The Unspoken Life of the Military Wife | Building community and connection for military spouses

Kick off your holiday shopping with mil spouse owned jewelry business The Dainty Forces Co

Alison Episode 94

We are kicking off our mil spouse holiday business series today with the creator of The Dainty Forces jewelry line, Navy spouse Erin.

Erin is currently stationed in Hawaii. We talked about being stationed there, and the best way to get your dogs on island without having to put them in quarantine. Which I know is a big factor in many military families not wanting to be stationed there. 

Erin shared her job progression including the difficulty of finding a job in Hawaii and the lack of jobs specifically for military spouses. We face A LOT of job discrimination because of our lifestyle, it’s not legal, but it still happens all the time. 

The Dainty Forces came from Erin’s love of jewelry and her desire for small but impactful pieces that held special meaning and could provide comfort when we are navigating challenging times. 

Check out their holiday look book and remember to shop small first and help support our fellow mil spouses. We are in this thing together! 

Use the code THEMILSPOUSEPODCAST at check out to receive 10% off your order!

Check out their website:

Check out their Holiday Guide here:

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[00:00:00] Alison: Today we are, and actually Aaron, I didn't tell you this, but you're kicking off our series that I like to do. I did the same thing last year where I like to spotlight mill spouse businesses that have products that offer for the holidays, right?

[00:00:13] Alison: It's coming into holiday season. And there's actually a lot of businesses that have a tight, like if you want to order from a small business, you don't have until like, The second week in December to order like you, you kind of got to get a little bit ahead of that. So so anyway, so Aaron has a jewelry line called .

[00:00:31] Alison: . The dainty forces and yes. Dainty forces company. And you're based in Oahu, which we were actually just talking about. I asked if you had dogs and we were talking about the process of that. So maybe we'll get into that a little bit more later, but but anyway, so Erin, welcome to the show.

[00:00:48] Alison: I'm happy to have 

[00:00:49] Erin: you here. Yes. Thank you so much for having me. 

[00:00:52] Alison: Yeah. Awesome. Okay. So I always like to start off with. You know, what has your military life looked like? 

[00:00:58] Erin: I honestly think that our military life right now has just been, I don't want to say very vanilla, but like, I feel like compared to a lot of other like friends and spouses that I do have, that I've heard all these crazy stories, I feel like everything has been really.

[00:01:11] Erin: Relaxed and chill, like minus COVID, but yeah but yeah, so we actually, I met my husband when I was in school in Pensacola and we were in Pensacola for about six years. Yeah. And then we ended up moving to Hawaii in February of 2020 and that's when COVID hit. And that's when my husband was on a ship because we're Navy.

[00:01:33] Erin: So he went on a ship. He was doing underways. We did one deployment and then After that, we actually found out that we were being re stationed in Hawaii. So we, so in total, we would be here for about six years. Oh, 

[00:01:48] Alison: I've never heard of that happening. Is that a good thing? How do you feel about that? 

[00:01:52] Erin: I honestly, I love it because Hawaii is just So incredibly beautiful.

[00:01:56] Erin: Like we are, I feel like we're so privileged to live here and like the beaches are amazing. The food is amazing. The culture is amazing. We have the most incredible support system here just because it's it's very sometimes it does feel a little bit isolated. Like when we first moved here, we moved away from pretty much everything and everything that I really knew being from Florida.

[00:02:19] Erin: So it was very kind of like what's the word? It was an adjustment period for sure. But you kind of go through like the stages of like, you know, am I going to make friends? Like how am I going to find a job? Like, you know, all this stuff like that. And I think everything works out for a reason. And we're just like so blessed to be here for another three years.

[00:02:36] Erin: And I'm very excited. 

[00:02:38] Alison: Good! Well, actually, that kind of works out if you went from Florida to Hawaii. Similar climate, at least, so like you're used to the sun and the hot. It's not quite as humid, I don't think, in Hawaii as it gets in blast furnacy like it gets in Florida, but... 

[00:02:51] Erin: It's not as humid in Hawaii as it is in Florida, but it's like, it's like funny because I tell my friends like, yeah, we went from one tropical climate to another, so we're 

[00:02:58] Alison: very lucky.

[00:02:59] Alison: Yeah, definitely for sure. Okay. And then just because we're talking about it right now and because and because it was a big stressor, not stressor, but we we pivoted through our career, not specifically not going to Hawaii because I was terrified. To move my little babies, my dogs, I've had my whole life and we always tend to have like a geriatric ish one whenever we're PCSing so like Izzy's 12 right now like I can't imagine putting that little Oh my gosh, my they're like princesses they would I don't I don't know.

[00:03:37] Alison: How they would do with that traveling. And then I know that with the quarantine, that it has come a long way from where it used to be. So when you heard the horror stories, right, if you dot all your eyes and cross all your T's properly, they just kind of whiz right through, but you do have to be so, so you move three Huskies, which is bananas.

[00:03:54] Alison: So just like how that, how that was for you, because you said it was, it wasn't bad. It 

[00:03:59] Erin: wasn't terrible. So kind of what we did was we decided that we weren't going to ship them on a plane from Florida to Hawaii. Like we agreed that that was not going to be a thing. So at the time I had a little Prius that we drove all the way from Florida to California and it was like a week long road trip, but it was amazing.

[00:04:17] Erin: They did incredible in the car. We like let them out. They ran, they did their things, you know, stopped a couple of places, saw family. And then we decided that we were going to. At that time, obviously bring them from California to Hawaii. So that was the only okay. I guess airplane trip that they have ever taken was just that direction, but they're still, okay.

[00:04:36] Erin: I would say like relatively young, like they're seven, seven, six, and five. So. They kind of, they were good on the airplane. One of them was, and it's not funny, it's, well, I guess it's a little bit funny, but he, when we got him out of the little kettle, he was like, all paws. And he was like, let me out. Oh, sweet thing.

[00:04:59] Erin: He was Like, you've landed, you've made it. Right? But he's out of the three that we have, he's the most he's the drama queen of them all. Yeah. So just, you know, all the Huskies and their personalities, like, I mean, you've probably seen them on social media. Wow. They like yell and scream. Yes. Yes. So he's the drama queen out of the three.

[00:05:21] Erin: So it was, it was a little funny, but I'm like, bud, you made it. You're good. 

[00:05:24] Alison: Yeah. Oh, that's so 

[00:05:26] Erin: sweet. But yeah, the quarantine part of it actually wasn't too bad because what Hawaii offers now is if you go online, I believe it's a two month process that you have to do to get like your rabies shot to make sure that they have all of their vaccines to make sure they have their heartworm medication like TN or tick and flea medication and everything like that.

[00:05:47] Erin: But if you end up Actually going online you can bypass the quarantine, which is what we did because it really just I didn't want to have them in quarantine because you were able to go visit them and everything, but I think just, you know, it's still really 

[00:06:00] Alison: stressful. Yeah, that's so really stressful. Even if you even you can go visit because they're going to be like, Take me 

[00:06:07] Erin: with you.

[00:06:08] Erin: Yeah, right. Yeah, 

[00:06:10] Erin: 10 out of 10 recommend doing the quarantine or not the quarantine doing the pre quarantine things for your pets to be able to take them right away off the plane. 

[00:06:19] Alison: Yeah, I gotcha. Okay. Okay. So we just like skipped right on over, but you took three huskies 

[00:06:27] Erin: in a Prius 

[00:06:29] Alison: for like a week that if that's not like a military lifestyle at its best, then I don't even know what it is because it's like a clown car, right?

[00:06:36] Alison: You unload that thing. It's like, things just keep coming out. Like they're. That's hilarious. I bet that was the sight to behold. That's really funny. 

[00:06:44] Erin: It was actually like, it was, I think it was halfway through our trip and we were driving through Texas. It was like two o'clock in the morning and I was asleep in the passenger seat.

[00:06:51] Erin: My husband's in the driver's seat and he like woke up. He's like, Erin, we have a problem. I was like, what's the problem? And he's like, we're almost out of gas. And the next gas station isn't for another, like 90 miles. I was like, Oh, what are we going to do? So we end up taking a pivot through the cornfields in Texas to this little gas station that was like 10 miles up the road.

[00:07:13] Erin: So we're driving like 20 miles per hour, like through these Texas cornfields. And I was like, listen, I'm like, You're going first. Yeah, right. Exactly 

[00:07:20] Alison: right. Oh my God. Is that like, am I being sexist here? But like, what is it with guys and not watching the freaking gauge? Like, come on. Like you're like, that's like road trip 101 is you're watching your gas.

[00:07:35] Alison: And like, where are 

[00:07:37] Erin: you? You know, like tank, like quarter tank. You've got to fill up. Like, I'm like, because you never know. You never know. Yeah. 

[00:07:44] Alison: My husband does that all. I'll get in the car and there's like, it's all. But like the lights on and I'm like, what is the, what did stop and get it on the way home?

[00:07:54] Alison: Oh my gosh. So ridiculous. I'm sure women do it too, but like my husband's notorious for it. So I'm like, what? I 

[00:08:00] Erin: don't know what that is. Anywho. Okay. 

[00:08:02] Alison: So then, so that's cool. So that, I think that's good to hear for other, for other military spouses, because I know that that was a big thing for me as I was like, I don't think I can do the quarantine, but again, it's come a long way.

[00:08:12] Alison: You can bypass all that. If you can, if you get all your paperwork in order and vaccines Vaccination status and whatnot in order. So then what, okay. So you said that you were in school in Jacksonville and you got to, or not Jacksonville. Sorry, that's where we live. We live, yes. Pensacola. My husband actually went through OCS in Pensacola.

[00:08:30] Alison: So I bet I've been there when he graduated and then that was about it. And then, and then he left and went to San Diego actually. So okay. So you were, when you met your husband, you were in school in Florida. So what did you go to school for? And then what has your career. like as you've navigated through this military life.

[00:08:50] Erin: So okay. So kind of like a little backstory on like my jobs that I've had. So I actually started off working as a pharmacy technician when I lived back in Daytona. So I moved from Daytona to Pensacola. When I moved to Pensacola, I got a job at the world renowned Publix well best place. So I ended up getting a job at Publix and during that time I actually was kind of thinking like, well, you know, like, what can I do?

[00:09:16] Erin: So at the time I was going to school for hospitality because I just thought that that was something that interests me. I'm a very big people person, love people, love talking. And everything. And I was like, well, if I'm going to do this, like maybe I should find a job within the niche of hospitality because there's so many things that you can do.

[00:09:33] Erin: So I ended up getting a job in Orange Beach at this like little restaurant that would take me in, which was amazing. So kind of fast forward from there. I worked at BJ's brew house. I was a traveling trainer for the company. So I traveled to different openings like training people, teaching people, everything.

[00:09:50] Erin: And then from there, I ended up working at a little beach bar called a casino beach bar and grill on the beach. And I did that for about a year and some change. That was really fun. And then I ended up working at this place called the Kennedy, which is on Palathox, which was this like a little bit more of like a high end kind of like classier bar.

[00:10:08] Erin: And then during that time I graduated. And so I graduated in May. We were supposed to be moving in February. So I kind of just worked like bartending and stuff like that since then. And when I was, when we were getting to Hawaii, I was like, all right, perfect. Like I'm going to find a job. Everything's going to be great.

[00:10:24] Erin: And then COVID hit. Yeah. So naturally everything, hospitality was on lockdown for like at least two years. So yeah, finding a job in hospitality during that time while living here was like an absolute nightmare. So I ended up working at the NEX here because I actually had that job for a few months when I lived in Florida and they just transferred my position to Hawaii thankfully and worked there for about two and a half years.

[00:10:53] Erin: Then I ended up switching to another position. It was like a lot of jobs. That's 

[00:10:57] Alison: how most of us are. I'm not, I mean, I'm going to lie. I gave, I went through and named everything I've had. It'd be a really long list. You were not alone. 

[00:11:06] Erin: You're not alone. So I ended up working in the jewelry counter, like area at the NEX.

[00:11:14] Erin: Then I switched to a supervisor for shoe department. And then I ended up going back to jewelry as a vendor for the doubt for a diamond company. So. That's kind of where I really just got like started in like actual like jewelry parts of it, then kind of switching back to what I wanted to do for my hospitality degree.

[00:11:32] Erin: There was a company that was hiring for a talent acquisition specialist, which I did, but it was like a very short term job. So they ended up letting me go after the holiday season and everything. And then I was thinking like, well, what am I going to do with like this time that I have? Because really nobody's hiring for hospitality.

[00:11:49] Erin: It's very hard to find a job here. Surprisingly like hospitality everywhere here. Yeah. Then I was like thinking, I was like, well, I was really good at jewelry. Like I know all of the background behind it. So I was like, so why don't I just try to start making jewelry? And at the time I was thinking, you know, like, well, what could I wear to maybe, you know, support my husband?

[00:12:14] Erin: And then that's where the idea came in of like, oh my gosh, what if I just start making. D& T Patreon jewelry that people can wear that has meaning behind it. That is something that they can like hold close to their heart. Like if they're going through hard times or if they need like some words of encouragement.

[00:12:28] Erin: And then that's kind of where my company kind of bloom and came from. Yeah, 

[00:12:33] Alison: I love that. Okay. So we're going to get into that a little bit more, but I want to back up just a second. So you said that it's, it was really hard for you to find a job in hospitality. Do you think it was a COVID thing? Do you feel like it's a.

[00:12:45] Alison: Mainland or Hawaiian thing. Do you think? Yeah. Okay. Okay. 

[00:12:50] Erin: So I think it's a little bit of both. Yeah. Okay. So there is a lot of, you know, like hospitality jobs, but sometimes I just think that they're like, well, they want to have like X, Y, Z amount of experience in different parts, parts of, I guess, either if it comes to like restaurants, if it comes to hotels, if it comes to like spas, like it comes to anything Yeah.

[00:13:11] Erin: So I think it was like a little bit of mix of like COVID, because in Hawaii, it actually COVID, they had the state lockdown, I believe, a lot longer than all the other states. So there wasn't as much like tourism coming in, you know, it obviously it's kind of getting back to where it is right now, or like how it was beforehand.

[00:13:32] Erin: But I think that had a lot to do with it as well. And then also sometimes to like, you know, just because we are military spouses. , I know that it's, you know, against the law or against the rules to be like, Oh, we can't not hire you. But , sometimes when they ask like, Oh, , why are you here?

[00:13:50] Erin: And you're like, you just can't really lie, you know? And so times like that comes into play too. So. 

[00:13:56] Alison: Yeah. And they know you're on your way out. I, I asked that because I know that there's a lot of other military spouses that experienced the same thing. And I think that it's something that we need to talk about.

[00:14:05] Alison: It's a thing. It's a thing, 

[00:14:07] Erin: right? Like it is a thing. Yeah. Well known thing that is not talked about enough. Like, Right. 

[00:14:12] Alison: I agree because it's, it is, it is very challenging. You go into a situation and I know that I have had it. Many times where I try not to bring up my military experience or that we're a military family at all, unless it's specifically asked.

[00:14:27] Alison: I don't say because if you do, that's almost an immediate. Okay, well, we'll see what. Yeah. Right. I mean, it's just an image. And again, you're not supposed to discriminate. Right. But. They can make up anything they want in, but you can tell, right? Like you're sitting there and like the, everything changes and you're like, oh, 

[00:14:44] Erin: like, ah, okay, , 

[00:14:47] Alison: I know where this is going.

[00:14:49] Alison: Do we wanna just wrap up now? Or like, you know, too bad. Yeah. It's so, so bad. 

[00:14:54] Erin: Like, right. 

[00:14:55] Alison: Ah, so frustrating. Okay. Okay. So then, so jewelry and what I love about your story too, is that I feel like you are just like every other, not every other military spouse, but there are so many of us where we're like pivot, pivot, pivot, pivot, pivot, pivot.

[00:15:10] Alison: This is what I was going to do. This is what I could find, but then it turned it, but maybe I should try this. And it just keeps going and going and going and you end up where you are right now, which I think is really cool. So okay. So dainty forces. So you had your experience with the jewelry. In the, a little bit in the jewelry business and you were like, Hey, I think I might want to just make my own jewelry.

[00:15:30] Alison: So kind of walk us through like what, cause, cause you're very specific, right? So it's dainty forces for a reason it's forces because it's military themes, right. But dainty because you, everything is very like kind of petite and small and not flashy. Right. Cause that's a, yeah. So to kind of talk to us a little bit about how that came out.

[00:15:50] Alison: came 

[00:15:51] Erin: about. So the one thing is, is like when I look for jewelry, like I'm not a big flashy jewelry person. Like I love very small, dainty, subtle pieces. And specifically with my jewelry company, that is exactly what I wanted to try to portray because I know like my jewelry is not for everybody, you know, and that's totally okay.

[00:16:09] Erin: Right. But I know for me, like, if I, , my biggest thing was like, if I make pieces that I would wear, maybe other people might want to wear these pieces, too. And there's just three subtle, simple ways to show support for, like, your service member or, , somebody in your family or, , your friends. And that's, one thing that I really like to talk about with my business, too, is , my jewelry is just not meant for military.

[00:16:33] Erin: Specific it's really just for anybody, you know, my Bratz collection that is designed for children. I have my pearl collection that is designed for friends who move away. You know, I have obviously the forces, which is, more designed a known for specifically military.

[00:16:48] Erin: But I really just like to make my pieces very subtle and little just like pops of color, here and there. So, cause sometimes you might want to wear something like big and flashy, like where it says , you know, carmine or navy or , anything like that.

[00:17:01] Erin: But then there are some days where you're just kind of like, well, what if I just have this one piece of jewelry that I could wear every single day that really lasts and has a wonderful and beautiful meaning behind it. And that's something that I can keep close to me and just have it to have and to hold and to show my support.

[00:17:17] Alison: Yeah, I like that a lot. So then, when did that get off the ground? So when did you kind of were like, okay, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to, I'm going to make this jewelry line. And then what has that looked like from that inception of idea to where you're at right now?

[00:17:32] Alison: What does, what does that journey look

[00:17:33] Erin: like? So I started off with two pieces. Okay, back in March of this year and it has bloomed and blossomed. I think I have over 30 pieces of jewelry now and I just keep coming and coming and just like these ideas and you know, and it really is amazing because you start off so small and you think , okay, no one's going to like this.

[00:17:56] Erin: Maybe I'm the, kind of person where it's just kind of like, you That would be amazing. But it's not only am I selling a piece. It's like, I really am helping people get through these hard times with the meanings of these pieces. So pretty. Cause I had people reach out to me and say , you make more than just do like, you make a memory and it really helped me , Oh, I'm going to choke down because It's funny.

[00:18:20] Erin: It's just people reaching out and being like, you've really helped me with these pieces. So , it's just so beautiful for people to, you know, it means a lot more than just jewelry. So, but yeah, so it's just, it's just really wonderful to have people, , see what I'm doing and that's where I get more creative and , what else can I make and create for these people to 

[00:18:42] Erin: relate to? Because I mean, especially with military spouses, we all can relate to the things, we all can relate to deployments, your underways, your TDYs, the hardships, moving away from friends. And it's just , how can I take that and , make it into these pieces for people to, I guess, relate to?

[00:18:57] Erin: Yeah, 

[00:18:58] Alison: I love that. Okay, so then tell us a little bit about what you have. , because you said, Okay, so we want , be very clear, right? It's not just for military spouses, you have a line that you were saying for kids, and then you have another one that's so kind of tell us a little bit about the different, the different lines that you have.

[00:19:12] Erin: Yeah, so as I'm looking at my, my wall of pieces right now, so I do have all of the forces or all the branches. So I have Navy, Army, Marines, Space Force, Coast Guard, we have literally everything under the sun. So those are going to be more for the, I guess like people who are Want to support our armed forces and have those colors shown that we have bracelets.

[00:19:32] Erin: We have necklaces and all different colors. And then also we do have our kids collection too. So what's really cute about our kids collection is they're a little bit shorter and they're made for kids to wear if they want to wear it all the time that they want to wear it, you know, on special occasions.

[00:19:46] Erin: And we have cute little stamps. So we hand stamp all of our kids collections. So we have like a wave, we have like a little koi fish, we have a tree, and each one has little different meanings, just kind of, you know, trying to uplift the kids, you know, who are going through hard times. Yeah, that's really pretty as well.

[00:20:04] Erin: Then we also have let's see, our dandelion collection, which is more the bloom where you're planted. So , you know, move and need that little kind of meaning of , yay, , You got this, you know, , especially if you're moving from, , Florida to Japan or , Germany to, , Colorado.

[00:20:19] Erin: Yeah. We have those collections. And we also have our pearl collection too, and that's from our C2C collection. That is for the friends that you have to move away from, but they're still close to you. So, and we have a lot more collections coming as well, because we are releasing our holiday gift guide tomorrow, which is really exciting, so that's going to have a couple of new pieces in there, and then a lot of, , different sets, so I'm really excited for that to, , come into, come into play.

[00:20:48] Alison: Yeah, that, okay, so, okay, so this is going to come out on Monday, November 13th. So, yeah, so it's coming out right after. You release your holiday guide. 

[00:21:03] Alison: We'll be out by the time this episode comes out. So that's great. And then what are your, what are your kind of constraint windows for shipping? So if people want to buy something. What does that look like? 

[00:21:16] Erin: Yeah. So especially with the holidays, naturally, I feel like everything is a little bit lagging just because USPS, , and UPS and FedEx, God love all the workers that are working shout out to them.

[00:21:26] Erin: This time of year is very, very hard for them. Yeah. Even though shipping from Hawaii, we do ship to the United States just as of right now. But usually our products, , even though we are in Hawaii. They get there in like a couple of days. So I would probably say give yourself a week 

[00:21:45] Alison: So if people are interested and looking at what you have to offer or purchasing from you, what do you recommend? Do you, your website or spousely? Like, what are the different places that people can find your stuff?

[00:21:58] Erin: Yeah. So we are on pretty much all social media platforms. So we have Facebook, Instagram, Tik TOK threads is one of them. So we're all on those and we do have our own website at thedaintyforcescode. com. Bye. We love Spousely and all of our merchandise is and will be on Spousely. So shout out to Spousely, make sure to go check them out because they are such a wonderful company and I back them 110%.

[00:22:23] Alison: Yeah. , we've talked about it on the show before, but if you haven't heard the episode, Spousely is like, it's like Etsy for military spouses.

[00:22:30] Alison: Right. So they're all Well. Military or first responders are the vendors. And so you're buying directly from military spouses, first responder, families, veterans. And I think that that's a beautiful place to start and to build, right? Because I think that we need to support each other, right? And .

[00:22:47] Alison: I think we all know that it, as a military spouse, it's so hard, right? This lifestyle is really hard and, and trying to carve out a little something that feels good, that can, you know, support your family and just give you like a sense of purpose. I think if we can. Have any little part in cultivating that and our fellow male spouses.

[00:23:06] Alison: I think we need to do it. You know, that's, that's all I got to say about that. I just, I go, I keep it. And the other thing too, is that if you've checked, cause like spouses continually growing and evolving and adding vendors all the time. So like, if you looked at it like six months to a year ago and you're like, okay, yeah, there's so good.

[00:23:27] Alison: I guarantee you there's probably double the amount of stuff on there now. So really to the listeners go look there before, you know, if you're starting to your holiday shopping and just, you know, what can you, like I bought from Katie was on last year, but her shop is love and lettering by Katie.

[00:23:46] Alison: And she, yeah, she was like, yeah, Katie's awesome. So she, yeah, she was on the show last season. So, so, cause I was like, who wants to come on the show for the, and someone met and I was like, yeah, she was on last year. But anyways, I just ordered a shirt from her for my daughter's teacher because she's got this like super cute.

[00:24:06] Alison: She did a bunch of stuff for like school, but like back to school, but she has this be kind. And that's my daughter's teachers. Theme for the year. She's like, be kind, like that's the, going to be the theme for the year and so I ordered a shirt for her for Christmas.

[00:24:19] Alison: I'm like, we'll give her that for Christmas. Right. So you can support a military spouse and get a gift for your teacher at the same time. There's a lot, there's so many different options to, you know, to be able to support male spouse businesses. I saw on your Instagram that you just did a market. So if people, so if there, so if there's other male spouse, was it bad? Was it good? It was no. Okay. So this was, and it's really funny because not all people know this about me, but I am such an introvert.

[00:24:44] Erin: It probably doesn't come off like that, but ,, I don't like to do things that are out of my comfort zone. , but I'm just gonna be real with that. This was a huge step outside of my comfort zone. And I don't even know how I found this or how I even signed up for it.

[00:24:57] Erin: But I was like, you know what? I'm going to do it. I'm just going to put myself out there and , we're just going to do the dang thing. So with help of my husband and my friend, Riley, my friend Maddie, they've been like a godsend, everyone else, my family, who's supported me.

[00:25:08] Erin: They're like, you're going to do it and you're going to be amazing. And I was joking with my friend, Maddie, who came to help me. And I was like, girl, if I can just sell one item, I would, that'd be amazing. , cause that means people would , like, , what I have.

[00:25:20] Erin: So not only did I sell one item, but in that single day, I made more revenue than I have in one month of my business. Wow, 

[00:25:32] Alison: that's 

[00:25:33] Erin: amazing. It was like, I had to sit down and look at the numbers. I was like, something's wrong. . There's absolutely no way. But it was so cool because we had it at the Hickam Arts and Crafts Center here.

[00:25:46] Erin: And they do it twice a year. And I come to find out that there are so many military friendly, Places that you can go to , set up your booth and have like your crafts and everything. And I really think that , in the future, I'll probably try to do some more of these because it was just so fun.

[00:26:01] Erin: Also meeting everybody to in person, this difference when you talk to somebody online or through messaging and stuff like that. But when you actually get to see them and interact with them in person, there's just so much something just about that, that just is so warm and wonderful.

[00:26:13] Alison:

[00:26:13] Alison: Yeah. So it was something that was on base then. 

[00:26:16] Erin: Yeah, it was actually a company, so it was really cool to do it twice a year. So, but I think that they might have, , other markets and everything too, so if anybody, listening and you're in Hawaii I would love to, meet you and, 

[00:26:29] Erin: so then, , we can try to expand to, , other markets and really just , uplift each other, because that's, about what this too. For sure. Yeah. 

[00:26:37] Alison: Yeah. A hundred percent. . And here's the thing too, that I always like to put out there as well, is that just because another military spouse sells a product, even if they're similar, it's not you.

[00:26:49] Alison: Right. And you already, you said this before, which I think is great is that you're not everybody's cup of tea. I'm not everybody's cup of tea and that's okay. Right. So your people are going to find you. And if you're not their person, 

[00:27:03] Erin: they're going 

[00:27:03] Alison: to go find somebody else. And there's plenty for everybody, right?

[00:27:07] Alison: There doesn't have to, we need to take away the scarcity. Like there's not enough. If I, right. Recommend this person, then they're not going to, you know, there's not going to be enough for me. We've got to like open that up. And the more that we share and lift each other up, so okay. All right. Well, I it's been so nice talking with you and I can't wait to go back onto your website now and look, cause I'm thinking , again, I, you know, my oldest daughter has really had a hard time this year and and now we're just like stacking on top with like we're PCSing and that's coming down the line so she's gonna have to move middle schools and I know kids do it all the time but.

[00:27:43] Alison: It's a lot for our kids. It's still a lot for our kids. And I think that that might like a little something might be nice for her to, I think it could be really, a really cute little stocking stuff or something for Christmas. So I'm excited to look at all that stuff. And of course I need something for myself because I'm very similar to you.

[00:28:02] Alison: I don't like, I don't really wear a lot of jewelry. I have earrings and I have my wedding ring. That's like pretty much it. And sometimes like, Right. Yeah. And like, I'll sometimes wear a necklace, but like, I'm most of the time at workout clothes, so I'm not wearing a necklace, you know, but but I do like very simple, understated kind of things.

[00:28:19] Alison: And so I feel like if that's your vibe, then your line is yeah. A hundred percent where to be for sure. Okay. All right. Well, Erin, it was so nice chatting with you. Thank you for being here. Of course. Yeah. And we'll make sure to link. To the dainty forces company in the show notes and all those other things so that you can through spousely so that you can be able to look at your products and what you have to offer.

[00:28:44] Alison: Yeah. 

[00:28:45] Erin: Okay. All right. Thank you. 

[00:28:47] Alison: Thank you.