Grace + Boundaries: Navigating Intergenerational Trauma with Erin Hearts
Grace + Boundaries is a weekly memoir in a podcast! Follow host, Erin Hearts, as she shares how she navigates trauma while setting boundaries from her higher self. Traumas, big or small, can add up to broken relationships within a family. These traumas continue being passed down until we take steps to repair and mend our broken hearts with self-care and psychological education. Gaining emotional maturity is also a large part of the path towards grace and boundaries. Erin has walked the path of trauma recovery for the past decade, and is learning day by day how to evolve from the hurt she feels in order to become the graceful, loving woman she has always intended to be. Erin has a Master's degree in Education, creatively teaches middle school, is a musician, and loves being a single mom to her tweenaged boy. Grace + Boundaries has been the name of this podcast since July 2023.
From November 2021- June 2023, this podcast was called "Self-Care for Survivors of Trauma." This podcast is a community of honest, open-minded survivors of all types of trauma, big and small. Each week, host Erin Hearts will discuss an aspect of self-care- emotional, physical, spiritual, etc.- and share how she navigates life's challenges by doing special things for herself and making time for herself each day. Erin believes that learning how to take care of ourselves is the key to healthy relationships with others, and she's devoted the past six years to studying and practicing how to better love and support herself and her loved ones. Erin is a single mom, teacher, musician, and highly sensitive person. Instagram: @iheartserin
Grace + Boundaries: Navigating Intergenerational Trauma with Erin Hearts
Episode 122: Boundaries are an Inside Job
Our energy sets our boundaries! This means that boundaries are mostly an inside job. You might not need to even tell the other person with words that you are setting a boundary! We've all been around people who have strong boundaries. They hold the truth inside of them and we know even before talking to them that they won't put up with BS! We can become that type of person if we take the time to sit, listen to our resentments and feelings, and tease out the exact thing that's bugging us. If we do that, the truth emerges and we are able to then proceed with the boundary a lot more smoothly. We also can take time to talk with a neutral friend about the boundary and practice saying as few words as possible to convey our message. We don't need to explain the boundary if we know our own truth within and can validate it for ourselves. Good luck boundary setting with grace! Let me know how it goes.
Healing is possible!
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