SFOF Presents: Gallantly Streaming
The political landscape keeps evolving. Leaders and all Americans have an obligation to keep up and stand up. The states are the laboratories of democracy. To know where America is going, we must continue to look to the states.Welcome to Gallantly Streaming, a smart and engaging podcast, brought to you by the State Financial Officers Foundation.
SFOF Presents: Gallantly Streaming
Interview: Kentucky Treasurer Allison Ball
With Co-Hosts: Derek Kreifels & Jonathan Williams
Season 1
Episode 6
Derek Kreifels and Jonathan Williams interview Kentucky Treasurer Allison Ball. Treasurer Ball has the unique distinction of being one of the few state treasurers in the U.S. that is also an attorney! Treasurer Ball has also several 'firsts' under her belt that you'll hear about. We also talk ESG and what went into her asking her state's attorney general for a legal opinion about the state's sole fiduciary duty statute and the specific question of whether or not "stakeholder capitalism" could be a legitimate factor when making investment decisions with commonwealth tax dollars.