Be Real with Lav

Embracing the Marathon of Progress: A New Year's Conversation on Persistence and Renewal

January 09, 2024 Lav & Shenelle Episode 87
Embracing the Marathon of Progress: A New Year's Conversation on Persistence and Renewal
Be Real with Lav
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Be Real with Lav
Embracing the Marathon of Progress: A New Year's Conversation on Persistence and Renewal
Jan 09, 2024 Episode 87
Lav & Shenelle

Ever felt like no matter the flip of the calendar, you're running the same, exhaustive race against your personal hurdles? Ringing in 2024 on the Be Real With Lav Podcast, we unpack the gritty truth about carrying over last year's challenges and resolve into a fresh 365. With a heart-to-heart about the interminable journey toward our dreams, we confront the reality that progress isn't always a sprint but often a marathon that tests our tenacity and faith. Let's face it—the road to success isn't paved with ease, and today's conversation is an honest reflection on why it's essential to stay the course, even when the going gets tough.

This first episode of the year isn't just about the hurdles; it's about the incredible strength found within and the divine assistance that lifts us from our darkest corners. Tackling the silent struggles so many of us endure, we delve into the power of self-worth in thankless situations and toxic environments—hinting that sometimes, the workplace is the battlefield where these dramas unfold. Join us as we contemplate how a little 'closet organization' of our aspirations and capabilities can arm us with the resilience and optimism needed to navigate familiar waters with a fresh perspective. It's a new year, yes, but it's also time for a renewed you.

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever felt like no matter the flip of the calendar, you're running the same, exhaustive race against your personal hurdles? Ringing in 2024 on the Be Real With Lav Podcast, we unpack the gritty truth about carrying over last year's challenges and resolve into a fresh 365. With a heart-to-heart about the interminable journey toward our dreams, we confront the reality that progress isn't always a sprint but often a marathon that tests our tenacity and faith. Let's face it—the road to success isn't paved with ease, and today's conversation is an honest reflection on why it's essential to stay the course, even when the going gets tough.

This first episode of the year isn't just about the hurdles; it's about the incredible strength found within and the divine assistance that lifts us from our darkest corners. Tackling the silent struggles so many of us endure, we delve into the power of self-worth in thankless situations and toxic environments—hinting that sometimes, the workplace is the battlefield where these dramas unfold. Join us as we contemplate how a little 'closet organization' of our aspirations and capabilities can arm us with the resilience and optimism needed to navigate familiar waters with a fresh perspective. It's a new year, yes, but it's also time for a renewed you.

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Speaker 1:

What's up? What's up everybody, happy new year. Happy new year to you. Happy new year to you. I'm so glad that you decided to join me here on Be Real With Love Podcast. I hope you had a great beginning of your new year. I myself had a. I needed a R&R and that's what I did, and it really really did me some good. So how is everybody doing out there?

Speaker 1:

Well, today is our first episode of 2024, and this episode is a new year, but the same challenges and the same goals. So what does that all mean? That means, even though it's a new year, guys, still focus on your goals. Don't throw them through the window and say you know what? 2023, it didn't work out, so it's 2024. I'm just going to forget it. No, keep your same goals, your passion. That's dear to your heart, because you know what Sometimes we tend to kind of be like hard, hard on ourselves.

Speaker 1:

You know, we have a drive in us. We have that need to want to succeed and for some reason to us as human beings, because we're not perfect, it takes so long, you know, for us to get there. And then we look at now the year is done, we're in a new year, we're another year older and then we go into somewhat you call like a I wouldn't say maybe for some panic or an anxiety kicks in. I'm a big, big, I am guilty of that sometimes, you know. But then sometimes, like I look back on where I'm coming from and all the challenges and all the darkness and all the lonely roads, and you know what, there was not one time where I felt like I was in a dark place and God didn't lift me out of it, because he certainly did. And you know there's so many people, every second person you meet. They have some sort of trauma or devastating story to tell. You just don't know, because of course you don't know the person. Sometimes people are good at covering up the stuff, hiding stuff, smiling and acting like everything's fine, but it really isn't. And so the same, a new year with the same challenges. You know you got challenges that you're just going through. And you know, just continue to be strong, because your challenges are not going to go away just of the blink of an eye. We have to go through challenges. That's how we gain our strength. Our faith develops more stronger, you know, and in God, and you know what it only can. My mom always says it's either going to. She always says believe kill and believe cure right.

Speaker 1:

So if you and yourself believe that you're not going to succeed of what you want, or you know it's not going to work out, that negative energy that you take with you sometimes it really does play out like that that it doesn't work out. So you got to believe and trust trust in the almighty and believe in yourself that you got the potential, you got that self worth. You know, for example, your employment. You know some of us very employment and even though you probably enjoy doing what you're doing, but at the same time you know it's like you're, you're surrounding the environment is just very negative, negative and it can also be toxic. You know you got big, big employers. Some of them they don't even care. You know, as I said, no, thank you, no, please. You know they don't care about your growth, about what you're interested in and wanting to grow, and so you still have to get up and you got to go to work and you got to do your best right. So you know your self worth and you know what you want in your life and sometimes we're in a job and we think, yeah, we're going to grow in this. We're going to stay in this. And then the next thing you know you start to see for what it really is, that it's not so hot and no, you don't want to grow in it anymore, you know. So it is a new year and you know we can pull up our stuff out of our closet, shuffle stuff. You know what I mean Shuffle stuff and and and sit through stuff and see what. You know, what you have decided that you want to do. You can fine tune things, change your direction and how you embrace things right and and your level of understanding, because sometimes we can be very hard on ourselves, very hard on ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So, for those of you who are still struggling with certain things like especially the job situation you notice nowadays now, if you live in Toronto, you know a lot of jobs has contract. Now contract Some of these jobs they don't. You don't get benefits with the contracts. You got to go to another carrier, third, third party or whatever they call it, and you got to apply for benefits, which is expensive. You know what I mean. And then you got the vacation time where it's probably tied in right to your pay or whatever. You don't get a single paycheck, a separate paycheck when you take vacation. So a lot has changed in the job market, a lot of things that they're doing, and you know some of these things. It really affects. It really affects people, you know, and you know what I mean. It's just a time that we're living in now where it's very difficult and it's very trying and we all say happy new year, yes, because we're grateful that we live to see 2024.

Speaker 1:

For those of you out there, I'm sure when you were young you know I'm old school you know we think about, oh, the year 2000 or the year 2020 and you know the years to come. You know what I mean. It's now you've actually lived to see it right and it has changed tremendously right For anybody who's 50 and over. You must see the changes, you know of everything that has taken place. You know the job, the mannerism, the professionalism. I mean every job from then. You always have a snake in there. You know somebody's a snake or somebody's. You know you have a little group over there. They want to be in competition or that person wants to be that V person for the manager or whoever, the district man, whoever to notice that. Yeah, see, I'm here, I'm doing the best job, I'm the best. You know those kind of environment. You always find one, two or three of them in there, right? So you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

A lot has changed and you got to stay strong and stand strong and have that faith because, from the job to your family life, to your social life, you know, sometimes we got to make that change, sometimes we got to make that change, sometimes we got to fine tune stuff because, honestly, if you don't, you will always have that negativity. You know, people always say, at least some people say, you know, I'm not taking this, I'll be doing this in 2024, this is me in 2024, you don't even know what's going to go on in 2024. And I never believe in that. Oh, this is me dancing. You know, like, this is what's going to happen in 2024, this is what I'm going to do in 2024, you know, I'm getting rid of all the toxic people, all you know, who never liked me or I'm cutting off it.

Speaker 1:

You know what? One day at a time. One day at a time because we don't know what's gonna happen in 2024. Just like how we never knew what would have taken place from 2019, the mid 2019, right up to 2022, right, like we didn't know we were gonna get hit like that, to be on any kind of lockdown and stuff. So I say, take it one day at a time. And I believe in prayers and I trust God to the point where, if something's really happening, you know, in my life it's like I just know and believe that with my faith, my prayer and my perseverance, god is going to help me out of it.

Speaker 1:

So I don't go around and like looking ahead to say this is what's gonna happen in 2020. For this one I'm gonna do I don't know. I don't know what tomorrow brings and I'm not worrying about tomorrow either. I'm not worrying about next week because sometimes, you know, things happen to us. Things happen. Life is like that, you know, and you just gotta learn to just embrace it.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we fall apart. We're human beings. It goes for every and anybody. Sometimes we do fall apart. We are emotions, you know, because we're passionate about what we wanna do in our life, right, we're passionate about that. We're passionate about our goals. We're passionate about our ambitions, that we have. So, of course, if you feel bombarded or overwhelmed, you're gonna react, but don't react in a way like you're worthless or you know, sometimes, yeah, I felt like what, am I not deserving of this? You know what I mean. We all go through that. We really do, and that's why I'm saying that that new year and you have your same goals. You have your same goals. So don't feel like you know, oh, the year's done, new year now, and I still haven't achieved what I wanted to achieve. It takes time.

Speaker 1:

One of the best things to have quality is patience, and you know what. We're all guilty of it. We are all guilty of not having enough patience sometimes. And you know what. It's okay, because you're not perfect and there's a lot of people that's struggling to meet their goals, their dream. You know it doesn't matter what it is, you're passionate about it and it's you feel it's not happening fast enough. Or you know what, it's just time. It's just time, and sometimes we just need to kind of give it a rest a little bit and clear our mind and just relax in order to gain that, your energy, to build your energy, and you know what.

Speaker 1:

And don't lose sight in what you really want. And don't lose faith, because you know it's so hard when you, when you want something that you're, you know, either currently working hard at. You're halfway there and you just stuck right in that halfway or you're starting, or you just don't even know how to start or where to start. You know what I mean, especially when you're a standalone person like. When I say that, I mean like you don't have this whole, this big family support and this whole 10,000 friends support, which is nothing is wrong with that, because you see more clearly, right. So that's where you know, sometimes it becomes difficult, but there's resources out there that you know me myself you can, you know, look up and try and reach out. You know, because God always sends someone that has a great heart and you can reach out to. Sometimes it's something that you've never seen before in your life and you find you met this person. You start talking in office and they said something that gives you the key in order to move towards something that you were wondering about or you didn't quite understand. So never lose sight, guys. Believe in you. You know yourself, believe in God first and have that self-confidence, you know that self-esteem.

Speaker 1:

I know that everything is just for that time. Everything is for a moment. You know, nothing lasts forever and everything takes time. You know what I mean. Everything takes time.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we become mentally tired to just say you know what? I'm just gonna give it a rest. We're all guilty of that, because sometimes your brain is just going over time, right, and sometimes it puts you in a mood and you don't wanna be in a bad mood, but you can't help it or you become quiet, right? So when you're feeling overwhelmed if I'm feeling overwhelmed I become very quiet and I do something that's going to help me to relax, like reading something, you know, watching something that has something to do with how I feel, you know, which is that's why I love writing my poetry, because there's a lot of people out there that feel, but they hold it inside. I write, I write and I write and I write, you know, and hopefully one day I can turn it into a book, you know. So that's one of my goals. You know.

Speaker 1:

So you know what life is great. It is a new year and life is great, and you still have your same life, with your same goals, your same dreams and some challenges that comes along with it. So just love yourself, continue to love yourself and continue to trust and believe in God and continue to have that self-esteem and that perseverance. Okay, guys, so that's all for this episode, the first episode of the new year. I wanted to come out with a positive message to you all and to know that continue to work on yourself. If it's self-growth, self-improvement, continue to work on your goals, whatever your passion is right. You are beautiful. Okay, you are strong. Stand strong, love yourself and I love you. So have yourself a wonderful, wonderful day. Okay, everybody, much love and thank you again for joining me. Bye for now, everyone.