Stebbins High School Student Advisory Council Podcast

Student Advisory Council Season 3 Podcast 3 - Upperclassmen Advice to Underclassmen for 2023-24

Jenny Alexander Season 3 Episode 3

Join Makaylah and Riley as they give invaluable experiences and insights of upperclassmen. As they stand on the brink of graduation, these seasoned students reflect on their journey and offer advice to underclassmen just embarking on their high school adventure.

Our guests, hailing from various backgrounds and interests, are here to share their insider knowledge and practical tips for thriving in high school. They cover essential topics like managing academic pressures, choosing the right extracurricular activities, and developing effective habits that work.

But high school is more than just grades and tests. Mikayla and Riley delve into the social aspects of high school life, offering advice on how to handle peer pressure, build meaningful friendships, and find your niche in the diverse social landscape. They share personal stories of overcoming challenges, learning from failures, and the importance of resilience.

This episode is a must-listen for any eighth grader or underclassman looking to navigate the complexities of high school life with confidence and enthusiasm. So, tune in, take notes, and get ready to be inspired by those who've walked the path before you.