190. Value tilts, inflation proofing and the private equity opportunity
FundCalibre - Investing on the go
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FundCalibre - Investing on the go
190. Value tilts, inflation proofing and the private equity opportunity
Apr 21, 2022
Vincent Ropers

TB Wise Multi-Asset Growth fund manager Vincent Ropers talks us through the recent tilt towards value strategies in his portfolio amid hopes of a continued cyclical recovery. He also runs through his exposure to mining & natural resources, as well as infrastructure, and how these asset classes can help offer inflation-linked returns in these uncertain times. Vincent also discusses the attractive discounts available when accessing private equity companies in the investment trust market; and the importance of having a flexible mandate.

What's covered in this episode: 

  • The importance of flexibility to the fund
  • The use of investment trusts and the adoption of alternatives
  • Tilting the fund towards value strategies to take advantage of the ongoing cyclical recovery
  • Why mining and resources were attractive as an asset class prior to the threat of inflation
  • Tapping into infrastructure and floating rate notes to offer inflation-linked returns
  • How value strategies offer a significant margin of safety as an investment
  • The benefits of accessing private equity through an investment trust

More about the fund:
The TB Wise Multi-Asset Growth fund has an unconstrained approach which allows the team to invest in around 30-60 underlying funds and investment trusts, with a preference for out-of-favour areas. This approach has allowed them to tap into the likes of infrastructure and private equity to produce strong, long-term returns for investors. Although the team adopt a very slight value bias, the fund is not exclusively value in nature.

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Please remember, we’ve been discussing individual companies to bring investing to life for you. It’s not a recommendation to buy or sell. The fund may or may not still hold these companies at the time of listening. Elite Ratings are based on FundCalibre’s research methodology and are the opinion of FundCalibre’s research team only.

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Please remember, we’ve been discussing individual companies to bring investing to life for you. It’s not a recommendation to buy or sell. The fund may or may not still hold these companies at the time of listening. Elite Ratings are based on FundCalibre’s research methodology and are the opinion of FundCalibre’s research team only.