Livable Future Investing

Taj James - How to listen and reconnect to wisdom - especially with our financial resource stewardship

Felipe Witchger & Elizabeth Garlow Season 2 Episode 1

Taj James offers a re-conceptualization of how we think about the financial resources we steward. And the ecosystems around us. And the choices we have. 
There is so much to be shifted. 
There is so much to acknowledge. 
To reconnect to wisdom, we need to listen to each other and to the Spirit. 
We need to bring our wisdom to all domains. 

We cut off the sacred from our business and investing domains -- unless we see how much fear is embedded.  Can we move away from the dehumanizing fear beneath racism, militarism and greed?

Taj brings his poetry and spiritual depth to this prophetic excerpt.

Taj James founded Full Spectrum Capital Partners - -- after 20 years building the Movement Strategy Center.