Reclaiming Consciousness

How Alyssa LeBlanc Changed the Game for Herself in Hollywood Inside The Metamorphosis

October 19, 2023 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 94
How Alyssa LeBlanc Changed the Game for Herself in Hollywood Inside The Metamorphosis
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
How Alyssa LeBlanc Changed the Game for Herself in Hollywood Inside The Metamorphosis
Oct 19, 2023 Season 1 Episode 94
Alyse Bacine

"When there’s a problem, you’re being asked to grow and expand and that’s actually better than the version that you were at."

This week I have Alyssa LeBlanc on the show. She's been a client in The Metamorphosis for over six months now.
We discuss her experience with personal transformation and the profound changes she has made in her life. Alyssa shares how she was drawn to join the program and the impact it has had on her career in Hollywood. We also delve into the significance of the birth story and how it can shape one's perspective and beliefs, and how healing family dynamics can have transformative effects on relationships.

Overall, we emphasize the importance of letting go of societal expectations and allowing oneself to fully express their authentic self.
I believe Alyssa's journey serves as a reminder that success and fulfillment come from embracing who you truly are and finding joy in the creative process.


(01:47) Intro.
(10:01) How Alyssa came into my world and joined The Metamorphosis. A limiting belief leaves the body and earning the right to exist.
(15:17) The Birth Story and how it impacted her Hollywood career.   
(28:11) Shifting the parents’ dynamics.
(39:09) Biggest shifts in life after The Metamorphosis.
(43:07) A new relationship with money.
(45:17) The Moment to Moment practice.
(50:56) Dealing with online hate.
(58:45) Reclaiming your Consciousness.

You can find this episode's transcript here


She's is an actress, producer and Spiritual content creator. After having many profound Ayahuasca experiences in attempts to heal her depression, Alyssa shifted her entire life and began seeking out different healing modalities.  Breathwork being one of the catalysts to reawaken her creativity. She creates comedic spiritual videos, and shares stories of her own healing journey, in hopes that she may help others find the peace that she has.  


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live, just like Alyssa did.
  • The Sacred Money Mind is a 21-day Voxer broadcast to turn your mind into a money magnet. Learn how to make your mind work FOR you instead of AGAINST you. Take advantage of the early bird pricing if you sign up today. 


Show Notes Transcript

"When there’s a problem, you’re being asked to grow and expand and that’s actually better than the version that you were at."

This week I have Alyssa LeBlanc on the show. She's been a client in The Metamorphosis for over six months now.
We discuss her experience with personal transformation and the profound changes she has made in her life. Alyssa shares how she was drawn to join the program and the impact it has had on her career in Hollywood. We also delve into the significance of the birth story and how it can shape one's perspective and beliefs, and how healing family dynamics can have transformative effects on relationships.

Overall, we emphasize the importance of letting go of societal expectations and allowing oneself to fully express their authentic self.
I believe Alyssa's journey serves as a reminder that success and fulfillment come from embracing who you truly are and finding joy in the creative process.


(01:47) Intro.
(10:01) How Alyssa came into my world and joined The Metamorphosis. A limiting belief leaves the body and earning the right to exist.
(15:17) The Birth Story and how it impacted her Hollywood career.   
(28:11) Shifting the parents’ dynamics.
(39:09) Biggest shifts in life after The Metamorphosis.
(43:07) A new relationship with money.
(45:17) The Moment to Moment practice.
(50:56) Dealing with online hate.
(58:45) Reclaiming your Consciousness.

You can find this episode's transcript here


She's is an actress, producer and Spiritual content creator. After having many profound Ayahuasca experiences in attempts to heal her depression, Alyssa shifted her entire life and began seeking out different healing modalities.  Breathwork being one of the catalysts to reawaken her creativity. She creates comedic spiritual videos, and shares stories of her own healing journey, in hopes that she may help others find the peace that she has.  


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • Sign up for The Metamorphosis my groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from claiming the life you know you were meant to live, just like Alyssa did.
  • The Sacred Money Mind is a 21-day Voxer broadcast to turn your mind into a money magnet. Learn how to make your mind work FOR you instead of AGAINST you. Take advantage of the early bird pricing if you sign up today. 


Alyse: Part of the programming from The Matrix, especially with Hollywood, is to make us feel like we are not good enough. It is everywhere. So it's so important that we understand that this is not just coming from family trauma. This is not just coming from ancestral trauma. We are basically getting, like, MK Ultra mind controlled to believe that we are not good enough.

Alyssa: People are doing the best that they can at the level of consciousness and I was like becoming aware of how I've been doing the best I can at whatever level of consciousness and it isn't until you actually start to shift that you're able to recognize your growth and how you have Maybe not been as loving as you could be.

Alyse: Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show. So this week I interviewed Alyssa LeBlanc, who has been in the metamorphosis for the last six months. It was such a powerful episode because there were so many shifts that happened. And what I really loved about working with her is her energy was so open and we were able to really move things quickly, not only on like an intellectual level, but on a deep energetic level.

And you'll hear her share. just all of the transformation she created. And, you know, she works in Hollywood, you know, as an actor and a creator. And just the huge shifts that we were able to make around her career and her experience being in Hollywood. It was huge, huge, and so much of disentangling from the matrix and now she's thriving and I'm really feeling deeply supported in all areas of her life.

So it's just. a miracle, what this work does. So I know you're going to love this episode. And if you are interested in joining the Metamorphosis, we'll link it below. You can also reach out to me so we can chat about if it's a fit for you and for the best way for you to come in. But It works. I mean, I don't know what else to say about it other than it works.

And Alyssa and all the other people you've heard are a testament to that. Other than that, I have some really exciting things coming up, you guys, that are all kind of a, how would you say, like manifestation of the frequency upgrade that I received in Sedona. And I don't even want to call it a frequency upgrade because it's so much more than that.

Like I am tapped into something completely different now. And everything that's coming through me is, you know, a result of that. So what I have coming out right now is unlike anything I've ever launched and kind of unlike anything I've ever seen is called the Sacred Money Mind. And it is a 21 day broadcast to turn your mind into a money magnet.

So the way that it's going to work is it's a 21 day Voxer broadcast. So I'm going to be sending you channeled wisdom from what I've been channeling around this new frequency of Wealth and business and what we're stepping into, because literally, you guys, I've been getting downloads every day about this.

So now I have a place to share them with you. So you're going to be getting this stuff in real time. I'm going to be sharing on Voxer four days a week with you, channeled messages specifically to activate you into this new frequency of business and abundance. and money. And I'm also going to be showing you how to use your mind to work for you instead of against you.

Because so much of what I see for people and what I've transformed for myself is not even realizing the way that our mind actually takes over and works against us when really it's a tool that we could be utilizing to work for us. And I'm going to show you how to do that. in this broadcast in the Sacred Money Mind.

So, it's much more than just a broadcast, though, because you're also going to be getting regular things sent to your inbox, like I'm going to be doing five private podcast episodes with experts that I've chosen that I think are the best of the best. in the field of the new paradigm of money and business.

And I have interviews with I'm not going to name everybody because I want to leave a little bit up to the imagination. But one that I already recorded that is so good is I interviewed Nicole Hess, who is a freaking badass who made a million dollars in her first 13 months as a coach and continues to make millions.

And I chatted with her about the frequency and energetic shifts she made to make seven figures that quickly and also how she continues to expand and continues to make more and more and more. So also one thing to know about these private podcast episodes is they're only 15 minutes. And I did that very deliberately because A, I don't like to listen to things for a long time.

I want straight to the point, potent frequency shifting information. I don't want fluff. So these episodes are just that. They're not fluff. I'm getting straight to the point. I'm asking the really deep questions right away and we're getting straight to it. So that you can receive this really potent activating information and you don't have to sift through 20 minutes of whatever just so you can get the juice.

I'm serving you juice only. And then I also interviewed Dr. Robin McKay around the psychology. of the new paradigm of wealth and also why spiritual intelligence is the new currency. She goes really deep into that. She, again, is a freaking genius, award winning psychologist, and one of the clearest channels I know.

So she's going to be sharing her wisdom with you as well. And then I also have, um, Baljeet Riot, who is an expert on sexual energy and money and she's going to be talking about how to heal and activate our sexual energy to create abundance in the new paradigm. And then I have a few other surprises for you.

There's going to be at least two more guests, maybe three more. And these private episodes will only be available to the people in the Money Mind and they will be going out to your inbox regularly throughout the 21 days. So you're not only getting me in your voxer giving you mind blowing paradigm shifting wisdom, but you're also hearing from the people that I've curated that I think are the best of the best to give you their perspectives on this as well.

And then I'm going to be sending you other goodies to your inbox like breathwork sessions, meditations and energy work for you to continue to create the shifts throughout the 21 days. Doesn't this sound like fun? It's a freaking brilliant idea if you ask me. So right now it's only 97 for you to join.

The price will be going up to 222, but right now it's 97 and I'm probably gonna like up the price next week. So I would sign up now. I'm gonna put the link below. You definitely want to be joining this party because it's going to be spectacular and it will change everything for you because this information I've been getting has changed everything for me and all of my clients who've experienced this new frequency and this new info that I'm channeling, it's changed everything for them.

So I know it's going to change everything for you and you're going to leave looking at yourself, money, and your business completely differently. And you're going to have a renewed, not renewed, but like a new understanding of why we're really here and what this is really all about. So this will change things for you.

So join me. And even if you don't have a business, doesn't matter. Join us because this will shift the way that you look at not only money, but everything in your life. So we will link it below and I will leave it there. I'm sending you so much love and enjoy the episode.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show. I am so excited today because I have a very special guest, Alyssa LeBlanc on the show. And we are going to be talking all about her experience in the metamorphosis and all of the really profound changes that she's made in her life. So welcome to the show, Alyssa.

Alyssa: Hello. Thanks. I'm so happy to be here. 

Alyse: Yeah. So let's just dive right in and can you just kind of walk us through what drew you to joining the metamorphosis? Like, where were you at in your life and what was the thing that really made you say, like, I need to do this? 

Alyssa: Well, I've been listening to your podcast for a while and I had a feeling like I was supposed to work with you. And then I went to your freedom event, and in that event with the breathwork, a limiting belief that had been running my life for 20 years, literally left my body during that breathwork. And going into the event, I felt like, I was looking at your programs, I was like, I feel like I'm supposed to work with Elyse.

And then I won, like, you have like specials where some people get like a percentage off. The giveaway. Yeah, the giveaway. Yeah, the giveaway. And I won. And I was like, okay, universe, I hear you. I had already been looking into the metamorphosis because. I've done a lot of healing work, but I felt like there were still blocks that I was not able to shift on my own.

Alyse: Okay, so can we just talk for a moment about your experience in the Freedom event when you felt like a limiting belief that had been running your life for 20 years left your body because that is a very like profound statement. Can we just talk about that for a second because I feel like that is a really big deal. Like what was it and then like what was that experience for you? 

Alyssa: Absolutely. I've done breathwork before, you've asked journaling some things, I can't quite remember what I journaled, but I think I was like, I want to release whatever's holding me back. And in the midst of the breathwork, I'd heard this voice basically saying, when am I going to earn the right to exist?

And as soon as it came up, I realized that it had subconsciously been running my life because I was like, Oh my God, I've been living that way, but I wasn't aware of it until I heard it. It left, I cried after the breathwork, I was just very like, in my head, and I realized that I'd been believing that. And it was like, I can't believe it anymore, it doesn't even hold on to me.

Alyse: Wow. That's so interesting. And. I feel like that's such a powerful illustration of what happens with the breathwork because you become aware of these things that you had no idea was like a way that you were operating or a way of viewing reality that had been running. your life that you literally didn't even realize you were doing it, you know, so that to me is quite profound.

And like, can you talk about just like the difference between how you were looking at your life or how things felt or what things looked like before versus after that belief kind of left your system? What is the difference or what is the way that it looks different now? 

Alyssa: Yeah, so after I realized that belief had been running my life, I realized that I was always felt like I had to be very valuable to everyone, and that I needed to do something to earn the right to be in friend circles, to be in my family, as if like me being born was a mistake and I was constantly making up for it, like making up for existing.

And it's such a painful belief to have. And after that, I just started to feel more like I'm supposed to be here. I deserve to be here. I am valuable just because of the person that I am. And I stopped, like, having to prove myself. 

Alyse: Thank you for sharing that because I know that this is something that a lot of people can relate to whether or not it's feeling like they're not allowed to exist.

I think on some level we feel like we need to overcompensate for the ways that we feel like we're not good enough or we're not enough and this is a perfect example of that. And just curious, do you know like where this came from? We might have talked about this before, but I can't remember now. Do you know like Where this came from as far as your family or ancestral or birth or anything like that?

Alyssa: I think it came from being in the womb. Sometimes in breathwork I get a moment of like, this came from this. But looking back, I think it's because I wasn't a planned birth. So I kind of have this like, oh my God, I'm here and I love my parents so much. I feel like I've messed up their lives or something by being born.

I think that's where it came from. 

Alyse: Oh my God, perfect. So I feel like this is the perfect segue into the metamorphosis because, you know, we start with the birth story. Because that does sound like a birth thing, right? And I think this is something that's really important for people to understand, that most of the time, as babies in the womb, or all the time, not most of the time, you can feel what your parents are feeling, right?

You know what they're thinking, you know what they're feeling, and you take that on, right? For better or for worse. So, if, you know, it wasn't a planned pregnancy, and if they were scared or whatever, like, You would feel that, so it makes a lot of sense. Now, the one thing I will say just for everyone listening is it doesn't mean that just because you weren't planned, you would have taken that on, right?

Everyone perceives things and takes things on and processes them in very different ways, you know? So, somebody else who wasn't planned might not have taken on that belief. It just really depends on the person. What else for you when you got to the birth story module really like stuck out for you or really shifted for you?

Alyssa: Oh my God. Well, two things I want to say. So one, it's interesting that I took on that belief because my mom has always told me I'm the best thing that happened to her. And I still couldn't believe it because I had decided this.

So it's interesting that we take on certain beliefs. But the birth story part was so interesting because I, you have this paper where you ask your parents if they're alive, like what was going on. And I had like stayed in the womb too long. They almost had to like do surgery. I came out very blue. I have this like being late kind of thing, even when I was 18.

I was like, I'm too old to do what I want to do. I always have this, like I'm late to the party. And I think that came a lot from the doctor was like, if we don't get her out, it's going to be too late. So, that was interesting. 

Alyse: That's really interesting. And that's another thing that is common for people, right, depending on whether you were early or late.

For me, I was early. I was four weeks early. And that has showed up in my life a lot too, like not always necessarily with being early. I mean, I'm usually not late for things, though. But even, like, these little things, like, you'll notice that it will show up. And I know for me, like, one of the things that used to come up a lot around my birth was, like, I gotta get out of here.

And I think that's because, like, my mother's womb was not necessarily, like, a great place to be. Not because there's anything wrong with her, but just her anxiety, her fear, her worry. I had a lot of these, like, memories come up that, like, I just wanted to get out of there. I was born with, like, ulcers in my stomach and, like, not having my stomach fully developed, which was interesting.

But I feel like that comes up for me in a lot of situations where I feel, like, uncomfortable and, like, I have to get out of here. So, it's really interesting how these things can... We just project them on all areas of our lives, right? And I know this came up for you in terms of when we were talking about your career.

Alyssa: Yes, exactly. That's where it was the most like magnified. That's where it's been magnified my whole life. 

Alyse: Yeah. So let's talk about that a little bit. And I know this was a big focus of our work in the metamorphosis, especially because we did private work together as well. And your career was a big focus of this.

So how do you feel like, let's just talk of it and. First, in terms of the birth story, like, how do you feel like the birth story impacts the way that you look at your career, the way that your career has unfolded thus far? 

Alyssa: Well, I think it's because I am in Hollywood, so this idea of age ism is like very prominent.

And I have had success and you know, but it never seemed like it's enough. And I just always felt too old and yeah, just like late to whatever I'm supposed to create. But that has shifted in the last couple months since we've been working together. I think it's also a lot about like, I was trying to be in a box and I was trying to be a certain way.

And like, now I think I was born when I was supposed to be born for my human design, for my astrology, for all these amazing things. And you realize that like, The way your life happened was how it was supposed to happen. So the way my career is unfolding, I'm starting to realize like, this is how it's supposed to be.

Alyse: Yeah. And I know that was a huge focus of just like, letting go of all of the ways that you were making it wrong, like what was happening and starting to be able to see that it was actually unfolding perfectly in service to you. Right? So. Absolutely. So do you want to talk about, like, what you were doing and how you were feeling about your career in general when we started versus to now?

Alyssa: Yeah. So for everyone listening, I'm an actor. I also produce stuff and I'm a content creator, and there's a lot going on in the world with SAG and all these strikes, which another thing that looks like this is horrible, Hollywood's kind of falling apart. But I've always had a desire to kind of create my own stuff, but it, it seemed weird to me because it's not the norm.

And coaching with you, you just kept seeing stuff in my Akashic Records and really kind of giving me permission to create the content I'm creating, like I'm writing scripts now, and it's more in line with the kind of work that I actually want to be doing versus cookie cutter. But I feel like I was so, like, programmed by the matrix and by what I thought my career was supposed to look like.

But the stuff I'm working on now, it's like I'm able to fully express myself. And you really held that space for me. The first time I think we worked together privately, I was so high after the meeting, I felt like I was on drugs. Because you held this vibration of like, You're supposed to put the stuff you're putting out there.

You're supposed to be creative. You're supposed to make your own way. And I don't think anyone had really given me permission, or I had given myself permission to do that. And it just felt like, You're holding such a high vibration for me to be who I authentically am, and it felt true. 

Alyse: I remember that too, and I remember just feeling, it was almost like I was inviting you to just be who you're supposed to be.

And I think that this is so important for everyone to understand because We don't even realize the ways that we think we're supposed to be something that we're not. Like, I've been getting so many downloads lately just about like the new paradigm of business and what that means. Because even with that, it felt like to me, there's so many people just trying to put themselves into a box or do these things that they think they're supposed to do in order to get a certain outcome.

Or in order for things to quote unquote work, right? But like, ultimately, it's so much more about the discovery and expression of who you truly are. And that is what ultimately you were being invited to do. But it was almost like you were banging your head against the wall because you thought your success was supposed to look a certain way.

And I think this is really important for people to understand because we don't even realize we do this. And I don't think you were realizing you were doing it because I feel like when you came to me, you were so like, why isn't this working? Why isn't my career working? So like, talk a little bit about like, what was that mindset that you were in so people can really understand?

Alyssa: The mindset was I've done all this healing work and it's the thing is still not here. Every area of my life besides that going great. But I was like so focused on making myself wrong, and that if I didn't get this one thing, everything else is bullshit, basically. Also a lot of generational stuff about, I had this like, failure thing, which is weird, it's actually prominent in my human design.

But it's this like, fear of failure, and I felt like nothing I ever did was any, I could book a job, and I'm still a failure. I could get a new agent, and I'm still a failure. So it's like, even when I had some success, Because I don't have a blockbuster movie, it means that nothing is good. And I just was looking at like, I'm a failure.

And I am like, I can't figure out how to shift this. And it was just really painful. 

Alyse: Yeah. So here's the other thing, too, that I just want to illustrate for. Everyone that I think is important and I'm pretty sure that we talked about this a little bit, but I just want to say it is like part of the programming from the Matrix, especially with Hollywood.

is to make us feel like we are not good enough. It is everywhere. It is in every TV show, it is in every commercial, it is in every movie, it is in every social media post, like literally. It is everywhere. So it's so important that we understand that this is not just coming from family trauma. This is not just coming from ancestral trauma.

We are basically getting like MK ultra mind controlled to believe that we are not good enough. So like this is a lot to extract yourself from. It's important to understand that. And really like look at it for what it is because it's so easy to get sucked into it right without even realizing it so for you because you're in Hollywood and because you are so much a part of this, not because you necessarily want to, but because you are a creator and you want to Hollywood.

Express yourself, but you also were kind of wrapped up in well, if it doesn't look this very specific way, then I'm not good enough and I'm a failure and there's something wrong with me. And I think through our work, we were able to, like, extract you from that to allow you to stop trying to fit into this box and allow who you truly are to be not only good enough, but like, better than you could imagine.

Do you feel like that shift has really happened? Because I feel like it happened, but I'd love to hear your perspective on that.

Alyssa: It is. It did. And what was interesting, I feel like it happened incrementally. There was one time when we had worked together and you had told me just to create. And I was like, on a commercial in downtime, where you're just sitting around.

And all of a sudden I had this download of this sketch, this spiritual sketch, that was like, just so funny. It didn't even come from me and I wrote it down and I filmed it the next day and I hadn't been getting a lot of views online because I hadn't really been putting, I don't know, I just had felt stuck and it got a ton of views and like it really connected with people but it connected with people in the way that I want to in spiritual comedy and like the way you're saying of like showing us that we're all here as divine beings not to make any, something comedic not to make anyone feel that.

I don't know it's just, but it was weird because I started getting like downloads of ideas. When I had previously been like, clogged, so that happened slowly, but even just recently. I just have more joy in my creativity. I'm creating more for creative sake. It feels like it's a journey other than I thought I needed to get to one place and then I was going to be happy.

I see that this unfolding of my life is like an unfolding. 

Alyse: Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's like such an important piece of this. And I feel like, especially in this world of like manifestation, we can tend to like Whatever the thing is that we think we want on a pedestal and then decide that like, nothing is good until that happens.

Right. And like, I feel like it ends up being the opposite of what we actually want because then it's like, well, nothing is ever going to be good enough or I'm not going to be good enough until this thing happens. But so much of the time, people end up manifesting from a. This place of lack or from this place of not being good enough.

And then that thing is not going to come from that place, especially if it's not meant for you. So I feel like so much of the process is actually realizing that maybe the thing that you thought that you wanted is not actually what's meant for you and what's meant for you is so much more. than you thought, or so much more than you could have imagined it would be, you know?

And I think that's one of the realizations that you came to, but I think it's so much about like, realizing that the more we think we want this thing, it's like, What is the real reason why you want it? And if it's from a place of like, well, once I get this, then I'll know that I'm good enough. Or once I get this, then I'll be happy.

And it's like, well, that is not the place you want to be manifesting from. 

Alyssa: That's exactly how it felt. It was like the whole having a right to exist. It was like, once I have this, then it's okay. Then I'm like here. And it's sickening. Just soul wise. It's so painful because I have had things that I thought once I got it, I would like, then everything would be okay.

And it was like, that wasn't the answer. 

Alyse: Yeah. Absolutely. So, yeah, so I think that was a big shift for you. And then also, I'd love to go back to, to just like your experience, because we talked about the birth story and then your experience with. You know, shifting the dynamics with your relationship with your mother and your father and how that shifted things for you as well.

Alyssa: It's really interesting because I've always felt I had a lot of father work to do. Like I thought that was my main pain in this lifetime. And I did the breath work on my biological father and my stepfather. And what's weird is my relationship with my stepfather got so good. And I realized that I think he's always been there and it's always been good.

But I had all these stories about it, and it's so amazing how like you do the work and it's like your reality shifts, but maybe it was just always good, you just couldn't see it because you believed all these false narratives. 

Alyse: Can you give us an example of this? Because I think this is really important for people to see. Because we can say all day like, oh, when you shift everything changes. But like, what did that really look like? Because I know so many people have these stories, but might not even realize. that they have them. So like, what is an example of how this looked for you? 

Alyssa: Well, I felt like I thought my stepdad didn't really care about me and he was just there because he had to be.

I mean, I knew he cared about me, but I kind of always had this idea of like, he's not my real dad and just, we were okay, but we didn't have the greatest relationship. And I started doing this watcher and I don't even know what happened. We text every couple of days now. He calls me all the time. He's like, I love you.

I'm like, I love you. I feel that he loves me. Every time I've seen him and my mom since then, I just feel so good, and I'm like, oh, I realized that he's always been there for me, and how blessed I was to have him, but it's almost like, did I jump to a reality where that's the truth, or was that always the truth, but I was like, holding it back, because it feels like I'm in a different reality with him.

Alyse: Yeah, that's so interesting. And you know what, I think it's both actually because it's really the same thing because your reality is coming from you anyway. Like it's your perception of reality. So it doesn't really matter what it is. And, you know, people say this all the time. They're like, I don't even know why this happened.

But because it's like a culmination of Like everything that you do and the breastwork and then things just shift and you're like, wait, I don't even understand, you know, how this shifted. But I remember you telling me that and it does happen also, I feel like because we kind of let go of the ways that we've been closing ourselves off to people.

for, like, protection purposes or just because we're expecting to get hurt, you know? So once we stop closing ourselves off to people, then not only are we able to receive love from them, but also we're open to them giving us love, you know? So it's hard to say what comes first, but it sounds like that was your experience.

Alyssa: It was, and I'm like, I'm so grateful now, like, it just feels so good. 

Alyse: Yeah, and then I know your relationship with your mom changed as well. 

Alyssa: Yes, because we've always had a good relationship, but I would get triggered by her and I wasn't understanding what it was because I was like, I love her so much, we're very close.

I'm like, I don't have any mom issues because I, I always thought it was like stuff with my dad. But it's like, you uncover that there's stuff with all of our family members, you know? And I saw that I was triggered by ways that I'm trying to shift maybe things I want to say downloaded from her, but the consciousness that she was in that I got, and I would get so triggered, but she was also showing me ways that I was either still being or was trying so hard not to be.

And instead of saying like, she's doing this, it's like she's showing me what I'm trying to shift. 

Alyse: Yeah, and also let's go into it for a little bit because I feel like there's so many people or I hear this all the time where it's like, you know, my mom and I had a great relationship. I don't think I need to heal anything with my mom.

I literally hear this all the time. And I'm always like, Oh. Wait till I get my hands on you. But, you know, and not to say we're like looking for problems either, but no, the stuff does come up when you do decide to grow. Right. And a lot of times it'll show up in other places in our lives that we might not think it's a mom issue.

But then when we delve into it, it is for you as somebody who felt there wasn't a lot to shift around your mom. Like what were some of the things that like surprised you or the shifts that you have? Yeah. made that you were like, Oh, I didn't realize that was a thing. 

Alyssa: Well it's weird because I even told her this when the last times I saw her that I was so happy to see her when I was really triggered.

And it was weird because I told her I was like, I love you so much. What is this? And she's like, you know, it's probably just stuff that happened when you were a teenager. It's weird that we're talking about it now because I literally can't even remember. 

Alyse: That's so good because that means you shifted it, but I remember.

Alyssa: And I'm going to see you in a couple days. I'm like so excited. No, because I was talking to you about this. It's like I remember being triggered, but I don't. It feels... Like, it's like, I can't find it. 

Alyse: Yeah, because you shifted it, and that's great, and that happens all the time, because I'll often, like, say to people, like, remember when you, like, were so upset about this?

And they're like, no. And I'm like, okay, well, it did happen. I'm glad you don't remember it, because that means it really got transmuted, you know, from your constant, it's great. On the last call, This came up and I actually did a post about this afterwards because I found it to be not only incredibly powerful, but just common to the point where I feel like so many people can relate to this.

And it like kind of went viral, which was crazy because I wasn't expecting it. But it's around when someone is subconsciously needing something from you or having an unconscious agenda. Right. And I felt like that is one of the things that. that we uncovered around your mom is like, you know, when someone just you can feel that they need your love, or you can feel that they need to feel like validated through you loving them, or you needing them.

And I think this is something that a lot of parents have with their kids without even realizing it is like. wherever they have wounds, you know, wherever they are feeling like there's a void or there's something wrong with them, they can unconsciously look to their kids to fill it. So like unconsciously needing your kid to need you or love you or even like when people like play out their own life through their kids, right?

They want their kids to do certain things so they can feel whatever. So that was what I was kind of tuning into where it was like, at some point, you probably feel like she needed you when it's like you really needed her but then you felt she subconsciously needed your love and you had to give that to her.

And it felt almost like a betrayal because it's like, I'm the one who needed your love unconditionally, but I ended up having to give it to you. So, and this is so subtle. So it's interesting because I don't want people to think that this is like on the surface. This is like one of those deep underlying things that not many people can feel or be aware of.

But we're trying to pinpoint these very subtle reasons why you might be triggered and you not and you're not able to put your finger on it. These are like deep. unconscious like energies that run. 

Alyssa: It actually really triggered me when you said it. Because I love her so freaking much. And I also feel have always felt like I needed to be responsible for my parents.

And again, I'm not saying they consciously did that I picked up something. But when you said that, I just felt There was something there that got activated because I felt like as a kid when you want to just like make sure your parents are okay or whatever it is. 

Alyse: Well, yeah, because I think as kids, if we can sense that they're not okay, then we sense that our survival is in jeopardy.

So we automatically feel like we need to make sure that they're okay so that we're okay because we know that if they're not okay, we're not okay. And again, it's not about like making our parents wrong. And this is the thing that I think so many people struggle with. Even me, like when I'm out here talking about how my mom was so crazy, like, of course, I love my mom.

She's amazing. Anyone who meets her loves her, like she's amazing. And she also was unstable in many ways, but we have to be able to acknowledge that. And it's okay to be able to acknowledge the ways that we. Didn't get what we needed so that we can heal it and love our parents at the same time, right? We can hold those two perspectives.

So I think that's where it becomes hard. And I know that is hard for you because you're like, I love my mom. And I don't want to say that, like, I know she did the best that she could and all of that. And this is where that stuff comes in where it's like, Oh, well, I know she did the best she could. Yes. Yes.

And. As a four or five, six year old, whatever it is, I still felt this way. So that's what we were kind of talking about last time. And I know it resonated and it moved, but those are like those deep, more subtle things, right? That it's hard to see or to pick up on.

Alyssa: You know what else is coming to me right now that shifted that I'm, I think it's from working with you.

I do a lot of hot yoga and I've been like crying a lot of relationships out. And recognizing ways that I was not the best I could be like how you're talking about people are doing the best that they can at the level of consciousness and I was like becoming aware of how I've been doing the best I can at whatever level of consciousness and it isn't until you actually start to shift that you're able to recognize your growth and how you have maybe not been as loving as you could be.

Alyse: Of course, because we always do the best with what we had, right? With the tools that we had at the time. And it's not about like condemning ourselves for, you know, not Doing what was right or not, or being an asshole or whatever. It's just about noticing it and being like, okay, well, that's where I was at the time.

This is the level of awareness that I had or the perspective I had at the time. And it's okay. And it's the same with looking at our parents, right? It's not about making them wrong or blaming them at all. This is not what it's about. It's about taking responsibility for your own perspective. And how that affected you.

Alyssa: Yeah. What is it that quote, it's like, it's not your fault, but it's your responsibility. Like it's not your fault what happened to you, but it's like, it's your responsibility to like evolve and heal yourself. Yeah. 

Alyse: So what do you feel like are the biggest ways that you've evolved? Not only career wise, because I know that was like a big focus for us, but also just in life.

Alyssa: Well, this is interesting because you say this on all of your podcasts with your guests, and I do, I've had psychic feelings before, like some things have come to me in my dreams that have manifested. But I've noticed over the last month or so, I feel like my psychic abilities have really opened up and they're just like little things like knowing that I was going to be on this two days before but thinking it was going to be in the future, having dreams about events that something that I could not have possibly known was going to happen, happened.

I was thinking about my aunt and I was like, I'm going to hear from her today, five minutes later she texted me like they seem small. But it's like, I'm just getting more, like, psychic hits. 

Alyse: That literally happens with everyone. 

Alyssa: You always say that, and I was like, okay. 

Alyse: And it's not something that I, like, trot, like, you know. Have we ever even talked about that? Like, I don't talk about that. But it literally happens with every single person, because I feel like what this really is, is you just coming home to yourself and like the truth of who you are and just deepening into who you are. And the truth is we all have psychic abilities, you know, it's just that.


They get blocked from trauma and from programming and from, you know, overusing the logic and the brain because that's what we've been taught to do. So once disentangled from all of that, it just happens. 

Alyssa: I just, I always heard you say that on your podcast and I was like, okay, I wonder if that's going to happen.

But the other thing that was really profound, I think it was like two months ago, you really shifted something for me because I was in my problem about my career. And then I stopped and I was like, is this what coaching is? Because I felt I had to come to a session, which you would shift me, but I needed to have a problem.

And that seemed like not the way I want to be anymore. And you really helped me realize that it was like, no, that's the paradigm that I was in was that I need to have a problem so that I can fix it. And I love that you were like, no, what do you want to talk about? What do you want to make available in your life?

What do you want to focus on? And we started talking about money, and it's weird because I feel like my relationship with money has shifted, and nothing has shifted really so much outerly. But I'm just more aware of how abundant I am. It just feels different. 

Alyse: Yeah. I remember when you said that and it's really interesting because this is a moment for so many people.

And I want to like spend a little bit of time here only because it really is time that we evolve the conversation past the problem. frequency or that paradigm, right, of like, okay, I have a problem or there's something wrong with me and I'm going to come to you so that you can fix it. And like, that's like the doctor, the healthcare assistant, like it's that.

It's really an invitation for us to evolve past that. And to be clear too, like, I never thought there was anything wrong with you or that I was helping you solve any problems. But, you know, that is like, when you asked me that question, I was like, wow, this is such. a potent opportunity to shift out of this for good, right?

And instead of talking about what we need to fix or change, it's like, what are we creating? How are we expanding? What are we evolving into? You know, and that's really the conversation that allows us to elevate from the place of There is no problem. There literally is no problem because I'm deciding there is no problem.

And the only reason there would ever be a problem is if I decided that there was a problem and I made one up in my head. Yeah. Because that's literally all that it is. And then, yeah, we did get to talking about money and really elevating the conversation around that. So can you talk a little bit more just around like, how you feel different around money now?

Alyssa: Yeah, it was something where you were saying this, like just deciding that money supports me and I realized now I'm like money has always supported me, but I was looking at it in this other way and like feeling some way about it. And then I just noticed, because I had a friend whose, um, money stuff was really triggering me.

And I'm like, I've moved past that. I thought because I have more money than him, that means I've moved past it. But it was triggering me because there was some part of me that was still in scarcity. But you were just talking about like, in the moment, just deciding and kind of being like money wants to support me.

Money wants to support my family. Money wants to support my dreams. If I want to spend money on this. It's because it wants to support me, and now I just feel... Like, it's okay for me to spend my money the way I want to, know that it's coming in, and it just doesn't feel yucky anymore. 

Alyse: Yeah, and so much of that, like, yucky, quote unquote, is just the way that we've been taught to feel about not only money, but just the level of support that we're allowed to have from the universe and from ourselves and the people in our lives.

And it's almost like we're expecting to be disappointed or expecting things to be hard. And when we let that go, then everything gets to be easier and we get to feel more supported. But that's also a choice, right? And we also have the choice of how we're going to look at money and how we're going to feel about it.

And I was saying this to someone earlier, I was like, it's so relative, like, what your perspective on money is. Everything is subjective because it's like, one person could look at their bank account and see a certain number and think like, Oh my God, this is the most money I've ever had. I'm so excited.

This is amazing. Like, let's party. And the next person could look at that amount and be like, Oh my God, this is the worst thing I could ever see. Right? So it's like, So subjective. So like you really have the power to shift the way that you're deciding to look at it. And then it literally does shape shift and transform based on what the way that you decide to look at it.

Alyssa: It literally does. And that was another key point that you pointed out. I think I was expecting things in my life to disappoint me and it just feels terrible. And then what happens is even when life doesn't support you or money is there, You're still like feeling like it's going to yeah, you just kept talking about in each moment. You're just redirecting your energy and attention. 

Alyse: Yes. Oh, yeah. Let's talk about that for a second. And I talk about this all the time, the moment to moment practice, right? So it's like, Beyond these peak experiences, like I know we've talked about like plant medicine and that whole journey and how like you have these peak experience or even like being on a call with me could be a peak experience where we're shifting your energy, we're raising your frequency, but then it's your I don't even want to say job, but it's your responsibility to continue to create those shifts for yourself in every moment. And I know that this is something that you've been implementing. So can you talk about that a little bit? 

Alyssa: Yeah. At first, it was like a conscious thing where when I was getting like upset about something, I was just choosing to redirect the energy because I felt every time that I had a problem or something came up, I thought I needed to do EFT or NLP.

I thought I needed to do something to clear it. So it felt like I always had this crutch, and you were kind of just like, no, it's about when that stuff comes up, you're changing the way you're looking at it, you're deciding that life works for you, you're deciding whatever you're deciding, and the more you do it, the more you you naturally just start deciding that.


And it doesn't feel like life is a problem to be fixed anymore. 

Alyse: Exactly. And you know, and not to say that there's anything wrong with any of the tools that we have right there. They all serve a purpose and they all help at different points on the journey. And maybe we come back to them at different points when we feel like we need to.

There's nothing wrong with any of them, but we also have the power to change the way that we're looking at anything in any moment, you know, and that is where the shifts really happen because yes, we can have these peak experiences, even if it's like tapping, for example, and you shift it there, it's still like, okay, well, how are we maintaining This way of looking at things or this energy shift over time because that's when things really change is when we maintain it over time.

And that's a practice. But as you said, the more you do it, the easier it gets and then the less you have to think about it. 

Alyssa: Yeah, it just becomes your like default vibration and things might still come up that you need to address, but it's more like a default. way of deciding how your life works, and then it just starts working that way.

Alyse: Yeah, it's so true. So what do you feel like were, for you, so people can understand, like, how would you decide you were going to look at things differently when stuff came up? Like, what would you say to yourself? 

Alyssa: God, you know what's weird is a lot of the things it seems like it's gone out of me. 

Alyse: Or what about like your career? Because I know that was, that's a huge one. 

Alyssa: Okay, so like the whole thing with like the writers. We're striking, SAG is striking, oh, there's nothing happening kind of thing. And a lot of my friends are kind of up in energy about this. And I'm just kind of deciding maybe this is happening for me because if everything in your reality is for you, then it's like maybe it's calling out, maybe this is happening so that I can create things myself. Maybe this is happening so a different doorway is going to open. Maybe something's crashing so something new can be reborn. Like, you're just asking yourself, like, how could I look at this in a way that would benefit me? 

Alyse: Exactly. Yeah. And it's actually pretty easy once you start doing it. But I think where some people might find it more challenging is just like trusting it, right? Especially because like, for these bigger things, like you're giving with the writer's strike, where there's all of these people that are deciding to look at it one way, it can be harder. For example, when people talk about inflation or something, there's like all of these people who are deciding to look at it one way.

So it can be a little bit more challenging to decide that's not. Even though that's a lot of people's realities, it doesn't have to be my reality, and I can choose that this is going to turn out better than I can imagine for me, right? And I think that's where it can be challenging for people, though, when there's all these people who are deciding that this reality is true.

Alyssa: Yeah, you just made me think of like a way to look at it in terms of money like a friend of mine was like struggling with money and how expensive everything was and I was like, maybe this is asking you to like, be a person that makes more money like expand. It's like when there's a problem, you're just being asked to grow and expand.

And that's actually better than the version that you were at. Because what we want is growth and expansion. So if something seems like a problem, you're just being asked to like grow out of it. 

Alyse: Absolutely. It's an invitation. Yes. So we can look at all problems, quote unquote problems, right, as invitations to expand, evolve, grow, which we're always doing anyway.

That's who we are as humans. We're always going to evolve. So it's just allowing yourself to go with that instead of push against it, which. is so much easier. 

Alyssa: Oh my God. And you just reminded me of another thing that you really shifted for me. I think I told you I had been getting like a little bit of hate online about something that I didn't.

Alyse: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Let's talk about this because I feel like this is so good for people to hear. 

Alyssa: Okay. So this has actually happened twice to me where I didn't know that I guess white sage is like a closed practice or something. So I don't mean, I have no idea. Yeah, I didn't know this. So I was burning sage in videos just because I like to burn sage.

And this had happened a year ago and I bought different sage. So it's weird that it happened again. People started like attacking me and saying that I was like, I guess cultural appropriation or all this sass that I didn't even wasn't even aware of and not in a nice way. It wasn't like, Hey, do you know that you could. I don't know. 

Alyse: It's offensive to certain people or something, if you. 

Alyssa: I guess, yeah, so it is, but it wasn't done in a way where, it was just done so horribly and like someone started making videos about it and was like, this girl is going to get so much shit coming her way and you're like, these are spiritual people like attacking you.

It just doesn't make any sense. But it was coming up, basically, it doesn't bother me anymore because you had told me, you're like. What did you tell me? It just shipped in it. I need to please everyone and I'm wrong. 

Alyse: Well, yeah, I think you were trying to like fix it or make it better. And what I was saying is that like, when you start to show up and express the truth of who you are, You're going to be magnetic, and there's going to be some people that are attracted to you, and there's going to be just as many people that are repelled by you, and that's okay, and it's not your job to make people understand or fix the situation.

And like, it's okay if people are mad at you and they don't like what you're sharing. I feel like that specific example was such a an invitation for you to elevate beyond caring what anybody thinks because we have to go through these like initiations of sorts, you know, where we have to be able to evolve beyond the need for people to understand or the need for people to approve of what you're doing.

And it's also okay for people to not like what you're doing like in order to Have the impact that you want to make and share and express as an artist on the level that you desire. There's going to be people that don't like it and you just have to be okay with that. And that's something that I feel like it really illuminated that for you and that happened.

And you were just like, Oh, okay, moving on. Like you got it and like assimilated it and like moved on. And I feel like that was one of the things that I really love about working with you. everything I said, you were not only able to like hear it intellectually, but you like assimilated it very quickly on like an energetic and frequency level.

And I think that's why we had so many calls where you were like, Oh my God, you could feel the frequency so strong. But I feel like just because you are so open and you were able to just. feel everything on such an energetic level. Because some people, like, will get it on an intellectual level, but it takes them a much longer time to assimilate it energetically or, like, embody it.

And I feel like you did that really quickly, which was why everything moved so fast. But yeah, I feel like that was such a big initiation because it is so important to just be okay with people not understanding what you're doing. I posted on my story yesterday, that one post that I did that like went viral.

I had somebody make a really long comment on it, like trying to make me wrong, who clearly did not understand these deeper levels of consciousness that I'm referring to. Like she was saying something like, Oh, once you get into your 30s, you don't care what your parents think anymore, like that type of thing.

And I'm like, girl, you have no idea what I'm like, you have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm talking about like very deep levels of consciousness that you obviously are not aware of. So like, but I did a post on my story and I was like, I don't need this person to understand what I'm talking about.

Like, it's fine, like, and this person is obviously not on the level of consciousness that would understand what I'm talking about, and that's okay. And I think, you know, that was a point for you too, where it was just like, okay, like, I can just move on and like do my art and express myself and it doesn't matter if whatever reactions people have.

Alyssa: That's so true because as an artist and the type of artist I want to be, like, I don't want to be like average and vanilla. So it's like. That was such a permission to be more of like the weird, funny ideas that I have. And what's funny is I got one more comment like that later, and it didn't even bother me about the same thing.

And then I was getting some other comments, people saying like, Jesus is the way, and like much love to Jesus, and much love to all the spirits. Spiritual beliefs, good for you, but they weren't understanding what I was saying. 


Like you're saying, it's a, it's a different level of consciousness. I'm not like saying like, screw Jesus and the death, they're just not, I'm like, you could try to explain it to them, or you can just understand that like we're talking on different levels of consciousness.

Alyse: Exactly. And it's fine. And in fact, I think this is actually an invitation for you to do more funny stuff about this. Like, wouldn't it be funny if you did, like, a funny sketch about White Sage and, like, did something funny? And wouldn't it be funny if you did a funny thing about, like, all these New Age people who now found Jesus and have, like, gone off the deep end? That would be so funny. 

Alyssa: It is funny, but it used to bother me because I thought I needed these people to like me, and now I'm like 

Alyse: I know, but the thing with humor is, like, it has to be a little bit risqué. Like, it has to be a little bit edgy or be a little bit like, oh my god, that's Or it's not funny. Say that, yeah, or it's not funny.

Alyssa: Yeah, it's true. 

Alyse: Since we're talking about your work, can you just like, give us one example of like, one of your funny sketches that you wrote or whatever? Because I know they're probably all really funny and everyone's like, wants to know. 

Alyssa: Yeah, so one of them was like, I did a couple about like, being in heaven before we came to earth with our spirit guides and like, what was on our soul contracts.

And kind of just how I'm like, ignoring what they're saying, and then you get to Earth and it's like a rude awakening of like, you agreed to all this shit, but your, your spirit guide's like, okay, read this line, and I'm like, whatever, like taking selfies with my dog, because we're just so excited to get here that we, it's like all this stuff, we agreed to it.

But yeah, so it's just this idea of like that kind of thing. I like spirit guides. I like plant medicine humor. 

Alyse: Yeah. I think the irony of like the fact that like we wanted to do all this and now we're like complaining about it. 

Alyssa: Yeah. Like when we're crying on the floor in a puddle of tears, it's like, Oh, but you wanted to have this spiritual awake.. You wanted this thing to happen to you at 12 so that you could have a spiritual awakening, you know? Yeah. Oh. 

Alyse: Absolutely. Yeah. That's so funny. Well, thank you so much. This was amazing. I know everyone's going to love this conversation, and I'm just so like celebrating all of the shifts that you've made, and I just can't wait to see what else unfolds for you.

So can you just share where people can find you and connect with you and follow your work? 

Alyssa: Yeah, I'm on TikTok at AlyLeBlanc1111 and Instagram at AlyBunny. And thank you so much. I loved working with you. It's been fantastic. 

Alyse: Yeah, and we'll link all of that below. Is there anything else that you have going on that's exciting that you want to share? 

Alyssa: I'm writing a couple scripts, so when those are out, that'll be exciting. 

Alyse: Yay! That's so exciting. Well, thank you so much. Oh, and then I forgot to ask you, for you, what is a non negotiable when it comes to fully reclaiming your consciousness? 

Alyssa: Looking outside for other people to answer things for me. That's another thing that's working with you, is like, it's great having coaches and doing healing modalities, but I felt like I was... I've seen a lot of people for what my soul's answer is and it's like, you really have it within you. So it's just tuning into myself, first and foremost. 

Alyse: I love that so much. This is so important. It's like, you know, you know, it's just about like letting yourself access it and not outsourcing and you know, we've been so taught to outsource.

So like it is a practice. Ultimately, you know the answer, you know, and it's like just really about allowing yourself to open up and trust that. So I love that so much. So yeah, thank you. This was amazing. Thank you so much for being here. 

Alyssa: Thank you so much.

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