ShadowBody Podcast: Inappropriate Conversations

Episode 32: Deconditioning From the Modern World Using Somatics featuring Phillip Duell


Welcome to the ShadowBody Podcast where inappropriate conversations get to happen,

Phillip Deull is a certified ThetaHealing®, Organic Intelligence® and somatic touch practitioner with a background in Usui Reiki levels 1&2, herbalism,. He lives and works in San Diego, happily providing guidance and resources for those interested in growing their capacity for life.

I spent the majority of my teenage years and young adulthood trying to find freedom through all the wrong methods. Alcohol, drugs, and unconscious sex were all ways that I was trying to alter reality, unknowingly covering up and sheltering forgotten developmental trauma under the guise of liberation and fun.

During the course of my journey I had an awakening that I did need to alter my reality, not through substances but through healing words, healing touch, and energy work. These modalities are what rescued me from the recesses of anxiety, fear, pain, and separation. By giving me method, purpose, and directionality these tools have altered the course of my life and brought me home to the joy of connecting with other humans.

I am not free by any stretch of the imagination, though the flexibility that I’ve gained and the joy that I am able to feel now has allowed me to believe that it is possible to engage with every single human being; to coax and call ourselves up out of the method of “checking out” to get free in order to create a method “checking in” to get free.

I chose the Gaelic word Anamchara to honor my ancestry and describe the role that I often find myself in when helping others, it means “soul friend.” My vision is an interpretation of the term, a loving guide, a shepherd of sorts, gently lighting the way, ready with an outstretched hand if it is needed.

Find Phillip on instagram @anamchara_energetics

Be sure to follow Lauren on Instagram