Delicious Alignment and the Art of Abundance

Finding Worthiness and Purpose in Amsterdam: The Inner Being Dialogues

Rhonda Ryder Season 3 Episode 12

I calibrated Ayla about her recent move from Warsaw, Poland, to Amsterdam, and her challenges with employment and feeling worthy. Ayla shares her struggles with identifying her skills and beliefs of not being good enough. We also uncover her belief that she doesn’t have a clear set of skills that would be attractive to an employer.

Watch Ayla go from feeling frustrated and not good enough to feeling adored, celebrated and worthy as I chat with her Inner Being in this episode which is part of “The Inner Being Dialogues.” 

“Change the narrative,” Ayla’s Inner Being advised. Ayla is clearly moved at the end of the session, sharing, “Instead of feeling embarrassed about it, I’m moving forward finding that special thing that makes me shine, that makes me so happy to get out of bed every morning.”

Join us as we weave through Ayla’s narrative, offering guidance on how to recognize and act upon the cues that can lead us to our deepest desires and a state of inner peace. Thank you Ayla for giving us permission to share this session with others!

The Inner Being Dialogues - Ayla's Full Session

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My partner and I. We moved from Warsaw, poland, where I come from. We moved to Amsterdam because of his job, we moved to Holland because of his job and I had a good life in Warsaw. I gave up everything. I had my own apartment. I rented it out, I quit my job that I had there. I had a nice job that I enjoyed, and now we're here and Amsterdam is an amazing place to live, an amazing place to be Just vibrating possibility.


I know that there is an Abraham workshop coming and I'm super excited about all of it. I'm excited to be here, but I'm unemployed and I would like to get employed and the thing that's stuck in my vibration there, I think, is that something that is stuck, that doesn't allow me to, doesn't allow that job to just flow in right away, is that I believe that I don't have a clear set of skills that would be attractive to employers and that my CV is just not enough. So that's like a yeah, that's there, and so I'm practicing daily on my feelings of worthiness like I'm doing all the work, but it's still there. It's still there.

Rhonda Ryder:

It's not shifted welcome to the delicious alignment and the art of abundance podcast. We cover topics related to health, wealth and happiness from a spiritual and metaphysical point of view. I'm your host, author and intuitive coach, Rhonda Ryder. Would you like to win a free coaching session with me? Here's a way you can become eligible. Simply share the link to this podcast deliciousalignmentcom slash podcast or share a specific episode on Facebook or Instagram and tag me and you'll be entered into a drawing. On Facebook, I'm at Rhonda Ryder and on Instagram I'm at Delicious Alignment. I am looking forward to announcing the winner from March on April 4th, so there's still time to get your name in the hat. I look forward to meeting you.

Rhonda Ryder:

Speaking of coaching sessions and calibrations, you'll get to listen to one today. Last week, during a coaching session, I calibrated Isla about her recent move from Warsaw, Poland, to Amsterdam and her challenges with employment and feeling worthy. Isla shares her struggles with identifying her skills and beliefs of not being good enough. Watch Isla go from feeling frustrated to feeling adored, celebrated and worthy as I chat with her inner being. Isla gave me permission to share this session with you. I removed the middle of the calibration process, which is about 20 minutes, and left in the beginning and the end of the session so you could witness her transformation. If you would like to watch the full calibration, so you can see the actual technique in its entirety, I'll post the link to the YouTube video in the show notes. Now let's get started.


I'm really excited about it, I gotta tell you, because to me you're one of the what I call Abraham celebrities and it's really fun to interact in real life with some of you guys.

Rhonda Ryder:

Aw, thank you.


Yeah, that was something I like to follow, I like to listen, and then I was like, oh, but those people really exist. I'm listening to those calibrations sometimes and to those conversations. It's nice to be in an energy bubble of people who you know, even if it's like remotely just observing. But the energy of people who to me, seem to embody the energy of well-being, yes, yeah, that's important.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, yes, yes, absolutely, and I think it's really all of us and it's just a matter of getting more and more to that knowing.


Oh, I, I embody it as well yeah, I'll describe, because I really cannot perceive what I'm not the vibration of.

Rhonda Ryder:

That's what bashar says yeah, there you go, there you go. Yes, so then you're familiar with calibrations. Yes, in terms of that, you've seen them. Have you ever received one before? No, I have not okay, great, great and okay. So then, but you're familiar with them. I don't need to explain it to you how it works no, okay, all right great. So, then, what I do is something a little bit different at the end, and I ask your permission first if you'd like to do this. I asked to speak to your inner being.


Oh, I love that.

Rhonda Ryder:

Now, of course, you and your inner being are one and the same, so it's not like we're calling in something separate from you or outside of you you're all the same, it's just a different way of speaking to you about your higher self, your inner being, whatever you want to call it all right, no, so that sounds good, super excited, yeah, all right, great, and how it works is just like when, at the end, I'll say I love inner being, I'll ask your inner being to come forth and speak to me on, and then I will speak to your inner being.

Rhonda Ryder:

I have a dialogue with your inner being on your behalf. My questions are really geared around whatever I'm inspired to ask for you. If you had a question for your inner being, what would it be? Or you can think about that while we're talking.



Rhonda Ryder:

And if there's something that comes up and you have a question for your inner being, but I'll conjure it up based on our conversation right now, we'll go ahead and get started and I'll, in a few minutes, I'll ask you to close your eyes, not yet, but for the duration of the exercise. If you need to open your eyes, it's fine, okay, so, isla, I'd like to ask you is there something that you would like to calibrate today? Something that you would like to calibrate today, something that you would like to feel better about, something that's been bothering you?


Yeah, yes, there's something that's active right now and like really alive. So I'm not going to go into the whole life story and stuff, but maybe a little bit.

Rhonda Ryder:

We only need a little bit of what is, yeah, what's bothering you, right?


yes, my partner and I. We moved from Warsaw, poland, where I come from. We moved to Amsterdam because of his job. We moved to Holland because of his job and I, I had a good life in Warsaw. I gave up everything. I had my own apartment. I rented it out. I quit my job that I had there. I had a nice, nice job that I enjoyed. And now we're here and Amsterdam is an amazing place to live, an amazing place to be just vibrating possibility.


I know that there is an Abraham workshop coming and I'm super excited about all of it. I'm excited to be just vibrating possibility. I know that there is an Abraham workshop coming and I'm super excited about all of it. I'm excited to be here, but I'm unemployed and I would like to get employed, and the thing that's stuck in my vibration there, I think, is that something that is stuck, that doesn't allow me to, doesn't allow that job to just flow in right away, is that I believe that I don't have a clear set of skills that would be attractive to employers and that my CV is just not enough. So that's like, yeah, that's there, and so I'm practicing daily on my feelings of worthiness Like I'm doing all the work, but it's still there. It's still there, it's not shifted. Yeah, okay.

Rhonda Ryder:

And when you think about it, what are the things that you say Okay, and when you think about it, what are the things that you say? You automatically say to yourself, like almost on a loop, or thoughts. What are the thoughts that?


I'm worried that I'm not good enough.

Rhonda Ryder:

Is that what you actually say to yourself?


I'm not saying it's something like anxiety.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, Would you. Oh, am I ever going to get a job? What's going on? What's wrong?


with me.

Rhonda Ryder:

What are your thoughts? I should have finished that degree. What are your specific thoughts?


Yeah, if I had an attractive career, if I had some different skill set, if I yeah, if I worked in different places, maybe if I worked longer, if I didn't have so many gaps in my cvs because of traveling and stuff, all of that, yeah yeah, is there anything there?


oh, I really love it here, but I had a nice career or a nice job in Poland, anything like that yeah, I had, I did have it and I'm trying to bring those feelings that I had back then, when I was like proud of myself and feeling good about myself, to bring them here. But it doesn't work. It's not strong enough of a vibration yeah, because anyway, it's only really in the present right.

Rhonda Ryder:

That's emotions that you had and it's really like you said, what's active now, what's?


active now is. Most is mostly worry, worry that I'm not good enough, I can't find anything. I will have to work in retail, at cash register somewhere, instead of being in a cushy office somewhere.

Rhonda Ryder:

I'm only writing this down, so that when I talk, to you when I talk to you, I have some things to ask. You can look at this, and that's why I'm writing some things down.


Another thing is that when people ask me, well, what is it that you want to do? I don't know what to tell them. Okay, yeah. And there is also a lot of comparison with my partner, who has a good career. He's a web developer, he has all those amazing skills and I don't really have that. I don't have, I feel like I don't have anything.

Rhonda Ryder:

I wanted to take a quick moment to make sure you knew that I am now accepting new coaching clients. The method I use in my coaching helps shift energy in a powerful and sustainable way. If you prefer a regular coaching session without a calibration, that is available to you as well. My specialty is helping you love your body and discover food freedom. I have five steps from my book to help you go within and discover this freedom for yourself, just like I did, and many of my clients as well, go to DeliciousAlignmentcom slash coaching for more information or to book a session or package. You can also find my book Delicious Alignment how 25 Women Learn to Love and Transform their Bodies Using Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction, on Amazon by searching my name or click the link in the show notes. Now back to the session. Are you ready?


Yes, Are you ready?

Rhonda Ryder:

Great, good, good. So when you're ready, you can go ahead and close your eyes. Okay, a nice deep breath in and exhale. And, isla, I'd like you to go ahead and start by getting in touch with these thoughts, feeling the thoughts, feeling the emotions. Some of the thoughts you were expressing is I am concerned, I'm worried about not getting a job and not feeling worthy. When people ask me what do I want to do, I don't know what to tell them. It would be great if I had a career, an attractive career, but I don't. I don't have a clear set of skills, I'm unemployed and moved here from Poland to Holland and now I'm unemployed. And when you think these thoughts, isla, I want you to check in and just see, get these, these thoughts cooking and feel them. And then I want you to notice, as you're thinking these thoughts, what is the emotion that you feel.


What's rising up now is frustration with myself. Yes, very good. I'm frustrated, I'm impatient.

Rhonda Ryder:

Now Isla. Which of these emotions is more?


dominant frustration or impatience, Frustration.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, good, frustration, yes, good. Now I want you to go ahead and allow yourself to feel this feeling of frustration. Allow yourself to really feel it and, when you're ready, let me know where in your body do you feel this feeling of frustration? Where do you feel it the most?


around my solar plexus yes, perfect.

Rhonda Ryder:

And this feeling of frustration around your solar plexus does it feel like it's heavy, light or medium? It's pretty heavy, yes, and does it feel like it's moving, or still?


It's moving.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, and how is it moving? Like back and forth or vibrating.


It's vibrating.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, and does it feel like it's made out of energy, air or liquid or something solid and dense?


It's more like electric, like fiery.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, I continue to take Isla through the calibration process. If you would like to see the technique in its entirety, click the YouTube link in the show notes. Now we pick back up, where I'm about to have a conversation with Isla's inner being. You see, first I guide the client to a better feeling place about the topic. This is called the calibration process. It could be, for instance, going from frustrated to calm, or anger to relief, or it could be from despair to bliss. In many cases, then the client is ready to tune in even more to their inner being, which is them.

Rhonda Ryder:

By the way, we are one with our inner beings. It's not separate. We're not separate from our inner beings, it's us. Okay, so then the next step is I invite their inner being to have a dialogue with me about the topic that they originally brought to the session that they wanted to feel better about. So that's where we pick up again. Right now is where I'm getting ready to ask Isla's permission to talk to her inner being. Continue to feel that feeling of well-being coming up to your face, even in your hair. It's even in your hair, every follicle, every strand of hair.

Rhonda Ryder:

It's a beautiful feeling of well-being, life-giving, yes, life-giving. Feel it even more, this beautiful feeling of well-being, and just see how they all combine together, being peaceful, beautiful. Just see how these energies all blend together. It's wonderful feelings of well-being and beautiful and peaceful. Yes, and at this time, isla, I'd like to go ahead and ask your permission to invite your inner being to speak to me on your behalf. Would that be okay? Yes, yes, wonderful. I remember. Your inner being is you and you are your inner being. You are one and the same. This is not something outside of you, it is you, you. But it's just another way for us to communicate and I'd like to go ahead at this time and ask your inner being to come in and speak with me on your behalf. So, isla's inner being, are you here? Yes, wonderful, thank you. Thank you so much for speaking to me today. It's a pleasure. Yes, and as we get started, I'd like to go ahead and ask you first. And as we get started.


I'd like to go ahead and ask you first do you have anything? You'd like to start out with a message for Isla?

Rhonda Ryder:

I will go ahead and let you ask the questions. Yes, yes, wonderful, thank you. So Isla would like to be employed and she has some concerns about her skills and feelings of worthiness. Is there anything that you'd like to say to her about that?


What would really help her is, on a daily basis, to feel this glowing light inside her heart and to feel how truly, infinitely adored she is, how truly celebrated she is, how her light and her life is valued and adored by all that is, by source, by the universe.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, inner being. That is beautiful. She is very much adored and celebrated by you, by her inner being, by Source. So is there anything? I almost want to say there's nothing she really needs to do, because that is my understanding. We are guided by our inner beings, by Source, by ourselves we are guided, but what is there for Isla to be or to feel, or?


feeling feelings first, feelings of worthiness and empowerment first. And she knows it. She knows what to do. She has all the wisdom. She knows very well what to do and she can fully trust herself. She can fully trust her inner wisdom, she can trust her inner being and when she gets fired up about some action then she knows it's the thing to do. Yes, it's simple, yes.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, there is a clear guidance to take inspired action. Yes, and I think it's those times I could speak for myself. When I don't have the inspired action is oh, but I'm not doing anything, but that's yeah, you are, you're waiting for inspired action, you're waiting for the inspiration, and it's okay to relax and enjoy this moment here.


Yes, and enjoy this moment here, yes, yes, and focus is of such value.

Rhonda Ryder:

Focus on the most beautiful feelings that you can find, and when it's time to take action, you receive the guidance and you can't not do it. It's just like you were saying you are so drawn to that specific action when you receive the guidance. Is there anything else that might help her in the game of not knowing? That's also the fun of it, is the not knowing and letting things unfold. So how can she really enjoy that time, those times in between, receiving inspired guidance?


Go general, go back to basics, go to the core. The core is the light within her. The core is that glowing beauty of her heart. When she goes there she just starts from there, just feeling that and taking everything else out of the equation. And yes, it can be tricky. It can be tricky because of all chit, chat, chatter and her mind in her brain, all the stories of guilt of inaction, all the chatter in the mind. But take it all out of the equation and just go back to the core self, to the very, very center. That's glowing, that's beautiful, that's worthy and it's the divine knowing of who she is and she knows it and she owns it. Just go back there whenever she can, and especially in times when she feels that the vibration is a little bit murky. Just go back to that basic feeling, go back to the core of her being.


This will do great things to her yes, I love that. Let's just go back to the core of her being and that radiating light will just burst every little resistant thought that might be in her way. It just goes through it. None of these thoughts have any power over this inner light that she has, that she carries, that she radiates yes, that is wonderful to know.

Rhonda Ryder:

That is so soothing. Yes, she also said to me that when people ask her what do you want to do in terms of a career, that she doesn't know what to say, and my experience with that is that it unfolds. It continues to unfold. Is that correct, and do you have anything to add to that?


She could switch that into, instead of being embarrassed about it, to be excited about it. I don't know. I'm so looking forward to finding my thing that makes me shine, my thing that makes me so happy to get up every morning and just do it. She can flip that, make that switch in her mind.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, Flip the narrative. Yes, the story.


It's exciting. It's exciting to be in that phase in her life.

Rhonda Ryder:

It's exciting to be on this journey of discovery yes, it is exciting to be on the journey of discovery.


Discovering the possibilities, the possibilities that she probably haven't even imagined yet, that she probably haven't even imagined yet.

Rhonda Ryder:

It is wonderful to experience that and have it be exciting and to discover new things about herself. I didn't know I could do that. I didn't know that I'd be really good at that. I didn't know that I would so enjoy that. I didn't know that these people would want me to do that. I didn't know I had these talents and these skills and this desire and this wonderful new career or job or skill, letting it all unfold.


It's a beautiful time to be alive. For her, it's a gift, it's a gift.

Rhonda Ryder:

It's a gift, and it sounds like she has a wonderful partner. She admires him for having a career. What can you say to her about that? Keep on admiring him If that feels good to her. Just seems like a wonderful thing. However, I can see how it can possibly put the spotlight on her and say what about me? And so comparing we do that too over here.


We'll keep admiring her beloved as long as it feels good, but if the moment that it stops feeling good, just take her attention away from him as far away as possible and just focus back on her core self. And there are many things that she admires about him. It's just not just a job. It's way beyond their love, and her love for him and his love for her goes really beyond anything that the mind could even conceive of it's a beautiful divine love.

Rhonda Ryder:

It's a beautiful connection and there is a lot to admire for her about him yes, it sounds like there is a lot to be thankful for in her life, oh for sure, and she has this desire to discover, explore her own career, like you have just been saying. Just a wonderful way to allow the universe to surprise and delight her and to see what unfolds. Yes, anything else you want to say to her? She has concerns about her, her CV, her resume, does it even matter? Do you have anything to say about that?


Those are just details. She doesn't need to worry, she doesn't need to focus on that. As long as she remembers about her core self, just go back there. Just go back there Anytime something feels a little bit wonky. Just go back there. Just go back to the core. It's a strong vibration. It's a strong, beautiful vibration and she can trust it. She can just lean on it, so to speak.

Rhonda Ryder:



And there is so much love for her and she's so supported and she's doing really good. She's doing really good, she's right on track. Everything is really working out for her in magical ways, in beautiful ways. She just needs to chill.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, everything is working out for her in magical ways and beautiful ways. She just needs to chill. She just yes, everything is working out for her in magical ways and just chill. Whatever is there for her is for her. When we relax and chill, it is then able to rise up and meet us that is so.


It is then able to rise up and meet us. That is so.

Rhonda Ryder:

Wonderful. Thank you so much, inner being. I appreciate you speaking with me. It's been a pleasure. Thank you and Ayala, I want you to take a nice deep breath in and exhale, and when you're ready you can open your eyes. I want to take a quick second to make sure you know about a few free gifts I have for you, including my love, your body, love Life online course, which includes over 20 short videos based on the five steps outlined in part one of my book. Next is my free guided visualization on abundance. When you sign up for the free guided visualization, you'll also receive six of my top interviews on prosperity. You can find all these resources and more at DeliciousEnlightenmentcom. Slash resources. Now back to the session.


All right, that was different yeah.

Rhonda Ryder:

So you were present to everything you're interviewing said yeah.


I really wanted to argue, but I was like what's the point? This vibration is so dominant, my point doesn't really matter. I really wanted to argue for my limitations. My inner being was just so no, there's just this light and it's emanating, and it's there and it's to focus on.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, that's why I love talking to people's inner beings, because it's just that side of us that knows. Yeah, yeah, that doesn't have the ambiguity, it just knows and it's yeah.


It was just so clear. Clear, like the message was so solid and so stable, like it was unwavering, like just flowing, just yeah, yeah.

Rhonda Ryder:

Nothing that I could argue about would be like nope, not it, nope, we're not doing that and I'll send you the recording so you can listen to it again if you like. But it really was beautiful how your inner being was saying all these wonderful things and you especially started out with you are so celebrated and appreciated and loved and adored.

Rhonda Ryder:

It's nice yeah yeah, and me personally, I just like from my own experience learning how to let things unfold, and it's being in that unknown that gets that a lot of us have problems with. How is it going to happen? Like, in the end, you're interviewing, said relax and chill, allow. And I used to say this to my son all the time, and I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but he would always ask I don't know what I want to do, I don't know what, I just don't have any thing that's calling me. And I said you just keep following your heart, it'll come. It'll come. And it did, it did Eventually, it did come to him, but it but it's that waiting game. We just we don't like that, we don't want the waiting, we want to know now we want to know and we tie so many things to our worthiness.


Oh, my worthiness depends on this and there's all those factors.

Rhonda Ryder:

It depends, yeah, yeah, it's like we have to earn the worthiness or earn the money. I know it sounds crazy sometimes, but just to like where I am now is like just chill, relax, like you're in the allow. The abundance is already there, it's already done. You're already worthy, you don't need to become worthy, you are worthy. So it's the chilling and the relaxing and having more fun in our lives, yeah, yeah, that allows it To lighten up.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, and then all of it can come from anywhere. You could get a call. Do you want to help out with me on this project? Who knows what's possible? And then that leads to this and leads to another thing, which leads to oh, I'm really good at this, I like doing this and discovering things about yourself.


I'm curious what's your take on action being the path of least resistance, so taking action being the path of least resistance, so taking action being the path of least resistance. And so we're thinking, oh, I'm not going to take action because I'm supposed to be chilling and I'm supposed to be allowing things to be coming to me, but then when I feel guilty, or when I feel like I'm so bored, like really, then there are those moments when action is the path of least resistance, like even just a little bit, and I find it like when I looked at my CV the other day and oh, I found a typo and I fixed the typo and I just I felt better. It was a tiny action but it made me, it was, in a way, to me I think it was a path of least resistance. And I think Abraham also says that sometimes taking doing something to change the energy, to shake things up a bit, doing something, is a path of least resistance yeah, yeah, I look at it like what would feel better right now.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, so it's not like what would make me oh so incredibly excited. Happy, it's just what would feel a little bit better right now yeah, even a little bit better oh. I'm gonna look at my resume and, oh, I see a typo. And you feel like, oh, I could fix it.

Rhonda Ryder:

I could fix it, and so that sounds like that felt a little bit better for you. That felt better, yeah, yeah, and so I take actions. Obviously I'm taking some action and then, but when I feel like I just want to meditate or relax or take a walk or do nothing, do that and there's like an action doing nothing, and then I'll get an inspiration maybe to move my body. I want to go do some laundry, because I work at home or I'm sitting here. I feel like it would feel better to walk around the house and do something. So just for me, it's like going through the day. What would feel better right now?

Rhonda Ryder:

What would feel better right now, and I'm constantly asking myself that, like, maybe I have an hour or two break, what would feel better right now? What would feel better right now? And I'm constantly asking myself that, like, maybe I have an hour or two break, what would feel better? What do I feel like doing? Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something, and so that's how I go about is what would feel better right now?


yeah, yeah, but it takes like this awareness of how you feel and like checking in with yourself.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, exactly, and sometimes you're tuned to your needs also. Yeah, and sometimes definitely the action like, oh, I took that action and it was the path of least resistance and it felt better. Yeah, so I would definitely keep trusting that and growing that muscle of trusting your.


Yeah, yourself, because we can't trust ourselves.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, that's really who you want to trust is yourself more than anybody else's. You want to like trust. What's well? How does that feel to me? And just little, like. I follow the breadcrumbs, like as far as what should I do with my career? The bigger questions even, right, what? Following the little breadcrumbs, it's oh, I've gotten inspiration to fix that typo on my resume. Or I have an inspiration to go to this job fair. Or I have an inspiration to call this friend and then just seeing how it all, you can't, maybe you can't see five miles ahead or 10 miles ahead, but you have inspiration for that. One next little step which then leads I used to plan everything out and strategize for the five-year plan one year. And now I don't even do that because I'm just following the guidance, like one little step at a time, because I know my inner being has the full picture, can knows way more than I do. It knows what I want even more than I do so, just like following those little impulses.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yeah, great, beautiful. Do you have any questions for me or anything?


no, I could just hang out and chat forever, just find out what it was like for you to, to start your podcast, to start your business and like all those stuff. All those things, yeah, super exciting.


Yeah, it's beautiful and inspirational because I I listen to. Inspirational because I listen to. Why do I listen to those calibrations? To find inspiration. I find it incredibly inspiring to listen to those, to listen to your stories, to listen to your experiences, to listen to wealthy people who embody well-being. That's really awesome. Yeah, it's really awesome. Yeah, it's wonderful to have access to it and to resonate with that, to be a component to it, because if I wasn't, I wouldn't even find out what is that, and so I must be a component to that somehow in some way.

Rhonda Ryder:

You called it in, you summoned it.


Yes, you did that. Yes, yeah summoned it.

Rhonda Ryder:

Yes, you did that. Yes, yeah, absolutely. I'm excited to hear, as you discover, what's next for you, as you let it unfold.


Yeah, I look forward to that. Yeah, and I love listening to your podcast. I listened to a few episodes. I'm so happy that it's so available, like on Spotify. I can just come in and listen. It's really awesome and it's a beautiful thing that you're doing so thank you.

Rhonda Ryder:

I hope you enjoyed this episode. Here are a few ways you can connect with me. You can join my Facebook group, delicious Alignment. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment, or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. This way, you'll never miss an episode. You can also follow me on Instagram at Delicious Alignment. Feel free to tell your friends about this podcast. I would so appreciate that, because you sharing this podcast is the absolute number one best way to help us grow. All the links mentioned are in the show notes as well. Well, that's it for today, my friend. See you next Thursday.