Woven Wings Live

Weaving in Action: The Big Quiet (w/ Jesse Israel)

Season 3 Episode 14

In today’s “Weaving in Action” episode, we feature the story of Jesse Israel and The Big Quiet, a movement he started 9 years ago to bring large-scale meditation to thousands of people at world-class venues.

The Big Quiet is a community-oriented, co-creation where each participant contributes stillness and silence to a larger shared experience, and in that stillness, reconnects with what it means to be their truest self. Jesse employs meditation as a surrendering technique, in which we must have the courage to face whatever comes up within us, and by doing so, give ourselves permission to be human. 

Tune in to learn how The Big Quiet was born out of Jesse’s own reckoning with anxiety, and how a moment between 10 people backstage at a music festival turned into mass meditations of thousands of people!

About Jesse Israel:
Jesse is a meditation leader, keynote speaker and leadership coach known for founding the mass meditation movement The Big Quiet. Named "The Meditation Expert" by The New York Times, Jesse has led some of the largest meditations on earth — having toured arenas with Oprah Winfrey and co-hosted international broadcasts with Deepak Chopra. An Audible Originals best-selling creator and a Forbes Next 1000 recipient, Jesse has collaborated on meditation projects with grammy winning rappers, coached the world’s most influential entrepreneurs and keynoted at Fortune 500s around the globe. 

Prior to his work at The Big Quiet, Jesse ran a record label and tech fund called Cantora (acquired 2016), where he signed multi-platinum bands like MGMT and invested in entertainment-focused tech startups.

Jesse Israel: https://www.jesseisrael.com/
The Big Quiet: https://www.thebigquiet.com/

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