Curated Souls: A Podcast by Lori Young

Walking out Faith

Lori Young Season 1 Episode 3

Hey friends it's Lori Young, your host of the Curated Souls Podcast.

Thank you for joining me today.   Today's going to be a little different you can probably tell just by my voice it's not heavy.  However, what we're going to talk about might feel a little heavy or a little different.

Today's episode is walking out your faith.  Friends this is my why, when I decided to start this podcast!  It is my whole heart inside of this podcast. It is years in the making, years of being in that dark room with my bible, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. and working out who He says He IS.

So today, I thank you for joining me I hope that you will hit subscribe wherever you're listening and if you would leave a review that would help get this message out to others. So, I encourage you to subscribe and enjoy.  Grab a cup of tea- maybe hit pause grab some tea, grab a water, grab a coffee- shoot if you're listening to this at night grab a glass of wine and let's just talk.

What are you sitting on that God has whispered in your ear- given you a glimpse of a vision? Do you question if you are enough? Can we walk through some scriptures that have made me through prayer and trusting in the undoing of me in so many ways? I am hoping it will give you just a little hope. And can we talk about somethings that seem taboo but just maybe isn't? 

Thank you for listening in today. Be sure to subscribe for our future episodes. 

Let's be Friends. 
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 Facebook: @curatedsoulsbyloriyoung
 Instagram: @curatedsoulsbyloriyoung
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How do you light in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Friends, when we are so connected, and so aligned with who God is the creator of this universe, the source of all things in this world aligned and believing and praising who he is, no matter what comes our way, he puts the desires in your heart. So if there's something that

just Hey, friends, it's Lori young, your host of Curated Souls podcast. Thank you for joining me today, today's can be a little different. You can probably tell just by my voice, it's not heavy. However, what we're going to talk about might feel a little heavy or a little different. Today's episode is walking out your faith. Friends, this is my why this is why I decided to start this podcast. It is my whole heart inside of this podcast. It is years in the making years of being in that dark room with my Bible, and Jesus and Holy Spirit, and working out who he says he is. So today, I thank you for joining me, I hope that you will hit subscribe, wherever you're listening. And if you would leave a review that would help get this message out to others. So I encourage you to subscribe and enjoy. Grab a cup of tea, maybe hit pause, grab some tea, grab a water, grab a coffee, shoot, if you're listening to this at night, grab a glass of wine, and let's just talk. So is there anything right now that you're sitting on that God has whispered into your ear has given you a glimpse of a vision has been nudging and something just keeps coming up over and over. And you just can't run away from it? Friends, that is how he works. And today, it's message it's going to be full of Scripture. And it's gonna be full of definitions. And I just want to hop right into it. One of my favorite messages from the very beginning of when I was first seeking out and trying to make God real, was this whole idea that he gives us the desires of our heart that was so confusing to me, because of what I had grown up. And what I had experienced, even in Woodside, my first marriage, but there was absolutely no way that a good God gave us the desires of our heart because the desires in my heart. Were not the abuse that I had suffered or gone through. And I just couldn't reckon that because the way that the verse had always been spoken of was so trite it was ask it and you'll receive it. Now I had gone to a church, and I'm not going to name denominations. But I do need to say that in having grown up moving all the time. And then in my marriage, in these last 19 years, we have had the awesome privilege of living in several areas. And we have had the awesome privilege of going to several different denominations of churches. We've been to Assembly of God, we've been to Baptist, we've been to church, Christ, but nondenominational. We've been through Evangelical, we've been in small churches, and we have been in in very large churches like Life Church in Oklahoma. And here in the valley, we've been at CCV. So we've had a lot of different sources, just a lot of belief systems that have their own little ideas inside each and every one of these things. So taking all of that in has been wonderful for my curious heart. Because as you know, I said that I grew up in a home where we went to church, we did church, Dewar's of church, but behind the doors, we didn't talk about Jesus. We didn't learn more about Scripture. We didn't read the Bible together. We didn't do any of that kind of stuff. And we went to a non denominational church Anabaptist churches growing up but my grandmother was a Southern Baptists and she was married to a Catholic and so I always gave her all my questions. And my other grandmother who is more like my mother than a grandmother and best friend is she was, I won't say she was disabled, but she had a lot of pain. And so she was living in a retirement home and she didn't go to church. And she always told me that, you know, God's wherever you are, wherever you are, you can speak to him and so Oh, those are things that I have carried along with me, especially my other grandmother who said, you know, you don't have to pray to Mary, you just have to pray to God, Jesus will show up inside you for you every day. And so those are things that I carried along with me growing up, but then going to churches and hearing things preached in different ways, it was always so confusing. And so sometimes God has to get you alone, he has to take you away from a community that would support you and will feed your ideas and feed your sameness that you are believing in so that he can grow you. I hope that made sense because our Titus community was in Seattle, and we went to a church plant there and recognizing that some of the scripture was not adding up to the way it was being preached and trying to help those young preachers grow, we actually got asked to leave that church and later got an apology when that whole Churchville art, but that's okay. And we went to a very awesome church where I my greatest takeaway that Newlife written is you need to be an umbrella instead of a hammer, I've loved that phrase that he used to preach, that was an Assemblies of God church, and it was an amazing experience for us, I loved it. And so it's just neat that I feel how I feel that Jesus is in every little piece of the puzzle along the way, our lives, I think that he's that we all hold no matter what our belief system is, we all hold a little piece of Jesus. And when it all comes together, that's the unity that he's looking for inside all of us, instead of the what we are against, we need to be standing for what we are for. And I think that we would celebrate a whole lot of differences in a different way than we do currently. And I think that's the greatest gift of MIA, like seeing how she's so different from everybody else isn't sad, you know, the IEP meetings are sad when they tell you all the things that she can't do. And you're like, Yeah, but to see all the great things that she can do. And so I don't want to know what you're pointing fingers at and saying they're wrong about and I know that we are in this place where a lot of people are confused on what deconstructing is. And a lot of people are angry at big churches and mega churches and all of that stuff. I'm not here for that right now. I'm not here to to talk about that, or to condemn it or to stand with it or any of those things. What I really want to talk about today is how small we keep making God inside of these boxes of our words, because that's really what I think we're fighting over is words how we're using words and that

come with, you know, theology also bad this summer, I had the great privilege of going through a program. So I walked out of cancer, I am walking into almost the four year anniversary, I had my four year anniversary on the 26th I think it was of my last chemo, and in about 15 days, 14 days, I will have my four year anniversary of cancer be lately out of my body. And so I walked through that with such a confidence that had everyone bewildered, and it is yours in the making friends, it is taking that verse and I'm going to read it to you right now. Psalm 37, through trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture, delight in the Lord. And He will give you the desires of your heart. Friends, when we are so connected, and so aligned with who God is the creator of this universe, the source of all things in this world aligned and believing and praising who he is, no matter what comes our way he puts the desires in your heart. So if there's something that just won't let you go, go into it boldly, blindly, if you have to. And here we go. Here's the taboo word I'm gonna say manifest what he has put inside you because there is an abundance, a limitless power that you hold inside of you to make it happen. That switch flipped for me just in time just in time that when I got that diagnosis, praising Him, that it was not Ethan for the brain tumor that was inside of him. noncancerous laying on that biopsy table, praying, Lord, let it be me. Let it be me. I've got the power to walk through this because I believe in who you are. Those were my exact words in that prayer with a tear running down my face did the biopsy hurt was out the tear. Maybe a little but it was pleading with my God to let it be me. And not Ethan who was at an appointment with my husband. I'm

looking at the brain tumor that we found, incidentally, through a concussion at a football game his freshman year, when I got the phone call from my OB doctor, who said, Well, we're going to have to put off your surgery because I was supposed to be going in to have an ablation for my endometriosis that was killing me. And I said, okay, and she said, I need you to go see. And we already had an appointment scheduled for Ethan to see my wonderful doctor boondock at Mayo for he's a neurosurgeon there. And I wanted a second opinion on Ethan's tumor. And he found out I had cancer. And I got put in immediately with Dr. northvolt, who is an amazing, amazing oncologist. And I knew that I was going to walk this out with a confidence that was going to shake the devil, because it was God's reputation on the line. He is my provider, my healer. And I know if he's not going to take this away, he's given me everything I needed to walk it through. And that is how I live every day during those horrible and hard treatments. I will not make light of that. It was 100% heart, absolutely heart. But I want to take a minute, because I keep seeing this kingdom of believers here on earth arguing over words that people are using, because it's what makes them comfortable. It's, it's their true and it's the same truth that you hold that I hoped. And it wasn't until I was laying on the beach with my dear friend Stacy, I almost said her. Her middle name or her last name from when we were in middle school. When I said Stacy, I see the colors in the way that I highlight my Bible that you're talking about. And it was clearing these chakras. And all of this was so new to me. And it was so you know, demonized by so many believers and Christians as evil or wicked or witchcraft or, you know, things like that. And here I'm seeing my friend who is talking in a way that I can put it to Scripture. And I said, it's like, it's the Holy Spirit. It's like it she was like, of course it is. He's the source of everything that is your third eye, that is your wisdom. That is your everything. And it was this moment, where I looked at my friend for the first time knowing she believed in the same thing, but her words were different than mine. So why did I think she didn't believe just because of her words that she chose. From the beginning of time, we have written and rewritten scripture to fit the time period to fit away, we get mad because we say that you can't rewrite scripture to fit yourselves which is in the Bible that it does say that. And I wrote that out since God has so generously let us in on what he is doing. We're not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job. Just because we run into occasional hard times. We refuse. This isn't the message. By the way. I am not ad libbing. We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don't maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don't twist God's word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open the whole truth on display so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God. He is in us he is working through us. And if we believe that He is the source energy for all things, then we have to wholly believe that there is an abundance for us. I almost didn't do this. Right after cancer. I told you in the last episode, I was really angry. I was really angry. But what I was really angry at was that I was seeing so many people in the guise of Christianity in the name of God twisting scripture to use as a weapon, some profiting from it through major masterclasses and things like that. And so going back to business for me was I didn't want to do it because I felt like and this is the enemy. So working in vain. Keep believing that honey, you just keep believing that. So let's fast forward to that class. I started taking fearless art got a book list. And in that book list, were some really good books. Brene Brown, I love her of love, love, love, love, love her not in putting her up on a pedestal. But when I read her books, I feel like I'm reading my own writing. And it is just she's so much like how my brain works. And so it's so good. So I love her. So those were some of the books but then there was this book. And it's so funny because Shawna Clingerman runs fearless art. It's a great program. I suggest it for anybody who is struggling to find their find their selves. Again. For me, it was the perfect time it was about I guess it was three years. Yeah. So it was it three years after cancer, my brain was functioning again, I was retaining information, I was out of the fog. And it was trying to rediscover who I was kind of missing the old girl, but also steeped in the word at the time, because I was verse mapping all of the verses that brought me into cancer, having walked out what I walked out, and really diving in to how they made me because I really believed I was going to write a book, I have so many journals, was so many chapters inside of them that just need to find their way onto paper. And I believed that was what God was asking me to do. But there was this little nudging. And it was something that I had heard from the first mentorship thing that I went through right after cancer that I don't know who you are today. But if you believe that you can do it, maybe give yourself a little bit more time. Because I thought I could, I couldn't, and I can I am a doer, like I'm a go getter. And you know, the one thing that she told me that I held on to tight was, they're gonna have to see you, they're gonna have to see how passionate you are. They're gonna have to hear your voice. I think you would be better understood speaking. And I thought, Oh, God, no. At the time, I was still wearing a wig. My hair was in that ugly grow out stage of somewhat curly, somewhat straight, somewhat a mess. And it was salt, pepper. And it was awful. And I hated the girl I was looking at, in the camera in the mirror. And so there was no way I could do it. Beyond that, I also ended up having to have a nother surgery, which having chemo fog I did not give credit to because I was in so much pain, and everybody kept claiming it on chemo. And so I just didn't want to give any credit to chemo at all. Like, let's not call this chemo. I don't want to believe it. But it was a pain was not chemo. And we'll get into that next week. Because I do want to go into all of the cancer stuff. I just don't want to be that cancer girl. But I do find my story, to be very informative, and very empowering and help you advocate your way through a diagnosis. And I do want to do that. So please come back next day because I will have that story for you. But today, it's more about finding my way out of that if knowing that God's put something in me and I was in, you know, a period of timeout for a bit but still believing and still trusting and still trying to find and give my Yes. And always giving my Yes, I'm all in let's do this for you for Your glory. But I don't know what that looks like right now. Well, I found that the summer and it's because the words that came back to me were the same words that I believe my never met my stepdad. But my mom's ex husband, who was my dad for 20 something years and no longer in my life, maybe because I was to Jesus see, but they never, for some reason heard what I was saying and what I was believing and what that stood for. And so that showed me that there was something that was missing. Now, it may be that it's exciting some demons inside somebody else and don't want to have to check your own self, and that's fine, too. But this book, let me bring this into frame and for those of you are just listening, it's you are a badass, and I have been on the side of Christianity that says selfhelp is just that, that isn't you know, God's put it in you you're not seeking God if you know you're seeking all that kind of stuff. And because that's what I was told that was what was poured on me to believe. And I stopped listening to what others were saying and only what was coming from the pulpit. Whoa, stop because that's not what he wants. He does not want us putting our faith in man He wants us putting our faith in Him. And there are going to be times that we actually do have to be in the world and not of the world. And that's what this looks like. So what I learned was at that Jen Sincero as I was listening to it because there is something about audible that I found so loving especially because I'd love to listen to Brene Brown and so I got this book on Audible and listening to her she is a hoot and I love you Jensen I don't know if that's how you say your name but I love you because you opened up my mind to the language that is spoken. That is so taboo universe he did create it right like he is the universe okay, just making sure creator that shouldn't be taboo because he is The greater the Almighty, we do say that even in hymns and scripture, so that's true to source energy. That was a new one for me. I'd never heard that before. But boy, does it make sense. I today watching elevation, and I don't know what his name is. But he's the one who's seeing who sang seek first the Kingdom. You can see it and Naomi, when of maverick city when she is singing a verse over and over and over, there is empowerment when we speak it, there is empowerment when we worship it, and we sing it. And can you see the energy that comes in, and the light that just exudes out, he is our source energy. There are things in this world that make vibrations that whether it's instruments, or there's this thing in Sedona that is so cool, that's that Mia loves to play with. And it rings these different bells and chimes and gongs if you will. And it's just so neat to see her feel it and just enjoy that none of these things are wicked or witchcraft, none of them when you apply it, because I'm all about taking everywhere captive against his word. And when I can absolutely 100% Take this puck, oh my gosh, and apply it to Scripture. She has it chapter 23.

I remember exactly where I was on the way back from California listening to this as I think Ethan was sleeping halfway. But I think he was listening a little too. But this I was on the fence. Seriously, I had every excuse not to do this. Ethan's graduating I don't have time for this, I should be focusing on him. I'm gonna focus on the word no matter what happens if I do this podcast or not this podcast and I know he's asking me to do this. But I was scared. I was scared that I was going to do this and it was honestly I was scared I was going to do this in a might work out that it might take all that somebody might listen, I wasn't scared that somebody was gonna say she was wicked or she didn't false teaching even none of that I wasn't scared of what you thought I looked like I wasn't scared of not finding my words anymore. Because this this is easy for me. I can go on a preaching rant for for hours, asked my kids asked my brother asked my husband, for hence, we have to stop holding words against each other. But manifest how has that like taken on this ugly thing? It's in the Bible. Like you can call it an answered prayer. They can call it manifesting. You can call it walking your faith out. Like he calls it every I want to define what manifestation is in side of a tool that I use to verse Matt. No as dictionary from the 1800s says the act of disclosing what is secret, unseen or obscure, discovering to the eyes or to the understanding the exhibition of anything by clear evidence display as the manifestation of God's power in creation or of his benevolence. In redemption, the secret manner in which acts of mercy ought to be performed, the secret manner in which acts of mercy ought to be performed requires us manifestation of them at the Great Day, friends, if you believe that our God has created all of this, and by all of this, I mean, if you have lived in the same place, and have grown in the same place and have not traveled, I'm not sure that you could quite understand the fullness of this word and this definition alone, that God created this fast world that has so many different cultures, and so many different landscapes to live in the desert to live in the hill country in Texas to live in the Pacific Northwest to live in the flatlands of Kansas to live in the nothingness to me of Oklahoma, I mean like but then to travel and see that it's also different, and we all get to be a part of it. And it's different on purpose. We're unique and wonderfully made in His image. Of course, we're supposed to manifest and illuminate this light that is shining out of us so others can have some hope. How in the world does meditating on his word because Jesus had to go off and Medic take on what his father was asking of him, and believing and walking it out, so that we could have this freedom in his truth, to manifest all that he's put in us so that we could grow in wisdom. That is the ability to discern what is from God and what isn't. And so when I started hearing this, like clamoring, and this chaos that was coming on with within this community that's supposed to be pointing people to Jesus. And, you know, coincidentally, verse mapping at the same time, oh, I was so convicted, that I was part of making God small that I was part of putting him in this box that was tying a bow, a fear, so perfectly and pretty around it. And I was like, oh, no, and that is when the almighty decision, and the massive switch flipped for me, that note may not going after what is for me, that he gave and put in me is wasting. It's a huge waste of energy. First off, and it's a huge waste of time, why would I keep going out after Him in His Word, like, he's

going to tell me something different? No, like, he's going to put something different in me, like he's going to let me help him, which would be helping me get out of doing what he's asking No, like, there is far more than I could ever imagine, or guess or request in my wildest dreams that he has for me. And by emptying the idea that he is so small, where he's who I need him to be, when I need them to be it doesn't fit that, that doesn't work, and it doesn't make His scripture come alive. And every time I open that Bible, it is fresh and alive. And there was a quote, inside of her book, chapter 23, is called the ultimate decision. And the quote, in the very beginning says until one is committed, we hesitate, the chance to draw back and there's always an effectiveness, the moment one definitely commits oneself. So you say God, I am all in for what you have for me, then Providence moves to. And friends, that is a time after time in the Old Testament that we are asking him to bless what we think he should do for us. And sometimes he's just asking us to take a step in faith. And trust that even if you don't think you have what you need, he's already put it in you. And you gotta believe it. And when you believe it, he moves, there is a move in our present time, trusting that he is there. And even if we fall, he's gonna pick us up, you gotta believe it. Because if you don't, nobody's gonna believe it for you. And that's the thing that switched for me. It was, I believe that you are who you say you are. And I believe that I am who you say I am. And I believe that there is somebody that is waiting on me to tell my story to fight for them, because somebody else is condemning them. And because of a word choice, oh, my goodness, friends. word choices have been a problem from the beginning of King James Version, we have misused some of the original I know, we make fun of you know, Greek, and there's a Greek word for that, or you know, whatever. It's true. And we should not be making fun of that. I was telling my husband last night that because even when we're watching shows, I just can't it never turns off in me. I don't know why cuz he's always alive and active inside of us. Maybe, probably, but I was telling my husband, you know, how do we how do we make them so small? Why do we make them so small? This life is so short friends, it's been a fleeting moment, the verse that I was so tightly clinging to when I was being tested. I don't even attack but y'all when that Ms attack happened, I was asking God to teach me to number my days. That we may be present one version says it to realize the brevity of life brevity of life is the shortness of life that conciseness that shortness and in that was helping my message, be brief, really concise. That's what I used to say stuff so that I may grow in wisdom, y'all. If we cannot manifest the goodness of God, others will not see the fullness of God that word is used in Romans, and First Corinthians and Second Corinthians in the very way that I'm speaking of right now, and there is nothing taboo. There's nothing woowoo there There is nothing evil about it. It is not prosperity gospel, it is not scarcity.

It is inspiring others to believe that he is for us and not against us that he is every single need every single answer, every single thing that we could ever hope for, and that's alive in us, we get to, we get to live that out. And if we shrink back and we hold back, because we're afraid that somebody's going to twist our words, trust me, they're going to do it anyway, someone else is going to see Jesus in you, someone else is going to see his goodness inside you. In first Corinthians it's used, and it says each person is given something to do that shows who God is that speaking of spiritual gifts, but all of it originates in God's Spirit, everyone gets in on it. Everyone gets in on it, and everyone benefits. What I have does not take away from you. And what you have does not take away from me, that is something we all need to grasp. There is a limitless power inside of us. And we aren't even believing in a fraction of it, let alone using it. What is God asking you to do? I hope this week that you will cling tight to who God says you are wholly chosen, fully chosen, worthy of everything that you could ever imagine, because he's got far more than you could imagine. And what whatever words you choose to use with that, know that the only thing that matters is the relationship that you have with God. It's not what I say, is true. It's what he says is true. And I think we're all fighting to figure out what he says is true. But you can't do that. If you don't open that Bible and you don't read it and you don't do your own work. It's the same thing in this whole racism and race and critical race theory and critical has such a negative connotation anyway, but it's not negative it is its willingness to learn and grow because we don't know it all. And if I don't do my own work in that area, and I just keep going and going and going as I always have that is the very definition of insanity and nothing will ever get better. Nothing will ever change. And that is not that's not my God I'm not going to I'm won't fall suit in that arena. I know that our walk, you know, living in an area in McKinney, Texas where where people pulled in their garages, Shut the garage door and did live probably in their backyards more than they did in the front was so different than where I had lived in Seattle where we were always outside. I didn't really have a fence in Seattle, I had trees and so people came through them. I had my friends chai tea in my refrigerator people came in through my back door all the time. And that community was so tight in it was the most wonderful community I've ever lived in, honestly, and going to a place that was so different. There were no stay at home moms around me. There were a lot of people who call themselves Christians. And I always got this question. It became a red flag to me by the way. Please don't tell me you've been praying for a friend like me. I have had some really bad experiences with that. So I just that's a red flag. My second red flag is you know that they're Mormon, right? Yep, I do. Okay, like friends serious. That's a whole nother episode. There is unity to be had the sight of heaven, there is a fullness that we can't even create in our wildest dreams to be had this side of heaven. And if we believe that he is a good, merciful, amazing Almighty God, full of grace, that is a gift that overflows through us so that we can do good. If we spent more time on that, and less time on what people were saying. And believing it to be evil. And believing it to be darkness. We would spend more time in the light and we then would eliminate that light for others because there is no winning someone over to Christ. You can make a convert all day long. I'm not looking to make converts. I am looking for people to wholly believe and trust that when the lights go out, there's a God that's gonna provide for them and they can speak that into existence because they know where it's coming from.

I want people to know that when that cancer diagnosis comes when they get diagnosed with MS, that law Life is not over. There are methods and tools, joyful noise. There's that movie. And Dolly Parton is looking at Queen Latifah. And she is saying, God didn't make plastic surgeons so they could starve abundance, there is an abundance for you. Believe it, if you believe in God, then you have to believe that he has an abundance for you dying to oneself. And trusting in Him is a daily daily process. It doesn't happen overnight. Faith is a journey, you will not be the same person you are today. But tomorrow, God willing, trust it, embrace it all and know that it is only between you and it's not between you and me, I am going to walk alongside you per appear up if you need it. And I'm going to cheer you on where ever you are, because I don't know, the definites. But I do know that he is the only one at the end of the day, at the end of the great day, who is going to be standing there before you and if those tears that he's wiping away are souls that I deemed unworthy, unloving and sinful. And I'm not going to be I'm not going to be a part of that I can't even imagine there is nothing more important to me than making sure that you know that he is assessable. In all times, no matter who you are or where you are, if you're looking for something to fulfill you in any way that is leaving you feeling she's leaving, you feel like you just don't have enough to give him he doesn't need you to give him anything, Seek first the kingdom and all shall be had, he is our only source for all things. He's our only answer. And it doesn't mean that the switch is gonna flip and all will be magically happy and lollipops and unicorns and life will be easy. Quite honestly, life will be hard, because there's some undoing inside of you, that has to happen. So that you can actually believe in the words that you are shooting like arrows out to other people, pride has to be on done, fear has to be undone, love has to be all you have to others. That's when that reckoning of who you used to be and who you are now in him allows for this transformation and this change. And this whole idea of manifesting who he is in you, there's nothing, nothing more beautiful, nothing will bring you tears than when you see what someone has walked through. And they still have a light that shines that says I love you God, you are everything to me. So that whole name it claim it thing that people say is just not true. Honey, if God put it in you, you name it. And then you claim it in his name. And you believe that it shall be given knock on that door like the lady in the Bible, who just kept going to that Judge relentlessly. I'm telling you bang that gong over and over and over speak it over your life, the goodness of who he is that he is for you and not against you that no weapon shall be formed and prosper. There will be weapons that are formed against you, but they will not take you out he will let you walk through fire. Because Have you seen what comes from the beauty of that there are some things that cannot be found until we cut off the old and we cut off the dead and we allow ourselves to be fertilized with some crap and bloom again. And you will and I know. It may not feel like it. And I've had so many so many dark valleys and that time on the mountain man it's short before the next climb because I don't think the mountain that we think we're on or the valley event that we think we are on. It's probably you know, a little plateau once up on the side of that mountain that you're in. You're not all the way down. You're still climbing. You're still breathing. So climbs soar, rise, do all the things that God gave you to do. Thank you for joining me I am so glad you are here and I hope you will be back next week we'll be talking about my cancer journey. Thanks

friends, thank you for spending time with me today. I hope that you enjoyed today's episode. I hope that you will leave encouraged and inspired and do the same for someone else. If you haven't already, I hope that you'll subscribe and And I love to connect. So let's be friends on Instagram or Facebook. You can find me at curated souls by Lori Young. I'm also on Pinterest where you can find tons of inspiration. My handle is @LoriY. Until next time

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