DOTJ - Drinking On The Job

Episode 241: SF Chronicle named Laura Brennan Bissell a winemaker to watch for her Inconnu wines. I see a legend in the making. Her new Columbia Gorge wines, Aitia, are about to launch and are stunning. Watch out world. You heard it here first.

May 20, 2024 John Coyle Season 1 Episode 241

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I can’t say enough about how special these wines are. Her wines are a beautiful symphony, a perfect poem that captures  that moment. I’m just going to use Laura’s own words here.  
"Just like my life, I wish for my wines to be distilled into a poetic form, and not to have their entrails spread apart on a surgical table. There is pain and suffering, there is joy, chaos, recklessness at times, but more than anything, a quiet optimism that every day of our time here is yet another chance to experience something beautiful.

Check out the website: for great past episodes. Everyone from Iron Chefs, winemakers, journalist and more.