The Latter-day Disciples Podcast

Ep. 71 | Healing After Loss By Suicide, with Lark Galley

Meghan Farner

Meghan is joined for this emotional and important conversation by Lark Dean Galley. Topics include: 

- Lark's son's suicide
- Accepting people in their grief
- Post-mortal missions and connection
- Parenting tips for struggling children
- Honoring other people’s agency

Lark Galley spent 25 years in a corporate career before going out on her own as an entrepreneur. The suicides of her father and son reinforced what she'd been hearing from many of her high-achieving clients - they felt unworthy and incapable of reaching their goals. Lark went from coaching on the externals to focusing on why each person matters. 

Lark is a published author, speaker, and trainer. Her goal is to help 100,000 people choose to stay on this planet and step into their greatness. 

Lark served in the Stockhold, Sweden mission, taught gospel doctrine for seven years, and is currently the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for her stake. 

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