Reclaiming Consciousness

Why I Created The Mothership - It's a Spiritual Movement

December 14, 2023 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 101
Why I Created The Mothership - It's a Spiritual Movement
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
Why I Created The Mothership - It's a Spiritual Movement
Dec 14, 2023 Season 1 Episode 101
Alyse Bacine

“The reason why I created the mothership is because I wanted to have a place for you to land and to receive long term support and mentorship around your spiritual evolution. This will have a ripple effect on your business, your relationships, and just the way that you show up in the world”.

In this solo episode, I dig deep into my new powerful, holistic membership program The Mothership and explain how and why I created it, and everything that will provide to you. Also, I share more details on my channeling of Selena, The Great Cosmic Mother and why I'm leading a spiritual movement.


(01:55) The Metamorphosis Method and The Metamorphosis.
(10:39) Putting spiritual intelligence at the forefront of your life.
(14:26) Channeling The Great Cosmic Mother Selena and leading a spiritual movement.
(23:12) What The Mothership provides.
Check out Ben Haney’s Episode
(31:04) The Sacred Money Mind and Real Results.
(38:02) Programs inside The Mothership.

You can find this episode's transcript here


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • Gain access to my entire body of work through my new membership program The Mothership  It is EVERYTHING you need to evolve, ascend and live your life in a completely different way. Where linear time doesn’t exist, problems don’t exist, there's nothing to change, nothing to fix. You get to merge with your higher self so EVERYTHING is divinely aligned and unfolds with perfection. Pricing plans are available and it starts in January.  
  • The Metamorphosis Method starts February 1st, 2024. The skill set you acquire from this program for creating transformations is truly indescribable. I provide you with dimensions on how to work with clients and see things on much deeper layers. It's about listening to what people are telling you but also seeing beneath what they're saying. This enables you to pinpoint wounds, shift them, and create tangible results on a much deeper level.
    Join me on a Q&A call today at 6pm EST to dive deeper into The Metamorphosis Method. You will be invited to come in at a special rate that's not going to be available anywhere else. A special bonus will be waiting for you if you join.
  • The Metamorphosis starts January 2nd and it has evolved to an 8-week experience. You'll be provided with the tools and everything you need to identify your deepest wounding and patterns, shift them immediately and move faster in your life and business. Enjoy pre-sale pricing until tomorrow.


Show Notes Transcript

“The reason why I created the mothership is because I wanted to have a place for you to land and to receive long term support and mentorship around your spiritual evolution. This will have a ripple effect on your business, your relationships, and just the way that you show up in the world”.

In this solo episode, I dig deep into my new powerful, holistic membership program The Mothership and explain how and why I created it, and everything that will provide to you. Also, I share more details on my channeling of Selena, The Great Cosmic Mother and why I'm leading a spiritual movement.


(01:55) The Metamorphosis Method and The Metamorphosis.
(10:39) Putting spiritual intelligence at the forefront of your life.
(14:26) Channeling The Great Cosmic Mother Selena and leading a spiritual movement.
(23:12) What The Mothership provides.
Check out Ben Haney’s Episode
(31:04) The Sacred Money Mind and Real Results.
(38:02) Programs inside The Mothership.

You can find this episode's transcript here


  • When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.
  • Gain access to my entire body of work through my new membership program The Mothership  It is EVERYTHING you need to evolve, ascend and live your life in a completely different way. Where linear time doesn’t exist, problems don’t exist, there's nothing to change, nothing to fix. You get to merge with your higher self so EVERYTHING is divinely aligned and unfolds with perfection. Pricing plans are available and it starts in January.  
  • The Metamorphosis Method starts February 1st, 2024. The skill set you acquire from this program for creating transformations is truly indescribable. I provide you with dimensions on how to work with clients and see things on much deeper layers. It's about listening to what people are telling you but also seeing beneath what they're saying. This enables you to pinpoint wounds, shift them, and create tangible results on a much deeper level.
    Join me on a Q&A call today at 6pm EST to dive deeper into The Metamorphosis Method. You will be invited to come in at a special rate that's not going to be available anywhere else. A special bonus will be waiting for you if you join.
  • The Metamorphosis starts January 2nd and it has evolved to an 8-week experience. You'll be provided with the tools and everything you need to identify your deepest wounding and patterns, shift them immediately and move faster in your life and business. Enjoy pre-sale pricing until tomorrow.


We are moving out of this era of, oh, let me do money manifestation, or let me focus on creating my next best relationship, or let me focus on creating my business. Like, all of those things are important to focus on. However, if we put our connection to spirit at the forefront of our lives, then all of that stuff becomes much easier in the sense that it actually just flows and it actually just starts to work. This is another message that I've been getting from Selena is that we are elevating beyond the problem fixing frequency. This means that if we are always looking for something to fix and we're always looking for what is the problem so I can fix the problem, then we're always gonna be finding problems, and we're always gonna be focused on fixing versus being focused on what we're creating.

Alyse: Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show. Oh my gosh. I feel like there's so much that I want to talk about and share with you. I don't even know exactly where to start. So I think I'm just gonna start with a few announcements before I dive into, like, the meat of this episode.

We are at episode one zero one of the podcast, and I must say, we are gonna be doing a celebration. It hasn't fully landed yet on what it is. And then the only thing I keep seeing is that it's probably gonna be closer to the one hundred and eleventh episode, which feels really appropriate. So that might be what we end up doing. Anyway, right now, there is a lot of really exciting stuff going on.

So first of all, my certification program, the metamorphosis method, starts February first. Actually, this episode is gonna come out on Thursday, and I am having a q and a call on Thursday, which would be tonight, um, at six PM eastern time for anybody who is interested in learning more about the certification, having all of your questions answered and just, like, going into the depths of what the certification really is because I feel like it's just so hard for me to even explain it in words, like, in content that I share because there's so much depth and nuance to it. And the skill set that you come out with with being able to create transformation is just something that is almost indescribable because I literally give you so many dimensions to how to work with clients and how to see things on much deeper layers than we're used to looking at and really how to listen to what people are telling you, but being able to see way deeper beneath what they're saying so that even though you're listening to what they're saying, you are seeing and hearing things on a much deeper level so that you can pinpoint wounding and shift it and create real tangible results.

And this is so good for anybody who, if you have a business as a coach or a healer or you wanna start one, this is really the only skill set you'll ever need to create real lasting transformation with your clients. So, anyway, if you would like to acquire the skill set. This program is something it's actually my favorite thing to teach because I love going really deep into the nuance of how I do what I do and why I do what I do. And, like, the various things that I teach you, like, how to channel energy work, for example. I literally give you every single step of how to channel it, and then also why we do each step so that you can have this very solid foundation from then which you can create your own methodology, your own way of doing it.

But I give you this really solid foundation so you deeply stand why it needs to be a certain way and how to work with energy, how to read energy accurately. And then, of course, there's the breath work component, which is something that I have obviously taken over the last twenty two years and created my own methodology around it that is just very different than anything you're gonna see anywhere else. A lot of these breath work training programs out there, not that there's anything wrong with them, but they're not gonna have the depths to them that you're gonna find in this program, a, because I've been doing it for over twenty two years. It's a part of who I am because, you know, I've been doing it for more than half of my life. And because of that, I have developed this methodology that goes much deeper than having an experience of releasing stress or releasing anxiety or even, you know, how people relate it to some kind of psychedelic experience.

All that is true, but there gets to be so much more depth to it. And that's really what you learn inside this program along with, of course, my trauma clearing tools that come from my ten plus years working with traumatized children, where I gained a ton of information and knowledge on just what trauma presents, what it looks like, how to pinpoint it, how to see it, how different family dynamics and situations affect children who then become adults and how to see that in your clients. Because if you're a coach and someone is coming to you wanting to create change or create a business and then they keep coming up against the same blocks, if you don't understand this trauma and these patterns at a deeper level, you are not gonna be able to help them move past these blocks. So that's why this skill set is so important if you really want to help people create change, and you also wanna be known for the results that you get your clients. So anyway, that's the metamorphosis method certification.

We start February first. If you are interested and you would like to pop on the q and a call tonight. Not only will you be able to ask me anything you want, but also you will be invited to come in at a special rate that's not gonna be available anywhere else. Plus some there's a special bonus for you as well, and there will not be a recording. So if you can't make it live, then it's not for you.

There's a a chance I might have another one before the certification, but I'm not sure. So we will see. But, anyway, I invite you to come in to that call if you are interested in coming into the program. So that's that. And then, also, we have the metamorphosis starting January second.

This is where you have access to my methodology, my tools to permanently shift familial and ancestral trauma at the deepest level. And this is for if you have a business, if you don't have a business, if you know that you want to make a change in your life, if you know that you want to move forward in some way, you're just not exactly sure how, this is the program for you because you will shift patterns of feeling stuck. You will shift patterns of confusion. You will understand then, why you do what you do, why you think the way that you think, and you will be able to shift it. And most people leave with this profound sense of clarity, this profound understanding of what they're meant to do, how they're meant to move forward.

And even if you do know what you're meant to do, you will understand on a deeper level, and then you have access to these tools for the rest of your life. So so many of my clients who've gone through the program continue to use the breath work, the journaling, all of the exercises that I give you to continue to create change in your life. So the metamorphosis is now an eight week program. We start January second. There is gonna be a Voxer component to it so you can get really deep support for me over the eight weeks.

But the reason why I shortened it is because, a, I wanted more people to have access to these tools, and, b, just the way that my energy is operating now, we can shift things really quickly. I know how to do that. And just with the way the energy is moving on the planet, there's no need to spend a long time with all of these topics. Once we pinpoint something, we shift it, and that's it. And we don't need to go back where we can make really powerful shifts in a short amount of time.

It's just a matter of accuracy and precision, which I have when it comes to this work and which this work will give you. The Metamorphosis is just such a great way to create some really strong momentum, really great clarity and start to feel movement where you once felt stuck. That's starting January second, and early bird ends on Friday. So that will be tomorrow. We will put the link below for that so you can join us there.

And then I have the mothership, my new membership, which I'm gonna be talking about on this episode from a very logistical perspective, but just also from a deeper perspective of not only why I created this, but also, like, why this type of work, why this type of container is so important right now, and why I knew that it was just meant to happen for me and my business at this time. One of the things that just keeps coming to me over and over and over again is this knowing that part of the evolution of humanity is centered around our spiritual evolution and our ability to rise into higher and higher levels of consciousness and higher and higher levels of spiritual intelligence. And the focus on that and the alignment with that has a ripple effect, not only throughout the planet or a ripple effect on humanity or the frequency of the planet, but it also will have a ripple effect in your own life. Meaning that if you put your connection to the divine, your spiritual evolution, your spiritual intelligence at the forefront of your life, as the forefront of your focus, at the forefront of what you are evolving into what you are learning and the work that you are doing, then everything else falls into place.

We are moving out of this era of, oh, let me do money manifestation, or let me focus on creating my next spouse's relationship, or let me focus on creating my business. Like, all of those things are important to focus on. However, if we put our connection to spirit at the forefront of our lives, then all of that stuff becomes much easier in the sense that it actually just flows and it actually just starts to work. The reason why I created the mothership is because I wanted to have a place for you to land and to receive long term support and mentorship around your spiritual evolution. And that will have a ripple effect on your business, on your relationships, and just the way that you show up in the world and in general and receive love, receive abundance, receive, you know, a level of ease in your life, this is what this is.

As I was reflecting at the end of this year on just, like, where I wanted to go with my business because the universe was pushing me in some new directions just from within. And many of you have heard me share about my spiritual awakening in Sedona, and I've shared a lot about that. And one of the things that I haven't necessarily fully shared, is just around the energies that I'm channeling right now. So I've mentioned that I've always been channeling. I've always been connected to various different, very high frequency energies that come through me.

I have always been receiving information about how I can help people, where we're going on the planet, different energy work techniques to do with people to help them create profound shifts and help activate people into higher states of consciousness, connect them with their cosmic connections and their their cosmic lineage and all of these things. This has been coming to me since, basically, since twenty twenty one, but now it's really I would say it's broadened, but it's also evolved in me reaching what I'm calling my highest ascension point. And that doesn't mean, oh, I've ascended, and and there's nothing else for me to do. It doesn't mean that all because there's always more. And I am never gonna say anything close to I'm done growing that you'll never hear that come out of my mouth because I don't believe that that is actually a thing.

And if anyone says that, then they most likely don't know what they're talking about, in my opinion. But, anyway, what I started to realize through this experience in Sedona and through deepening my connection with the energies that I know I'm meant to bring on the planet is that I am channeling the energy of the great cosmic mother, specifically the version of her that is my highest ascension point. So if you can think of it as your higher yourself or the version of you that has reached this very high frequency of ascension. And I have been communicating with her. Her name is Selena, and she works very closely with the energy of the moon, the energy of selenite and bringing the darkness into the light.

Meaning, she's able to see and reflect the darkness, which is makes a lot of sense because this is something that I have been doing since I started my work and even before that, um, where I'm able to see into the depths of the darkness this and bring it into the light. And that is this version this ascended version of me that she has been coming to me in the dream state. She has been guiding me. She's the one who gave me all the information for the sacred six figure initiation about the new paradigm of business and the new paradigm of business concepts that I am teaching in that program and activating people into. And, um, she has been just guiding me since I have been in Sedona.

And it's been a little bit challenging for me to talk about it, not because I'm afraid, but just more because it felt very vulnerable. It felt like something that was close to my heart. But now I'm ready to bring this forward because I know the ripple effect that it's going to have in the lives of everybody who comes in contact with me and the frequency of her that is coming through me. And it is me. It's just like an ascended version of me, if that makes sense.

And if it doesn't, then, you know, hopefully, as I talk and go through this, you will be able to have a sense of what I'm talking about. And so much of the energies that are coming through me right now, because mostly what I'm doing right now is channeling, is gonna hit you on an energetic and frequency level. So know that even if your brain may not be able to wrap itself around all of my words, that from a frequency and energetic perspective, you are receiving what you need to receive, and your energy field, your higher self understands and resonates with what I'm saying. So that's been happening for me for a little while now, and what she has been showing me is around me leading a spiritual movement. And that has brought up a lot of stuff for me, especially because right now on the planet, we are seeing so many spiritual teachers who are showing up as not in integrity and abusing their power.

And we've been seeing so many documentaries about this and things showing up about people who were leading other people and people were trustworthy of them, and then they manipulated them or abused their power. I know that that's not who I am. However, to show up and declare that I am a spiritual leader and leading a spiritual movement, it brings up stuff for me. But it is what I'm doing, and it is what I meant to do. And it is just something that I am gradually getting more and more comfortable with, and I've been shown various things that I meant to do along with books that are coming through in the new year and all of those things.

But with the mothership, it is part of the spiritual movement, and it is a place that I have now put together my entire body of work that I've compiled over the last three years, which to me, is everything that you would need to reach your own highest ascension point and bring your spiritual gifts and your connection to the divine into every single aspect of your life. And that's what the mothership is really about. And it is also about this incredible healing and restoration that is now available to us. It's really interesting because so much of my work has been around helping people heal the mother wound. That's a huge part of what the metamorphosis is, and that's a huge part of what I teach people in the metamorphosis method certification is how to recognize and heal the mother wound.

And now I'm realizing that part of that is because I'm bringing this energy on the planet of this great mother and restoring our relationship with the mother. Because the relationship with the mother, which is meant to hold the energy of unconditional love, unconditional support, deep connection, feeling held, feeling safe, feeling nurtured. That's what the relationship with the mother is supposed to be, but most of us did not have that experience. And although we might have had it in part, our mothers couldn't give us what they didn't have. So wherever our mothers were wounded or lacking or feeling a void, we would have felt that as well.

Not only because we take on our mother's consciousness while we're in the womb, but also relationally in the way they related to us, they would only be able to show up for us to the degree that they had heal themselves or allow themselves to experience unconditional love and support and all of those things. And this is very nuanced because I'll hear from people all the time. Oh, I had a great relationship with my mother. And that may very well be true, but there are always things that need to be healed and reconciled within that no matter how big or small. But this new energy that's coming through, the great cosmic mother, Selena, is all about storing the divine relationship with the mother.

And the reason why that's so important is because that creates a very strong foundation for you to do your work in the world. And you'll notice for those of you that have businesses, the reason why so much comes up for healing when it comes to starting your business and putting yourself out there and sharing your work with the world is because the business is requiring you to lead from a place of feeling a hundred percent supported, unconditionally loved, not having any fear, knowing that you're going to be deeply supported. So the business actually calls you forward into healing this energy so that you can step forward from a place of feeling completely supported in your mission. And that's what the energy of Selena is bringing onto the planet is allowing you to feel this full restoration in not having any fear, knowing that you're gonna be completely supported and taken care of, not having to worry about money, not having to worry about what other people think of you, and all of these things that come up. When we restore the relationship with the mother, so much of that is eradicated.

And I know you heard me share about my experience in Sedona where I had this deep experience of the healing around the mother relationship within myself, which I think was what paved the way for this energy to come through me, and now I'm able to share it with the world. And my clients already have had these crazy experiences of their own healing and restoration around this energy and their ability to channel their own versions of this energy. You know, one of my clients started channeling her own version of her highest ascension point, which is a very similar energy around the great mother. And she's been having all of this information come through for her and her business and her family, and it's truly remarkable what this energy does when you are in the proximity of it. This is part of the reason why I created the mothership as well because not only are you gonna be getting access to this incredible body of work that I have compiled over the last three years, but you're also going to be getting direct connection with this energy through the channeling transmissions that I'm gonna drop inside the membership.

And I'm gonna be having a broadcast channel where I'm gonna be dropping regular channeled messages from the great cosmic mother. I also am gonna be having a monthly q and a call inside the membership where you and come in and receive your questions answered and personalized coaching from me. And then on top of that, you're gonna be receiving a live group breath work session with one of my certified metamorphosis method breath work facilitators. So there's so much that you're getting inside of this. So along with all the programs and all my master classes, all digital programs, every time I launch a new program or master class, you're gonna be included in it.

So not only do you have access to everything I've done in the past, everything new or every program that I launch again, you're gonna be a part of it. So for example, I have this new four week program coming out in January called divinity era. If you're in the membership, you'll be a part of that. Also, the metamorphosis is part of the membership. If you join the membership, you get access to the metamorphosis.

You get access to the coaching calls with me. It's so robust, and you get so much. It's insane for the price right now because the the founder's pricing is a no brainer. Especially if you're somebody that you know you're gonna be wanting to be in my world and joining my programs this year, it's a no brainer because you're gonna save so much money. And not only that, you're gonna have access to so much more other than just that one program because you're gonna be getting the q and a.

You're gonna be getting the broadcast. I'm gonna be having a private podcast inside there. So it's just, you know, like an all access pass into my world, and it is a way for you to really say yes to bringing your the spiritual dimension of your life into the forefront and then experiencing the ripple effect of that because that's why I really created this. And I called it the mothership, a, because it's literally the mothership in the sense of the mother load of everything that's inside my business, you know, with the exception of the certification, the sacred six figure initiation, and then I'm gonna have a new mastermind coming out in January called Birthright. That's not gonna be included because that's the, a higher level business and spirituality mastermind.

But all of my programs and master classes are included, including the metamorphosis, which I'm really excited about. That was something that I was very clear on from the beginning that I wanted the metamorphosis to be included in the membership just because I feel so strongly about people having access to those tools. Because I do think these tools will change the world. I know that they will. So that's why I wanted I was so adamant about it being included inside the membership, and that's why I shortened the metamorphosis and changed the pricing so it was more like a program versus a long term container.

So it was more easily accessible, but also just made sense inside the membership. This is something that It's unlike anything I've ever done, you guys, and it's just more robust than anything I've ever done. And it's just like a way to really ride with me, you know, and receive mentorship from me over the long term and just really grow in every single way possible. If you have a business, this is perfect because it's really gonna elevate your business in all aspects just because I've seen it with everybody applying these spiritual principles that I talk about allows your business to grow in every single way because, a, your ability to channel is going to come online. Mine.

And I've been sharing this so much lately that channeling is the new way that we run our businesses. Right? It's so much less about what other people are doing and there being some kind of template for, like, oh, this is how I made ten k months, so this is how you're gonna make ten k months. Like, that shit is done. You know, this is more stuff that we go really deeper into into the sacred six figure initiation.

However, when you come into the mothership, your spiritual gifts will be ignited. And I will say, like, obviously, I learned a lot about business from my mentors. And at the same time, so much of how I've run my business has been off of my spiritual gifts, my intuition, my ability to channel, and my ability to listen to my inner knowing over anything else over all the other noise that's out there, over all of the programming, over everything else. That's I know why I grew my business so quickly is because I was able to listen to myself with such conviction that nothing else really got in the way. And I think that is one of the biggest things when it comes to having a spiritual business as a spiritual entrepreneur.

And even no matter what kind of business you have, by the way, you guys have all heard my episode with Ben. He is a real estate investor, and he still applied everything that I teach and is now making more money than ever. His restaurant is going through the roof. It doesn't matter even if you have a spiritual business. But if you do have a business, the mothership will provide you with the support and the tools to grow your business in the way that you desire.

And then also really being able to understand the enormity of your vision. And this is something that I have been just really seeing with myself and my clients. I think there's a way that we can let ourselves stay small without even realizing it. Meaning, that we don't really let ourselves go there to the enormity of what it is that we really are meant to do or really meant to share. And I know for me, every time I've allowed myself to expand the enormity of my vision, it expands me so much into so many more possibilities.

And then when I'm able to see where I'm actually going, it changes the way that I'm showing up now because I see the bigness of where I'm actually going. And being in this community, like the mothership allows you to not only see that for yourself but have other people in a community with you who can hold that vision with you. And there is nothing more important than that when you are holding a vision is having other people that can see it too. That's pretty much invaluable. And it's really about moving into this higher frequency living.

I think this is my bigger vision for it as well, is dipping in and out of programs and just doing things here and there. It doesn't create this, like, sustained connection to living in higher states of consciousness and to living in a higher frequency. Whereas if you just say yes to six or twelve months of being in this energy, it automatically elevates you into this higher frequency being your regular state. One of the things that came through really strong inside the sacred money mine that I just led, which by the way was so freaking powerful. I'm gonna be offering it again in a different way, but the the messages just blew me away.

I mean, I created forty k in cash just allowing the messages to come through me. And the results that everyone else had were so amazing as well, but just the power of the messages that were channeled through me created this, like, awesome cash injection that I wasn't even expecting just from the energetics of those messages. It was wild. And that program is part of the membership, so you'll have access to that too when you come into the membership. But anyway, it's like the message that came through was around what the guides were calling your sting state and noticing what that is because that is something that is going to really influence the way that you are manifesting and what you're calling towards you is just what is your resting state?

What is that state that you always come back two because that's a lot of times the place that you're at the most. So what you see in your energy on what you see in your reality is going to be a reflection of that resting state most of the time. Right? It's important to just notice what that is. Do you always go back to a state of fear or worry or doubt sing or whatever it is and noticing what that is.

And then being able to shift that quickly is really, really important. And that's so much of what I teach inside of a lot of my containers, but mainly real results, which just finished stuff by the way, and that program just blew my mind. But inside Real Results, I teach you how to take the personal growth work that you've done, take the knowledge that you have about your own negative thoughts, uh, your own beliefs about yourself and use that information to create actual results in your outer reality. And so much of it is about learning how to curate your thoughts and notice where your thoughts are going at all times and shift them back to the place you want them to be. Understanding your resting state and just having this really impeccable awareness of where your energy and thoughts are going at all times is the key to creating what it is that you wanna create and living in the energy that you wanna live in.

Like, you have to be it at all times. Inside Real Results, I show you how to do uh, it's it it blew me away because most of it was all channeled. It's like five weeks of channeled teachings around those topics. And, yeah, it just really blew me away, and that is also inside the membership. But that is really how we maintain the frequency that we wanna have and really elevate beyond this problem fixing paradigm, which is something I've been talking about a lot.

But this is another message that I've been getting from Selena is that we are elevating beyond the problem fixing frequency. This means that if we are always looking for something to fix and we're always looking for what is the problem so I can fix the problem, then we're always gonna be finding problems, and we're always gonna be focused on fixing versus being focused on what we're creating. It doesn't mean that we ignore problems or that things don't come up. It's more about how we relate to it. So for example, if there's something that's coming into your awareness that you know you wanna shift, we just look at it and say, okay.

I know that's not the energy that I wanna be in, so what energy do I wanna be in? And we're automatically going into creation mode instead of being like, oh my gosh. Why am I doing this? I can't believe this is happening again. Oh my gosh.

Now I need to spend a month trying to figure out why I'm doing this thing. And it's that actually just keeps you stuck in the frequency of where you are instead of moving you into where you wanna go. So this is a thing that a lot of people miss, and this is a thing that you will be incredibly supported around in the membership is elevating beyond that fixing frequency and into the energy of creation because that's actually what you're meant to be doing. You are a divine creator being. It's just about noticing when you go into trying to figure something out and elevating beyond that because that actually doesn't have any it doesn't provide any momentum, and it's not a contribution to what you actually want to create.

But we have this idea that if we somehow figure out why why something happens, then we'll be able to stop it. But you actually don't need to figure out why. You just need to stop it and shift what you're focusing on. And, again, that doesn't mean that we don't do the deeper work. That's what the metamorphosis is for.

However, once you've done that, it doesn't do you any good to sit there trying to figure out why something's happening. It's just about reprogramming your brain, shifting your perspective, and being an impeccable curator of where your attention goes. And this is why so many people say, and I agree with this, that what's happening on the planet right now is literally a battle for our attention. Because your attention is your greatest currency. It's your greatest commodity because where you put your attention is what you will create.

And the controllers on this planet know that. That's why they try to grab your attention with stuff that's based in fear, with stuff that's based in low frequency energies because they know that you will create that through your thoughts if you put your attention on it. So where you put your attention on is what you will create. All of these tools that I'm sharing with you will show you how to consistently shift your attention back to what it is that you are creating regardless of what's going on in your life at that current moment. And that's where your power lies.

That's where your connection to the divine lies. That's where your gifts lie. That's where your manifestation lies is in your ability to shift your energy and your attention. And I have so many powerful, important ways to do that inside the mothership. So I'm just gonna, for a minute, just share with you the programs that are included inside the mothership just so you know how robust this truly is.

It's still blowing my mind. So you have the metamorphosis like I mentioned. You also have my program, quantum mastery, which teaches you how to create a really solid spiritual practice and a solid connection to spirit, deepening your connection to spirit, deepening your cosmic connections, understanding your cosmic lineage, understanding how to receive downloads, how to receive information from your guides, all of that stuff. Um, and then we have Real Results, which I spoke about. It's, like, literally one of my favorite programs, you guys.

I love that so much. It's so powerful, and it gives you everything you need to create shifts within your own thoughts so that you can create shifts in your reality. And then we also have past lives and money, which to me is a nonnegotiable, especially, if you have a business or want to start one, because I show you how to clear, very common archetypal past life energies that come up when you start a business. They literally come up for everyone. I have seen it with every single person.

So and even if you already have a business and you're moving and grooving, it's so important to learn how to recognize and shift these because they come up at every new level. So there's past lives and money, and then also inherently worthy, which is my five week immersion to claim and embody new levels of self worth. This is a nonnegotiable, I believe, as well because this is something that we come up against. And every new level is just a new level of your own sense of worthiness, your own sense of deservingness, your own sense of allowing yourself to truly have it all. And this is not something that we are taught.

And mostly, we take on the consciousness, like I said, of our parents, usually of our mothers around the way we relate to selves. So most likely, if you have not really taken a look at that or even if you have, this gives you a lot of really potent and powerful tools to uplevel your sense of worthiness and restore your connection with yourself so that your relationship with yourself becomes very loving, compassionate, and just really at a different frequency. It really helps you elevate beyond the self criticism, self judgment, fixing, all of that stuff. And then we also have quantum magnetism, which was a four week mastermind I led about client attraction. That is in there.

The high priestess, which is where I transmit to you the energetics of the Pleiadian high priestess, the master healer, and quantum alchemist. I freaking love this program. This was downloaded to me last year around how to work with these energies uh, the Pleiadian high priestess who is the master healer in quantum alchemist. And it really just shows you how to work with different energies as a healer and how to potently and powerfully channel the energy of the high priestess in order to create quantum healing with your clients. Um, and then we also have of the breath work money in receiving training that I led back in the summer, and this is about the new paradigm of receiving and using my breath work modality to learn how to receive on a much deeper level.

And then also the sacred money mine, which I also talked about, that's in there. Love that. It's seriously life changing. And then all of my digital programs and master classes, which I'm not even gonna name them all because there's so many, but you can go on the website and see what all of those are. Yeah, and then you're getting one q and a call with me a month plus access to every new thing that's taught, every new program I put out, my channel transmissions and the broadcast, private podcasts, a live breath work session every month.

And also you're gonna get a library of all of my recorded breath work sessions, which usually help with clearing ancestral trauma, family patterns. My breath work sessions are so powerful. I know most of you know that. And also just access to the community. My communities are always the most high vibe, really deeply connective, supportive places.

Yeah. It's just gonna be everything, you guys. It's just like adding an entirely new dimension to my business because what I keep seeing too is that I'm really meant to be sharing my teachings in a much bigger way, in the biggest way possible, my spiritual teachings and really leading the spiritual movement in a much bigger way. And the mothership is, like, the start of that. So it just feels really special.

It feels really close to my heart, and it feels like it's the next level of my mission, I guess, you could call it, really coming to life and allowing space in my business to just serve and impact so many more people, which is what I know that I'm meant to do. I invite you to join us. Founders pricing ends on Friday, which is tomorrow, actually. It is such a great time to jump in just because the pricing will not be this price ever again. It's crazy how low the price is right now, but I really wanted to make it easy for you to jump into this experience with me and be one of the founding members of this because I know this is going to be something that is a part of my business and my world for a very long time.

And most likely, it's gonna evolve into something much greater and much bigger. So it's just a a really amazing opportunity to jump in at this point, and, yeah, and start the spiritual revolution. Really jump into your own spiritual evolution and really bring your connection to the divine, your spiritual gifts into the forefront of your life, because that's really what I see as where we're going. And I do see that so many people who become in closer proximity with me, their ability to channel and connect with these higher frequencies really does come online, and it's just fun and exciting to watch. And it's all about activating this within other people.

Because then once that's activated within you, you're gonna activate it in your clients, and that's really how we change the frequency on the planet. And it just it's gonna elevate what you're able to bring to your own clients if you have a business or just what you're able to bring to your own life and experience in your own life. This is although it's a spiritual evolutionary membership, there's also very real tangible results, like experiencing more money, like your relationships getting better, like, your business growing, all of the things. Like, these very tangible results happen as a result of applying these teachings that I offer you here along with, obviously, the proximity and being able to have a personalized experience. So that's what it's really about.

So I'm gonna stop talking now. We are gonna link everything below. Please feel free to DM me on Instagram and ask me any questions, or, um, you can email my assistant, Kia, at info at alice breeds dot com, and she can answer any questions for you as well. But, really, you guys, this is about our spiritual evolution. This is about a movement towards a new way of living on the planet.

It's so much more than just businesses that we have. This is, like, the portal to creating change. It's the portal to sharing your gifts. It's the portal to sharing your frequency with the planet. And, you know, we have a lot of work to do.

So join me. I would love to have you. I'm sending you so much love. Thank you for being with me on the podcast and being in my world. I love you so much, and I will talk to you soon.

Alyse: Thank you so much for being here. Don't forget to subscribe to the show, leave a review and share the show with your friends who you know are yearning for this type of content. When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world. You can stay connected with me by following me on Instagram at alyse_breathes and by joining my Facebook group, financial freedom for spiritual entrepreneurs, where I share all of my most fun and potent content.
Make sure you download my breath work for financial freedom at
See you next time.