"The small "foxes" spoil the vine."

January 18, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant B F and today I've got a good topic to talk about that. I pretty much know we can all relate to. We're talking about. The small foxes, there is a scripture. In Solomon that talks about the little foxes that spoil the vine. And though this is not. A sermon. We're going to be talking about the little nuances that are in our life that slowly our road. Our spirit, our souls are. Light. What are the little foxes? That spoil the vine. So first things first is getting an understanding on what is a quote-unquote Fox. That way we can be able to relate with one another. So a Fox. is a symbol for anything that is that nagging let's use task, for example. let's use a chair that maybe has a wobbly leg and you keep sitting in, in, at creeks and you're like, I need to get this fixed. I need to get this fixed. Maybe it's a closet at you're. Like, I need to declare that closet. I need to declare that closet. Or maybe in my case, it was my kettle. So I use my kettle almost every day. Whether it be for coffee or tea. And the knob. Pop off the top that you pour the water in. And so I was kind of Jimmy ringing opening, and every time I had to use it and I thought. Why am I going through this? Just get another kettle. Because every time I went to use the kettle, I was a little perturbed that hour's a knife, so I can kind of pop this little open since it's broke. And why go through all that? Why go through the constant. Nagging any to go through my son's toys. I need to clean up that drunk drawer. I need to get that chair fixed. I need to, I need to, I need to. Okay, so who can relate to the task foxes that I need to. That are slowly nagging at you constantly the constant irritants of the little things in life, in your home. whatever it may be, who can relate to that. Now let's look at these quote unquote foxes. And another context. Maybe it has to do with relationships. Maybe this particular Fox is. I need to start articulating how I feel I need to share my thoughts because no one is a mind reader. But I'm not really sure how it's going to be received, and I don't want to ruffle any feathers and I don't want to rock the boat, whether that person is your. Partner. Your boss, your friend, your acquaintance, whoever it may be. Are you starting to understand the foxes? Essentially. They are you. Not listening to your intuition. They are you living outside of your highest timeline? They are you and your procrastination state, they are you and yourself limiting low vibration state. They're the foxes. They are the dead weights that happens in life. And sometimes they don't come in and disrupt too much. But after you start collecting and collecting, collecting, you have so many little tasks, so many little foxes. That you are burdened and weighed down. By things that are truly. Not that big of a deal. And here's a disclaimer, folks, most things in life are not a big deal. We make them into a big deal, human nature, especially adults, because that's what big adult responsible people do is you become very serious and you make everything into a big deal versus going with the flow and allowing yourself to be in a more childlike state and experiencing joy and understanding that guess what this is just, but a fleeting moment in time, and you have overcome your darkest and heaviest of moments. So most things are little, but for the context of this episode, Let's break it down. If you've been here before, you know, that I specialize in nervous system resilience. So let's talk about how these little foxes are dealing with our nervous system. So we are mind, body and spirit, and everything is working in tandem. However, we have to understand that our mind, especially our subconscious is literally our super power or a can be our greatest adversary and where the mind goes. The two operating systems for our nervous system is our parasympathetic, which stands for peace rest, digest, state. This is the state that we are able to take in new information. This is when our body is app at ease. Then we have our sympathetic our freeze fight flight or fond state. Now this is where we are. Our, everything is heightened. Our adrenaline is up. We are very keen. We are paying attention to our environments. We are on safe and our body. Is basically telling everything to be on high alert. And this is where most people stay, even if it's on. Or lower frequency. They never let their bodies actually. I sit in the parasympathetic nervous system. Now our nervous system needs both of these components. There are times that there may be a danger, a threat, and we need that sympathetic system to kick on. And more often than not. We need our parasympathetic too. Allow us to feel safe so that we can actually take in information and have our body rest and repair the way it needs to. So our nervous system is equipped for the big things in life. For the traumatic experience, for example, you're at work, you get noticed there's been a car accident. Our nervous system is designed to take on this. Event. It's these constant nagging, this constant not trusting our intuition, staying in a hypervigilant state that wears our systems down. We cannot live in our highest frequencies. And show up and our fullest expression when we are worn down, when we have allowed the weights of the world, the nagging, the foxes. No matter how little to maintain, to stay around relationships that are not in alignment. Appliances that don't work to have broken things. And our physical lives showing us the broken pieces within our emotional states. They're all working together. Have you ever been to someone's home? That is completely. Disorganized and disheveled yet they are super organized at work. Usually not. You're usually going to find these residuals throughout their life. They're always running late. They're always disheveled. There's always something coming up. They just can't seem to get it together. And sometimes it's the other way. Maybe they're hyper vigilant and they're super, almost OCD about things and they're so on task and they're always 10 minutes early and. Well, how is their mental state? How is their emotional body? Again, we're mind, body, and spirit. We need all things to work in tandem, and this is going to be affected by our environments, our external and internal environments. What are we thinking? What are we doing? What is around us? Who is around us? All these things come into play and ultimately they all going to have an impact. So, let me ask you again. What are your small foxes? If they're an appliance that has been broken, the knob doesn't work, right. A chair that is wobbly, a closet that needs to be decluttered, a relationship that doesn't fill alignment. What is your Fox? I want you to take this moment to think about it. I want you to sit up straight, take a deep breath in, roll your shoulders back and just let this information that I've shared thus far resonate. I want you to check in with your body. There's going to be things in life that come up. We're not talking about those. We're talking about the constant little foxes. We're not talking about, Hey, sometime we need to get to the garage. We're talking about that closet that you've been talking. About decluttering for the last year, two years, three years. We're talking about the relationship that really doesn't even feel aligned anymore, but you're holding it for nostalgia purposes and there hasn't been a big falling out. So might as well keep her around. We're talking about things that don't feel in alignment. We're talking about these little nudges from our intuition. That are calling us to clear out what doesn't align, what doesn't belong. We're talking about release for increase. We're talking about making space for what does align and what does belong. If you have a living room and it's just a bunch of knick-knacks and it's kind of a hodgepodge of things, none of them really excite you. You've got. Random chairs and a couch, but you find you're out one day and you see a sofa that just lights you up. Where are you going to put it? You have no space for it. Because you have all these other things that don't even light you up in your life. You have these broken items that don't. I have any purpose maybe the table that's too big. That you keep scraping your calf on. And now here you found this beautiful sofa that you love that is lighting you up. And where are you going to put it? There's a line in a song that Andy menial states. If you stay ready. You don't have to get ready. And it applies to multiple things in your life, and I'm not trying to make light of it, but I am trying to make light out at the same time. I'm trying to show the humor in our lives. The things that we allow in that are just nonsensical. And so many words, it's just nonsensical. It doesn't make any sense. Why do you still have that broken chair? No one can sit in it breaks. Well, I need it because I don't have another one, but if no one's sitting in it, why have it taking up that space? So maybe that one day, when you do find a chair, you can put it right in that spot. People have relationships as placeholders, if you will. Well, I don't really have anybody else I can go to lunch with. So you'd rather go with intellectual people who don't even let you up or that make you kind of feel bad about yourself. No go to lunch by yourself. Maybe you'll run into somebody else's going to lunch by themselves and maybe YouTube will kick it off. There's so many. Examples of the foxes that I've given, I want you to look inward. I want you to write down different areas of your life. Mind body spirit. Home-life work-life friendships. Activities creative is whatever it may be. I want you to write down different categories for you. And I want you to think about these nudges, these nuances. The little foxes. That are ruining the vine that are slowly eroding your light. That really have no purpose. Other than irritating you nagging you. Ruining your vine. We're at a new year, but we haven't energetically crossed over into 2024. This is the perfect time. Start. Decluttering. Start clearing out. Stop letting the little foxes. Takeover and grow and multiply in your life. Release for an crease. Stop having things taking up space. That really don't let you up. Life is limited. Life is fleeting. Surround yourself with people that make you happy, that make you feel good about yourself that are inspiring. Put yourself in places that spark your creativity, that light you up from the inside out. Because tomorrow's not promised. It's a new year. There's many people that didn't see this new year, and there's the only people who won't see the rest of this month. Taking responsibility for your life. And living it to the fullest of your ability is what it's about. Finding the humor going with the flow releasing surrendering. Being intentional. These are the energetics you want. I've said it once and I will continue to say it. You are the co-creator. Of your life, you can create any life you desire. Every version of you is already here. And the only reason you don't see what it is, you desire. Is the lack of your ability to believe that you deserve it? Another thing I want you to realize is it's not this big grander. Aha moment more often than not. You rarely get those. It's just. The diligence, the intentionality, the baby steps. You. Throwing away that appliance energetically it's releasing things that are broken, that don't serve you. You. Removing yourself out of a relationship that is not aligned to your future self and what it is you desire is energetically setting you up for bringing in people that are aligned with you. And you attracting in your tribe. All these steps. Are being intentional and making space for what it is you want. For embodying the life and being the person you truly are. So today right now, make the decision. The small foxes are no longer ruining the vine. You are no longer going to allow for the things that are just taking up space that are broken, that are not aligned to reside in your energy fields. No more. On Monday, no starting today, because remember you said, you'd start at the beginning of the year and maybe some of you have already fallen off of things. You desired and give yourself grace, because again, We're not even in the energetics. Of 2024. So use this time to be intentional, to start making the changes. Going through appliances that don't work furniture that doesn't work relationships that don't work going through clothes that don't fit. Clearing out. Energetically, emotionally, physically, all the things that are out of alignment, remove the foxes. No more excuses. All they're doing is cluttering and causing more chaos, more confusion. Release for increase today. I'd love to hear from you to tell me which foxes you are ridding yourself of and removing from your fields. If this message has been empowering, uplifting, feel free to share with a family or friend. Be sure to follow me over on IgG and until next time France bye-bye.