The Nurturing Parent: Respectful Parenting, Gentle Parenting, Toddler Behavior, Big Feelings, Regulate Emotions


Lisa Sigurgeirson Parenting Coach E.C.E. & Sareena Merino Mom of Two Season 1 Episode 60

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Do you feel like your kid can be so bad? Do you get frustrated and tell them what a bad little boy they are for not listening? 

You will easily learn through parenting that you cannot control everything! And sometimes that will make us look at our kids like they are bad people because they can be so difficult but we want to let you know that it is normal. You did not just get a bad apple, but it is in the process of learning and developing. 

In this weeks conversation we want to help you understand
1.  Why toddlers act out
2. Misbehvaior can be a form of communication
3. Misbehavior is normal and leanring how to support them through their development
4. How to use nurturing parent ways to curb their behavior

Defiance, agression, and impulsivity come from immaturity in the pre-frontal cortex. This is why our littles are driven by emotion. The lack of development creates a lack of control and understanding. 

This part of the brain begins to develop around the age of 3-4 years old when you will begin to see abilty to reason, more impulse control, understadning of good vs. bad, and reason to consequences. 

Acting out is also sometimes a form of communication for toddlers. They do not have the ability to understand or express to us their feelings of hunger, tiredness, uncomfort and this will come out in unwanted behaviors. 

We can support our littles through this stage by providing them with firm and consistent boundaries. If we treat them like this is normal and provide them with boundaries we will allow for healthy growth and development. 

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Original music ©Lisa K Sigurgeirson 1986