Delicious Alignment and the Art of Abundance

What is a Walk-In and What Happens After We Die with William Linville

Rhonda Ryder Season 3 Episode 13

William Linville discusses being a "walk-in,” a concept where he claims his current consciousness entered his body during a gastric bypass surgery in 1996, which was a very barbaric procedure back in those days. He talks about how the original soul died three times on the operating table and after the original soul departed for good the third time, the new soul inhabited the body. The new soul came out of that surgery with a body weighing over 425 pounds, malnourished and unable to walk.

After so many doctors telling him there was nothing more they could do for him, he eventually found an energy healer in California who helped him. His physical pain started to go away, he got healthy and started to walk again.

William also talks about the dynamics of his relationships with his then wife and kids post his soul-transition, if you will, and how his new identity affected these relationships.

We also discuss his experiences and memories from other dimensions and his insights on universal consciousness, and what happens after we transition.

You’ll want to make sure you stay till the end where William guides me through two beautiful processes that you can easily following along with to feel a beautiful healing or at the very least, relax and feel super calm and yummy. Let’s get started!

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Speaker 1:

There was an agreement. Call it whatever you want to call it, but the reality is that spirit, that soul, died on the surgery table and I came in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What happened during surgery? There was a soul exchange. Many call it a walk-in, but to me labels aren't important, they're overrated. So what happened is the body died when, totally flatlined for the third time, he came, he left the body and I came in.

Speaker 2:

Wow, welcome to the Delicious Alignment and the Art of Abundance podcast. We cover topics related to health, wealth and happiness from a spiritual and metaphysical point of view. I'm your host, author and intuitive coach, rhonda Ryder, so I've pretty much taken the month of April off from the podcast and from working, except working with my coaching clients. We traveled to Colorado Springs to visit my son and his girlfriend. I rented a big house, we went to the zoo, we went to Rocky Mountain National Park, which was so gorgeous, we hiked, we played board games because my son loves to play board games and it was really a wonderful vacation. Family reunion, wonderful vacation, family reunion. And, oh, I also went to the Abraham Hicks workshop in Denver great way to start your vacation off on a positive note.

Speaker 2:

And when I came back, I received the guidance I've been feeling this way for a while to move to two episodes per month instead of four episodes per month, for as long as that continues to feel good, because you know, just following what feels good, following the old intuition, that's what really works. I've found every time, even if it doesn't make sense at first and lots of times it doesn't make sense, and I follow it anyway because I'm connected to infinite wisdom, just like you are connected to infinite wisdom and Infinite Wisdom. Source knows what's my next best step, even if it's just taking a walk or taking a nap, and there are no mistakes. You can't get it wrong. Everything is happening for you. You can't get it wrong. Everything is happening for you. I'm really excited to bring you this special interview today. You'll no doubt see the surprise on my face when my guest, william Linville, discusses being a walk-in in 1996, a concept where he claims his current consciousness entered his body during a gastric bypass surgery, which was a very barbaric procedure back in those days.

Speaker 2:

He talks about how the original soul died three times on the operating table and after the original soul departed for good, the new soul walked into the body. The new William came out of that surgery with a body weighing over 425 pounds, malnourished and unable to walk. After so many doctors told him there was nothing more they could do for him, he eventually found an energy healer in California who helped him. His physical pain started to go away. He got physically and emotionally healthy and started to walk again. William also talks about the dynamics of his relationships with his then wife and kids post his soul transition, if you will, and how his new identity affected these relationships.

Speaker 2:

I know this sounds like a movie it really does but talking to William, I was just very impressed and I can't even explain the experience. It was profound, so I hope you get the same vibe. We also discuss his experiences and memories from other dimensions and his insights on universal consciousness and what happens after we transition. You want to make sure you stay till the end, where William guides me through two beautiful processes that you can easily follow along with to feel a healing or, at the very least, relax and feel super calm and yummy. Let's get started. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the show, its host or the companies they represent. Hello William, hi, how are you beautiful?

Speaker 1:

I'm doing great, excited about talking to you today, and likewise it's such an honor and such a blast to get to connect together.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely, we don't know what we're going to talk about, and I don't think that's a problem at all.

Speaker 1:

I don't either, by any means. It's really whatever comes up that you run with, flow with and have a lot of fun with.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, whatever wants to be expressed today, I just want to learn more about your journey and maybe you could start there. Just let me know how you got into doing what you're doing now. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

It started on December 20th 1996, when I came into the body it was during a surgical procedure.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sorry, can I just ask a question? So what do you mean by came into the body? Because 96, you were probably already in physical form. So what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

The body died. I'm what you would call a walk-in. My body died the body, december 20th 1996, around 3 pm in the afternoon. The soul that inhabited this body. He knew when he was going into surgery that it wasn't coming out. So what happened is he died three times on the surgery table. There was an agreement, call it whatever you want to call it, but the reality is that spirit, that soul, died on the surgery table and I came in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What happened during surgery? There was a soul exchange. Many call it a walk-in, but to me labels aren't important, they're overrated. So what happened is the body died when, totally flatlined for the third time, he came, he left the body and I came in.

Speaker 2:

Wow. Okay, so that's a first for me to interview somebody saying that and I, I love it. I'm not intimidated by it or freaked out by it. I know some of the people that are not into this stuff would be like what, but we love that conversation here at Delicious on Alignment. Give me those curveballs. Wow. But your name was William. The body's name was William.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So you still have that name and you're saying that that gentleman, that entity, whatever, died and then you're a different soul or whatever.

Speaker 1:

We don't care about labels, but they came in on the surgery table. So what happened was I opened my eyes for the first time later that afternoon and there was the most amazing. This was in San Diego, california, on the seventh floor of Mercy Hospital. Opened my eyes to the most amazing sunset that I had ever, that he had ever seen. I had ever seen on on, but it doesn't matter if walking or not, but that's when my journey began.

Speaker 2:

Can I just ask you a few questions about that? Anything at all, so you were already married at that point.

Speaker 1:

The body was yeah, the old will was yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and how did that work with your wife?

Speaker 1:

I can't say it was a walk in the park. What happened was I knew call it body memories. I knew everyone's name. I knew his mother's name, his wife's name, his child's name of his siblings, all of that. So there was the common sub psyche and conscious mind memory that came with the body. Was there an underlying magnetic connection with them? No, I just knew who everyone was, who I'll call it played what part. Okay, you're the wife. You're the mom. Okay, you're the grandma. Okay, you're the sister, the brother. Okay, you're the mom. Okay, you're the grandma. Okay, you're the sister the brother. Okay, you're the offspring.

Speaker 1:

And it was really quite interesting because many will run into this just like a deep, underlying magnetic connection to your siblings, to your parents, to your relatives, biologically, but also through the dna, from a magnetic resonance that is an undercurrent from the soul level in the body and it's what you would call what I call the family monad, mother, brother, sister, father, blah, blah, blah, blah. There's all these magnetics connected. So when I came in those magnetics they were afraid they were dissolved, although I knew who they were from a physical standpoint, but not so much like best of buddies or wasn't like an undercurrent emotional engagement from any of the above, which was really alarming at first. It's okay, how does this work? I see this, I see that, I hear this, I hear that on and on, but I was totally separate from it. It's almost like being a stranger stepping into a different life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's exactly what it sounds like. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And it was really bizarre and there was no one there, rhonda, to explain to me what was going on, what's going on here, what's going on there, how things work on and on. So, yeah, I put on the shoes and kept running and hopping and there was love there. There just wasn't the emotional sort of attachment, quality of like how you're supposed to feel, how you're supposed to act, how you're supposed to react. It was just OK, I get it. Wow, do you have any?

Speaker 2:

I have just so many questions about this part. Do you have any?

Speaker 1:

memory of before you came into this body. Remember what it was like to even as creator consciousness, just to be constantly expanded and expanding, but what was like just to be without any definition at all. I remember all the rungs of honor. I remember all the at that time. There was the karmic latticework, there was the halls of karma. I remember all of that, including Sananda, the Magdalena, the Mary and Francis of Assisi. I remember the Pleiadians, the Orions, the Ashtar, the Abraham, on and on and just source consciousness as a whole.

Speaker 2:

So when you say you remember, do you remember having, like you didn't have a physical body, but do you remember having some sort of relationship, communication with these entities?

Speaker 1:

Totally. It was almost like, if you can take the physical, I could probably explain it for understanding. It's like you take two clouds right, they're not solid and you merge through one, goes through another. It was like that there was nothing solid or nebulous, but it is emerging and running through oh wow, beautiful but there was still no form, something that rock.

Speaker 1:

There's nothing solid at all. Everything was consciousness emerging at different vibratory levels of that consciousness that would intermingle, intermesh but then go through one another yeah, fun, and it wasn't like some big giant yeah, fun.

Speaker 1:

And it wasn't like some big giant mission, something to accomplish. None of that stuff existed. It was truly a merge, a marriage, an integration period where you would move through, you would meld through, but no longer not like a confinement. It was more an expression Wow, and a lot of frequencies, tones, particles of light, but where you would, just it was so nebulous that you would, you still had. This is me. Not that you really have a me. You have a pitch, a frequency, a tone that is really seriously what you look like, even in a body on a planet. You still are that presence. Once we get past childhood issues, traumas, PTSD, whatever it may be for you individually, abuse or neglect, on and on, it's still that merging that you are. Until you decide wait, I'm not that identity nor person that I've been told or treated like you were supposed to be. It was more and more such a merging and melding right through it all Wow.

Speaker 2:

Because I often think about what happens after you transition. Do you lose the individuation? And that always bothers me a little bit. Do I just become part of the whole? It's the ego, right? I've heard you talk about the ego. I listened a little bit to your stuff, your podcasts, yeah.

Speaker 1:

When you first step out, rhonda, if I was to see you when you stepped out of the body you still have the outline of Rhonda. Rhonda likes this. Rhonda doesn't like that. She enjoys this. She doesn't enjoy that, like all of your what you're calling individuality. You still have those.

Speaker 1:

And then you start going through your life reviews. You still have those. And then you start going through your life reviews. You start resolving all this stuff that has kept you contained into a physical form. So when you step out at first that's why there's been, even the last few years, all the hype around ghosts there's a ghost show for everyone, including your little poodle with an afro you have those shows of what the life beyond the physical, life beyond death.

Speaker 1:

But then, with each step you take, you start dissolving that magnetic resonance that gave you that form that you were still identified with. So by the time you've gone through all of your life reviews, each and every journey that you're visiting, you start losing your form. So now, when I talk to Rhonda, beyond the beautiful female, the beautiful form, the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah now you look like a nebulous facet of quadrillions of particles of light. You no longer still have the magnetics that hold you into a shape, beyond the physical, of a divine feminine, yeah, even in the physical. It's interesting because you hear divine feminine, the divine masculine, on and on, but you so much overcome, you supersede, you go beyond all those fragmentations to where, eventually, there's ronda from the frequencies and tones of the divine beyond the physical, to where now anything and everything that you would have identified with in the physical form is dissolved because you're no longer being held back or down by those magnetic resonances.

Speaker 2:

I love that. That is very comforting to me, I think, more than ever any answer I've ever gotten on this question. It really resonates and, gosh, that's so beautiful. I want to take a quick second to make sure you know about a few free gifts I have for you, including my Love your Body, love your Life online course, which includes over 20 short videos based on my five steps to loving your body and making peace with food. There are other free goodies for you as well when you go to deliciousalignmentcom slash resources. If you would like more one-on-one support, I am here for you. Simply go to deliciousalignmentcom slash coaching to book a private coaching session or a coaching package to get started loving your body and your food. Now Back to the interview. So, going back to 3D reality, when you came back, when you entered this body as a walk-in body, as a walk-in.

Speaker 2:

You had to reestablish or not reestablish, establish for the first time a relationship with your wife. What?

Speaker 1:

was that like? It was interesting because at that state, you are particles of light, you're particles of love. You haven't been dumbed down to. It's got to look like this, it's got to look like that, it's supposed to be this way, that way or the other way, on and on, and the love was already present. You would share.

Speaker 1:

You would talk about whatever, however, whenever, or whatever's going on in the home, what's going on with the children, what's going on with the family, monad and where you're there, but you're able to hold a conversation, especially from the old will memories. You're still able to hold a dialogue about. It could be getting, finding gas, money, what could be taking care of, whatever needs to be taken care of, mowing the lawn or doing this, that or the other. You still have your practicum of how to do from the body memories that I had. I knew how to function at that realm, where he was at when I stepped in and he stepped out of what you would call his normal perception of reality and how you're able to hold a conversation of dialogue. Now, the part that's missing once again was the charge. So you could sit there, they can call you an elephant with three trunks and it's like oh okay, I'm not an elephant with three trunks, but hey, whatever floats your boat, it's to where you're not taking it and personalizing it.

Speaker 1:

And the relationship, in my view, became a lot better because he, they operated off anger, guilt, blame. They were both on disability, the old will, including her, so they had a lot to talk about as far as symptomologies, ailments. Then I reached a state where I could start binding out all of her entities, energies, thought forms, on and on, because she was diagnosed as schizophrenic. So I was able to get to work, start binding all this stuff out of her to bring her into her wholeness and to in going as far as I could with her and let's just say far as she was willing to go with her same, with the mother, the brother, the sister, the nieces, the niece nephews, and on, and I call it working with them for where they're at.

Speaker 1:

But it wasn't like, like it wasn't an angst, it wasn't animosity. A matter of fact, my current wife, she and I had dinner with all of them one New Year's Eve just to say hi, check in, and the best of buddies and all right, namaste have blast and they went on with their journey as I ran on with mine, even meeting with the ex-partner, and when she had another partner, hey, how you doing it's like a big slap on the back, great job. And so there's not that internalized animosity, because that's all. Man ego made nonsense about how it should be, when it should be, where it should be and being able to commune and connect with them as the beautiful facets that they are of and as creator, expressing through carnage.

Speaker 2:

Okay, wow, so then I guess you started. It sounds like working with your immediate family and then you started branching out then to helping others.

Speaker 1:

So how did that kind of what happened is, after I came in and going through all the I guess I'd say the basics, the body started shutting down. So when I went with the body, when the surgery and I came out, the body was weighed over 425 pounds. So it was part of the rule. Why gastric bypass surgery? That's why it was going to happen to help drop weight.

Speaker 2:

It was going to happen to help drop weight. Okay, so the operation where the original will transition was it was a gastric bypass surgery.

Speaker 1:

The rewound procedure Before they have the technology they have now. It was very barbaric. They take one quarter of the stomach and build you a new stomach with the one quarter of the stomach and then they leave all the extra parts there, just like just in case. But yeah, they took out the old. They ended up doing the room wide gastric bypass. So I had one quarter of the stomach left, but not a lot of knowledge about how to function in a body on the planet.

Speaker 1:

So what happened was the body ended up going into malnutrition and everything started shutting down in the body, to where the body started eating itself away, like losing pounds, like it was going out of style, losing weight, and then they started it ate away the myelin sheath of the nerves and creating all this extreme pain within the body. And the extreme pain that was growing never really going away. It just kept becoming more and more intense till eventually the body ate itself away to the point of now starting to eat away the organs. And I was told medically okay, there's nothing more we can do for you. And I was in a wheelchair for two and a half years, temporarily blind, basically one of those no hope scenarios. So they ended up sharing with me for the eighth time. There's nothing more we can do for you. So they said, basically, get your affairs in order and your body's going to die, because the last two organs to go were the heart and the lungs. And the brain became fried to where I wouldn't remember saying hi Rhonda eons of times and where it went all the way into total, complete meltdown and shutdown, to where there was literally no hope left.

Speaker 1:

And then I met someone in Escondido, california. It was like if they ever had a mother, that would have been her. It was like there was all of this instantaneous familiarity, connection. And what happened from there? They had a company called the Balanced Living Foundation. What happened from there is one system after a lot of energy work, a lot of talking things through, resolving, working with kinesthetics like kinesiology and muscle testing, being able to turn the corner.

Speaker 1:

And as the corner got turned, the ability to walk came back. The pain started dying away. It was an awesome journey. Even with the extreme pain, it was like, okay, if this I started being presented from the ascended host realms and the archangelic realms realms, these different ways of seeing things, like if this was normal, would there be a problem? So if pain was normal, would you even recognize it as pain. So I started getting more and more into that and where things started taking on all these different loads, roles, journeys, where it was like one burning away another, burning away of all the old will, memories, to where at that point I started to happen, and when I started to happen, things started really gathering traction, momentum, movement, where it was like this whole, it's like the critical mass was crossed and then the body started rebuilding itself.

Speaker 2:

When you say I started to happen. What do you mean by that?

Speaker 1:

That means I was able to fully come in, sweeping out the decks, the cellars, the attic of all of the old Will, memories, his old personas, perceptions, and when that started it was like a burning away, a melting away, to where I could come in, I could come forward and all of his old memories I'd say pretty much all, but there's still some that flash here and there but was able to die off and I was able to start integrating fully in the body without all the baggage that he had picked up on, bought into from church to religion, to his guilt, his anger, his resentment, all of his issues. I was able to address, supersede, overcome, dissolve but also move out of the mind, the body and the aura of the body, even from the Kaushik record realms on and on, where I was able to fully come in and come through, to start gathering more and more momentum within and through the physical form.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so obviously your body got better.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it started healing at that point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you can walk. Now your memory is intact. Now you have your memory is intact, obviously, and your body is no longer malnourished.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Healthy and happy and now moving forth with a whole new journey. But my journey now, not the journey of the old will who vacated the premises. Journey of the old will who vacated the premises, it was now my body, my mind, my world. To where now I work a lot and I play a lot with brother humanity. But then I'm doing constant one-on-ones, group events to really show you what you can do too if you're willing to. It's not for the faint of heart, but it is about going direct as you remembering, unveiling, arising into the creator consciousness and the facet of creator that you are in this body, on this planet.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay, great. So we're brought up to speed to current day, even though there's only now. But what are? I've heard you talk about light, embodiment of light. We are light. I know I'm getting it wrong the right verbiage that you use but you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, can you talk about that? Who we really are is light or.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're pure particles of creator consciousness. So you are that facet that you are of light, as light, and going beyond light into pure, unmanifest light. Consciousness in the pure, unmanifest consciousness of and as creator that is waking up to regain, reclaim, restabilize with yourself as the isness that you are and now bringing yourself up to a state of becoming that isness that no longer has a duality, no longer has a polarity, even within and through the body. Your body has a gender, but you don't. So right now you're within your body.

Speaker 1:

You may have a female gender, you may have a male gender, but really it's really arising to the point where you can see all of that for what it is. It's plumbing, no more, no less. But then it goes beyond the plumbing into now, at a point of using that gender principle as another way to express love. So when you come with another, you come to heart and merge within and through the heart with another, where now it brings it up to a state where you have two hearts becoming one, but where you're opening up, you're emanating, animating, expressing two hearts together and that's where you connect physically. Whether it be male, female, male, it's so not important. The only part that really matters is that the hearts are coming together Now, using your body as another conduit to express that love unto another in a very pure sense, not just like a bunch of jackrabbits or something. It's that you're really expressing love now through that plumbing With the most sacred gift which is yourself, your heart, then the body with another.

Speaker 1:

Yes so not being quiet either.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we come here to remember who we really are. Would you agree with that statement?

Speaker 1:

To wake up to who you are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to wake up to who you really are, let everything else unravel from within you and around you.

Speaker 1:

That is not you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And to die off, letting it what doesn't complement you leave, die off and resolve and dissolve.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So I'm just curious. If you don't want to answer this, that's fine, but you mentioned you have children. How did they react to the new?

Speaker 1:

will. If you will, what really will?

Speaker 1:

really well, actually yeah remember when my current wife was talking to the ex-partner that came with the package. You know it's so awkward but so humorous. They, she was saying, the old partner is that, yeah, he was really a son of a gun and very angry, blah, blah, blah blah. And even the children that they never knew where they stood with him. But they know where they stand with me and the door is always open to all of them. But how happy they were. That character was gone, the one that they knew as their father, their husband, on and on, and now the relationships whenever the door's always open for them. But the child chose to be and go down the route with their mom. It's not like they had to make a decision to be with me or them, they just wanted to go into her realm of consciousness. And still we've gone miniature golfing, batting cages, hikes, camping out on the great Salt Lake in Utah the North Rim actually and the best of buddies.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful More than the other wheel was capable of.

Speaker 2:

Save the date. The Delicious Alignment and the Wisdom of Oprah event is happening. Ramona Gailey and I have a date and location for our one-day workshop in the Asheville area October 19th 2024. The location is only 15 minutes from the Asheville Airport and close to the Biltmore, black Mountain, chimney, rock, lake, lure and much, much more. Asheville is a popular destination for art lovers, foodies, with delicious, so many delicious farm-to-table restaurants and wonderful live music and, of course, boutique shopping. Not to mention beautiful hiking my favorite and scenic drives along the Blue Ridge Parkway, especially in October, to see the magnificent fall foliage.

Speaker 2:

About the workshop itself, ramona Gailey receives her guides, oprah, to answer your questions, and this is a hot seat format similar to one you would see at an Abraham Hicks workshop, but much smaller and more intimate, with ample opportunities to interact directly with Oprah and get your questions answered. And as the author of Delicious Alignment how 25 Women Learn to Love and Transform their Bodies Using Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction, I will facilitate a fun workshop on this day focused on self-love, body love and appreciating our food unapologetically. So stay tuned for more details, including a registration page. And your body now that you inhabit, is that the operation was not reversed. I assume you still have yeah, okay, and that's going well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm healthier now than ever. That's going well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm healthier now than ever and continuing to move forth, run forth, explore forth, have more fun with it all and more and more optimal health and well-being and homeostasis than ever. Yeah, it's so cool how the bodies work. They constantly regenerate, but you're not limited by it, but you're able to enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

So what would you say to someone who is experiencing some physical pain and they don't know why? This is a conversation that I was having with someone recently and they don't know why it's there. The doctors can't figure out necessarily what it is and they just they're having this pain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and what sort of pain.

Speaker 2:

Back pain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, first thing I would share with them, I would have them bring their biological mother out in front of them, have them sit, put the mother right in front of them, have them sit back and sit back, take a breath. Do a systems check in their body. Now, when they do that systems check in their body, with their mother sitting there, I want them to really just focus on their mom. Then get in touch with what they're feeling, not the superficial I love my mom blah, blah, blah stuff. That's just superficial cognitive contemplation about how you're supposed to feel. Blah, blah, blah Right now. Just sit there. Do a body scan, locate how their body is responding right now, with their mother and other feminine sitting out in front of them throughout their life, in front of them throughout their life.

Speaker 1:

I would have them start to take each one of those divine feminines, one by one, number one, welcoming back all of their energy, all their power, all of their soul fragmentations back to themselves, cleared and purified. Then I would walk them through, taking one divine feminine after the other, walking me forth the ascended host realms, the archangelic realms, to walk those feminines home, because that's what's going on in their body right now. We can go medical we can go. Alternative we can go spiritual.

Speaker 1:

To me, it's all a crap sheet. When you bring it back to yourself, that's where you're going to have your freedom from your pain. Looking at this there one specifically, it has to do with overbearing divine feminines and they're in a constant internalized battle and struggle within themselves to try to overcome it, supersede it, get it right. But it's hard to get something right when you have 30 different dear ones telling you what's right and all the rights are different. So this is where they're going to really start to take their power back within their body of their body now, not the body of how others have treated them.

Speaker 1:

And that's where they're going to start feeling a heck of a lot more healthier within their body principle. There's a few males there, but they're males that have more female energy or presence about them. Have more female energy or presence about them. That's how they're going to be able to start going beyond the pain I guess I'd say the pain symptomology for themselves. Personally.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They've taken their power back, welcoming back all of their power, all their energy, their soul, fragmentations back to themselves and within themselves, cleared and purified.

Speaker 2:

So tell me about when you work with people. I usually talk about this at the end to give you an opportunity to share, but I just feel guided to ask you what happens, is this in sessions with people? Are you reading their energy and responding to their questions, such as that I just asked?

Speaker 1:

no, I don't play the reading energy game. What I do is I go right into them of what's really the cause of whatever they're struggling with. Some people I play with they just want to go further. So so we step it up and go further. We have them connect with the sun. It's connecting to their higher levels and then assisting them to break down, dissolve all the stuff that's been in their way, all the stuff that's been affecting their life stream. Like even with everyone, their brother wants to win the lottery, get all this cash or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But there's times where the other side of them are saying money's evil. Money is bad, it's blood money. Blah, blah, blah. That's going to pay a major dividend on your lack of receiving abundance of money. So I go through you, I go through your sub psyche, I go through your soul level. You're a caution record realms that go through all these different states within and through, and for yourself and with yourself, to be able to let things start to unfold within your outside. Well, I mean starting with yourself as well, but starting to resolve these all. Move out all the blockages that have been playing out over here, playing out over there, all the things that are flickering and sparking off where there's not that instantaneous, direct connectedness to where people can start to. It's like going beyond living the life of their dreams. It's living a life where it goes beyond their dreams, to where stuff they can never even contemplate as a manifestation can start to come in, come forth into their life stream.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that. It's not even living your dreams, it's living beyond your dreams, because isn't that how it works Things? Happen that I didn't even know I wanted that. I didn't even know that was available.

Speaker 1:

I want to know what I want really, because that's where manifesting becomes tricky, because you manifest via what you've seen with your eyes past, present, future and through others journeys, on and on. But it's so limited here, rhonda, that it's like you have no idea what you're really wanting beyond everything you've seen or experienced. Yeah, of course, obviously you. You want to be pain-free Okay, cool, but what's beyond that? So it's hey, I want to know what I want. I want to know what else is available, not just what I've seen in the media or the spring catalog at Macy's or whatever. I want to know what is really available and accessible.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so what is really available and accessible? Yes, so what is really available and accessible?

Speaker 1:

The love that is endless. And I don't mean that like another. I'm talking more like love, like true, pure, unconditional, unlimited, uncontained love, coming from the whole universe to you, through you, but also from all around you, that major embracement of the wholeness of your being, within and through the body, the embodiment, but then also endless data and information from the universal libraries of data and information and going beyond that into eventually all that is, and I really mean all that is Not just another metaphysical lingo, spiritual alphabet soup. I'm talking about the embodiment of your divinity, with you as and of creator commanding let there be light and there is light. I'm talking about all of your life, body, mind and you.

Speaker 2:

Yes Wow.

Speaker 1:

Where there is no end, but no end to having a blast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yes. Do you have any tips or tricks to help us access more of that? And I actually was listening to a bit of your show I don't know which one it was but about we want to package everything. Give me the formula, give me the steps, and that's what I'm doing right now is asking for some steps or tips to go within and access some of this. All that is-ness, however, do you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so right now, let's just bring your consciousness to your heart. Right now, Just sit back in your chair. If you're driving, please pull over so you bring your consciousness right through the heart and, if you want, put your hand there. It makes it to where you can feel. You Close your eyes, focus your eyes towards your third eye. Nice, deep sigh, inhale through the nose More time for the count of eight, sending it all the way down to below your navel. Hold for the count of eight and now the deepest sigh that you can release and have. Now bring your conscious from your heart up through your throat, from the throat through the third eye, all the way through the crown, chakra level, vortex, all the way up through the crown, through the astral planes of consciousness, the mass collective thought forms, all the way to the sun. And let's just hold your consciousness right there at the sun. And now let's welcome in you right here, right now, at the sun, from the sun, bringing a brilliant stream of light, a brilliant stream of gold, from the sun all the way down through the astral planes of consciousness, through the mass collective thought forms, all the way through, in about 78 feet in diameter, all the way through down through and around your crown chakra level vortex, through the pineal and pituitary gland front, middle and back, through the frontal lobe of the brain, the midbra and the back of the brain right now, all the way down through the throat chakra vortex front, middle and back down through the shoulders, the upper arms, lower arms, into the chakra-level vortexes in the palms and the hands, all the way down through your sternum, your heart, front, middle and back, through the cervical vertebrae, the thoracic vertebrae, coming all the way down through the lumbar vertebrae and through your solar plexus front, middle and back. All the way through your crater shock level vortex, all the way through the pelvic girdle through your root shock level vortex, down through your upper legs, your lower legs, into your feet.

Speaker 1:

And now let's just bring our consciousness right back through the third eye, just letting the eyes begin to flicker, letting the brain go into the theta brainwave, which is the brainwave of pure manifestation, letting it open up, animate, accelerate more and more right now and now, just even repeat to yourself I'm a money magnet, money loves to find me. Now, everything here. Just start to speed up, accelerate with more and more Ease, benevolence, grace and flow, because right now you're in a state where every system in your body can start healing, regenerating, reconnecting, becoming refilled and refueled right here, right now. And then, on the exhale, take another breath and, on the exhale, push your palms together like in a praying position. On the exhale, push the palms together, the feet into the floor, allowing all of this to integrate permanently for yourself. And just how's that feeling now, sweetheart?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Isn't that fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you. That was amazing. You're amazing. This has been a blast, absolutely. Thank you so much for that. People are going to love that exercise.

Speaker 1:

I can feel it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes. So tell us how people can find you and all that good stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, williamlinvillecom is the website, so W-I-L-I-A-M-L-I-N, as in Nancy V, as in Victoria, i-l-l-ecom, and we have a lot of stuff coming up. We have a new three month course, we have our monthly events calendar and Q and A's and all kinds of fun things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, great.

Speaker 1:

So the website and everything is on our website.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is and it'll be in the show notes, your website and you have a podcast. The Relevance of Now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

Which is really lovely. I've listened to some of that. So, yes, check out William at williamlinvillecom. Check him out. What an amazing story, I wish mind blown. Thank you Awesome, I love it. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

And thank you so much, Ron. This has truly been an honor and a blast so thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

I hope you enjoyed this episode. To find out more about William, go to WilliamLinvillecom. And here are a few ways you can connect with me. You can join my Facebook group, delicious Alignment. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment, or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. This way, you'll never miss an episode. You can also follow me on Instagram at Delicious Alignment, and feel free to tell your friends about this podcast. I really appreciate that, because you sharing this podcast is the number one best way to help us grow. When you share a link to this podcast, either deliciousalignmentcom slash podcast or the link to a specific episode, make sure to tag me, because when you do, your name will be entered into the hat to win a special prize. This month's prize is a 60 minute private coaching session with me. All the links mentioned are in the show notes as well. That is it for today, my friend. I will see you next time.