Motor City Hypnotist

Unlocking the Secret to Lasting New Year's Resolutions with the Motor City Hypnotist - Part 2

February 01, 2024 Motor City Hypnotist
Unlocking the Secret to Lasting New Year's Resolutions with the Motor City Hypnotist - Part 2
Motor City Hypnotist
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Motor City Hypnotist
Unlocking the Secret to Lasting New Year's Resolutions with the Motor City Hypnotist - Part 2
Feb 01, 2024
Motor City Hypnotist

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Ever find yourself pledging to a New Year's resolution, only to see it crumble before Valentine's Day chocolates go on sale? As the Motor City Hypnotist, I've spent decades helping people like you recalibrate their lives, and in this episode, we're unlocking the mystery behind those infamous failed resolutions. Prepare to be armed with practical tips and insights that offer more than just a temporary high from checking off a box on your to-do list.

Think hitting the gym or forgoing junk food are the ultimate paths to self-improvement? Let's rethink that. We'll explore the importance of setting SMART goals and understanding the deeper 'why' behind your resolutions. Get ready to chuck the cookie-cutter approach out the window and embrace a method that's tailored for real, lasting change. Plus, I'll share why professional guidance, like hypnosis, can celebrate milestones and lead to transformative experiences, from high school graduations to personal breakthroughs.

Wrap up your earbuds, because we're not just talking about dry facts and stats here. We're sharing moments of warmth, like the story of the newest furry friend at Detroit Dog Rescue, and offering up a mantra that might just spark a personal revolution. It's not just about the what and the how; it's about the why and the who. So, whether you're a loyal listener or a curious newbie, join us for a journey through laughter, speed, and kindness that's sure to leave you feeling a little lighter and a lot more inspired.

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Instagram: motorcityhypno
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(Stay with me as later in the podcast, I’ll be giving away a free gift to all listeners!)

Change your thinking, change your life!
Laugh hard, run fast, be kind.
David R. Wright MA, LPC, CHT
The Motor City Hypnotist

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Ever find yourself pledging to a New Year's resolution, only to see it crumble before Valentine's Day chocolates go on sale? As the Motor City Hypnotist, I've spent decades helping people like you recalibrate their lives, and in this episode, we're unlocking the mystery behind those infamous failed resolutions. Prepare to be armed with practical tips and insights that offer more than just a temporary high from checking off a box on your to-do list.

Think hitting the gym or forgoing junk food are the ultimate paths to self-improvement? Let's rethink that. We'll explore the importance of setting SMART goals and understanding the deeper 'why' behind your resolutions. Get ready to chuck the cookie-cutter approach out the window and embrace a method that's tailored for real, lasting change. Plus, I'll share why professional guidance, like hypnosis, can celebrate milestones and lead to transformative experiences, from high school graduations to personal breakthroughs.

Wrap up your earbuds, because we're not just talking about dry facts and stats here. We're sharing moments of warmth, like the story of the newest furry friend at Detroit Dog Rescue, and offering up a mantra that might just spark a personal revolution. It's not just about the what and the how; it's about the why and the who. So, whether you're a loyal listener or a curious newbie, join us for a journey through laughter, speed, and kindness that's sure to leave you feeling a little lighter and a lot more inspired.

My Website:
My social media links:
Instagram: motorcityhypno
Please also subscribe to the show and leave a review.
(Stay with me as later in the podcast, I’ll be giving away a free gift to all listeners!)

Change your thinking, change your life!
Laugh hard, run fast, be kind.
David R. Wright MA, LPC, CHT
The Motor City Hypnotist

Speaker 1:

In this episode of the Motor City Hypnotist podcast, we're finishing up our two-parter on the psychology of resolutions. We're in the new year. I know a lot of you have probably made resolutions. A lot of you probably already failed your resolutions, since we're more than a week into the new year. But I'm going to talk to you about the psychology of it. In part one, we were talking about why people fail at their resolutions, what holds them back, but we're going to get very specific. In this episode. I'm going to give some tips on how you can keep your resolution or even reframe it or re-structure it so that you will be more successful. And, as usual, we'll give away free stuff. We'll be right back.

Speaker 2:

Get ready for the Motor City Hypnotist, david R Wright. Originating from the suburbs of Detroit, michigan, he has hypnotized thousands of people from all over the United States. David R Wright has been featured on news outlets all across the country and he's the clinical director of an outpatient mental health and hypnosis clinic located just south of Detroit, where he helps people daily using the power of hypnosis Music.

Speaker 1:

What is going on, my friends? This is David Wright, the Motor City Hypnotist, and we're back with another episode of the Motor City Hypnotist podcast, part two of the psychology of resolutions. And if you've not listened to part one, jump back in episode, or you can catch up with that after we're done here. You'll get all the information the same way. So that's all cool. Yeah, that is Matt Fox, the other voice. You hear? Yo, we're hanging out Monday evening doing a podcast. Hey, those of you on Facebook Live, thanks for coming in and watching us live as we record. If you guys are listening to this on your platform whatever platform, that is, stitcher, spotify, itunes, I don't know what else there's probably hundreds of them, I don't even know anymore, there's so many. So wherever you're listening, you can always join us live and be a part of our conversation while we record.

Speaker 1:

So ask questions every Monday evening, Eastern Standard Time at 8 to 9 pm. Eastern Standard Time thereabouts Give or take a few minutes. Sometimes, like today, we started early. Yeah, because we wanted to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's it. That's our resolution that is to be on time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely, if not early. Yes, it's, we're going to get to that. Hold that and remind me, and I'll talk about my, one of my philosophies, ok, ok yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

So let me tell you, folks, where you can find me. My website is MotorCityHippenItuscom. As I mentioned last episode, if you want to get a high school grad or a prom night now's the time Schedule is building, filling up and already so last year let me just give you a frame, excuse me, a frame of reference. I think I did close to Excuse me. I have the hiccups now. I did 26 shows last year between prom and grad nights. Wow, end of April, may, june that's a lot of people. And when you get to the end of May, beginning of June, that's where all the grad nights start falling. So pretty much three weeks straight, it's like almost every night. So all right. So if you want to reserve a hypnotist for your grads and let me say this, and I'm going to tell you what I believe I'm the best one you're going to get in this area- there you go.

Speaker 3:

See, I'm just telling you.

Speaker 1:

You have to say that there are a lot of hypnotists out there and let me I won't go too far on this. But let me tell you a couple things. Hypnotists are not licensed by the state or by any other body. There are certifications that can be given by hundreds of different organizations, so anybody. You don't have to have any mental health training or education whatsoever to get certified as a hypnotist. Certain states require titles, like in Florida and I think in Colorado and it might be California.

Speaker 1:

You cannot call yourself a hypnotherapist because you don't have a mental health degree. You have to call yourself a hypnotist, but other than those states and there might be one other one there are no specific requirements for hypnosis. So let me say this I'm a licensed therapist, I have a master's degree in counseling, bachelor's degree in psychology and I'm a hypnotist. So here's the thing that I want to convey the importance of this. You could hire a hypnotist. That person and this is not a slam on plumbers that person might be a plumber in their full time job, they're just doing hypnosis shows on the side. Here's the issue with that. If you ever and it's rare, but every once in a while you'll run into a problem.

Speaker 3:

That would make them a hobby. Hypno.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's true, hobby hypno what in places are you talking about? So it's not to say that they won't do a good job necessarily, but if they're not trained in mental health, there are certain issues that could happen. And again, they're rare but once in a while they happen. We talked about that. We've done that. Yes, if you go back, go way back and there are archives and look at when hypnosis goes wrong. In fact I may revisit this because that's been a good. That's more than a couple years ago.

Speaker 1:

It is talked about that, so we're going to do another episode on that, just so I can catch people up and you don't have to go back in the archives and search for it. But all right, so long story short, I'm the best that there is around here. So if you want to book your date, now is the time to do it. At MotorCityHypnotistcom Boat Floated Social media. Facebook and YouTube are both MotorCityHypnotist, and on Instagram and Snapchat, both MotorCityHypno, h-y-p-n-o. And for your free hypnosis guide, text the word hypnosis to 313-800-8510. That is 313-800-8510. You will have that within a few minutes. All right, just yours. It's free, totally nothing Caught you, nothing, that's a great resolution.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

To get free stuff.

Speaker 1:

To get free stuff, absolutely. Yeah, that's a great way to start. Absolutely, that's a great resolution. To get free stuff yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast.

Speaker 1:

So that's where you can find me, folks. So it's time for our winner of the week.

Speaker 3:

That's how winning is done, all right, so what do we got?

Speaker 1:

All right, so this is a fairly short story, but I thought it was a great story. Okay, a man in Inner Mongolia, china, went above and beyond to rescue a pregnant horse that was trapped in a deep hole in the snow. Okay, that's a lot to take in.

Speaker 3:

That's a lot. Let me read that first line again, okay.

Speaker 1:

One. We're in Mongolia. Yeah, mongolia, china. A man in Inner Mongolia, china, went above and beyond to rescue a pregnant horse that was trapped in a deep hole in the snow.

Speaker 3:

All right, so I'm still taking this in, but go on, because I want to hear more.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you just a picture of the horse and the hole.

Speaker 3:

Okay, how pregnant was this horse?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

That horse is pregnant. Trying to figure out where does the horse start.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's kind of what I was looking. The way it was laying, I couldn't really get a good Okay.

Speaker 3:

There's the head, okay. I got the ears Okay. The front legs are at the top of the picture.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Bottom legs are still somewhat in the hole.

Speaker 1:

Right, all right.

Speaker 3:

Let's break it, okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's just to give you a visual of what's going on here. Yeah, all right. Um, he found the horse lying lifeless, unable to find any strength to pull itself out. The rescuer, who lives in Hulenburr, summoned his friends and eventually used a loader with a rope to hoist the horse out of the hole. You just happened to have a loader. Well, he summoned friends. So I don't know if his friends had a loader. I don't know if they were. They had one in their garage. I don't know how did. Okay, so the room? The fuck are you doing?

Speaker 3:

when I think I'm on Goliath, I think of a large expansive area, right, how did this person summon his friends? Was it smoke?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But they stay there. A mountain or something, or something I I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy. Okay, oh Great, odin's Raven.

Speaker 3:

So they, they have a loader.

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay, go on some of his friends, and they eventually used a loader with a rope to hoist the horse out of the hole. A Heartwarming video shows the successful rescue, after which the horse seemed completely unharmed by the ordeal.

Speaker 3:

That's great, except for being pregnant except, well, okay, being a horse guy B, I learned how to ride horses. Did you really English style? Yes, really yes, I was jumping horses the whole nine yards when I was in good and good for you in grade school, my mother was like I will have equestrians in my family and my sister and I oh, good for you, thank you. I'm a horse guy, but so thank you for bringing a horse Story, uh-huh.

Speaker 1:

Winner of the week no I and I have. I have clients who have been been involved in equestrian Mm-hmm, I might. One of my, one of my best friends, his daughters, one of his daughters has been an equestrian all through high school and college. Wow yeah, so I'm I'm familiar. It's somewhat Yep like I can tell you what saddle seat is, which most people have no idea what I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

I said English style.

Speaker 1:

You know exactly I did and just from talking to people who are in the in that world. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

My, my, my dad, one of my my dad. He was a mountain police officer for the United States Park police. Oh okay in DC. So he rode a horse for his entire career in Washington DC, nice. So and that's how he and my mother met way back in the 80s Because his daughter was taking lessons and then my sister and I were taking lessons, and though all of us just came together and we've been together as a family ever since nice because of horses- that's fantastic, my, my best friend.

Speaker 1:

I just said that the daughter was an equestrian. His father was a Detroit mounted police for his entire career. Good people yeah, I know it's that's great, heartwarming video shows the successful rescue, after which the horse seemed completely unharmed by the ordeal good. The good Samaritans Reportedly said that before the horse wandered away from the scene, it looked back at them and gave them a gesture which seemed like an expression of gratitude.

Speaker 3:

It was this his head was bobbing up and down. Well, the horse probably wasn't yelling no, it was bobbing its head as to say thank you. You know what he said.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't you know who provided the video. Who?

Speaker 3:

provided. Who provided the?

Speaker 1:

video mr Wang in Mongolia, china. Mr Wang in Mongolia, china. I would expect nothing less.

Speaker 3:

If you had said mr Smith, I would have said your life.

Speaker 2:

Stupid winner name is that I would have come about Wang.

Speaker 3:

Alright, okay, as you. If you had said, mr Smith, I would have got a different direction but I just pull the weeder joke out.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I couldn't help it, it's, it's just quite Stings the nostrils. So, anyway, to let me get, let me get the guy's name.

Speaker 3:

Yes, bring that back up. It was the gentleman in Mongolia, china, wasn't it? I don't think they gave a name. He didn't give a name.

Speaker 1:

No, only only mr Wang is the only one to receive credit in this story for the video. He was one of the first or Wang was just holding the phone. He didn't do anything. He was summoned and that was cut it out.

Speaker 2:

Wang oh, I like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you, he was summoned and brought forth to videotape.

Speaker 1:

Yes, maybe it was his, maybe it was his loader they used and he just recorded it I've given enough, I'm done. Are you doing so anyway? Good story the horse got rescued, pulled out of a hole. You know what we do a lot of these animal stories on on our show, yeah, and I, I in my head, I'm thinking how many, how many instances of these, these animal, animal endangerment, that we don't hear about. What?

Speaker 3:

we've had. We've had dogs stuck in a In a very large hole for a long amount of time. We just had a goat story on the side. Yeah, yeah, the goat on the side of the hill right, we've had cats that were, you know, lost in uh-huh down in Tunnels under the street. Yeah, what have you for months?

Speaker 1:

at a time down in sewers.

Speaker 2:

And what have you?

Speaker 3:

yes, yeah, there's a lot that goes on with these animals.

Speaker 1:

I. It's just amazing, though, that that I'm sure we don't hear the stories of animals just dying and which, which is good. So I would not like I, you know, wouldn't be able to handle that, but but no, these stories almost seem to always come out, and it's always people helping it. That that's well. That's why it's a winner of the week.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a whole point of it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, this little point of it.

Speaker 3:

So again, great story and a horse was definitely where the week go for it.

Speaker 2:

That's how we did it start.

Speaker 3:

I have to look this up because, yeah, you know we have, yeah, the name of a baby horse. Is it called a fawn? I believe so. No, no, full. Is it a full term for yet? A full full a fawn is a deer. Yes, yes, got it. I just want to make sure I got that right so she was able to provide and give birth to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which is great. Yeah, absolutely, I love it.

Speaker 2:

So, talking about change, so so back to it, to it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, a little, let go there. Hey, I like me. Good luck, negan.

Speaker 3:

So back to it, to it, to it, to it, to it, oh.

Speaker 1:

Good for you, All right so we're talking about the psychology of resolutions. Yes, part one we talked about taking on too big of a task, too big of a change, too much involved If you don't have a load or you can't save the horse.

Speaker 3:

No, you can't, that's too big yeah you're not gonna pull them out yourself.

Speaker 1:

Be realistic, you know I mean that escalated quickly.

Speaker 2:

I mean that really got out of hand.

Speaker 3:

Just brought that back three-fold All right, All right keep going.

Speaker 1:

So so we're talking about and we ended. We ended last time talking about we aren't. We're asking why, why we're doing the resolution, why would it succeed or fail? So one of the reasons that Resolutions fail is that people aren't ready to change. No, because as much as they want to, they they're. They're just not ready in their minds to change right, even though that's what they want.

Speaker 3:

You know, change happens all the time, but it has to be something that happens to that individual that is so drastic that they're forced to change.

Speaker 1:

Well, when we go back to the statement by James, clear, the pain of Needing to change has to be greater than the pain of changing Right, and that that balance is going to dictate how successful you're going to be. So, so there are steps. As far as that, there's a model. It's called stages of changes, mm-hmm, and there are steps to this. The first one is pre contemplation, pre contemplation, pre contemplation. You're thinking about, you're starting to become aware there may be something that you need to change, mm-hmm, now again, whether that's getting rid of habit, whether that's losing weight, whether that's working out, whether that's, you know, improving your mental health. You, you've thought about this. It's something that's come across your mind, that you know what I probably should do something about this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I'm bleeding out my eyeballs.

Speaker 1:

I really should, really get that looked at you know, just something's wrong. So pre contemplation leads to contemplation. You think to yourself I need to make a change. Mm-hmm, that that's where your mind has said I commit to this. Preparation is next. You start putting together a plan to make a change. Put it on paper.

Speaker 3:

Yep, put that plan down on paper. If you write it out, it becomes real.

Speaker 1:

The next step is action. You make the change, you take action on it and you follow what you wrote down. Well, here's the fifth one and I think the most important one of all of those okay, maintenance. You determine and stick to how to maintain the change, because most people get to the action part Okay, but they don't get to the maintenance part where. How am I gonna keep this up? Okay, okay that.

Speaker 3:

That is the big thing, the revisitation of. What you wrote down, the goals that you put in front of you. You have to be able to maintain you, and guess what it might change? Yeah, those little things, because you might have to tweak something to make sure that you are still able to Keep that resolution or keep that goal in mind, right, and you have to be able to Bend with those types of things, right so here's the thing, and and it's broken down on these steps pre contemplation, contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance.

Speaker 1:

Most people that fail with their resolutions Are in the contemplation stage. They're thinking about making a child.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to do that, I'm good or they're like yeah, I should do that, let's try that. I didn't work. You know what I mean. Right, there's, there's. You haven't committed the action in the maintenance structure to keep you on track for that. The dexatrim Just ain't working for me. So, again, if you make it, if you make a resolution on a whim, you're probably not gonna be successful at it. No, it's on a whim, that's just. It's just something like yeah, I should do that, it's a fly.

Speaker 3:

I'm not going to. It's a fly by night idea. It was probably when you had too many cocktails in you and you're like I need to make this change. You wake up the next morning. You don't remember doing anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and and, and you're not really even thinking about what you're doing. Do you know more?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're not engaged in the idea. You don't care about the idea, it was just on a whim, right on a whim.

Speaker 1:

So we're gonna talk about you how to create lasting change, and that's a whole point of a resolution. Now here's the thing. I am not big in this. This is again. This is bias coming from me because of what I do. I've been doing therapy for 30 years with people New Year's resolutions. I can tell you just from experience the majority of people are not going to keep their resolutions. We go back to the poll we talked about last episode. 90% of the people fail their resolutions. So the question becomes well, why should I even make a resolution?

Speaker 3:

And it would be 90% of the people fail, and it was what 66.5% of people felt pressured yes felt pressured to make a resolution.

Speaker 1:

Yes, something of that, something of that point. So here's a thing too. We talked about setting unrealistic expectations, going too big. It has to be something that's manageable. So real change requires incremental steps, Of course. That is the big thing to keep in mind. This is cliche, but if you need to travel 1,000 miles, you have to take one step in that direction, one step at a time, or one mile at a time, or whatever measurement you want to use.

Speaker 3:

Instead of saying I'm going to the gym for two hours, top, let you go and work out at home for 15 minutes, right, and then work yourself to a point where you then have the time and you can even break it down even smaller man, because I've even said to clients I said, ok, you want to be more physically active?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Do you have a second floor at home? Yes, ok. Walk up and down the stairs 10 times a day, yeah, 10 times more than what you usually do. There you go. It's at home, you don't need equipment, you don't need time, you just just something that you can do. Remember stepper Robics? Yes.

Speaker 3:

See Remember, jazzercise my mother was a teacher. She was an aerobics instructor.

Speaker 2:

There you go, jazzercise was a part of it.

Speaker 3:

Jazzercise Love you.

Speaker 2:

Please, is that you talking about?

Speaker 3:

Love you, Mom. I'm listening to you. No more. She was an instructor. That's fantastic. And a gym in Anchorage, alaska, where we live. Wow, yeah, I remember going to the and actually participating in Jazzercise and aerobics Really, and then I go off 60 times yeah. I was introduced to the.

Speaker 2:

That's fantastic.

Speaker 3:

I was introduced to leg warmers at a very young age.

Speaker 1:

Let's just say so the big thing bringing a full circle real change requires incremental steps. Yes, if you go all in, chances are you're going to fail. You cannot keep up that pace.

Speaker 3:

But you said go all in. You can go all in, but you need to be able to pace yourself and give yourself those measurable and attainable goals Right. Go all in, but set yourself up for success.

Speaker 1:

Well, and we're going to go back, because Matt brought this up at the beginning of last episode.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, smart goals, smart goals are important.

Speaker 1:

Repeat them again, Matt.

Speaker 3:

Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound Yep.

Speaker 1:

Think of those things and these will be in the show notes. I encourage you and Matt brought it up earlier Write it down. You have to Write all of those. Write those things down, those, those aspects of what your goals are, so that you can follow it. Here's the thing People left their own devices tend not to stay on path. No, so the big thing is it's so much easier to just follow a plan that's laid out for you.

Speaker 3:

There's nothing wrong with you know putting all these out, but you have to be able to answer for you and your goals. Yes, so you know it's OK to include a friend.

Speaker 1:

Sure, you know that that gives you I mean, a lot of people have workout buddies just for that reason to keep them accountable. I've got four of them. Well, yeah, you guys are trained, all training for Tough Mudder Right.

Speaker 3:

Not just that, but going even way back in the day it was. It was me and three other guys. We'd go to the gym. We would help each other out, we would cheer each other on, but, and then we would communicate throughout. You know our days.

Speaker 1:

Hey, how are you?

Speaker 3:

feeling. I look forward to seeing you. This is what I'm planning to do. You keep everyone motivated, yeah, and you need that motivation to keep yourself going as well, absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

The big thing is to make them smart goals, mm, hmm, what Matt just talked about Write them down and then every day again. If you have these and incremental, like small, measurable, bite size pieces, it's going to be so much easier for you to to instill these new habits. So so here's the thing People don't work out. That's a bad habit, they just don't do it. They can go three, four, five a year, 10 years, without working out at all, and then they have a dicky do and well, yeah, and then they can't find their dick. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

How are you going to wait for table with?

Speaker 3:

this little Little is not even wet, that definitely. This is that that needed that. I needed an echo. Did that, it did.

Speaker 2:

How are you going to wait for table with this little? It's not even wet.

Speaker 3:

The innuendos go through my head right now.

Speaker 2:

I got a fantastic.

Speaker 1:

So make smart goals, write them down. So I'm going to give you a couple of things. If you want to lose weight, people and I've talked to clients about this this is a specific one. If you want to lose 100 pounds, that's not going to happen in a week Rice water. It'll happen, I'm kidding make your goal to lose 10 pounds in a month. Excuse me.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you what 10 pounds in a month is still.

Speaker 1:

That's still pretty steep.

Speaker 3:

It's still pretty steep, just because of the dietary habits that we have as human beings. In America, okay, we have some extraordinary dietary habits and the food that we eat really kind of holds us back a little bit from that it does.

Speaker 1:

And here's one of the things when I do hypnosis with people for weight loss, we don't, I don't concentrate on. I tell them specifically don't worry about weight. That number means nothing right now, it means zilch. So you're going to make changes that are going to make you feel better. The weight is. The weight will be a consequence of that. So if you start eating better, you start feeling better, you start becoming more active, the weight number will take care of itself. That's not what we want to focus on.

Speaker 3:

I will, almost I will recommend. There's a show on Netflix it's called you Are what you Eat Yep, and it was a study based on twins, okay, that had the same DNA structure and one was fed a vegetarian, vegan diet and the other one would have had a meat diet. It was extraordinary, the results between the two of them, because they're the exact type of DNA. Well sure.

Speaker 1:

Exact same DNA, yeah Right.

Speaker 3:

So they were able to measure how much weight they lost or how much muscle they gained. When you're talking about weight and trying to lose it, if you're working out and you're doing core exercises and weight training, you're not going to lose weight.

Speaker 1:

No, because you're building muscle.

Speaker 3:

You're going to build muscle, yes, and you're going to get rid of that, that, that unhealthy fat that sits around our organs? That's a whole, that there's so.

Speaker 1:

so the reason I bring that up is people get stuck on a number. It's like, oh, I have to lose 100 pounds. I'm like, no, you can't look at it like that. No, Look at it that I want to be more healthy. Let's look at it in a broader sense. And you spend two or three days a week doing more than what you've been doing. That is how you do it.

Speaker 3:

And what we haven't touched on is because what we haven't touched on is the financial part of that as well. Yeah, okay, so you know you're going to be able to get that gym right. Uh-huh, there's a cost to that, absolutely, if you plan properly. That's why you start working out at home to get yourself to a point, because now you may not be going out as much as you used to, you may not be buying all that fast food that you used to. Uh-huh, now you're saving that money and you can put that towards, maybe that gym membership, sure, if you need it.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing you can get a membership at Planet Fitness right now for less than 20 bucks a month, and that's fantastic. I think it's in fact, I think for a regular membership. It's only 10 bucks a month. It is it's 10 bucks a month. I think that black card is 25, I think when you can go to any.

Speaker 3:

Planet Fitness, right, right, but you got to be careful with that, because if you're out and about and it's either Wendy's or Planet Fitness, uh-huh. If you're hungry, you're like, I got to get something in me before I go work out, but then Well, see, but that brings up a whole nother thing that we will do an episode on.

Speaker 1:

So we're coming up with a bunch of episodes. This session matter.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome this episode.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome Because we're going to talk about. I forgot what the original one was, the one we were going to come back to. Oh, when hypnosis goes wrong, we're going to do a thing specifically on weight management. We've done that way back. When Did you say session? A couple years ago, Did you say session?

Speaker 3:

I said session because I'm used to talking about clients.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I know.

Speaker 3:

It's crazy, I get my weekly therapy, edward.

Speaker 2:

David, I'm very important.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's great.

Speaker 2:

Many leatherbound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

Speaker 3:

That was funny so here's what you.

Speaker 1:

Here's for those of you out there struggling with resolutions Maybe you've already failed yours I want you to reset. It doesn't matter what the date is it doesn't matter.

Speaker 3:

January 1st is gone. It doesn't matter what the resolution is either.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter what the resolution is. I want you to break it down into very manageable steps. Use the smart system as far as your goals go. If you need to find that, that will be in the show notes. If you need to find it even before, then Look up smart goals online. It's, it's, it's immediately there. That's the most common Structure as far as setting goals but I'll go back to what you said earlier.

Speaker 3:

As you set these goals, you have to ask yourself why, yes, and then get, and then get into yourself with that. Oh, I want to feel better, but what's gonna? What's gonna help help you to feel better?

Speaker 1:

Well, and the other thing is what? What? What are you basing feeling better on? Is that your own, your own perception, or is that other people's perception? If, because that changes everything, because it's like and I hate to be blunt but F other people, yeah, it doesn't matter what they feel, what do you feel?

Speaker 3:

if you want to look better naked, that's okay. Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I mean any Improvement you want to make, that that's on you. You don't have to be pressured by somebody else to do it. That's that. That's something that would be you, something that makes you happy. But bring your friends into it hat.

Speaker 3:

Let's have a party.

Speaker 1:

There you go, we'll do a resolution party. You want to look a better naked?

Speaker 3:

We're gonna do a look better naked yeah let's come on February 1st, naked, naked podcast. I don't want to have a dicky. Do you by?

Speaker 2:

June 1?.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You've had your limit today. You drink water.

Speaker 1:

It's a wrong one, but doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

How you gonna wipe a table with this little. It's not even.

Speaker 3:

Big, for yourself, I mean. But you know, I'm very happy that you brought up Resolutions because there's, you know, over the past month there's been a lot of talk on the news and and on outlets, and it's every year every year, new Year's Eve comes around, people talk about resolutions, and it's okay to have resolutions, and I feel like it's this fabricated pressure that that that's put on people to make change.

Speaker 1:

I, I am all for change. That's what therapy is about. It's changing your life to make things better. That's the whole point of therapy. Resolutions can work the same way, but it doesn't have to be January 1st. No, it doesn't have to be something you feel pressured into. What do you want to do? How do you want to feel? What changes Do you want to make?

Speaker 3:

I will point one thing out that is becoming very popular. It's actually working for a lot of people. Oh, there you go. Dry January is, you know, because you spent the holidays, you had cocktails, you had sure, you just went, you went all out, you had a great time. But then folks do a dry January where they don't have any alcohol for a month, mm-hmm, and after a couple of days they start to feel better, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

After a week they feel extraordinary Because they haven't any poison and alcohol, yeah, but all, after that one month, that's when you should, you know, during that month, that's when I, you know I'm feeling pretty good. Maybe I should start looking at other ways to maybe feel better about myself. Health, you know, it doesn't have to be working out. It could be your diet right, it could be your finances.

Speaker 1:

It could be anything. It could be your relationships, it could be. Yeah, I won't be such a just being nice to people. I I'm gonna go back to this and I want to end on this yes, make one resolution. If you had to make one, I don't care if it's not smoking or weight or whatever the health exercise, I want everybody just to take this one into account. Just be kind, just start there, because Once you start feeling better, I'm telling you, if you're kind to people, you will feel better about yourself and then you're more more likely to take these other steps to take care of yourself, because you feel better about yourself.

Speaker 1:

Hold the door open for somebody say thank you just just, we're all the humanity here, we're all trying to live and survive and and prosper, and it's tip more than 2%, for God's sake, yeah. I know there's so many things I could point out, but but you know I, you know I go back to uh the 12th doctor.

Speaker 3:

The 12th of that Smith.

Speaker 1:

No. Pete 13 Peter Capaldi. Peter Capaldi, yeah, his last speech. Yeah that's what I use run fast be kind. No, gosh, dang it. I forgot it already. Cheat no. Laugh hard laugh. Run fast, be kind.

Speaker 3:

He ends on be kind before he before he regenerates. So remember, I still love his first line.

Speaker 1:

Yes, kidneys, I have new kidneys. I don't like the color. All right, folks, that is the psychology of resolutions. Part two. Before we end, let me tell you we got another get a detroit dog rescue, that is. Detroit dog rescue. I accidentally put it into my pile of papers. Give me two seconds. We got another puppy.

Speaker 3:

Is it a puppy or a kitty cat?

Speaker 1:

Uh, no, it's a puppy. Is it a puppy? Yeah, what do I do with it?

Speaker 3:

He's in there. I think I thought I saw it. If not, we'll do gada again.

Speaker 1:

No, I got it. I, I know I have it. I printed it All right.

Speaker 3:

So Detroit dog rescue. You know we do love our our animals on this show. We do and we do a lot of good news winners of the week around puppies and kitty, cats and goats and horses and All that stuff. So so I just make up a name for a pup, or could I just give him my name?

Speaker 1:

You might give him your name. There's good that we we saw good that last episode.

Speaker 3:

I'm looking under the table. I don't see it.

Speaker 1:

No, I, I, I know I have it here because, like, because I had him ready to.

Speaker 3:

There he is. Is that who? Is it jelly?

Speaker 1:

jelly with a, g, j. Hey, jelly is in peanut butter and jelly or jelly roll, jelly, okay.

Speaker 3:

What kind?

Speaker 1:

for all you kids out there who don't know the Me. I caught a music scene, but I caught a.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that song is bugging me right now. I know every five minutes on 95.5.

Speaker 1:

All right Jelly was born in 2021, so he's about two, two and a half years old. All right, as a poodle female. She's eight pounds, smaller. Pup, dog friendly, cat friendly, kid friendly.

Speaker 3:

That's you know what I think jelly is one of the first cat friendly Pups we've had, yeah, in a long time, right.

Speaker 1:

And and you know what's odd, that that that a poodle would be cat friendly. I don't think that's. Or kid friendly. Poodles can be little dickheads. I'm just saying I, I grew up with a poodle. All right, you know, boy.

Speaker 2:

That escalated quickly. I mean that really got out of hand fast.

Speaker 3:

Let's let me see a picture of jelly.

Speaker 2:

There's jelly.

Speaker 1:

Oh, look at right into the camera.

Speaker 3:

Oh, look at that, is jelly cross-eyed. I don't know Jelly, I don't know jelly looks a little bit cross-eyed.

Speaker 2:

They have a brain like a chicken.

Speaker 3:

Makes her more adorable.

Speaker 2:

What are you people?

Speaker 1:

on dope Jelly is so jelly jelly Is. It needs a home. Jelly needs a home. Mm-hmm, jelly needs a home. Look at that face.

Speaker 3:

So if you hold, say no to that so if you hold a treat up to him, do they see two of them.

Speaker 1:

Or he just, he just bites beside it, misses it.

Speaker 3:

I'm seeing three. I'm seeing three just hit the one in the middle.

Speaker 2:

What happened?

Speaker 1:

So, yes, jelly needs a home. Detroit dog rescue dot com. Adopt Jelly is there? Yes, eight pounds. A little little, teeny, little teeny thing. She just needs some lovin Jelly is cute, you know look at that, here you go, matt.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, I'm gonna take a quicker peek here jelly here, you know. Okay, so poodles are actually intelligent animals. They really are. They are intelligent.

Speaker 1:

They might be a little finicky at some point they're, they're, they can have, they can have an attitude at all at points.

Speaker 3:

All, all animals have an attitude, right. Just ask my cat. But yeah, jelly, the name jelly is killing me. I Want to get, I want to bring jelly home and get another pet and call it.

Speaker 1:

Call it PE yeah.

Speaker 3:

PB and jelly. J? Pb and jelly.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, well, you know, we had a golden doodle, my dog that passed away. It was golden doodle and and he would have that gold, he would. It was weird that combination, because 90% of the time he was golden, he just wanted love. He loved everybody. But then every once in a while he get this little effin attitude. It'd be like what the hell are you? Yeah, it would just get that poodle attitude. Every once in a while that would come out. But anyway, jelly needs a home. Do it, pick her up, please. Detroit dog rescue comm slash adopt. Yes, all right, folks, that is our episode, our two series, two episode series on Resolutions, and New Year's resolutions in particular. Yes, you need to change something. Start changing it. You don't have to wait for a date or a time or a place. Just start implementing small incremental changes. That's how you do it. That's how you're successful. I don't care if you do the small incremental change for six months. You're farther ahead than you would have been otherwise. So just start doing it.

Speaker 3:

I got nothing else to say.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely All right, folks. We'll be back next Monday. Join us on Facebook live. I didn't, you know, we didn't have a whole, we didn't have anyone check in today.

Speaker 3:

That's okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm. It's a new year, I feel sad.

Speaker 3:

They're busy. They might be writing out their goals and the resolution right.

Speaker 2:

What kind of radio show is this?

Speaker 3:

So give them a chance. Yeah, put you up back on the resume, okay.

Speaker 1:

Facebook live next Monday night eight o'clock Eastern Standard Time, and Wherever you can find our podcast, whatever platform you're on, there, it is All right, folks. Change your thinking, change your life, laugh hard, run fast, be kind. We'll see you next time, oh.

The Psychology of Resolutions
Keys to Successful Resolutions
The Psychology of Resolutions Part Two
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