Woven Wings Live

Massive Transformative Purpose (w/ Aldo Civico)

Season 3 Episode 4

The notion of having a purpose is so prevalent today that it borders on being construed as trite. And yet many of us seek purpose nonetheless, whether for ourselves, our families, or the organizations that we’re part of, whether we know how to define purpose or not.

We are joined today by global leadership authority, anthropologist, and conflict resolution expert, Aldo Civico to discuss:

- What’s important about seeking out a purpose?
- What does making that purpose massive and transformative enable?
- How do we actually go about authoring this purpose?
- And finally, how do we overcome limiting beliefs, emotional trauma, and resistance along the way?

Aldo shares that thinking big through a massive purpose gives us a measure of the gap that we need to close, and enables us to stretch and grow while simultaneously helping us dive more deeply into ourselves. We find this purpose not by continuously asking the question of what our purpose is, but instead by being in dynamic dialogue with our experiences and observing what touches us. Alongside this ever-evolving sense of purpose, we must also cultivate a set of practices and support systems that help free us from anxiety, blockage, and phobia, else that purpose stays a fantasy as opposed to the foundation of our most vibrant lives.

About Aldo Civico:
With thirty years of experience, Aldo has worked globally, training and mentoring in personal and corporate leadership Fortune 500 executives, members of Family Offices, government leaders, athletes, and celebrities. Aldo has worked with business leaders in New York, Mexico City, London, El Cairo, Dubai, and Hong Kong. Abigail Disney has called Aldo “the leaders’ whisperer.”

He has served as the director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution at Columbia University, where he continues to be an associated researcher and faculty. He has been involved in peacebuilding projects worldwide and has facilitated peace talks among the government and armed groups in Colombia. He also lectured at major universities, including Harvard University, New York University, Princeton University, Oxford University, the London School of Economics, and more recently, the Florida International University.

Aldo received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in social-cultural anthropology in 2008. He is an associate fellow of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Complexity, and Conflict at Columbia University. In addition, Aldo holds a Master’s degree in political science from the University of Bologna in Italy. Aldo has been included in the top 10 of Global Gurus’  ranking as a global leadership authority (#6).


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