
The Biblical ABC’s of LGBTQIA+ (Progressive Gospel | Part 3) - The False Gospel E7

February 28, 2022 Coastal Christian Ocean City Season 1 Episode 7
The Biblical ABC’s of LGBTQIA+ (Progressive Gospel | Part 3) - The False Gospel E7
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The Biblical ABC’s of LGBTQIA+ (Progressive Gospel | Part 3) - The False Gospel E7
Feb 28, 2022 Season 1 Episode 7
Coastal Christian Ocean City

Welcome to part 3 of the Progressive Gospel, where Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher unpack many sensitive topics such as: the LGBTQIA+ agenda and how the Church has locked arms with it, conversion therapy, and Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. Why are these important things to discuss? To be Rechurched is to have a Biblical worldview so that we can discern the motives of the various movements and, Scripturally, know how to lovingly and truthfully respond to them.

What’s Covered in This Episode:

  • Review
    • Progressive Gospel (Part 1) (Definitions)
    • Affirming / Offending
    • CRT & Social Justice 
    • Emergent Church
    • Vaccination Status vs. Salvation Status
    • Identity
    • Queer > Questioning
    • Conflicting/Contrasting Ideologies
    • The Agenda
  • What Does God Say About Sexuality?
  • What Does God Say About Gender?
  • What Does God Say About Marriage?
  • Biological Identity: Male & Female
  • Sexual Immorality is a Sin Regardless of Whether You Are a Heterosexual or Homosexual
  • "Born That Way" > Born Again
  • Discussing "MAPS"
  • TikTok Craziness
  • Deconstruction
  • The Only Antidote to All of This: The Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Conversion Therapy
  • Progressive Christianity Plays Into End Times Scenario
  • Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
  • Identity Politics
  • What We Need to Get Back to: God's Best (Not Our Own Best)
  • Progressive Gospel Summed Up


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  • Submit your question relating to our Season 1 content for our Question & Response episode here

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to part 3 of the Progressive Gospel, where Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher unpack many sensitive topics such as: the LGBTQIA+ agenda and how the Church has locked arms with it, conversion therapy, and Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. Why are these important things to discuss? To be Rechurched is to have a Biblical worldview so that we can discern the motives of the various movements and, Scripturally, know how to lovingly and truthfully respond to them.

What’s Covered in This Episode:

  • Review
    • Progressive Gospel (Part 1) (Definitions)
    • Affirming / Offending
    • CRT & Social Justice 
    • Emergent Church
    • Vaccination Status vs. Salvation Status
    • Identity
    • Queer > Questioning
    • Conflicting/Contrasting Ideologies
    • The Agenda
  • What Does God Say About Sexuality?
  • What Does God Say About Gender?
  • What Does God Say About Marriage?
  • Biological Identity: Male & Female
  • Sexual Immorality is a Sin Regardless of Whether You Are a Heterosexual or Homosexual
  • "Born That Way" > Born Again
  • Discussing "MAPS"
  • TikTok Craziness
  • Deconstruction
  • The Only Antidote to All of This: The Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Conversion Therapy
  • Progressive Christianity Plays Into End Times Scenario
  • Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
  • Identity Politics
  • What We Need to Get Back to: God's Best (Not Our Own Best)
  • Progressive Gospel Summed Up


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  • Submit your question relating to our Season 1 content for our Question & Response episode here

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To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.

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Ethan hoover:

You are listening to research, a podcast aimed at instigating Christians to be Christian Hey, what's up everybody you're listening to read church podcast. My name is Ethan, your host and I'm joined by my co host, Matthew Mayer is recharged. You heard it here, folks, this is recharged. If you're listening to this, and this wasn't what you meant to tap on, stay while yes, actually go back and listen to the other episodes first. Because this one's going to be a doozy. No, it's gonna be great. It's gonna be great. But this is part three of the progressive gospel episodes. And this is the third and final one, right? The past two episodes we covered. The first one was really defining right


the first one sets the table. So if you haven't listened to that first progressive gospel episode, listen in, we spend a determinate amount of time Ethan defining our words. And I think there is wisdom and making sure we understand what do we mean when we say progressive gospel or progressive Christianity? So we don't have to get into that now unless you want to?

Ethan hoover:

Um, I think it would be good to like, maybe just give a real quick like sticky definition of progressivism, relativism and liberalism. Right.


So the melting pot of progressive Christianity is made up of those very three philosophies or ideologies, progressivism, liberalism and relativism really boiled down to man is his own God sets his own course determines his own relative truth. And that is when you get into murky waters, because without absolute standards, Absolute Truth, and our listeners may have heard of this before, you can't gauge what is good or what is evil. And that is why the argument is who's to say what Adolf Hitler did in the 30s and 40s. Be an evil who can say that if there's no absolute truth, because there's got to be a standard that we measure it to now everybody would agree and go, Yeah, that sounds about right. But then we contradict that logic, when we affirm things that are antithetical, which means opposite of biblical standards.

Ethan hoover:

And that's what we really discussed in part one, and part two of progressive gospel episodes is progressive gospel is a gospel that affirms Yes, because they don't want to offend, that's good. But in affirming people, man, man's sinful heart, they offend a holy God. And that was really a sticky definition that you gave, that I think, has stuck in my brain. And I'm sure it's stuck in other people's brains as well. So why don't you just sort of highlight what we've discussed what the progressive gospel is real quick summary. And what we talked about a little bit last episode, so that we can get into what we're talking about today. Yeah, my


life versus proverbs three, five and six, trusting the Lord with all your heart, lean, not on your own understanding. And in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. And I've always looked at that verse and said, well, trust in the Lord with all your heart. Don't trust your heart as Lord. That's what we do. That's what the progressive message really is. Trust your heart, trust your feelings, as your own guide. And if the heart is wicked, the heart is off if the heart isn't tethered to truth, or I often say harnessed by Heaven, which is the Holy Spirit. If we don't have truth in our conscience, then following your heart is going to lead you to destruction. And the Bible actually tells us repentance is what gives us a new mind and a new heart. So I can trust the Lord, with all of my heart, lean, not on what I think is right, my own understanding, always acknowledge God, and he's the one that directs these paths. These steps in life, we need God's direction for all of the major issues of life, you name them, identity, morality, sexuality, infrastructure of family, you can move even into civil duty community, your responsibility as a citizen on Earth as a representative of heaven. Like all of these means and mechanisms of living require biblical truth, we identified a biblical worldview in one of the previous episodes. Ethan you do a good job, making sure that the show notes cover any links or any videos or any definitions that we want our listeners to see read or tap into. So guys, take time, actually, I think on the podcast, wherever you're listening on, what do they click one of those arrows and there's like a drop down and they can see the show notes. So back to the progressive gospel, the progress of message with all of those philosophical ideological definitions. Combined with Bible language attached to them, you get a church that is affirming the world. And one of the ways you can identify that the enemy is behind the message is if even the non believing world is receptive, I want you to consider any large movement that has happened in the past decade or two, where the world is rallying and protesting and yelling at the top of their lungs for whatever it is some type of. Right, it's usually human rights. And I think I've said it. In the previous episodes, I'll say it again until it's driven into our souls, human rights, maybe the banner of the various movements, but human rights are wrong when they contradict what God says is right for humans, let me say that slower. Human rights are often the banner of the various movements. But human rights are wrong when they contradict what God says is right, for humans. So we touched on critical race theory. Why? Because it's a worldview, it's not a tool to assess, you know, systemic racism. Racism is real oppression is real. In equality is real. All of these things are results of sin in the heart of man. And as long as man makes up systems, there's going to be sin, right? So with that out of the way, critical race theory really paints with a broad brush and categorizes humanity into one of two classes, you are either of the oppressed class or you are the oppressor. And this is a result of Marxism. Right? When you when you look at Marxism, historically, you see that he had two classes, it was the workers class, the proletariat versus the bourgeoisie. And it was the workers versus those that had the power, the means. And what he did was able to, he was able to throw off society by creating class wars. Right, and Karl Marx is dead, yet his ideology lives on. And his ideology is taught on college campuses, Ethan all across our country. So millennials, Gen Z's are coming out of these incubators with these Marxist ideologies. In fact, they just did a poll recently. And people that claim Christianity, our age group, millennials and lower, many of which I think it's a very high percentage, like 60, or 70%, believe that socialism is a good idea. Well, these are Christians that are saying that, and then they obviously believe Jesus was a socialist, right? So these lies, and the reason we're addressing them are deeply entrenched in the church.

Ethan hoover:

And we talked about, maybe, I think we talked about this, or we're going to talk about this account. Remember, the socialism might look good from a human perspective, but when sin but when sinners are involved, it never works out to be this perfect governmental construct. That's right. That's when Jesus comes back. You gotta establish the perfect construct, and it's him as the head. No one else no sinful man. Right. So I think I get what they're saying. But it falls apart because of the sinful hearts of man.


Remember, that type of thought process doesn't deal with the sinful hearts of men? Exactly. And then the counter argument is, are you saying we shouldn't be involved in social movements? And I'm going no, it's not about you never should add a word before Justice, biblically speaking. Justice, is justice, God's definition of justice stands, I want to carry out that justice as much as depends on me as an individual who does ready for this justice, socially. Why? Because my integrity, and me pursuing justice will impact community. But when I attach my life to a movement in the name of social justice, and this is what you saw the church do all through 2020. And you'll see it again, eventually, whenever the next agenda from the left wants to accomplish identity politics and cause division. And then here's why they do that, because then they're the ones that sweep in or swoop in with the solution. This is why this type of ideology is damaging. So when the church gets behind it, we're basically locking arms with the world. And again, I've said it, there's nothing the Church of Jesus Christ can lock arms with the world and agree upon not a thing.

Ethan hoover:

So with that in mind, social work or social justice work, like you said, we're called to do that because of the Great Commission. That's the way the way that we're supposed to operate. and this has recharged. The church operates by one gathering to be discipled. And, and going, that's right and being in the community. So we're called to, like you said, to do to do justice socially. But like you said, when we get the words flipped around the the minor becomes the major. And we talked about that, in the past couple episodes of miners are majoring in the minor, right and whatnot. And so this, this majoring in the minor, and locking arms with the world leads us sort of back to the first part of this progressive gospel portion. And it's talking about the Emergent Church. And so to kind of lead us from the beginning of the origin of progressive gospel to what we're going to be talking about today, I just want to connect the dots. So the Emergent Church emerged. And in their effort to reach more people for the gospel, they decided to be on the fringe, like you said, the fringe of culture, Christian culture, Christian culture, land was the center of Christian culture, which we would call and this is not a political party conservatism, we would have said, decades ago, the center of Christian culture was conservative, right? Traditional family, conservative values. And then you get this emergent movement saying,


You know what, we're going to hang out on the fringe of Christian culture, and invite people to come with us right there to legalistic at the center. And hey, guys, I don't know about the Bible still being applicable in the 21st century, we need to get with the times, so they would look at the culture, which was obviously decaying. And they would try to make Christianity ready. Here's the word drumroll, ladies and gentlemen, irrelevant, they would try to make Christianity

Ethan hoover:

irrelevant and appealing. And in their efforts to look appealing. They, and their identity, as a church changed, become just like the world become just like the world, you nailed it. And so that leads us into what we're going to be discussing today. And every sort of tentacle of this progressive gospel, that product that has come out of this progressive gospel, like critical race theory, is because of this emergent church ideology, wanting to be on the fringe wanting to be hyper relevant, and totally losing sight of absolute truth of what the Bible says, and the fact that the Bible is infallible, and it doesn't change the Lord doesn't change his mind on certain things. That's right. And so is that a good way to start start this, I


think it's perfect, I think I would even say, you know, the progressive Christian movement, they would rather virtue signal to a dying world, as opposed to point to the virtue of our living Lord. And when you point to the virtue of our living, Lord, guess what that message becomes, it becomes offensive. Why? Because it comes at our sinful nature. But the progressive gospel would rather what we call virtue signal, like, oh, no, we're just we're in this together. Love is love. And it becomes an affirming philosophy. So yeah, we're going to touch on something that is controversial. It's sensitive, because it involves people. So we want to do so with gentleness, love. But we don't want to compromise truth. And actually, you know, what, Ethan, before we get into that, I kinda want to touch on something that is going on right now. And because of our day and age, I think it's worth noting, and it's another form of the progressive Christian movement, showing their hand by affirming the world. Hey, guys, here's another litmus test for you. The first one I said is, if you want to see if the enemy is actually behind the message, when I say enemy, I'm talking about Lucifer, the devil, Satan, the ruler of this world, the god of this age, the prince of the power of the air, if you want to know he's behind the message, look at what even the non believing world is receiving, like what they're affirming. And then you can say, Wait, why is that church or that minister? Or that Christian movement? Why are they saying the same thing as the world? And here's the other litmus test. If the world celebrates it, chances are God condemns it. And I say all that to say this. Did you know many of these progressive ministries right now are currently requiring their congregants to show their vaccination status that's crazy. To get into their church building. They are asking their people to show their papers. For some reason, Ethan, the idea of show me your papers doesn't sound like a good idea. I don't know why it doesn't sound like a good idea. Maybe I'm having like, maybe I'm thinking about some other time in human history where they tried to execute that it's that that exact mandate. Yeah, well, when was that? Show me your papers, but the reason I bring that up is because the Church of Jesus Christ is not about your vaccination status. The Church of Jesus Christ is about your salvation status. And in the name of unity and the name of public health and the name of we're looking out for each other in the name of ready. Here's where they put Bible on their mandate like so they attach biblical language to their mandate, they say, We're loving our neighbor by, you know, separating or segregating those who got the VAX versus those who did it. The Bible is very clear Galatians chapter three, verse 28, tells us, the body is made up of all types of people from all types of backgrounds, but we become one in Christ. So it doesn't make a difference. If you are, it says Jew or Greek, right? So let's get ethnicity out of the way. It doesn't matter the color of your skin, there's critical race theory completely blown up by one verse in the Bible, doesn't matter if you are a slave or free, right? So there's this class that is kind of thrown out of the way it doesn't matter you have or don't have rich or poor, doesn't matter if you're male or female. Wait, what? That's not a Bible verse that affirms transgenderism, it's basically saying, gender in God's economy doesn't make a difference. Male and female, He created us. However, when we're in the body, we're all wanting him. And I think that's just an amazing Bible verse that levels the playing field and says, Don't you dare divide my body? by color, by class or by culture? Don't you dare do it, you all come together under the banner of the gospel, this is the true gospel, you're all Christians, because you claim the same savior. And you're all made of the same stuff, which is what we call being a sinner. And this is what makes up the Church of Jesus Christ. Wow,

Ethan hoover:

that was well said, Holy cow. I didn't know that was going on. Actually, that's, that's crazy. But I can,


gosh, there's so many actually popular ministers in Christendom who have done this. And some of them aren't even, you want to even consider being part of and this is where it gets really dangerous. Some of these ministers previously were very conservative, and would not be considered part of the progressive Christian movement. And yet, I think the spirit of the age, the strong delusion, is causing a lot of individuals who previously may have been respected for their biblical worldview, to compromise.

Ethan hoover:

We talked a lot about a lot in just the first portion of this episode. But Matt, do you want to transition us into what we're gonna be discussing and sort of clarify, give a little clarifier so that we start on the right foot, because it's a sensitive subject. And if you're listening right now, I hope and pray that You know, our hearts with this, this this topic. But Matt, do you want to sort of give a


clarifier? Yes. So I'll tell you what we're going to deal with upfront, we're going to be discussing the LGB T Qi a plus, that is identified as a movement, but we're going to only look at it as there's an agenda attached to it that has entered the church. So a couple of qualifying statements, if you will, first of all, this like critical race theory, like dividing humanity into two groups, also has a cultural Marxist flair to it. Identity Politics, if you will, there's always a danger when you classify people into groups, as opposed to looking at each person individually. That way, there's a different responsibility when you're engaging with an individual. So when I say that acronym, our minds immediately go to group. And as a minister of the gospel, when I touch on this, I'm talking about the agenda behind the group. That's what I'm talking about. I would never mishandle the individual in the group. Does that make sense? Right, I would sit with anyone regardless of their baggage because I have my own baggage. And I would want to engage them in a civil gentle conversation about what I believe maybe about what they believe. Now, I will agree upfront, that the church has been heavy handed with this particular topic, and we've failed greatly. And I think it's because we didn't properly execute biblical reason behind why we believe what we believe I think we've immediately been judgmental. So let's own that from Jump Street. While at the same time we've been heavy handed. We've also been deceived by sleight of hand from that movement. What do I mean by sleight of hand like we've been tricked they pulled a fast one but we've yeah, there's they've pulled a fast one because they've tapped into identity. So the sexuality of the individual becomes identity. And it's hard to separate the two, because those that are confused sexually think that's their identity. And then when you touch on it and try to set somebody free from a form of bondage, or bring clarity where confusion is, it's hard to make that distinction. So people are offended, and they shut down and they feel judged. So while we've been heavy handed, we've also been duped by the sleight of hand. And that is why we must stand on biblical truth, while at the same time being launched in love. So let me just kind of share with you LGBTQ i A plus if you've never heard of some of these additional letters is because the movement is ever growing. And obviously, traditionally, it was only LGB. And then T came along. So L is lesbian, G is gay, B stands for bisexual. T obviously is transgender, the Q was always queer, and has actually evolved into questioning. I is intersex. A is multifaceted. A could be either ally, right? So you don't have to prescribe to any of these previous letters. You're an ally, you affirm the group or a is asexual. I have no idea what that is. And then plus is if we've missed anybody in their sexuality. So one thing you were we were talking offline and the cue letter queer questioning, yes, queer not white. It was queer. Now it's questioning. Yeah, so we gotta understand what what is queer. Right? Queer was, obviously all of these words have been used as slang and in a derogatory way, right? So the movement has taken them back. No, no, well, queer is actually disagreeing with normative sexuality. That's what queer used to mean, they disagreed with and here's a couple other words to help you understand traditional or conservative sexuality, which dealt with heterosexuality man and a woman. So if you were queer, you were saying, I disagree that that's the normal sexuality of life. Now fast forward decades to where we're at now. What's the what is the normal sexuality that the world actually agrees with? Or supports all the other letters, right, all the other letters. So now queer is like, wait a second, I affirm normal sexuality, the normative sexuality narrative. So it's like it's contradiction. And think about this, the L and the G and the B, that deal with gender gender specific attraction, we call it homosexuality. And I'm gonna make sure we tease this out. So hang in there, guys, I'm going to I'm going to make sure you understand what the Bible says about sexual immorality, plural, which deals with heterosexuality relationships, which deals with homosexual relationships and any other sexual relationships. But before we get there, you must understand that the L, the G and the B are gender specific. In other words, some would say they were born that way. So you can't tell me that this isn't a natural desire I should pursue because I was born this way. I'm attracted to said sex, whether it's female or male, but it's the same sex. Okay, fine. I'll give you that. But then the T came along. And the transgender movement is built on the structure, that gender is a social construct. So you're not born that way. They say it's fluid. So you can go back and forth, and there are many more genders you can be. So there's another contradiction in the midst of the acronym where they lock arms, and they're moving in the same direction. It's a bunch of contradictions. And I'm just helping us think through critically, this is what critical thinking does you think through, and here's another phenomenon has taken place. The L has always been supported by the feminist movement. And that said that, and of course, women could do whatever men could do. Right? So the women's studies in secular university has really thrown off balance, what we would call the biblical model of the male and the female, and the beauty that God has instilled in those biological designs that are to the flourishing of community and society. And that and yet, we're told no, no. Anything men could do, I could do better. So the lesbian, the L has been supported by the feminist movement. Right? So then, obviously, there are many good advancements in civil rights for women. So don't hear what I'm not saying. Right. So I could already see some of the comments coming in people that would disagree. Are you saying I'm not No, I'm not saying I'm saying women should have the rights that they have today. But when you throw any of these things off balance, how far do you take it? Well, I'll tell you how far we take it. Now the T is able Want to cross pollinate in sports. So if I'm a biological male, I identify as a female, I can actually go play in female sports, and I hate to break it to you. I'd be in the WNBA. Right now, if that were true, and now, I would love to see that. But here's the thing, the feminists are now speaking out against the T. Because that contradicts, you know, women power, and you got the civil war taking place, whether people realize it or not, you're not going to tune in on the mainstream media, because they're not going to let you know that there's a civil war going on, right. And it's a walk in contradiction. And the reason I want to start there is because this has bled into the Church of Jesus Christ. And they're willing to unite, because they have a common agenda. And whether they the people, individuals, whether they realize it or not, they are positioning themselves against the divine design of God, and God's prescription for sexuality. So let's start with what does God say about gender? Let's start there. Because this is again, if there's progressive Christian movements, affirming the LGBTQ i A plus movement. Let's start with what Jesus said himself about gender and marriage because this is important. Jesus in Matthew 19, was actually asked the question, it was about divorce. So it was in relation to marriage. It was from the Pharisees, they came testing him, so they weren't sincere in the question. They're trying to trip him up. Matthew 19, verse three, the Pharisees came to him testing him saying, Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? Just for any reason? Okay. Jesus answers and says to them, This is remarkable. So having a biblical worldview, is understanding what's taking place here, reading between the lines, Ethan, this, this blows me away. Jesus says to them, now, let me stop before I tell you what he said. He didn't answer the question based on culture. Right, like the the social consensus of the day. You know what? Divorce is common. There's various reasons, irreconcilable differences, you know, it's not legal. You know what, you're right, let's change the absolute truths of the Bible, because the culture demands it. No, that's not what he does. He says this, have you not read that He who made them at the beginning, made them male and female, you know what he just quoted from Genesis, the book of Genesis, he throws it 1000s of years earlier. So he throws the answer above culture, he's like, because truth is not dictated by culture, not dictated by social movements. He throws it above culture, he throws it back to the book of Genesis. And he says, here's the template that God has given humanity. Did you not read in the beginning, God made them? Here's biological identity ready? This is this is the true definition of trusting the science, male and female, that's that in relation to marriage, okay, so God's best for man, and woman is marriage, under his sight, by His divine design, he continues, for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So then they are no longer two, but one, therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate now he gives the answer. God's heart is always for the marriage to remain. However, in the midst of the answer, he gives us the definition of what makes up a proper Biblical marriage. So right, there we go, alright. It's always between the male and female. And obviously, in the L and the G and the B, you're told that anyone can marry as long as they love each other. And as long as it's consensual, that's the word that was used. And there's churches that affirm that, and I'm saying, and this might step on some toes, but remember, I say this in love. This is not God's best. And there's a reason why we call it out. However, being a homosexual, or same sex attraction, in and of itself, does not bring judgment. Does that make sense? Just as being a heterosexual in and of itself. It's the practice of sexual immorality, sexual, unrestrained behavior. Yeah. So tease that out a little bit. Because that's, that's a big statement to make.

Ethan hoover:

And I agree with you. But I think so that


people understand what we're saying. I think it's important to tease that what you just said out a little bit more. Right. So Jesus also said that, you know, they were worried about the external traditions of man, and not to get lost in the details Jesus was breaking down to, again, the religious leaders who were questioning what his disciples did outwardly, they defiled themselves and she's like, No, you miss it. You can't defile yourself outward in you defy Have yourself in word out. It was the same idea with sexual sin in First Corinthians six, if you're called the temple of the Holy Spirit, right? sin against your own body as sexual sin. Jesus says this. Here what I what I say and understand. It's not what goes into the mouth that defiles the man, but what comes out of the mouth this defiles the man, the reason I'm reading this to you is because a lot of people say Jesus didn't bring up homosexuality. No, no, he didn't. He brought up sexual immorality, which encompasses any sexual behavior outside of the divine design of sexuality. So that includes homosexual activity, or heterosexual activity, both in God's eyes are sinful when we make one right over the other. Or even when we focus again, there's where we went wrong, Ethan, we focus so much on one, right, while there's sins of loss that exists in the pews. Pornography is prevalent in the church. So we got to make sure we address all of them at the same time go yo, we're all jacked up, we got to come back to what God says about us. Jesus says this. Do you not understand that whatever enters a mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated but the things which proceed out of the mouth comes from the heart. That's what defiles a man out of the heart precedes evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication, that's the word porneia. That's the word sexual immorality, Steffes, false witness blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man. So that was the original question. So the Bible is explicit. From the old testament to the New Testament, addressing sexual sin. So for anyone to say that it's acceptable, as long as it's consensual, they are going against what God says. So we always want to bring it back to what God says, This is a hard subject because there's a huge movement called the Gay Christian movement. Right? So we again are greatly when we add an adjective before the noun. I've said this before. Gay modifies your Christianity. So whatever you put before that word, Christian is going to infuse it, modify it, change it, I'd be okay with somebody going. I'm a Christian. And I happen to be gay, which means I struggle with same sex attraction. And there's a lot of people who are walking with that struggle, but they're not acting on it. Just as there's a lot of Christians who are straight, who are struggling with lustful thoughts. But they're not acting on it. We all have to be restrained from our sinful nature. That's the point born again, we vary, because if you're born this way, that's why you must be born again. Yeah, exactly. you nail it. So

Ethan hoover:

and that goes back to the identity. The identity is not in what we are, I guess, if you will, right, gender wise, or what we do, right? Even our identity goes from center to save right? Goes from flesh to light, Christ, right, born again in Christ. And we are a new creation in Christ Jesus that's being born again.


Remember, when we're not operating from absolute truth? That acronym is going to have letters added to it. The next letter that's trying to make its way into this party, is it they're identified as maps right now? Okay, what is maps, it's minor attracted persons. We would call that word what the Bible calls it pedophilia. In the logic of what we're talking about, who's to tell that person that their attraction sexually speaking to a minor is wrong? Because love is love? They're going to try to add their letter in the name of human rights. You got to let that happen. How far do you allow that to go? Before somebody goes, Wait a second, we got to get back to what God says. And the reason why we're touching on it is because the agenda is reaching into the lives of our children at an earlier age than ever before. Whether parents realize it or not, that LG TBQI A plus, if I got that wrong, forgive me. I'm not trying to be funny. Their agenda, they actually have the state allowing them to put into the school system, their curriculum, which is teaching kids at a early age, about sexual practices. It's like my daughter, who's two and a half, she'll be three she'll go to preschool, eventually in the kindergarten like it's at that age that are trying to brainwash their minds. What was the stat that we just saw from one of our guest speakers recently at Coastal Christian one and six teens today who are on social media tick tock, specifically, one and six identify with the LG TBQ

Ethan hoover:

i A plus. That's crazy. One and six. Well, and Not to get too far off topic, but he was also Brad Huddleston is his name. Great, great guy, great speaker. He also said that tick tock even has, like religion, deacons, deconstruction classes that kids can take, basically to, to deconstruct their faith in whatever faith that you have. But obviously, specifically Christianity. And it trickles into also questioning your gender. And kids can't think critically like that


there aren't, the lines aren't developed. So it's what like what you said, it's indoctrination. So I'm glad you brought up deconstruction, because that's another idea ideology that has entered the progressive Christian movement. They believe in deconstructing what are they deconstructing? They're deconstructing absolute truth are deconstructing traditional views, they're deconstructing even church history, like so you're willing to go back and say, You know what? It's racist. That's basically what a lot of the deconstruction leads to, everything's racist, right? So everything's oppressive. We have to rethink who we are and where we've come from? No, no, we have to overthrow the system. And guess what it rolls over to show social justice. And then we lock arms with the world. And we yell at the top of our lungs, and I'm gone, we're missing the only power, the only antidote, the only healing that can save the sin sick soul, and it's the gospel, the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. So let me just tap into something that is also happening. There's all these things that are brewing beneath the surface, whether people realize it or not. And it's actually coming to the forefront through a Canadian law. And it has banned what we would call conversion therapy, Ethan. So Canada has banned conversion therapy that would include any minister, any counselor, any therapist, anyone that would sit with, let's just say, an adolescent, and he's struggling with his sexual identity, and even a pastor's in the room, and they're trying to help this young boy, have clarity. They're trying to bring his mind back to what the Bible says they're trying to love on him. Did you know based on that Canadian law, that it can be considered hostile, and hateful, and it's criminalized now. So pastors can go to jail, if they are to preach on biblical sexual ethics. That's where we're at. And you're going, that's Canada, and I'm going, let me read something to you. Did, you know very similar legislation exists in America right now. But it only involves minors. The Canadian law involves adults. So if I was to sit with an adult, an adult who's is fully functional to make his own decisions, even telling him Hey, man, the Bible says this that is considered against the law. In the United States, right now, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, where we're at New Mexico, New York, the list goes on Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, the District of Columbia, that's DC, and Puerto Rico all have laws or regulations, protecting youth from what they call conversion therapy. They call it a harmful, hurtful practice. Now put all that together, because the affirming church would actually stay silent with laws like this. And the reason they would stay silent is because they're not preaching against it. So it's not going to affect them. And you're going, why are we talking about it? Because this is the trajectory our world is going. And I've said it before, I can see with crystal clear clarity that the progressive Christian or the progressive spiritualism, that is brewing is eventually going to make up the One World system that the Bible speaks to, there's a religious arm to it. And the only way that could work is if everybody realizes we're in this together. Let's love each other interfaith relations. And I'm saying that is what the Bible speaks to as Mystery Babylon, the harlot, who eventually uses the system, and I'm gone, can anybody else see the times we're in, it's time to wake up. It's time to be recharged and it's time to sound the alarm against such things. So sort of the last product of this progressive gospel, we've went through critical race theory, social justice, LGBTQ i A plus conversion therapy. Now we're at this like last leg, this last product, which is pro life versus pro choice, those are the buzzwords attached to the two different arguments or two different sides. So what is pro life? What is pro choice? What should the church believe? Right? What does the Bible say? I would say that I've not yet read, watched, or had a conversation with somebody who espouses to progressive ideology. That's a Christian, right? I'm a Christian. But I see it this way. I've not seen one of those not have all these other issues on their train, every other bandwagon. It's like, they're all related. If you say you're pro choice, you are likely affirming the LGBTQ it's like a multiple choice, but you have to like select, it's like, check this to yes, like, apply all like check all that apply, and you have to click all the above, right? I've not met one that isn't affirming of the social justice movement, right? And it's like, it's interesting, because we're going, how did they get so off track? Well, they no longer look at the Bible as their guiding source. So pro life would be defined as advocating for life that would include from the womb to the tomb, I want to dissect them, not from the political lens, because both these terms have been politicized. So the moment you say them, somebody identifies with a certain political party, right, and I'm going to get that out of your mind. Christian, we can do another segment, we will, we're gonna do the political gospel. So I'm gonna be very candid about where we're at with the political gospel and both directions. But to say you're pro choice is to advocate for choice. Well, whose choice women's choice, so it's not up to you. It's not up to legislation. It's up to a woman's decision on whether or not she wants to carry out to full term, her pregnancy. And then we get into trusting the science because pseudo science says that it's not a life in the womb, it's just a clump of cells, or it's just a uterus. So you're not really terminating life. And I'm going, No, we have so much technological advancement, it is a life upon conception, there is a heartbeat. It is a separate entity with its own DNA, its own fingerprint, and it has a right to life. There are progressive Christians. And again, they probably hate being called that maybe they celebrate that. They'll say, no, no, we're not pro choice anymore. We're pro birth. We believe in the birth of the baby. We just don't want to call ourselves pro life. Because, politically speaking, those that say they're pro life, don't care about the life outside of the womb. And I'm gonna let you know what just happened there. Can I tell you, identity politics, they just summarize an entire group, as opposed to saying, we as Christians believe in life period. The Bible is explicit with verses that speak to life, even before we would know this world. Jeremiah was told, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you God said, that is a powerful verse. And before you were born, I've sanctified you or I consecrated you

Ethan hoover:

in the Psalms, then I can't remember what Psalms it was. But


it says that we were knit together, Psalm 39, our mother's what? womb, this is God. So what does God have to say about the matter? This isn't what I think this isn't what a political party thinks. This isn't what the culture consensus tells me. What does God say about it? God is pro life. And that is not a political statement. So if God's pro life, he's for life, God is the one who can take life, he's the only one. That's why there's laws in his book that when you violate his way, there's consequences. So let me stop, pause and pivot and make sure anybody listening who might know somebody, or maybe it's you who may have had an abortion. My name is Matthew Mayer. And I also was responsible for taking life. I don't want anybody to ever think that I'm judging those decisions that may have been made. I can't relate to, I'm not judging you. I made a decision that took life as well. And I want to encourage you, in knowing that our God is Grace filled, he's a mercy giver, and there's fresh forgiveness no matter what you've done. And that's what I'm begging and pleading with anyone. For us to come back. That's what research is all about. Come back to a God who loves you. This isn't about judgment. This is about coming back, while at the same time. So when I say that I can go, I can't look back and see what I did and go, You know what? My circumstances people didn't know what I was going through and justify it. No, I go, I was wrong. I might have been ignorant. I might have been unintentionally doing what I was doing. But it was reckless. And in hindsight, I can see the error and go, You know what, that wasn't God's best for me. Yeah. And there's consequences. I had to go to jail for 55 months. So but you recognize that you repented from it, and then God can redeem that? That's right. And I think oh, I just use an alliteration all ours. You must have been behind Hanging out with with you.

Ethan hoover:

But it's exactly what we're called to called to do. And if you're listening to this, and you are believer that, like Matt said, you know has been through that, that that's literally the the game plan that the Lord just wants to lead you in is reduction.


That's right. Planned Parenthood by the way, was here's here's funny, not funny this is like, it just shows you the irony of it all. Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, who was a racist. And the reason that she planted these one stop shops for abortion in urban cities is because she was trying to control population. So this is the movement that progressive Christianity is affirming. It's to the slaughtering of millions of babies to date. Christians should oppose it. And we should be involved in standing for life. And again, whether it's at a rally, whether it's at a protest, whether it's signing, a petition, all those are good, great and grand. If it depends on you do the right thing. That's what always tell people like, if somebody sends me a petition, and I read it, and I agree with it, it's righteous, or it's biblical, I sign it. But that's not all I'm called to do. I'm not just called to push submit, on a digital screen. I'm also called to make myself available to support life in any capacity. You quoted Psalm 139. It says, For you formed my inward parts, You wove me in my mother's womb, I will give thanks to you for I'm fearfully and wonderfully made, there's intrinsic value to every human being. If there was ever one who had a reason to get an abortion, and only if you ever heard this, this individual was a teenager when they got pregnant, that would have brought great shame to the family name. Here's the second shadow being cast on this young girl. The person that she's with is not the father. Right? So what do you do? Because the easy decision would be for her to abort. And if you were to ask public opinion, many people say, you know, what, if there was ever somebody probably heard, like, that's an inconvenience to her. You know, the guy that's not the father? I mean, how's he gonna feel? He don't have a say, though. It's her decision. She decides to terminate. Guess what, you just killed? Jesus, you just killed Jesus. So basically, I sail that and you nailed it. There's there's never a reason to terminate life. And I could, I've already heard the pushback. What about the young lady who was raped? And two wrongs don't make a right. And that's not trying to get in that young lady shoes and say, I know exactly what that would feel like. That is a great horror. That is, that is an abomination to God that anyone would take advantage somebody else sexually, whether, whether by rape, whether by child molestation all these deep wounds. However, however, I've read so many testimonies from women who have that story and go, it was hard, but I decided to go through with the birth and it's been the, it's been the greatest blessing and they're holding their child. Like, this is what the church should advocate for and support. We should not compromise and affirm in the name of women's choice.

Ethan hoover:

Yeah. And, and you said it a little bit ago, like we need to do the next right thing. And that's not according to what we believe in our hearts, our sinful hearts, it's according to what we always come back to, especially in this podcast. And as believers is the Bible, do the next right thing, according to the Word of God, right. And the Word of God stands for life. The Word of God stands for truth. And that is what we are called to respond to.


That's cool. We could talk forever about this, I think, I think the point has been made, right God has for life from the womb to the tomb, he has the final say on who's born and who dies. I don't want to help them in those areas. If I've made a mistake in that area, which I've done in my own life with drinking, driving and killing a man, there's redemption there. There's forgiveness there, there's healing there, come back. And of course, seeing it from God's point of view, understanding that every life deserves a chance.

Ethan hoover:

I think it's interesting. We start with we started this episode with life, identity life, and we ended with life and God, just to land the plane God created life. He told us exactly how he created life, male and female. He told us exactly how that relationship works. And he's given us an entire blueprint and that's found in the Word of God. That's right. We don't know Need to sway with the culture because the culture is going to change all the time, we are called as believers to be subject to truth.


It's a great way to end. So what's that got to do with the church? Well, let's make sure we understand where we started with the progressive gospel and Episode One, we defined our terms, we basically showed you how all of these philosophical ideological ideas are blended together. And they are packaged with Christianese, or Bible. And out on either side, you get the affirming church. And then we teased out many of the tentacles of the progressive Christian movement. And I wanted to make it clear as you did as well, Ethan, that these are all worldview issues. So they're, they're not just, you know, they're not just tools. They're not just different opinions. They're not, you know, that's how you see it. These are all worldviews. And the reason that we, as you can see, believe progressive Christian theological beliefs are not simply secondary issues that we can agree to disagree about, right? That's like, well, we can agree to disagree. I'm going no, no, that's not what we can do here. The progressive Christian movement is promoting a Bible that is not authoritative. There's no absolute truth, their truth is relative. They're promoting a Jesus, who is in a Savior, He didn't die for you. He's more or less a buddy, a companion, a social worker, they promote a God who cannot save you. Simply put with all of those layers before. It's another gospel. It's a false gospel. It's not the good news that truly sets us free from sin from shame. It's not the good news, that we find our identity in Christ alone, not our sexuality is not the good news, that Christ broke down racial barriers, and he's the only one that can deal with racism, and oppression. And it's not the good news, that God is the one that grants life, and life deserves a chance outside of the womb. This is why we're passionate about being recharged. That was very well said, and a perfect way to end this episode.

Ethan hoover:

That concludes the progressive gospel. That was a three parter. We hope that it was valuable and informational. But it really goes beyond being informational, and it hits your heart. We hope it refines you, and your beliefs, your biblical worldview, that we get back to that. So if you enjoyed this episode, and the previous episodes, make sure to like this episode, make sure to download it, share it with your friends,


helps out the podcast, can I add one thing added before we close, and I'll let you close? If anybody's interested in the subject that we covered, specifically, the LGBTQ movement, the agenda, I want to recommend the book because he does a better job at handling it with such sensitivity. And he's handling it as the individuals within it like and the books titled people to be loved, right? It's not, it's not just an acronym. So he deals with it from a different way that we did, we were just covering it from a very large view. And it's written by Preston sprinkle, we'll include it in the show notes. But I read this book, Ethan probably no less than four or five times, because I truly appreciated how he took his time showing us what the Bible says about this very issue. Also want to make sure anybody out there we're all in relation to somebody who might be connected to or is within this movement, right, that identifies with any of those letters. Me too, right? Me too. There's people in my family that would identify with this and I'm going, I love them. I would absolutely die for them. For them to know Jesus. That's why I'm passionate about the word of the Lord, because that's the only thing that can save. So the last thing I want anybody to hear us and go, No, it was just another one of those, you know, judgmental Bible thumping podcasts against, you know, gays. Now that's not what it was at all. That is indicative that the Lord is trying to get a hold of your heart, if that's how you received it. This is so much bigger than us judging something because we deserve judgment. That's the gospel. The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God in Christ is eternal life. Let's go take us home. Well, thank you, Matt, for that that was really solid.

Ethan hoover:

And we thank you for joining us in this episode. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast turn notifications on so that next episode, which will be the political gospel episode, it's going to be a fun one as well. You'll get a notification if you turn notifications on but make sure to share the podcast on Facebook, your Instagram story tag us and feel free to use the hashtag hashtag recharged. Submit your question for our q&a or episode by visiting re churched Our q&a episode will be the final episode of season one before we head into Season Two And that's where we'll cover really, any of your questions. It could be related to season one, it could be related to us personally. Go to research And ask away. And if you're wanting to learn more about us to podcasts or church or even like to apply to sponsor this podcast, you can also visit that same website as well. So we'll see you guys in the next episode. Thank you for joining us. God bless