Reclaiming Consciousness

How to Get More Out of Mentorship and the Potency of Light Language with Andrea Donnelly

November 02, 2023 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 96
How to Get More Out of Mentorship and the Potency of Light Language with Andrea Donnelly
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
How to Get More Out of Mentorship and the Potency of Light Language with Andrea Donnelly
Nov 02, 2023 Season 1 Episode 96
Alyse Bacine

“The biggest key for all of us is to say, what are my completely unique gifts? How can I facilitate allowing them to bloom in bigger ways? It's really time to go very deep on, what are your unique gifts? How can I move in the world through mentorship, coaching, spiritual advising and guidance and business, and figure out what is it about me that I came here to share?”

Today I have my good friend Andrea Donnelly on the show. We're talking about her involvement in my new program The Sacred Six Figure Initiation, how to get powerful results when working with somebody, and some of the wonderful things she does to elevate your consciousness into another level. 


(01:52) Intro to The Sacred Six Figure Initiation
(13:34) Obtaining powerful results when working with a coach or a mentor. Opening up and trusting the process. The Ascension Technology.
(23:32) The logical mind: a program of the fear matrix.
(25:50) The new and upcoming energies around the mentor relationship.
(30:24) Tuning your Sacred Harp.
(36:26) Light Language: the biggest call-to-action.
(42:44) Andrea’s new Light Language container: Make it Rain. Light Codes for Prosperity and Abundance.

You can find this episode's transcript here


"My unique psychic abilities allow me to see very far into the future and actually “know” the reason why my client’s incarnated into this lifetime. From there, I help them take action steps toward their destiny and clears any pesky blocks along the way. My mentorship process combines my background in finance and entrepreneurship, as well as my one-of-a-kind intuitive gifts and spiritual IQ to quantum shift my clients into a new (and desired) timeline." 


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • The Sacred Money Mind is a 21-day Voxer broadcast to turn your mind into a money magnet. You’ll have exclusive access to 5 private podcasts I especially recorded for this program with 5 amazing people who are very close to me and have life changing experiences to share. There’s also breathwork sessions, energy work practices, and a Q&A at the end of the program. Take advantage of the early bird pricing if you sign up today. Starts November 6th.
  • The Sacred Six Figure Initiation In these sacred 10 months, you will be initiated into the new paradigm of business where you get to thrive in all areas of life and share your unique frequency with the world to create your own heaven on earth. Starts December 5th and there's an early bird pricing until mid November. 


Show Notes Transcript

“The biggest key for all of us is to say, what are my completely unique gifts? How can I facilitate allowing them to bloom in bigger ways? It's really time to go very deep on, what are your unique gifts? How can I move in the world through mentorship, coaching, spiritual advising and guidance and business, and figure out what is it about me that I came here to share?”

Today I have my good friend Andrea Donnelly on the show. We're talking about her involvement in my new program The Sacred Six Figure Initiation, how to get powerful results when working with somebody, and some of the wonderful things she does to elevate your consciousness into another level. 


(01:52) Intro to The Sacred Six Figure Initiation
(13:34) Obtaining powerful results when working with a coach or a mentor. Opening up and trusting the process. The Ascension Technology.
(23:32) The logical mind: a program of the fear matrix.
(25:50) The new and upcoming energies around the mentor relationship.
(30:24) Tuning your Sacred Harp.
(36:26) Light Language: the biggest call-to-action.
(42:44) Andrea’s new Light Language container: Make it Rain. Light Codes for Prosperity and Abundance.

You can find this episode's transcript here


"My unique psychic abilities allow me to see very far into the future and actually “know” the reason why my client’s incarnated into this lifetime. From there, I help them take action steps toward their destiny and clears any pesky blocks along the way. My mentorship process combines my background in finance and entrepreneurship, as well as my one-of-a-kind intuitive gifts and spiritual IQ to quantum shift my clients into a new (and desired) timeline." 


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • The Sacred Money Mind is a 21-day Voxer broadcast to turn your mind into a money magnet. You’ll have exclusive access to 5 private podcasts I especially recorded for this program with 5 amazing people who are very close to me and have life changing experiences to share. There’s also breathwork sessions, energy work practices, and a Q&A at the end of the program. Take advantage of the early bird pricing if you sign up today. Starts November 6th.
  • The Sacred Six Figure Initiation In these sacred 10 months, you will be initiated into the new paradigm of business where you get to thrive in all areas of life and share your unique frequency with the world to create your own heaven on earth. Starts December 5th and there's an early bird pricing until mid November. 


Andrea: When I started working with you, what a massive freaking transformation. And again, it's vice versa, right? Like you completely trust me. I completely trust you. And as a result, when we show up for each other, it creates this like wild capacity for manifestations to unfold in real time because of how deeply we trust each other.

I think that it's just so important for everyone to completely lean into the fact that everything that we understand quote unquote to be true about this planet is actually in many ways misinformation and we really are moving into a massively different paradigm. Our spiritual gifts are the greatest currency that we possess as we move through today, tomorrow, and the rest of forever.

Alyse: Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi everyone. Welcome back to the show. So this week I have a conversation for you that I had with Andrea last Friday around mentorship and. her light language and all of the things. I'm trying to remember what we even talked about because there were so many things that came up. But I think the main point of the conversation was around how we create better results in mentorship and how that's actually all through the relationship 

that we have with the person. And that was a really big focus of our conversation because we had been talking private leagues, we talk all the time just about how much better results people have when they feel that deep connection with you and when they're actually open to the process versus working with someone who is more questioning or projecting onto you or feeling like they need to understand everything or just more closed down in general.

You know, I think when And we've all probably had this experience when you work with somebody who is more closed off. What usually tends to happen is they will project onto you unknowingly, and this is probably a whole nother topic of a podcast that I could do, but then that person doesn't tend to get the results because instead of looking at themselves and what's coming up in them, they're making you wrong, right?

So, and it can happen in sneaky ways without. People even realizing it. So anyway, we talk about that. And then I also talk about Andrea's work with her late language and this thing that she does called Tuning Your Sacred Harp, which essentially, to me, is like how she helps you open your channel. And the reason why we talk about that is because I am having her be a guest teacher inside my new container, the Sacred Six Figure Initiation.

And if you guys haven't heard me talk about this program yet, I talk about it a little bit in this episode. The episode I did last week is very much related to it. And, um, I also just did a live on Instagram where I explain it, but It's so big that sometimes I feel kind of overwhelmed in explaining it. I think I did a pretty good job of it in the email I sent out yesterday.

So you can check on that email as well. But if I had to narrow it down into like a sentence, I would say that it's learning how to channel for your business. But it's so much more than that. Because it really is about not only stepping into the new paradigm of business, but Creating the new paradigm of business through your own business, right?

Because I truly feel like there is an invitation to evolve right now. And the way it started for me is just by looking around on the internet and being repulsed by everyone just copying off of everybody else. And not to say there's not people doing amazing work because there is. But a lot of what I see is like, people...

Taking what they're doing and trying to fit it into a box of what somebody else did, instead of literally just channeling what they're actually meant to do for their own business. Because if we're not connected to the channel that we all have, right, I believe we are all able to channel. And when I say channel, I mean, tap into the highest divine wisdom and allow it to come through you and allow yourself to receive that information.

And I've been able to do this very easily for my whole life. So I, and I know it doesn't come as easily to other people, however, it does come easily to you. You're just not allowing it or you're not trusting it. And in this program. You are going to allow it and trust it so that you can build a business that is actually supportive to you and your energy, instead of trying to fit yourself into a box of what someone else has done or how someone else says that it's going to work for you to build your business, right?

Because there are infinite ways to make money, there are infinite ways to structure your business, there are infinite ways to deliver your content, there are infinite ways to be on the planet and thrive and make money and experience joy and ecstasy and love. There are so many ways to do it because Each way is specific to you, right?

It's not about doing what someone else did. And that's the new paradigm that we're moving into is about you being you and creating from that place and creating from the channel and tapping into divine wisdom as your business strategy. Because the business actually gets to be a conduit for the divine frequency that wants to move through you.

And I talk about this a lot in the last episode and when I've been talking about this program because that's what it really is. It's literally connecting to God as a business strategy. And when you do that, you don't really need anything else. And this is the main crux of what we're going to be doing in.

The Secret Six Figure Initiation. And it's really going to be a supportive journey for you to create your first six figures in your business. And if you have already gotten to six figures, it'll help you collapse time to do it more quickly. Because this is about completely changing the game and how we look at business and how we look at ourselves and how we look at our work.

Because there is... an invitation to evolve right now. And there's an invitation to do things completely differently. And I know so many of you can feel that that is happening, because it is. And I know there's a lot of you too that might have had some like stop and start energy in your business where you might have started things and then it was like, I don't know if this is working.

And the reason why is because you were trying to do things the way other people did them instead of doing them the way that you actually feel guided to do them. And that's what we're going to be really allowing you to fully step into in this program. So, I was woken up in the middle of the night a couple weeks ago on the last eclipse and I was given six concepts of the new paradigm of business that I was meant to teach and transmit to you.

And on top of that, I've been given these codes for restoration because we're elevating beyond the healer paradigm where it's like, Oh, there's something wrong with me. I need to go to a healer. We're actually going to be elevating beyond the paradigm of like the healer or the problem fixing paradigm and into the paradigm of divine perfection.

And from that lens, there's actually nothing wrong with you. We just need to restore the divine relationships that you have with the energy of the mother, with the energy and relationship that you have with yourself. And when I say the energy of the mother, what I really mean is, is your ability to feel safe and supported in the world, your ability to feel connected and unconditionally loved in the world.

That all relates to the archetypal mother energy, which needs to be restored in order for us to move through the world in the way I'm describing where you're divinely led. So that is going to be part of the program, mainly because I'm just channeling it. Like, I've been connecting to the frequency of the cosmic mother and have been channeling that energy.

And, um, for those. People that are already in my world, they know because they've been feeling it like crazy and it's been shifting them like crazy and their channels have been opening like crazy. So they know. Because literally, when I got back from Sedona and I started channeling this, all of my clients close proximity, their channel opened up.

And they started channeling too, it was pretty wild. So, just by being in the proximity of this energy, it'll open you up to these higher energies that are meant to run through you. But beyond that, there is going to be some restoration happening just around the way we relate to ourselves and the world so that we can move through the world in this higher frequency.

Stay safe! So, that is, in a nutshell, right now, the Sacred Six Figure Initiation. We're in early bird pricing until mid November. And I know there's many of you that are interested in this because I've already had people reaching out to me. I already had some people come in from my VIP invite list, so the group is building.

And I can feel that it's going to be big because I know so many people are desiring this and know that this is the next step for them. So reach out to me if you want to chat about it more. We will link it below. I will leave it there. Enjoy this episode with Andrea and I. Oh, the reason why I'm talking to Andrea about tuning the sacred harp is because she's going to be doing that in the program.

And the reason why I'm having her do that is because she will restore your ability to allow the sacred song that's meant to come through you and really open your channel. And she is a wizard at that. So that's why I'm having her as one of the guest experts in the program. And there's going to be a lot more, I don't want to say surprises, but things around the program that I haven't announced yet, just because they haven't come through yet.

But the calls will be a combination of me channeling. Me teaching these concepts around the new paradigm of business, me teaching you how to channel more deeply because I know all of you already channel, and then breath work, energy work, hot seat coaching, and then there is going to be a component of you connecting with the other women in the group to support each other with your channeling.

Because this is going to be a key element of the program, and I'll be announcing the rest of the exciting things that I'll be adding to it as we go on, but that's what has been shown to me so far, um, and I really see it as like a spiritual, Awakening journey, where you're going to begin to really understand the enormity of why you're here and what you're really meant to do on the planet in an even bigger way than you realize now.

All right, I will truly leave it there. Enjoy this conversation with Andrea. I'm sending you so much love and I will talk to you soon.

Hi everyone. I'm so excited to be here with Andrea. So it's funny, we were just talking. talking about she had sent me some like meme on Instagram that was like, wouldn't it be cool if we just recorded ourselves hanging out? And then that was like a podcast episode and we were both like, Oh my gosh, we need to do that.

So that's part of the inspiration for this conversation. But we do have actual things that we want to talk about as much as we're just hanging out talking. We do have specific topics. And Andrea and I have been talking about this idea. of what it takes to get like actual really powerful results when you're working with somebody.

And so much of it is actually like your openness and relationship to the person. And I think that's like where we want to start because we've both seen, we've both seen the whole gamut of like people that come in and they get They just get all of these results right away and they have this huge transformation right away.

And then there's other people that don't experience that and it's like, well, why? What is the X factor here or what is the reason? And obviously there's a multitude of reasons, but we've been really tuning into this idea that like the more open you are and the more deeply connected you feel with the person, that's when you really get.

the deepest results and I remember when I had Dr. Robin McKay on my podcast for the first time and she talked about like this study that had been done where they actually collected data from clients and practitioners and It really didn't matter what the like training was or methodology or modality that the practitioner used.

The thing that made the most difference in clients getting results was the relationship that the client and the practitioner had. So I think that's a great place to dive in. So Andrea, what are your thoughts on this? 

Andrea: Oh, that is, it's so interesting to really lean into that because immediately what I'm drawn to where my brain goes is that idea, right?

That we're all familiar of when they test medicine and there is the placebo effect component, which I feel like that's not necessarily like a direct relation, but it is tangentially related to that idea of a deep level of trust. Right. If you are part of a study and you get the same results as someone who's taking a medicine and you're taking a sugar pill or whatever the thing is.

And then when you put that in the context of people who get really incredible, super fast results, it's really the same vibration, right? Because that's what the gist of your work and my work. We were also talking before we started this about the. I keep hearing the words when I tune into what we're moving through for the rest of this fall and into next year is really seeing a large number of people around the planet start to really lean into what I keep hearing the words are like Ascension technology, right?

And so I feel like that's all lead to what you and I are talking about about what are the. qualities through which people get incredible results. And you and I have a unique relationship because we've also worked with each other in both directions for a long time. And I know like last week you and I did an in real life exchange.

We also happened to live right near each other, which is a beautiful gift. And it was incredible because for me especially my work is very. It doesn't necessarily make a lot of sense on paper. I do a lot of transmission of really high vibrational channeled frequencies, light codes, or light language, whatever words you want to put to it.

And I tend to see and feel and know, like, These very deep things about what will work for people. And what I have found myself is the more one of the reasons why when you and I work with each other, my work, you leverage it so beautifully and it hits you so quickly and it has. Shifted your personal relationships and your business and you make more money and there are all these things that come about doing a session, quote unquote, with me, and I think a big part of that, at least from what I see, is that you completely Trust me.

I rolled into your house last week and I was like, all right, here are the like, I essentially just like we sat down and I just started channeling. I was like, here are the things that I'm seeing that I need to do for you. And I had been shown these like very specific light grids that I was going to build around you and all of these things.

And you don't even, you don't even ask me questions. You're just like, yeah. Do it girl. Let's just fucking go. And that to me is, first of all, a massive gift as someone whose work is like very maximally woo woo in the course of what it means to do like healing or transformation or whatever the thing is that we're really moving towards business coaching, wealth, consciousness, all the things.

For me to have someone like you in my life who has Always just if I get a hit from your guides or my guides about something would benefit you, you're always just there. You're like, yes, I want it. Let's do it. And for me to be able to walk that walk and talk that talk and be able to see that unfold over an arc of time.

Where when I know something needs to be done for you, you were just so all in and it really just changed the game. It makes it so that a it's provided you and I would this like beautiful ability to be like, Whoa, look at like when I started working with you. What a massive frickin transformation. And again, it's vice versa, right?

Like, you completely trust me. I completely trust you. And as a result, when we show up for each other, it creates this like wild capacity for manifestations to unfold in real time because of how deeply we trust each other. So I know that was like, 

Alyse: yeah, no. And then the other thing that's occurring to me too, is I remember when I first started working with you where you were my client and that was at the point in my journey, it was like much earlier on where I was just starting to channel my own energy work and just really starting to work with energy and these more profound and different ways.

And I started working with you and I had never worked with somebody before that was so open and I realized that it worked so well. because you were so open and you were just so like receptive to it. So like that is such an important piece of this because I always have people ask me like, I'll start working with somebody and I can't really feel anything or it's hard for me to tune in and then they think it's them.

But really it's usually just because the person is closed off or questioning. I had one of my clients in the metamorphosis method yesterday was asking me about a client she has that is always asking her to explain. what she's doing. She's always like trying to understand and that is something that actually blocks us from being able to receive the medicine or being able to feel the transformation because the human brain.

wants to understand because it doesn't trust, right? And it's okay, I don't feel safe. So I need to try to understand or I need you to explain everything to me so I can feel safe and open up. And that's not to say like, you need to immediately open up or feel safe with every single person like that's not going to happen.

But that's why I always talk about the value of the long term relationship and mentorship because gradually you just get. more and more comfortable and you open up and that's when the real magic happens because you really let the person fully see you. You let them fully know the truth of who you are and they walk you through the hard things that happen and the upsets and the times where you just want to like run away and all that stuff.

So once you have that deep connection with somebody. so much easier to open up and just receive. I think that's just such an important piece of this. And also for the person that's wondering, like, how do I do that immediately with somebody, right? And the answer to that is, you might not be able to initially, but also you want to be able to trust yourself enough that if you feel drawn to work with somebody, then, um, That means that you can trust yourself to open up and trust the process with them.

You know what I mean? Like where if you decided to work with someone, but you don't feel like you can open up to them, then that says much more about you than the other person. Like I always say, if somebody goes to therapy, why wouldn't you tell your therapist everything? It's like a waste of money. You know what I mean?

Like, it doesn't even make sense. So yeah, I think this is such an incredibly powerful point that that just needs to be highlighted and needs to be known. 

Andrea: And isn't it interesting to you to think about how when we fall into that hook of the thinking brain trying to make sense of things, we need to be able to understand things logically and make sense of it on paper and all of that stuff.

It's almost like putting a fire out on the magic that could otherwise unfold because instead of just saying I intuitively understood that I need desire, whatever the thing is, motivation that I want this to, I want this experience, then you essentially sort of cut off the capacity for it to fully flourish at the knees because you're bringing in a level of a doubt and B, you're also new.

Trying to articulate some things that I feel like just as part of our human experience, there is a lot of evidence that all the spiritual stuff is real, right? But then there's this other way where from a societal perspective and like the systems that are currently in place, they instead of Still, in spite of the fact that they use magic themselves to flourish and exist, which is something that you and I talk about often, there's this other way too where when you fall back into that hook of being like, well, I have to make it make sense.

I have to make it make sense. It's like, yeah, you're essentially smudging out the ability to have it be able to work because you're trying to have it. fit into like a human box that frankly doesn't really exist. 

Alyse: Yeah, absolutely. And it's funny, the thing that came through for me really strong this week when I was teaching past lives and money and I didn't even know and this is what happens when we teach these programs is like for me I end up channeling through things that I never.

imagined I would be teaching about. Like, I thought I was teaching about these, like, five past life concepts, but then I start to get even more information about them. And then what I was seeing is what I was shown as the logical mind, like this concept of the logical mind being just a program of the fear matrix.

So like we're taught to rely on the logical mind and the intellect as like what's smart, but that actually just serves to disconnect us from our inner knowing and from our intuition. So what we've been seeing in business is so many people who are intuitive and do have spiritual gifts and are tuned in, but because of fear of like, whatever it is, needing to make money, wanting to be successful, being afraid of failure, whatever it is, end up relying more on the logical mind and what quote unquote makes sense and then not having the success that they desire because they are not allowing the channel to open and what is meant to come through.

And that's like part of this whole program. new program that I'm offering the sacred six figure initiation where I downloaded these like five concepts of the new paradigm of business. And that's one of them, right? It's like how to open your channel and channel through your unique way of running your business and your business being this sacred container for you to share your frequency, which I know that you understand that.

But the other thing before we move into, because I know I want to talk about what you're going to be doing in that container, but also, I just wanted to go into to back to like when you shared about the Ascension technology and just how we know we're moving into this whole new paradigm around how we're sharing our work and like what things look like and just the way that we're even thinking about the mentor relationship.

What are you seeing For the future or like the new energies that we're stepping into. 

Andrea: I think that it's just so important for everyone to completely lean into the fact that everything that we understand, quote unquote, to be true about this planet is actually like In many ways, misinformation and we really are moving into a massively different paradigm.

It can be confusing to the human brain, right? And there is this way where because of all of the ways that we've been shown that we have to fall in line and do certain things and business looks this way being a human looks this way, you know, having a relationship looks this way for me, the biggest.

thing that I keep seeing is that it's also so much about unlocking that inner capacity that we all have to connect to the divine. So success in any capacity, whether it's being an entrepreneur, whether you are looking to call a new love, a new home, a new whatever the future. thing is a million billion trillion dollars, whatever it is that you're looking to lean into.

From my perspective, the biggest key for all of us is to really say, all right, what are my completely unique gifts? How can I facilitate allowing them to bloom in bigger ways and using that as your. point of navigation, as opposed to saying, I looked around and someone did this in a certain way, and I'm just going to follow their roadmap.

Essentially. It's about anchoring into your own roadmap, which is why I also feel like people like you and I, who have these unique capacities to be able to essentially bridge the 3d to the 5d or the. heart and the brain and all of this are going to become more and more important because we're not teaching, you and I are not teaching people how to follow a set methodology.

We're teaching people how to move through the world using your completely unique whispers of the heart, is what I like to call your intuition or your psychicus or whatever the thing is. And that to me is the biggest thing we're moving into. out of a way of being like, I'm going to look externally and essentially try to replicate what I saw somebody else do.

It's really time to go very deep on what are your unique gifts? How can I move in the world through mentorship, through coaching, through spiritual advising and guidance and business, you know, mentorship and all these things and really figure out what is it about me that I came here to share? And that I feel like is, again, a massive key of what I do for people and a big part of this, what you're talking about with this new program. 

Alyse: Yeah, and that's essentially what it is like how to use your connection with the divine to inform your business, which is really important. In my opinion, there's no other way. I don't think there's any other way.

And if there is, it, it feels exhausting. And this is also born from, I just want to say this too, is like so many of the women that I've worked with, I've watched them struggle with trying to like fit in. to the old paradigm of business where it's okay, I have to do this and this and this because this is what everyone says you need to do to be successful.

And I've watched so many women struggle with that or feel like they're pushing themselves to do certain things that don't feel 100 percent aligned, but it's just like, okay, well, that's what you do. And that is part of what informed me creating this other than the massive downloads I was getting just around these new The new paradigm concepts, but also then I started reflecting on everyone that I had worked with that I saw struggle with this, including myself.

And I was like, Oh, this is why, because they actually weren't meant to fit themselves into this box. They weren't meant to do business this way. They were meant to channel their own way of doing it through their connection to the divine and through. emanating their unique frequency to inform how they would structure things, what kind of strategy they would be using, and really create something that's like in support of them so that they can do the work that they're meant to do on the planet.

So that's another reason why. I think this is so important. And then just to go into a little bit with that, part of the biggest thing that I'm teaching in this is how to channel for your business. And that's why I'm bringing you in to tune their sacred harp and do light language. So can you talk a little bit about what it means to tune their sacred harps?

It's so funny because I put that on the sales page and Jennifer was like, people are not going to know what that is. So now I'm like, let's I know why it's so important for people to have their sacred harp tuned so that they can channel, but can you tell us what that is and why that's so important right now?

Andrea: Yeah, so from the time I have memories in this incarnation, I Always channeled light language. I used it as a way to communicate, not just with my guides, but with the plant and the animal realm. And it was really a way it's, it's my primary language, essentially. Um, 

Alyse: I'm just with you and you start like talking to like.

Squirrels and stuff. And I'm like, hello,

Andrea: I'm like, yeah, no, I got a whole bunch of conversation. I'm talking to you. 

I'm talking to a cat that I just walked by a squirrel, the birds, I love, I love how you, I love that joke.

Alyse: Talking to the squirrels in her light language. It's all the 

Andrea: squirrels over here, this guy. And so I've always had this very big relationship to the divine. And then as part of this process, I also move energy and use my hands to like essentially transmit like an additional vibration and a frequency of connection.

And one of the gifts that I have is connected to all of this. Is that I can look at someone and immediately see what they were created by God essentially to do the frequency their ultimate like soul mission soul purpose that they've carried through all lifetimes to this is stuff that goes back like way beyond just this incarnation and from that point then I see an additional layer which is all of the things that have essentially like Fallen out of place or our misattunements, misalignments, energetic blocks, things that are either like we could just call them like trauma, drama, karma, pain, the epigenetic things that we inherit from our ancestor past life, things that have happened in this lifetime and just ways that essentially like the vibration of the world around you is an easy way to think of it has set your sacred gifts out of tune.

So once I see that, then I can go into the field and I have this like really laser focus way essentially of retuning what I perceive to be as your sacred heart. And so everyone has this, you can think of it sort of like as a literal instrument, right? Maybe for you, it's a harp. Maybe for you, it's a triangle or a banjo.

I use harp, but really it's about an instrument. And this instrument essentially sit in the air on top of your head. And as it gets retuned through the work that I'm going to be doing in your new group. And then work that I also do with my clients and people around the world to really help them like activating cultivate wealth consciousness and love and just like a massive amount of transformation is as I go in and I transmit these channeled light codes that I channel based on what it is that I'm shown needs to clear for the person and essentially bring them back into full alignment with the divine.

It creates like these completely surreal, often immediate, massive paradigm shifts for people where I will go in and I'll do my retuning of your sacred harp, and I'm channeling some light language, moving my hands around, doing some stuff, really working in your field in this really profound way. And then all of a sudden people will get off a call with me and they'll be like, Oh, wow. Someone just, you know, Bought my highest ticket offer or I just found out that me and my husband are receiving a million dollar grant like that sort of enormity is the point from which things unfold when I do this work of returning people's sacred harps and it's a little bit It's a little bit hard, honestly, to, like, try to explain in human words, right?

Jennifer was like, what does, like, Jennifer knows what that like, how do I, right, as a human being, how do you as a human being, how do we really explain that? Because it is, frankly, quite mystical, and 

Alyse: it is really mystical, but I would explain it too, and I think this might be oversimplifying it, but just to base it on, like, a result that you get, I feel like you're really opening somebody's channel because it's like opens their channel to connect them with the song that's meant to run through them is that and that's what it feels like and then the other piece of it is like the light language that you do.

It's so funny because I always say just in general that I'm like very picky with the people that I Would listen to or have in my field like most people and this is not to be like rude I just am very sensitive to people's energy and just the the integrity What they're channeling in and like where they're coming from and I just get easily repulsed by things that aren't crystal clear And for me, you're the only one that I would have light language from.

Like, I really don't, and it's not like I'm saying there's anything wrong with anyone else. I'm just not interested. Because when you have the OG, you don't really want, that's what I told you the other day, I'm like, you're the OG, everyone else is a copy. So, and for me, when I hear your light language, like, I feel it in my body.

Like, it's something that I feel. And it's not something where like, of course, it sounds silly, so like part of your human brain is like, but like, you really just feel it like I feel it actually like lock in or drop into my body. And I know that's hard to explain, too. But maybe you can talk a little bit about that, too, because I know you're going to do that in the container.

And then you also have a really fun light language thing that you're doing now, which I love. 

Andrea: Oh, I'm so excited. Yeah. So it is really interesting. So for me, I have always been shown by my guides who I have a very comical, sweet, very deep relationship with. I've always been able to hear them, see them. I like have this very open channel myself.

And so that's the other thing about what you were describing as essentially that's what I'm doing for people is both reconnecting you to the thing that you were created by source to do the frequency like if you think of the planet or even just like beyond the planet of creation as an orchestra, every single one of us.

Holds this really unique frequency. And yeah, there might be somebody out there who's doing something similar to what you're doing, but at the end of the day, the thing that you were created by God to do is completely unique to you. And if you're not singing that sacred song, if you're not tuning your sacred harp, if you're not opening that channel, which is literally, I say it all the time, our spiritual gifts are the greatest currency that we possess as we move through.

Today, tomorrow, and the rest of forever, because if you don't reconnect with your divinity and start to open that channel, we all have, we can call it a channel. We can call it psychic gifts. There are all sorts of ways that I think that we as humans attempt to perceive the experience. But if you don't really fine tune your channel right now. From my perspective, 

things are going to get more and more complicated for people moving forward because like this is why we all came here to earth basically now from my perception. And so what's cool about it is I possess this very unique gift. I love that you call me like the OG light language because my guides always say that I am like the world expert, the foremost world expert on light language, which sounds like bonkers to me. Like, here I am. I am the world expert on light language. But even as I'm saying it, I just got full body chills. And one of the reasons why I believe this to be, in fact, deeply true, aside from a lot of anecdotal evidence I have about how my light language affects people is because the thing you were talking about, how much it impacts people in this very deep, like physical way, um, Is to me, the big point of connection that all of us are really looking to move into as well is this idea of essentially, right?

You have this channel of information of divine wisdom. You have a capacity to communicate with your guides, with your higher self, with God, with your ancestors, with all of these different realms that exist around us. And as you open that cap Asked me up and you align with it. You basically take that sort of ephemeral mystical wisdom and anchor it into your body, which is when then things, when people talk about the idea of embodied wisdom, to me, that's really what that means is taking this really beautiful, very sacred, essentially like cosmic magic, drawing it into your body and then being able to have it feel a certain way so that then when you get up from the light language I've channeled, you're able to then start to literally move in a different way than you did prior because it has. Activated and reconnected all of these different parts of you that were maybe like not moving as simultaneously in line prior.

And then all of a sudden it's, whoa, I just reconnected back to my literal God heart is the word that's coming through. And I just heard a cat in the background who just did like a big call. Yeah, you hear him. Yeah, you're saying you agree. Yeah. Yeah. 

Yeah. Yeah. Cause the animals are here for it too. Right. So I don't, I feel like that was the best way I could sort of answer that question, but it is, it feels like quite frankly, not to be like high drama B, but it is to me, the biggest call to action right now. If there is something that you. Are being called to do that doesn't necessarily make a lot of quote unquote sense on paper.

It is the time to ride that wave and be like, I am going to try some new things out. Because quite frankly, you and I know this, the way that we have been attempting to move through our lives leading up to now really didn't work. So why not try something new, even if it seems to like not make sense or it's wacky or outside of what you would perceive to be like a normal way of moving through the world. Those are actually the exact things that we need to really anchor into because they are an antidote to all of the misinformation. 

Alyse: Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. That was a really good explanation. Thank you for that. And yeah, I'm excited to have you come in and do that for people.

Because like I said, this is one of the main focuses of this is how to channel for your business and how to. open your channel so you can create something that is really a deep expression of your unique frequency and being able to really share your unique frequency in the most authentic way and most like uninhibited way.

And I think that's what this work helps people do is just let go of the ways that they might have been toning it down or the ways that things were locked so they couldn't fully express that frequency. But that's what I keep hearing so much is that it's so much about frequency moving forward and that's really how you will attract people to you is through your frequency and through your voice right and I think we were talking about that a little bit the other day about how your voice is the thing that um, emanates your frequency because we were talking about the idea of like, how people are using AI or whatever for their voice and it's like your voice is actually the thing that people hear and it draws them to you.

So I think that is a really important piece of this too. So do you want to tell people about your light language thing? Your light language container? 

Andrea: Yes, please. Please and thank you in advance. So I have this new and I can't not laugh because I'm a super excited about it and be it's so different than anything that I've ever seen offered.

So I have, I got a download a couple of weeks ago that I needed to create this experience called make it rain light codes for prospecting. And as we have now, we've done a deep dive on how unique my methodology is, and it's unlike anything that people have ever seen. What I'm really seeing is that, especially for me, that because the way that I channel is so fucking, like, surreal and hyper potent and creates...

These like very immediate results of people being able to experience more money, new opportunities, joy, personal growth, all of these massive shifts that unfold things like someone started working with me last fall and by the end of it, they had. Hit 10 times what they were making when they started working with me and again, it doesn't make sense on paper, but the beauty of it is that if you just trust the journey, it is like fucking magic like you've never experienced before.

So this is going to be so fun because what this is this make it rain that I'm doing and I also received two additional sets of codes for future broadcast. They're going to be channeled through me starting in November. So for 30 days. I am going to do a Voxer broadcast, so it'll just be me literally like popping in every day and essentially transmitting the light codes, usually like somewhere between one to three minutes long, and giving like a brief explanation about what the intention of the day is, but for this first round of make it rain.

It's all going to be like codes for epic abundance. It's going to be a real game changer for people who are seeking to make more money and go into new levels of money, magic miracles, that sort of energy to really like up level your income, manifest your dreams faster. And then you also, because I have received these additional two sets of codes, once we're done with this first round, there is.

light codes to cultivate creativity in January and then light codes for the revolution of love in February. And so it's super fun because you can basically bundle them all right now through the middle of next week and get like a really like awesome discount and it's just gonna be so fun because the 

Alyse: way that you really wanna talk to people.

Andrea: It's the way you wanna talk to people. I have a high IQ and I can be very. Malifluous and poetic with human language, but there are other times where, quite frankly, my ability to be able to make sense of things in 3D is not always that clear because I literally think and see and feel in light codes and then I basically go in and translate the light codes into English and sometimes it's a smooth process and other times you've seen it happen to me where like people will ask me a question and I'm like Uh, I just get like sort of 

stumped and I'm like, does not compute, cannot make the alien, cannot get the like information out of her brain through her mouth. Let me just speak a light code to you. And then it's like, when that happens and I do transmit light codes, quote unquote, instead, it just changes the game. Because again, for me, it's the way that it's like the easiest way for me to share the gift that I possess. And you and I have talked about this. But it's also so interesting because in human design, I am a 5 1 self projected projector.

Everyone with 5 1 has a projection line in their profile. And so I'm basically like a double projector. And the thing about projectors from a human design perspective is that we're literally the newest type of person on the planet. And we were born to transmit a frequency and have that be the main point of our medicine and as we move into 2027, the person who created or downloaded human design, whatever we want to call it, he was a projector and his, I believe, I think he was a projector and his prediction for 2027 is that from a global capacity that we as a planet are moving in that direction, which is why people like me were born to essentially usher that in now.

Right. And so you, and you feel it, you understand that that's literally where we're headed is this experience of really claiming our own frequency and figuring out how the F. We want to like share the information and so that's the other thing I'm really excited about about make it rain and all these other codes that I've downloaded is it's such a potent exciting way for me to be able to do that to share it.

So yeah, I hope everyone jumps in to make it rain. I can't wait.

Alyse: That's amazing. I'm so excited about it too. And also the other thing that it's coming to me too about this is we've been talking so much about elevating beyond the healer. paradigm where it's like, I need someone else to fix me kind of a vibe.

And we're really elevating beyond that where it's more of not that we don't need people, of course, like it's so helpful to have connections and mentorship and all of that. But we're more elevating into this new paradigm of like just it being about the relationship and the frequency of the relationship versus it being like, Oh, I need you to.

Fix me or help me or I have a problem that I need you to solve. Like we're really stepping out of that paradigm where that's just not going to be a thing anymore. So I feel like the late codes is totally in alignment with that. And yeah, and just to speak on just more of like this new paradigm before we wrap up.

It's so much about creating things in a way that actually feels good to you. Like I remember when we were talking about the late code thing. It's like, this just is so supportive to the way that you'd like to share because so much of what you do, it doesn't even require you talking to people. You know what I mean?

I feel like that's what we're moving into too, where it's like, not thinking you have to. do things or share things a certain way or create your business a certain way, just because that's how other people have done it in the past. There's literally infinite possibilities of ways to make money and ways to share your frequency with the world.

And like, that's what this, the Sacred Six Figure Initiation is about. It's about channeling what that is for you because there's so many ways to do it. It doesn't have to look the way that We thought it did. So I just think that's like super important to understand. So as we wrap up, I just want to say for anyone who is interested in the sacred six figure initiation, I'm opening next week.

I'm opening it to the public right now. It's just resale for invite only, but next week it will be open to the public. So you'll see me sharing about that and yeah, and we start December 5th and I'll put the link and stuff so everybody can see all of the details about it. But. I'm so excited. And we'll put the link for Andrea's like code thing too, because I feel like everyone has to do that. I'm going to be doing that. So I, 

Andrea: it's going to be so much fun. And I think that's like, that's the other thing too. And I think you and I both, as we're wrapping this up, I just want to also like, just throw this out there. I think you and I. of a really beautiful gift, each of us, where we really do make some really deep work, very fun.

And I feel like that's also like part of this, right? Is like, how can we embody a sense of levity and light and joy, even if what we're like transmuting and clearing is like kind of. heavy. It's like we've got to start to integrate the sweetness and the light and the humor in it. And I feel both of us really have that gift of being able to like find a way to make it so that as people go through these really profound journeys of like self discovery, it just, it lands in this way that feels good.

Alyse: Yeah. And that's fun. It gets to be fun. 

Andrea: Yeah, it gets to be fun, right? You get to hear me. There's been a, you and I have been making a joke for the past couple of weeks that at some point I'm just going to have an offer that's like literally just me laughing. And here I go, I'm just, it's you guys, that's Just the free version of it.

Alyse: Yeah, exactly. There's going to be, there's going to be a paid version. It's going to be way more powerful. It's going to be laughing a lot harder.

Yeah, that's what I mean. Like there's literally infinite ways to make money and that's what I think is part of what we're moving into. So, um. I love this. Thank you so much. I love you. And yeah, we're going to hop off because we actually have to go to the Clear Channel Roundtable in 10 minutes. So thank you.

And we will link everything below. Please don't hesitate to reach out and sending everyone lots of love. Bye.

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