The Redeemed Man

Being the ‘Very Best Version’ for Your Spouse

Paul Amos Season 4 Episode 8

Most “high school sweethearts” break up and go their separate ways before high school is even over with. Chris and Carla Hines, though, have kept their relationship going for going on 36 years—nearly three decades of that as a married couple. It hasn’t always been easy, and both Chris and Carla admit they hadn’t prepared themselves to be the “very best version” of themselves for each other at the time they got married. But by re-centering their relationship with God as the highest priority, and learning to live in the moment, they’ve made their marriage last. Chris and Carla talk with Nate Dewberry this week about the common mistakes of young love, their new “season” as grandparents and empty-nesters, and their own ministry, Marriage in Focus.

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0:00—Intro/”lightning round”

1:54—Chris and Carla’s love story

7:10—The dangers of seeking in each other what you should be seeking in God

16:16—Thoughts on a new season of life: grandparenthood and empty-nesting

25:51—Marriages and people that have influenced their own relationship

36:46—Marriage in Focus and the guidance Chris and Carla offer the couples they meet

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