How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK

Pink Eye Panic & Glitter Bombs: It’s Time for Our Season 3 Finale

Jenny GK and Caitlin Kindred

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Get ready for some fun! In our season 3 finale, we’re sharing current favorites and hilarious anecdotes about parenting that will leave you laughing and wanting more. Don't miss out on the fun in this episode!

We’re sharing:

  • Behind-the-scenes insights that will make you see the CK & GK Podcast in a whole new light... or maybe the same light…
  • Recommendations for fun Instagram accounts to follow when you need a good laugh
  • Product recs! Self-tanner and high-quality fashion, anyone?

You don't get pink eye from a cat's butt. You get pink eye from the museum when you touch the stuff, and then you touch your face. —Caitlin

Visit this episode’s blog post for the links to all the things!

Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next season, starting September 3, 2024!

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00:00:01 - Jenny GK
It's finally Tuesday.

00:00:03 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, my goodness. It's. It's our season finale, you guys. We have done this now.

00:00:10 - Jenny GK
Season three.

00:00:11 - Caitlin Kindred
I know. Three seasons in. This is our 120th episode.

00:00:16 - Jenny GK
Nuts. Nuts.

00:00:17 - Caitlin Kindred
If you're counting on our track to.

00:00:20 - Jenny GK
Do 121, guys.

00:00:25 - Caitlin Kindred
We just need one more. So we are. And we've had a busy summer. We've had some gaps in programming we've done every other week, and then we didn't do any weeks. And so we're just catching up on all the things we've loved over the summer, but we just haven't shared with you yet. So here we are, episode 120, season three finale. Let's do this.

00:00:51 - Jenny GK
All right, so since we're talking about our summer faves, I'm gonna call Caitlin full sun. Cause there's nothing shady about her.

00:00:59 - Caitlin Kindred
Wow. Unless, like, someone comes up to me and they're like, can I tell you something? And then I'm like, yes, girl. Spill it, abs. Yeah. And I'll be shady then. And since she's done this with me for three seasons. 120 episodes. And she tolerates my incredibly ridiculous need compulsion, if you will, to keep us going on this podcast train. That's Jenny, the greatest human being ever invented.

00:01:34 - Jenny GK

00:01:35 - Caitlin Kindred
I know. I love you. You're my favorite.

00:01:39 - Jenny GK
That was really nice.

00:01:40 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, well, thanks for everything you do for this show, because it's incredible, you guys. She produces every. I think I've done, like, what, seven?

00:01:49 - Jenny GK
It doesn't even matter because I rarely log into our social media, ever, so we all carry different parts of it. And like you said, you really are the one who keeps us going, because I probably would have quit a long time ago if you keep it up.

00:02:04 - Caitlin Kindred
It's okay. We're doing this. Okay, so before we get into our faves for the summer, I do want to share this fun shout out to someone named Serene Leeds, who gave us a review on CK & GK Podcast, which, if you haven't done that, you just need to scroll down just a little bit and then do a little tippy tap on some stars. We would appreciate five of them. Okay. But she said, this is so much fun. What a fun discovery. These two are adorable together. Thank you. We know. And kicking things off with advice on the best teacher gifts. I'm sold. Excited to listen to more. If you haven't listened to that episode, that's, like, our pilot, I think, about teacher. Yeah, it was 121 episodes.

00:02:47 - Jenny GK
Okay, so I have a story about that.

00:02:49 - Caitlin Kindred

00:02:49 - Jenny GK
I was in a meeting a few days ago where we were talking about a school supply drive. And they were saying, like, hey, we really want to buy name brand products. Like, it really does make a difference, not just because they last longer, but also, like, these kids are having school supplies donated to them. It would be nice if they got nice things donated to them.

00:03:14 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, for sure. Yeah.

00:03:15 - Jenny GK
And, like, the difference in buying, you know, off brand markers versus crayola markers comes down to, like, $0.89, but it's a huge difference. And so someone said, yeah, and, you know, teachers really like those flare pens. I was like, yeah, you know, I didn't at first, but now I'm, like, super into them. And I pull out my bag, and I. Where I have multiple different colors of flare pens, all labeled with the label maker you gave me with what they represent in my planner.

00:03:43 - Caitlin Kindred

00:03:45 - Jenny GK
And this woman says, oh, my gosh. I thought flare pens were pens with flair on them. I have been buying teachers funny looking pens for years, thinking I was knocking it out of the park.

00:04:00 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh. Oh, dear. Oh. But that's. It's kind of precious.

00:04:04 - Jenny GK
But also, it was adorable. And I was like, yeah, no, we are not looking for pens with little bouncing snowmen on the top.

00:04:10 - Caitlin Kindred
No, I don't need a charm on my pen. I want a pen that writes really well, and it writes, like, the exact same way every time. I don't care about having a bouncing a little hula dancer.

00:04:21 - Jenny GK
You are thinking of flair, like, from office space. This is not the same.

00:04:28 - Caitlin Kindred
I love that. That's so adorable. Oh, man.

00:04:32 - Jenny GK

00:04:32 - Caitlin Kindred
You want to kick it off. You want to hit it out of the park with your teacher first thing, get them a thing of flare pens to start the year. They probably already bought their own because they love them. But also, they'll use yours first because.

00:04:44 - Jenny GK
It well, and they come in a bajillion colors. Buy some wacky colors.

00:04:48 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, buy, like, the bold ones or whatever. Tropical. They didn't know.

00:04:54 - Jenny GK
I thought it was so funny. She was like, oh, I did not know that that's what flare pens were. And I have been telling everyone to buy flare pens for a long time. Hopefully, they knew what I was saying, because I didn't.

00:05:06 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, well, that is precious. Love it.

00:05:09 - Jenny GK
Yes. Yes. We are here to talk about things that we are loving this summer, and, of course, because it is 2024. The thing I am loving is the Olympics are here.

00:05:23 - Caitlin Kindred
Yay. Oh, my gosh. I. You know how much I love the Olympics. I'm glad you brought this up. I'm so, so pumped for this. We were watching Olympic trials, and Sam is super into track already, which is, like, one of the best things to watch, if you ask me. So, yeah, I'm excited about this, especially.

00:05:43 - Jenny GK
If you have adhd because it takes 7 seconds. But also, okay, he just full vaulted. That's the whole sport.

00:05:51 - Caitlin Kindred
Right? This is a problem for me because I'm one of those people who will, like, get distracted while I'm listening to a podcast, and then I'll miss, like, a crucial 24 seconds of what they're talking about. And then I'll skip backwards twice, hear the same line, and immediately tune out.

00:06:09 - Jenny GK
Again exactly where I.

00:06:11 - Caitlin Kindred
So this is going to be really good practice for the rewind function on my television because otherwise I'll miss all the races while I get distract.

00:06:21 - Jenny GK

00:06:22 - Caitlin Kindred

00:06:23 - Jenny GK
Um, so I saw when they were running the torch through Paris, they took it into the Louvre, but they made a special torch that was a lantern that was, like, contained the fire. So they weren't running through a museum full of priceless artifacts with an open flame. I thought that was so cool. Like, how thoughtful that they figured out a way to make this happen and.

00:06:49 - Caitlin Kindred
Commercialize it at the same time. Right? Like, everyone knows the Louvre, so it just. Of course you have to run through it, but also, that is a very cool thing. The things that people can come up with right now are pretty impressive. And that's. That's a good one. I missed the torch running. I was celebrating my brother's wedding, and I missed all of the opening ceremony stuff. So I have to. I have it recorded. I have to go back and watch the stuff. I.

00:07:19 - Jenny GK
It exists on the Internet.

00:07:21 - Caitlin Kindred
It does exist on the Internet. And probably just the good snippets are available where I. Where I care. Like an Instagram reels.

00:07:28 - Jenny GK
I mean, that's how I found out about the torch. I went back and watched videos after someone shared that. Yes, it had been carried through the loop.

00:07:35 - Caitlin Kindred
Exactly. Okay.

00:07:36 - Jenny GK
Speaking of on Instagram.

00:07:38 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes, I have a thing. This is really unhealthy. My Instagram, in case you aren't aware, when we are on social, the primary place you can find us is on Instagram. That is where our people are. That is where I like to be. I don't like to be on X, formerly known as Twitter. I'm just not. It's just not a healthy space for my brain. So Instagram and threads are where I want to be. So when I'm there, when you're interacting with us, I'm the one there. Anyway, I found an account through our account, of course, because now I have, like, four different ones. Cause I have one for work, I have one for us, one for myself, and then, like, a burner one. But this one is through hours that I found. And the account is. I don't know how to say her name. It's like tamia overus tmaiaoveres. And I'll link it in the blog post for this episode. And she has a parakeet that is.

00:08:43 - Jenny GK
Dude, you love these bird videos.

00:08:45 - Caitlin Kindred
I cannot help it. This one is really funny. And her parakeet is named Prince. And Prince is a girl.

00:08:51 - Jenny GK
Okay, okay.

00:08:52 - Caitlin Kindred
And Prince, there's a. She also does, like, makeup tutorials and, like, stuff like that, which I. Those are not the ones I care about. But she makes this bird, like, hyped up. She and her partner hype this bird up so much. And there's a. What they call the forbidden cabinet. And every once in a while, they'll, like, put things in the cabinet and then they'll open it up for prints. And it's like a play space for her. So one time they put tiny little pink solo cups and pink disco balls in there, and Prince got to play in the cabinet, and they, like, intentionally go completely crazy. But then one of the things they'll do is when she chirps, they'll be like. They'll say that she's saying die to them. Or, like, feral chirping. Feral growling inside a cup. It's adorable and funny. And sometimes they yell, like, prince tiffer. I don't know why prince of her for her nickname cracks me up so much.

00:09:47 - Jenny GK
Like John calling me Genjamin.

00:09:49 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes. Or my boss calling our. Our partner Jimothy. Like, it's just like a thing. It just makes me laugh. And anyway, if you want something that will. If you like the bird videos or funny animal videos, this is a good one to go look at. And it just makes me smile. So. Something I haven't shared yet.

00:10:08 - Jenny GK

00:10:08 - Caitlin Kindred

00:10:09 - Jenny GK
Well, I am very late to this party, like, years behind, but I have been so interested by Glittergate.

00:10:18 - Caitlin Kindred
I do not know what this is. Okay, all right, so I'm even late than you.

00:10:22 - Jenny GK
So tell me all about 22. A New York Times reporter went to the place where the most glitter is made, which is New Jersey.

00:10:32 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, dear.

00:10:33 - Jenny GK
I think that's funny.

00:10:34 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes, it is.

00:10:35 - Jenny GK
Anyway, she goes to the glitter factory and tours it as part of the tour. She asks, like, hey, who buys the most glitter? And the person giving her the tour says, oh, you'd be surprised, but it's confidential. So this goes into the New York Times article. It's confidential. So in late 22, early 23, the Internet is exploding with conspiracy theories about who is buying the most glitter. And so there are some running theories. One is, it's the boat business, because there's a lot of glitter and boat paint. There are a couple others that, you know, are kind of wacky and out there and don't really make sense. But the second one that is, like, most people are into it is toothpaste.

00:11:32 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, my gosh.

00:11:33 - Jenny GK

00:11:33 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, I hope not. Oh, it's horrible.

00:11:37 - Jenny GK
But the one that has me, like, on edge and so excited is the US military. Okay. Okay. So tell me.

00:11:46 - Caitlin Kindred
Tell me what's. What the theory is.

00:11:48 - Jenny GK
Okay, so I need to know, besides the glitter that would go in the paint to make things sparkle, planes, like fighter jets, in order to confuse the radar of enemy planes, will eject this mass into the air that helps hide them.

00:12:08 - Caitlin Kindred

00:12:08 - Jenny GK
And it's essentially glitter. So, like, eat my glitter. Like, and so there's this whole thought that the United States military is buying up all the glitter so that they can blast it at our enemies.

00:12:25 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, man. Somewhere, like, the entire pride parade community is like, yes. But also, I'm like, you know, you.

00:12:38 - Jenny GK
Hate someone, you send them one of those glitter bobs. Like, yeah, I.

00:12:41 - Caitlin Kindred
So funny. This is glitter bombing in actuality.

00:12:45 - Jenny GK
Yes. Like, an actual evasive maneuver is throwing glitter at someone.

00:12:52 - Caitlin Kindred
I love it. When I worked at. When I worked at a bank, I worked with two very lovely men who we used to spend a lot of time talking about all things related to glitter. And we would do glitter snaps, and I would put it in my hand and then, like, do, like, a. Like, an arc snap kind of noise thing. But the glitter would all fall out in, like, an Arc rainbow.

00:13:16 - Jenny GK
That's amazing.

00:13:17 - Caitlin Kindred
It was really fun, but my boss did not like it, and I would always end up glitter. Like, doesn't come off right. So it's, like, stuck to your hands. And there would be glitter on money that you could. You could tell that I touched the money because it had some little bits of glitter on it.

00:13:31 - Jenny GK
So your money had glitter on it. And you're gonna blame it on the bank?

00:13:35 - Caitlin Kindred
Yep. It's the bank's fault.

00:13:37 - Jenny GK
It's the bank's fault that your money had glitter. All those singles covered in glitter.

00:13:44 - Caitlin Kindred
Well, yeah, your hands would always be dirty. And there were. There were definitely people who came in with. With lots of singles. Mm hmm. Or, like, they would come in and cash their check and say they want this many singles. Oh, that's funny. And you'd be like, okay, okay. No. No problem. Oh, but then you have to count.

00:14:06 - Jenny GK
Will you be enjoying the state dinner.

00:14:11 - Caitlin Kindred
The, like, heated buffet style? I can't. Okay.

00:14:16 - Jenny GK
Anyway. Okay, that's enough.

00:14:20 - Caitlin Kindred
Once again, my mine are not as cool as yours. But I. It's Texas. It's hot. And I don't know about you, but I don't go outside in the summer as much as I can. Like, I go outside when it's early morning and it's dark out.

00:14:33 - Jenny GK

00:14:34 - Caitlin Kindred
Because it's too hot. And I.

00:14:36 - Jenny GK
And I say people who live in the northeast, like, they just spend December, January, and February inside. We just spend June, July, and August inside.

00:14:43 - Caitlin Kindred
Unless you're by water through September and early October, because it is not. It is not okay here. No, I have to say this. Did you. I don't know how much you're on threads. I saw a thread the other day that was, like, talking about Austin and how someone said they stopped reading a book because the author said in n Out was the most popular burger joint in Austin because they were, like, so offended by it. And then someone totally quit that book. Yeah. And then someone else called MopAc loop one, and they immediately put the book down. They're like, I can't. It's not authentic anymore. But then someone else said, this is why I couldn't watch that show that Reba McIntyre was doing because she was supposed to be living in Houston, and one day her daughter came in from outside in September wearing a wool sweater. And ain't nobody wearing a wool sweater in Houston in September. Like, oh, my gosh, yes, I remember that. I don't. Anyway, that's. That's Texas right now. So because of that, and because I'm a redhead who does not tan, I have to use self tanner. And I found a good one. I don't have to. I don't mind being pale, but sometimes I want to not be pale all the time. Right? So I found a good one. This is a good one. And it's not expensive. Well, that's good. Available on the store where things come in two day delivery. And it has everything from a to z. Yes. And I will put it in the list of products that's on our website. But it's called b tan, as in be dot tan, self tanner. And you can buy it with a mitt or without. But the thing I like about it is that it's got, like, twelve different shades of tan that you can choose from, so you can go as light or as dark as you want. Yeah. And it's not. The base of the tan is not orange. It's gray, which sounds very strange, but when you put on fake tanner and it's got an orange base, as it starts to fade, it looks orange. And if you mess up or put on too much, it looks orange. So this one has, like, a gray or purple base, and it doesn't make your skin look gray or purple as it fades. But you don't look orange in those weird patches where you accidentally have too much. And I know this because at one point, I had, like, a knee that looked like Marilyn Manson in 2000 and a knee that looked like Paris Hilton in 2000. So I was like, oh, I gotta go back in and fix it. But, like, I had a mitt, and I. You know, and I did all the things you're supposed to do before, but it's. I really love it. And the tan lasts for, like, four or five days before you start to really feel like, okay, it's time for another round. So there you go. If you need a new tanning self tanner, because you don't go outside.

00:17:36 - Jenny GK
There you go.

00:17:37 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, you tan, though. You tan really easily. Like, you can go outside for 15 minutes, and you'll be, like, a. A golden color that I just don't get. I'll just. One day, my freckles will connect, and then my dermatologist will hate me. But in the meantime, like, I got to do something.

00:17:53 - Jenny GK
No, my mom has skin that really tans well. So. No, you got that combination of my mom and then my pale dad who changes bucket hats from dry to wet because he doesn't want to burn his scalp, right? Yep.

00:18:09 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah. Got it.

00:18:10 - Jenny GK
Okay. So, I sent you this a few weeks ago. It's definitely one of my highlights of the summer.

00:18:19 - Caitlin Kindred

00:18:20 - Jenny GK
Peaches and diesel, ten four on Insta. Created her dateline NBC murder book.

00:18:30 - Caitlin Kindred

00:18:30 - Jenny GK
It is a binder that lists out, like, all the Susan specs, what kind of things she's interested in pictures that she wants put up of her. Like, here's a picture of me being really affectionate with my children. I'm a good mother. Right here is a terrible looking picture of my husband, because if I'm dead, he's the number one suspect, and I don't want him looking cute. This is the picture where he looks.

00:18:52 - Caitlin Kindred
Murdery, and it's got, like, motives in it. So it's like, here's all these other suspects. If it's not my husband, here's all these other ones, and here's what happened to make them want to kill me.

00:19:04 - Jenny GK
And so she, like, keeps it updated, and I was like, I want to have a party where we all make our own dateline.

00:19:10 - Caitlin Kindred
Dateline scrapbook. Like, to be clear, this is what would happen if the dateline episode is about her and Keith Morrison is narrating.

00:19:19 - Jenny GK

00:19:20 - Caitlin Kindred
Like, her murder story. It's so. It's so funny.

00:19:24 - Jenny GK
It's so good.

00:19:26 - Caitlin Kindred
It was, like, a few minutes of a watch. Like, to go through it with her. It was totally worth it. I'll dig it up out of my DM's and pull it because it's really funny. Okay, my last one again, Instagram. You guys, I saw an ad for I get served intense ads, and they know me, and, you know, I'll buy stuff on Instagram, like, with a drop of a hat. It takes, like, nothing. Oh, several times. So this is a company called Baltic Born, and I just saw their ads on Instagram, and I was like, okay, these dresses are pretty cute. Like, these are pretty. And I was in the need of a dress because I was preparing for my brother's wedding. I had dresses. None of them were dressy enough. But this was a full catholic wedding, which meant I needed to have sleeves, and the sleeves needed to be a certain width in order for me to feel like I was being appropriate and comfortable and not a requirement, but just for my own level of comfort.

00:20:25 - Jenny GK
For your own, right?

00:20:25 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, exactly. Having been in several masses with catholic weddings, there's a real urge for me to dress a certain way. Anyway, I found adorable dresses to the point where I was like, I don't know which one I need to buy. Like, I was really struggling. This place has the cutest stuff. And I found a dress for my brother's wedding that I feel. I'm not a very girly person, but I feel very girly and very pretty in this dress. I felt very confident in the dress the whole time, and a skirt for the rehearsal dinner and other ideas for how to wear both of these things. And I found a shacket that was on sale in girl math. It was very inexpensive because it's normally this much money, but it was, like, I don't know, 75% off, which meant I just had to buy it, because otherwise, what am I gonna need? I know. So had to. And it's a long shacket that goes down to, like, the middle of my thighs, which I really love, because I don't have a shacket that long. So all kinds of adorable things. If you haven't looked up baltic porn, I would highly suggest if you need any. I mean, and it's like, there's a cute tool and other. I don't know. It was just adorable.

00:21:41 - Jenny GK
I'm, like, looking at it right now and there's a lot of cute stuff on here. And it's a of mid range in price. Like it?

00:21:47 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, totally reasonable. Yeah, completely reasonable. I mean, you don't want to dress. I mean, maybe you do want a dress that's $25. I've definitely done the $25 dress. I've done the $15 dress from Amazon.

00:21:58 - Jenny GK
I have sent back a lot of stuff from Sheen.

00:22:01 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, exactly. So I get it. This was like, this is my brother's wedding. I wanted to look nice. I wanted to have something that I could wear again and not feel weird. It's a good dress for other weddings, too. So this is adorable stuff. Baltic born is the name of the company. And I'll again link it in the blog post for this episode so you can take a look. Love it.

00:22:21 - Jenny GK
Okay, one last. I'm gonna follow your Instagram pattern here. Tom McGovern, 27. Okay.

00:22:30 - Caitlin Kindred

00:22:31 - Jenny GK
Tom McGovern is not for driving around listening to. He is definitely a earbuds in kind of guydeh but his stuff is funny one bit. He does one. First off, like, he just hit a million views on YouTube for rewriting Jack and Diane as every line is sucking on a chili dog, sucking on chili, chili dog. Sucking on a chili dog, sucking on a chili dog. I mean, that's the whole thing. And he does that and got a million views on it. That's America for you. But he does this whole bit that's good band names versus bad band names. And he starts by saying like, I don't care. Come at me. Whatever. This is just how I believe and goes through and says the names. And he's like, ah, Soundgarden. Good band name. Maroon five. Bad band name. Presidents of the United States of America just for getting away with it. Good band name, right?

00:23:39 - Caitlin Kindred
I mean, did he say why Maroon five is a bad band name?

00:23:44 - Jenny GK
Oh, he just said that they're an embarrassing band, is what he.

00:23:47 - Caitlin Kindred

00:23:49 - Jenny GK
But for the most part, there's not a lot of commentary. It's just like, good, bad, good, bad. And he wrote a song about a baby lobster that I can't get out of my head. And the. The whole thing is like, look at this baby lobster. I can't believe it's real. And that's like the whole song.

00:24:09 - Caitlin Kindred
All right, I'll find that account, too. And we'll get you. We'll get you. That one I. Part of, like, instagram for me now at this point, is just like, is there a happy place? Is there something sweet here that I can find? Is. It's gonna make me laugh. It doesn't even have to be sweet. It can just make me laugh, and I'm all about it, so I can. I'm interested in this band. Name one. I'll go find him, and I'll share it with you guys. Yeah. Okay. We'll be right back. Okay.

00:24:41 - Jenny GK
We're back.

00:24:42 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, we are. I'm stretching. Sorry, this. My breath sounds weird because I'm stretching. Oh, there we go.

00:24:49 - Jenny GK
It's a. It's time for us to share our gem of the week, and this isn't gem of the summer. This is just something funny that recently happened to me. I think there's probably much better things that have happened this summer, but I recently accepted a new job.

00:25:06 - Caitlin Kindred

00:25:07 - Jenny GK
Comes with an office.

00:25:09 - Caitlin Kindred

00:25:10 - Jenny GK
And I am decorating my office and pulled out some things that I thought were worthy of hanging up. I got a frame made for my diplomas that Abby totally rolled her eyes at, and she was like, no, this does not look good. But it puts both. Oh, no, it's totally fine. It is not aesthetically pleasing at all. It's what I wanted, but it is not. In her minimalist, like, neutral style.

00:25:42 - Caitlin Kindred
She is a girl after my own heart.

00:25:45 - Jenny GK
It puts both diplomas in the same frame. And because I went to a and M for my undergrad, I got maroon matting on that one. And because I went to untouched for my masters, I got Kelly green on that one. Maroon and Kelly green do not go together.

00:26:00 - Caitlin Kindred
They clash. I was thinking, like, a dark, like, evergreen. Yeah, but nope. Okay. All right. But.

00:26:08 - Jenny GK
And it's, you know, it's like, quarter inch matting. The whole thing is matted in a neutral color. I think it's black. And then the color is just the internal, like, the little edge. But still, it does stand out, and it's exactly what I wanted. I, you know, I wanted school spirit. I wanted it to look like I went to both these places and enjoyed my time at both of them. But Abby just rolls her eyes. But that is not what this story is about, okay? This story is about me putting other things out, laying them along the walls, and trying to decide what to hang where. And one of them is an award I won back in 2011. Teacher of the year.

00:26:49 - Caitlin Kindred

00:26:50 - Jenny GK
And the certificate just didn't match the aesthetic of the office at all. So I remade it to match.

00:27:01 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, no. Tell me what it looks like.

00:27:09 - Jenny GK
So, first off, it was portrait mode, so I switched it to make it landscape. I changed it had some bright colors. I kind of muted the colors a little bit. Instead of saying, like, teacher of the year in big font, it said thank you in big font. So I changed it so it says teacher of the year in nice big font.

00:27:29 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, my gosh.

00:27:31 - Jenny GK
But I put the same 2011 date on it and slapped it in frame.

00:27:39 - Caitlin Kindred
I was thinking that you might, like, frame both of them, just like you did for your other one. Like, here's the OG, the original one that they gave me, and then here's the one I made. If I had been in charge.

00:27:50 - Jenny GK
Yep, that's exactly what it was. I said, you know what? I don't really like the way this looks in here, so I'm gonna make it better.

00:27:58 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, goodness.

00:28:00 - Jenny GK
That's so amazing. If you are a listener who was in the parent teacher organization in 2011, my apologies. I did keep the original certificate. It's in the frame behind the one I just remade. Also, thanks for not signing the first one, because then I didn't have to forge a signature on the second one.

00:28:20 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, you could have just, like, scanned it and then, oh, yeah, popped it on there.

00:28:26 - Jenny GK

00:28:26 - Caitlin Kindred
Could have done. It's all good. Okay, well, mine happened this morning. I am trying to wake myself up, as you do on a weekend morning and lying in bed, and my son comes in and joins me, but he's got one of our cats, like, in his arms, and I don't know. Cats are fickle. This cat tolerates everything from Sam. Like, he. If I try to pick him up and hold him like a baby, he'll let me do it for maybe 15 seconds. He won't let my husband do it at all. But Sam can, like, drag this thing around, like, and he just is, like, relaxed and purring and happy. Anyway, Sam plops this cat on the bed, like, right near me. The cat comes over and says hello and starts purring, and I'm starting to pet him. And then Sam puts his face down and turns his head, and he goes, oh, Jack's butt is in my face. I was like, yeah, you might want to move your face there. And he goes, yeah, I'm gonna get pink eye. You don't pink eye from a cat's butt.

00:29:35 - Jenny GK
I mean, it is Pinkenhouse.

00:29:40 - Caitlin Kindred
No, you get pink eye from the museum when you touch the stuff, and then you touch your face. And we know this because this happened to my child earlier this year. You don't get pink eye from putting your face accidentally. It was an accident in your. In cat's butts. I'm gonna.

00:29:56 - Jenny GK
If it's not pink eye, it could be herpes.

00:29:58 - Caitlin Kindred
Ew. What? Cat herpes? Is that a thing?

00:30:03 - Jenny GK
No. Remember Abby gave kids.

00:30:05 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:30:06 - Jenny GK
And I took him to the doctor. I was gonna say vet. I took him to the doctor, and I was like, this is not pink eye. I know that I do not have the letters MD next to my name, but I do have 15 years of teaching experience, and I'm telling you, I can diagnose strep throat and pink eye real well.

00:30:24 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, for sure. 100%. Oh, man. Well. And she said, yeah, you're right.

00:30:29 - Jenny GK
This isn't pink eye. Does anyone in your house have any cold sores? Cause this is herpes of the eyeball.

00:30:36 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, my. Ew. That's. I don't want to think about it anymore. But my son did not get pink eye.

00:30:46 - Jenny GK
No, he did not get pink eye.

00:30:47 - Caitlin Kindred
He did not get pink eye from our cat's butt.

00:30:50 - Jenny GK
He just got pink in the eye.

00:30:52 - Caitlin Kindred
Ew. Yuck. It's okay.

00:30:56 - Jenny GK
All right, we're gonna wrap. You need to go online and give us some stars. Review us. Help us close season three with a great review. Tell your friends. We'll see.

00:31:10 - Caitlin Kindred
We'd love that. Yay.

00:31:13 - Jenny GK
Okay, between now and then, make good.

00:31:16 - Caitlin Kindred
Choices, and we'll see you in season four. Bye.

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