Thank you for being you.

January 11, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Crystal here, your environment be AF. And though I think we're going into our second week of 2024. This is the first. Recording. For this year. I was under the weather. For a good week. Walking meeting myself into this new year, but it's fine. My health is definitely on the upswing and I am grateful. To be here again. I have had lots of downtime. Lots of reflection even more so than usual. And I've had some incredible conversations with some incredible humans. And during these conversations, it just made me think about how grateful I am. For those that are in my tribe. You've heard the saying before. That your vibe. Attracts your tribe. And it really is so true. I was sent a message and it said, If you're reading this, someone wants you to know that every time you felt out of place in the world was because you didn't have the proper support and a vulnerable moment. It is not because you don't belong. You matter, even on the darkest days, you always mattered. And I thought it was such a beautiful message. Because this is the type of energy. That we are believing in calling in for 2024 and beyond. These are the type of people that I want in my life. I am no longer associating in being around those who are fighting for their limitations. I am going to be around my people. The ones that support the ones that uplift the ones that hold me accountable. The mirrors, the teachers, the expanders, those are my people. And for those of you who may be. Lost friendships relationships. And the previous year. Our years. No that. The more that you come into yourself, the more that you understand your worth, your value, your gift, your light. The more, you will start to attract in your true tribe. Now it's not to say that every bad quote, unquote, bad relationship or friendship that doesn't work out. Was negative. It was for a reason there was an experience. You need it. There was a lesson that needed to be learned. Maybe not just for you, but maybe for the other person, maybe for both. But when we can start to look at our lives and situations and friendships and relationships. Just as they are. A new opportunity for us to grow, to expand, to learn to love. To practice forgiveness to show grace mercy kindness. To find our voice. To solidify what it is. That is a non-negotiable. All these things when we can reframe what maybe we thought was negative or the wrong turn or the wrong way. And truly understand that everything is working out. And our favor. The more that we can start to truly live in our expanded full state. So I say all of that. Too. Those that are in my tribe. Thank you for being you. Thank you for showing up. Even when you thought you weren't good enough. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Even though you felt like you didn't have all the answers. Thank you for being a light. When you thought that what difference can one person make. I'm grateful for those of you in my life. That have contributed. And all the many ways. Those that are still with me within my space. There is a purpose. There is a reason, and I am grateful for that. I tell people all the time. I love kismet connections. I love the serendipitousness of life. Because that's the way I choose to look at it. I've lived in multiple countries. States. Cities. And I love the variety and diversity of people that I've met along the way. And the lessons and teachings. That I have learned and garnered from young old male, female from all different walks of life. But I also am grateful for. Me. I'm grateful for truly understanding and re conditioning and rewiring. Beliefs that really aren't true. And I want to continually to share. With others that you have the power to redefine who you really are. You don't have to stay. And the confines of what you were told that you were no matter what that may be. Being a woman of color. There are so many. Layers that I had to unravel and untangle over the course of the years. And I'm continually. Undoing an untying. But where I am now is such a beautiful space. I know that I'm in such alignment. And the people that I'm connecting with are truly part of my tribe. Because I have grown, entered such a safety within myself. And I'm not just talking about a nervous system, resilience, safety, which is absolutely crucial. But just to knowing. Of how much, I matter. How valuable my voice is my wisdom, my insight. And when we can get to a place of knowing. We show up in that light, we show up in that confidence, we show up in that grounded space. And that is what people can feel. My Angelou stated people may not always remember what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel. And I remember hearing that, I think I was maybe a sophomore in high school and I've truly tried to live my life. With that mentality. That when people come into my space. That they are able to feel. The love that I have for them. The grace. The hope. Now. I can't obviously take on if that's not. The narrative, or that's not the role that I'm supposed to play in their life. Because we've talked about it before we all played different roles in people's lives. And in some people's lives, you are the heroin. And then the other ones you are. The villain. And that's really not for you to decipher. You need to show up as a main character in your own life. Understand your purpose, your light, your gift. And the chips will fall as they will. The only thing that you can control is you. And make ensuring that you are playing the main character in your life, that you are truly living and not just existing. That you are showing grace and gratitude for those that are in your life. Whether it be for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And that you look at life. Just as it is. A constant state of change ebbs and flows. Ups and downs. Light and dark. And being able to hold the duality of it all. But choosing joy, no matter what. Choosing to see the silver lining. Choosing. To be grateful. Four. All of it because truly our lives are, but a vapor. We are here for such a limited time. And choosing to live life and our most expanded. State. Space. Trust safety. That's what I'm here for. That's what I want. I want to live life free. I want to live it abundantly. I want to live at excitingly. I want to take the risk shooting, the shots, all the things. I had framed quotes in my office a few years ago, and one of them said, be brave with your one and only life. And it's true. I choose bravery. I choose courage. I choose to listen to my intuition. I choose to sometimes have to stand alone.'cause I know. I myself. And I hope the same for you as well. And in case no one has told you lately. I want to say it again. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being authentically you and perfectly you. Learning growing rewiring, expanding you. And all your variations. Thank you. Thank you for showing up in this life. Thank you for sharing your light. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Your voice matters. I want to hear from you. I want to hear your insights. I want to hear your experience, your perceptions, your narratives. I feel like together when we can join in and understand. The humanity. Of people. Then when we can join together. And see one another. And understand that. None of us are free until all of us are free. And to show grace and love and mercy. That is when we will continually to raise the collective consciousness. To continually open up. Our hearts. To love people. Truly. Now. As we continually walk into this. Year of 2024 though. We are not in the energetics of it. I hope that you start making little decisions. Small steps, small thoughts, challenging your thoughts. Auditing your thoughts, auditing your friends, your clothes, your life. What is true to you? When was the last time you checked in with yourself and thought. Does this feel true to me? Does this bring me joy? Whether it be a person place or thing. And I encourage you if it doesn't. You rid yourself of it. One of my favorite sayings is release four increase. So as we are continually shedding. And auditing. You realize that you can let go of all that doesn't align. So that you can make way for your tribe. So that you can continually expand in your trueness. That you will feel safe. In your body. And you're authentic. You. And that you know, that your vibe is truly attracting your tribe. And that those that are for you or for you. And those things that are meant to be will be. If you continually walk down your path, your alignment, your truth, your knowing your intuition. You will expand and receive. B do and hath all that your heart can hold, could even think could even fathom. But you have to trust yourself. You have to listen to yourself, you have to lean into your intuition. Surround yourself with those that want to see the best for you. That will challenge you, that will encourage you. That will lift you up. That will pour into you. Here's two main character energy. Here's to your vibe. Here's to you being, you. And here's to a serendipitous, beautifully curated life. That is always working out for your good. I hope you feel encouraged. I hope you feel empowered. I hope you understand that you are magic. And that the world needs you because there is no one else. Like you. And we need you and your full authenticity. Be sure to follow me over on I G at vibrant BF. And until next time friends bye-bye.