
"Context is Everything" Q+R (Part 1) - The False Gospel E12

April 11, 2022 Coastal Christian Ocean City Season 1 Episode 12
"Context is Everything" Q+R (Part 1) - The False Gospel E12
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"Context is Everything" Q+R (Part 1) - The False Gospel E12
Apr 11, 2022 Season 1 Episode 12
Coastal Christian Ocean City

Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher host Rechurched's first ever Q+R episode tackling several great questions submitted by the community on the content discussed in Season 1. Enjoy!

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Matt's Question: Why is it called a Q+R?
  • Question 1: Leanne
    • Do you have to speak in tongues to be saved?
    • Baptizing in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Vs. Baptizing in the Name of Jesus Alone
  • Question 2: Anonymous
    • Are the sacrificial laws the only ones that don’t apply today?
    • And what about God’s holy feasts should we observe them?
    • Can you give guidance on areas we as Christians can get tripped up on in this subject?
  • Question 3: Joanne R
    •  Bishop Wright says that God is not omnipotent until the earth is no longer under satan's rule.  Is this an unbiblical view?
  • Question 4: Savanna Dare
    • Would you suggest that I address my lead pastor/elders about my reason for leaving the congregation? 


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Show Notes Transcript

Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher host Rechurched's first ever Q+R episode tackling several great questions submitted by the community on the content discussed in Season 1. Enjoy!

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Matt's Question: Why is it called a Q+R?
  • Question 1: Leanne
    • Do you have to speak in tongues to be saved?
    • Baptizing in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Vs. Baptizing in the Name of Jesus Alone
  • Question 2: Anonymous
    • Are the sacrificial laws the only ones that don’t apply today?
    • And what about God’s holy feasts should we observe them?
    • Can you give guidance on areas we as Christians can get tripped up on in this subject?
  • Question 3: Joanne R
    •  Bishop Wright says that God is not omnipotent until the earth is no longer under satan's rule.  Is this an unbiblical view?
  • Question 4: Savanna Dare
    • Would you suggest that I address my lead pastor/elders about my reason for leaving the congregation? 


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Ethan hoover:

You are listening to research, a podcast aimed at instigating Christians to be Christian. Hey, what's up everybody, you're listening to recharge podcast. My name is Ethan. And I'm one of your co hosts. And I'm joined by my other co host, Matthew Mayer. What's up, dude?


What is up, guys?

Ethan hoover:

So this episode is our Q and R episode. It's been long awaited this whole season, we've asked you our listeners to submit questions on our website, read church And we're finally here the q&a episode, we've went through 11 episodes for season one, diving into what the false gospel is looking at several different false gospels in specificity. And now we are answering some of your questions that you guys have submitted about that. So I'm excited. You're excited? Why is it called a q&a or not a q&a? Oh, great question. Actually, that's this is our first question of the q&a episode from hosts. So the difference between a q&a and a q&a is question and answers more black and white. So an answer is more definitive. Right. And then a response is more, even though we might believe it as definitive black and white, there could be other schools of thought that might have the same sort of biblical Wait, just a different perspective taken from the text. I think there's a clear line of, you know, a false gospel, take on a specific test and a text and then just a different perspective or interpretation of a text. So that's the difference between a q&a episode and a q&a episode. So for this q&a episode, we're gonna dive right on into your questions. So first question is brought to you by Lian. Lian asks, internet preacher that has many followers named Marcus Rogers basically states that if you don't speak in tongues, you aren't saved. Also, during water baptism, is it wrong to say, I baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He says, You should only say I baptize in the name of Jesus. If you don't do it this way, then your baptism is wrong. That's packed.


It is. So we'll take it from the top I am aware of Marcus Rogers actually followed him for a season it was during the season of politics and the tension of that 2020. And during COVID, and the beginning of it again, march 2020. So his ministry crossed my newsfeed where I was able to see what his brother was saying, I was appreciative of the way he was handling and taking on very controversial issues head on scripturally. Unfortunately, I have to be honest with you over time, some of the things that he has propagated, for example, these two questions literally, have caused a lot of debate and arguments and division online. And there's so many other counter videos to these two schools of thought that he is actually saying, Salvation rises or falls based on this is a dangerous posture, because let's start from the very baseline, salvation is in Christ alone, there should be nothing added to it, nor taken from it. That name given under heaven, by which men must be saved. So to say that there's something that has to happen, that you're responsible for, is, unfortunately, a false gospel. Right? So it's a work based message, if the understanding of salvation is that it should have speaking of tongues follow it. There's no basis scripturally of all of the passages that deal with how one is saved. There's no mentioning of like, save and then tongues. So and the way they're teaching tongues these days, and even Marcus Rogers, they're teaching it as if it's this unintelligible, you know, mystical spiritual language that nobody can interpret and it's like that right away is wrong, right. First Corinthians 14 is the chapter that we should look into about the proper expression of tongues. Now, before we even get into that, I'll just say with a flat No, no, you do not have to speak in tongues as evidence of your salvation. The reason why we have these passages in the Bible where tongues are mentioned, first of all, For the first time tongues are mentioned, is in the book of Acts. It's when the Holy Spirit fell upon their early disciples. And they began to preach the gospel, the Holy Spirit falls, tongues of fire flaming tongues over their head. And they begin to preach the gospel Peter specifically, and there's a response and 3000 souls are saved, or they respond to the message of repentance, based on the kingdom of heaven, that Jesus left the early church and the disciples to propagate. And they begin to speak in tongues. Now you got to understand and the Greek which is what the New Testament is written in the word tongues is glossa. It's where we get the word glossary from, it's actually intelligible language. And if you read the text carefully, it says, they were speaking in tongues, and people began to say, Are they under the influence of alcohol, like, but but they're, they're speaking our language, and it mentions various languages. So the languages that were going forth were a confirmation that God did a work, but that was for that season. And then you see it again in Acts chapter 10. You see it again, in Acts chapter, I believe, 19. And these are examples of God affirming the message before the canon of Scripture. So let me just say this as a sticky way to remember, every believer has the gift of the Holy Spirit. But not every believer has every spiritual gift, right? And tongues, according to First Corinthians 12 is a spiritual gift. Again, intelligible language which requires an interpreter. And the reason Paul writes to the church at Corinth, chapter 14, it's a rebuke, because they were out of line in their expression, or demonstration of gifts, spiritual gifts, mainly the sign gifts, right outward gifts, tongues, prophesying, healing, these are really down through the ages would have caused debates and divisions and whole entire denominations have split based on their untape interpretation of spiritual gifts. Why

Ethan hoover:

do you think that is with more outward gifts? Is it because of just like pride and like, sort of just image like,


I think it is. I think it's overexpression of spirituality. In other words, you know, when you see people speaking in tongues in a setting, it's like, wow, they are under the immigration Holy Spirit. Yeah. And then you start to doubt whether or not you have the spirit and the enemy loves it. And I hate to break it to a lot of people out there. Again, most of the the demonstrations of tongues today are misrepresentation representations, sadly, so I can go on and on about the different forms of how the tongue should be used. I mean, the scriptures are very, very clear about it. First Corinthians chapter 14 is not an edification. It's an admonishment. It's a correction. It's a course correction. And if you read it slowly, you see the apostle himself, Paul was saying, here's how you're supposed to utilize it. It's for the non believing world, to see that God is real, mainly speaking their language. And they would be convinced that God was real because you're speaking, or one is interpreting what you're speaking. And they are convinced that that was a work of God. Yeah, it's not gibberish. And that's what it has become. Yes, a good word exactly. Because gibberish spiritual gibberish.

Ethan hoover:

First Corinthians 1422. Like you sort of just said, Thus, this says this. Thus tongues are a sign not for believers, but for unbelievers while prophecy, not tongues, while prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers, but for believers. So I think we're getting them twisted, honestly.


Right. Right. And obviously, they're they've crossed over to tongues becoming a heavenly prayer language, because of other verses like you grown in the spirit. Again, when you read the Bible, and you understand the entire comprehensive view of the Bible, which would include what is mentioned some of these stories that people utilize as theology, guess what they are? They're descriptive. Now, if you're listening, there's two ways to read text. Descriptive, and prescriptive. Descriptive, is just the author documenting exactly what happened. He's describing it. The Holy Spirit fell, Peter preaches that people repent. Holy Spirit fills them. They speak in glossa, intelligible language other people hear them assume they're drunk, recognize they're speaking in their native tongue. And they were convinced this was God. It's descriptive. It's not prescriptive, prescriptive, would be verses like Acts chapter four, verse 12. How do you get saved there's no other name under heaven given amongst men by which you should be saved except the name of Jesus. Romans chapter 10, verses eight to 10. Here's the formula for salvation. Believe in your heart. confess with your mouth. Believe in your heart. What? That God raised Jesus from the dead, confess in your mouth, that very proclamation of faith just like a doctor's prescription. That's right, it is the formula of how to get better. It's like giving you the answer. That's right. Yeah. Right. So not to be added to prescription is Jesus alone, when you add some of these other elements like tongues, is an indication that you're truly saved, you are playing, not only on sinking sand, you are manipulating God's word. So I would say to that brother, Marcus Rogers, and many people have made videos going at him based on that theology, that that is not proper interpretation of the Scripture. So that's a flat No, with a lot of nuances, because we just basically scratched the surface of tongues and probably stepped on a lot of toes, my Pentecostal friends, who think that you get slain in a spirit, you fall backwards, or you begin to speak in tongues. And again, there's no example in scripture of that ever happening. Yeah, when that's when we talked about a lot of this whole season, we've talked about when we make minor things, the main focus, everything else gets out of balance with our faith. And I would say, a gift like tongues is another example of one of those things where, when we start making that the main focus, the main thing,

Ethan hoover:

we throw everything else out of balance, right,


and it's not good. Let me just say this before we move on, obviously, throughout the rest of the book of Acts, the rest of the New Testament, the many epistles written by either Paul, Peter, the language always involving salvation does not include tongues. So John 316, in the gospels, 1618, how do you get saved while Jesus came to save Ephesians two, one to 10. If you read that in its entirety, Acts chapter four, verse 12, as already said, Acts chapter 16, verse 31, Romans chapter 10, verses nine to 13. First Corinthians 15, verses three to eight, all of those which deal with salvation, do not include the mentioning of speaking in tongues associated with it. So that alone shows us that these other examples in Scripture that deal with people speaking in tongues, again, I say it's intelligible language. intelligible glossa. So somebody can either interpret it, or somebody that's listening knows it. That's the proper application of tongues. And there's an argument and debate on whether or not God even uses the sign gifts, past the Canon canon of Scripture. So people can ask that question in the future, or you assess, I think it's sensationalist. The gifts of the Spirit have ceased, or continuation just Do you believe they've continued? I kind of land in the middle because I don't ever want to put God in a box.

Ethan hoover:

So what about baptism? So instead of baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Marcus also is saying that it is right to just baptize in the name of Jesus. And stop there. Come


on, brother Marcus was off what you make. These are such dangerous statements, because it gets people to question whether or not they're saved. I was baptized. And I remember, oh, no, the minister said baptize in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And Marcus said, he should have said in the name of Jesus, the baptism didn't stick. I might not be saved. And it's like, whoa, semantics, it is semantics. And you got to understand what did Jesus say that we call the Great Commission. I've often looked at that verse, especially Matthew 28, where he's giving these final words before his departure, his departure, being his ascension back to heaven. So they're of utmost importance, because there's some of the most final words that Jesus would say to his disciples. And he instructed us to preach the gospel, right to all the nations and baptize them in the name, no mo singular, which is interesting Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So the word trinity is not in the Bible. Right? But I go. There are other examples of the triune nature of God in Scripture. We just call it the Trinity. It's our way to describe it without three in one. Yeah. Nobody ever uses the Matthew 28 Verse, as an example of the Trinity. And Jesus says it flat out in the name. Then he gives the three different natures Father, Son, Holy Spirit, So we take that as a formula, you're praying over somebody before you baptize them. And I do this. And I say, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we baptize you. And we dunk them, and we take them up, and then they got wet. Right? Yeah. And it's a moment that they can use as a line of demarcation in the sand, and they went public with their faith. And we'll talk a little bit about that in a second. elsewhere. And the reason that Marcus and others would believe you baptize in the name of Jesus, is because of Acts chapter two, verse 38. Right, Repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, this is Peter for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So they take these verses and go see, this is the formula in the name of Jesus Christ. Audience matters, context matters. When Jesus was giving that commission to the disciples, Where was he sending them, he was sending them to the nations. Right, so that would include obviously Jews and Gentiles, Jews, being those that were primed to receive the Messiah, the most, the Old Testament Scriptures, the tour, mainly Psalms and prophets, all the prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, they're primed, they're prepared. So they're obviously going to reach those individuals. And they're also going to preach to Gentiles who have no basis or no knowledge of Old Testament scriptures. Type ology, symbolic, like, they're just, they're coming in dark, they're coming in with no point of reference,

Ethan hoover:

it'd be too complex to like under slide to throw it all at them at once. Right, right.


So who would need to know that you're to be baptized in the name of Jesus out of those two audiences,

Ethan hoover:

if you were to guess, the ones that have never


think about it. I know this, it'll it'll make sense when I say who, out of these two audiences, Jews and Gentiles would need to know that they need to be baptized in the name of Jesus, Jews, Jews, who was the one in the triune nature of God, that they had a hard time receiving? Jesus, the Son, they understood the spirit. There's examples of the Old Testament or the spirit, they understood God as Father, they did not receive Jesus as the Son of God. So the reason why Peter is leaning into this, he's saying to them, in the name of Jesus, this is God in flesh. So it's not a formula as much as it's a foundation. And I think we are greatly when we try to add formulas to salvation or baptism. There's other examples of the referencing of in the name of Jesus when they're being baptized. And I think taking just those two verses, once again, are descriptive, not prescriptive, and telling anybody that if you use what Jesus said, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, that you have disqualified their baptism. It's just I can't believe anybody even buys into this nonsense. It's a bold statement. It's dangerous, very dangerous. Baptism speaks to a symbolism. It is the life, the death and the resurrection of Jesus. So when you get baptized, you are publicly proclaiming that your life is now in association, or in what by way of identification with Jesus's life, his life that he lived, his death that he died, and obviously, the resurrection power that got him out of that grave. So think about it, you're standing there, somebody takes you underneath the water, that's your death. And they raise you out of the water. That's your life. And it symbolizes by way of physical public representation of an inward private transformation.

Ethan hoover:

I think it's interesting, like the baptism of Jesus Himself, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all present. That's right. You know, that's right. The Father speaks, when He's baptized by John the Baptist, and the Holy Spirit lands on him like a dove. Right? So I think that's like, beautiful too.


I think if we're going to pick a formula, that would be the one you're going to pick something to say, well, baptizing someone, it would be in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Triune God, Peter, emphasizing just Jesus's name is understandable, considering his audience being Jews, and they needed to understand this is all coming by way of Jesus the Messiah. Right? And in time, they will understand God the Father, God, the Spirit, all founded in God the Son,

Ethan hoover:

and I think what you're saying at the root of this answer is that context is everything right? If you don't know who the author is, who they're writing to, certain things aren't Gotta make sense. And these, some teachers are going to pull verses out of context and make you rethink like your whole faith. Yeah, like your whole baptism. And it's like, no, like, be encouraged. It's not, that's not true. They're just they're trying to pull a fast one on you don't believe it, you know, it's like it's,


you see God in heaven gone. Oh, my goodness, they just baptize another one in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, even though that's what Jesus asked us to do. And his great commission, you should have just used in Jesus's name. It's like, if that's what he wanted, it would have been extremely clear in scriptures, we've got to stop taking what's descriptive in a Bible. And using it as prescriptive in a lot of these questions are divided by those two different perspectives descriptive and prescriptive.

Ethan hoover:

And if it's just based on a formula of words, then like, we could pray anything. And God wouldn't care about our intentions. He would just care about the magic words that were saying.


And that's how people use the Lord's Prayer. They call it the Lord's Prayer. Yes, not the Lord's Prayer. Nope. John 17 is the Lord's Prayer, like, literally, John 17 was the Lord praying. The Lord's Prayer, as we know it is our prayer should be called your prayer. Because they ask Jesus, this is one of those examples of formula. And there's nothing magical about saying it verbatim, even though there's beauty in it. Don't get me wrong. Jesus teach us to pray. And that's when he goes, you want to learn how to pray. In this manner, therefore, pray Our Father, who art in heaven, and he begins to lay before them this amazing what I would call template, I would call it a template. So when I look at it, I can take each line, which takes me deeper in my prayer life. And that's again, that's a that's

Ethan hoover:

another another time. Well, Leanne, we hope that that answered your, your big questions there. That's good. And I think we're gonna


go I'll say to Leann, if you're listening to this, I still appreciate brother Marcus Rogers, I see things pop up from time to time that I agree with. So these are one of those examples of knowing the word so well, that when a preacher teacher, YouTube, or from the pulpit is saying something, you can discern the difference between where that's coming from, that doesn't mean you completely disqualify him. Even though some people are like, they're making videos saying he's a false teacher, and I'm gone. He's putting out some stuff that is, in my opinion, very dangerous. But I think I just want to give a little bit more grace to some of these guys out there, because it looks like they want to serve the Jesus that I'm serving.

Ethan hoover:

Let's continue forward, so anonymous, this one's anonymous. Okay. But the question is, obeying the law doesn't save us but obeying God's law brings him pleasure. Are the sacrificial laws, the only ones that don't apply today? And what about God's holy feasts? Should we observe them? And some additional comments are? Can you give guidance on areas as we as Christians can get tripped up on the subject? Okay.


All right. So, big question. A lot of people do struggle with how to apply God's law, which is multifaceted. But you got to keep in mind when God gave His law, and I'm gonna use the word, not word I'm gonna use the description of God's law as the 10 commandments, okay. But with the 10 commandments came, I'll say, as the meaning of the word, Deuteronomy, second law. The second law was specific. This is important, specific to the culture and context of Israel alone, the nation of Israel, which would include ceremonial law, ceremonial law that would have feasts, festivities, that would have orders of sacrifices, types of sacrifices, all of that was only and solely for Israel. But the 10 commandments, which preceded the second laws, which was Moses as law, it's what we call it in the scriptures. The Law of Moses is moral law. So by way of alliteration, so you can divide these in your mind when you're thinking through, is that law applicable to me today? As a Christian, part of the Church of Jesus Christ, three C's, conscientious law or commandment law, okay, so think 10 commandment law. See, conscience, law, commandment law. Second see ceremonial law. Again, think festivities, Sabbath's circumcision, Passover, the different forms of sacrifices and ceremonies and the third would be civil law. Civil Law is going to require us to understand moral law. Commandment law 10 commandment law with Count context and culture, because some of the civil laws that were applicable to Israel, they have ceased to have application in present day law. And I know that might sound complicated, but basically this is how you translate some of the laws of today. Moral Law transcends time. God gave moral law. Right, he wrote it in the heart of man, he affirmed it with the commandments that he gave to Moses to give to man. And that is what Jesus said, sums up God's law. What is the greatest commandment Jesus? He said, love God with all your heart, soul mind strength? That's the first several commandments of the 10 commandments. You know that? Yeah, well, okay. And he added to that, here's the second. And it's like it, love your neighbor as yourself. That's the rest of the 10 commandments. So that holds true that the law is given to show us that we're law breakers. That doesn't mean I don't try to keep the law. But the law is a tutor that takes me to my teacher and the teacher is Jesus Christ. That's what the Bible says. So, laws matter, and how to differentiate if they're applicable today requires you to understand more law is applicable today. Moral Law does not change. God has given us morality, good and evil. And obviously, those can be teased out. ceremonial law has been completed in the nation of Israel. All of those types Sabbath's circumcision, festivities, festivals, pass, Passover included, all of which found their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Now, it's also important understand, and I don't have this verse in front of me, maybe I could take a second to pull it up. If you feel it necessary to use some of these ceremonial examples, Sabbath festivities, and it helps enrich your faith. And so be it. I mean, there's verses about, everyone should be fully convinced in his own mind, about some of these Old Testament laws of life. But our faith isn't built upon all of those, those are type ologies, their symbolisms to help me see that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, fulfilled them all. And God wrote it, before he even came. So it should help strengthen my faith to see that all of this rises and falls on the Son of God. Does that make sense? Or my family says anything here?

Ethan hoover:

No, I think that makes sense. Colossians 216 through 17 says, Therefore, let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival, or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.


It's a monumental two verses you just read that's packed because because it deals with a lot of the Old Testament symbol symbology, and typology, the festivities, the festivals, everything, you just read the new moons, a lot of that had have had its origin in Judaism. So understand the struggle, you got this new institution called the church made up of Christians. And they're pulling a lot of their history and their understanding of God through Jewish scriptures and Jewish writers and prophets. So what fades away? And what do you continue to apply? And the point would be Paul's writing to this church, and Colossi, the Colossians. And he's like, Hey, some of you are going to want to still celebrate some of these festivities. Don't judge anybody for that. If it draws them closer to Jesus, then let them Don't let it bother you. But you celebrating it. Don't look at anybody else who's not celebrating it and judge them for not all of those are shadows. The substance is Christ. There's a debate over the Sabbath. Do we still have the Sabbath and again, there's a lot of verses that deal with Jesus was the Sabbath. He's the one that gives the rest. But there's wisdom in finding rest, right? Seventh Day. Adventists believe the Sabbath is Saturday. And it was where we get the Spanish word, do the Spanish for Saturday semitone I was about to,

Ethan hoover:

say Saturday and Hispanic Spanish accent.


But what happened? Well, the Lord's Day became Sunday, which was the first day of the week. It's when the early church began to gather and break bread and have fellowship and teach the scriptures to strengthen their faith. So we continue that tradition of meeting on the Sunday. Some would argue like some of these other questions. Well, if you're meeting on the Sunday, not to Saturday as your day of rest, you know, you're not saved. I'm like, gosh, it's like, there's one way to be saved. Yeah, that's true repentance, which is changing your mind and putting your faith your life in the hands of Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's that if it's true And then your life will be transformed. And there will be fruit of that repentance doesn't mean you're going to be perfect. It means you are going to make the mistakes of being human while at the same time being contrite, and repent, fall over those decisions, which swings you back into the arms of a heavenly father who forgives us fresh in a new so this is the life of the believer constantly moving forward in our faith. So remember the alliteration. You got commandment, law or conscientious law, law and conscience moral law, you can say, ceremonial law. A lot of these dealt with regulations and different types of feasts and festivals, festivals that dealt with just Israel. And then you have civil law and a lot of the civil laws that were pertinent to the Jews or to the nation of Israel are not applicable to us today. Unless, unless it deals with the moral law. So the moral law, the ethical law, the spiritual law, has all transcended the times of the Old Testament and are applicable today for New Testament believers.

Ethan hoover:

Joanne are asks, I've been following the Anglican bishop anti rights theology, that God is not omnipotent in a fallen world. Bishop Wright says that God is not omnipotent until the earth is no longer under Satan's rule. Is this an unbiblical view? And also, she loves the podcast?


Oh, thank you so much for your support. We are grateful for your question. And it is a great question. And I think it needs a short answer. But I'll give a long explanation. In short, it's yes, that is an unbiblical view to make God's omnipotence contingent upon Satan's role, which is a very real rule on planet Earth. And there's other scriptures that affirm that, but to make God's omnipotence that means all powerful, his power rises or falls based on Satan's reign. On planet Earth, there's no way that can be true, right. And the reason we know it can't be true, is because there are other verses that speak to God's sovereignty. That's a better word for omnipotence. God is sovereign, he is completely in control of all things past, present, and future. His all powerful nature is expressive through His creation. Its expressive through the cross, specifically, the fact that Jesus could come and subject himself to the hands of evil men. And yes, the evil forces of the devil that would try to get him to that cross, falling trap to God's plan all along. A lot of people think that the cross was, you know, Satan was trying to get Jesus, not to die. That's what many people believe. But if you notice, why did Satan inspired Judas to betray Jesus? Why did Satan stir up the crowds and the mob to yell crucify Jesus and set free Barabbas? Why did Satan manipulate the religious leaders, all of which tried Jesus unfairly partnered with the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, all of which, to kill Jesus, because they thought that if they could kill him, they could thwart God's sending him. But they didn't know God's omnipotence planned this, right. It was God's plan all along. And then you look at Job. Satan obviously had to ask the Omni potent God for His permission to be able to even touched job in the first place that is very clear from the text job one and job two, a quick read through job one and job two is it's pretty chilling, while at the same time, it should be comforting. It's chilling, because it shows us that the devil truly is a lion on the prowl, seeking whom he may devour. It's comforting, because in the same vein, it shows us a God who is in control of even the enemy's moves. He can't touch us unless God allows it. And if God allows it, there's a divine purpose in it, as is the case of the cross. So we go back from job and jump into something Jesus said, he's standing before the governor, the governor is Pontius Pilate, and he says to him, because Jesus isn't answering him, and he's frustrated, and now he's going to show Jesus He's got the power over his life. Don't you know I hold the power to kill you or set you free. To which Jesus says this is profound. John 1911 You have no power at all. Over Me, power over me, unless it has been given to you where by my phone, not by Satan. Satan is ruined at this time. You have no power at all, as it be given to you by My Father who is in heaven, like, God gave you this. So I'm actually submitting to My God, my father's power, my father's will. And he and you're only allowed to make this decision because it has been pre written. That's really

Ethan hoover:

good. Have you ever played with like, when you were like a kid? Did you play with like, connects or like, put the marble through like the you know, you drop the marble and it goes around like the loop de loops. And Sure. So I just had like a, just an image, like of God's sovereignty sort of being like that track. Like, it doesn't matter if there's like loop de loops or like, spins, and it looks like it's out of control, the marble still getting where God wants it to go. And I feel like that's how God's sovereignty works, I think. And te NT rights, sort of viewpoint is more. It's not looking at the big perspective. Why do you got sovereignty? Why do you think somebody like him and others who would would parrot the same exact theology that basically it comes down to?


Everything in our world is a result of sin and the devil until Jesus comes to set it all in order? Why? Why is that a philosophy or theology that a minister would want to state?

Ethan hoover:

Not a trick question can blame? I don't know. I'm not


really sure why well, we have a hard time reconciling pain and sufferings, yet pain and suffering and we see Scripture say God is good, and we go, pain and suffering are not good. And therefore God is not in painting, suffering, we completely right out of the story. The fact that God uses all this and recycles it for His glory, and are good, as in the case of job, as in the case of Jesus. In fact, think about the scriptures. Matthew, chapter 10, verses 28 to 31, which would deal with the sovereignty of God over even a fallen Sparrow, the amount of hairs on your head, Romans 917, for the scripture says to Pharaoh, for this purpose, I have raised you up, that I may show my power in you, and that my Name may be declared and all the earth, think about the greatest evil ever done, was the murdering of God's holy and only begotten Son. So think about that. And yet Acts chapter two, verses 22 and 23. Acts chapter four, verses 27 and 28. Say that was God's planned. Wait, wait, wait, wait, the murdering of the Son, the suffering of the holy, perfect Son of God was part of God's omnipotence and his perfect plan? And yes, so the worst sin that ever happened was actually part of God's plan. And by that sin, sin died. Mic drop, mic drop, head explosion, Omni potent, He's omnipotent,

Ethan hoover:

not in the way that we think with our natural minds. That's right. We think of all powerful, like, every little thing has to go the right way. Right. But like we've always talked about, it's his economy. God's economy is flipped. That's right. So it doesn't look like right is winning when it is us right?


So God's, we say omniscient, which means all knowing knows everything, nothing can ever happen without him already knowing it for knowing it. He's omnipotent. We've just covered that He is all powerful regardless of Satan's reign and rule on planet Earth. Right now. His time is short, God has allowed him to run rampant on planet Earth. And this is the stage of the church age that we're in currently where he's on the prowl. Truth is under attack. The church is supposed to rise and roar, like align ourselves bold with the truth. And of course, God is omnipotent over all of that he is fulfilling His perfect will. And of course He is omnipresent. He is everywhere can't escape God. David would write about that in the Psalms like Where can I go? I can't make my bed in hell, Hades. You're there. I can't go up. You are there like there's nowhere to go to hide from this God, who is omnipotent. So great question. I hope the answers and again we can spend forever talking about some of these answers.

Ethan hoover:

All right, Savannah Derr asks as a 20 year old woman trying to be recharged, like Yeah, that's a love that. Would you suggest that I address my lead pastor slash elders about my reason for leaving the congregation. And she also continues with your podcast has really helped me pinpoint the wrong things that are coming from the pulpit of my church, so thank you. The Lord has opened my eyes to a lot going on in my quote unquote, seeker friendly mega church. And I'm just struggling how to go about leaving? is hearing my heart and reason for leaving necessary? Or do I leave quietly and simply just start attending another church?


Right? Wow, thank you for your question and your vulnerability, we actually receive a lot of emails with this very same question about their churches, in light of let me just start off by saying this in light of all of the issues of our day, and a lot of them are controversial, right, because a lot of them, they enter into the political arena, and a lot of people don't know how to navigate them. And politics and religion causes tension and family. So therefore, I'm not going to talk about it. Let me just say, if your pastor or preacher or minister is not speaking about the issues of the day, that does not mean they are preaching a false gospel, that does not mean that I'm under the persuasion. I'm under the calling, actually, I feel compelled to connect some of the cultural dots with the scriptural implications from a biblical worldview. That's my calling. So please do not if you ever hear me preach or teach, don't look at your current home pastor. And compare him and I, if he's preaching the pure gospel, based on our episode of the pure gospel, it's in Christ alone by faith alone, through grace alone. Yeah,

Ethan hoover:

I think what you're saying is the content. As long as the content is the pure gospel, the approach can be different. Yes,


yes. Now while I would say it, a lot of these pastors, for such a time as this guys are people are longing for us to connect the dots, to tell them what God says about issue number one, issue number two, and even presenting multiple schools of thought from the pulpit is wise, hey, you might think this is right about the social justice movement. And hey, by the way, there are some beautiful things about getting involved socially, to represent the hands of people just at the same time, we should not affirm organizations like Black Lives Matter, because that is anti Christ, that is anti Bible and like, tease that out. Well, that's controversial. But you got to choose, at some point, what you're going to address. Now, to this young lady. It all depends on your proximity to these leaders, pastors, elders, it also depends on how deep you're in to that fellowship. Because if you leave, without any closure, you could cause other people to make certain determinations or have questions. So if you're there, and you're not too involved, and you don't show up on a Sunday, and nobody would even know you're missing, then it might be wise to just part ways with that fellowship and find a solid church that's preaching the pure gospel, if you're leaving is going to cause people to ask questions, then I think a conversation with gentleness and love is in order, if you can request to speak to a pastor there or an elder and present your concerns, and I would do so not in a judgmental manner. Like you're not preaching the gospel, because maybe he thinks he is. Yeah, right. Ask them where they stand on certain issues. That's probably a better way, hey, this issue that I'm concerned about, where do you stand that would be more telling, in my opinion, right? Hey, Pastor, in light of, you know, the new law in Florida, which gives the parents the right to teach their children about gender identity and sexual orientation, What's your stance on that? And see what they do, because those questions are very telling about what they believe. I would also say if it's a megachurch, not always the indication that it's not preaching the pure gospel. Size does not determine the health of the church big or small. But if there's a seeker sensitive strategy, I would caution anybody from going there because the church scripturally is not supposed to be a place for non believers. Yes, non believers should be invited. Yes, you want to get your non believing family member and friend to come through the door. So they hear the gospel and hear truth. But the church, structurally from its inception, was for believers. It was a place where we could come together and strengthen our faith. Yep. So if I'm going and you always tell me about ABC and 123, and I'm stuck in kindergarten faith, that's not the place Yeah. That's that's an evangelistic event. That's milk. You know, it is have an event that's open to the public. And you then the seeker sensitive, have a God come tell us testimony that attracts people to what makes that guy have hope.

Ethan hoover:

Even even further than that. I mean, like you said, We're the church was built on Christians coming together being discipled. That's right. And then going out, go therefore into all the nations go out. That's right. Don't I feel like this is me. I feel like I'm saying it from an opinion But American Christianity has that very wrong of everything's at at the church. We invite all of our nonbeliever friends to the church to get saved rather than going No. Church is a place where we get fed filled up, we go, we go out. That's right. And then that's good. That stuff happens


that three churched. Yeah. So again, I don't know the other details of this young lady's question. So it's hard to actually give a definitive answer or counsel her on what she should do. But generally speaking, if she's involved at the church, and she has access to ask a pastor or an elder to have a meeting, and then present your issues, by way of questions, not interrogation, or not even assumptions, like judging them for being a false church, and see how the Lord leads you in that conversation, you might find that there's just misunderstandings, while at the same time, I totally get the seeker sensitive strategy. A lot of churches go out into the community, you know, this, they go out into the community, they'll handout, what would you like to see in a local church? So you're asking a non believer what they want to say, what are you think they're gonna say? I want coffee in the house. You know, I don't want any messages to be you know about and like, then the church is built upon the framework of a non believers perspective on what they would want. Yeah.

Ethan hoover:

And well, it's built on love, hope, and all these happy things that don't involve Jesus.


So cue Season One of the church. Yeah, exactly. Hey, so thank you for that question. Awesome question. If you have any other questions, please reach out in private, I'd love to help you walk that process out.

Ethan hoover:

So since we had plenty of questions come in a plethora of questions come in. We felt like why not split this into two episodes. So we're gonna do exactly that. We have another q&a episode, coming next week. So make sure to you know, put a notification on your phone or reminder. Make sure to subscribe, follow all the things we've said in every other episode.


These questions have been so appropriate. So and a lot of these questions we're actually going to cover in a more organized fashion in season two. Yeah, right. Because I think the line that I really want to drive season to Ethan is church history. Does Not Equal church, biblically. Yeah, like just because it happened in church history edition. Doesn't make it the way God intended it to be church biblically. So T shirts to come maybe what are they gonna say? Ethan?

Ethan hoover:

Make? Wait, what was it make church grade again? Are you Oh, was it I forget you're the one that said it. I know I can't remember make church biblical again. Ah, yeah. Make church biblical. Again.


There we go. Make church biblical again.

Ethan hoover:

Said make church great again. Oh my gosh. I could work. We'll tease episode, excuse me Season Two out a little bit more in the next q&a episode at the end. So listen to that one. We'll see you guys in the next q&a episode. Hope you're blessed by this one. God bless