Reclaiming Consciousness

Deep Dive with Me Into What Trauma Clearing Really Looks Like

February 01, 2024 Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 105
Deep Dive with Me Into What Trauma Clearing Really Looks Like
Reclaiming Consciousness
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Reclaiming Consciousness
Deep Dive with Me Into What Trauma Clearing Really Looks Like
Feb 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 105
Alyse Bacine

"Trauma is an experiential thing. It’s a perception. It’s more than an event. It can be smaller events over time or lack of getting what you needed over time”.


(00:00 Intro
(01:25) In today’s episode…What Trauma Clearing Really Looks Like

(04:47) Breathwork, Money & Receiving
(07:24) Tuning into the highest truth to bring spiritual concepts forward to you
(12:43) Divinity Era: 4-week channel container to infuse higher states of consciousness into your life
(14:46) 7-day Voxer broadcast: New teachings and information about the “New Receiving Codes”
(15:54) BirthRight The Mastermind

The Episode
(20:06) 10 Things I've Learned from Being Married for 10 Years
(21:44) Shifting things in a relationship to clear trauma: real life experiences
(26:12) Past lives implications and traumas
(31:12) Calling out all coaches and healers to see trauma at a deep level for better results
(32:09) Understanding and overcoming abandonment
(40:13) How it shows up on business
(42:54) The Survival Mode
(46:04) “Why do I keep getting triggered by my husband?”             
(47:23) How to begin your transformation

You can find this episode's transcript here


  • Gain access to my entire body of work through my new membership program The Mothership  It is EVERYTHING you need to evolve, ascend and live your life in a completely different way. Where linear time doesn’t exist, problems don’t exist, there's nothing to change, nothing to fix. You get to merge with your higher self so EVERYTHING is divinely aligned and unfolds with perfection. Pricing plans are available. 
  • The Metamorphosis has evolved into an 8-week experience. You'll be provided with the tools and everything you need to identify your deepest wounding and patterns, shift them immediately and move faster in your life and business. If you join THE MOTHERSHIP you'll automatically have a seat in The Metamorphosis. 
  • Breathwork, Money and Receiving  is an initiation in the new paradigm of receiving, the meaning of receiving, and the use of breathwork to facilitate receiving the way you’re meant to. Check it out if  you want to learn how to project different ideas onto reality and how you can change your reality through your perception.  
  • BirthRight The Mastermind starts in March.  This is for the woman who has a business that's already making at least $10k/month and you're ready to apply new paradigm spiritual principles to exponentially grow your business.  
    You can sign on for 6 or 12 months. You get 2 group calls/month, 2 private calls (during 6 months) and access to The Mothership Membership. Take advantage of the PRE PRE sale pricing.  


Show Notes Transcript

"Trauma is an experiential thing. It’s a perception. It’s more than an event. It can be smaller events over time or lack of getting what you needed over time”.


(00:00 Intro
(01:25) In today’s episode…What Trauma Clearing Really Looks Like

(04:47) Breathwork, Money & Receiving
(07:24) Tuning into the highest truth to bring spiritual concepts forward to you
(12:43) Divinity Era: 4-week channel container to infuse higher states of consciousness into your life
(14:46) 7-day Voxer broadcast: New teachings and information about the “New Receiving Codes”
(15:54) BirthRight The Mastermind

The Episode
(20:06) 10 Things I've Learned from Being Married for 10 Years
(21:44) Shifting things in a relationship to clear trauma: real life experiences
(26:12) Past lives implications and traumas
(31:12) Calling out all coaches and healers to see trauma at a deep level for better results
(32:09) Understanding and overcoming abandonment
(40:13) How it shows up on business
(42:54) The Survival Mode
(46:04) “Why do I keep getting triggered by my husband?”             
(47:23) How to begin your transformation

You can find this episode's transcript here


  • Gain access to my entire body of work through my new membership program The Mothership  It is EVERYTHING you need to evolve, ascend and live your life in a completely different way. Where linear time doesn’t exist, problems don’t exist, there's nothing to change, nothing to fix. You get to merge with your higher self so EVERYTHING is divinely aligned and unfolds with perfection. Pricing plans are available. 
  • The Metamorphosis has evolved into an 8-week experience. You'll be provided with the tools and everything you need to identify your deepest wounding and patterns, shift them immediately and move faster in your life and business. If you join THE MOTHERSHIP you'll automatically have a seat in The Metamorphosis. 
  • Breathwork, Money and Receiving  is an initiation in the new paradigm of receiving, the meaning of receiving, and the use of breathwork to facilitate receiving the way you’re meant to. Check it out if  you want to learn how to project different ideas onto reality and how you can change your reality through your perception.  
  • BirthRight The Mastermind starts in March.  This is for the woman who has a business that's already making at least $10k/month and you're ready to apply new paradigm spiritual principles to exponentially grow your business.  
    You can sign on for 6 or 12 months. You get 2 group calls/month, 2 private calls (during 6 months) and access to The Mothership Membership. Take advantage of the PRE PRE sale pricing.  


 Your relationships  show you everything you need to know to grow and grow in every aspect of your life. The way I define trauma is anything that happened in our lives that was overwhelming,  that we could not process fully. And that will not just include events, but it will include Relational dynamics over time. 

Alyse: Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show. So this is really funny. So yesterday, I recorded an entire So in the first 17 minutes, which was essentially the intro to the episode,  I was somehow on mute the whole time.

And I don't understand how that happened.  So I'm now rerecording  the intro and it is really funny because I kind of went off on a tangent in the intro, and I was really into it, and I was really loving what I was talking about. And now I can't exactly remember all of it, but I'm gonna do my best to recreate it. But, obviously,  in some capacity,  The universe is wanting me to say this again. So I'm gonna say it again.

So this Episode is me doing a deep dive into what trauma clearing really looks like, and This was sparked from basically 2 things. 1, just with the metamorphosis method certification starting,  Uh, next week, I have been, you know, talking a lot about what my trauma clearing methodology looks like, Why it works so well, why it's so deep, and why it's so important for coaches and healers to have the skill set to go to this depth with their clients because of the results that you can create quickly. You know, I've been thinking about that. And then on Tuesday,  I had a call with the ladies who are in the mothership, which is my membership where you get Access to all of my programs, master classes, and a bunch of other stuff. And we'll link that below if you wanna see.

If you're not aware and you wanna see what that's all about because that's the shit, to put it lightly or put it concisely.  You just get access to everything in my world, and you get a monthly q and a call with me. And we're doing Amorphosis right now. So the metamorphosis is running right now. So if you're in the mothership, you're automatically in the metamorphosis.

So 1 of my clients asked me a question  and, you know, we went on this really deep dive to get to the core of what was going on with her.  And using my methodology, I was able to get to, like, the core wound, the core belief pretty quickly, you know, probably in a in a couple of minutes. And I was like, wow. I really want to take people on this Journey with me to to really illustrate for you what getting to the deepest level of trauma looks like and how that can create a really fast tangible result for people. So that's what this episode is about.

And I really wanted to illustrate for you Not only what this looks like, but what's possible here. So I think you're gonna enjoy this 1. And then just Before we dive into the episode, I have some announcements.  This is what I had recorded yesterday around Breathwork, money, and receiving, I went on a little bit of a deep dive. We'll see where I go with this now.

So I have breathwork, money, and receiving happening right now. So basically, how that is gonna look. And also, if you're in the mothership or you join the mothership, you will automatically have access to breath work money and receiving.  So breath work money and receiving is a training that teaches you how to step into the new paradigm of receiving. So, basically,  a lot of my work Around the channeling that I do and what I'm tapping into is I am channeling the truth  of these concepts that have previously been either inverted or that have previously been Only half understood and sometimes misunderstood, but a lot of it is, like, half understood.

So if you think back So a lot of these new, like, spiritual concepts that came on the scene around, um, the early 2 thousands, like Abraham Hicks or Eckhart Tolle or A Course in Miracles, right? Like, this is around the time when I was Having my first spiritual awakening around the year 2001, and I started getting really into all of these Teachings, especially Abraham, I was really into Abraham, and I think it was because I knew that I was meant to be a channel. And that was the first channeling work that I, uh, was exposed to, and I just felt like, woah, like, so connected to it, you know? And it really did help me at the time. And I think that when it comes to works like this, we'll just take Abraham Hicks, for example, It's not that there's anything wrong with it.

It's just not the whole picture. Right? But I also feel like from a human evolution and consciousness perspective,  When that stuff started to come forward, that's also just like a reflection of where we were as a collective consciousness at that time. Right? So if you think about, like, 20, 25 years ago, we were in a very different place on a collective consciousness level and evolution of consciousness level than we are now.

Right? Like, I remember at that time, it was like like no 1 really knew what Yoga was, and I would have to explain that to them because I started doing yoga at that time. And then also breath work, Forget it. No 1 knew what that was. And I remember being like, can we please not even try to explain what this is to people?

Because I know no one's gonna understand. So that's what it was like when I started. But anyway, so now, you know, it's so much more of, like, something that everyone's heard of. So my point is that there are these spiritual concepts that we are Able to access deeper truths around them now and part of the work that I do as a channel is tuning into the highest level of wisdom, the highest Truth around these concepts and then bringing it forward to you so that you can have a fuller picture, A fuller understanding  and also be able to integrate these concepts in your life in a way that's actually going to work for you versus it just being kind of like a flat thing, like, think positive or only focus on the positive. Right?

And, like, not to say that there's not truth in that, but it's not the whole picture. And my job, part of my job or my mission or what I, um, meant to do here is to give you the whole picture. Right? The fullest truth that I have access to so that you can have access to it too, And you can utilize it in your life in a way that's going to create results for you, create change for you, and allow you to step out of Older paradigms  and older programs of lack, scarcity, limitation, whatever it is that we've been programmed into as a as a culture, as a human species because that's what we're meant to shift out of right now at this time on the planet into a much Higher frequency understanding of who we are and what we're capable of and most importantly, a new perspective on yourself and the world because that's what ascension really is. That's what evolution really is, is it's taking a higher perspective  and a wider understanding of what's truly going on here.

So I say all that to say that In the breath work money and receiving training, I'm sharing the new receiving codes that I have downloaded around what receiving really is Because we have been taught that receiving is about getting something that you don't have or Filling a void of something that's missing  or getting more. Like, how do I receive more? Or I don't have Something, something's missing, so I need to get it. And that's actually  still rooted in scarcity programming. So what we wanna be doing with the new receiving codes is elevating into the new paradigm of receiving, which says that I am already whole and complete right now as I am, and I'm just going to be open to receiving  Everything that is in front of me as a gift, and I'm gonna be open to being the conduit, the channel of the energy that is meant to run through me.

And through doing that, you come into your natural state, which is Abundance,  flow, everything unfolding miraculously for you, that's what's meant for you, right? That's who you are. It's just this programming that has stopped all of us from being in that state. Right? So this training is gonna help you elevate beyond the lack and scarcity program into the new paradigm of receiving money and receiving everything that life has to offer you without it being rooted in these old ideas of lack and scarcity.

So that's what the teachings are about in the training. So the training, when you sign up, you'll get the 2 recordings, which both include Teachings along with a breath work session. And, you know, most of you understand at this point why I Include breath work and energy work and all of my work is because we can't just be working in the level of the mind. Right? The mind is a tool.

The mind is helpful, but the mind is actually not where we process energy and emotions, and it's not where we create transformation. That is in the body and in the energy field. So through the breath work that I share with you, you create transformation on a very deep level An energetic level, a level of the body, which is the portal for you to create. You allow these teachings to integrate into the body so that you have a full experience of the new way of operating. And that's what the breath work does for you inside the trainings.

And, you know, that's why I include breath work and  These different somatic healing practices in all of my work, like, that'll be included even in my new business mastermind because  We need to be processing information and elevating our consciousness through the body. It's not just about the mind.  Um, the mind again is actually not usually that productive of a tool because the mind can think anything And most of the time, the thoughts that we have in our mind have nothing to do with the truth of who we are. In fact, they're usually a detriment to us getting to where we wanna go. The more that we can get out of the mind and start to experience  energy, feelings, emotions, and life through the body, That's when things really start to change.

I just did a whole channeled drop inside of divinity era, which is my current 4 week Channeled container about how to infuse all of these new spiritual teachings that I have into your life in a very practical way. This last drop was all about how we use the body to elevate our consciousness. And it was really cool what came through because I again, When this stuff comes through, I don't even know what is gonna come through. And this 1, particularly, I was guided to not even really have any Outline of what I was gonna say, usually, the guides will give me, like, 3 different points, and then I will, like, channel based on those points. But they told me I wasn't even supposed to have that and I was just supposed to get on the microphone and just allow it to come through and I did and it was really Powerful.

So you can still join divinity era and grab those, um, channel drops.  And, um, we'll link that below also. They're really good. It's like basically getting, like, 4 podcast episodes that are not only Teachings, but also like frequency transmission based so they will serve to upgrade your frequency and elevate you into higher states of consciousness. Anyway, that's just a side note.

Back to the breath work piece. So yeah. So that's why The breath work that I channel, like, the energy that comes through me as I'm channeling and as you're doing the breath work is meant to give you the experience of integrating  these new codes and these new paradigms into the body so that you can have a fuller experience  of the shifts and the shifts can be more sustainable for you and Be the new way that you look at the world instead of it just being in the mind because the mind is just a very 3 d, very rote way of looking at stuff. We wanna be experiencing it through the body. So that's why I do breath work in all of my containers.

So anyway, that's breath work money and receiving. When you sign up, you'll get the 2 trainings. And then not next week, but the week after, I'm gonna be hosting a 7 day or broadcast. So for everyone that signed up for breath work money and receiving, you will be put into this Voxer broadcast where every day for 7 days, I'm gonna be coming in And dropping all of the new teachings and new information that I've received around the new receiving codes, around becoming The receiver is what the guides are calling it, and it's really about becoming the conduit for the energy that's meant to come through you and being open to everything that's meant for you instead of closing off the things that your Mind or your programming is telling you is wrong or is not what you're supposed to experience. So it's a very different way  of operating in the world.

And that is the new paradigm of what we're stepping into. And it's also really just about elevating beyond lack and scarcity. So that's breath work money and receiving. And then also I have my new 3 month mastermind birthright, which I'm super super excited about. So Birthright is for women who already have businesses that are making around 8 to 10 k a month, give or take, and you want to double or triple and sustain your monthly income to be, you know, 30, 40, 50 k.

This, again, is going to be very multidimensional because I think that 1 of the reasons why my business grew so quickly is I really dedicated myself to mastering every dimension of my business, whether it was the very strategic, very tactical things, and also The very deep energetics and my business perspective is going to be very different than anyone else out there. I truly believe there is no formula or no template for this. I believe that it requires innovation and it requires you doing it in the way that you're meant to do it. And that is what you are going to step into inside this mastermind is your way. Your way of creating sustainable 50 k months.

Your way of downloading programs that showcase your genius, your way of creating multiple streams of recurring revenue, And I'm just gonna help you see what that is because I can see it for everybody, and then you're gonna step into it. And, you know, the other thing that really excites me about these kind of experiences is just being in the room with other women who are creating in the way that you're creating. Right? So how I see these conversations is like we're literally creating the new Earth. We're literally creating the new paradigm through the conversations we're having in this room with each other.

And that is the thing that is so special  about this. And of course, yes, you're gonna get the results. You're gonna double your income, all of the things, but it's also about Us creating  the new paradigm, us stepping into higher levels of consciousness And discovering  new ways of operating, new ways of stepping into more money, new ways of doing business through the conversations  inside the room. So that to me is also a really big part of this because for me, So much  of the transformation and magic that I've experienced as a business owner has been through connecting with other women who are doing what I do and having conversations about How we are pioneering this movement and we are trailblazing ahead and we are looking at things differently than anybody else. And that's what this mastermind is about.

So reach out to me to chat about if this is a fit for you. Like I said, It's for the woman who already has a business that's making money. You already have offers, and we're just going to take it to the next level. We're gonna help you Sustain high 5 figure months in a short amount of time and build out your business strategically  to Create multiple streams of recurring revenue coming in in a way that is unique to you and supportive to your specific energy.  So that's that.

I'm gonna leave it there. I realize I just went on and on and on. I'm sending you all so much love, and I know you're really gonna enjoy this episode. Please reach out if you have questions about the certification,  the mastermind, or for breath work money and receiving, just go ahead and sign up for that. Okay.

I'll talk to you guys soon.  I have so many examples of things that I wanna share with you to illustrate  What it really looks like to go deep into shifting things. But 1 of the things that was brought up yesterday on the mothership call was 1 of the women had listened to my master class called relationship currency that I did probably like a year ago or something. The whole premise of that Masterclass was around the fact that your relationships show you everything you need to know to grow and grow in every aspect of your life. If you go back and listen to my podcast where I share my story about my relationship,  I talk very deeply about how my relationship was actually showing me the things that I needed to shift to get to higher and higher income levels, and it still does that.

But now I really know how to navigate My own relationship and see whatever it is that I'm seeing in him or whatever it is that I'm Not liking about what he's doing is always a reflection for me of something that I'm being invited to shift or change. Now, there will always be exceptions to this because, again, this isn't about just taking shit from somebody and then deciding it's somehow your fall. That's a different thing because we also  want to be operating with certain  standards that are reflective of who we are in the present versus the past. So a lot of times what can happen inside a relationship is that If you're with somebody for a long time, you can automatically revert back to the patterns that you had with that Person, when you first got together, which most likely if you're with them for a long time, you were a very different person. So we want to be continuously evolving the way that we're showing up inside a relationship so that the other person has the opportunity to calibrate to the new level of energy that we're holding.

And that is a whole other topic. I'm not really gonna be focusing on that Peace today, but what I am gonna be focusing on is  when people bring to me something that's going on inside of a relationship,  I am never going to speak to them about the actual situation. Right? I might give them Ways to navigate the situation in the 3 d that will be helpful for them. But in order to really get The information that we need to get about what needs to shift in order for that dynamic to shift is not gonna be anything about that situation.

I'm gonna share an example that came up yesterday with a client, and then I'm gonna Share another couple examples so you can see what this looks like. So yesterday, 1 of my clients Said that she got triggered by her daughter, and her daughter's grown. And she said she got triggered by her daughter because her daughter asked her To do something that she didn't wanna do, and she got totally triggered, and she was so confused as to why. And She was attempting to use, you know, my teachings to figure out what it is and be like, okay. If she's a mirror for me, what is she mirroring to me?

However, this is why it's important to work with somebody when you're doing this type of work or get to a level where you have the Training to understand this yourself, although sometimes even when you have the training, you need somebody else because I consider myself a master at this work, and I Don't need support sometimes in being able to see what my relationship is reflecting back to me because when you're in it, It's very hard to see because, a, you're in it, and it's hard to see. If you can imagine being in a car, You can't see the view of from the sky of the car. Right? You can only see the view of you being inside the car and looking out the window, And that's a very different perspective than if you were in a plane flying above the car and seeing a bigger view. It's almost impossible.

Although it is, You are able to see it better once you have the training for it. Anyway, so she was like, why am I having this Conflict with her, like, why is she triggering me? And I'm sure you all can relate that there's most likely someone or something in your life that for whatever reason triggers you or you have a conflict with them or that your relationship is challenging, Whether it's a family member or your romantic partner or whatever it is, there is going to be relationships like this that are Challenging and you're not sure why. And these are going to be the very relationships that are going to be showing you Exactly what it is that you are being invited to heal, transmute, transcend, and reconcile  so that you can become more of who you're meant to be. The tangible results from that will be making money easier, growing your business easier, Knowing what it is that you want to do and the way that you wanna move forward, these are all very tangible results that You will see once you learn how to accept these invitations that you're receiving from other people, and this is what I teach you how to do inside the certification. 

So she brought this forward about her daughter triggering her. And as I was tuning in, I immediately saw the word acknowledgement.  And then I was tuning into her whole story, and I don't need to tell her whole story. But a lot of it growing up, She felt responsible for everyone in her family, and she felt responsible for making sure that everybody  was  Not arguing that everyone was at peace. And this is a very common thing that kids do, and I'm sure a lot of you can relate to this.

If you grew up in a chaotic home Or you grew up in an environment where your parents weren't emotionally stable or emotionally available or both. As kids, and especially as an empathetic kid, what can happen is that you take on the responsibility of making sure Everyone's okay. And a lot of it is because it's a survival instinct. Right? You can feel that If these caretakers that you have are not okay, then you won't survive.

And This is an instinctual thing, but it also has past life and ancestral  patience as well, because this is not something that just happens in this lifetime. This is an energy that we carry forward through lifetimes and on a cellular DNA level that we recreate in this lifetime in order to reconcile it. So not to go off on too much of a tangent, but as I was tuning in for her, she had kids at a young age, and she felt responsible for them along with feeling responsible for her family. And what I was able to see very quickly, you know, within 2 or 3 seconds, was That the reason why she was getting triggered by her daughter was  not because her daughter was necessarily reflecting  Something back to her on, like, a personality level because I think that's where a lot of people when I say your relationships are a mirror, sometimes we can Take that literally of like, oh, they're being angry, so that's reflecting my anger back. That's not always the case, or it's not usually that literal.

And there's usually a deeper thing going on that we need to deep dive a little bit to find. Healing in this work is not linear, And it's not always literal, and it's not always going to be the same from 1 case to another. So it really requires you being able to Tune in on a case by case level, also bringing forward the tools of pattern recognition And and understanding how trauma works so that you can put those into  the way that you're tuning in, but it takes all of it. Your ability to tune in along with these very solid foundational tools around what trauma looks like And these patterns that a lot of people play out from the family, from the ancestral lines, and from past life implications as well. So anyway, what I was able to see very quickly is what was playing out was  this  Trail of her own needs in order to survive. 

And this was an energy at the deepest level That had been playing out since she was a young child that she started, you know, doing as a young child, but that she brought into this life Time because she most likely had other lifetimes of being required to do something similar where she had to be responsible for Other people surviving in the past lifetimes or even ancestrally, it most likely had much more life threatening implication Haitian where it was like, oh, we actually might die unless I take charge here and do what I need to do. And then in this lifetime, It showed up as growing up in a home that was volatile or growing up in a home that was chaotic and then taking on that role of Abandoning your own needs, abandoning yourself, abandoning your emotional awareness  to make sure that everyone else was okay. And this is something that a lot of Kids will end up doing in homes that don't feel safe or they feel like they need to make sure their parents are okay so that they're okay. What I was able to see very quickly for her is that her daughter was actually reflecting back to her An invitation for her to clear this very deep pattern.

And this is a very deep Past life ancestral and familial trauma wound  that she is being invited to transcend now at this point in her life. And when she does that, it will literally change everything for her because her entire focus and perspective will shift from How do I make sure that everyone survives and I'm gonna really forget about myself  to What do I need? What do I want? How do I want to live my life? And as I focus on my well-being Being and what is a contribution to me, then everyone around me gets to benefit from it.

Pretty much within  Less than a minute, we were able to get to this very deep core wound with her  And acknowledge it on a very deep level and begin the process of transmuting it. So that's just 1 example of 1  call, 1 situation, 1 client where she brings forward, you know, a situation of, I have this conflict with my daughter, And then we're immediately able to get to this very deep familial,  ancestral, and past life energetic trauma wound  and shift it very quickly.  So this is a perfect illustration  of this work And why I'm calling  all coaches and healers forward to be able to see trauma at this level. Because this is where the real work comes in, and this is how we speed things up for people. So if you know that you are meant to help people create change in their lives.

Being able to see to this depth with people gets them results so much faster.  So now she's on the fast track doing her life in the way that she's meant to do it, whatever that looks like for her. And I don't need to share her whole thing. I'm sure she'll be on the podcast at some point to share her transformation. But that's just 1 example, And there are so many others that when people bring forward what their challenge is, and I'm gonna give an example around business.

So when I have a client, and this has happened, uh, I don't even know how many times, but a good amount of times. When I have a client who has plateaued in their business,  and they are wondering why they can't get past a certain point, I'm gonna be looking for a number of things. I'm gonna be looking at their childhood, and I'm gonna be looking at whatever lights up for me around their childhood, whether it's the mother wound, for example. But today, I'm gonna focus a little bit on abandonment since we're already kind of talking about abandonment, and this is something that shows up very often for people because there are multiple ways that children will experience abandonment. Oh, I know why I wanted to bring this up.

Let me just back up here for a minute. So yesterday,  I received a text from a student that I had when I was a school counselor. And many of you know, I was a school counselor for 10 years, and the experience I've had as a school counselor  has been a very huge contribution to my work, namely the metamorphosis and the metamorphosis method certification.  And the reason why is because I have had a ton  of experience working with traumatized children. So My understanding of trauma and the way it shows up, it's very deep.

It's very deep, and I have so many  Different cases that I've worked with and different experiences that I've had witnessing the way trauma plays out inside of families and inside of  child psyche and the way it shows up for them as from the way they engage with the world. So I have so many frames of reference for this. Yesterday,  I received a text from 1 of my Old students. And there will be certain students, and I know if you've ever worked with kids as a teacher or anything, I know you're gonna be able to relate to this, but there's just certain kids that you just bond with, and you just have a special connection with them. And that's how I felt about her.

When I first started at that school, my first year I was at that school, she was in second grade, And she was really struggling because her dad had passed away traumatically,  And her mom was a drug addict, and her mom wasn't around at all. Her mom was not in the picture, and she was being raised by her grandmother.  And this was unfortunately not an uncommon scenario  for the kids that I worked with at that time. And She was really struggling. She was 7 years old.

The way that she was presenting was, like, very emotional, very needy. And it's interesting because with trauma,  kids will often present differently with it. There will be no 1 way that you would be able to look at a child and know What trauma they went through as a layperson. Right? I can see it because I'm, uh, skilled at this.

That's what I teach you, how to see it in adults inside the certification. But there won't be 1 way that you'll know because every kid like I always say, there could be 2 kids who grew up in the same home, had the same parents, same environment, 1 could be presenting as completely fine, And another 1 would be presenting as can't deal with life. So it really depends on the child, the way that they See what's going on and the way that they internalize it, the way they interpret it, and just the way they're able to function. So anyway, she was having trouble at that time, and I really I spent a lot of time with her, and I really connected with her. And I Was very close to her, you know, when she graduated in eighth grade, but I watched her grow up from 7 years old to 14 years old. 

And I felt like she was my child in a lot of ways. And she really grew and changed, and eventually her mom got off drugs and was back in the picture, and she was a little bit better after that. But we just had a very deep connection, and she texted me the Other day, you know, I hadn't heard from her in 5 years or something like that or more. And she texted me and she said,  Thank you for always being able to see what I was capable of. I'm gonna cry.

Because it's stuff like that that just, like, hits you. It sent me into kind of a reflection of  her story and what I witnessed  with a lot of the kids that I worked with and then how that translates into adulthood and how that shows up in adulthood. And again, it's not gonna be the same for everybody, but there will be certain things that you will see across the board with children who have experienced some kind of abandonment. It doesn't have to be, like, physical abandonment. It can be emotional Fandom in 2.

And again, depending on how the child interprets it will mean more than what actually happened. Because for example, there could be a child whose parent was just they felt emotionally abandoned by their parent, And maybe objectively, it didn't seem  that acute or that terrible, but the way that Child interpret it because of their sensitivities and just who they are as a person. They might feel deeply abandoned. So It's not necessarily about what happened when it comes to trauma. It's about the way it was perceived, the way it was processed.

And  Trauma really is an experiential thing. It's a perception.  And the way I define trauma is Anything that happened in our lives that was overwhelming,  that we could not process fully. And That will not just include events, but it will include relational dynamics over time. So if there was somebody who if you had a parent who over time,  Relationally, continue to  not show up for you in the way that you needed, That would be considered a trauma.

So we have to understand that trauma is much more than just an event or just something that happens. It can be  smaller events over time or  lack of getting what you needed over time. So just to make that clear, because especially for somebody who is wanting to learn how to do this work, We need to understand the nuances of it. And, again, this is something I teach inside the certification, but it's just important to understand even for yourself. To bring it back to abandonment, you will come up against a lot of clients who have experienced abandonment in some way, but they won't be able to identify it as that Because objectively,  they don't think that's what is happening because they don't think that they were actually abandoned.

And I've worked with so many clients where I actually had to point out to them, this is abandonment. For example, having a parent that, I've had so many cases like this, but having a parent who came to the US first and then you came a year later, or Coming to the US and then you stay with an aunt or an uncle or that type of thing or any time Where your parent is not your primary caretaker,  a child will experience abandonment. And Even if they are your primary caretaker, but they're not there in some way, then a child can experience abandonment.  And the way that can show up for people and now to bring it back to business, because I didn't forget about that,  is we self abandon. So what happens for people that have the abandonment wound, because I always say we treat ourselves the way our parents treated us until we get conscious of it and change it.

So When we have experienced abandonment or we have an unhealed abandonment wound or an unacknowledged  abandonment wound, We will self abandon. And what that can look like is not showing up for yourself, not taking care of yourself in The way that you need to be taken care of, it can show up as having all this momentum towards doing something, and then all of a Sudden you, like, fall off for a week or something, and it's like, what happened? How did this week pass? Where did I go? What did I do?

Or it could look like maybe you're just not motivated to move forward and you're not sure why. And this, It could be. I'm not saying it definitely is. It depends on the case. But these are very good examples of what the abandonment wound can look like.

Another example of this would be, and this is kind of what I brought up with my old student, but I've seen this a lot with clients as well who are having trouble moving forward or getting momentum in their business or they plateaued in their business, is if you had a parent who Had any kind of addiction,  that's a form of abandonment as well because what's usually internalized by the child is that Their parent chose this thing over them. So not only do they feel abandoned, but they also will feel not enough or not good enough. And these are things that once you're trained to see them, you can see them so quickly with people and you can help people move really fast. And then what we also will be able to do is see the deeper layers of abandonment within The family structure, the ancestral lines, and past life as well. Because usually what we create In the this lifetime, like, family dynamic will usually have ancestral or past life implications because we'll recreate  What needs to be healed from the previous lifetimes and what needs to be healed from the ancestral lines will recreate it in this lifetime so that we can transcend it and reconcile it.

And that will have a certain texture to it that, again, I show you how to see that inside the certification so that you can get to these really deep layers with people. That's a really big 1. And then the survival piece is really big too because What a lot of people are transmuting now on the planet is being in this Survival mode or the fear of not surviving, and this can show up a lot around money for people. And this is why it can be challenging for people to kinda get out of this Just having enough or barely enough is because they're transmuting this survival wound. And this is another thing that it will be so beneficial for you to be able to see with your clients at a very deep level.

And again, this will vary from client to client, and that's why it's important to be trained on this type of stuff. But as anybody who's creating transformation with your clients, Being able to see it to this depth from, you know, these things that kind of not everyone's going through right now, but there are Certain archetypal  energies, programs, and wounds that we are shifting out of as a collective right now. Just from a more Broader human evolution of consciousness perspective, we are shifting out of a lot of different Programs right now, like programs around limitation, lack, scarcity,  fear Of death, poverty, like all of these things, we're transmuting them right now as a collective.  So it's really important to understand these bigger energies as well so that you can see them within your clients. Because  1 of the reasons why the traditional talk therapy model is I'm not trying to talk shit about it.

I'm just saying we can do so much better than that Because there's so much more to the story than just talking about what's going on for you right now or what you're dealing with right now and trying to process through that. Because whatever you're dealing with right now, whatever your client brings to you that they're dealing with right now, it has much deeper implications  than just the situation that they're sharing with you. And that is so much of what my certification is, is showing you how to see What is behind at the deepest layer of everything that people are bringing to you? And even if you haven't started with clients yet, but you know you want to, it's so important to learn this because you'll just move so much faster, and you'll become known for the results that you get with People because everybody will get these amazing results with you. And you can go back and listen to like a lot of the women who not only did the certification, but also did the metamorphosis because they got these kind of results too because we're disentangling you from the matrix, essentially.

All of these Programs and beliefs that were imparted onto you from not only your parents, but just ancestrally,  Past lifetimes, like, we're transmuting all of it right now. And the more we can get to the deepest layer with people, The quicker, the faster everybody's gonna move. So it's so important for us to be able to see to this depth. I have so many more examples, and a lot of them will show up relationally for people. And this is a lot of the work that I end up doing with my clients.

Even if our focus is more around business, if you're bringing to me, this is the thing that's happening with my husband right now And why do I keep getting so triggered by my husband? And then we related back to, well, it's actually because you're betraying yourself in this area. Actually, you're not allowing yourself to voice your needs, which is something that you took on from Your mother, because we take on our mother's psyche and our mother's consciousness when we're inside the womb, if we understand that, And then when someone brings to us, oh, my husband is triggering me, we're able to see this depth to it of these much Deeper layers, and there's usually multiple layers to it too, which, again, I teach you how to see inside this certification because there will be Opportunities for healing on multiple levels within the things that people bring to you. And if you're able to see that, you're able to create A lot of transformation and momentum quickly. So instead of just talking about the same thing every time, we're able to Cut things out at the root and just move so much more quickly.

So I'll stop talking now. I think I've illustrated enough here for you. And if you are interested in learning how to do this with people and learning how to get to the depths with people and learning how to facilitate Breath work that shifts energy and the energy work that I teach and all of the things, plus, you know, getting to this deeper layer of trauma. Reach out to me so we can chat about the certification. Like I said before, there is another extended payment plan available that makes the monthly payment super low.

So if that was a concern CERN for you, it's probably gonna be accessible to you now because there's a new extended payment plan. So reach out to me about that. We start on February eighth. So it's a 9 month program. We meet twice a month, plus you do exchanges. 

So you facilitate and practice, plus you receive a session every month from the other women in the program. So It is an incredibly  transformational experience. And not only that, but you'll leave with a Very deep skill set to create very tangible, predictable results with your clients, and you'll also feel very well equipped to be well paid as a healer because of the depth of knowledge that you have and the ability that you'll have to articulate what it is that you do and why it works. So reach out to me to just chat about it more and see if this is a fit for you. Again, We start next week, so if it's something you've been thinking about, just reach out because I'm not gonna run the certification again until  20 25.

I'm only gonna be running it once a year now. If it's something you feel drawn to, now is the time. Okay. I'm sending you guys so much love, and I will talk to you soon.  

Alyse: Thank you so much for being here. Don't forget to subscribe to the show, leave a review and share the show with your friends who you know are yearning for this type of content. When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world. You can stay connected with me by following me on Instagram at alyse_breathes and by joining my Facebook group, financial freedom for spiritual entrepreneurs, where I share all of my most fun and potent content.
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See you next time.