersey and New York.

Her house was the only one that didn't get messed up and every house around her did, right? So these are the things that it's really important to understand this isn't just, Oh, let me try to be spiritual like, no, if you actually want to create your own reality, this is how you do it because you started to tap in.

And you have been tapped in, right? You have. It was just being, it was just like opening up to another level of claiming it and really owning it and being confident in it. And then it was like you were took on this journey and we haven't even gotten to all the divinicities yet. 

Hani: That was just the first thing.

Alyse: That was just the first thing. The way that that happened was just so miraculous and I remember when I finally talked to you because, you know, I didn't hear from you for a few days. Yeah. Or like four days or something. Yeah. And we were all like, I was so worried. My husband who built your website, he's worried, Andrea's worried.

We're all talking: have you heard from Hani? And then when I finally heard from you and you told me this, I just cried and I didn't like want to be like, I'm hysterical crying because I knew you were so upset. But I was like, it just moved me so much, you know, that that happened because it truly was a miracle.

Hani: Yeah, some of my dad's ashes are buried there under a lime tree and, and I do have a very, I have a pretty clear connection with him. It used to be just like in meditation, but I can connect with him pretty well. And I think that night too, like I, I connected in because it's, I'm laying there not able to sleep.

What do I do? His energy could have some had something to do with it too, and everybody was just like, you're so lucky. You're so lucky. And I'm just sitting there thinking, I don't really feel lucky. I feel like shit and our whole town's burned down. And what am I now? In hindsight, I don't really believe in luck, just generally speaking, but I feel like I mentioned at the beginning of this is that my house was just way too special to get burned to the ground.

Not to say anybody else's house was less special. I don't mean that at all. 

Alyse: Well, it's kind of like you had this knowing, right? It's not like you were like, oh, it's so special. It can't burn down. But it was more like you knew that there was something about it that you just knew it wasn't going to burn.

Hani: It's one of the three oldest now buildings in all of Lahaina. So it's pretty fucking special. 

Alyse: Yeah. Yeah, it is special. Yeah. It is special. But it's like, it's more the fact that I think you just had the knowing, you know? 

Hani: Yeah. I just, I couldn't see the other side of it. Like I didn't really know how it was going to get saved, but I was like, I just, I don't Don't see how it could burn down. Like, I couldn't wrap my head around that at all.

Yeah. So then, so then what happened was, yeah, no internet, no phone, just complete absolute chaos in West Maui, like insane. We immediately within like, I don't know, just a couple of hours of waking up, we had one client. So our business wasn't touched at all because our business is all north of Lahaina. And we didn't know what it's gonna look like to even have a business and all of our clients are north of Lahaina.

We have a landscape company so we service really high end properties in northwest Maui. So like the Kapalua and Apili area, if anybody's not even Apili, just Kapalua area, if anybody's familiar, but it's already hard enough to do business here. So then imagine your whole town's burned down. So we didn't know what that was going to look like.

And it wasn't really at the forefront, but we had what we learned in all of this and especially true to my husband, I know one of his gifts is relationships and communication. We have built such incredible relationships. Like it's. The reason we landed I feel like so well is because of all of the work we've put in for so many years past, but we immediately had a client who was like, none of our clients really live here.

So there he said, go stay in our house. So we're seeing this beautiful, it's like a mansion and, but absolutely bewildered. What are we going to do? So I ended up taking the kids to Arizona where my brother lives because we just needed to get out and my husband needs to focus on how am I going to take care of my family?

What is business going to look like? And then in that next couple of weeks, what ensued was just like crazy. So he, at first his idea was, okay, I'm going to buy all new tools and completely revamp our entire business and I'm going to give all of my. old stuff away, which you know, it's old, but we've been, he's using it.

It's like it's supporting a business. So it's good. So he got like eight different companies up and running so that they were like, he gave away trucks, trailers, all kinds of tools. What do you need? Here you go with no obligation. No tie is just like out of the goodness of his heart. He's, are you okay that I'm doing this?

And I was like, sure. Like complete trust in him that he's doing what he needs to do. I think it was therapeutic for him as well, because everybody he said he's walking by everybody and they're just like forlorn and just no hope. And he's like, here you go. And they're like, okay, I can go make money. And then they have employees who can then make money.

So we have a client who gets wind of this. And as we are putting together like a much larger fund that we want you to be responsible for and distribute and basically help people who want to help themselves, that's kind of all happening. I'm. Alone with the kids, just like how do I support and hold them?

The older ones were having a hard time. My son's going to be a junior. My daughter's going into her freshman year. Everybody wants something different. Okay. Even if we can live in Maui, what does that actually look like? Because the towns burned down and just so much more than you can even comprehend until you're like in that situation.

And the reason I mentioned this is because. I feel so proud of myself, and I know it has to do with all of the support that I had, all of the self development I've had, everything, like, in my being, I was able to hold my children in such a loving, like, unconditional way. And a lot of what I learned through this, where it's like, you don't want your child to hurt.

And I talked a lot about this with you. It's not about not allowing them in their experience. It's about... witnessing it and just being there for them. And when I did that, it just made so much sense. And I'm still doing that. The older ones definitely still have moments. So then I'm going through the whole process with insurance.

And am I going to move to another island? Where are my kids going to go to school? That being said, we had them in private school that wasn't touched here. So school was still an option in Maui. And then we had another client who offered us his home with no obligation for the entire year. And that was one of the biggest drawbacks about me coming back to Maui was where are we going to live?

What are we going to do? And this home is just like, it's a little mini resort. Like it's insane. It's insane. I, I remember thinking like, how am I even going to live like this? This is, and we had a beautiful home, but this is like insane, like quantum leap. Holy shit. We're not going to the next step. We're going to 15 steps ahead. I've acclimated. No. 

Alyse: And I do want to talk about this for a moment. Okay. Just because I know this was something where you were like, And this comes up for people, especially when you start to be really good at manifesting. And I know people would say this to me all the time, like, everything just always works out for you.

No, it's not random. Like I put in a lot of work in order to be the type of person that everything always works out for me, you know, and I feel like that kind of came up for you a little bit because there are, there were so many people that you knew that were suffering. And that we're deciding that they were victims, right?

I'm not saying they're not victims. Obviously, everyone was affected by this, you included, but you were operating in a very different frequency around it. And so it ended up being a series of miracles that happened for you while other people were very much like in the struggle of it or feeling like everything was taken from them and there's nothing that they could do.

And then that brought up for you the feeling of now I feel like bad that I've received all of these things and everyone else is struggling and, and that was really powerful for you to walk through. Because I think that. It allowed you to like still remain in your power and not apologize for what you had because you created it right like everything that we have we create, even if it's quote unquote handed to us we still.

Manifest it right through our energy and you not only did you not end up obviously I know this is hard for you but you also ended up with all this money coming through which we can talk about in a minute and a house that's like beyond any house that you thought you would ever be living in. 

Hani: I have to tell this story though I have to tell this story which I think I'm pretty sure I told you. So we had come to this house because they were clients of ours and they had bought it probably just now, like maybe a year ago. And so last year at this time, like literally at this time, we had gone to the housewarming and it wasn't like not my group of people or whatever, but it was fun. We had fun. I can always have fun in social situations.

And we went home and I was, we were sitting in the kitchen and I tell my husband, I can see myself living there. And he, he's like, what are you talking about? And I'm like, yeah, I don't know. I can, and I wasn't attached to it. Like I wasn't saying, Oh, this is what I want for me. And he thinks a lot, he's a way to put the fucking pressure on, like, how am I going to make that happen for you?

And I was like, I don't know. I just, I'm just saying, Yeah, I just, I was like, I just didn't see myself living there. So I completely forget about that because it wasn't anything really important. And I remember that maybe. A few weeks after we moved into here and I was like, Oh my gosh, like I literally so talk about manifestation and then take it a step further.

I've had this talk with my husband where it's like when to manifest something like you, you don't get anything or become anything until you already are. It's not, Oh, I'm going to feel like this when this happens, you feel like that. And then it happens. Yeah. And so this is like the ultimate manifestation because Every single day we are living and breathing this new reality, set aside all of the other stuff, but just specifically think talking about like home environment.

And so it's like, how then will it ever be another way if it's like, that's what it is already. Right. Yeah. It's like the ultimate manifestation. Yeah. So that's just a little interesting side note that it's like, I don't know if I had somehow saw myself in the future or... 

Alyse: well, yeah, because from the perspective of everything is happening simultaneously, right?

If time isn't linear, then you saw the version of you who already was there, right? And you connected with her and, and in some way it looked familiar to you because that version of you had already been there. Yeah. So it makes sense from that perspective, and it's just about being tuned into that. And then we can go into, because I know there was a lot of money that came in, and again, this is not to minimize, because I know that what happened was devastating, and I completely get that.

And I'm like, not taking, I don't want people to think that I'm like, minimizing that or saying that that wasn't affecting people, because I know that it did, and I know how it affected you. Yeah. However... Because of the way that you had been working with spirit, working with energy and the way that you were intentionally creating and trusting and being in that divine unfolding.

Everything just started unfolding for you in these like really miraculous ways. And I feel like sometimes when there are big things like that that happen, there's always gifts that unfold, right? And for you and your family, it was just like this huge opening of a completely upleveled lifestyle. 

Hani: Yeah, I think that was how you're mentioning not to minimize what happened and I think this has been like in my life the most polarizing.

situation I've ever been in where it's like I'm staring out over the Pacific, making amazing food in this mansion. And also our town burned down. I can't live in my home. My children are upset. And then somebody like down the street is living in their car in the park, right? Cause they don't have a home.

And so you gave me incredible advice where it was kind of like, You can feel both ways and neither of them are right or wrong. It's being able to hold both feelings and it's like it's okay. And so that was a really interesting thing and I still feel it now. I think more. I'm used to it more now where it's like.

Now, it's been a few or a couple months. This is a new reality and I'm used to driving through the town that's completely burned down, but it was like such a stark contrast. And then also like the haves and have nots. And that is where the all the work that you do ahead of time. It's like it's not luck.

It's like the reason that we landed where we did is because all of the hard work and commitment we've put into our family, our relationship, our marriage, our home, our business. It's the fruit of our labors, so to speak, you know, and you can't have that kind of conversation with everybody when they're grieving and when their situation is not the same.

And so I had to kind of pull myself out. Of a lot of not like social situations like we're so social, but it just feels different and that's okay. I'm not like making up a story about that either. I know things will just level off how they'll level off, but it was like an opportunity for me to really focus on myself and my family and what I'm doing and... and not go down a deep dark hole. I never operated that way anyways, but it was like just very much in my face of I'm not that person. And then that will go into like my, which I mentioned to you, my absolute complete embodiment of everything that I had been Doing this past year and working with you and the metamorphosis method and starting a business and what am I going to do and how is it going to look like it dropped so deep inside of my body that it's like I know what I want to do.

I feel it inside and I know how to support women in the way that I want to because I'm like living, breathing proof of doing it for my family. So that was like a huge thing that came out of it going back to the whole money situation that was just it was like every single day. There would be some like most amazing thing that was happening and clients and just people coming out of the woodworks like depositing money in our accounts and, and then being in charge of this huge amount of money and putting that into people's hands.

And I think within the course of 48 hours, we were able to give like 250, 000, which is like, A huge testament to like what the universe sees myself and my husband being able to have and hold and give and flow. And that felt really good. And yeah, and then we would, there would be a client pay I deposited X amount of money.

And then my husband would just give it away. He would be like, he would call and say, Hey, I saw so and so and they seemed like they were having a really hard time, so I gave them $5, 000. I'm like, okay. That's cool. And then I got a random $8, 000 check from a trust of my nana's best friend who passed away. My nana has passed away, I don't know, 10 years ago.

What? Yeah. I think you said like in one day it was like $30, 000. Yeah. So it was a client, one client gave us $15, 000, one client gave us $5, 000 and then I got the check from that trust for $8, 000, $28, 000 just like, yeah, like, 

Alyse: I mean, it's almost like you were being like showered with blessings and like, yeah. 

Hani: It literally felt that way and you know, it's kind of like, I don't want to say it's tapering off, right? It's like good things are happening left and right for me, but it's like kind of shifted. Like that was a very money focused, like three weeks where it was like, yeah, money was just being input into our account. 

Alyse: And you also bought a new car. Didn't you buy a new car too? And that was like, 

Hani: Well, we gave away, we gave away one of our trucks.

My husband did when this is when I was in Arizona. He's like, they didn't, you know, it burned in the fire. So he gave away a truck. So we ended up buying a new, and it was like an older truck, but. We ended up buying another one and it was like the easiest like most neutral 50, 000 we've ever spent. Like we, we went out to lunch afterwards, we came home and we were both kind of like, I remember being a lot younger and just like, Oh, should we do it? I don't know. Is it a good enough deal? But how all of these, like everything wrapped around it. And we're just like, okay, whatever. Like, moving on, what are we doing next? 

Alyse: Yeah, you became so much more neutral with these larger amounts of money. And I feel like it was kind of like the universe telling you to you're supported, like you're taken care of.

And it was just... through that period of time, there were just so many things that unfolded one thing after another after another of just like you being so divinely supported and divinely protected. And this is one of the things that and I'm going to talk about this more when I talk about Sedona is just that I really realized is like when we actually like get ourselves https: otter.

ai and decide that we're going to tune into the truth of who we are and to our connection to spirit and let that lead the way. You're always divinely protected and miracles are always unfolding. It's just that you have to choose to Look at it that way and to be in that energy and I think it was like this perfect unfolding of you decided to do this clear channel and open up and it was definitely not looking anything like you thought, but here we are and it's like things are able to come through you easier than ever.

You're more connected than ever. And you're right, it's so much more about how you are applying spiritual principles nonstop all the time in everyday life and how you're interacting with reality itself. It's not about sitting down and doing a meditation every day. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but the real work comes when you can apply it.

Bye. These things in everyday life so that your life starts to change as a result. And that's what you did. And that's what happened. So it's just, it's really, really wild. I feel like we could talk about this all day. I have to wrap up here because I have to go pick up my kids, but I would love for you to just share how people can find you and, um, if they want to reach out to work with you, how they can do that.

Hani: So my website, which your husband made, is absolutely gorgeous and officially launched, and that's breath of Um, you can find me on Instagram at Breath. Of . Hani, and right now I have, uh, birthing with Ease program, which is obviously for women who are pregnant, and that's a six week course. And it's dismantling patterns and programs surrounding pregnancy and birth, creating a birth of ease and efficiency.

I have a postpartum, um, it's called the sacred postpartum. That's a rolling group container that is like community support. We'll have bi weekly calls. It's everything postpartum, wherever you're at, whether you're You have just given birth or you're a year into it, womb healing, nutrition support, nursing support, relationship support, communication support, sleep support, live breath work once a month.

And I have private coaching and mentorship. With breathwork integration and that is focusing on the family unit and elevating the frequency within your home. Soon to come, which I'm very, very, very excited about, probably the beginning of 2024. So if you follow me, you'll be getting all of the updates. I am going to launch a program called LEAD and they will follow.

And that is specifically for Mom's evolution and self development and parlaying that into her family. So as she rises, the entire family rises, and that is legitimately my complete absolute embodiment of this past year. And I want to change the world through moms who can then impact their kids. 

Alyse: Oh my god, I'm gonna cry.

Hani: That's it in a nutshell. 

Alyse: Thank you so much. Thank you so much for sharing all that and for sharing everything so vulnerably in your story and I feel like I have to have you back because I feel like there's so much we didn't get to but Thank you. And I'm so excited for you. And for you, what is a non negotiable when it comes to fully reclaiming your consciousness?

Hani: So I thought about this and I thought about this so many times listening to your podcast. What is mine? And I never knew. I never knew. And then I thought about this yesterday and the one non negotiable in reclaiming my consciousness is joy and happiness and celebration. And Your consciousness, your higher consciousness, your spirituality feels good and fun and happy and celebratory instead of a somber, serious thing. I feel like we can evolve as conscious beings through like our own joy and then imparting that on others. 

Alyse: I couldn't agree more. I'm all about the joy and celebration. So it's so important. So thank you. Amazing answer. And thank you for reminding me.

Hani: I had to!

Alyse: Okay, thank you so much, Hani. You're amazing. Everyone's gonna love this and we will talk to you soon. 

Hani: Bye. 

Alyse: Thank you so much for being here. Don't forget to subscribe to the show, leave a review and share the show with your friends who you know are yearning for this type of content. When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world. You can stay connected with me by following me on Instagram at alyse_breathes and by joining my Facebook group, financial freedom for spiritual entrepreneurs, where I share all of my most fun and potent content.
Make sure you download my breath work for financial freedom at
See you next time.