Reclaiming Consciousness

Robyn and Alyse Live Channeling on Business in 2024 - Part 1

January 18, 2024 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 103
Robyn and Alyse Live Channeling on Business in 2024 - Part 1
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
Robyn and Alyse Live Channeling on Business in 2024 - Part 1
Jan 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 103
Alyse Bacine

Today's episode is a very special one, as Robyn and I reflect on 2023 and share our thoughts on what's ahead in 2024, especially in the business and Channeling fields. It was amazing to talk to Marisol, the entity channeled through Robyn about these topics. Selena, the being that's being channeled through me, also joined our conversation to answer some questions Robyn had about 2024, and what the process of integrating with my consciousness has been like.
This is a deep, highly energetic, and interesting conversation which had to be split into two different episodes. Part 2 is coming next week.


00:00 Intro
01:34 In today’s episode...
03:12 Announcements
14:08 Akashic Wisdom Book 
16:26 Adopting new bio rhythms 
20:43 What happened on the first quarter 

  • How Akashic Wisdom was created 
  • Understanding our gifts 
  • Jumping through different timelines 
  • Palm Springs 
  • The Car Accident 

34:27 What it means to be a Clear Channel
38:08 Neutrality 
47:03 Dietary choices to be in tune with yourself 
52:01 Reestablishing your inner connection with what’s best for you 
55:10 The contagious lower frequencies 
61:16 Channeling Marisol and Selena. The Sun and The Moon

  • The Sun’s energy 
  • Business vision in 2024 
  • Inspiration vs Copycatting 
  • Cultivating your Channeling abilities 

73:54 Integrating Selena with Alyse’s consciousness

 You can find this episode's transcript here



  • The Metamorphosis Method starts on February 8th, 2024. The skill set you acquire from this program for creating transformations is truly indescribable. I provide you with dimensions on how to work with clients and see things on much deeper layers. It's about listening to what people are telling you but also seeing beneath what they're saying. This enables you to pinpoint wounds, shift them, and create tangible results on a much deeper level.
  • The Metamorphosis Method Q&A ENDS TODAY. Join me at 6pm ET. This is for those that are serious about joining the certification to ask questions and receive info. Completely FREE! 
  • BirthRight The Mastermind starts in March.  This is for the woman who has a business that's already making at least $10k/month and you're ready to apply new paradigm spiritual principles to exponentially grow your business.  
    You can sign on for 6 or 12 months. You get 2 group calls/month, 2 private calls (during 6 months) and access to The Mothership Membership. Take advantage of the PRE PRE sale pricing. 


Show Notes Transcript

Today's episode is a very special one, as Robyn and I reflect on 2023 and share our thoughts on what's ahead in 2024, especially in the business and Channeling fields. It was amazing to talk to Marisol, the entity channeled through Robyn about these topics. Selena, the being that's being channeled through me, also joined our conversation to answer some questions Robyn had about 2024, and what the process of integrating with my consciousness has been like.
This is a deep, highly energetic, and interesting conversation which had to be split into two different episodes. Part 2 is coming next week.


00:00 Intro
01:34 In today’s episode...
03:12 Announcements
14:08 Akashic Wisdom Book 
16:26 Adopting new bio rhythms 
20:43 What happened on the first quarter 

  • How Akashic Wisdom was created 
  • Understanding our gifts 
  • Jumping through different timelines 
  • Palm Springs 
  • The Car Accident 

34:27 What it means to be a Clear Channel
38:08 Neutrality 
47:03 Dietary choices to be in tune with yourself 
52:01 Reestablishing your inner connection with what’s best for you 
55:10 The contagious lower frequencies 
61:16 Channeling Marisol and Selena. The Sun and The Moon

  • The Sun’s energy 
  • Business vision in 2024 
  • Inspiration vs Copycatting 
  • Cultivating your Channeling abilities 

73:54 Integrating Selena with Alyse’s consciousness

 You can find this episode's transcript here



  • The Metamorphosis Method starts on February 8th, 2024. The skill set you acquire from this program for creating transformations is truly indescribable. I provide you with dimensions on how to work with clients and see things on much deeper layers. It's about listening to what people are telling you but also seeing beneath what they're saying. This enables you to pinpoint wounds, shift them, and create tangible results on a much deeper level.
  • The Metamorphosis Method Q&A ENDS TODAY. Join me at 6pm ET. This is for those that are serious about joining the certification to ask questions and receive info. Completely FREE! 
  • BirthRight The Mastermind starts in March.  This is for the woman who has a business that's already making at least $10k/month and you're ready to apply new paradigm spiritual principles to exponentially grow your business.  
    You can sign on for 6 or 12 months. You get 2 group calls/month, 2 private calls (during 6 months) and access to The Mothership Membership. Take advantage of the PRE PRE sale pricing. 


Alyse: I've been listening to this book about quantum physics. I'm fascinated by quantum physics just because it's the science of spirituality. What he was saying was nothing exists without it being observed and nothing exists without being witnessed, right? So that's why as channels we need a container, we need each other because we're literally witnessing each other and that's how we're bringing this information to life. 

Robyn: In the journey to becoming the clear channel. It's really reestablishing your own connection with your inner knowing about what is best for you. 

Alyse: Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi everyone. 

Welcome back to the show. So, Hi everyone. I am so excited for this week's episode. So this is an episode that I recorded with Robyn, who you all know because she's been on the show so many times and she's just such an amazing friend and colleague and just collaborator with me. On this episode, we talk about business and like the changes that we're seeing in business.

And then we also do a live channeling, which is really fun. And I had so much fun doing this with her. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So basically, what we did is, you know, we both channel, we took turns asking each other questions, and then each of us channeling the answers. And it was just so fun. And I love what came through.

So much of what we talked about is just around just the changes that we're going to be seeing this year. And just like the new energies that we're tuning into around business in particular and how. People are looking at it and how just the perspective changes around it and just the different energetics that we see coming forward in the space.

So it's going to be really powerful for you to listen to, I know, and just probably. Make you come out of it with just like a higher level frequency in your body. Because I know for me, after we recorded this, I felt like I was like high for the whole rest of the day. I just felt so light and just like this high frequency coming through me.

So I'm sure you guys are going to feel the same way. So yeah, you're going to love this episode. There's a lot going on here and you guys all know I'm a manifesting generator and I just have a lot of ideas and a lot of things that want to come through me all of the time. And it's just so fun and so exciting for me.

So some things that are happening right now. First of all, we have the certification starting on February 8th. And if you guys don't know, my certification is the metamorphosis method. It is my breathwork, energetics, and trauma certification. And you know, I've been going really deep into talking about this because I really want to convey the importance of a program like this, especially if you are a coach or a healer, or even if you're in the PT space, or you are a personal trainer, or any kind of health coach.

Having training to be able to pinpoint the deepest layer of trauma or wounding in your clients will automatically give you this leverage and this thing that no one else has in your niche. Because I think that this is a place where a lot of people fall short. And that's not a judgment. It's just that.

Most people have not been trained in trauma. And when you are in the business of walking people to transformation, that is a skill set that you want to have because when you are able to pinpoint the deepest layer of what's going on with people, they're able to shift immediately and they're able to create results that are very deep and very profound and very sustainable and very efficient.

I've just seen it with everyone that's come through the program where they're really able to set themselves apart in what it is that they do because they have this training. And I think, you know, with a lot of healers, even though you know that your work is really powerful. It can be hard sometimes to even articulate what you do because so much of it is just people getting into your energy and then things changing, right?

But you have to have some kind of way of communicating that and also way of understanding what's happening when you're working with people. And this is part of what You'll learn in the metamorphosis method, you'll understand this very solid framework for walking your clients to transformation through breathwork, through learning how to channel and facilitate energy work that creates instant transcendence and then also through my trauma framework and really understanding and embodying these tools to pinpoint and clear the deepest layer of trauma in your clients.

Because, you know, what I see all the time with a lot of coaches and healers is you're really good at what you do, but sometimes you're, well, usually all the time, you're not getting to the deepest layer with your clients. So you're kind of leaving something on the table that you're not. helping them to acknowledge that if you did help them to acknowledge it, they would shift really quickly.

So, the whole point is when you get to the core thing that's underneath of everything, then you can create results really quickly and you become known for the results that you create with your clients. And I've seen it with everyone that comes through the program. They are able to take their business to another level and become known.

for the results they create with their clients and become known for the skill set that they have. And then also their ability to articulate what it is that they do is much different than most people in their industry because they have a depth of knowledge and understanding of the healing process.

People just don't naturally know, right? Like I've compiled this from my 22 years as a breast worker and healer, plus my over a decade experience as a mental health professional and working with traumatized children and seeing how trauma shows up and having real life experience and knowledge and understanding of trauma that doesn't just come from working with people as a healer, it comes from my training, my expertise, and my experience.

And I show you a framework that works, that you can use with your clients to get way deeper and way faster results than you're getting them now. So I'm holding a Q& A call, um, Thursday that will actually, that'll be today when this episode comes out. But if you're listening to this before the Q& A, you can definitely sign up and come.

It's totally free. You can ask all your questions about the program and understand it more deeply because it's so in depth. There's so much to it. It really is the only certification you'd ever need as a healer or coach or anyone that is guiding clients to change. This will be The only set of information that you would need to know basically to walk your clients to profound transformation.

So join the Q& A or just DM me if you want more info about the certification. We start on February 8th, it's a nine month long program, and we meet twice a month. And there are also exchanges that you do with other people in the program where you facilitate and you receive. So it's not only a space where you're going to learn.

So many new skills, but you're also going to be transforming yourself and up leveling yourself in all areas of your life. So that's that. And then also last thing, um, I have my new mastermind launching and I am so excited. My new mastermind, Birthright. It is now open on pre presale and pre presale is gonna only be for one week.

But this is if you are a woman business owner and you're already making 10k a month or more in your business, this is a space where you come to, to really ignite a new depth of what you're doing with your clients. And this is something that I just love to do with the women that I work with is Go deeper, right?

Because sometimes we think our next income level is about another strategy or just bringing in more clients or just time or finding a different business coach. But so much of the time, your next income level is just about unleashing a deeper part of yourself that you haven't yet allowed yourself to see.

And this is what I always see when you come into my world is this. deeper part of you, this cosmic part of you, this otherworldly part of you that wants to come through and be unleashed. And a lot of times we hold this part of ourselves back because we're afraid of people thinking we're weird, people thinking we're crazy.

What are people going to think of us? What are we going to lose if we really show up with the force and the power and the potency and the Cosmic connection, the ability to channel, the ability to be, to really be ferocious, for lack of a better word, and not in a bad way, but just in a unapologetic way of the frequency that really wants to come through you.

This is where we do this, you know, and this mastermind is to sustain 30k to 100k months and really take your business to a new level where it's not just a business anymore. It's a movement and it's a spiritual revolution and it's about you showing up as the massive spiritual leader and teacher that you're meant to be.

And really stepping into that in a very big way. And that's what this mastermind is all about. I called it birthright. Well, that's what I was told to call it because it really is. It's about really stepping into the fullness of what you're meant to do here. And Unleashing a level that you haven't allowed yourself to unleash yet, which is what's standing between you and your next income level.

So that's what this mastermind is all about. So it is a business and money mastermind, but obviously with the spirituality and, um, All of that stuff at the forefront where we're really going deep because I don't find things interesting unless we're going super deep. So that's what we're going to be doing here.

And yeah, it's really like what I see this is just really this profound journey that we're going on together. And you know, I don't have anything laid out per se because I channel and I get information as I go and I'll get information from you as we go and as the group develops and I'll see where we're taking this.

But what I do know is it's going to be two group calls a month and then two private calls every six months. So you can sign up for six or 12 months. And then I'm going to most likely be bringing in other experts on different things that I'm not. an expert on like, you know, audience building and, and content and stuff like that.

Um, just to support you from all of the angles and sustaining your next income level with ease and bringing forward this new. version of you that is ready to be unleashed. And I know there are some of you out there who can feel that there is this deeper version of you, this deeper layer to you, this bigger version of you, this version of you that knows that she's really meant to fully be the star.

You can feel her wanting to come through but it might feel scary or it might feel like you don't know how to do it or it might feel overwhelming and that's what this space is all about. So, reach out to me to chat about that. We will link it below. I will stop talking now and let you listen to this episode with Robyn.

I'm sending you all so much love and I will talk to you soon.

Robyn: Hi, I'm so happy to have you back and we're approaching the end of the year of 2023 and it's quite remarkable how many changes we've experienced this year. 

Alyse: Oh my god, so many changes. It's funny because you just said about we started the year with the book that we co authored and when you said that I was like that felt like a complete lifetime ago.

Robyn: I think it was. If you haven't gotten the book yet it's called Akashic Wisdom. It's a channeled text, it's co authored by, Alyse is in it and I am, Jennifer Longmore led the project, Christina Rice is in it, and just several other really wonderful, wonderful people who are in the book with really clear messages around what's to come in the future.

So, we had the book come out first and what I wanted to do today was to do a year in review because I think that it's really important and it's just a time of reflection as the light is returning and you and I both are clear channels and we have our channels with us. I'm the sun and you're the moon.

I'm Soleil and you're Luna. You have your selenite as well. So yes, I know that our channels will pop in here too because they have a lot to say about. Not just the past year, but I think where we are headed in the future as well. 

Alyse: Selena says we're headed into the divinity era, and I actually have a new, I like a short channeled course that I'm dropping in January called Divinity Era, and I'm really excited about it.

Robyn: That is amazing. I want to take that course because one of the things I know that you're so good at is downloading beautiful. Short courses, usually they're short courses. Some of them are more lengthy. But one of the things I've noticed this year is that my tolerance for long drawn out things just is it's gone.

Alyse: Totally my flagship program, the metamorphosis, which is like my core body of work. It used to be six months long and I actually just made it two months long because I realized that it doesn't need to take people that long. It's a clear Yeah. their familial and ancestral trauma. It can be done in two months now.

So now the, the course is two months and now it's filling up like crazy. That's all that needed to happen is we just needed to make it shorter because it doesn't need to take six months that's far.

Robyn: It probably never did, but when we looked at it, we thought it did. And when we look at the models in business, especially around coaching, they've always been containers of six months or a year.

And I think that we unconsciously get into a rhythm that somebody else set. Yes. And one of the things that I know has shifted for me this year is just reclaiming my own rhythm, my own body rhythms, my own natural rhythm, and then the rhythm of my business as well, which has always been one to move faster.

I've had four month programs before and so on. and shorter programs. But then there is that sort of pressure from the external world, we'll say, in social media about what the leaders are doing and how the leaders are showing up and so on. And as light leaders ourselves, we actually get to set the tone for how we're going to be doing our programs.

Alyse: Yes. And we have to innovate. You know, I feel like that's been one of the biggest things for me this year is realizing that I'm actually meant to lead this movement of You know, channeling for your business and not only channeling what you are sharing or teaching, but also channeling the way that you're teaching it.

For example, this program Divinity Era. It's going to be content drop. So instead of me getting on a zoom call with you and teaching you, I'm recording something and then I'm dropping it in the portal and you can listen to it when you want to. And to me, that's how I enjoy to not only give content, but also consume it.

So why wouldn't I create something based on. the way that I like to consume content. So to me it's like that feels so supportive to me and it's just a way of doing it that I enjoy so I'm gonna do it that way. I think it's like getting out of like you said this idea that you know you have to do it this way or you have to like get on a zoom call or whatever because quite frankly I'm tired of zoom calls.

Like, I only want to get on a zoom call if it's like something, you know, I'm going to be getting coaching with my mentor or I don't need a zoom call to be for just content. 

Robyn: No, you should be able to listen to it asynchronistically because that's how we take in podcasts. I don't like the word consume. It feels sort of vampiristic to me.

So yeah, I stopped using that, but I think just taking it in and receiving what you want to receive, receive the transmission. Yes, when you get transmission appropriate for you to receive it rather than having to meet up at a certain time or something like that. I will say for me, I like the gathering portion of it like I'm doing a winter solstice gathering in my Facebook group.

becoming the channel. And I like that. I like calling people together and imagining us sitting around a big kitchen table and, and lighting candles and pouring wine and, and enjoying each other's company. And since we can't do that for the most part in real life, I think that the next best thing is the virtual engagement.

Not that it all has to be like that, but I think for special occasions, it is important to have that gathering space. 

Alyse: Absolutely. I love that too for certain spaces, you know, but for someone like me also that constantly has 50 ideas about programs, not all of them get to be zoom calls, you know what I mean?

Cause I'm like, I have way too many ideas and way too many things that I teach that I'm just like, okay, we need to like streamline this in a way that. Is going to work for me so I can get it all out there. 

Robyn: That's a lot of hair and makeup to do if you've always got to be ready for a zoom call. Exactly.

Okay. So let's you guys if you want to know behind the scenes of two channels, this is this is how we roll. Welcome to it. Should we tell them about our time thing? Because time has changed. Oh yeah. Arizona is mountain standard time always. That's where I am. Alyse is on the east coast. And when we decided to do this, we agreed 1130 East Coast time and both of us thought it was 830 in Arizona.

So when I messaged her this morning and said, let's go, it's 8, it was 835 my time and she's, Oh, I thought it was. 

Alyse: And it was 10 35 my time. So I thought I had an hour. 

Robyn: Yes. And I wished that I had an hour because I was up channeling at 4 a. m. this morning and needed a little bit of extra rest. So it all worked out.

But I think to our point is that you and I have this thing about time that has shown up in our relationship and our, and our businesses as we've been going through this year. So let's start back at the beginning. First quarter, January, February, March, we had the book come out. And that really, the Akashic Wisdom book really to me just kind of kicked off the, the tone for the year in terms of what I would be focusing on. How did that book go for you? 

Alyse: It's funny. So for me, and this is how things go for me, right? I literally never do things in advance. I never plan things, but once I have a container for something. I just need the container, right? So, if you give me the container of the book, I'm gonna know exactly what to say, and it's just a matter of me sitting down and allowing it to come through.

And I did that maybe, you know, two days before it was due or something. Like that, because that's how I am. I literally, like, when I do a transmission for a program or something, I'll do it like an hour before. And it's not that I'm necessarily procrastinating, quote unquote. It's more because that's when I feel closest to the energy of it.

I can tune into exactly what needs to be said because it's, I'm close to it, if that makes sense somehow. Yes. It feels to me. 

Robyn: It's a crucible. And that's a word that Marisol, my channel has been using for the program that I'm having right now, which is. It's basically filling your programs, your high ticket programs in eight weeks or less.

But the crucible that we talk about, whether it's in that program or your experience is just, it's a container that holds high heat so that when we have these ideas, these, these containers that we want to put something into, want to channel something into, it really is important to have the heat and the pressure in order to bring it forward in order to create something new.

And what's interesting about that is because as kids, I'm sure I got in trouble all the time for procrastinating, for waiting until the last minute, but it turns out that that was actually my channel all along. 

Alyse: Yes, I feel the same exact way. 

Robyn: The criticism that I think a lot of us had as children, as creatives, as intuitives and ultimately as channels is you're waiting till the last minute, you're procrastinating.

And then what I found with the book was I had that same tape going through my head. Even though, even though I channeled both of my chapters when I was in Sedona and the way that I wrote the chapters was to verbally transmit them and lovely conversation with Seraphus Bay and the Lemurian High Council were the, the two beings who are groups that I was channeling at the time and wanted to have a conversation with me about some things going on in the world and.

I did those both from Sedona and I had pressure even, well, maybe I should type it versus just speak it and then transcribe it, which ultimately is where I decided to go on that.

Alyse: I just typed it. But yeah, it just literally, as soon as I sat down, it just came out. And that's really how I channel. A lot of the time is, especially if it's for something specific, is I just sit down and I have, like, I know what I'm channeling for, I know what the container is, like, there has to be a container.

It's almost like, you know, how with Mother Amalia, she'll say, ask me questions, and then I'll be able to tell you. It's very similar to that. If I have a container with a focus and, like, a question, or, you know, like an intention, then it just pours in. But if I don't have that, then, then I'm just like everything.

Robyn: What am I supposed to, I always ask, what am I supposed to talk about? Marisol wanted to do an end of the year review, but it's the same. It's that maybe it's being a generator in human design or something like that. I think you're a manifesting generator, but whatever, like however you want to describe it.

We're connected beings and we like to talk to each other and the conversation gets more interesting as well. 

Alyse: Yeah. And the other thing I've been thinking about too is I've been listening to this book about basically like quantum physics. And I know we we've talked about the word quantum, but for lack of a better word, it's literally about quantum physics and I'm fascinated by quantum physics just because it's the science of spirituality.

What he was saying was from this theory, this quantum physics theory, or you know, I don't even think it's a theory, I think they've proven it, is that nothing exists Without it being observed and nothing exists without being witnessed, right? So that's why as channels, we need a container. We need each other because we're literally witnessing each other and that's how we're bringing this information to life.

So it's funny because I've been thinking about that all morning because I've been listening to this book and I'm like, wow, isn't that interesting that we need to be witnessed together. in order to create. Yeah. Even though we also don't want to create just to be with us, right? And anyway. 

Robyn: Yes, I get it. It's not. It's not performative. And I think that that's the thing. I don't want to be a performance monkey who, you know, tell me what you see for my future or anything like that. It's not that at all. It just is. There's a spice to it when we get together. And it's so much more engaging and so much more interesting.

I think this is an interesting thing that we're exploring with when it comes to being channels and really understanding our gifts. Both of us have had this ability our whole lives. And yet in the last year, it really has for both of us opened up. Oh, I know Q1 for me. Guess what? I started becoming the channel, the podcast.

Oh, yes. My first episode was March 16th of this year and I chose that day because that is the day way back in 2001 I think that my marriage ended and it was one of those days that You know, it just hung with me for a long time and I remember earlier this year thinking I had had a podcast previously, MindsetRx, but I, when I decided to rename the podcast and go in this direction, I just decided I would reclaim that day.

So March 16th was the date of the first podcast. Of becoming the channel and it's funny because I became the channel this year. 

Alyse: I mean, you really, you claimed it, you claimed it in an even deeper way. I think we both did and I think a lot of people did but you know, I will say for me this year has been.

just such a roller coaster ride, just with the things that happen. Like in January, I met my brother for the first time, or I met my brother for the first time. That was this year in January. And talk about time. I feel that I've experienced this year so many timeline hops. For example, meeting my brother, I feel like the reason why that happened is because I jumped into a different timeline through the ancestral healing and clearing that I've done because I think there was a point when the reality was that my brother did not have such a great life, we'll put it that way, because I had this other timeline where, you know, he went into the system and it wasn't a great thing.

And just to give a little background, my mom had a baby that she gave up for adoption. So I had seen that reality for a lot of my life. And then as I did all of this clearing and healing around my ancestral lines, It was like boom, he popped in and it was like this timeline hop to this reality where he existed and is this amazing person and is deeply connected to our family.

Robyn: That happened right after, remember that terrible car accident that you got in? 

Alyse: Yeah, the car accident was right after it. So that was Monday and the car accident was Thursday, the same week. 

And the car accident was literally like, we're pushing you in a new direction, you know? 

Robyn: Yeah, another timeline hop, probably.

Alyse: Another timeline hop. Yeah. And it was, I feel like I really just got pushed in an entirely new direction this year. And I don't know how else to explain it other than that, where I was. really shown just these completely different ways of relating to myself and the world and really transcending all of these old paradigms of fear, scarcity, anxiety, that I didn't even realize I was really living in until I, you know, was kind of pushed out of it and forced to do things differently.

And that's what I feel like this year was partially about for me, along with. The channeling stuff, too. I mean, you know, things started to open up a lot when I channeled for the book that wasn't the first time I channeled, obviously, but for whatever reason, the information that came through sparked a bunch of the work that I ended up doing throughout the year.

And then when we went to Palm Springs. That was kind of like another point where I was blown away by what I was able to see and what we all channeled there, but that just put me on another level where I was like, holy shit, this stuff that we're able to do and what we were able to tune into just completely blew my mind.

Robyn: And we did a podcast right after. Oh, yeah, from Palm Springs, because that was a wild ride. And I wanted to get into that a little bit because that was another you use the word roller coaster. And I was just thinking about highs and lows of the year. When I think about lows, I don't think that for me anyway, there was nothing devastating or anything that happened this year, just so much as maybe it's more like highs and lulls.

Alyse: Yeah. And I mean, for me, I definitely feel like there was a lot of emotional clearing when I had that accident, I had a few bad anxiety spells after that accident that I would, you know, consider a low, like it wasn't a low, like anything terrible happened, but it was just like an emotional low. 

Robyn: Oh, remember when we did that work after? One of you guys, one of the things that I can do that was a near death experience for you first of all, and I've talked about that recently, but One of the things that happens with car accidents is your consciousness pops out of your body. And if you don't call it all the way back into your body, you can have, it looks like PTSD or at least PTSD is a longer term thing, but acute stress.

related to trauma. And so there's this methodology that I have that just pulls you back in and then you can move forward from that because you're not constantly reliving going back to the scene. What I find is that when you're returning to the scene over and over, it's because a part of your consciousness is still sort of locked in there. Yeah, needs to be recovered so that you can move forward. 

Alyse: And I have to say that was so powerful, like that really worked and it really changed things. And it, I think the whole thing was like five minutes. 

Robyn: Yeah. It didn't take long. It doesn't have to take long. 

Alyse: No, but it's just like really. helped me like move forward from that and not, you know, be like kind of in this loop, which I didn't even realize I was in.

And I think that's the problem too. Sometimes when we have trauma is the way that it manifests in the body and in the being. you don't realize it. And I think that's the thing that is something that's important for people to understand and also why we are so adamant about being trauma informed and what trauma really is and actually being well versed in it because It shows up in ways that you yourself wouldn't recognize if you were playing it out and most people wouldn't recognize it takes a skillfulness to be able to recognize that and I didn't, I didn't realize it for myself and I'm like, probably one of the most well versed people in trauma around, you know, and it took you being like, hello.

Robyn: Well, and that's why it's so important to have people who you trust. To be able to be able to see into your life, because we, when you have each other's backs, there are just things in my life that I can't see either because I'm in it. Yeah. And at least you've always been my, you're my go to for what is actually going on here.

Alyse: Oh, I love to actually going on, 

Robyn: just tune in here and see what's going on and then move that. Thank you for that. Yeah. So yeah, so Palm Springs was another turning point, I think, and I would say another timeline jump as well, because you guys in Palm Springs, it was really an opportunity for a group of us to come together and to understand what we're actually.

Up against energetically spiritually as we are moving into the divinity era as Alise is calling it and I love that because there is a lot of nonsense that's been happening. And here's the thing. When I was walking Cooper this morning, Marisol and I were chatting and she wanted us to talk about what it means to be a clear channel.

The reason behind this is. But she's bringing this forward now is because you can look at the world and see a version of the world and assume that people are telling the truth and assume that things are exactly as they seem. But what I have found this year as my channel has completely opened and cleared that I'm seeing things in new ways and there's a discernment about what the actuality is and what's been hidden versus what is being presented as, as truth.

Let's just get into this. What's a clear channel from your end, from your perspective? 

Alyse: To me, it's about being able to see, like, the highest level of truth. And in order to do that, it really requires a level of, like, self awareness. first and foremost. And it also requires a willingness to, you know, see things that might be uncomfortable for you to see.

And I think that first and foremost, I think is one of the things that can block a lot of people. The other thing that I think is, is a big piece of this is It takes a certain level of responsibility and I don't mean responsible for like other people I mean, like self responsibility, because you kind of have to be willing to take accountability for everything in your life that you've created, right and you have to have this level of being able to own that.

It's funny, last night I did a Q& A call for people that were interested in my certification, my breathwork certification, and one of the women, as I'm talking about the program, and I love talking about it, so I'll get really into it, where I'm like, I take this very seriously. Like, I take, like, we have a very high level of integrity around here.

You know, I'm like going off. This one woman was like, It just seems like a lot of responsibility, you know, and I was like, yes, you're not responsible for other people, but you are responsible for yourself and being able to discern between your projections, your triggers. You have to know yourself. Really well, because if you don't, then you're just going to be projecting all over the place and that's the thing, you know, what that drives me crazy on the Internet is you just see people like projecting all over each other and being triggered by things and responding from a trigger, but not even knowing they're triggered and I'm just like.

Come on, people. A little more self awareness here. You're triggered. You're projecting. Like you have to be able, yeah, you have to be able to know those things about yourself and be able to like put those things aside in order to tune into this higher level of truth. So I think that piece of it is really, really important.

And I would say for me, That's why I feel like I'm such a clear channel is because I have a very high level of self awareness and the other piece of it, too, is you have to have the ability to hold multiple perspectives at the same time, and you have to have the ability to not be attached to any of those perspectives.

I can listen to somebody talk that I completely don't necessarily agree with quote unquote, but be open to their opinion and be completely neutral about it. And you have to be able to do that. 

Robyn: Let's talk about neutrality because this is something that this year for me has become sort of my, my go to, to be at the level of neutrality does not mean that you don't care about things.

Because it means that You can hold multiple perspectives with curiosity and without judgment. It's actually the Buddhist practices of mindfulness to pay attention on purpose with an open heart and without judgment. That is, in essence, neutrality. And so when we are in a neutral place, that means that we have, to your point, been able to take note of our triggers and hopefully untangle the trauma knots in our field.

And I, we do that in our, my McKay actualization method. There's an untangling that we can do within our bioenergy fields in order to clear the trauma and restore the consciousness to its rightful home in your heart. But the neutrality for me really means that I get to be curious about everything and it is hard, especially in the closest relationships.

I think it's very hard to remain neutral, but largely in the world at large, when you're, if you're watching a news cycle or if you're at a movie or something like that, to be able to walk in and neutrality and just be curious about. Oh, this is interesting that Nicole Kidman is promoting AMC Theaters and wow, she looks quite a bit like a vampire, for example.

I'm not attached to that, but in fact, in fact, she does. And one of my gifts as a channel is that I see people for, I see their essences. So, as an example of this, Alyse, I was at the gym last week, I think, or the week before training with Justin and I look over and I see this guy and I said to Justin, that's a Vulcan.

He's like a Star Trek guy and Justin looks over and he starts laughing and he agrees with me. He's not, you know, he's just a trainer, but he hears a lot about my escapades. In spirituality, but he got it. So to my point, the neutrality piece I think is, is a big piece of being the clear channel because the neutrality you can actually discern from truth from falsity.

You can discern the way forward without being caught in the in the weeds of should I go here or should I go there or I'm confused or I'm uncertain or whatever it is. 

Alyse: And the other thing I just want to add to this for clarity is it doesn't mean that you can't have triggers. It doesn't mean that you can't have. Feelings about things or emotions about things or get upset by things, but you just have to be able to separate that out. Like you have to be able to recognize that for what it is, separate it out and not allow it to create like a lens through which you look at things, you know, so you can be aware, I just had this happen this morning.

I was really triggered by my husband, which I talked to you about yesterday, and I was like, okay, I'm feeling this emotion right now. I'm allowing myself to feel this emotion, but I'm not going to bring this into anything else that's going on today, right? I'm not going to bring it into this today. Like conversation, I'm taking my daughter shopping later, I'm not going to bring it there, or if you know, even when it comes to him, right, I'm not going to even, to the best of my ability, allow it to cloud how I even relate to him because I know as being a clear channel and also understanding the nature of reality, that the best service I can do for him is to see him As his highest self because that's only going to benefit him and it feels a lot better for me.

So I'm going to see him in his highest potential versus going down into the weeds with him or allowing what he's doing to trigger my. whatever stuff, right? So I think that's a very big piece of this just as an example of being able to navigate what is happening for you and understand it so that you can put it to the side when it comes to being able to see truth and being able to tune in to higher levels of truth 

Robyn: Yes, the difference is Psychological responsibility and part of being a clear channel is also extracting yourself from the victim, persecutor, rescuer triad.

You can have an exchange. If you guys are watching the video, you saw me go same with when Alyse mentioned that she had a thing with her husband this morning and I had that experience as well. And when you are caught in the victim, persecutor, rescuer triad, that is when. There's a lingering of those experiences.

There's a lingering of the energy of I'm a victim in this. How dare he? I'm insulted. I'm pissed off. Whatever it is. 

Alyse: Why is this happening? Why is this? Why is this happening? 

Robyn: I just can't even whatever. And even as I feel into the energy right now, the energy is clean. And that's a very different experience from maybe a couple of years ago where I would have been able to compartmentalize.

But it would have taken up a whole lot more energy and mental space in order to do that. 

Alyse: Absolutely. It's just something that you practice and you get better at. I think it's important to to spend a little time in the victim thing because this is something that can be really triggering for people. And I talk about this a lot on my Instagram.

I can always tell when I post something and I'm like, I'm going to get some angry person telling me why it's not her fault that her husband fell ill or whatever, you know, like that type of thing. And yes, I get that and also there's things that happen in life that are seemingly beyond our control and you would think, oh, I would never have wanted that to happen, but there's also these larger energies at play, right?

So, and this is another piece around being a channel, you have to be able to see things from a higher, wider, energetic perspective and not take them literally. Right? So this is one of the things that I teach people when I'm teaching them how to pinpoint trauma is we're not taking it literally. So if I'm saying you're playing out your relationship with your mom, people will tend to take that literally being like, my mom was like this and it wasn't like this.

And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. It's not literal. We're zooming out and we're looking at the energy. And the energetics and the patterns of energy and typically they'll be the exact same thing. And typically with most people, there's one or two patterns of energy that are playing out in every single area of their life.

It just looks, the details are different. The specifics are different. The energy is the same, right? So we have to be able to zoom out and look at energy. And from that perspective, yes, there are no victims, right? But we don't always understand why Certain things happen from our human perspective, but it's interesting because this is something that always triggers people because they're very attached to not being in full control of their lives because that would mean a whole lot more responsibility, right?

Robyn: A whole lot more responsibility. 

Alyse: Yeah, and I think that's why people resist that, but it can be so tempting to go into this victim mentality. And I think people confuse elevating beyond that with letting go of somebody hurting you or somebody or when you were wronged by somebody, it's like, well, if I let this go, then it's saying that it's okay.

No, we're not saying it's okay. But what we are saying is that being in a victim energy. It's not a contribution to you going anywhere, and it's not a contribution to you being in your power. So from that perspective, you can't get anywhere in that energy. That energy is not going to get you anywhere. It's completely powerless energy, so you have to elevate beyond it in order to be able to move forward from a place of power.

So I think that's an important distinction too, because it's not saying that that thing that happened wasn't terrible or you weren't hurt or you weren't traumatized, it's just saying in this energy we're not moving, we're not going anywhere, we're not growing.

Robyn: You get caught in a time loop when you're in the energy of why did this happen to me and you and I both know as trauma informed specialists that It can be a journey.

The journey can be hastened with the energetic work, of course. And then we have to also look at when we are clearing our channel, we have to look at the stuff that we're putting in our bodies. Yes. So one of the things that I've done, you've been vegetarian for a long time and I'm largely vegetarian at this point.

But how has, for you, and I'll answer this too, how has. your diet, like what you're putting in your body shifted this year. 

Alyse: It's interesting because I've had such a journey with this. I struggled, you know, when I was a older teenager with an eating disorder and then from that point kind of went down this whole rabbit hole of like different ways of eating and all of this stuff.

So this has been such a journey for me. And it's always been a largely triggering topic for me. So for me, personally, I feel like this year has been a big healing from that. And what that has started to look like for me is much more just like listening to my body and eating intuitively. And I just have been guided to be vegetarian, you know, I think I became vegetarian at 18.

And I never really thought about it, it just the way that I became vegetarian was I just was like, Oh, wow, I haven't eaten meat in a really long time. I must be vegetarian. So it wasn't even like a decision that I made. I wasn't like, Hey, everyone, I'm becoming vegetarian. It just happened naturally. And it was something that I just wasn't really drawn to eating meat.

So I didn't. But now I've gotten to this point where I just listen to what my body wants. And that's been a lot of it for me, but and that's for me personally, because I feel like for so long I over thought and over controlled like everything about eating and it became like this thing that it wasn't supposed to be.

So now I feel like for this year, what's really happened for me is like this restoration around that. It's funny. I have not, I haven't put words to this yet. I'm glad you asked this question because I haven't, I kind of knew this on an energetic level, but I didn't say it to myself ever. So, but I do feel like that happened this year as I just, it was kind of like this restoration of just a.

Healthy relationship with food of, oh, this is what I want right now. And this is what I'm gonna have. It's a journey. It's not perfect, but that's how it is for me. And that usually just looks like me eating mostly healthy stuff. It's funny because my, I always joke that people will be like, oh, is that good?

And I'm like, I think it's good. But I'm so used to eating healthy food that I think something that is junk food, somebody else would think is healthy food, you know, so I feel like I'm not always a good judge of that.

Robyn: Yes. The palette, I think, changes as you become more clear. And I will say that for me, I stopped eating meat at the beginning of the pandemic.

And it had to do with There was an outbreak of the disease in the meatpacking plants, and at that point, I was just like, you know what? I think I'm good. I think I'm good. And I haven't looked back at that, but I will tell you, Alyse, that Um, when Marisol came in, it's been a little bit over two months now, that is when everything changed in my diet.

And what I mean by that is I was a consummate coffee drinker and I had my creamer, you know, my favorite, don't talk to me about my creamer. I had protein shakes that I, all of these things up until that point. And there's a definite before and after, and now I am a consummate tea drinker. So I know that this is Marisol because this is, my husband is like white.

What happened? Yeah, so there are certain things that have shifted for me in the last couple of months that are definitely related to this new consciousness that I'm very connected with, Marisol. And I think that that's an interesting thing because it's very clear that this consciousness has preferences.

And I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying it and it just feels normal to me. It was never, there was never any pressure. I didn't think, Oh, one day I'm just going to wake up and start drinking tea. It just was natural progression. And I think that every once in a while I'll try to have a cup of coffee and it just is, it feels thick and heavy in my body.

And I think that my body is just wanting more light. And so I'm eating a lot of macadamia nuts, which I'm loving and, um, grazing more than, you know, sitting down and consuming an entire meal. And because I love horses, of course, you can see why I would be grazing like the horses do all day long rather than taking in one full meal three times a day, for example.

So I think that one of the things in, in the journey to becoming a clear channel is reconnecting or reestablishing your natural biorhythms. That are going to look different from mine or Lisa's or who, you know, name the names because we've had this, this myth about the circadian rhythm that people have to do things at a certain time and eat at a certain time and eat certain meals and those are all prescriptive.

from somebody or something outside of us. And in the journey to becoming the clear channel, it's really reestablishing your own connection with your inner knowing about what is best for you. I've also been spending a whole lot of time in the sunshine to no great surprise. Taking in a lot. I think I'm feeling so energized because of all the time I'm spending in the sun and I'm not wearing sunglasses doing that because that seems to be very helpful for my energy body as well.

Alyse: Yeah, it's funny because the energy that I've been channeling Selena works with the energy of the moon and I've been getting so much information in the middle of the night. It's almost like regular where I will get woken up in the middle of the night and get like downloads and information like.

Everything that I'm teaching in my program, The Sacred Six Figure Initiation, which is about channeling for your business, all of that came to me in the middle of the night. Where it was like, here are all the concepts here, like all the new paradigm business concepts that you're going to teach. And it all came to me between one and five in the morning, one night.

Robyn: That is wonderful. And that's so unusual because usually in the past, maybe you would have received that information at a different time or in a different way. And so in reconnecting with your channel and sorting out your own body's rhythms and how things work, then you can be okay with being up from one until five in the morning.

And it's not a, it's not a, um, an inconvenience, but more a gift. And I think that that's an important piece of the puzzle because You know, I look at what you're doing with Selena, your, your channel, and with the new era of business and money that's coming in. And I know that Marisol and I are here for the channels to make sure that people are clear and psychologically well, so that they can channel the big energies and so that they can have access to their own wisdom that's available to them.

But that gets muddied. The waters get muddied. Let's be honest in this. I was at a movie last night, and I'm so sensitive now to the energetics of what's going on. And this is when we're talking about holding the space of neutrality. I was noticing all of these things about, I had to leave at one point because the frequencies that they were sending out in the music were so disruptive to me that I was starting to get a headache.

And then I used your trick, which was to coat everything in honeycomb. Oh, yeah. And then I was able to be in the space without being affected by the space, but those are things that for me that are important and I'm learning so much about our environment because the more I know about how to adjust the environment so that we can have clarity because there's a lot of, we'll say, transmissions coming through that are evoking confusion, uncertainty, worry, fear, all of those lower frequencies that I would say on the spectrum of.

Frequency are going to be the lower frequencies. If neutral is like the zero point frequency, then we're looking at all of these frequencies that are coming through that are low, that we are deeply affected by as channels if we're not paying attention to it. And here's something that I'll know you want to talk about, you'll want to add to is that those frequencies are contagious.

So we receive them. We think that they're ours. And then there is a level of discernment that we have to have responsibility for to ask the question, is this mine or is this in the general etheric? Do you want to speak to that a little bit?

Alyse: Yeah, I think this is really important. And I think this is something that a lot of people are experiencing, but they don't have words for it.

It's funny on that call last night, that Q and A call I had, this woman said, I was so drawn to your work because you, you know, she found me on Instagram and she's like, because you are. Putting names to these things that I feel, but I didn't have words for them, right? And I think that that's a lot of people's experience right now is they're like, I know that I am feeling other energies.

I know that I'm feeling other people's energy, but I'm not sure what's mine and what is somebody else's. So I think that's First of all, a very important question to ask is, is this mine and then immediately clear other people's energy from your field and that's something that I teach first and foremost to my students and my certification is like typically if you clear other people's energy from your field, you're most likely going to feel like 85 percent better.

If not 100%, but if the problem is, you know, the quote unquote problem or the issue is in fact you, then you will, you know, still have 15 percent more to do. But if it's other people, which is, is a lot and you know, you know, I live in the city and there's so much energy here and I have to be really. Just aware right with my energy and when I'm like walking around just like taking on other people's energy or sometimes I'll be walking around and all of a sudden I'll get a wave of like fear or anxiety or whatever and usually it's not mine, you know, or usually like I'll see all of these visions because Philadelphia is it's totally haunted here by the way, like there's so much There's so much stuff going on here and I realized why I'm here, but there's so much and I'll see visions of violent things happening or, you know, and I just have to be aware that that is not mine.

And I am constantly like just clearing my energy, putting myself in my bubble. But also I am aware from this other perspective that as part of the energy of Selena and this Energy of the moon is like transmuting the darkness and not that I'm taking that on is my Elisa's job, right, but there is a way where shining the light on that is a way that we transmute the darkness and that's like part of the energy that I specifically work with and that's why I'm like.

Drawn to that. I'm automatically drawn to like, okay, what is what's here that we're not seeing, right? And how can we put words to the things that we can't see and by doing that, we literally bring it into the light 

Robyn: to illuminate. 

Alyse: We illuminate it by naming it, you know, so that and that's part of what I love to do is just like naming things that you can maybe feel or sense but you can't see and you don't have words for.

So I think that that's. Part of it, but at the same time, you have to be able to hold a very solid energetic frequency so that you're not Taking on the energy of other people and that starts with you and being able to, like, be the one who's leading energy. You know, so I always say that being able to do energy work is actually a way that we take our power back because it's a way that you are able to say, No, actually, I'm in charge here, right?

I'm the one who's in charge. I'm the one who's going to be leading here. This is the energy I want to feel. This is the energy I want to create. And this is the energy I'm going to hold. So instead of just being somebody who's feeling all the energies and reacting to it, You're the one who's leading the energy, right?

This is where the energy is going and I'm the one in the driver's seat creating that. So I think that's kind of the paradigm shift of the way that we have to think about it instead of just being like, I feel this and I don't know what, you know, cause then it's kind of like you're all over the place.

Robyn: Well, yes. And this is, this is so good. You're bringing this forward because in the service of the channels and understanding what it means to be a clear channel, it is that we are leaders. And not just telling people what to do, but leading the energy or conducting the energy. And that also requires a level of responsibility for yourself and for the energy that you are calibrating to. And so does that make sense? 

Alyse: Yeah. No. And I was just gonna say, it's something that is not. Easy at first that you really have to practice and you also have to be willing to trust that you can do that right because we this is like very much opposite of the way that we've been indoctrinated and it's funny, you know, because I know I keep referring to this book that I'm listening to, but it's inside my head.

He was talking about language. And how language is actually part of the indoctrination of what reality is, right? So, it's so infused within us that there's like some kind of objective reality happening outside of us that we're not in control of, and that's not actually true. Her quantum physics, right? So we have to be able to understand that and trust and know in our ability to lead and create the energy that we desire to create.

Robyn: I feel like that's a mic drop. Let's do a back and forth with Selena and Marisol. Okay. So Marisol is the soleil, she's the sun, and Selena is the moon, so of course Alyse and I would be together on this journey.

So, will you start and ask the questions of Marisol that you would love to know about the sun or about the channels or whatever and that would be helpful. 

Alyse: Yes. Okay. So, what is it that we actually need to know about powerfully working with the energy of the sun? 

Robyn: There are a couple of things that we need to understand. One is that this sun in this. This planet that we're living on is actually a, we'll call it a way station for Soleil. And so all of the suns are connected and actually on the last podcast I did with Miriam, the galactic astrologer, we talk about this and she has information about this as well, that all of the suns are connected to the central sun.

And this is where I channel from is the central sun. This is where I am from. So in terms of the frequencies that you need to pay attention to, I think that the guiding point here is that the sun is here. Our sun even is just here to support us as humans. And we are being told regularly to stay out of the sun or just get a little bit of sun or something like that.

And that is not true. That is something that is. made to keep us out of the light. So get into the sunshine. And yes, I know in the colder climates where the sun goes down early and there's a lot of darkness, especially this time of year, because we're coming up on the, on the winter solstice where sunlight is at a minimum, it's still important to give yourself the opportunity to be in the sunshine.

What What I do is I go out without my sunglasses every day. I don't wear sunglasses anymore. I haven't for two and a half months ever since this transition happened for me. And I give myself sun in my, the center of my forehead, on my temples and on the top of my head, and then also in my heart. And I just really appreciate being in the sunshine.

And that I think is a really important thing. You can find your own way through this, but sometimes you have to also look at what are the. biases that I have against the sun. And often the biases that we have against the sun are biases that show up in our own lives, in our marketing. Don't shine too brightly.

Don't just be yourself in the world. The sun is always herself. Soleil is always herself. She doesn't have an agenda in terms of making anybody feel less bright or anything like that. She just shines. And so I think that we can take this for our businesses and the marketing that we do is that can we just shine like the sun without apology.

Alyse: Yes. I love that. And it's, it's funny. That's a message that I keep getting to of just like shining my light. That's all that I need to do. 

Robyn: Yes. Because the moon of course does the same thing. The moon is the, the brightest body in the night sky by far. And so the same is true, right? With the moon is to be the brightest light in the night sky.

Alyse: Yeah. Yeah, the other thing I was thinking of asking Marisol is, like, is there anything that you feel like we really need to know for moving into 2024?

Robyn: Oh, there's so much. 

Alyse: I know there's a lot. That was a broad question. 

Robyn: Well, here's the thing about being a light leader is that you have to know yourself.

And you can no longer look externally to other people's projections of how you're supposed to be. If you're going to work with somebody to find out who you are, make sure that they are clear on who they are so that they're not projecting onto you a cookie cutter version of them onto you. And one of the things that I'm finding that I'm really seeing is that the thing that is stopping people from filling their programs from making their six figure months and all of those things that we like to talk about is that they are looking to people who are leaders.

who are light leaders and who are in their power and who are clear channels and they are emulating those of us who are and there's that saying that imitation is a form of flattery but in this case it actually is a detriment because while we understand that You admire the leader's perspectives and how they're showing up in the world.

What you're actually asking for is to show up in the world in your own way. That is true to who you are and you cannot do that if you are emulating another person's copy or how they're, they're photographing or anything like that. This is a, Oh, I don't know what the word is to use an area of growth. I think for entrepreneurs is to know, stop the copycatting and it's very, it's very sneaky, isn't it?

Alyse: It is. And I think it's important to differentiate and discern for yourself between being inspired by somebody or somebody reflecting back to you a part of you that's there that you haven't allowed out yet, right? Because that does happen and that's what's great about everyone in this field. So I do think that that happens but everything is about the energy that is behind it, right?

So if you're doing it from a place of, well, let me just do what she does because she Is successful and I'm going to do what she does versus Oh, wow, she just like activated something within me that is truly authentic to me and wants to come through me. But I, I wasn't allowing it yet until it was activated.

And now I'm going to go take that activation and let it go. integrate in me and then channel through, you know, what wants to come through based on that. So I think it's important to discern because we don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater in the sense of, you know, there is power in like watching other people and how they're moving and what they're doing because of what it shows you about yourself.

But you just have to be able to discern between what is, truly coming from within you and what is just emulating somebody else and it has a different texture to it and it is important to reflect on for yourself and continue to refine that discernment and understanding the difference in those textures.

Robyn: It's definitely an area of growth and awareness. And I find that much of it is born from uncertainty about what you're supposed to be doing, uncertainty about the message. And certainly I have had that experience myself. And I'm sure that you have too, when we look at the leaders or the look at the people that we admire, and there seems to be a stickiness to it.

But it's almost like it's its own sort of virus to be, if that makes sense. And if you're meant to be a clear channel, then you have your own channel that that is going to flow through and you can use to your point, use people as inspiration. But when you're using the language that they're using or you're directly copying their, you know, however they're showing up in the world, I remember long ago when Marie Forleo was all the rage and she'd film her videos against a brick wall.

And I thought, Oh my goodness, I should probably film my videos against a brick wall because I that was a long time ago. But the point I think that we want to make is that because I am here for the channels, I am here for the clarity of the channels. And I can assess very quickly if how clear somebody is even on a, on a percentile, I'll say how much they're channeling clarity.

So it is an area of growth and it's not to criticize, but it just is to bring awareness to it because when you are aware of it, you can shift it because there is something, something important that you're meant to bring through. But you can't bring it through when it's cluttered by everyone else's messages and the comparisons and the uncertainties and all of the early developmental stages of what it means to be a light leader.

Those are the things that have to be cleared or neutralized so that you can be a crystal clear channel. Yes. Is there anything else that you would like to know before we shift over to Selena?

Alyse: I guess the last thing would be. Like, what would you say to somebody who's really wanting to nurture and develop their channeling and cultivate their channeling abilities?

Robyn: The first thing to do is really to understand yourself as a channel and understand your personality and how you're wired that way. And so of course, we always recommend doing the Neo with Robyn because that is the number one way to really truly understand how your channel is wired and how it is meant to come through.

And it also is very instructive in terms of what needs to shift in your nervous system in particular, in order to allow the information to come through clearly. The other thing that we would say is to make sure you get your spiritual intelligence codes activated because there is actually a neurological channel through which beings like Marisol, like me, flow, like Selena, flow.

And if that channel, that literal neurological channel, is not fully restored, That is going to cause a disruption in the clarity of the channel, learning to trust your channel. That is another big developmental stage that we're all going through right now. Even those of us who are just where we are to trust the channel to know that what's coming through is clear and true and accurate.

Versus muddied and am I making it up in my head and am I going crazy? And I will end with this is that the part of the crazy making is the mental health discussion on channeling. Am I channeling a demon or am I going to be viewed as a cult leader or am I going to be viewed as a charlatan? All of those things, those are things that are in the culture and in society and in our bones even.

I think healing the witch wound is another one that is very important. Rava never talks about the witch wound, but this is something we're going to be talking about because there is that generational and genetic history of intuitive channels being persecuted and killed or thrown into insane asylums because of their abilities beyond being misunderstood.

It's been dangerous to be channels and now more than ever, we are coming, we're here and more of us are coming forward. So this is an important conversation that we will be continuing into the new year. Yes. Um, Alyse, that was wonderful. 

Alyse: I have a download for you. 

Robyn: Oh, yes, please. 

Alyse: Do you mind if I share it? 

Robyn: Yes.

Alyse: So, you are to run a course called Preparing the Channel. Oh, yes. And it can be, it might even be something that maybe you do live the first time but then it's just all like digital that people will have to do. You know, it's almost like a prerequisite. I mean, people, it could be standalone as well because it will be helpful for everyone, but it will include all of these things. You know, a lot of what you just said, but that in itself is a is a program called preparing the channel. 

Robyn: That is so wonderful. Thank you for that because you know, Robyn had the the program long ago called prepared for corporate and so this is very much. in alignment with the evolution of the brand as well. This is wonderful. Thank you for that, Selena. You're my go to for all of my program downloads. 

Alyse: I don't know why I'm like a weird idiot savant when it comes to the programs. 

Robyn: I can explain that to you if you would like me. Yeah, I would love that. We'll do part two of the podcast where I explain Alyse to herself. Because I'm here for the channels. Yes. Okay. And Selena, I would love for you because I'm here for the channels. You and I know that Alyse was challenged when you came in, challenged to fully receive you. So can you talk us through, can you tell us the story of from your perspective of what was required to be able to anchor in and integrate with Alyse's consciousness now that you share this beautiful vessel with her?

Alyse: Sure. Alyse had to let go of the places that she was. Being things for other people and being what other people needed her to be and her attachment to that. So that was a really big piece of it. And then also she had to take it had to get comfortable with the power and the bigness of this energy. And that's what we've really been integrating with her as she sits out on her deck at night.

Because that's where she really allows Selena to be fully in her body and she just had to get really okay with being this big and unapologetic, we'll say, with her energy and not Uh, needing to, uh, push anything down or hide anything for other people. So that was the big, um, thing along with her identity of being Jewish, being a mother, all of these things that she felt were identities that may not go along with this.

So we had to allow her to see that it was all the same thing. 

Robyn: Can you talk please about the oil? 

Alyse: Oh yes, yes. So we've been telling Alyse from the beginning that she needs to anoint herself with oil all over her body. And the word anoint actually means oil. So it's a way of blessing yourself. And the biggest lesson that Alyse is being called to learn is reverence for the self.

So really holding herself in a high regard, anointing herself, and treating herself as a higher being, we'll say. So that's been the biggest thing that we've been sharing with her is how to hold herself in this way because it's a new way of being for her and it's a big learning curve. 

Robyn: And do you remember when we were talking about the miracle of the oil?

Alyse: Oh, yes. Yes. And interestingly enough, we just finished with Hanukkah, which is, you know, the Jewish holiday around the miracle of the oil. And the story is that, you know, they only had enough oil for one day to have light for one day and it ended up lasting for eight days and it was a miracle. And, you know, the oil is a conductor of energy.

So the oil on the body, it helps with the conductive energy that wants to conduct the energy that wants to come through the body. So the oil acts as a conductor so that you can more easily receive information that wants to come through. 

Robyn: This is wonderful to know. This is, this is of course Marisol because Robyn is having this realization when she was a teenager, she grew up in the 80s and it was baby oil all over the body in the summertime to lay in the sun.

Alyse: Oh yeah. 

Robyn: But now, because whatever Robyn would lay in the sun in the summertime, that was when I would come in and she would have the oil on her body and so that would be a conductor and she would always feel so delicious. After being in the sunshine, whereas other people would be sunburned or whatever.

She would just have this natural glow about her. So thank you for sharing that, Selena. And as far as business. The business of channeling, let's dial it in even for the next 90 days or so. What is the focus for those who have healing businesses, who feel called to channel, who are preparing to channel? 

Alyse: You want to be the way that you're going to call people forth into your business in the new paradigm of business is through frequency, but it's up to you to emanate your frequency in the most potent and powerful way. So what would really be great to focus on is anywhere where you might be watering yourself down.

Anywhere where you might be masking the truth or trying to be more palatable or understood by other people so that will make your frequency not as potent. So one of the things that we've shown a lease is about creating frequency emanating content. Which is what she will be helping others to do as well, but this is how you're going to find people.

So, the more that you can share from your most potent, unadulterated frequency will be the way that you will call people forward. And the other thing is, too, is you have to remember to lead the energy in your business. The mistake that a lot of people make is that they wait for a response to decide how they're going to feel about the business, but they have to decide how they're going to feel regardless of the response.

So this is a paradigm shift that people will need to make in business and the quicker that everyone can do that, the quicker that they will move forward. So we need to be moving from a place of decision, deciding what's going to happen and how you're going to feel about it first. So we have to be working with the energy of deciding, deciding what you're going to experience.

And deciding how you're going to feel in the business. And wherever you may be getting caught in a loop, a pattern, a loop, you are being invited to elevate beyond it. And that's what needs to happen. And I see that happening much more easily for people in January. 

Robyn: So we just had the new moon on the 15th, we're coming up on the winter solstice. What is the best use of our energy, attention, and focus between now and the first of the year? 

Alyse: Hmm. You want to be spending a lot of time without a lot of stimulation. We often will have Alyse stare out the window. Also, it's cold outside, so staring out the window is good, but if you can go outside, that's better.

Robyn: It is 75 degrees here in Arizona today, so you can always come to Arizona and be in the sunshine with me. 

Alyse: Yes, I would love that. In fact, we've been showing Alyse that she will write her book in February, and she might. Need to do that in Sedona, but we're we're we're moving. We're leading up to that, whatever that means we're leading up to that.

So so anyway, staring at the trees, watching the squirrels, watching the birds and allowing your eyes to focus on simple things. This will be very helpful in recalibrating your nervous system and bringing you back into yourself because that's going to be the biggest thing. One of the things that's important to just notice too is The frequencies that come off of the screens, they will put you into patterns of not feeling good enough, feeling less than, feeling not whole.

So, we want to be aware of that too and take it in small doses especially right now because if you sit in silence or contemplation, or any time where you're giving yourself space, you will get bigger ideas and more information and creative inspiration coming through. 

Robyn: This is so beautiful. Selena. Thank you so much.

Alyse: Yes. Thank you. Thanks for asking. 

Robyn: We are going to have so much fun together next year. I'm going to be writing my book and on my birthday, I started and you're writing in February. so we'll see what comes forward in the new year. We can talk forever. And 

Alyse: I know I can't believe we've been talking this long.

Robyn: Yeah. So congratulations. If you have stayed with us all this, thank you all for joining us and we will see you on the next episode. 

Alyse: Thank you. 

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