Reclaiming Consciousness

My Spiritual Awakening in Sedona

November 16, 2023 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 98
My Spiritual Awakening in Sedona
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
My Spiritual Awakening in Sedona
Nov 16, 2023 Season 1 Episode 98
Alyse Bacine

“She came to me in a dream and said: You have nothing to worry about anymore. You have nothing to be afraid of anymore. You are completely held, completely safe, completely supported, and unconditionally loved. And when she said that, I felt that energy. And I felt it in a way and on a level that I've never experienced before. It was almost like every fear that I was carrying, every doubt, every trepidation just vanished.”

In today's solo episode, I am sharing my long-awaited experience in Sedona. As many of you know, this trip marked an important turning point in my life, especially from the energetic and frequency point of view.
The number of things that were shown to us and the amount of realizations that happened are almost infinite. I was able to understand some of my most important purposes in my work, and my life in general.
It was a true gift to be able to experience the channeling of an amazing being called Mother Malia through Jennifer Longmore, my dearest mentor. 
I can say that, after Sedona, I am more aware of what I need to do on this planet and I'm achieving a sense of personal growth, a deeper understanding of myself, and a shift in my perspective. Also, a reconciliation of ancestral trauma, a release of old patterns and fears, and a newfound ability to fully lean on and receive support.  Overall, it has initiated me into a higher timeline and a greater sense of purpose and alignment with my true self.


(01:38) Intro
(10:55) A year in review: Reconnecting with a “lost” sibling, a car accident that brought anxiety, and understanding the importance of my existence.
Robyn and I Debrief about Palm Springs.
(19:46) Sedona’s mysterious pull, Philly’s dark energy, and a vertigo episode that helped me process my surroundings.
(31:49) The channeling of Mother Malia: the Great Mother.  A profound healing experience and visualizing what the dark forces are doing through technology.
(37:17) Mother Malia reveals something in my dreams.
(39:54) Channeling Selena: The Great Cosmic Mother.
- Stepping into higher frequencies and finding new meanings in my work.
(46:48) How my channel opened into a new inexplicable level: moving away from fear. 
(52:04) Biggest takeaways.

You can find this episode's transcript here


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • The Sacred Six Figure Initiation In these sacred 10 months, you will be initiated into the new paradigm of business where you get to thrive in all areas of life and share your unique frequency with the world to create your own heaven on earth. Starts December 5th.
  • Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. Starts February 1st, 2024. 


Show Notes Transcript

“She came to me in a dream and said: You have nothing to worry about anymore. You have nothing to be afraid of anymore. You are completely held, completely safe, completely supported, and unconditionally loved. And when she said that, I felt that energy. And I felt it in a way and on a level that I've never experienced before. It was almost like every fear that I was carrying, every doubt, every trepidation just vanished.”

In today's solo episode, I am sharing my long-awaited experience in Sedona. As many of you know, this trip marked an important turning point in my life, especially from the energetic and frequency point of view.
The number of things that were shown to us and the amount of realizations that happened are almost infinite. I was able to understand some of my most important purposes in my work, and my life in general.
It was a true gift to be able to experience the channeling of an amazing being called Mother Malia through Jennifer Longmore, my dearest mentor. 
I can say that, after Sedona, I am more aware of what I need to do on this planet and I'm achieving a sense of personal growth, a deeper understanding of myself, and a shift in my perspective. Also, a reconciliation of ancestral trauma, a release of old patterns and fears, and a newfound ability to fully lean on and receive support.  Overall, it has initiated me into a higher timeline and a greater sense of purpose and alignment with my true self.


(01:38) Intro
(10:55) A year in review: Reconnecting with a “lost” sibling, a car accident that brought anxiety, and understanding the importance of my existence.
Robyn and I Debrief about Palm Springs.
(19:46) Sedona’s mysterious pull, Philly’s dark energy, and a vertigo episode that helped me process my surroundings.
(31:49) The channeling of Mother Malia: the Great Mother.  A profound healing experience and visualizing what the dark forces are doing through technology.
(37:17) Mother Malia reveals something in my dreams.
(39:54) Channeling Selena: The Great Cosmic Mother.
- Stepping into higher frequencies and finding new meanings in my work.
(46:48) How my channel opened into a new inexplicable level: moving away from fear. 
(52:04) Biggest takeaways.

You can find this episode's transcript here


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • The Sacred Six Figure Initiation In these sacred 10 months, you will be initiated into the new paradigm of business where you get to thrive in all areas of life and share your unique frequency with the world to create your own heaven on earth. Starts December 5th.
  • Join the Metamorphosis Method and master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline. Starts February 1st, 2024. 


Alyse: In Sedona, we were doing a lot of work on the land, because there's been a lot of interference there. And I was able to see the ways that the dark forces on the planet were interfering with the vortexes there. And I was able to see things that are coming through our technology, like that are coming through the phones and through the TV.

I was able to see all of this crazy stuff and how it works and what it looks like. And then I was shown ways to. to protect yourself from it. I was shown what it is on like this very deep, intricate level. Like I was shown all of this stuff. 

Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi everyone. Welcome back to the show. So this week I have a solo episode for you, all about my experience in Sedona. And I know a lot of you have been waiting for this one because I've been talking about it so much, but I wanted to wait until Jennifer Longmore publicly shared her experience before I shared mine just because there's some overlap there.

And I didn't want to be the one outing the changes that happened for her before she did. So I'm really excited for you to hear this episode. It was very powerful for me to record and I think you'll hear the transmission in it. And I know for a lot of you who are in my world and in closer proximity with me, you told me it was palpable immediately the shift in my frequency when I got back and watching the way it impacted.

All of you, especially those of you that, you know, work more closely with me and just seeing the way that your channels have opened and the upgrades that have happened in your lives since I got back and just to like witness that ripple effect, it's been so incredible. So I know you all are gonna. feel it when you listen to the episode.

But this was incredibly impactful for me. And you know, it also kind of lays the groundwork for more of the foundations of my work moving forward, which is going to be so much more Around channeling and helping you open your channel, which is obviously what the sacred six figure initiation is all about, which is basically channeling for your business, because that's what I see as the new paradigm.

And that's all of the messages that I keep getting. So we start that on December 5th. And I'm really excited for the group that's forming. It feels really good and, you know, I know there's probably like three or four more of you. I think we're meant to have about like 10 or 12 women in the group. So I think there's probably about three or four more that are meant to join us.

So if you feel like that's you, then definitely reach out to me. Again, this is for you if you have a business, you're just starting a business, and you want to get to your first six figures, or if you've already gotten to six figures, you want to collapse time to do it more quickly. But really, what this is truly about is stepping into the new paradigm of business.

And what that really is going to be about is And it's going to be about your unique frequency and really letting that be the thing that leads you, right? And your channel, what comes through your channel will be the thing that informs you on not only what you offer in your business, but everything about your business, the way it desires to be structured, the way you deliver your content, the way you market.

And as you really allow your unique frequency to emanate in its full potency, the client attraction piece becomes so much easier. And um, we're gonna really dive into that in the program and it's going to be so good. So I'm very, very excited for this. And like I said, we start December 5th, it's two calls a month, it's a 10 month experience.

So you will be with me for almost an entire year. So we really have the time to go deep into opening your channel and really diving underneath the surface of like, you probably have an idea of what your purpose and your business is and your calling is, but we're going to find a much deeper level of it, a much more enormous level of it that you didn't even realize is there.

And, um, that's what happens when we do this deeper work and you really allow yourself to open up to the True energies that want to move through you and your ability to channel because that's what I know we're stepping into is you opening your channel and allowing the information that comes through there to guide you first and foremost.

So reach out to me again. We start December 5th and there is still time to join. So if you have questions, you can just. email info at EliseBreeze. com or DM me on Instagram. Also the certification, the metamorphosis method is restarting February 1st. The program was previously rolling, but now I've decided to just run it once a year and open and close it.

That way, you know, we can have a large group moving through at the same time. Um, and it feels like it's more potent that way, especially with doing the exchanges, which is such an important part of the program. So at this point, you have the opportunity to come in, in February, and then, you know, it'll be closed until The following February, although you will have opportunities to sign up for the following year at extended payment plans and all of that.

So right now you can sign up with an extended payment plan because we're, we still are two months out from the start date. So you have the opportunity to come into the certification if you are somebody who has a business or you want to start one. This is the skill set that, like, you really won't need anything else because I show you how to help people on the deepest level create transformation through my trauma informed breath work that I've created, the tools that I've created to clear familial and ancestral trauma at its core, and then also the energy work that I teach you how to channel.

So, this is an incredibly potent program, it's an incredibly potent certification. And you know, it's really for if you don't have a business, but you know that you're meant to help people create changes, you're meant to help people in some way, you're just not exactly sure. what that looks like, but you know you're meant to do it, this is also for you.

So if you already have a business, it's something that you can incorporate to be able to get your clients even more potent results. And then if you don't have one, but you know you're meant to move forward in the direction of having your own business or of doing your own thing, then this is also for you because I don't really know of anything else out there that's teaching at the depth that I am around how to help people shift things at their core.

And a very well rounded set of tools in how to do that, you know, including the breath work, the energy work, but then also just the pattern recognition. And we go so deep into the nuance of how to channel energy work, why we incorporate the different pieces of the energy work, how to pinpoint trauma, how to recognize patterns from family and ancestral programming.

We go very deep into the nuances of all of this so that you have a very potent and powerful skill set when you come out that you can. utilize and rely on when you're working with clients. And you know, you make it your own. And that's the most powerful thing about this certification is that everyone is able to take this skill set and really make it their own.

And it really does activate something in every single person. It ends up activating what your sacred medicine truly is. And that's Everyone says who's gone through the program is they were able to access something within themselves that they didn't know was there around their ability to create change and transformation in their clients.

So it's everything. I love this program so much, you guys. And the group that comes together is always like the most divinely aligned. So, so reach out to me if you'd like more information about joining. Um, you can also just check it out on the website at EliseBreeds. com. And then, like I said, if you join before, Mid December, you can do an extended payment plan so that the monthly payments are less if that's what you desire.

So that is basically it for now. There are some more exciting things coming, but probably next week I'll be announcing that. And yeah, I'm sending you guys lots of love and enjoy the episode.

Hi everyone. I am recording today an episode all about my trip to Sedona, a much awaited episode because I know a lot of you have told me you can't wait for me to record this and I was actually just waiting to record this until Jennifer Uh, kind of told her story publicly first because I didn't want to, I didn't want to be the one to share anything before she shared it because, you know, she had this experience there, which I'm going to talk about, but I felt that some of the story was hers to share.

So I wanted her to share it first before I told my story. So, you know, it's really interesting. I want to give a little bit of context before I. dive right into what happened actually in Sedona and just kind of go back to what this year in general has been like for me because it's been really interesting just as far as my own growth and what I feel like I've been really almost pushed into by the universe is what it felt like.

But it's interesting because, you know, my first two years in business, like up until, I'd say, September of 2022, when I had my biggest month ever, which was over 100K in sales. It was really weird because when I got to that point, I had this knowing that What got me there was not going to continue to get me where I wanted to go in business.

But I didn't know what that meant. And I also didn't know that what was in store for me following that was, you know, not only going to be about the business because the business I always say is just like... the carrot that is dangled in front of you to get you to do the work, right? And I don't mean work like, oh, you have to do all this hard work on yourself.

I just mean like, go down the path of becoming the version of you that you're truly meant to be on this planet and like, unobstruct anything that is in the way of you being a channel for your highest frequency and the frequency that you're meant to hold. So. I kind of had a feeling in September of 2022 that things were going to shift for me, but I didn't know what that meant.

And then fast forward in January, at the end of January, I found out that I had a brother, well, I knew I had a brother. My mom had a child that she gave up for adoption when she was 19. And I knew that since I was pretty young, but I never knew who he was. He never tried to get in touch with my mom. My mom had signed papers saying that, you know, she would never try to find him.

I actually assumed the worst, to be honest with you, because, you know, you never know. things that can happen to kids that are adopted or in the system. So, the fact that we didn't hear from him, I don't know what I assumed, but I thought maybe it wasn't good. So, at the end of January, I got a phone call from my mom saying that her son had reached out to her and he had found her on 23andMe.

And pretty much, like, since that day, we have been, like, close with him. Like, it's really weird. Um, like, it's weird, but not weird. And I know that these things happen. But he reached out to my mom. It was a Monday. And then I spoke to him that evening. And as soon as I spoke to him, I felt like I was related to him.

Like, he acts just like my mom. Much more so than me, he's very similar to my mom, and my mom has three sisters and like, he acts like them too. And when I talked to him on the phone, I was like, Oh my God, you're just like my mom and her sisters. So, you know, that was like a really big thing. And you know, from a larger spiritual perspective.

I really do see it as, the only way I can really explain it is it feels like a timeline jump to me from all of the deep ancestral healing that I've done. So it was a reconciliation of some trauma that I know that I was carrying for my mom basically is what I saw over and over again. And it was a big reconciliation, especially for my mom, but also for me.

And, you know, one of the first things he said to my mom when he spoke to her was, and this always makes me emotional, he said, don't worry, I had a great life. And that in that moment, it's like she got to. Let herself off the hook, you know, and I could feel that and like, one of the things about being me and having my mother is that I feel like I felt a lot of things for her and I carried a lot of things for her.

And I felt like on some level, I was carrying that for her and it was reconciled like in that moment. So that was like a huge, energetic shift that happened like in my ancestral line. And then three days later, I got into a really bad car accident. I got t boned. And I wasn't physically hurt, but I was like mentally and emotionally very shaken up and started having some bad anxiety for the next couple months, not like all the time, but I just had these like episodes of really bad anxiety from the car accident.

But I really do see it, you know, from a larger energetic and spiritual perspective of like pushing me in a new direction. And now that I'm looking back on it, it All was kind of pushing me towards what happened in Sedona and really pushing me into a much higher timeline, really initiating me into completely eradicating any ways I was operating from fear.

and allowing myself to feel fully supported in the enormity of what it is that I'm meant to do on this planet and allowing myself to really see and anchor into not only the enormity of what I'm meant to do but also my abilities as a channel and my abilities to see what Most people can and my abilities as a visionary and a spiritual leader and teacher.

So it feels like this whole year has been an initiation into those things and really moving my focus from what was going on outside of me and Sourcing safety from things that were going on outside of me, like money and clients. And you know, I really had to stop feeling responsible for other people and operating in like these lower frequency ways that I didn't even realize I was doing.

And most of it was just, you know, like fear-based programming and I really. Started to really understand how to feel super solid within myself and anchoring into this deep level of knowing within myself that like, it doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. It doesn't matter if clients leave or they come or whatever it is.

I'm solid and I know that I'm going to be supported even if it doesn't look like it or even if I don't know how. I know that it's happening because I'm anchored into something much larger. And I have a knowing about something much larger that I'm here to do. And I know that I'm going to be supported in that.

And I know that that's true. And it will be true because I know it. And like, that's one of the biggest things that I feel like I was initiated into this year. So, I just kind of wanted to give you that backstory because I feel like Sedona was almost like this culmination of this. So you know, it's interesting because you guys all heard me share about my experience in Palm Springs in May on a retreat with Jennifer Longmore, my mentor.

And I thought that was like a peak experience. And it was, right? And if you haven't listened to that episode, you can go back. It's the one with Robin and I where we debrief about Palm Springs and we talk about what happened there. I'm not going to go into that. But the reason why I bring that up is because I had gone there in May.

And, you know, one of the things that happened for me there is I really got to tune into my abilities as a channel and my abilities to see things that are really going on and reading energy and understanding. You know, the way this matrix really operates and being able to just tune in and channel energy and get really solid, clear answers about really intricate, crazy shit.

So, you know, to me, I was like, okay, well, that was a peak experience. Why do I need to go to Sedona? Right? Because I had just gone on a retreat in May, and then I had done a bunch of other traveling. Without Matt and the kids and this idea of going to Sedona in September, my logical brain was like, well, this doesn't really make sense.

You know, I just went on a retreat in May. I was in Costa Rica in April. I travel, I did another trip with my friends. In July, like I was literally away every single month. It was like, I was away in June. I was away in July. I was away in August for two weeks. Like, I was like, this does not make sense for me to go away in September.

I need to like ground, but there was something that was pulling me there and I knew that I needed to go, but it literally made no sense to me. But There I was finding myself, you know, signing up. And it was funny too, because Jennifer was like, you know, you're meant to be here, like, what are you doing? I was like, okay.

And I didn't think it made sense financially either, just because it was going to be, you know, a five figure investment to be there. And I was just like, oh my gosh, do I really need to be spending this money to, you know, and I'm sharing this because this is all examples of what we do. When we don't follow our knowing right because my knowing was telling me I was meant to be there But then I think also I was having a lot of resistance because probably my part of me could feel what was going to happen there and I was having resistance around it and I was having fear around like The largeness of what was gonna happen.

So anyway, I signed up obviously And it was interesting, too, because the whole month of September, I could feel part of my consciousness already there. And I kept saying, like, I feel like part of me is already in Sedona. And I don't even know how to explain how that felt. But I could just feel it. And I said it to a bunch of people.

I was like, I'm already there. So anyway, once I got there, I could immediately feel the energy shift. For those of you who have who've been to Sedona you know it's a very special place and the energy is just very clear and especially coming from living in Philly and I live right in Philly and also Philly is the most it's a very dark city, like it's haunted here.

There's so much like dark energy, there's so much like history, like I feel like there's so many ghosts here. And you can feel it, right? And I'm so used to it, like I know how to protect my energy and whatever, I'm used to it here. And I also have known for a long time that I'm like meant to hold a certain frequency here, which is why I'm here.

But Philly is a very dense, dark energy. It's also great, too. I'm not trying to say, I'm not trying to talk shit about Philly because I do love it. in a lot of ways, but it has a very dense energy. So when I got to Sedona, I immediately felt this shift because I felt it's just so clean and clear. I was able to like sit outside in the morning and just enjoy nature without having a ton of thoughts going around in my mind.

Like, it's amazing. You know, we go there and the first few days are really good. It's really magical. And I had an experience on the first day, I think it was. And I feel like this experience on the first day was like a foreshadowing of what was to come. So, I get really bad vertigo sometimes, especially when I'm in like mountainous regions and driving through the mountains.

And, you know, so that's something that I That happens to me, not all the time, but you know, a good amount. So the first day we were driving to one of the vortexes and I got a really bad case of vertigo. And I was in the car with Three other people and none of them that I'd like, well, actually, Linda, I met Linda in person before, but like the other, oh no, Jennifer, Linda, and then this other woman, Catherine, and Catherine was driving, and I was like, Uncomfortable because I didn't want to, you know, of course, me go, I go into like, oh, I don't want to inconvenience them or whatever.

And I felt uncomfortable doing that. But it got to the point where I was like, Oh my God, if I don't get out of the car, I'm going to like. Vomit or pass out or something like everything was spinning. It was horrible. And so I asked them to stop the car and I get out of the car and I'm just like sitting on the ground and I felt so overwhelmed and so actually, you know what, this was the second day, not the first day.

But anyway, I felt so overwhelmed and nauseous. It was very It was, like, the worst. But I didn't want to make them sit there and miss, like, the whole thing that we were doing. So I got back in the car and we got there. And when I got out of the car, I was just, like, standing next to the car. I felt so sick. I felt, like, so uncomfortable.

And Jennifer came up to me and she was like, Do you really have vertigo? Or are you just processing?

And I immediately knew she was right because like, this is what I do. And I'm sure some of you guys can relate to this, but I have to be very conscious with my energy because I can literally feel what everyone is feeling. And if I'm not really skillful and aware. I will take it on and process it as my own.

And that's what I was doing. You know, I, and not only that, I feel like for me, one of the things I noticed about myself, and I'm sure some of you can relate to this, is I can usually see things in people that they can't see, like pretty much all the time. And then what I end up doing, and this is like something that I'm really working to not do, and I've gotten so much better at it.

But when I see something in someone that they can't see, it's almost like, then I take it on. So, you know, I get energetically overwhelmed a lot. And I have to be. by myself and my own energy because I can just see and feel so much from people. So she was like, are you just like processing everything for everybody?

And I was like, yeah. And she was like hugging me. And then like we immediately got to like how this is related to My wounding around my mother and like, this isn't even just about like my mother though. I really feel like it's about this like archetype, this maternal archetype that we are restoring the relationship with and I've talked about this a little bit and this is going to be part of What I'm going to be doing in the Sacred Six Figure Initiation is, like, restoring our relationship with the Mother Energy to its original template, which is unconditional love, connection, support, and being held.

So, I feel like, you know, because of the wounding that I carry just around not feeling supported. Not feeling connected. It's like kind of a coping mechanism to feel into everybody's energy to kind of make sure that I'm safe, right? And I'm sure a lot of you guys can relate to this. So, I was talking to her about this and she was like, First of all, you really need to declare that you're finished with taking on other people's stuff.

And I was like, yeah, I'm finished. And then she was like, I really need you to, and she was like hugging me because I was like still so nauseous. I could hardly like stand up and she was like, I really need you to lean in to me. and feel me supporting you and know that I have you. Like she was like, I want you to put all of your weight into me and really lean on me to support you and know that I've got you.

And I'm going to get emotional. I did. And it was literally the first time in my whole entire life that I Actually leaned in and let somebody fully support me, fully hold me and fully support me without me feeling responsible for them. Literally the first time in my life that I ever had that experience.

And I'm sharing this, well obviously I'm sharing this because it's part of the story, but also like for you to reflect on this too, because this is a really big deal and this is part of like this restoration that's happening around the mother energy, because it. And again, this is not about saying there's anything wrong with anybody's mother, but our mothers couldn't give us what they didn't have.

So, you know, if you didn't feel on some level that your mother was like a safe place to fully lean into, it would be hard to have that experience where you feel fully unconditionally loved, supported, connected, and held. And for the first time, I felt that way in that moment. And she actually stayed with me for the whole rest of that day.

Oh, and I had this crazy moment where Jennifer was telling the group like what happened and how I had been processing the energy for everybody, which is something I do a lot. And it was interesting because in that moment when she told the group that and she said, Let's take a moment and everybody acknowledge Elise for processing the energy for the group.

And in that moment, I realized that there was this reconciliation that was happening for me around my own family dynamics and not even just with my. parents, but also my relationship with Matt. Because I feel like what happens is I'm always processing deep emotional energy for everybody. And they don't know that it's happening.

And it's taxing for me, which is why I really have learned to stop doing it. But like the reconciliation in that moment was like the acknowledgement. That that's what I'm doing for people or that's what I was doing for everybody in my family, but nobody like knew. And then I just felt like I was exhausted from being around them and not being acknowledged for this really big contribution that I was making, if that makes sense.

And then in that moment, I felt like I got, like, the acknowledgment that I had always desired as a child. And it felt like this huge point of reconciliation. So anyway, so that was that. And then a day or so went on and, you know, during these retreats, a lot of what we're doing is like helping people process deeper emotional stuff and doing energy work for people.

And Jennifer's channeling a lot. And there's like these big openings that everyone's having. And basically, we had gotten to the point where one of the people there, we had to do kind of like a big energetic extraction with her, like to help her clear a really big energy from her field. I'm not going to go into the specifics of it because that's her business.

But basically, that's what happened. Like we got to this point where we were going to all help extract. this energetic block from her field. And when we knew we were going to do that the day before, and then that night, Jennifer had Mother Malia come in. And if you don't know Jennifer or like that she's been channeling Mother Malia, you can also just go check her out and see what that's about.

But basically what happened was Jennifer had, I guess you could call it a walk in experience where this very high frequency being this very high energy came into her body and merged with her and she is now channeling this energy of Mother Malia. And We thought that she was just channeling this energy for the purposes of, like, this energy work that we were doing.

And we didn't realize that it was, like, there to stay. And that Jennifer is now channeling Mother Malia. And it's kind of like just Mother Malia has merged with her and she's different now. And she holds a very high frequency. And the only way I can describe it is that she has. Ascended, like when we're talking about the ascension process and we're talking about the earth ascending and us going through ascension, she's an example of what that actually is and what that actually looks like.

Because basically she is now a vessel, and you know, Jennifer is still there, it's just that she merged with this very high frequency energy, and she is channeling very high frequency wisdom. So this happened and it was very profound just to be in the presence of her and feel the frequency of her energy.

And if you talk to anybody who was there, they will tell you, It was a profound spiritual experience. One that for me, I could only equate to being on psychedelics. And I've never done ayahuasca or anything, but I do have a lot of experience with mushrooms, acid, ecstasy, like all of that stuff. So I have had these very like peak psychedelic experiences.

And That's the only thing that I could equate it to, to give you context for like what the experience was like. It was like otherworldly to be in this energy and experience her energy. And then what happened after that. is because, you know, I've been in Jennifer's world for so long and I'm so close to her.

I got the benefit of being in very close proximity with her and supporting her as she was going through this transition. And I'm gonna cry. It was literally the most, like, profound beautiful healing experience for me. Like, I will never be the same again. And the reason why is because I just got to spend so much time with her and, like, receiving these messages from her that, like, every single thing she said to me felt like Such a gift and felt like I was seen and acknowledged for the truth of who I am on such a deep level and it opened me up to my own channel on such a deep level that I didn't even know was possible.

And I started having these really wild experiences in Sedona. We were doing a lot of work on the land because there's been a lot of interference there. And I was able to see the ways that like the dark forces on the planet were interfering with the vortexes there. And I was able to see things that are coming through our technology, like that are coming through the phones and through the TV.

I was able to see all of this crazy stuff and how it works and what it looks like. And then I was shown ways to, to protect yourself from it. Like I was given And I'll share this in a lot of my containers, like how to protect yourself from what comes through the phone and what comes through the TV. But like I was shown what it is on like this very deep, intricate level, like I was shown all of this stuff.

And not even just that kind of stuff, but also like the portal of information that I'm tapping into now, which is around the Great Cosmic Mother and like, how I'm restoring this frequency of the mother and the feminine energy on the planet so much, like how I'm like this conduit for heaven and earth and bringing, you know, these higher frequencies on the planet, translating like this very high frequency wisdom.

I saw that I'm supposed to write this book that I'm going to be writing in February. Channeling the emerald tablets, like translating the emerald tablets in this new way that hasn't been done before because now we're able to tap into these much higher frequencies on the planet, and I'm going to be translating it in a way that is a truer representation of like what it's actually meant to be.

Like, there was so much. And then I had this other really profound experience, which was incredibly healing for me where it was, I think, the second night after Mother Amalia had come in. And in a dream, like that night, I went back to our house that we had rented and I went to bed. And She came to me in a dream, and she said, You have nothing to worry about anymore.

You have nothing to be afraid of anymore. You are completely held, completely safe, completely supported, and unconditionally loved. And when she said that in the dream, I felt that energy. And I felt it in a way and on a level that I've never experienced before. And it was almost like every fear that I was carrying, every doubt, every trepidation, every way that I was, that I ever felt unsafe or, you know, shaky or not solid, just like vanished.

I felt this deep connection. To, like, this energy of just, like, this mothering, like, being held, being completely, like having nothing to fear, and just feeling completely, like, resourced and supported. In what I meant to do, and it was the most profound and like ecstatic feeling I've ever felt in my life.

And then it was crazy because like I woke up and I was like, Oh my God, that was so wild. And then the next day, like I went, you know, we went and I saw her and I was like, you came to me in the dream last night and she was like, I know. And it was like she knew exactly what happened. It wasn't like I just had a dream of that.

It was like she literally came to me in a dream to give me that healing. And then she did all of these other crazy healings and activations on me like she activated my vision, my sacred vision, she activated my cosmic eye. And now the things that I can see is like, beyond, you know. And then when I got back, that's when I started getting all of these downloads about the new paradigm of business and realizing that like, that's part of what I meant to usher in as part of my mission.

And that's only part of it. But, and then it's like, now I'm like really channeling this energy of the Great Cosmic Mother. Her name is Selina, and I've been told to work really closely with Selenite. So I've been, I have this like Selenite sword I've been working with, and they're showing me. That I'm supposed to just be like cutting through all of the muck and all of the fear programming and all of the stuff on the planet that's not aligned with these new frequencies that I meant to be bringing in.

And then it was so wild because Matt ended up getting me this beautiful selenite wand necklace for my birthday. And I don't even think he knew, well, he knew, but he didn't know. And I've been getting all these messages about the things I'm supposed to do with my body, that I'm supposed to be doing all these things with like oils and it's just wild, like all of the information that's coming through since this time.

So something has been really deeply activated in a way that I could never have imagined or predicted. So it's almost like everything now moving forward just has to shift, not necessarily like in the way I'm doing things or structuring things in my business, but just in the way that I'm moving in the world.

And I've just gotten really clear on, like, because so much of my work has been around, like, trauma and healing the mother wound, and it's like, So funny, like, of course, I've been obsessed with healing the mother wound, like, I'm really meant to be channeling this restoration of the mother energy on the planet, right?

But now my work, I've really gotten to see that we do get to elevate beyond all of this stuff, right? So I feel like it's added. this potency to my work, where it's like, yes, of course, we have to do the deeper work that we do in the metamorphosis, right? That's foundational to being able to elevate into these higher states of consciousness.

But, you know, when I first started, teaching the metamorphosis and how to heal trauma, I thought that it was something that you kind of had to continue to work on shifting forever. And now I realize that's not the case at all, that we get to elevate beyond this and we're stepping beyond this healer paradigm and into this entirely new frequency where There's nothing that needs to be healed.

There's no problem. There's nothing that needs to be fixed when you elevate into this frequency of divine perfection and you elevate into this frequency of your knowing of your divinity. Right? And operating from that place. And you're knowing that you are completely supported, completely held, and completely unconditionally loved in what you're doing.

And then you just get to move forward from this place of knowing that's like unparalleled to anything else. Right? So that's where we're going. When we elevate beyond the But in order to do that, you know, we need to really understand what we're dealing with, which is why, you know, starting with the metamorphosis is so important because you have to kind of understand what you're up against before you can shift out of it.

You can't restore something if you don't know what it is that you're restoring, right? So that's why we have to start with just seeing what it is that we're actually doing, as far as, you know, the beliefs you've taken on, the way that you relate to yourself. All of this stuff. And once you acknowledge what that is, it's like, boom, you can elevate beyond it.

And that's where I'm at with my work now, is like, we don't have to continue to come up against the same things over and over again. It's like once you see what it is, boom. You can elevate above it. And that's what I'm really doing right now, is focusing on the elevation into these higher frequencies and the fact that what we're really stepping into is you being a channel.

Because that's what we really are. We are channels. And we are meant to channel the specific. energies that are meant to channel through us and the specific frequencies that we're meant to hold on the planet. And that's really what we're doing here. And the reason why we do the deeper work is so that we can become a clear channel.

And that's why everyone that goes through the metamorphosis, their abilities activate so much is because we shift out of all the old programming and then all of a sudden you're a clear channel, right? So that's why so much of my work now is going to be focused on channeling. The sacred six figure initiation is all about how to channel for your business because I literally saw that's what the new paradigm of business is.

It's about you channeling. Your business, what's meant to come through you, not only with the ideas of what you're meant to share, but all of it, the strategy, the structure, the content delivery, everything. It all comes through the channel. And all we need to do is dedicate ourselves to becoming the clearest channel possible.

And that's how we move forward. Because as you step into becoming a channel, that's you connecting with your divinity. That's you connecting with your higher self, that's you connecting to God, essentially. You know, and once you do that, and once you start to cultivate that relationship, it just grows and the stuff that you're able to see and the stuff that you're able to bring through, it will blow your mind.

And it's happening to everyone. I was just talking to one of my clients in the metamorphosis method certification yesterday and she's like, I feel like I'm channeling and I'm like, yeah, because when you do breathwork with people, like when you facilitate it. That will open your channel so much like that for me, that's what really started opening my channel is, you know, when I worked with clients facilitating breathwork in the beginning.

And then I was like, holy shit, I am getting so much information. So that's why for people when they come into the certification, I'm like, you're gonna follow my methodology, but then you're gonna start channeling your own stuff. And that's where the magic comes in. Right. Because it's all about your channel.

And that's what we're really stepping into. So what happened in Sedona is my channel opened on a level that I can't even tell you right now. And what's coming through now is very potent. And I'm really just allowing it to drive everything, you know, and I've really gotten to this place where I am moving beyond fear.

And I had to really, I had to really move through some fear too in that because to be able to fully surrender yourself to The universe and to your higher calling without controlling from a place of fear, that shit is like samurai stuff. Like that is challenging. And that's what I've been doing. And it's working.

And it's wild like to really surrender yourself to, I know that I'm going to be supported no matter what. And I know that. Money supports me in my mission. I know the people around me support me in my mission and also being willing to let go of anything that isn't supportive to my mission or anything that is not willing to calibrate to the frequency of my mission.

That is very high level spiritual work, but I believe that that's what we're really being called into here. is real spiritual evolution, because that's where we're going on the planet. And, you know, if you choose it, it's here for you. That's where we're going. And it's really about elevating beyond fear.

And if you think about it, why are they generating so much fear right now on the planet? Because it's trying to keep you stuck in the matrix of fear. But if we see it for what it is and not get caught in it and continue to elevate beyond it, that's how we create change on the planet. You know, it's not by going down into the muck and sharing all this information about all this shit that's like going on.

It's about elevating beyond it because when we elevate beyond it, then it makes it easier for more and more people to elevate beyond it. And then. The world holds a different frequency, which is no longer congruent with the frequency of fear. That's how I see it. And that's what I was able to see in Sedona.

And I feel like I'm forgetting a lot of stuff because there's so much that happened there. I mean, also just like I was in a house and I'm gonna, I'm gonna do an episode with some of the other. women who were there, especially the women that I stayed in the house with, Andrea, Robin, and Baljeet. We had so much magic just staying in the house together beyond the retreat experience.

And the other thing that was really profound for me is, you know, really being able to see the evolution with Matt and I when I was there because, you know, I was really able to see the magic of the brand that we've created, Mind Goods. And the frequency of these gold plated amethysts, and how gold is a conductor, it's a enhancer of energy, and how profound it is that he basically channeled this idea to create these, and how these are such important pieces for people to have as we elevate into higher frequencies.

So, like, for me to take a step back and see that. the power in that. And Mother Amalia was like, she was talking so much about the power of gold and how it has one of the highest frequencies on the planet and how we all need to be working with gold, wearing gold, using gold. And I was like, holy shit. This is not just a random thing that we've created here.

It's incredibly meaningful. And when you have those moments where you kind of get to look back and be like, Oh my God, this wasn't just a random thing. This is like an incredibly powerful and important part of the process. And one thing she said to me that was so incredibly powerful is she was like, because you know, she's able to see like straight into your soul.

And she was like, I see that you and Matt have healed your relationship and I can see He is channeling these items that he's creating as part of like the frequency that you're holding on the planet, you know? And I was like, holy shit. And she was like, I can see all the work that you've done and that, you know, you've calibrated, both of you have calibrated to this new frequency.

And that was like so powerful for me because it was such an acknowledgement of all the work that I've done and he's done. And I just recorded an episode with him. So that's gonna be coming out probably the week after this one, where we talk about mind goods and, you know, everyone gets to meet Matt, which is really fun as well.

So that's basically the whole story. You know, just to bring it all home, I think my biggest takeaways, A, is just now me understanding the enormity of what I'm here for and what I'm meant to do. And just the opening of my channel, the incredible healing and restoration I had around the mother energy and just being able to move forward without fear is like one of the most incredible gifts and incredible shifts and incredible.

It was an ascension for me, like I'm living at a whole new frequency now. So, it's wild and I'm excited to see how everything unfolds from here. So, I will wrap it up there. And please reach out if you have questions and or if you are wanting to jump into something, but you're not sure what it is, just reach out and we can figure out the best way for you to do that. There's a lot of options.  I'm sending you all so much love. I can't wait to connect with you and hear how this was for you. And I will talk to you soon.

Alyse: Thank you so much for being here. Don't forget to subscribe to the show, leave a review and share the show with your friends who you know are yearning for this type of content. When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world. You can stay connected with me by following me on Instagram at alyse_breathes and by joining my Facebook group, financial freedom for spiritual entrepreneurs, where I share all of my most fun and potent content.
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