Enrichment for the Real World

#88 - Scotti Harvey: How to be a Mindful Puppy-Raiser

September 09, 2024 Pet Harmony Season 8 Episode 88

In today's interview episode, we're joined by Scotti Harvey. Scotti specializes in canine neonatal development and learning. Through her studies on puppy socialization, Scotti strives to mitigate behavioral issues through the careful implementation of strategic early-life experiences. By focusing on developing processing, coping, and communication skills, Scotti aims to foster courageous, inquisitive, and versatile learners.

In this episode, you'll hear Scotti and Emily talk about: 

  • The importance of making hands safe and comforting
  • Puppy raising across the developmental periods
  • Clicker training communication skills
  • How to simplify life with a puppy
  • How to survive the puppy blues

You can find the full episode show notes here.

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